Farhi Marir and Selma Limam Mansar
Department of Computing, London Metropolitan University, Holloway Road,London N7 8DB, UK.
eywords: Case-based management, Business process redesign, workflow, Best practices, Knowledge management
Abstract: This paper presents a new approach for business processes redesign (BPR). The approach uses case-based
reasoning techniques to model past business redesign into a case or stories based on a developed BPR
framework and best practices rules. The resulting case base of past failing or successful experiences will be
used to support business process designer and practitioner in redesigning or improving existing business
processes. This work came to address the limitation of most methodologies developed to support the
application of BPR principles in providing clear guidance on deriving a process design threatening the
success of BPR.
Business Process Redesign (BPR) addresses the
reengineering of one specific process within the
firm. It distinguishes itself from Business Process
Reengineering where the focus is rather on
developing a “business architecture”, which later
requires in depth re-thinking and re-assessment of
the firm’s mission and of the processes required in
order to fulfil it, (Edward et al., 1994). So BPR helps
rethinking a process in order to enhance its
performance. Academics and business practitioners
have been developing methodologies to support the
application of BPR principles (for an overview: see
Kettinger et al. 1997). However, most
methodologies generally lack actual guidance on
deriving a process design threatening the success of
BPR. Indeed a survey has proved that 85% of
projects fail or experience problems (Crowe et al.,
The work presented in this paper aims to
overcome this problem through the use of case-
based reasoning technology enhanced with a
framework for BPR implementation which allows
the recognition of important topics and their
relationships and also the best practices which
defines rules to be applied to redesign a process for
each topic of this framework developed in (Limam
et al., 2002).
There are many arguments supporting using
CBR against other knowledge-based methodologies
(Luger 2002). However our main interest in CBR
relies in that it allows a system to avoid past failures
and exploit past successes. CBR can provide a
model of learning that is both theoretically
interesting and practical enough to apply to complex
problems. This is a key issue in business process
redesign where practice has proved that successes
are few and failures quite common (Crowe et al.
2002). Being able to learn form past experiences
could then be of great added value for whoever is
involved in the redesign of a similar process with
similar goals and targets. Another argument in
favour of using CBR for BPR implementation is
that, traditionally, redesign has been the area of
consultants and “experts” in the field. Thus, redesign
is often the result of the application of so-called
“best practices” rather than on the use of analytical
methods (theoretical models and heuristics) to derive
improved or redesigned processes (Reijers et al.
2003). Some authors are working on the
development of such analytical tools. However none
of them is currently capable of dealing with every
particular aspect of a redesigned business processes.
In fact much of the redesign still rely on past
experiences and on the application of the
aforementioned best practices. In this context, CBR
can be viewed as a good compromise between a
completely empirical study and redesign of business
processes and a pure analytical method. CBR can
support the redesign process by finding similar
cases: experts or consultants can then compare and
learn which best practices to apply and also,
hopefully avoid past mistakes.
The purpose of this research is to develop a tool
that would allow practitioners to access previous
Marir F. and Limam Mansar S. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 363-368
DOI: 10.5220/0002639403630368
redesign projects and, possibly, reapply some of the
best findings. Although CBR is useful for the reuse,
it has not been applied for business process redesign.
However, CBR has been employed successfully for
other similar activities such as workflow design
(using a clean-sheet approach) (Kim et al. 2002),
concurrent product development (Haque et al. 2000)
and business automation (Cheung et al. 2003).
The paper is divided into three main sections.
Section one is devoted to the representation of the
business process case, which is developed using
ReMind Version 1.1 (a CBR tool produced by
Cognitive Systems Inc.) (Watson, 1997). This
section describes how the business framework and
best practice rules are modelled into a case. The
second section is devoted to the description of the
indices taken from the framework and the best
practice rules for the CBR-BPR case, and the third
section is devoted to the BPR-CBR case retrieval.
However, the last two sections are devoted to the
conclusion and references respectively.
A case is a contextualised piece of knowledge
representing an experience. It contains the past lesson
that is the content of the case and the context in which
the lesson can be used (Marir et al., 1994). Typically a
business process case comprises four components as
shown in Figure 1 (See Limam et al., 2003 for more
details) :
The features that define the context of the
business processes e.g. business area, business
sub area, and the business process itself,
The business best practice rules applied on the
components that compose the proposed business
process framework,
The business process solution which states the
solution to previous experiences and
The goals and targets that characterise the
improvement brought by previous BPR solutions
e.g. reducing time and cost, etc
Figure 1: Framework business process case and its business process best practice rules
2.1 The Context of the BPR Case
This part of the case describes the context of the
business process by specifying the business area
such as manufacturing, banking finance, and mining
oil, the business sub area such as cars, aeronautics,
and textile and most importantly the business
process itself e.g. invoicing, advertising, and
inventory management.
2.2 BPR Framework
The idea behind a framework is to help practitioners
by identifying the topics that should be considered
and how these topics are related (Alter 1999). In this
perspective, the framework should identify clearly
all views one should consider whenever applying a
BPR implementation project. The framework is
derived as a synthesis of the Work-Centered-
Analysis framework (Alter 1999), the MOBILE
workflow model (Jablonski et al. 1996), the
CIMOSA enterprise modelling views (Beriot et. al.
2001) and the process description classes of
(Seidmann et al. 1997). The proposed framework
contains six linked elements are linked: the
customers of the business process, the products (or
services) generated by the business process, the
business process with two views, the operation
view: how is a business process implemented?
(Number of tasks in a job, relative size of tasks,
nature of tasks, degree of customisation), the
behaviour view: when is a business process
executed? (Sequencing of tasks, task consolidation,
scheduling of jobs, etc.), the participants in the
business process considering the organisation
structure (elements: roles, users, groups,
departments, etc.) and the organisation population
(individuals: agents which can have tasks assigned
for execution and relationships between them), the
information the business process uses or creates, the
technology the business process uses and finally, the
external environment other than the customers.
Inform ation
Operation view
Business process
Behavioural view
Inform ation
Inform ation
Operation view
Business process
Behavioural view
Figure 2: Framework for BPR implementation
2.3 Best Practice Rules
As mentioned above, our BPR implementation
approach is based on a framework and on a set of
BPR best practices. Over the last twenty years, best
practices have been collected and applied in various
areas, such as business planning, healthcare,
manufacturing, and the software development
process (e.g. Martin 1978, Butler 1996, Golovin
1997). In Table 1, we present the surveyed best
practices rules, which can actually support the re-
designer of a business process tackling the technical
BPR challenge of implementing an improved
process design. These best practice rules are
classified to evolve around the component of the
adopted BPR framework because improving the
redesign of a process is a matter of improving any of
these components.
Table 1: BPR best practices classified according to our BPR implementation framework
Framework elements Best practice name
Customers Control relocation, Contact reduction and Integration
Products NONE.
Operation view Order types, Task elimination, Order-based work, Triage and Task
Behavioural view Re-sequencing, Parallelism, Knock-out, and Exception
External environment Trusted party, Outsourcing and Interfacing
Organisation: structure Order assignment, Flexible assignment, Centralisation, Split,
responsibilities, Customer teams, Numerical involvement and Case
Organisation: Population Extra resources, Specialist-generalist, Empower and Control addition
Information Buffering
Technology Task automation, Integral Business Process and Technology
2.4 Goals and Targets
Different goals might lead to completely different
redesign options. (Brand and Van der Kolk 1995)
demonstrate this issue using their "devil's
quadrangle". The authors distinguish four main
dimensions in the effects of redesign measures: time,
cost, quality, and flexibility. Ideally, a redesign of a
business process decreases the time required to
handle an order, it decreases the required cost of
executing the business process, it improves the
quality of the service delivered, and it improves the
ability of the business process to react to variation.
The attractive property of their model is that, in
general, improving upon one dimension may have a
weakening effect on another. In order to reflect this
difficult reconciliation between the targets and goals
of the BPR implementation, it is important to
include it as part of a case's characteristics. Figure 3
below shows some of the targets and goals
classification adapted from (Guimaraes and Bond
Figure 3: Goals and targets for BPR implementation (adapted from Guimaraes and Bond 1996)
Case indexing involves assigning indices to cases to
facilitate their retrieval. Since there are two different
ways of retrieving cases, the case indexing of CBR-
BPR system is designed using two different schemes
(Figure 4) to cope with both views:
- If a practitioner wishes to apply a given set rule
and would like to retrieve cases where similar
rules were applied. In this case the business
process context (business area, business sub
area and business process) and the rules are
used as indices for the BPR case.
- If a practitioner doesn't know which rule to
apply and would like to retrieve cases where
similar business processes have been
redesigned. In this case the business process
context and the goals and targets are used as
indices for the BPR case.
Figure 4: Inductive and nearest neighbour indexing techniques
The retrieval algorithm relies on the indices set in
the previous section to direct the search to
potentially useful cases. As shown in the case
indexing, the current process and the problems those
need to be addressed (reducing costs, improving the
quality, etc.) are known, a consultant might whish to
know whether similar processes with similar
problems have been already redesigned. He might
wish to find out which best practices rules have been
applied to solve that problem and the technical and
organisational solutions adopted in that previous
case. In this instance, the inductive algorithm with
BPR solution as its and business context (business,
are, business sub area) and goals and targets indices
are used to retrieve the rules as shown in Figure 5
below. However, in the situation where the
consultant has already an idea about some rules he
wished to apply but he is not sure about the impact
of applying them, or he wants ideas about possible
adopted solutions. The nearest neighbour algorithm
uses the best practice rules and the context of the
business process as indexes to retrieve business
process solution applied in similar business
processes, with a similar problem and similar rules
Figure 5: Retrieval process and the explanation path
In this paper we have presented the use of case-
based reasoning for the reuse of previous business
process redesign to design or improve an existing
business process (sharing and adapting previous
practices). This includes collecting the knowledge
and storing it into the case base and making it
available do that knowledge about BPR is shared,
adapted and applied to new situations. This is a
novel approach to BPR and has not been explored
before. We have demonstrated through case
representation, case indexing and retrieval that
applying CBR is possible for BPR implementation
and would benefit business process re-designers.
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