The case of quadriplegics
Paula Kotzé, Mariki Eloff, Ayodele Adesina-Ojo
School of Computing, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
Jan Eloff
Department of Computer Science, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: Accessibility to disabled users, Accessibility options and technology, Quadriplegics, User needs
Abstract: Universal design is the design of products and environments so that anyone can use them without adaptation
or specialised design. Life must be simplified by making products, communications and the built
environment more usable for as many people as possible at little or no extra cost. To understand the chal-
lenges that a disabled person has to face when using the computer, we have to know what capabilities such a
person has. Only then will it be possible to apply universal design to computer interfaces. The purpose of
this paper is to highlight the challenges that many people face in their everyday lives and determine to what
extent disabled people, especially people with limited or no use of their hands and arms, interact independ-
ently with computer equipment. The paper specifically looks at quadriplegics, their capabilities, a survey of
how they use computer equipment, as well as special devices available to assist them in this interaction.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines a
person with a disability (or activity limitation) as a
person of any age who is unable to perform,
independently and without aid, basic human
activities or tasks, due to a health condition or
physical/cognitive/psychological impairment of a
permanent or temporary nature (Sandhu, 2003).
According to the World Bank estimate, 10% of the
world’s population (approximately 600 million
people) suffer from some form of disability (Metts,
2000). The United Nations (UN), on the other hand,
prefers to identify the percentage of disabilities on a
country-to-country basis, as each country uses dif-
ferent screening techniques during surveys or cen-
suses conducted for people with disabilities (UN
Statistics Division, 2003). From the UN disability
report, it can be seen that the First World countries
appear to have a much higher percentage of disabled
persons than do the Third World countries. For
example, Norway (1996) and New Zealand (1996)
record the ratios of 33% and 20% respectively. On
the other hand, Nigeria (1991) and South Africa
(1980) both documented 0.5% of their population as
having certain limitations. This can be attributed to
the fact that many of the Third World countries have
only rough estimates based on infrequent censuses.
‘In a fair society, all individuals would have
equal opportunity to participate in, or benefit from,
the use of computer resources regardless of race,
sex, religion, age, disability, national origin or other
such similar factors’ (ACM Code of Ethics: Using
computers is becoming increasingly important in
everyday life, not only in the work environment, but
also in our homes. Whether for work or leisure, our
interaction with computers should be as comfortable
and productive as possible. As a minimum
requirement, users must be able to view the display,
reach the input devices, etc. This is especially true
for people with disabilities (Shneiderman, 1993). A
number of factors may intervene to restrict or
prevent users with disabilities from achieving this.
Kotzé P., Eloff M., Adesina-Ojo A. and Eloff J. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 97-106
DOI: 10.5220/0002635000970106
User interfaces often reflect the assumptions that
their designers make about the physiological
characteristics of their users. Interaction objects are
designed so that an ‘average’ user can easily
manipulate (select, copy, move, etc.) them by means
of a mouse, tracker-ball, touch-pad, cursor keys, etc.
Unfortunately the concept of an ‘average user’ is a
myth (Kotze, 2000). Some users, for example, have
the physiological ability and capacity to make fine-
grained selections, but others, such as quadriplegics,
do not.
Do we always realise how frustrating it might be
for a person not to be able to switch on a computer,
let alone insert or remove a diskette? People with
physical limitations may not be able to use these
standard input devices effectively and may benefit
from using special devices or software, for example,
speech recognition software (Loy & Batiste, 2001).
Using the keyboard may require a special device,
allowing the user to press only one key at a time. To
date, disabled people have a tendency to adapt to
technology, and they do not always require or even
demand that technology must be adapted to their
needs (Nordic Guidelines for Computer Accessibil-
ity, 1998). New legislation, based in many cases on
rights entrenched in constitutions and bills of human
rights, is changing this tendency.
Universal design is the design of products and
environments so that anyone can use them without
adaptation or specialised design (Polk, 2000). The
increased pressure for universal access and usability
is a happy by-product of the growth of the Internet.
Services using electronic communication and the
Internet, for example e-commerce, e-learning,
healthcare informatics, international and national
travel, financial systems, mobile communication,
etc., are expanding rapidly and users are becoming
dependent on them. Critics of information
technology abound, but they often focus on the
digital divide of an information-poor minority, with
far less emphasis on the physically and cognitively
challenged (Shneiderman, 2002). To understand the
challenges that a disabled person has to face when
using the computer, we have to know what capabili-
ties such a person has. Only then will it be possible
to apply universal design to computer interfaces.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate and
report on the requirements, status and available
technology to assist quadriplegics in their interaction
with computing devices. Section 2 gives a brief
overview of capability levels of quadriplegics.
Section 3 addresses quadriplegic human-computer
interaction and assistive technology aimed at quad-
riplegics. It gives the results of a survey as to how
people with limited or no hand or finger movement
interact with computers, followed by suggestions on
possible improvements. Section 4 constitutes a
conclusion to these considerations.
Human limitations related to computer interaction
can be grouped into five categories (Microsoft
Accessibility, 2003; Vanderheiden, 1994):
1. Resource limitations refer to the inability of
people to have access to education and infra-
structure that would better their quality of life.
2. Learning limitations describe the lack of
processing abilities amongst certain people,
which interferes with their learning process.
Such persons typically suffer from dyslexia and
attention deficit disorders, amongst other
limitations, and may require individualised
course presentations.
3. Hearing limitations mean that people may
experience varying degrees of auditory loss,
ranging from slight hearing loss to deafness.
4. Visual limitations include low vision, colour
blindness and blindness. People with these im-
pairments have to rely heavily on other senses
such as touch and sound.
5. Mobility limitations affect people stricken by
certain illnesses or affected by accidents that
deny them the full use of their limbs, who
therefore have difficulty in holding and reaching
for objects or moving around.
This paper will focus only on factors and issues
that are directly related to mobility impairments in
general, and in particular, those factors that are more
likely to affect the use of hands and upper body
parts, with special reference to quadriplegia. Quad-
riplegia, or paralysis from the neck down, can have
many causes. After an introduction to the anatomy
of the spinal cord in Section 2.1, some of the
possible causes of paralysis from the neck down are
briefly mentioned in Section 2.2.
2.1 Anatomy
The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the
brain, spinal cord and nerves. It is in charge of most
functions of the body and mind, which include vol-
untary movements like walking, as well as invol-
untary movements like blinking. The brain interprets
messages from the sensory organs such as the eyes,
nose, skin and tongue, muscles as well as internal
organs. The spinal cord (SC) acts as the information
highway between the body and the brain, and it is
divided into 5 main sections, made up of 33
vertebrae that are separated by spongy disks. Each
main section consists of subsections that are mapped
to different parts of the body (with some degree of
overlapping occurring). The first eight segments of
the spinal column at the top of the spine are called
‘cervical vertebrae’ and are named C1 to C8. The
next 12 vertebrae of the upper back are the thoracic
vertebrae, named T1 to T12. T1 lies just below the
eighth cervical vertebra (C8) and T12 lies just above
the first lumbar vertebra (L1). There are five lumbar
vertebrae, L1 to L5, followed by three sacral
vertebrae and the coccygeal (CRPF, 2003; Mosby's
Medical Encyclopaedia, 1997).
Figure 1 depicts this mapping. Although a simi-
lar organization exists for the SC mapping to inter-
nal organs (for hormone release, etc.), it is not dis-
cussed here. Any injury to the cervical vertebrae
will affect the shoulders, arms and/or hands. The
lower the injury, the more functionality the person
will have. A C6/C7 injury may leave a person with
full use of his shoulders and arms, but no movement
of his fingers. A person with all four limbs affected
is called a quadriplegic (or a tetraplegic). A person
with an injury to the thoracic vertebrae will be
affected from the chest down and is termed a
paraplegic. Paraplegics usually have full use of their
arms and hands, and can use the computer in the
same way as any other able-bodied person. Diplegia
is the bilateral paralysis of similar parts of the body.
The research reported upon in this paper focuses on
how people with less than full use of their upper
limbs interact with the computer and what needs to
be done to improve their interaction.
2.2 Diseases and Injury
2.2.1 Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are the result of traumatic
or non-traumatic causes, leading to disruption in the
exchange of information between the brain and the
body, resulting in paralysis (CRPF, 2003). The
trauma can result in severed nerves, pressure on and
bruising of the spinal cord. Paralysis causes loss of
sensation and control over the voluntary movement
and muscles of the body. With SCI, damage to the
spinal cord will only affect areas below the point of
injury. Long-term disability depends on the severity
of the injury, in which nerve fibres are damaged, and
the part of the SC that is injured (National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Strokes, NINDS,
2003). Traumatic injury occurs most often in young
adult men, and non-traumatic injury is more
common in individuals over 50 years of age. Spinal
cord tumours, spondylosis and vertebral disk
degeneration are common non-traumatic causes of
spinal cord injury (Mosby’s Medical Encyclopedia,
1997). Annually, about 55 million people suffer
from SCI, with about 35 million surviving the acute
injury. Worldwide there are an estimated 500
million to 900 million survivors of SCI. In South
Africa, the leading causes of SCI are vehicle and
sporting accidents, as well as gunshot-related
(violent) injuries (QASA, 2003). There are an esti-
mated 64 000 people in South Africa who are in
wheelchairs (Marais, 2001). More than half of the
individuals are quadriplegic, and the remainder
2.2.2 Multiple Sclerosis
The nerves in the CNS permit smooth and coordi-
nated movement with little conscious effort. A fatty
tissue, called myelin, surrounds and protects the
nerve fibres of the CNS. Myelin is also responsible
for conduction of electric pulses produced by the
nerve fibres. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) occurs when
demyelination (loss of myelin) occurs, resulting in
areas of the CNS hardening and the formation of
scars or lesions, hence the name ‘multiple sclerosis’
meaning ‘many scars’ (MSIF, 2003). The result is
that impulse conduction of the nerves is slowed or
halted. The symptoms of MS include, inter alia,
chronic fatigue, loss of balance and/or muscular
coordination known as ‘ataxia’, numbness of body
parts such as hands or feet hampering the ability to
hold objects or walk properly. Causes of MS are
mostly unknown, although a person’s gene pool may
contribute (but not directly) to the predisposition. A
person’s gender may also play a part, with 2 to 3
more women than men likely to be afflicted by the
disease. The disease also has a bias for young adults
in the 20-40 year age group and rarely affects
children less than 12 years old or elderly people over
55. Finally, the racial group of northern European
people is more likely to suffer from the disease,
although Asian, African or Hispanic race groups are
not immune to it.
2.2.3 Hemiplegia, Hemiparesis and Cerebral
Hemiplegia is the total paralysis of the same side of
the body (CHSA, 2003). It differs from hemiparesis,
which is weakness in one side of the body. The
most common reason for this is a disruption of blood
flow to the brain, resulting in part of the brain dying.
When this occurs, the part of the body that is con-
trolled by the damaged part of the brain will be
weakened. Paralysis occurs in the side of the body
opposite to the affected part of the brain, that is, if
the left side of the brain is affected by insufficient
blood flow, the right side of the body will be para-
lysed, and vice versa. Common causes or
contributing factors of hemiplegia are infections
such as meningitis, brain abscesses, diabetes, high
levels of cholesterol, penetrating and non-
penetrating head trauma, and congenital injuries.
Symptoms of hemiplegia other than paralysis
include loss of sensation in body parts, imbalance
weakness, tremors and unsteadiness. When
paralysis is diagnosed in children, the condition is
called ‘cerebral palsy’. Juvenile paralysis may
produce hemiplegia, paraplegia, quadriplegia or
diplegia (CHSA, 2003).
2.2.4 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or Lou
Gehrig’s disease, is a disorder of the parts of the
CNS that control the voluntary muscles in charge of
voluntary movements (ALSA, 2003). The disease
targets the upper and lower motor neurons. Upper
motor neurons send chemical messages to the lower
motor neurons, which in turn send the messages to
muscles in the limbs, trunk, head and respiratory
system. Malfunctioning neurons cause muscles to
become weakened, severely affecting mobility. ALS
is a progressive disease with continued loss of
function, often resulting in death in as little as 5
years after the onset of symptoms. Very rarely do
people with this disease survive for longer than 10
years after onset. The symptoms usually begin in
one arm or leg, spreading to the other until the entire
body is totally ravaged by the disease, resulting in
complete paralysis. This disease affects adults more
than teenagers, even though its occurrence in young
people cannot be excluded.
2.2.5 Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular Dystrophy (MD) is a name given to a
group of diseases that are hereditary and often
manifest as non-rapid progressive wasting of
muscles that control body movement (MDAC,
2003). This causes a characteristic, selective pattern
of weaknesses and thus targets different parts of the
body with different people. Muscular dystrophy is
not contagious. The clinical onset may begin at any
time in childhood or adulthood. For example,
Duchenne MD is often detected in children between
the ages of 2–6 years and affects only boys. Distal
MD, on the other hand, develops in adults in the 40
60 year age group. In cases where the mother is the
carrier, her sons are more likely to be infected and
her daughters will only be carriers of the disease.
Although this disease has no cure, therapy can help
to maintain a certain level of independence with a
normal life span.
2.2.6 Repetitive Stress Injuries
The term ‘repetitive stress injury’ (RSI), or
‘repetitive strain’, refers to a group of conditions
caused by placing too much stress on a joint.
Repetitive stress injury happens when the same
action is performed repeatedly (RSIA, 2003). When
an action that is stressful to a joint is repeated
frequently, the area does not have time to recover
and it becomes irritated. This can cause the area to
become painful and swollen. One of the most com-
mon types of repetitive stress injury is carpal tunnel
syndrome. The median nerve is the most sensitive
nerve that travels down the arm to the hand to the
thumb, index, middle and half of the ‘ring’ fingers.
It passes through a narrow path (a tunnel) at the
wrist. The ailment ‘carpal tunnel syndrome’ occurs
when bones and ligaments in the wrist joint causing
tingling sensations or numbness, compress the
median. If left untreated, it can cause complete loss
of feeling in most of the fingers as nerves become
damaged. Carpal tunnel syndrome can affect any-
one, but mostly occurs in women aged 40–45 years
and among people involved in heavy labour.
2.2.7 Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the
CNS (The Parkinson’s Web, 2003). It causes
muscle stiffness and rigidity, tremors and slowness
of movement. The main cause of Parkinson’s
disease is unknown, although there are unverified
claims that it is linked to inherited genes and
environmental triggers. The disease begins when
there is a shortage of a brain-signalling chemical
called dopamine. Symptoms are initially subtle but
worsen within 3–5 years as the disease progresses,
until eventually no medication can control any
advancement. The disorder is not contagious and
very seldom affects people younger than 30 years
old, but likelihood drastically increases with age,
especially after fifty.
2.2.8 Arthritis
Arthritis is the inflammation of joints causing
swelling, stiffness and difficulty in the movement of
fingers, wrists, knees and hips, amongst other body
parts (AA, 2003). There are two main categories,
namely osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis
(RA). Causes of both forms of arthritis are largely
unknown, although OA is attributed to the release of
too many enzymes that cause the joint cartilage to
break down. Eventually, the cartilage wears out
completely, the joints start to rub together, and the
bone loses its shape and juts out, forming lumps.
RA, on the other hand, may be triggered by
inflammation of the joint lining instigated when
white blood cells migrate to the capsule that contains
lubrication fluid for joints. OA affects more women
than men over the age of 45 and especially after
menopause, while RA affects more men than women
at an age younger than 45. Juvenile cases of arthritis
have also been identified, with children as young as
a few months being stricken by the ailment (CHSA,
As mentioned in the introduction, in this paper we
will specifically focus on quadriplegics. Quadri-
plegics (quads) are in wheelchairs. The first com-
puter interaction obstacle they need to overcome is
the physical position of the CPU, screen and key-
board. Does the wheelchair fit comfortably under
the desk or table? Can the user reach and use the
keyboard with ease? Is it possible to position the
CPU box in such a way that the user can switch the
computer on/off? If it is too high or to low, it might
be difficult to reach. The same applies to using the
diskette drive and CD ROM.
A quadriplegic may not have full functional use
of his/her hands and may use the keyboard with a
splint or special strap on one hand that holds a stick
to press the keys. The one end of the stick is
generally covered with a piece of sponge or rubber
to improve typing, otherwise the stick might slip off
the desired key. As can be expected, the typing
speed may be quite slow. Some users may use a
stick in their mouths on the keyboard. Holding the
‘shift’ or ‘control’ key down and then pressing
another key with a stick in one hand is just short of
impossible. Using the mouse may also be an uphill
battle for some users – to be able to move the mouse
to the desired position and then ‘click’ using both
hands with limited finger function might not be very
easy, let alone comfortable. Different pointing
devices do give the user a choice. Notebooks come
with built-in pointing devices – a touch-and-drag
type of mouse, track ball or even a little peg in the
keyboard. An ‘external’ mouse can be connected to
a laptop, if desired.
3.1 Survey on how quadriplegics
interact with computers
Before any suggestions on improving computer
interaction for disabled people can be made, we need
to determine exactly how disabled people currently
interact with computers. A survey was conducted
amongst quads with limited functionality in their
hands, wrists or arms. The aim of the survey was to
find out what they can do when using the computer
and how they do it. A total of 20 quads were inter-
viewed, with disability causes ranging from spinal
cord injuries, polio, cerebral palsy to muscle dystro-
phy. The following summarises the major findings:
82% suffered from spinal cord injuries, 6% from
muscular dystrophy, 6% from cerebral palsy and
6 % were disabled due to childhood polio.
25% could not switch the computer on or off,
while 31% could not use the diskette drive
effectively, and 38% of the users could not use
the CD-ROM. Seventeen per cent into all three
The keyboard was used by operating a stick in a
splint by 41% of the users (all with spinal cord
injuries), 44% by one hand or fingers from one
hand and 19% with both hands, or fingers from
both hands.
88% of the users used a mouse. Twenty-six per
cent of these used both hands, while the
remainder used the mouse with only one hand.
Sixty-six per cent of these used an ordinary
mouse, while the others used a trackball type
mouse or a touchpad.
Only 56% knew about sticky keys, while only
25% used them.
63% of the respondents used a computer before
their disability.
40% of the respondents were male and 60%
female, ranging in age from late teens to mid-
fifties, with all having completed high school
and 81% having a tertiary degree qualification.
Some of the specific problems that were mentioned
include the following:
It is too difficult to change the volume control on
the speakers – even if they are within reach. The
buttons are too small and too stiff to turn with
limited or no finger movement.
It would help if the keys were more sensitive to
touch and easy to press – they are sometimes too
stiff. Even a keyboard with the keys wider apart
may make a difference.
An easier way to switch the computer on or off –
what about using the keyboard?
Predictive text would also help, provided it func-
tioned correctly.
Voice recognition is not the answer for all – two
of the seven people who used voice recognition
software were highly frustrated with it and either
stopped using computers or reverted back to the
keyboard and mouse.
Few users who used the keyboard knew about
sticky keys or the other accessibility options in
One major item of feedback was the fact that all
the people interviewed adapted to the computer
technology, and did not require the technology to
adapt or be changed to suit their needs. The reason
for this can be twofold. First is the lack of
knowledge that other possibilities may exist – they
use what is available without searching for other
solutions or even requesting, let alone demanding,
that the technology be changed to suit their needs.
When the users were asked what they would like to
have changed, there were few requests. Secondly,
there seems to be a lack of customer support,
especially regarding the voice recognition software.
3.2 Suggestions on possible
The flexibility of computer software makes it possi-
ble for designers to provide special services for users
with disabilities. Designers can benefit by planning
early on to accommodate users with disabilities and
work more closely with computer users with special
needs in order to design what will suit them (Kotze,
2000). It is, however, pertinent that new technology
options be communicated to users with special
Assistive technologies or electronic curb cuts
(from the term curb-cut in city sidewalks to facilitate
wheelchair mobility) are technologies that are
needed to enhance disabled persons’ independence,
self-esteem and over-all quality of life (UN, 2003).
Assistive technologies developed specifically for
computer technology are required to allow users to
have seamless access to computer technology and,
more importantly, to permit full customisation. Full
customisability of computer assistive technologies is
required as disabilities grouped even within the same
category may differ by varying degrees, as was
indicated by the results of our survey. Although
assistive technologies were initially developed for
people with various limitations, many of the
developments, such as remote controls, have
inevitably benefited everyone (TIA, 1996). This
should therefore be an incentive for further research
into the development of newer and more
comfortable equipment. Apart from humanitarian
reasons, other incentives for producing accessible
products include compliance with standards and
regulations laid down by organisations such as the
UN and the WHO. Economic factors also buttress
the argument for assistive technologies. As stated
before, according to the World Bank, 10% of the
world’s population suffers from some form of
disability, therefore increasing the potential
customer base (which is big already). Assistive
technology also means that there is no loss of
expertise or revenues for the organisations with an
aging population, and employees with temporarily or
permanently acquired disabilities would have a
trouble-free reintegration into the workplace after
recuperation and rehabilitation (NGCA, 1998). Our
survey indicated that 81% of the respondents had a
degree qualification, while 63% of these had a
postgraduate qualification, and were therefore
potentially highly valuable to the workforce.
Standard hardware and software technologies
provided by information technology vendors often
provide inexpensive access features that can be used
by persons with less severe cases of motor disability.
Therefore, before discussing specific hardware and
software developed for quadriplegia, an overview is
given of access features provided by status quo
3.2.1 Status Quo Technologies
The Dvorak keyboard was designed to provide an
alternative keyboard arrangement to the standard
QWERTY keyboard. The commonly used letters
(namely the vowels ‘AOEUI’ and most common
consonants ‘DHTNS’) of the English language are
arranged on the ‘home’ row. The rationale behind
this arrangement stems from the fact that, with these
letters being the most commonly used, a keyboard
arrangement to accommodate them greatly decreases
the amount of hand-motion required to type
documents (Grassie, 2001). In the light of this,
some existing operating systems (OS) provide the
ability for one to convert from the standard
QWERTY arrangement to that of the Dvorak. The
software required to reconfigure a keyboard is
sometimes pre-installed in the OS, or may be
downloaded or purchased from the appropriate
organisation. Following the conversion of the key-
board configuration, the key-caps are popped off and
re-arranged to reflect the new configuration. As an
alternative, some organisations such as Microsoft®
(Microsoft Accessibility, 2003) provide free
downloadable stickers to be placed over the existing
keyboard layout, thus eliminating the need to change
a keyboard’s layout physically.
Application programs provide keyboard short-
cuts for persons who are able to type on keyboards
but lack the dexterity required to use alternative
input devices such as the mouse. To facilitate menu
activation and other functionalities such as saving a
file, a single key or a combination of keys can be
employed in accomplishing such tasks. As exam-
ples, Microsoft® application programs use CTRL +
SHIFT + < to decrease the font size of characters.
Similarly, with Apple® computers, the keyboard
combination COMMAND + SHIFT +1 is used to
eject a diskette from its drive. Also available are
mechanisms to change default shortcuts provided by
software by either creating new shortcuts or deleting
some default values that one considers redundant
(Dallabrida, 2002).
To further decrease the discomfort sometimes
associated with using the keyboard, other
complementary access functions are available.
‘Sticky keys’ is a software latch that enables one to
depress a combination of modifier keys in sequence
rather than simultaneously, and have it remain active
until a non-modifier key is pressed. This feature is
extremely useful for mobility-impaired persons,
such as quadriplegics, as keyboard shortcuts can be
used more easily. Slow keys permit users to alter
the length of time taken for keystrokes to be regis-
tered on the screen. This allows accidental key
depression to be cancelled without any adverse
effects. Toggle keys alert the user by sounding a
signal when the caps lock, num lock or scroll lock
key is activated. This ensures that the user is
informed about accidental key depressions. Filter
keys allow brief or repeated keystrokes to be
ignored, or slow down the repeat rate. Finally,
‘mouse keys’ is a program that permits one to
control cursor movements via the keyboard, thereby
allowing persons who lack the deftness required for
mouse manoeuvring to simulate the action. The
keypad numbers on a keyboard become compass
points and numbers such as ‘5’ act as the mouse
button, ‘8’ is used to move the cursor upwards, the
number ‘2’ moves the cursor downwards, etc.
Unfortunately, very few users know about these
features. The ideal would be to communicate this
information to all possible users who would benefit
from using the accessibility options.
3.2.2 Assistive Hardware Technology for
Although each technology is presented individually,
it is often the case that more than one of these tech-
nologies are used together in order to accomplish
tasks. The hardware technology (and software tech-
nology in the next section) addressed here is specifi-
cally geared towards quads. Several other technolo-
gies aimed at other forms of mobility impairments
and disabilities also exist. In addition, some of the
following technologies are not confined to disabili-
ties involving mobility alone, but are equally appli-
cable to other disabilities such as visual
impairments. Switch/Morse Code Interface
Switches can be controlled by almost any body part
and activated with a press, kick, swipe, head move-
ment, eye blink, and sip and puff devices. It can be
mounted on a wheelchair, for example, allowing
close proximity to the user. The Morse code
interface is perhaps the most popular switch
interface in that users can quickly adapt to using
Morse code and can achieve high entry speeds. See
Figure 2. Head Mouse
A head mouse is a head-mounted wireless optical
tracking system. Users’ head movements are trans-
lated into proportional movements of the mouse
pointer. On-screen items (e.g. icons) are selected
when the cursor is left stationary on the item for a
programmable length of time. See Figure 1. Eye-tracking Systems
An eye-tracking system is an alternative input device
for hands-free text entry and pointing operations.
The main advantage thereof is that it requires no
head-mounted technology. A camera is mounted on
the monitor and focused on the eye, while integrated
software gauges where the user is looking. Clicks
are made either with slow blinks or with hard stares.
The disadvantage of this device is that it requires the
user to hold his /her head steady. See Figure 4. Sip and puff systems
Sip and puff systems are activated by users’ breath.
Puffs generate a click or selection, thereby ‘replac-
ing’ the need for mouse buttons. See Figure 5.
3.2.3 Assistive Software Technology for
Quads Keyboard Filters
Keyboard filters, such as the KeyRep Program
(Nanopac Inc., 2003), are hands-on devices used for
word prediction, abbreviation-expansion,
Figure 1: Head mous
customizable dictionaries, and decreasing the
number of required keystrokes. On-screen keyboard
On-screen keyboards, such as OnScreen v. 1.75, are
devices where an image of a standard or modified
keyboard is provided on the screen. Keyboard keys
can be activated by practically any of the pointing
devices. For people who can move the mouse cursor
but cannot click, the software can be programmed to
allow key selection after a certain length of time.
See Figure 6. Voice/Speech Recognition Technology
Voice/Speech Recognition Technology, for example
Dragon NaturallySpeaking®, consists of hands-free
devices that users can use to produce text or activate
functions just by speaking (Nanopac Inc., 2003).
They relieve the users of the physical exertion
required by direct hands-on input. Screen Readers
Screen readers, for example JAWS®, are software
programs that verbalize everything on screen (e.g.
graphics, text, punctuation, names and descriptions
of buttons and menus) as speech (Nanopac Inc.,
2003). A program of this sort will transform a GUI
to an audio interface (using an internal speech
synthesizer and sound card), and lessens the effort
required to scan through the output interface
3.2.4 Software Development Guidelines
In order to achieve a truly accessible information
society, many countries, international organisations
and developers are putting forward guidelines to
ensure that products are accessible and compatible.
Development software must also have the capability
of programming built-in accessibility features.
These features must be able to accommodate visual,
auditory or motor disabilities. If guidelines are
adhered to during the development process, costs of
modifying completed products will not be an added
liability (TIA, 1996).
The following is a list of requirements that
should, at a minimum, be demanded by customers
and be taken into consideration by designers, devel-
opers and vendors of software products for quadri-
plegics and other users with mobility disabilities
(IBM Accessibility Center, 2003; Nordic Guidelines
for Computer Accessibility, 1998; TIA, 1996):
Keyboard navigation: Provide mnemonics
(accelerators) on graphical user interface com-
ponents and functions; set tab order to standard
top-2-bottom left-2-right (T2B, L2R) navigation;
allow user navigation between and within
menus, using the keyboard; equip all compo-
nents with accessibility labels so that screen
readers can verbalise them; and set the focus on
the primary object that the user must operate.
Screen readers also require the focus to be set in
order to know which component to verbalise.
User interfaces must be customisable.
Provide redundant information for all objects:
sound, text and graphics.
Avoid interference with preset accessibility
features such as sticky keys by not using
keyboard sequences reserved for such features.
Allow a time delay when requesting input from
the user, as people with mobility disabilities may
require more time for movement.
Provide for compatibility with assistive technol-
ogy. Provide accurate documentation for all
accessibility features in a number of accessible
formats, for example, having the documentation
available in both an HTML format (which is
more compatible with screen readers) and PDF
format, and test completed software with a wide
range of assistive technologies.
3.2.5 Hardware Development Guidelines
The following is a list of requirements that
should, at a minimum, be demanded by customers
and be taken into consideration by designers, devel-
opers and vendors of hardware products for quadri-
plegics and other users with mobility disabilities
(IBM Accessibility Center, 2003; Nordic Guidelines
for Computer Accessibility. 1998; TIA, 1996):
Users should not have to grasp, simultaneously
twist and turn, use twisting motions or press sev-
eral controls simultaneously.
Button sizes for pushbutton controls must be
between 1.25 and 2.5cm for finger activation,
and 1.5 and 7.5cm for palm activation.
Separation distances for pushbutton controls
must be 1.25cm for finger activation and 5.0cm
for palm activation.
Force required to activate pushbutton controls
must not exceed 270 to 540g for finger acti-
vation, or 270 to 2160g for palm activation.
(Other controls have similar minimum/maximum
force, size or separation requirements).
Texture of controls must be matte and non-slip,
with redundant clues e.g. colour-coded, raised,
with grooves, serrations or scallops.
Components must not be made of materials that
could trigger allergic reactions.
Switch guards must be provided for critical
switches as well as time-delays before activation.
Keyboard keys and mouse buttons must be stiff
enough to support resting fingers without being
Ejected media such as diskettes and CDs must
protrude at least 1.25cm.
Provide load and unload ability for media via
keyboard keys.
Ensure that standard hardware and software
interface properly with specialised assistive
Security systems must provide alternative means
of authorisation other than biometrics.
Test hardware widely on people with varying
degrees of limitations.
Procurement guidelines: Developers must be
required to declare which accessibility guidelines
were adopted as the basis for their products.
‘Request for proposals’ and ‘request for
quotations’ must explicitly indicate the
accessibility features that vendors must include
in their product in order to be allowed to tender
for contracts.
This paper reported on an investigation into how
quadriplegics use computer hardware and software,
as well as technology to support this group of users.
Some of the problems that they face were
highlighted. Our study emphasised the fact that in
order to successfully develop usable hardware and
software for disabled persons, such as quadriplegics,
they must be directly involved in the developments
and testing of such technology. It also emphasised
that if technology is adapted to suit disabled users,
everybody can benefit, even ordinary able-bodied
users. Some of the technology examples described in
this paper was specifically developed with the
disabled person in mind, but have found uses in
various other application areas. Our paper concluded
by providing guidelines for the development of
computer software and hardware for quadriplegics.
It is the basic human right of disabled persons to be
able to interact effectively and efficiency with com-
puter equipment. If support for such interaction is
not provided, it can be seen as a form of technologi-
cal ‘apartheid’. It is hoped that designers will take
note of the needs of disabled people, and design and
build accessible technology to help the disabled to
maximize their interaction with computers. The
concept of universal design should be emphasised.
Technology must be adapted to the needs of the
users, and not vice versa.
The work reported upon in this article is partly
based on work sponsored by a grant from the
National Research Foundation of South Africa under
Grant Number GUN: 2054025.
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