Francesco Colace, Massimo De Santo, Mario Vento
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione ed Ingegneria Elettrica, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Via Ponte Don
Melillo 1, 84084, Fisciano (Salerno), Italia
Pasquale Foggia
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Via Claudio, 21, 80125 Napoli, Italia
Keywords: Bayesian Networks, Structural Learning algorithms, Machine Learning
The manual determination of Bayesian Network structure or, more in general, of the probabilistic
models, in particular in the case of remarkable dimensions domains, can be complex, time
consuming and imprecise. Therefore, in the last years the interest of the scientific community in
learning bayesian network structure from data is considerably increased. In fact, many techniques
or disciplines, as data mining, text categorization, ontology description, can take advantages from
this type of processes. In this paper we will describe some possible approaches to the structural
learning of bayesian networks and introduce in detail some algorithms deriving from these ones.
We will aim to compare results obtained using the main algorithms on databases normally used
in literature. With this aim, we have selected and implemented five algorithms more used in
literature. We will estimate the algorithms performances both considering the network
topological reconstruction both the correct orientation of the obtained arcs.
A Bayesian Network is a graphical model for
probabilistic relationship among a set of variables.
In the last period this modelling has become a
popular representation for encoding uncertain
knowledge in expert systems (Heckermann, 1995).
It could be useful and interesting to learn the
structure of Bayesian Networks given the data. The
main aim of structural learning algorithms is to
make clear the relationship between the entities of
the domain and to specify the causality ties starting
from the observations of domain variables values.
In very general terms the different learning
methods of probabilistic network structures from
data can be classified into three main groups
(Singh, 1995): some of these methods are based on
linearity and normality assumptions others are
more general but require extensive tests of
independence relations (Fung, 1990)(Pearl,1991);
others are based on a Bayesian approach (Cooper,
1992). In this paper a comparison between the
obtained results of some structural learning
algorithms is performed. With this aim we have
selected five algorithms among the most important:
the Bayesian algorithm (Heckermann, 1995), K2
(Cooper, 1992), K3 (Bouckaert, 2002), PC
(Spirtes, 2001) and TPDA (Cheng, 1997). The
paper is organized as follows: in the section 2 we
will describe the various approaches and the
general structure of an algorithm for the structural
learning. In the section 3 we will describe the
selected networks and the reference data sets. and
the obtained results. We will finish with a brief set
of conclusion.
Colace F., De Santo M., Vento M. and Foggia P. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 527-530
DOI: 10.5220/0002625305270530
The main aim of structural learning algorithms is
to point out the relations between the entities of the
domain and to specify the causality ties starting
from the observations of domain variables values.
In general, the structural learning algorithms can
follow two main research lines: a not Bayesian
approach (dependence analysis) and a Bayesian
approach (search and score). In order to infer
automatically the existence of dependence
relations between the domain variables algorithms,
that follow the not Bayesian approach, execute
statistical independence tests on the network data
set samples. Algorithms based on Bayesian
approach codifies the uncertainty on the structure
of a dominion X = {X
} introducing an
aleatory variable M. The states of this aleatory
variable represent the possible structures
associated to X. After this phase the algorithm
chooses the model m that maximizes the “a
posteriori” probability P(m|D), where D is the data
set. In the next paragraphs we will describe in
detail the main characteristics of five algorithms
that we aim to compare. These algorithms are the
most important in literature representing the main
approaches in the structural learning field.
2.1 The Bayesian algorithm
The bayesian algorithm resolves the problem of the
Structural Learning from data determining the
structure m that maximizes the probability p(M =
m|D), where M = {m
, ...,m
} is a set of models
that contains the true model of a domain X, D is
the set of the samples. According this approach if
we have two models m
and m
representing the
domain X, we will choose m
if p(m
|D) > p(m
So we choose as scoring function the logarithm of
p(D|m) that with simple passages becomes equal
to: Score(m) = log (p(m|D)) =
log(p(m))+log(p(D|m))-log(p(D)) =log(p(D|m)).
The introduced approximation is acceptable
because both log(p(D)) both the prior knowledge
on the model, log(p(m)), in the hypothesis of
complete “a priori” ignorance on the domain
structure, are constant values. The statistical
criterion of reference is the Maximum Likelihood
while if the contribution of log(p(m)) is not
negligible the algorithm can use the Maximum a
Posteriori (MAP) principle. In this paper we will
refer to the algorithm based on a “model selection"
approach and will make also the hypothesis that
the best model has the maximum of the distribution
p(m|D) localized around a model µ. In order to
select the µ we introduce a function whose value is
higher when the model m is closer to µ.
2.2 The K2 algorithm
This algorithm derives from a bayesian algorithm
in which the assumption of complete ignorance on
the probability distribution of the models is made
(Cooper, 1992). The K2 procedure differs from a
typical bayesian algorithm also for the
initialization phase: while in the bayesian approach
we could use a starting graph with the “a priori”
knowledge of an expert that can describe a starting
topological ordering (from fathers to sons nodes)
of the nodes. In fact this information reduces the
cardinality of the searching space of the models. In
this approach the scoring function is defined as:
where D is a data
set of the
m complete cases and B
is the structure
of a bayesian network. The function g(X
represents the variations obtained in the scoring
function after the introduction of a new
dependence relation so of a new father node for X
The core of this approach is a greedy search
algorithm where at its beginning no nodes have
fathers. A real disadvantage of this approach is the
impossibility of delete an arc after its introduction
in the network.
2.3 The K3 algorithm
This type of algorithm, introduced in the paper
(Bouckaert, 2002), is based on a bayesian
approach, but as in K2 algorithm gives a new
definition for the scoring function. In this case the
scoring function is based on the Minimum
Description Length (MDL) metric. The MDL
approach is so formalized: the learned network
must minimize the total description length defined
as: the description length of the samples and the
description length of a pre-existent network
structure supplied from an expert or generate in a
previous process of learning In this approach
samples and pre-existent network structure are
independent in order to elaborate them separately.
The scoring function in this approach is so defined:
where B represents a possible structure, D is the n
samples of data set, the value r
represents the
states number of node X
is the number of
possible configurations of father nodes for each
(, ) log(()) * (, ) log( )
( , ) log( )
ijk ijk
node X
and N
are the occurrences in D of X
state k and fathers configuration j.
2.4 The PC algorithm
This algorithm is based on a constraint satisfaction
approach (Spirtes, 2001). The PC procedure
consists of an initialization phase where a fully
connected DAG, associated to a domain X, is set
up and an iterative phase that searches the implicit
relations of independence between the samples. In
every iteration we consider a set C(X,Y) of
adjacent nodes to X without Y with cardinality
greater or equal to the current n value. So for every
subset S, with cardinality n and extracted from C,
the algorithm carries out the order n statistical test
in order to determine if X and Y are d-separated
from S. In the affirmative case the arc X-Y is
removed and a new S set is examined with the
same procedure. After the investigation of all
possible S in C the n value is increased and the
algorithm is repeated until C has cardinality greater
or equal to n. In order to determinate the arcs
orientation the algorithm uses consideration based
on conditional independence.
2.5 TPDA Algorithm
The TPDA algorithm is a dependence-based
algorithm. It divides the process of learning in
three phases: Drafting, Thickening and Thinning.
The Drafting phase produces an initial relations set
through test on cross entropy value between the
variables of the domain. After this phase we obtain
a graph where it is present only a path between two
nodes. The second phase, "thickening", adds arcs
to the single connected graph if it is not possible to
d-separate two nodes. The resulting graph contains
all arcs of the true model and some extra-links.
These false arcs are produced by errors in the test.
The third phase, "thinning", consists in the
examination of all arcs and its exclusion if the two
nodes are conditionally independent. At the end of
this phase the algorithm orients arcs with an
approach similar to PC algorithm.
The main idea of this paper is to compare some of
most important structural learning algorithms. We
have implemented all algorithms previously
described and we have tested them using seven
bayesian networks and their relative datasets. A
briefly description of networks and datasets is
showed in the next paragraph.
3.1 Test Networks description
We have selected seven networks and their related
dataset in order to test the algorithms previously
described. In table 1 there is a briefly description
of all selected networks and related datasets.
Table 1: Analysed Networks and Datasets
Network Name
Data Set
Alarm (Pearl, 1991) 37 46 10.000
Angina (Cooper, 1992) 5 5 10.000
Asia (Glymour, 1987) 8 8 5.000
College (Singh, 1995) 5 6 10.000
Led (Fung, 1990) 8 8 5.000
Pregnancy (Buntime, 1996) 4 3 10.000
Sprinkler (Suzuki, 1999) 5 5 400
We used the previously described algorithms on
these networks. We have experimented the
algorithms using two different sorting for the
nodes of the networks: ordered (correct sorting of
node starting from fathers to sons) and inverse. We
have choosen two different sorting in order to test
in any case the performances of algorithms. We
have defined two indexes:
Topological Learning =
Correct Arcs
Correct Arcs+ Missing Arcs+ Added Arcs
Global Learning =
Correctly Oriented Arcs
Correctly Oriented Arcs+ Wrongly Oriented
Arcs+ Added Arcs+ Missing Arc
The first index measures the ability of the
algorithm in the learning of correct topology of the
net. The second index, instead, measures the ability
of the algorithm in the learning of correct networks
(topology and correct orientation of arcs). In
figures 1 and 2 we have depicted the average
indexes values obtained by every algorithm in the
learning processes of the various networks. In
figure 1 we have the results for ordered nodes with
and in figure 2 the results for inverse nodes.
Algorithms that are based on a scoring function
maximization approach have the best results in the
case of ordered starting structure. In particular the
K2 algorithm has the best performance: 88% as
topological index and 88% for the global index.
The constraint-based algorithms have the worst
results and show an important difference between
the two indexes (18% for PC and 24% for TPDA).
So we can say that these algorithms also when are
able to identify the topology of the network often
mistakes on the orientation of the arcs. On the
other hand, if we use inverse nodes sorting the
bayesian algorithm, in particular K2 and K3,
deteriorate their performances: 29% for
Topological Learning index and 67% for Global
Learning index for the K2 algorithm and 27% for
Topological Learning index and 67% for Global
Learning index for the K2 algorithm. In particular,
they are not able to learn the correct topology: arcs
and their orientations. The performances of
constraints based algorithms remain fundamentally
the same.
In this paper we have described some algorithms
for the structural learning of Bayesian networks.
We have selected five algorithms able to represents
the most important and common approaches that
are present in literature. We have implemented,
according the authors specifications, these
algorithms and we have tested them on the most
common datasets. We have made experimentations
in two different ways: ordered and inverse starting
nodes sorting. We can say that in the case of
correct starting nodes sorting algorithms based on
a Bayesian approach and more in general on the
maximization of a predefined scoring function
obtain better results than algorithms based on
statistical independence tests. On the other hand
these algorithms have a more stable behaviour to
nodes sorting. An interesting future work could be
a complete characterization of examined
algorithms trying to make clear the relationship
between the starting sorting of the networks nodes
and learned networks.
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Figure 1: Topological and Global Average values
obtained using ordered data sets
Figure 2: Topological and Global Average values
obtained using inverse data sets