How to address interoperability on a pragmatic level
Boriana Rukanova, Kees van Slooten, Robert A. Stegwee
School of Business, Public Administration and Technology, University of Twente, P.O.Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede,
The Netherlands
Keywords: business information systems, interoperability, pragmatics, standard
Abstract: The developments in the ICT led companies to strive to make parts of the business transaction electronic
and raised ag
ain the issue of interoperability. Although interoperability between computer systems has been
widely addressed in literature, the concept of interoperability between organizations is still to a large extent
unexplored. Standards are claimed to help achieving interoperability. However, experience with the
implementation of EDI standards shows that many EDI implementation projects led to technical solutions
with unclear business benefits. New standards are currently being developed, however their implementation
can also lead again to purely technical solution, if the social context is not taken sufficiently into account. In
this paper we address the problem on how to identify interoperability problems on a pragmatic level that can
occur between organizations that want to carry out business transactions electronically. We also point out
that, in order to identify interoperability problems on a pragmatic level, it is necessary to capture the
communication requirements of the business parties and to evaluate to what extent a standard is capable to
meet these requirements. To perform that evaluation we develop a meta model for describing
communication. The meta model is based on theory of speech-act and communicative actions. The use of
the meta model to identify interoperability problems on a pragmatic level is illustrated with an example.
The developments in the area of ICT made possible
disparate information systems to exchange data
electronically. This raised the question of how to
achieve interoperability. The issue of
interoperability between software systems has
already been widely addressed (Goh et al., 1999;
Heiler, 1995; Wegner, 1996). Further, it is expected
that the use of standards can help in resolving the
interoperability problems. However, experience with
the implementation of EDI standards shows that
often the result is a technical interoperability
between software systems with unclear business
benefit (Covington, 1997; Huang, 1998). Other
standards are currently being developed. Examples
are RosettaNet, and HL7. However, there is a danger
that an implementation of such a standard could lead
again only to a technical solution, rather than
improving the way of doing business. This means
that more than technical interoperability between
computer systems is needed, but rather
interoperability between organizations (business
information systems) is to be achieved (Stegwee &
Rukanova, 2004).
To achieve interoperability between
rganizations, it is important to realize first, that an
organization is a combination of people and
technology. Second, each organization operates in
its own context. Thus, the organizations need to
define a shared communication context in order to
enter into business transactions together (Stamper,
1996; Vermeer, 2000).
If the business parties decide to use computers to
erform parts of the business transaction
electronically, then the relevant shared context needs
to be made explicit, formalized and embedded in the
computer systems. In case where standards are used
to formalize the relevant shared context, a standard
needs to be evaluated to what extent it is capable to
cover the relevant shared context (Rukanova et al.,
2003a). This check is important to indicate where
interoperability problems might arise. One
possibility to make the comparison between the
requirements of the communication context and the
Rukanova B., van Slooten K. and A. Stegwee R. (2004).
TOWARDS A META MODEL FOR DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION - How to address interoperability on a pragmatic level.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 375-382
DOI: 10.5220/0002636903750382
capabilities of a standard is by using a meta model,
which captures elements of a business transaction
(Rukanova et al., 2003b).
To capture the context of a business transaction,
a number of views can be defined (Rukanova et al.,
2003c). These views can help to look at the business
transaction from different perspectives and provide a
holistic understanding of the context of a business
transaction. The analysis of the different views can
contribute to the identification of interoperability
problems that can occur, when different
organizations decide to do business transactions
In this paper we will investigate only one of the
views: “the communicative acts view”, which is
concerned with how to describe the conversations
and the intentions in a business transaction. This
view is concerned with the pragmatics aspect in a
business transaction. The pragmatics underlines the
importance that it is not sufficient to understand
what is communicated, but also what is the intention
behind it, how you interpret the communicated
information and how you act upon it. This paper is
concerned with how to identify interoperability
problems on a pragmatic level.
To achieve interoperability on a pragmatic level,
it is necessary to be able to express and compare the
requirements of the business transaction (on a
pragmatic level) and the capability of the standard to
cover these requirements. In this paper we create a
meta model for describing conversations to help
make that comparison.
The remaining part of the paper is structured as
follows. In part two, a number of theoretical
constructs to describe communication are identified.
In part three these constructs are used as a basis for
defining a meta model for describing
communication. In part four we use the meta model
to evaluate the capabilities of a standard to cover the
business requirements (on a pragmatic level).
As it was mentioned in the introduction, the main
concern in this paper is how to achieve
interoperability on pragmatic level, if organizations
want to use standards in order to carry out their
business transactions electronically. Thus, it is
necessary to identify key elements that can capture
communication requirements of a business
transaction and further to use these elements to
evaluate the extent to which a standard is capable of
capturing the communication requirements. As we
are currently interested in the pragmatic aspect of
communication, it means that the elements that we
need to identify have to address the problem of what
is communicated, and how is it interpreted. Further,
as we are interested in the whole business
transaction, we need to identify what communication
takes place during the entire transaction lifecycle.
2.1 E-message and Ae-message
The research done in the area of information systems
and language-action perspective can provide us with
substantial input to be able to identify key elements,
which describe communication. As this research
addresses communication in general, we can apply
some of the findings to describe communication
specific for business transactions. To define what is
communicated and what is the intention behind the
communicated information, we will make use of the
notions of elementary message (e-message) and
action elementary message (ae-message).
The notion of e-message is defined by Langefors
(Langefors, 1973). According to Langefors, an e-
message consists of four basic terms to give
information about the property of an object: the
identity of an object, the kind of property, the
specification of that property for that object, the
point in time at which the information is valid.
Further we add that an object can have multiple
properties. Thus each combination of object (id),
property, property value and time can result in an e-
message. If we want to describe the different
properties of an object at a given time, a number of
e-messages can be defined. This can be
schematically presented as illustrated in figure 1.
The ORM notation (Halpin, 1996) is used as a
means for representation of the models in this paper.
Figure 1: An object defined in terms of elements of e-
Although using the elements of e-message is a
good starting point for describing communication, it
provides a limited view, as it implies a purely
descriptive approach toward information. (Goldkuhl
& Lyytinen, 1982; Winograd & Flores, 1986).
However, language can be used not only to describe
things, but also to perform actions (Austin, 1962;
Goldkuhl, 1995; Habermas, 1984; Searle, 1969). In
order to capture the intention behind the
communicated information, the notion of action
elementary message (ae-message) can be used
(Agerfalk, 1999, 2002; Goldkuhl & Agerfalk, 2002).
The notion of the ae-message is built upon the
notion of e-message, and extended to capture the
intention. An ae-message is composed of four
elements: the communicator, the interpretor, the
propositional content (the content that is
communicated), and the communicative function
(the intention behind the communicated information)
(see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Elements of an ae-message.
We will elaborate further on the concepts of
communicative function and the propositional
content. The propositional content consists of a
number of e-messages. The propositional content is
the content, which is communicated, that is
information about objects and their properties at a
certain time. (See Figure 3)
Figure 3: Elements of a propositional content.
There are relationships between the objects,
which are part of the prepositional content, however,
for simplicity reasons this relationship is not
explicitly represented in the model
The other concept included in the ae-message,
which deserves attention, is the communicative
function (synonyms are illocutionary acts and action
mode). The communicative function contains the
intention of the speech act. Different types of
communicative functions (illocutionary acts) can be
identified (see (Habermas, 1984; Searle, 1969)).
Examples of communicative functions are order and
promise. The main point that we want to make here
is to stress the importance of the communicative
function in capturing intentions behind the
communicated information. We will not go further
into describing the different types of communicative
functions. However, in part 2.2 of this paper, we will
come back to the concept of communicative
functions to explore their role in forming patterns of
So far we have identified some elementary
constructs for describing communication. However,
although describing ae-messages is a big step in
describing communication, the speech acts theories
are criticized in two directions. The first one is that
they do not pay much attention to the content of
what is communicated (the propositional content)
(Schoop, 2003). The second one is that they focus
mainly on the individual speech acts, and not on the
whole conversation. This issue will be further
addressed in the next section.
2.2 Sequence of Utterances
The Speech-act approaches focus mainly on the
individual speech-acts rather than the whole
conversation, thus the speech-act theory cannot be
used to explain the organization of communication
(Goldkuhl, 2003). The research done by Winograd
and Flores (Winograd & Flores, 1986) can help in
addressing this problem, as the authors argue that the
main focus should not be on the individual speech-
acts, but the conversation, in which individual
speech acts are related to one another. Their key
contribution is in the identification of basic patterns
for describing conversations- the “conversation for
action” scheme (see figure 4).
Figure 4: The basic "Conversation for Action" Adopted
form Winograd and Flores, 1986, p. 65
The schema describes different states that a
conversation can take and how the states are altered
through the performance of speech acts. For
example, actor A can make a request to another
actor B. B can either promise to fulfil the request,
counter the request or reject it. Here we can see how
different communicative functions (e.g. request,
promise) can interplay to form a conversation.
Flores and Winograd have influenced a number of
researchers in the field of Language action
perspective. Based on the conversation for action
scheme, a number of communication patterns have
been derived. However, the derived patterns seem to
be rather prescriptive. The result of this is that, when
describing a real life situation, one might end up
with actually changing the requirements of the real-
life situation so that they can fit into the pre-defined
pattern. This however is undesirable. Thus, although
interaction patterns can be helpful in eliciting the
conversation requirements, their use should be done
with caution (Goldkuhl, 2003).
In the introduction we started with the problem
of how to identify interoperability problems (on a
pragmatic level) that can occur if companies decide
to do business transactions electronically by using
standards. So far, we have identified a number of
elements, which can help us to describe
conversations. This enables us to move to the next
step for addressing the interoperability on pragmatic
level: linking these elements in a meta model for
describing conversations.
In the previous section we have identified a number
of concepts to describe a conversation. However,
these concepts alone provide a fragmented view of
elements of conversation. In this section, we link
these concepts into a meta model.
The meta model is presented in Figure 5 below.
Communicator Interpreter
Sequence of
Is part of
Figure 5: A meta model for describing conversations
Although most of the concepts were already
introduced earlier, a brief description and
explanation of the meta model is provided below. A
key concept around which the meta model is built is
the ae-message. An action elementary message has a
communicator, an interpreter, a propositional
content, and a communication function. Further, an
ae-message is part of a conversation, and the
conversation can be described with sequence of
utterances. We consider the real life situation as a
starting point for identifying sequence of utterances.
Communication patterns (such as the “conversation
for action” scheme of Winograd and Flores) can be
used as a support tool to describe the sequence of
utterances, once they have been identified based on
the real-life situation. Although the scheme of
Winograd and Flores is very powerful in expressing
different possibilities that a conversation can follow,
there could be real-life situations, where this scheme
can turn to be limited. Thus, the Winograd and
Flores scheme, as well as any other patterns of
conversations (whenever available) should be used
with caution.
To overcome the critique that speech acts do not
focus on the content of what is communicated (see
2.1), the notion of propositional content is explicitly
includes in the model. The propositional content
contains information about objects, the properties of
objects, the values of the properties and the time the
value is valid.
In that way, the meta model captures information
about the content of the message that is
communicated, who is the communicator and the
interpreter of that message, what is the intention of
that message and how it forms part of a
The main benefit from the meta model is that it
can be used to describe both the communication
requirements of a business transaction and the
capabilities of the standard in the same terms. When
both, the requirements of the business transaction
and the capabilities of the standard are expressed in
terms of the meta model, they can be easily
compared (see also (Rukanova et al., 2003a, b). A
mismatch between the two will mean that some of
the requirements of the business transaction cannot
be covered by the standard, which would signal
interoperability problems (on a pragmatic level). In
the section below we will illustrate the use of the
meta model.
In this section we will illustrate the use of the meta
model to identify whether interoperability on a
pragmatic level can be achieved. We will first
introduce a standard (the (HL7) standard will be
used for our example). Further we will describe a
simple business transaction, which needs to be
automated using the HL7 standard. We will translate
the requirements of the business transaction in terms
of the meta model. We will also translate the
capabilities of the standard in terms of the meta
model. Once expressed in the same terms, we will be
able compare the requirements of the business
transaction and the capability of the standard to meet
these requirements. A mismatch between the two
will mean that there could be interoperability
problems on a pragmatic level, which can hinder the
way of doing business. Due to space limits, in this
example we will not elaborate in full detail the
elements describing the propositional content.
However, such a description can be done and is
important part of the analysis.
4.1 The HL7 Standard
For this example we will look at the HL7 v.3
standard. HL7 is one of the leading Healthcare
standards for clinical data interchange. The standard
covers transactions in several areas, some of which
are accounting and billing, claims and
reimbursement, and diagnostic orders and
observations. For the purpose of this example we
will look at how the interactions are defined in the
HL7 standard and we will limit our analysis to the
interactions related to Laboratory observations.
Before going further we will provide some
background information about the HL7 v.3 standard.
In the basis of the HL7 v.3 is the HL7 Reference
Information Model (RIM). The RIM models, on a
very high abstract level, the major things of interest
in the healthcare domain. It consists of six major
classes, defines the attributes of these classes and the
relationships between them. The messages that are
exchanged in the clinical communication are derived
from the RIM. However, the link between the RIM
and the message that is actually exchanged is not
straightforward, but it requires intermediary steps.
As the concepts in the RIM are very general, a
procedure called cloning is defined. After this
procedure, a domain message information model is
defined (DMIM). This model is derived from the
RIM, and provides further restrictions on the defined
information (by for example restricting the attributes
of the classes). This domain message information
model is then used to create the Hierarchical
message description, which defines in full detail the
messages that are later exchanged in the interactions.
A central class in the RIM is the “Act”. The act
represents actions that are executed and must be
represented as the healthcare processes take place.
An example of Act is (Lab) Order. The information
provided above is important in order to understand
how interactions are defined in the HL7 standard.
In the HL7 v.3 Guide, an interaction is defined
as “ a unique association between a specific message
type (information), a particular trigger event, and the
application roles that send and receive a message
type. It is a unique, one-way transfer of
information.” From this definition we can derive,
that an interaction is uniquely defined using four
components: the sending application role (a system
component which sends a message), the receiving
application role (a system component, which
receives the message), the trigger event (the reason
to send a message), and the message type (what
message to send) (see Figure 6).
Message type
Sending role
Trigger event
(mood, state-transition,
Figure 6: Description of the HL7 interactions
To better understand the interactions, as defined
in the HL7 standard, some further elaboration is
needed on the notion of a trigger event. According to
the HL7 v.3 Guide, “a trigger event is an explicit set
of conditions that initiate the transfer of information
between system components (application roles). It is
a real-world event such as the placing of a laboratory
order or drug order.” The trigger event is expressed
as a combination of mood, state-transition, and type.
The “mood” is a very important concept in the HL7
v.3 standard. It distinguishes between statements of
facts that the ordered service (act) has been
completed, or it specifies the intent to perform such
a service. Examples of moods as defined in the HL7
are “order” (an order of a service), “promise” (a
promise that the service will be performed), and
“event” (a statement that the service has been
performed). Another important attribute of act is act
status. The act status captures the defined state of an
act. Examples of act status are “active” (the act can
be performed or is performed), and “completed” (an
act that has terminated normally after all of its
constituents have been performed). A change in the
act status can lead to a state-transition (for example
an act status can become from “active” to
“completed”. The third element defining the event is
type. There are three types of events defined in the
HL7 standard: user request based, interaction based
and state-transition based trigger events. Within this
paper we will not go into describing these concepts
into full detail. However, it is important to say that
the combination of mood, state-transition, and type
can capture the intent behind the message.
Based on the analysis of the HL7 concerning lab
order, we found out that the HL7 trigger events
supports the following intentions: request to fulfil an
order, promise to fulfil the order, rejection to fulfil
the order, statement that the order has been fulfilled.
We will come back to these elements in the next
4.2 Evaluation of the HL7 Standard
In section three of this paper we have presented a
meta model for describing conversations. In section
4.1. we have introduced a brief description of how
interactions are described in the HL7 standard. The
aim of this section is to express the capabilities of
the HL7 standard concerning Lab order in terms of
the meta model.
From the meta model for describing
conversations it can be said that an ae-message has
propositional content, communicator, interpreter,
and communicative function. The interactions
defined in the HL7 standard correspond to the ae-
messages defined in the meta model. The sending
role and the receiving role (as defined in HL7) can
be translated as communicator and interpreter in
terms of the meta model. The trigger event can be
translated as communicative function in terms of the
meta model and the hierarchical message description
can be seen as propositional content. Further, the
trigger events defined for Lab order in the HL7
standard support the following communicative
functions: request to fulfil an order, promise to fulfil
the order, rejection to fulfil the order, statement that
the order has been fulfilled. For illustrative purposes,
we can map these communicative functions to the
scheme of Winograd and Flores (see figure 4). Note,
we have first identified the interactions supported by
the standard and after that we check whether the
interactions can be mapped to the scheme of
Winograd and Flores. Further, for this example the
scheme provides a good visualization of the different
interactions. From the mapping we can see that the
HL7v.3 standard supports the individual interactions
request (1,2), promise (2,3), reject (2,8) and declare
(3,4) (see Figure 4).
Different elements of the propositional content
are covered in an HL7 message. In the HL7
message, information about objects of interest for
the transactions is captured. Examples of such
information is information about the patient (and
how one can identify a patient), or the about the
properties of a patient, such as name and the sex.
Further, the HL7 standard defines the reference
values for such properties. Although we will not be
able to further elaborate on the propositional content
due to limitations of space that we have for this
paper, such an analysis is important and can be done
in practice.
In the next section we describe a business
transaction, parts of which would need to be
automated using the HL7 standard.
4.3 Description of the Business
For the purpose of this example, we use an
imaginary business transaction, which we describe
below. Let us imagine that a doctor sees a patient
and decides to order a lab tests for him. Thus, the
doctor has to enter into a business transaction with
the Lab. For the communication between the doctor
and the Lab there is an agreement to communicate in
the following way. The doctor orders a lab test. The
Lab either accepts to perform the lab test and
confirms the order, or rejects the order. Once the lab
test is performed, the Lab sends the Observation
result to the doctor and the doctor either does not
communicate back (in case that he does not have
objections to the test result), or asks for correction, if
he thinks that there is a mistake. Currently this
communication is paper-based. However, this way
of communication is time consuming and time is
critical in the Healthcare domain. Also, a double
entry of data is required.
To reduce the time for carrying out a transaction
and to avoid double entry of information, a decision
is made to automate the communication between the
doctor and the Lab. Further, the HL7 standard is
chosen to support the electronic communication.
4.4 Describing the business
transaction in terms of the meta
In this section we will translate the requirements of
the business transaction described in 4.3. in terms of
the meta model. We start with analysing the
elements of an ae-message again. If a message is
send from the doctor to the Lab, then the doctor can
be translated as a communicator in the ae-message
and the Lab as the interpreter of the ae-message. If
the Lab sends a message to the doctor, then the Lab
is the communicator of the ae-message and the
doctor is the interpreter. In case the transaction is
electronic, these roles can be played by the
applications used by the doctor and the interpreter.
The propositional content corresponds to the
content of the paper documents exchanged between
the Doctor and the Lab. The communicative
functions that are used in the communication
between the doctor and the Lab are: Ordering of a
lab test, acceptance to perform the lab test, rejection
to perform the test, statement that the test is
completed, questioning of the result of the test. To
visualize the communicative functions, we can again
map them to the scheme of Winograd and Flores.
This would result in the following interactions:
request (1,2), promise (2,3), reject (2,8), assert (3,4),
declare (4,3).
So far, we have expressed the requirements of
the business transaction and the characteristics of the
standard, both in terms of the meta model. This
enables us to compare the two, which will be done in
the next section.
4.5 Comparing the standard and the
Table 1 below provides a comparison of the
requirements of the business transaction and the
characteristics of the HL7 standard.
Table 1: Comparing the requirements of the business
transaction and the capabilities of the HL7 standard
Meta model
Requirement of
the Business
HL7 Standard
Lab Orde
Specification of the
Required Capable to cover
(only for the
functions supported
by HL7)
Identification of the
Required Capable to cover
(identification of
the sending
application role)
Identification of the
Required Capable to cover
(identification of
the receiving
application role)
Request (1,2),
promise (2,3),
reject (2,8),
assert (3,4),
declare (4,3).
Capable to cover:
Request (1-2),
promise (2,3),
reject (2,8),
assert (3,4),
Sequence of
(1,2), (2,3), (3,4)
(1,2), (2,8)
Questioning the
(1,2), (2,3), (3,4),
(1,2), (2,3), (3,4)
(1,2), (2,8)
From the analysis it is clear that the HL7
standard (concerning Lab orders) is a good standard
to cover the communication requirements between
the doctor and the Lab. It has the capability to
identify the communicator and the interpreter of a
message, as well as the content of the message and
the intention behind it. It can support both the
conversation that can lead to successful completion
of the business transaction as well as to failure. For
the interactions that are supported by the HL7
standard, the HL7 standard specifies in detail the
propositional content in terms of objects, properties,
and it defines the reference values that these
properties can have. Thus, we consider that the
propositional content defined in the HL7 standard
can cover the requirements of the business
transaction. However, as we mentioned earlier, we
will not go further in detail in elaborating the
propositional content.
However, the HL7 does not support situations
where the doctor can question the results of a lab
test, thus a conversation that can lead to questioning
of the outcome is not supported. Neither is the
propositional content for this type of interaction.
This can be a problem for achieving full
interoperability between the Doctor and the Lab,
unless additional measures to compensate for that
are undertaken.
The aim of this example was mainly to illustrate
how the meta model can be used. Although we
looked at a simple transaction, the principles of the
analysis can be applied to analyse very complex
situations. This can be done by first, identifying the
different parties that take part in a business
transaction. And second, by applying a separate
analysis of the conversations between each two
parties separately, as illustrated in the example.
In the introduction we stated that it is important to
explore the concept of interoperability, going
beyond interoperability between software systems.
We further addressed the issue of interoperability on
a pragmatic level between organizations, which
would like to do business transactions electronically
by using standards. We also pointed out that in order
to identify interoperability problems on a pragmatic
level, it is necessary to capture the communication
requirements of the business parties and to evaluate
to what extent a standard is capable to meet these
requirements. The contribution of this paper can be
seen in two main directions. It stresses the
importance to look beyond the interoperability
between software systems. Second, it addresses the
issue of identifying interoperability problems on a
pragmatic level and provides a meta model to help in
that problem identification. We also provided an
example on how the meta model can be used in
The example used in this paper describes a rather
simple transaction. The purpose of the example was
to illustrate how the meta model can be used.
However, the steps illustrated in this example can be
used to analyse very complex transactions.
The future research on this topic can continue in
two main directions. The first one is to empirically
test the usefulness of the meta model in real life
situations. The second one is to explore the concept
of interoperability between organizations, capturing
other aspects, apart form pragmatics.
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