Leandro Lopes, Rafael Prikladnicki, Jorge L. N. Audy
School of Computer Science, PUCRS, 6681 Avenida Ipiranga, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Azriel Majdenbaum
Keywords: requirements engineering, requirements specification, distributed software development, global software
Abstract: Requirements specification is an important phase of the requirements engineering area in the software
development process. In geographically distributed environments, this phase becomes critical due to the
characteristics of the distributed development (physical and temporal distance, cultural differences, trust,
communication, etc). The objective of this paper is to analyze the requirements specification in
geographically distributed environments, identifying the main challenges and proposing a process to
minimize the impacts of this scenario. The results are based on a case study carried on a multinational
organization that has software development units in multiple countries, and was recognized as a SW-CMM
level 2 organization in 2 of them. The results suggest the necessity to adapt the requirements specification
phase to the distributed software development environment, addressing the main existing challenges. The
problems and the solutions adopted are presented, aiming to relate these solutions to the organization
distribution level, considering where the project team, users and customers are located.
Software development has become part of business
globalization. This is mainly due the need for cost
reduction, increased competitiveness and the
possibility to share resources on a global scale
(Herbsleb, 2001). As a consequence, communication
between the project team, users and customers
occurs in a geographically distributed way.
Requirements engineering, recognized as a
critical phase
in software engineering, presents
several new difficulties, as well as the rise of
fundamental difficulties when in distributed
environments (Damian, 2002; Zowghi, 2002).
This study has as objective to understand what
kind of
problems the project teams face during
requirements engineering and how these problems
have been addressed. With this objective, a case
study was conducted in a multinational organization
with software development units distributed
globally, identifying the difficulties and proposing a
solution to address the problems identified. The
results are analyzed and the existing challenges are
identified. Some of the solutions that are being
implemented with the objective of minimizing the
problems found are presented. This paper has the
following structure: section 2 presents the theoretical
base; section 3 describes the research method;
section 4 describes and presents results of the case
study; section 5 presents the process proposed to
minimize the problems identified; section 6 present
the conclusions, future studies and the research
2.1 Distributed Software
As part of the globalization efforts currently
pervading society, software project teams have also
become geographically distributed on a worldwide
scale. Many companies are distributing their
Lopes L., Prikladnicki R., L. N. Audy J. and Majdenbaum A. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 531-534
DOI: 10.5220/0002640205310534
software development process in countries such as
India, China, Singapore, Russia and Brazil.
Frequently this process also occurs inside a country,
particularly in regions with tax incentives or critical
mass in some skill or resource areas. This
characterizes the Distributed Software Development
(DSD) or Global Software Development (GSD)
when the distribution becomes global.
Despite the benefits, GSD is one of the biggest
business-oriented challenges that the current
environment presents under the software
development process point of view (Herbsleb, 2001;
Carmel, 1999, Prikladnicki, 2002).
2.2 Requirements Engineering
Requirements engineering (RE) plays an important
role in the software development. A requirement is
the condition or capacity that a system that is being
developed must satisfy (Oberg, 2000). Therefore, the
compliance with requirements determines the
success or the failure of a software project.
The steps of requirements engineering
(Pressman, 2001; Sommerville, 1997) are:
requirements elicitation, requirements analysis and
negotiation, requirements specification, system
modelling, requirements validation and requirements
IEEE recommends the use of a Software
Requirements Specification (SRS) as the basis for
agreement between customers and suppliers on what
the software product do (IEEE, 1998). The SRS is
also fundamental to cost and schedule estimation.
Some other artefacts can be linked to requirements
engineering process, like Vision/Scope in RUP
(Rational Unified Process) (Kruchten, 2001).
This research is characterized as a study mostly
exploratory, since the main research method was the
case study (Yin, 1994). The research has two main
phases (Figure 1).
Phase one is already completed and the results
are presented in this paper. Besides the theoretical
base, a case study was developed aiming to
identify the main challenges of requirements
specification in DSD and propose a process to
address those challenges. In phase two, we intend to
apply the proposed process in 2 case studies and,
based on the results, formalize a consolidated
proposed process.
The study was developed in a global software
development unit located in Brazil and owned by a
multinational organization. The purpose of the case
study was to analyse two projects developed in the
organization, aiming at the identification of
problems, advantages and disadvantages considering
the requirements specification in both projects in a
geographically distributed context.
During the project development, considering the
requirements engineering, many observations were
done and interviews with the Program Managers
were performed. After the analysis of these two
projects, it can be concluded that the requirements
specification in global software development can
become an arduous task if the process are not well
defined and if the teams are not previously prepared
to work in this scenario.
The categories identified in this study are
culture, communication, knowledge management
and technical aspects, as shown in Figure 2.
Re quirements
en g ine e r ing in GSD
Co mmunication
Technical Aspects
Re quirements
en g ine e r ing in GSD
Co mmunication
Technical Aspects
Figure 2. Categories related to requirements engineering in
Each of these categories has several factors
involved and the relationship between them is close,
what makes it difficult to define the limits of each
one. The main factors related to each category were
also identified, and are presented in sequence.
Study 1
Study 2
Phase 1 Phase 2
Study 3
Figure 1. Research Method
The requirements engineering process is highly
dependent on communication. Clear communication
is critical to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.
The core factors related to communication found in
this study are language, time zone and
communication medium.
Requirements engineering in distributed
environments is directly influenced by cultural
differences. Both, organizational and national
culture can affect requirements engineering. The
main factors related to culture are context, attitude
and values.
The requirements engineering process deals with
large volume of information. Collect, process, store
and make available the knowledge related to the
requirements process, as well as unify the
organizational vision are needs that should be
addressed with knowledge management. The main
factors identified related to knowledge management
are expectations, awareness and management of
cultural information.
Several technical aspects affect requirements
engineering in distributed environments. The
requirements process depends on coordination and
control mechanisms, for example, that can help to
reduce the impact caused by team distribution. The
main factors found are patterns, process and
configuration management.
The need for a requirements process that address
distributed development issues was already
identified (Zowghi, 2002). This study conducted in
the same direction. It was found several factors that
impact requirements engineering in distributed
environments. It is clearly necessary to create new or
adapt current process to address these factors. In
next section it is presented a proposal of
requirements process based on the challenges found.
This process proposal is based on one common
distribution and division of roles of global software
development with specification and development
teams. The specification team is responsible for
conduction the elicitation, analysis, negotiation,
specification and validation of requirements with
stakeholders. The development team is responsible
for modeling software based on the specification and
maintaining requirements traceability with code and
It is important to recognize that beyond
distribution between specification and development
teams, it is possible to have distribution between the
specification team and users or clients, what affects
the requirements engineering phases related to those
groups (Damian, 2003; Lloyd, 2002).
Another important problem commonly faced by
organizations that develop software for more than
one geographically distributed (internal or external)
client is the diversity of structures, patterns and level
of detail used in requirements documentation. Once
there are several different clients, the diversity leads
to difficulties in obtaining metrics, estimative and
organizational standards.
5.1 Process
The proposed process intends to reduce distribution
difficulties in requirements process by introducing
tasks of adaptation and understanding the SRS in
development team. It is composed of five steps, as
presented in Figure 3 and described below.
Specificatio n
Developme nt
Specificatio n
Developme nt
Figure 3. Proposed process
A. SRS first version is concluded and sent to
development team.
While executing tasks of elicitation, negotiation
and specification, the specification team writes the
first versions of SRS. After concluding these tasks
the document is sent to development team for
B. SRS analysis and adaptation by
development team.
After receiving SRS from specification team, the
first action of development team is try to deep
understand the requirements and its context. During
this phase the SRS is adapted to reduce potential
sources of problems. Ambiguity and lack of
clearness are likely between cultures and languages.
In cases of great difficulties, SRS can be completely
The process of adapt or rewrite the SRS permits
the development team to get a larger amount of
information than the explicitly written in the
document. Several questions arise and shall be
cleared with specification team. In this step the SRS
can be also be adapted for standardization.
Communication between team is heavy during
this step. Beyond clearing information,
communication occurs to build agreements,
simplifying step D.
C. SRS adaptation is concluded. SRS is sent to
specification team approval.
Once the SRS is completely adapted, the new
document must be approved. In this step the
document is sent back to be verified by specification
D. SRS validation and approval by
specification team.
Specification team shall verify SRS to assure
that after adaptation it still reflects the needs and
objectives of stakeholders. Communication occurred
in step B maintains specification team aware of the
adaptation process, reducing the effort need to
validate SRS.
E. SRS Final version is defined.
After the approval by specification team, the
final version of SRS is defined as approved SRS.
Then, development team uses this version as basis
for modeling, coding and testing software.
Requirements engineering has been considered a
critical area in software development. Its study in
distributed software development environments
offers excellent research opportunities once it is a
new area, growing fast. New techniques and
processes are clearly needed.
This research presents evolutions towards a RE
process to distributed software development, once it
identifies challenges of requirements engineering in
distributed software development and proposes a
process to address part of those challenges. The
process model proposed address the challenges
identified in section 4.
Communication issues due to language are
addressed during SRS adaptation (step B). Problems
with time zone and communication media tends to
arise during the process, but as development team
increases its comprehension of requirements,
problems tend to reduce considerably.
Cultural issues in requirements like context and
values tend to be reduced when SRS is adapted.
However, teams must be aware of cultural
differences while communicating to avoid conflicts.
Knowledge management is partially addressed
through the use of common documents and process,
once teams have common expectations and are
aware of each other roles.
Technical aspects are addressed through the
process definition. Patterns like phrase and
document structure can be applied during adaptation.
The negotiation and definition of a common final
SRS enhances software configuration management.
Moreover, another important contribution of the
process is helping to achieve SRS standardization in
the beginning of development process, concerning to
phrase structure, patterns, and level of detail, for
The next research step involves the validation of
the proposed process. We intend to apply the process
in three global projects to investigate its
effectiveness in distributed requirements
engineering. To do this, we are beginning empirical
studies in two multinationals of information
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