Requirements and Definition
Juan Manuel Pérez, Rafael Berlanga and María José Aramburu
Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain
Keywords: XML applications, semi-structured data analysis, document warehouses.
Abstract: During the last decade, data warehouse and OLAP techniques have helped companies to gather, organize
and an
alyze the structured data they produce. Simultaneously, digital libraries have applied Information
Retrieval mechanisms to query their repositories of unstructured documents. In this context, the emergence
of XML means the convergence of these two approaches, making possible the development of warehouses
for semi-structured information. Although there exist several extensions of traditional data warehouse
technology to manage semi-structured information, none of them are based on an underlying document
model able to exploit this kind of information. Along this paper we expose our vision of what a semi-
structured information warehouse should be, by identifying a set of requirements throughout an example
During the last decade, data warehouse (Kimball,
2002) and OLAP (Codd et al, 1993) techniques have
helped companies to gather, organize and analyze
their structured data (usually stored in their own
enterprise’s databases) to support decisions at
various levels. These organizations also produce
huge amounts of unstructured documents such as
emails, spread sheets or word processing documents.
At the same time, the Web has become the largest
source of companies external information.
Unfortunately, although all these documents contain
highly valuable information, current data warehouse
technology cannot be applied to them.
The ever increasing amount of information
blished on the Internet has provided us with new
services like digital libraries. All these applications
require of novel techniques to store and manage
huge amounts of unstructured information. Most
solutions to query these repositories are based on
Information Retrieval (IR) (Baeza-Yates and
Ribeiro-Neto, 1999) techniques. More recently, the
efforts are focused on the definition of architectures
for the integration of distributed and heterogeneous
documents sources.
From our point of view, XML is a means of
rgence for the warehouse and document
retrieval research areas, and opens a novel and
interesting range of possibilities to exploit semi-
structured information.
The acceptance of XML as the standard for
i-structured data exchange over the Web, points
out to a close future when information on the
Internet will be published as XML documents, and
exportation tools from most proprietary systems to
XML-like formats will be available. Furthermore,
the current demand of new architectures for the
integration of distributed information, together with
the already proven qualities of the data warehouse
and OLAP techniques for the analysis and
exploitation of large data repositories, make very
attractive the idea of extending data warehouses with
more flexible data models, able to incorporate XML
documents: semi-structured information
In the recent literature some proposals start
alyzing the problem of extending current data
warehouse technology to manage semi-structured
information. Section 2 presents some works done in
the field of semi-structured data models and XML
warehouses. However, to date none of these
approaches entirely exploit all the properties of these
documents. At this work we present our particular
interpretation of what a warehouse for semi-
structured information should be. In Section 3 we
present an example scenario for the development of
semi-structured information warehouses and identify
a set of new requirements for this novel technology.
Finally, we expose conclusions and future research
at Section 4.
Manuel Pérez J., Berlanga R. and José Aramburu M. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 579-582
DOI: 10.5220/0002633705790582
Several models have been proposed to store and
retrieve XML documents, like (Navarro and Baeza-
Yates, 1997) and (Xyleme, 2001). These approaches
combine IR techniques with mechanisms for the
evaluation of conditions over the structure of the
documents. In the same line, TOODOR (Aramburu
and Berlanga, 2001) is a storage and retrieval model
for structured documents which additionally
considers their temporal dimensions.
More recently, in the scope of data warehouses,
some works which start managing semi-structured
information have been presented. They can be
classified as follows.
A first group of works (Binh et al, 2001)
(Mangisengi et al, 2001) are oriented towards the
integration of data warehouses. These systems use
XML languages to represent metadata over the data
sources, or as canonical languages when transferring
data between their components.
A second group of works (Xyleme, 2001)
(Ishikawa et al, 1999) are focused on the definition
of architectures for document or semi-structured
data warehouses. Although, these proposals specify
techniques for the collection and massive storage of
semi-structured data, they do not include any high
level analysis tools able to exploit this information.
Finally, a quite different approach is (Pedersen et
al, 2002). There, a new query language based on
SQL and XPath allows the execution of OLAP
operations that involve data contained in external
XML documents. In this case, the semantics of
aggregation operations is meticulously revised, but
the highly structured philosophy of the traditional
data warehouses remains in the model. That is,
OLAP operations include data coming from semi-
structured documents, but this information is
managed as structured data once inside the
Summarizing, there exist different proposals to
enrich current data warehouse technology with XML
information. However, in our opinion, to date none
of these systems is able to entirely exploit the semi-
structured nature of these kind of documents. In next
section we expose our interpretation of semi-
structured information warehouses, by pointing out a
set of requirements throughout an example scenario.
In this section an example scenario and a set of
analysis queries is used to explain the special
requirements of a warehouse for semi-structured
information. The language used at the example
queries is an extension of TDRL (Aramburu and
Berlanga, 2001) with XPath expressions and the
OLAP operators of SQL-99.
We will consider that our warehouse stores a
collection of XML digital news extracted from
various Internet sources. Figure 1 presents a
document of this repository with a news item about
the disasters caused by a storm. The objective of our
analysis is to study the weather conditions that
caused the natural disasters described at the relevant
Traditional data warehouses operate over a set of
highly structured facts. These tuples contain
attributes with the measures of study and the
dimensions to analyze. However, in a warehouse for
semi-structured information the facts are not so
highly structured as they take part of the textual
contents of XML documents. Thus, traditional data
warehouse techniques cannot be directly applied to
Figure 1: A piece of a document of the warehouse.
As shown in Figure 1, the labels
that can be considered as either measures of
analysis, or values of the corresponding dimensions.
<NEWSPAPER NAME=”El País” PUBLICATION_DATE=”Tuesday, 2nd July 2002”> ...
<LOCATION XW:VALUE=”/Europe/Spain/Valencia”>Valencia</LOCATION> suffers the biggest storm of July of the last
41 years
Two bathers die drowned at the beaches of <LOCATION XW:VALUE=”/Europe/Spain/Menorca”>Menorca</LOCATION> and
<LOCATION XW:VALUE=”/Europe/Spain/Formentera”>Formentera</LOCATION>
The biggest storm of July of the last 41 years fell<DATE XW:VALUE=”/2002/07/01”>yesterday</DATE> night over
the city of <LOCATION XW:VALUE=”/Europe/Spain/Valencia/Valencia”> Valencia</LOCATION>. The
<RAINFALL XW:VALUE=”128” XW:UNIT=”l/m2”>128 liters per square meter</RAINFALL> rained in only 24 hours made
firemen had to go on rescue more than 100 times. At <LOCATION XW:VALUE=”/Europe/Spain/Valencia/Burjassot”>
Burjassot</LOCATION> fell <RAINFALL XW:VALUE=”132” XW:UNIT=”l/m2”> 132 liters per square meter</RAINFALL>
throwing down a building. The strong rain on the East of Iberian Peninsula caused disasters in the regions of
<LOCATION XV:VALUE=”/Europe/Spain/Murcia”>Murcia</LOCATION> and <LOCATION XW:VALUE=”/Europe/Spain/Baleares”>
</NEWS_ITEM> ...
These labels could appear in the original documents
or, alternatively, they can be inserted by applying
information extraction or shallow parsing
3.1 Documents structure and
conceptual analysis schema
As XML documents are self-describing, part of the
conceptual analysis schema (dimensions and
measure values) is implicitly represented in their
own structure (or in their associated XML Schemas).
Notice how the elements in bold of the example
document of Figure 1 can be used as a dimension or
as a measure. In this way, when managing semi-
structured information, path expressions are a
natural way of specifying the dimensions and
measures involved in analysis queries. Thus, it could
be possible to design warehouse architectures where
the analysis schema would only define the
dimension hierarchies, and where the measures and
dimensions to study could be directly specified in
the analysis queries.
The example query below shows how XPath
expressions can be used to indicate the dimension
and measures under analysis:
SELECT Avg(Paragraph/Rainfall)
FROM //Local_Section//News_Item
GROUP BY CUBE (Paragraph/Location)
3.2 Fact relevance
The previous query computes the average of the
values of the measure
Rainfall for the dimension
Location, that is, it returns the average of the
amount of water collected per location. The facts
considered by this query are those contained in the
paragraphs of the news items stored in the
warehouse. Notice that in the document of Figure 1
there exist paragraphs which describe more than one
fact. Conversely, there could also occur different
paragraphs of the same news item describing the
Rainfall-Location fact. The reason for
these repetitions is the high relevance of the fact
with respect to the news main subject.
Like in IR systems, where query results are
ranked with a relevance index, a measure of fact
relevance must be introduced in semi-structured
information warehouse models. In this way, the most
relevant facts of news items could receive more
consideration in the evaluation process than the
other less relevant facts. Notice that the levels of a
dimension hierarchy will affect to the relevance of
the facts for a given news item. For example,
considering the levels of the
Location dimension,
facts that are different at lower levels of the
hierarchy could became the same fact at higher
It is concluded that the semantics of the
aggregation operations in semi-structured
information warehouses must be carefully revised,
not only to manage the facts relevance, but also to
consider those facts that appear without some of
their measures or dimensions.
3.3 The structure as an implicit
In this section we explain how the document
structure can be considered as an implicit dimension
when analyzing semi-structured information. For
example, next query builds a cube for the average of
temperature values but without selecting any
SELECT Avg(//Temperature)
FROM //Local_section//News_Item
Like in the example of Figure 1, each
News_Item element in the warehouse describes a
set of facts. Thus, this query would return a
temperature average for each news item of the
Local_section elements stored in the warehouse.
By going up a level in the document structure
hierarchy we would obtain the same measure for
each local section. This process could be repeated
several times until considering complete documents.
Consequently, by using the structure of
documents as an implicit dimension, it is possible to
construct OLAP cubes to analyze the facts at
different levels of detail. Notice that the elements at
higher levels of the structure use to group more
occurrences of the same fact, implying that the
relevance of the facts is also affected by the structure
3.4 OLAP queries with IR conditions
In order to complete our analysis of the general
requirements of a warehouse for semi-structured
information, in this section we explain the
importance of specifying IR conditions in OLAP
queries. Notice that although our objective is to
study the weather conditions that caused the natural
disasters, previous example queries involved all the
news items stored in the warehouse.
The next query shows how to restrict our
analysis to those news items that in their title contain
the term “storm” with a relevance index greater than
50%. When evaluating an aggregation, the degree of
contribution of the facts described in a news item
must be proportional to the relevance of this news
item for the studied topic.
SELECT Avg(Paragraph/Rainfall)
FROM //Local_Section//News_Item
WHERE Title contains ‘storm’ > 0.5
GROUP BY CUBE (Paragraph/Location)
3.5 IR terms as a dimension
Finally, next query shows how the terms specified at
IR expressions can be used as an additional analysis
dimension. In this context, thesaurus and ontologies
would allow defining classification hierarchies over
this new dimension. In this way, the query below
provides a new dimension to study the aggregation
of those news that contain the term “tidal wave”, or
the aggregation for the term “flood”. Note that these
two aggregations can be joined at higher levels of
the term hierarchy (e.g. “natural disaster”).
SELECT Avg(Paragraph/Rainfall)
FROM //Local_Section//News_Item
WHERE Title contains
‘tidal wave| flood’ > 0.5
(‘tidal wave| flood’,
In this paper we have explained how the data
warehouses and digital libraries communities, each
from its particular point of view (structured vs.
unstructured information, respectively), can
mutually take advantage from semi-structured
information. Recently, some proposals start
extending the traditional data warehouse technology
towards semi-structured information. However, to
date none of these approaches entirely exploit all the
properties of these documents. Along this work we
have identified a set of requirements for this novel
technology, the semi-structured information
warehouses technology.
In our opinion, the development of such systems
must be based on an underlying document model
able to exploit the nature of this kind of information.
We are currently working on a semi-structured
model which combines IR and evaluation of
structural conditions techniques to query an XML
documents collection, and where the facts described
at the selected documents are ranked by relevance.
For the future, we plan to design a semi-
structured warehouse model built over this
document model. In order to involve the facts
relevance in the warehouse model, the semantics of
the aggregation operations will have to be revised. In
this context, we find interesting some works which
study the management of imprecise information
(Pedersen et al, 1999) (Rundensteiner et al, 1992).
Kimball, R., 2002. The Data Warehouse toolkit. John
Wiley & Sons.
Codd, E. F.; Codd, S. B. and Salley, C.T., 1993. Providing
OLAP to user-analysts: An IT mandate. Technical
Report, E.F. Codd & Associates.
Baeza-Yates, R. and Ribeiro-Neto, B., 1999. Modern
Information Retrieval. Addison-Wesley.
Navarro, G. and Baeza-Yates, R., 1997. Proximal Nodes:
A Model to Query Document Databases by Contents
and Structure. ACM Trans. on Information Systems.
Xyleme, L., 2001. A dynamic warehouse for XML data of
the Web. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 24(2).
Aramburu, M. J. and Berlanga, R., 2001. A Temporal
Object-Oriented Model for Digital Libraries of
Documents. Concurrency: Practice and Experience 13
(11), John Wiley.
Binh, N. T.; Tjoa, A. M. and Mangisengi, O., 2001. Meta
Cube-X: An XML Metadata Foundation for
Interoperability Search among Web Warehouses.
Proc. Intl. Workshop on Design and Management of
Data Warehouses.
Mangisengi, O.; Huber, J.; Hawel, C. and Essmayr, W.,
2001. A Framework for Supporting Interoperability of
Data Warehouse Islands Using XML. Proc. of the 3rd
Intl. Conference on Data Warehousing and
Knowledge Discovery. LNCS 2114.
Ishikawa, H. et al, 1999. Document Warehousing Based
on a Multimedia Database System. Proc. IEEE 15th
Intl. Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 168-173.
Pedersen, D.; Riis, K. and Pedersen, T. B., 2002. XML-
Extended OLAP Querying. Technical Report,
Department of Conputer Science, Aalborg University.
Pedersen, T. B.; Jensen, C. S. and Dyreson, C. E., 1999.
Supporting Imprecision in Multidimensional
Databases Using Granularities. Proc. of the Eleventh
International Conference on Scientific and Statistical
Database Management, pp. 90–101.
Rundensteiner, E. and Bic., L., 1992 Evaluating
Aggregates in Possibilistic Relational Databases.
DKE, 7(3):239–267.