Hermine Njike Fotzo, Patrick Gallinari
Université de Paris6 – LIP6, 8 rue du Capitaine Scott, 75015 Paris, France
eywords: Concept hierarchies, typed hyperlinks generation, thematic annotations, text segmentation.
Abstract: With the development and the availability of large textual corpora, there is a need for enriching and organizing
these corpora so as to make easier the research and navigation among the documents. The Semantic Web
research focuses on augmenting ordinary Web pages with semantics. Indeed, wealth of information exists today
in electronic form, they cannot be easily processed by computers due to lack of external semantics. Furthermore,
the semantic addition is an help for user to locate, process information and compare documents contents. For
now, Semantic Web research has been focused on the standardization, internal structuring of pages, and sharing
of ontologies in a variety of domains. Concerning external structuring, hypertext and information retrieval
communities propose to indicate relations between documents via hyperlinks or by organizing documents into
concepts hierarchies, both being manually developed. We consider here the problem of automatically structuring
and organizing corpora in a way that reflects semantic relations between documents. We propose an algorithm
for automatically inferring concepts hierarchies from a corpus. We then show how this method may be used to
create specialization/generalization links between documents leading to document hierarchies. As a byproduct,
documents are annotated with keywords giving the main concepts present in the documents. We also introduce
numerical criteria for measuring the relevance of the automatically generated hierarchies and describe some
experiments performed on data from the LookSmart and New Scientist web sites.
Large textual and multimedia databases are nowadays
widely available but their exploitation is restricted by
the lack of meta-information about their structure and
semantics. Many such collections like those gathered
by most search engines are loosely structured. Some
have been manually structured, at the expense of an
important effort. This is the case of hierarchies like
those of internet portals (Yahoo, LookSmart, Infoseek,
etc) or of large collections like MEDLINE: documents
are gathered into topics, which are themselves
organized into a hierarchy going from the most general
to the most specific [G. Källgren, 1988]. Hypertext
multimedia products are another example of structured
collections: documents are usually grouped into
different topics and subtopics with links between the
different entities. Generally speaking, structuring
collections makes easier navigating the collection,
accessing information parts, maintaining and enriching
the collection. Manual structuring relies on a large
amount of qualified human
resources and can be performed only in the context of
large collaborative projects like e.g. in medical
classification systems or for specific commercial
products. In order to help this process it would be most
needful to rely on automatic or semi-automatic tools
for structuring document collections.
The Semantic Web whose goal is to help users to
locate, organize, process information and compare
documents contents, has for now focalised on the
standardization, internal structuring of documents and
sharing of ontologies in a variety of domains. The
short-term goal is to transform existing sources (stored
as HTML pages, in databases…) into a machine-
understandable form. RDF (resources description
form) has been created for computers but Semantic
Web should be equally accessible by computers using
specialized languages and interchange formats, and
humans using natural language. Although the general
framework of Semantic Web includes provisions for
natural language technology, such techniques have
largely been ignored. Nevertheless we can quote [B.
Katz, J. Lin, 2002] who propose a method to augment
Njike Fotzo H. and Gallinari P. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 69-76
DOI: 10.5220/0002634000690076
RDF with natural language to be more familiar for
In this context, we study here how to automatically
structure collections by deriving concept hierarchies
from a document collection and how to automatically
generate from that a document hierarchy. The concept
hierarchy relies on the discovering of
“specialization/generalization” relations between the
concepts which appear in the documents of a corpus.
Concepts are themselves automatically identified from
the set of documents.
This method creates “specialization /
generalization” links between documents and
document parts. It can be considered as a technique for
the automatic creation of specific typed links between
information parts. Such typed links have been
advocated by different authors as a mean for
structuring and navigating collections. It also
associates to each document a set of keyword
representative of the main concepts in the document.
The proposed method is fully automatic and the
hierarchies are directly extracted from the corpus, and
could be used for any document collection. It could
also serve as a basis for a manual organization.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we
introduce previous related work. In section 3, we
describe our algorithm for the automatic generation of
typed relations “specialization/generalization” between
concepts and documents and the corresponding
hierarchies. In section 4 we discuss how our algorithm
answers some questions of the Web Semantic research.
In section 5 we propose numerical criteria for
measuring the relevance of our method. Section 6,
describes experiments performed on small corpus
extracted from Looksmart and New Scientists
In this section we present related work on
automatically structuring document collection. We
discuss work on the generation of concept hierarchies
and on the discovering of typed links between
document parts. Since for identifying concepts, we
perform document segmentation into homogeneous
themes, we also briefly present this problematic and
describe the segmentation method we use. We also
give some pointers on work on natural language
annotations for the Semantic Web.
Many authors agree about the importance of typed
links in hypertext systems. Such links might prove
useful for providing a navigation context or for
improving research engines performances.
Some authors have developed links typologies.
[Randall Trigg, 1983] proposes a set of useful types for
scientific corpora, but many of the types can be
adapted to other corpora. [C. Cleary, R. Bareiss, 1996]
propose a set of types inspired by the conversational
theory. These links are usually manually created.
[J. Allan, 1996] proposes an automatic method for
inferring a few typed links (revision,
abstract/expansion links). His philosophy is close to
the one used in this paper, in that he chose to avoid
complex text analysis techniques. He deduces the type
of a link between two documents by analysing the
similarity graph of their subparts (paragraphs). We too
use similarity graphs (although of different nature) and
corpus statistics to infer a relation between concepts
and documents.
The generation of hierarchies is a classical problem
in information retrieval. In most cases the hierarchies
are manually built and only the classification of
documents into the hierarchy is automatic. Clustering
techniques have been used to create hierarchies
automatically like in the Scatter/Gather algorithm [D.
R. Cutting et al. 1992]. Using related ideas but by
using a probabilistic formalism, [A. Vinokourov, M.
Girolami, 2000], propose a model which allows to
infer a hierarchical structure for unsupervised
organization of documents collection. The techniques
of hierarchical clustering were largely used to organize
corpora and to help information retrieval. All these
methods cluster documents according to their
similarity. They cannot be used to produce topic
hierarchies or to infer generalization/specialization
Recently, it has been proposed to develop topic
hierarchies similar to those found in e.g. Yahoo. As in
Yahoo, each topic is identified by a single term. These
term hierarchies are built from
“specialization/generalization” relations between the
terms, automatically discovered from the corpus.
[Lawrie and Croft 2000, Sanderson and Croft 1999]
propose to build term hierarchies based on the notion
of subsumption between terms. Given a set of
documents, some terms will frequently occur among
the documents, while others will only occur in a few
documents. Some of the frequently occurring terms
provide a lot of information about topics within the
documents. There are some terms that broadly define
the topics, while others which co-occur with such a
general term explain aspects of a topic. Subsumption
attempts to harness the power of these words. A
subsumption hierarchy reflects the topics covered
within the documents, a parent term is more general
than its child. The key idea of Croft and co-workers
has been to use a very simple but efficient subsumption
measure. Term x subsumes term y if the following
relation holds :
P(x|y) > t and P(y|x)<P(x|y), where t is a preset
threshold. Using related ideas, [K. Krishna, R.
Krishnapuram 2001] propose a framework for
modelling asymmetric relations between data.
All these recent works associate the notion of
concept to a term and rely on the construction of term
hierarchies and the classification of documents within
these hierarchies. Compared to that, we propose two
original contributions. The first is the extension of
these approaches to the construction of real concept
hierarchy where concepts are identified by set of
keywords and not only by a single term, all concepts
being discovered from the corpus. These concepts
better reflect the different themes and ideas which
appear in documents, they allow for a richer
description than single terms. The second contribution
is the automatic construction of a hierarchical
organization of documents also based on the
“specialization/generalization” relation. This is
described in section 3.
For identifying concepts, we perform document
segmentation into homogeneous themes. We used the
segmentation technique of [G. Salton et al. 1996]
which relies on a similarity measure between
successive passages in order to identify coherent
segments. In [G. Salton et al. 1996], the segmentation
method proceeds by decomposing texts into segments
and themes. A segment is a bloc of text about one
subject and a theme is a set of such segments. In this
approach, the segmentation begins at the paragraph
level. Then paragraphs are compared each other via a
similarity measure.
For Now, Semantic Web Research focalises on the
standardization, internal structuring of documents and
sharing of ontologies in a variety of domains with the
short-term to transform existing sources into a
machine-understandable form (i.e. RDF). The
researchers of the field realise that this language is not
intuitive for common user and that it is difficult for
them to understand formal ontologies and defined
vocabularies. Therefore they preach as another mean of
semantics augmentation, the annotation in natural
language which is more intuitive for humans.
[B. Katz, J. Lin, 2002] propose a method to
augment RDF with natural language to make RDF
friendlier to humans and to facilitate the Web Semantic
adoption by many users. Our approach is
complementary to their work. Indeed, at the end of our
structuring algorithm we have derived all the concepts
present in the collection and for each document the set
of concepts it is about. Then we are able to annotate
documents with the set of its concepts. Each concept is
represented by a set of keywords in the corpus
3.1 Basic ideas
This work started while studying the automatic
derivation of typed links “specialization /
generalization” between the documents of a corpus. A
link from document D1 to document D2 is of the type
specialization (generalization from D2 to D1), if D2 is
about specifics themes of D1. For example, D1 is about
war in general and D2 is about the First World War in
particular. This type of relation allows to build
hierarchical organizations of the concepts present in
the corpus which in turn allows for the construction of
a hierarchical corpus organization.
In hierarchies like Yahoo!, the concepts used to
organize documents are reduced to words. This gives
only basic indications on the content of a document
and the corresponding hierarchies are relatively poor.
For this reason, we have tried to automatically
construct hierarchies where each concept will be
identified by a set of words. In order to do this, we
need the knowledge of all themes present in the
collection and of the specialization/generalization
relations that do exist among them. From now on, we
will identify a concept to a set of keywords.
For identifying the concepts present in a document,
we use Salton segmentation method [G. Salton et al.
1996] which outputs a set of themes extracted from the
corpus. Each theme is identified by a set of
representative keywords.
For the detection of specialization/generalization
relations between detected concepts, we will first build
a term hierarchy like [Mark Sanderson, Bruce Croft,
1999], we then construct from that a concept hierarchy.
After that, documents may be associated to relevant
concepts in this hierarchy thus producing a document
hierarchy based on the “specialization/generalization”
relation between documents.
To summarize, the method is built around three
main steps:
Find the set of concepts of a given corpus
Build a hierarchy (of type specialization
/generalization) of these concepts
Project the documents in the concepts
hierarchy and infer typed links
“specialization/generalization” between
3.2 Algorithm
3.2.1 Concept extraction from a corpus
The goal here is to detect the set of concepts within the
corpus and the words that represent them. For that, we
extend Salton work on text segmentation:
We decompose a document into semantic themes
using Salton’s method [G. Salton et al. 1996], which
can be viewed as a clustering on document paragraph.
Each document being decomposed in set of
semantic themes, we then cluster all the themes in all
documents to retain the minimal set of themes that
ensure a correct coverage of the corpus.
We find for each concept the set of words that
represent the concept. A concept is be represented here
by its most frequent words.
3.2.2 Building the concepts hierarchy
The next step is to detect the
“specialization/generalization” relations between
extracted concepts so as to infer the concept hierarchy.
First, we build the hierarchy of terms within the
corpus using Croft and Sanderson subsumption method
[Mark Sanderson, Bruce Croft, 1999].
Then we create a concept hierarchy as follows. For
each couple of concepts, we compute from the terms
hierarchy the percentage x of words of concept C2
generalized by words of concept C1 and y the
percentage of words of C1 generalized by words of C2.
If x > S1 > S2 > y (S1 and S2 are thresholds) then we
deduce a relation of specialization/generalization
between these concepts (C1 generalizes C2).
After that, we have a hierarchical organization of
concepts. It is therefore possible to attach indexed
documents to the nodes in the hierarchy. One
document may belong to different nodes if it is
concerned with different concepts. Note that all
concepts are not comparable by this “specialization /
generalization” relation.
At this stage we already have an interesting
organization of the corpus which rely on a richer
semantic than those offered on classical portals or by
term hierarchies [Lawrie and Croft 2000, Sanderson
and Croft 1999]. However we can go further and
establish “specialization/generalisation” links between
corpus documents as explained below.
Note that we briefly describe in section 6 an alternative
method for directly building concept hierarchies without
the need to first build the term hierarchy.
3.2.3 “Specialisation/generalization” relation
between documents
Each document may be indexed by the set of corpus
concepts and annotated by the set of keywords of the
relevant concepts of its content. We then proceed in a
similar way as for building concepts hierarchies from
terms hierarchies:
For each couple of documents D1, D2, we compute
from the concepts hierarchy the percentage of the
concepts of D2 generalized by the concepts of D1 and
vice versa. This allows to infer a
“specialization/generalization” relation between the
two documents.
Note that it is a global relation between two
documents, but we could also envisage relations
between parts of documents. In particular, our
“specialization/generalization” relation excludes the
fact that two documents generalize one another which
could happen when they deal with different concepts.
D1 could be a specialization of D2 for concept C1 and
a generalization for concepts C2. However, we made
this hypothesis for simplification.
Instead of building a hierarchy of documents, we
could use the “specialization/generalization” relation to
indicate links between documents. Such links could
also be built between the document segments identified
during the first step of the algorithm. This would result
into an alternative representation of the document
This section will discuss how our algorithm answers
some questions of Semantic Web research. The
Semantic Web research can be view as an attempt to
address the problem of information access by building
programs that help users to locate, collect, and
compare documents contents. In this point of view our
structuring algorithm addresses some of these
The set of themes extracted from the
collection, where each theme has a label in
natural language, is a good synthesis of the
collection for the user
If one of the themes interests the user, he has
all the documents treating the theme in the
hierarchy node and each document has an
annotation which reflects all the themes in it.
This allows the user to target the subset of
document likely to interest him.
All documents are annotated by the themes
they are about. The annotations are in natural
language and give a summary of the
Two others motivations are in the scope of Semantic
Web research:
Generate new knowledge from existing
documents. Now this is not possible because
computers cannot understand the contents of
Synthesize and compile knowledge from
multiples sources. To do this computers
should be able to relate the contents of
multiple documents, this is not the case.
For the second point typed links could be a part of the
response. Indeed, typed links show a relation between
documents contents and defined the relation. They are
useful for users because they give them a navigation
context when retrieving a corpus. We can also imagine
that a search engine knowing the existing typed links
could use them to improve the information retrieval.
In our algorithm we only derived the
specialization/generalization link between documents
contents. We are developing automatic method for
other Trigg typology link typed.
Evaluating the relevance of a concept or document
hierarchy is a challenging and open problem.
Evaluations on user groups generally give ambiguous
and partial results while automatic measures only
provide some hints on the intrinsic value of the
hierarchies. However, for avoiding at this stage the
heavy process of human evaluation, we resort to
automatic criteria to judge the quality of learned
hierarchies. We therefore propose two measures of
similarity between hierarchies. This will allow to
compare the coherence of our automatic hierarchies to
reference manual hierarchies (here a part of LookSmart
hierarchy), but will not provide an indication of its
absolute quality, neither will it tell us which hierarchy
is the best.
5.1 A measure based on the inclusion
Documents in the hierarchy are said to share a relation
of :
“Brotherhood” if they belong to the same
“Parents-child” if they belong to nodes of
the same branch
The first measure of similarity we propose is based
on the mutual inclusion degree of hierarchies. The
inclusion degree of hierarchy A with respect to
hierarchy B is:
Inclusion(A,B) = (N
+ Np)/(|F
Where N
is the number of couples of “brothers” in
A which belong to B.
is the number of couples “parents-child” in A
which belong to B.
| is the number of couples of “brothers”
documents in A.
| is the number of couples of “parents-child” in
Finally, the similarity between A and B is the
average of their mutual inclusion:
Similarity(A, B) = ( inclusion(A, B) +
inclusion(B,A) ) / 2
5.2 A measure based on Mutual
This similarity measure is inspired by the similarity
measure between two clustering algorithms proposed
in [T. Draier, P. Gallinari, 2001]. Let X and Y be the
labels (classes) of all elements from a dataset
according to the two different clustering algorithms
and X
be the label for the i
cluster in X, P
(C = K) the
probability that an object belongs to the cluster K in X,
and P
, C
) the joint probability that an
object belongs to the cluster k
in X and to the cluster
in Y. To measure the similarity of the two clustering
methods, the authors propose to use the mutual
information between the two probability distributions:
MI(X,Y) =
= i, C
= j)
= i, C
= j)) / (P
= i) * P
= j))]. If
MI is normalized between 0 and 1 the more MI(X, Y) is
close to 1 the more similar are the two set of clusters
and therefore the methods.
Figure 1: An example of documents hierarchy. We showed
three nodes with only one document D
. if we considered the
node labelled D
it contains one document {D
}, and for
relation « parent-child » it contains the couples {(D
, D
, D
In the case of hierarchical organization of
documents, for measuring the similarity between two
hierarchies, we need to measure how objects are
grouped together (inside the hierarchy nodes) and to
measure the similarity of the relations “parent-child”
between objects in the two hierarchies. For simplifying
the description, we will first consider that in each
hierarchy one object may belong only to one node. The
extension to the case where one object may appear in
different nodes is easy but it is not exposed here.
For a hierarchy X let us note X
a node of the
hierarchy. A hierarchy of documents is described by
two relations which are the relations “brotherhood”
shared by the documents within a node and the relation
of generalization between couples of documents
sharing a relation of “parent-child”. A hierarchy can
thus be seen like two simultaneous regroupings relating
respectively on the documents and on the couples
“parent-child”. The hierarchy is defined by the groups
of documents which are linked by these two types of
The mutual information MI(X, Y) between two
hierarchies will be the combination of two
components: MI
) the mutual information
between the groups of documents, corresponding to the
nodes of the two hierarchies (it is the same measure as
for a traditional clustering) and MI
, Y
) the
mutual information measured on the groups of couples
“parent-child” of the hierarchies. The mutual
information between hierarchies X and Y will then be
calculated by:
MI(X,Y) =
* MI
) + (1 -
) * MI
), where α is a parameter which allow to give more
or less importance to the regrouping of documents in
same the node or to the hierarchical relations “parent-
child” documents. With this measure we can compare
hierarchies of different structures.
6.1 LookSmart and New-Scientist data
The data we used for our experiments are a part of the
and sites
hierarchies. First, we extracted a sub-hierarchy of
LookSmart consisting of about 100 documents and
7000 terms about artificial intelligence. In a second
experiment, we extract a sub-hierarchy of New-
Scientist site consisting of about 700 documents. New-
Scientist Web site is a weekly science and technology
news magazine which contains all the latest science
and technology news. Here the sub-hierarchy is
heterogeneous sub-hierarchy whereas LookSmart data
concern only AI. Documents are about AI,
Bioterrorism, cloning, Dinosaurs, and Iraq. For each
theme there are sub-categories concerning specifics
aspects of the theme. In both cases, we compare the
document hierarchies induced by our method and the
term hierarchies to the original hierarchies, using the
methods described in section 3.
6.2 Experiments and results
6.2.1 Segmentation, Annotations
In this section due to the place limitations we will give
few examples of themes extract from the corpus, links
between themes.
Comparing to the initial hierarchy of Looksmart
with five categories, the hierarchy derived by our
algorithm on the same corpus is more larger and
deeper. Indeed, more of the original categories are
specialized by our algorithm and it discovers new
themes across the original ones. For example, many
sub-categories emerge from “Knowledge
Representation”: ontologies, building ontologies,
KDD (where paper are about the data representation
for KDD)… and most of the emerging categories are
themselves specialized. In the same way, “Philosophy-
Morality” is subdivided in many categories like AI
definition, Method and stakes, risks and so on… Table
1 shows some examples of extracted themes on
LookSmart data.
Table 1: examples of five concepts extracted from looksmart
corpus, with a relation of generalization/ specialization
between (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5)
1 Definition AI intelligence learn knowledge
solve build models brain Turing test
thinking machine
2 Informal formal ontology catalog types
statement natural language name axiom
definition logic
3 FCA technique pattern relational database
data mining ontology lattice category
4 ontology Knowledge Representation John
Sowa category artificial intelligence
philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce Alfred
North Whitehead pioneer symbolic logic
5 system KR ontology hierarchy category
framework distinction lattice chart
Each document can then be annotated with the set
of keywords of its index concepts (remember that after
the step of concepts extraction all documents are
indexed with their concepts).
6.2.2 Hierarchies similarities
In this section we compare the hierarchies induced by
our method and term hierarchies to the original
hierarchy using the measures of section 5.
Table 2: similarities between Looksmart and NewScientist
data and others hierarchies (term, concept, concept_version2)
The concept hierarchy is large compared to the
originals ones, and only a few documents are assigned
to each concept. The greater width of the concepts
hierarchy is due to the fact that some themes detected
through corpus segmentation are not present in
originals hierarchies which exploit poorer conceptual
Nevertheless, the similarity between our hierarchy
and LookSmart’s is quite high. The inclusion similarity
is about 0.5, and the similarity based on the mutual
information is around 0.6 (table 3). But the similarity
between our hierarchy and New-Scientist one is low.
This result point out the weakness of subsumption
method our algorithm is based on, when the data are
heterogeneous. We decide to modify our algorithm to
be free from terms hierarchy induction for computing
the subsumption relation between concepts. Remember
that in our definition, concept C1 subsumes concept C2
if most terms of C2 are subsumed by terms from C1.
This relation was inferred from the term hierarchy
(section 3.2.2). However it is also possible to directly
derive the concept hierarchy without relying on the
term hierarchy. For that we directly estimate P(concept
| concept C
) by the number of documents containing
both concepts divided by the number of documents
containing concept C
This hierarchy (denoted Concepts2. in table 2)
seems closer to the manual hierarchy. It detects less
subsumption relations between concepts on looksmart
data; therefore it is less wide than the first concept
hierarchy. Why does the number of subsumption
between concepts fall down in the second method? A
reason might be that in the construction of the first
concept hierarchy, concept C2 is generalized by
concept C1 if most of the terms of C2 are generalized
by C1 terms. Let us take the extreme case where only
one word w1 of C1 generalizes the C2 terms. In this
case, we will say that C1 generalizes C2. Actually, we
can say that the presence of C2 in a document implies
the presence of w1, but it is not sure that it implies the
presence of C1. For the second concept hierarchy the
subsumption of C2 by C1 ensures that C2 implies C1.
For the newscientist data, due to the heterogeneity
of the vocabulary, subsomption test fail for many pairs
of word and this effect is more drastic when projecting
theme on term hierarchy. The consequence is that
many theme nodes is compose by one document.
Therefore the hierarchy is far from the original one.
Modifying the definition of subsomption concept gives
a hierarchy more similar than the original one. One
way to reduce the influence of vocabulary
heterogeneity is to consider synonyms in the
computation of P(term1|term2).
These experiments shed some light on the
algorithm behaviour. The hierarchies we obtain are
coherent (particularly the second those obtain with the
second method) compared to LookSmart and New-
Scientists hierarchies, particularly on the groups of
documents detected, but some of the documents pairs
sharing the relation “Parent-Child” in the concept
hierarchy do not appear in Looksmart hierarchy. This
is inherent to the difference of nature between the two
If we compare the automatically built term
hierarchy with that of LookSmart, we see that inclusion
similarity is 0.4 and the mutual information is 0.3.
Both hierarchies use terms to index and organize
documents. However, the term hierarchy uses all terms
in the collection, whereas LookSmart uses a much
smaller vocabulary. Therefore the hierarchy term is
very large compared to LookSmart. Nevertheless some
groups of documents are still common to the two
The similarity of the concept hierarchy with
Looksmart seems higher than that of the term
We have described a method to automatically generate
a hierarchical structure from a documents collection.
The same method can be used to build
specialization/generalization links between documents
Terms. Concepts1. Concept2.
Inclusion 0.4 0.46 0.65
0.3 0.6 0.7
Terms. Concepts1. Concept2.
Inclusion 0.3 0.2 0.6
0.2 0.2 0.65
or document parts and augmented documents with
metadata in natural language. We have also introduced
two new numerical measures for the open problem of
the comparison and evaluation of such hierarchies.
These measures give an indication on the proximity of
two hierarchies; this allows measuring the coherence of
two different hierarchies. On the other hand, they do
not say anything on the intrinsic quality of the
hierarchies. We are currently working on the
development of measures for quantifying how much a
hierarchy respects the “specialization/generalization”
Our method applied to LookSmart and New-
Scientists data gives interesting first results although
there is still place for improvements. The experiments
also show that our concepts hierarchies are nearer to
original hierarchies than a reference method which
automatically builds terms hierarchies. Further
experiments on different collections and on a larger
scale are of course needed to confirm this fact.
We also show that our algorithm could give some
answers to Semantic Web research concerns:
Thematic hierarchies make easier
information access and navigation, they
are also a mean to synthesize a collection
The algorithm allow to automatically
related document sharing a
specialization/generalization relation.
At the end of the method each document
is augmented with a set of keywords
which reflects the concepts it is about
A perspective could be the use of automatically
extracted concepts to build or enrich ontologies in a
specific domain.
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