Francesco Colace, Massimo De Santo, Mario Vento
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione ed Ingegneria Elettrica, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Via Ponte Don
Melillo 1, 84084, Fisciano (Salerno), Italia
Pasquale Foggia
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Via Claudio, 21, 80125 Napoli, Italia
Keywords: Bayesian Networks, Ontology, E-Learning
Abstract: The dynamism of the new society forces the professional man to be abreast of technical progress. It is
essential to introduce new didactic methodologies based on continuous long-life learning. A good solution
can be E-learning. Although distance education environments are able to provide trainees and instructors
with cooperative learning atmosphere, where students can share their experiences and teachers guide them
in their learning, some problems must be still solved. One of the most important problem to solve is the
correct definition of the domain of knowledge (i.e. ontology) related to the various courses. Often teachers
are not able to easily formalize in correct way the reference ontology. On the other hand if we want realize
some intelligent tutoring system that can help students and teachers during the learning process starting
point is the ontology. In addition, the choice of best contents and information for students is closely connect
to the ontology. In this paper, we propose a method for learning ontologies used to model a domain in
the field of intelligent e-learning systems. This method is based on the use of the formalism of
Bayesian networks for representing ontologies, as well as on the use of a learning algorithm that
obtains the corresponding probabilistic model starting from the results of the evaluation tests
associated with the didactic contents under examination. Finally, we will present an experimental
evaluation of the method using data coming from real courses.
On-line educational systems represent a rapidly
growing research field. Currently, one of the greatest
challenges in scientific research is the development
of advanced educational systems that are adaptable
and intelligent. Methodologies linked to knowledge
representation are among the key elements to
building intelligent and advanced training systems.
In fact, an ensemble of well-structured concepts is
able to significantly improve interoperability and
information sharing between systems. It can also be
efficiently used in intelligent system-supported
learning. In literature, such a set of concepts and
their relationships describing a knowledge domain is
called ontology (Gruber, 1993). It is clear that
defining ontologies means formalizing the ways of
organizing knowledge, monitoring its transfer
procedures and persistence over time, obviously
keeping in mind that knowledge mobility will
impose continuous changes to the formalized
structures. In such a context, ontologies are among
the most efficient tools for formalizing knowledge
that should then be shared by groups of people
(Studer, 1998). Furthermore, it is necessary to
identify which items belong to the domain under
examination, in order to establish their significance
and determine the way in which they relate to the
real needs of users. Ontologies have a consolidated
reputation as tools capable of satisfying these
requests (Swartout, 1997) and, therefore, lend
themselves very well for coordinating knowledge
organization and distribution in training courses in
Colace F., De Santo M., Vento M. and Foggia P. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 191-196
DOI: 10.5220/0002625201910196
the field of e-learning. Another important and
typical aspect of on-line education systems, to which
ontologies may surely contribute, is the ability to
retrieve the most useful and suitable information to
be proposed to students, with the aim of adapting
training paths and module sequences to different
user needs. The ontology construction process,
based on the definition of a graph representing the
knowledge domain (the nodes represent the subjects
and the arcs represent the pedagogical links), is
neither trivial nor easy. Teachers who have to
describe the links among the subjects constituting a
course often provide a very detailed representation
giving birth to ontologies characterized by a large
number of states, which could not be easily
interpreted and used. A further problem, to which it
is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, is related
to the evaluation of the links among the different
states. As previously said, although direct
construction of ontologies is difficult, a source of
indirect evidence exists that can be profitably
employed for reconstructing “a posteriori” ontology
used during a course or a series of lessons: end-of-
course evaluation tests. Besides evaluating the
students’ comprehension of subjects, tests proposed
by teachers at the end of a course or a cycle of
lessons represent, considering both subject
sequencing and propaedeuticity, the ontology really
used within the course. The teacher planning the
end-of-course evaluation test not only assesses
students’ level of preparation for the most significant
subjects proposed during the lessons, but also tends
to describe the ontology outlining the propaedeutic
aspects that relate subjects to one another. It may be
useful to extract the ontology from these tests, and
then evaluate it and refine the propaedeutic
relationships among the subjects forming it through
the analysis of the answers given by students on
such tests. Bayesian networks represent a technique
useful for this purpose. Bayesian networks are
graph-based probability models where nodes are a
set of random variables X={X
}and arcs
represent the causal dependences between variables.
In recent years, such networks have been more and
more often used for encoding knowledge domains
provided by experts with a grade of uncertainty
(Heckerman, 2000) and they have proved to be
particularly effective for solving data-modelling
problems (Conati, 1997). The aim of this paper is to
introduce a technique that allow a supervised
construction of ontology in order to allow a more
easy management of the contents, related to every
subject belonging to ontology, by teachers or
intelligent tutoring system. In this paper, we firstly
define ontologies and the advantages coming from
their use in knowledge-based systems. Secondly, we
discuss Bayesian networks and how they can easily
represent ontology. Finally, we present some results
obtained from using Bayesian networks for creating
an ontology starting from the answers given by
students on tests proposed to them.
Ontologies represent a vast topic that cannot be
easily defined, given the disagreements coming from
the several methods adopted to build and use them,
as well as from the different roles they may play. In
1991, Neches stated that an ontology defines the
basic terms and relations comprising the vocabulary
of a topic area, as well as the rules for combining
terms and relations to define extensions to the
vocabulary (Neches, 1991). Later on, Gruber, in the
context of knowledge sharing, used the term to refer
to an explicit specification of a conceptualization
(Gruber,1993). In the field of computer science,
ontology represents a tool useful to the learning
processes that are typical of artificial intelligence. In
fact, the use of ontologies is rapidly growing thanks
to the significant functions they are carrying out in
information systems, semantic web and knowledge-
based systems. The current attention to ontologies
paid by the AI community also arises from its recent
interest in content theories, an interest that is greater
than the one in mechanism theories. In this regard,
Chandrasekaran makes a clear distinction between
these theories by asserting that, though mechanisms
are important since they are proposed as the secret of
making intelligent machines, they cannot do much
without a good content theory of the domain on
which they have to work. Besides, once a good
content theory is available, many different
mechanisms can be used to implement effective
systems, all using essentially the same content.
Following this point of view, ontologies are content
theories, since their principal contribution consists in
identifying specific classes of objects and relations
existing in some knowledge domains
(Chandrasekaran99). Ontological analysis, therefore,
clarifies knowledge structures: given a domain, its
ontology represents the heart of any knowledge
representation system for that domain. Another
reason for creating and developing ontology is the
possibility of sharing and reusing knowledge domain
among people or software agents. It is clear that
ontologies are important because they explicate all
the possible relations among the concepts belonging
to a domain. Once these relations are explained, it
will be possible to easily modify them, if our
knowledge about that domain changes. These
explicit specifications provided by ontologies can
also help new users to understand what specific
terms in a domain mean (Uschold, 1992).
Furthermore, by offering a unifying structure,
ontologies are able to reduce terminological and
conceptual ambiguity.
Bayesian networks have been successfully used to
model knowledge under conditions of uncertainty
within expert systems, and methods have been
developed from data combination and expert system
knowledge in order to learn them (Conati,
1997)(Heckerman,1997)(DeCampos,2000). The
learning process through Bayesian networks has two
important advantages: it is easy to encode
knowledge of an expert in a Bayesian network, and
such knowledge can be used to improve learning
efficiency and accuracy and nodes and arcs of the
learnt Bayesian network often correspond to
recognizable links and causal relationships.
Consequently, it is possible to comprehend and to
exploit more easily the knowledge encoded in the
representation. A Bayesian network is a graph-based
model encoding the joint probability distribution of a
set of random variables X={X
}. It consists of
a directed acyclic graph S (called structure) where
each node is associated with one random variable
and each arc represents the conditional
dependence among the nodes that it joints and a
set P of local probability distributions, each of
which is associated with a random variable X
conditioned by the variables corresponding to the
source nodes of the arcs entering the node with
which X
is associated. The lack of an arc between
two nodes implies conditional independence. On
the contrary, the presence of an arc drawn from
the node X
to the node X
represents the fact that
is considered a direct cause of X
. Given a
structure S and the local probability distributions
of each node p(X
) where Pa
represents the set
of parent nodes of X
, the joint probability
distribution p(X) is obtained from:
and it is evident that the couple (S, P) encodes p(X)
unequivocally (Jensen, 1998). In order to construct a
Bayesian network for a given set of variables, it is
necessary to define some arcs from the causal state
to the states that represent their direct effects
obtaining a network that accurately describes the
conditional independence relations among the
variables. Causal semantics of the Bayesian
networks has much responsibility for determining
their success as knowledge representations in expert
systems. Once the network is constructed (through a
priori knowledge, or data or a combination of both
of them), it is necessary to determine the various
probabilities of interest from the model. Such
probabilities are not directly stored in the model, it is
therefore necessary to calculate them. In general,
given a model, the calculation of a probability of
interest is known as probabilistic inference
(Jensen, 1998).
This proposal aims to present a technique able to
semi-automatically infer propaedeutic relationships
among the different subjects forming a university
course. In other words, we intend to define the
ontology on which the teacher founds his/her
lessons. As previously said, the teacher can have
considerable difficulties in delineating relationships
among the subjects and their propaedeutic
connections. A source of indirect evidence that can
be employed for reconstructing a posteriori an
ontology used during a course, as well as the
propaedeutic connection among the single subjects,
is represented by the end-of-course evaluation tests.
The teacher planning the end-of-course evaluation
tests not only assesses students’ level of preparation
for the most significant subjects proposed during the
lessons, but also tends to describe the ontology on
which his/her course was based outlining the
propaedeutic aspects that relate subjects to one
another. It may be useful to extract the ontology
from these tests, and then evaluate it and refine the
propaedeutic relationships among the subjects
forming it through the analysis of the answers given
by students on such tests. In fact, supposing that
questions on subjects A and B are posed, and A is
considered by the teacher to be a propaedeutic
subject to the comprehension of B, it is clear that, in
case such a propaedeutic constraint is real, the
probability that the student will provide wrong
answers to questions relating to B is high if the
student gives wrong answers to questions associated
with A. On the basis of these considerations,
teachers has planned the final test of the first-level
course on Computer Science at the Electronical
Engineering Faculty of the University of Salerno and
the final test of the first-level course on Introduction
to Computer Science at the Language Faculty of the
University of Salerno. These courses provide first-
year students with the foundations of computer
science in the first case and introduces to Computer
Science in the second case. At the courses beginning
teachers delineated the subjects forming the courses
and, then, provide a hypothesis relating to the
strength of their relationships. In the case of the
second ontology the teacher divided it in two sub-
ontology: hardware and software. The result of this
process is shown in figure 1 (see appendix). On the
basis of the presented ontology, some
questionnaires, composed by multiple choice
questions, to be filled in by students have been
realized. The previously described graph represents
the ontologies, but can also be used as a Bayesian
network for the inference process. Each node of the
networks has two states ‘Yes’ for complete
knowledge of the subject or ‘Not’ for total ignorance
on the subject and represents the probability that a
generic learner knows the subject associated with the
same node. The student’s level of knowledge is
evaluated on the basis of the answers given to the
questions. The presence of missing values, in other
words the state of some variable can not be
observable, has not been foreseen. This hypothesis
can be obtained imposing that the student must
answer to all the questions and thinking wrong a
missing answer. Through a Bayesian inference
conducted on the previously described networks
using a Bayesian inference tool designed and
implemented by us, the candidate ontologies
networks have learned from data. The inference
algorithm used in our tool is the one called
junction-tree” introduced by Finn V. Jensen in
(Jensen, 1998). For the inferential process we have
used data coming from about five hundred
questionnaires for the first ontology and three
hundred questionnaires for the second and third
ones. At this point we have to estimate the strength
of propaedeutic relationship between two arguments
after the learning of the network. The presence, in
fact, of an arc between two nodes in the bayesian
nets can be interpreted like a causality relationship
between the variables associated to the same nodes
so it is important to define a function that is able to
evaluate this strength. For the nodes that belong to a
bayesian network a good dependence indicator is the
cross-entropy function and so defined:
where A and B are nodes of the bayesian network
and a and b are the states of each node. So according
to cross entropy definition we can say that A and B
are independent if and only if C.E.(A, B) is equal to
0. However often we have not the real probability
distribution of the full network but only an
empirical evaluation of it coming from data analysis.
So it is incorrect to consider as condition of
independence C.E.(A,B) = 0 and we can suppose A
independent from B when C.E.(A,B)<e, where e>0
is an arbitrary threshold near to zero. The cross
entropy function can also quantify the dependency
weight between the nodes. In fact an high value of
C.E.(A,B) means a very high preparatory link
between the two nodes. In order to suppose that at
least the father-child nodes sorting proposed by the
teacher is correct we have submitted the data coming
from the questionnaires to statistical tests, typical of
bayesian network structural learning algorithms, that
are able to establish from them the correct father-
child nodes arrangement. This tests results have
confirmed in the case of the under experimentation
ontologies that the arrangement proposed by
teachers is correct. So at this point we have set in
input to the bayesian network the data coming from
the questionnaires in order to obtain the probability
values associated to the various states of the nodes.
With these values we calculated the cross entropy
values among all the single states of the net.
Particularly the cross entropy has been calculated
both for the arcs proposed by the teacher and for
those among brother nodes not signalled. Figure 2,
in the appendix, shows the obtained results. On the
left side of every figure we can see the cross entropy
values for the correct arcs, that represent
propaedeutical connection between two topics,
while on the rigth side (after the blank column) we
can see the cross entropy values for the incorrect
arcs. In general we can say the teacher’s expected
arcs have a greater cross entropy values than other
arcs confirming the teacher ontology design. In the
case of ontology #1 we have an arc P(8|6) having a
cross entropy value in the range of correct arcs. This
is not a surprise: in fact in the ontology designing
phase teacher had some doubts about this arc. In fact
he believed that preparatory links between the nodes
8 and 6 exist but with a low cross entropy value.
Instead data show a substantial cross entropy value
between these nodes and teacher, according this
model, have to refine his ontology proposal.
In this paper, we have presented a method for
learning in a semi-automatical way ontologies
representing the didactic contents of an Intelligent
Tutoring System and the propaedeutic
relationships existing among these contents. In
particular, our approach to the problem is based
on the use of Bayesian networks. Thanks to their
characteristics, these networks can be used to
model and evaluate the conditional dependencies
among the nodes of ontology on the basis of the
data obtained from student tests. An experimental
evaluation of the proposed method has been
performed using real student data. The
experimentation has demonstrated that the
relationships inferred by the system are very
similar to the ones that a human expert would
have defined, thus confirming the effectiveness of
the proposed method. In the future, we aim to
integrate the proposed method into a distance
learning platform, in order to exploit the inferred
ontologies for an adaptive selection of contents. In
particular, we intend to use the system to help the
teacher in the representation of course reference
ontology and in the formulation of tests that
provide a better coverage of the course contents,
as well as for define per student tests that are
automatically adapted to the student training
objectives and to his/her level of preparation. This
technique can also be applied to the presentation
of training contents, thus providing the system
with the ability to choose, on the basis of
periodical feedback tests, the contents that are
most appropriate for each student.
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Ontology #2
Ontology #1
Ontology #3
Figure 1: Proposed ontology for the first-level course on Computer Science (Ontology #1) and Introduction to
Computer Science (Ontology #2 and Ontology #3)
Ontology #1
Ontology #2
Ontology #3
Figure 2: Obtained Results on reference set ontologies