João Fernando Marar, Danilo Nogueira Costa
*Laboratório de Sistemas Adaptativos e Computação Inteligente (SACI) – Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de
Mesquita Filho” (UNESP) - Campus de Bauru –
Departamento de Computação Bauru – SP – Brasil
Olympio Jose Pinheiro*
Faac – UNESP
Edson Costa de Barros Carvalho Filho*
Cin – UFPE
Keywords: Machine Vision and Image Processing; Adaptive Architecture, Artificial Neural Network, Backpropagation,
Face Recognition, Feature Extraction.
Abstract: This paper presents results from an efficient approach to an automatic detection and extraction of human
faces from images with any color, texture or objects in background, that consist in find isosceles triangles
formed by the eyes and mouth.
Recently, there has been a growing interest in
automatic identification and in its applicability to
diverse types of situations in which personal
authentication is necessary.
Systems based on biometric characteristics,
such as face, fingerprints, geometry of the hands, iris
pattern and others have been studied with attention.
Face recognition is a very important of these
techniques because through it non-intrusive systems
can be created, which means that people can be
computationally identified without their knowledge.
This way, computers can be an effective tool to
search for missing children, suspects or people
wanted by the law.
This study presents a system for detection and
extraction of faces based on the approach presented
in (Lin and Fan, 2001), which consists of finding
isosceles triangles in an image, as the mouth and
eyes form that geometric figure when linked by
In order for these regions to be determined, the
images must be converted into binary images, thus
the vertices of the triangles must be found and a
rectangle must be cut out around them so that their
size can be brought to normal and the area can be
fed into a second part of the system that will analyze
whether or not it is a real face. Two different
approaches are tested here. First, a weighing mask is
used to score the region; then, a Backpropagation
Artificial Neural Network (ANN)(Cheng et al, 2001;
Row et al, 1996; Row et al, 1998), for the analysis
to be performed.
Figure 1: Shows the system basic idea.
Fernando Marar J., Nogueira Costa D., Jose Pinheiro O. and Costa de Barros Carvalho Filho E. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 465-468
DOI: 10.5220/0002644704650468
Table 1: Numbers of triangles in figure 2(D)
With last restriction Without last restriction
399 769
First the image was read with the purpose of
allocating a matrix in which each cell indicates the
level of brightness of the correspondent pixel; then,
it is converted into a binary matrix by means of a
Threshold parameter T. This stage changes to 1
(white) a brightness level greater than T and to 0
(black), the others (Filho and Neto, 1999). By then,
the interest areas – the eyes and the mouth – are
shown in black and the skin is shown in white. In
order to facilitate the process, the algorithm all 1’s is
changed to 0’s and vice-versa, as shown in Figure 1.
In most of the cases, due to noise and
distortion in the input image, the result of the binary
transformation can bring a partition image and
isolated pixels. Morphologic operations – opening
followed by closing – are applied with the purpose
of solving or minimizing this problem (Young et al,
1998). Figure 2 shows the result of these operations.
After binarization the task is finding the
center of three 4-connected components that meet
the following characteristics:
I. vertex of an isosceles triangle;
II. distance between the eyes must be
90-100% the distance between the
mouth and the central point
between the eyes;
III. the triangle base is at the top of the
The last restriction does not permit finding
upside down faces, but it significantly reduces the
number of triangles in each image, thus reducing the
processing time to the following stages. These are
shown in Table 1.
The opening and closing operations are vital,
since it is impossible to determine the triangles
without this image treatment. The processing mean
time to find the results presented in Table 1 was 4
seconds; on the other hand, 35 hours were
insufficient in an attempt at finding the same results
to figure 2(C).
The purpose of this stage is to decide whether a
potential face region in an image (the region
extracted in the first part of the process) actually
contains a face. To perform this verification, two
methods were applied. First, a weighing mask was
used to bring weight to each region and then
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was used
together with Backpropagation ANN. However,
prior to that, all regions had to be normalized to the
60 x 60 size by bicubic interpolation, because every
potential area needs to present the same amount of
information for comparison.
3.1 Mask Generation
The mask was created using 10 images (Figure 3).
The first five are pictures of females and the others
are pictures of males. All of them were manually
segmented, binarized, normalized, morphologically
treated (opening and closing) and then the sum of
(A) Original
(B) Binarized
(C) Changing 0
by 1 and 1 by 0
(D) Opening and Closing
Figure 2. Image treatment after
morphologic operations
the correspondent cell of each image was stored in
the 11
matrix. Finally, that matrix was binarized
with another Threshold T, for which values lower
than or equal to T were replaced by 0, and the others
by 1.
The result was improved with T=4. Whereas at
lower values the areas of the eyes and mouth
become too big, at higher values these areas almost
disappear. In both cases, determining the triangles is
considerably difficult. Figure 4 shows the
constructed mask
3.2 Algorithm for obtaining the
The algorithm used to decide whether a potential
face contains a real face is based on the idea that the
binary image of a face is highly similar to that of the
•Input: Region R and mask M
•Output: Weight for R
•For all pixels of R and M
–If the pixel from R and M are white
•Then p = p + 6;
–If the pixel from R and M are black
•Then p = p + 2;
–If the pixel from R is white and from M is
•Them p = p – 4;
– If the pixel from R is black and from M is
•Then p = p –2;
•Experimentally: face 3400 <= P >= 6800
3.3 PCA and Artificial Neural
In order to obtain better performance, a
Backpropagation Network was implemented to
analize when a potential face region really contains a
face. To make it possible it was necessary to reduce
the dimension of the faces. Sixty by sixty pixels give
3600 x 1 dimension vectors, but in an image pixels
are highly correlated. Due to redundant information
present, the PCA transformation is highly
recommended to create a face space that represents
all the faces using a small set of components
(Campos, 2000; Romdham 1996). In that case, one
hundred manually segmented faces (fifty women
and fifty men) were used to evaluate the
eigenvectors and the eigenvalues. A set of ten
eigenvectors with respective ten higher eigenvalues
was chosen to create the face space.
A Backpropagation ANN with a 10-input layer,
3 x 2 hidden sigmoid layer and one sigmoid output
layer was designed, then it was trained with those
one hundred faces used to evaluate the PCA and 40
more non-face random images. All the training set
was transformed by face space and normalized
before fed in ANN.
3.4 ANN Deciding Algorithm
Find a potential face in binary image and
then extract a correspondent region R in a
8-bit image.
Project R in a Face space and obtain a 10x1
characteristics vector C and normalize it.
Feed C in ANN and obtain the weight P.
If P grater than 0.5 it’s a face.
Several tests were performed to determine an ideal
threshold value for the conversion of the images into
binary figures. In a scale from 0 (black) to 1 (white),
0.38 was empirically determined as a good value to
most of the images, but to darker images 0.22 was a
better value.
An important aspect to be mentioned is that
sometimes the system would cut the same face
several times into small or big different framings.
That is explained by the presence of the eyebrows,
blots or noise that “deceive” the program. An
algorithm that both verifies if the cut regions are
contained into one another and if they share a big
intersection area was developed to solve this
problem. If that happens, the algorithm chooses the
Figure 3: Segmented and binarized faces used to
create the mask
Figure 4. Mask image binarized
with T =4
region with the greatest weight, as shown in Figure
The figure above shows all regions obtained
without the intersection verification function. By
using that function, the result will be only one
figure: the one placed in the first line and the third
Confirmation of the efficacy was done through
the use of 100 images – 50 male and 50 female –
from (PICS, 2003). Each image was used as an input
to the developed systems at two different threshold
values. The results are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2: Weighting Mask Results with 2 threshold values
T 0.22 0.38
Mean Time
15.20 seconds 31.62 seconds
81% 48%
25% 21%
Table 2: ANN Results with 2 threshold values
T 0.22 0.38
Mean Time
12.11 seconds 19.15 seconds
88% 67%
6% 12%
False detection is characterized by segmentation
and high punctuation for a non-face region. In some
cases, the correct face was detected and there was
false detection to another cut area to the same figure.
The best result for T=0.22 is explained by the
low brightness and consequently low contrast of the
images in the set. All the images used are at an 8 bit
gray scale and 540 x 640 pixels. All tests were
performed in an IBM –compatible PC, Athlon
700MHz, 128Mb RAM memory, Windows2000
platform and MATLAB 6 software.
The system presented in this study is robust and
effective, but its efficacy is dependent on optimum
threshold value, which depends on illumination
levels. That suggests that the system is ideal for use
in places where illumination can be controlled, such
as shopping malls and airports, because in such
places a unique threshold value can be more easily
reached for the pictures captured. ANN is faster and
reduces significantly false detection..
PIBIC/CNPq and Fapesp process 97/13.709-5
financed this work.
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Figure 5: Result without the use of
intersection verification