Guillermo Nudelman Hess, Cirano Iochpe
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Caixa Postal 15064, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
Instituto de Informática
Keywords: Geographic Database, Ontologies, Semantic integration, Conceptual modeling
Abstract: This article proposes a software architecture to integrate geographic databases conceptual models. The goal
is the preprocessing phase on the knowledge discovery in database, using geographic databases conceptual
schemas as input data, in order to obtain analysis patterns candidates. The semantic unification is very
important in this process, since the data mining tools are not capable to recognize synonyms neither to
distinguish between homonymous. In this way a methodology to refer the knowledge basis was developed.
Because of the increasing use of the Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) in the last past years, the
conceptual modeling of the Geographic Database
(GDB) has become a very important task. However,
each one of the GIS software has its own data
model, which has it focus in the logical phase of the
database project (Silva, 2003).
Plenty of conceptual models to the GDB project
have been proposed, attending to make the GDB
modeling independent from the implementation
platform. Among them, some are the UML-
GeoFrame (Rocha, 2001) and MADS (Parent, 1999).
The core of most of them is equivalent, and a
complete comparative study is presented in (Bassalo,
The use of the conceptual modeling allows also
the project documentation and the reuse of the
model, or part of it, several times. This reuse is
specially interesting in GDB, since its modeling is
quite complex, and part of the geographic concepts
of the real world being modeled is repeated for
distinct applications. In this way the use of analysis
patterns (Gamma, 1995) is usefeull. Analysis
patterns are the essence of the conceptual modeling
for the solution of a recurrent problem in a specific
To support the acknowledgment of analysis
patterns automatically, the Knowledge Discovery in
databases (KDD) (Fayyad, 1996) can be applied.
This process has several steps, as shown in Figure 1.
The data mining (DM) and post-processing of
conceptual schemas was performed in (Silva, 2003),
by the use of DM tools that produce associative
rules. However, a few conceptual schemas could be
mined, because the pre-processing phase was not
addressed. The present work is focused in this phase.
ure 1 - The KDD
ad, 1996
To mine a number of conceptual schemas in
possibly different data models it is necessary put
them all in the same format, because they have to be
stored to be reused after. Unfortunally, this does not
occurs with the GDB conceptual models, because
there is not a modeling pattern addopted as a
To reach a correct data preparation, this schemas
integration accomplishes two levels, the syntatic and
the semantic. The first one relates to the equivalence
of the constructors of each model. A research over
the unification of the refered models was initiated in
(Bassalo, 2002), where is presented the constructors
union set.
The semantic level of the integration comprises
the problem of unification between names used to
describe the real world phenomena being modeled
and the associations among them. In this sense it is
necessary to build a Knowledge Organization
System (KOS) (Hodge, 2000), such as a controlled
vocabulary, a taxonomy, a thesaurus (Qin, 2001), a
Nudelman Hess G. and Iochpe C. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 509-512
DOI: 10.5220/0002634505090512
semantic network or an ontology (Guarino, 1998) to
store the concepts concerning of the geographic
applications domain.
Section 2 of this article presents the context of
the GDB semantic integration problem. A software
architecture for the integration of GDB conceptual
schemas is presented in Section 3. Section 4 details
the proposed metodology to query ontology in the
designed software architecture. At last, conclusions
and future works are presented in Section 5.
The semantic integration, even in databases or
conceptual models, is a very complex and costly
task, once it has to address variety kinds of
Bergamaschi et. al (Bergamaschi, 1998)
classifies the heterogeneity in terms of nomenclature
and structure. The first case englobes the naming
conflicts, such as synonyms and homonymous.
Structural heterogeneity concernes the differences
existing in the conceptual model, in terms of
attributes and associations of the modeled concepts.
Geographic databases try to model the real world
phenomena. Thus the set of elements to be
modeled are concrete and quite restricted. The
attributes and associations between the geographic
elements are always the same. The only thing that
varies is the approach, which depends on the
application and the designer’s knowledge, and also
the names used to represent the same things. In this
sense, the development of a set of definitions about
names, attributes and associations of the geographic
phenomena is usefull, in at least two aspects,
described in the next subsections.
2.1 Integration of Geographic
To make the integration of geographic application
possible, three requisites must be satisfied
(Bergamaschi, 1998):
1. The conceptual schemas of each source
must be available;
2. There must be semantic information in the
3. A canonical data model must exists. This
standard model must have enough expressivity
power to describe all the models to be
Once the target of the integration proposed in
this paper is of conceptual schemas, the first
requisite is autmatically satisfied. The other
requisites are satified by the use of the work
developed in (Bassalo, 2002) and by the use of GML
(OpenGIS, 2001).
Through the use of a KOS to eliminate semantic
heterogeneity not only the data mining is possible,
but also at least other three capabilities can be
reached (Sheth, 2000):
4. Terminological transparency: Ambiguities
created by homonymous and synonyms are
5. Context sensitive processing: Depending on
the context (attributes and associations) in
which a concept is in, it is possible to infer its
6. Semantic correlation: Integration between
conceptual schemas, combining both aspects
2.2 New applications modeling aid
The database conceptual modeling process is a
complex task, but really important to guarantee the
correct working and the manutenability of the
database. In order to automate this process and aid
the designer, a number of CASE tools are
disposable. However, this is not true for the GDB
conceptual modeling. There are some academic
proposals, but specific for one data model, such as
RoseGIS (Hess, 2003) and MADS editor (Parent,
None of these CASE tools has information about
the real world and how is its behavior. The
consequence is that the designer is who has to give
all sort of information about the application’s
domain. Thus, the build of a KOS containing the
elements (phenomena, in case of GDB) and the
associations of the domain may contribute to the
database project (Sugumaran, 2002), and thus to the
GDB project. The designer can face his modeling
against the existing KOS, so he can detect possible
inconsistencies and incompleteness, such as missing
entities, attributes and associations.
To reach correct data preparation of conceptual
schemas based on different data models, it is
necessary to develop a mechanism to unify those
models. This integration aims to eliminate possibles
ambiguities of understanding and data redundancy.
As the ontology is the KOS chosen technique,
Figure 2 presents a generic architecture to translate
conceptual schemas, independent of the data model.
A conceptual schema is primarily converted into
a syntactic canonical file format (SCFF), that is,
only in the syntactic level. According to the data
model in which the schema is based a specific set of
rules is applied.
This syntactic integration turns conceptual
schemas into a canonical data model, totally
independent of platform. The Geographic Markup
Language (GML) (OpenGIS, 2001) encoding is the
chosen format to be used as the canonical data
Even knowing the GML is not capable to
represent all of the constructors from all the data
models it was adopted for having a significative set
of elements used in the GDB modeling and because
it is standard data format proposed by the OpenGIS.
Moreover, in the future GML can be extended to
handle the missing constructors.
The second step of the process consists in pass
the SCFF through an ontology, to guarantee the
semantic level of the data preprocessing. The result
is a semantic and syntactic canonical file format
(SSCFF). The last step of the data preprocessing
consists in trasform the SSCFF file to the FDE file
(Silva, 2003) which can be handled by the data
mining tools.
Ontologies are used, in this work, to conceptualize.
The use of an ontology by itself does not provide a
complete solution to the semantic integration
problem. It is impossible to the ontology to
contemplate all the ways to express a real world
phenomenon. Depending on the geographical
location of the designer the names used to the same
concept may vary. Moreover, the spelling of the
same concept may vary too, specially in case of
To solve the situations cited above the ontology
process may use some similarity matching (Cohen,
1998) techniques. This matching has to occurs in the
level of names and in the level of the structure of a
term, considering hierarchies, associations and
attributes of the candidate concepts stored in the
ontology (Bergamaschi, 1998).
4.1 The algorithm to search and
update the ontolgy
Figure 3 illustrates the algorithm to search the
Calculate Candidates
andid at es
Co nc ep tS el ec tio n
NewTerm( synonym )
ure 2 - Conce
tual schema inte
rator architecture
Figure 3 - The ontology searching process
Step 1 – Search a concept in the ontology: Each
concept in the conceptual schema is searched in the
ontology. If the term is found with the same name
and exactly the same attributes and associations, the
query ends and starts for the next concepts. If the
name, attributes or associations are different from
the ones stored in the ontology, go to step 2.
Step 2 – Similarity search: Applying techniques
of similarity matching cadidates to synonyms of the
input concept are identified. The similarity
coefficient is calculated, based on criteria of name
and structure similarity. If candidates are found, go
to step 3. If there are no candidates, go to step 4.
Step 3 – Terms selection: Each one of the terms
identified as possible synonyms to the input concept
is presented to the domain expert, who identifies the
most appropriate. If it is an insertion of a new
synonym of a concept already stored, without the
need to update its structure (attributes and
associations), go to step 4. If it is necessary to
update the concept structure, go to step 5.
Step 4 – Insertion of a concept in the ontology:
The term is added to the ontology. If it comes from
step 3, it is associated to its equivalent in the
ontology. If it comes from step 2, it is added to the
ontology with all attributes and associations. The
algorithm searches for the next term.
Step 5 – Update of an existing concept: The
structure (attributes and associations) of an existing
concept is updated in the ontology.
The use of analysis patterns can contribute to the
improvement of GDB conceptual models because
they are tested and aproved solutions. This can
reduce the time needed to the conceptual project and
also reduce the possibility of making mistakes. The
obtainment of these patterns can be done by the
KDD process application. One of the important
phases of this process is the data preprocessing.
Specifically in GDB conceptual schemas the data
preprocessing consists in the integration of the
conceptual schemas designed based on different data
models and with naming variations to the same real
world concepts. Thus the integration must be
performed in two levels, syntacticaly and
semanticaly which was the focus of this paper. The
semantic integration among distinct conceptual
schemas must be aided by an ontology, which allows
searching by names and also searching by structure
as attributes and associations.
Another benefit of using ontologies, is the fact
the knowledge is stored and can be updated and
interchanged. Not only analysis patterns can be
deduced but also the ontologies existing concepts
can help the designer in modeling a new conceptual
schema. However to explore all the ontologies
potentialities and in an efficient way it is necessary
to combine it with another technique very used in
heterogeneous databases, known as similarity
The next steps of this research are the study of
the similarity matching techniques and more
important the definition of a set of criteria to be
considered in the similarity coefficient calculus and
also the weight of each one. The implementation of
the algorithm proposed in section 4 is also a future
work to test the efficiency of this solution to the
semantic unification.
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