A case study in the dactyloscopic domain
Wagner Francisco Castilho
Federal Savings Bank and Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Hércules Antônio do Prado
Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research and Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Marcelo Ladeira
University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
ywords: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), Clustering Analysis, Dactyloscopy.
Abstract: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the process by which unknown and useful knowledge and
information are extracted, by automatic or semi-automatic methods, from large amounts of data. Along the
evolution of Information Technology and the rapid growth in the number and size of databases, the
development of methodologies, techniques, and tools for data mining has become a major concern for
researchers, and has led, in turn, to the development of applications in a variety of areas of human activity.
About 1997, the processes and techniques associated with cluster analysis had begun to be researched with
increasing intensity by the KDD community. Within the context of a model intended to support decisions
based on cluster analysis, prior knowledge about the data structure and the application domain can be used
as important constraints that lead to better results in the clusters’ configurations. This paper presents an
application of cluster analysis in the area of public safety using a schema that takes into account the burden
of prior knowledge acquired from statistical analysis on the data. Such an information was used as a bias for
the k-means algorithm that was applied to identify the dactyloscopic (fingerprint) profile of criminals in the
Brazilian capital, also known as Federal District. These results was then compared with a similar analysis
that disregarded the prior knowledge. It is possible to observe that the analysis using prior knowledge
generated clusters that are more coherent with the expert knowledge.
Fayyad (1996) argues that KDD is the process of
extracting new, useful, and interesting knowledge
from databases. This process has an iterative and
interactive nature and is composed of a series of
activities, which includes, as well, previous
knowledge and the adequate interpretation of results.
KDD is a field in which various areas related to
knowledge converge, integrating mature
technologies associated with Statistics, Databases,
Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence, Data
Warehouse, Artificial Intelligence, and Standards
Recognition. Its application has also spread to
various areas of human activity, such as finance,
science, government, health care, sales and
marketing, health insurance and plans,
transportation, industry, among others.
This paper presents an application of KDD
techniques in the area of public safety, which centers
on identifying the patterns corresponding to the
dactyloscopic (fingerprint) profile of criminals in the
Brazilian capital (Federal District), in comparison to
Francisco Castilho W., Antônio do Prado H. and Ladeira M. (2004).
INFORMED k-MEANS: A CLUSTERING PROCESS BIASED BY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE - A case study in the dactyloscopic domain.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 469-475
DOI: 10.5220/0002646704690475
the national profile, on the basis of the application of
a clustering task and statistical resources.
Figure 1 presents a general scheme of the informed
clustering process. Departing from the information
regarding to the data structure and the application
domain the clustering analysis objectives and
expectations are defined. Subsequently, it is selected
a set of variables or attributes of the objects that are
relevant or discriminant within the classification
problem under consideration. In constructing an
information matrix, we can consider the gradations
of interest or relevance of the attributes, as well as
the implication and correlation maps within them.
Information on the rules of production can influence
the homogeneity coefficient and guide the
specification of prior knowledge as hypotheses that
are introduced at the time the algorithm is
reallocated in the search for a better configuration.
The purpose of Biometrics is to identify an
individual based on his or her physical
characteristics. In conjunction with the resources
offered by Information Technology, Biometrics
offers interesting and effective solutions in the area
of public safety, particularly in the identification of
individuals involved in criminal activity.
Dactyloscopy is a biometric technique that has been
widely used to identify criminals, given that it
satisfies the requirements of the permanence,
immutability, and singularity of fingerprints
(Oliveira, 2003). Dactyloscopy is the process by
which individuals are identified through the
examination of their fingerprints. The digital
impression is the mirror image of the digital pattern.
3.1 Dactyloscopic classification
Dactyloscopic classification systems were developed
to reduce the complexity of and time required for the
identification of fingerprints. Two main
classification systems have been adopted around the
world: Vucetich and Henry. The Brazilian police
force employs the Vucetich system, the most widely
used method in the world. Vucetich defined four
primary types of digital impressions in his system
with the following classifications: arches, internal
loops, external loops, and whorls. Subsequently, the
accidental, scar, and amputation types were added.
These seven primary types are defined (INI, 1987):
Figure 1: Informed clustering process
Arch - refers to the dactylogram
made up of generally parallel and
convex ridges that run or tend to run
from one side of the print to the other
and very often reveal angular or
vertical ridges. Represented by the
number 1
or the letter A.
Internal Loop: refers to the
dactylogram that presents a delta to
the observer’s right and a nucleus
composed of one or more ridges,
which run from the left of the print
toward the center, recurving and
returning, or tending to return, to the
side from which they originated,
thereby forming one or more loops.
Loops involve the two-way movement of a papillary
line, which must have perfect inflection.
Represented by the number 2
or the letter I.
External Loop: refers to the
dactylogram that reveals a delta to the
observer’s left and a nucleus
composed of one or more ridges that
run from the left of the print toward
the center, recurving and returning, or
tending to return, to the side from
which they originated, thereby
forming one or more loops.
Represented by the number 3 or the
letter E.
Whorl: refers to the dactylogram
characterized by the presence of a
delta to the observer’s left and right
and a varied nucleus, which presents
at least one curved ridge in front of
each delta. Represented by the
number 4 or the letter W.
Accidental: refers to the dactylogram that does
not fit within any of the four primary types cited
before and which is represented by the number 5.
Scar: refers to the dactylogram that presents a
permanent mark caused by a cut, pustule, burn, or
crushing, thereby making its classification within
one of the 5 types cited above impossible and which
is represented by the number 6.
Amputation (or failure): refers to the type in
which a total or partial loss of the phalange is
evidenced, therefore compromising or even
precluding the classification of the primary type, and
which is represented by the number 7.
If we create a fraction in which the numerator is
the number formed by the numbers that represent the
pattern of the fingers of the right hand, extending
from the thumb to the small finger, and the
denominator constitutes the same number for the left
hand, we arrive at the dactyloscopic formula, as it is
Two fingerprints will only be considered
identical when they demonstrate twelve or more
characteristic points having the same configuration
and location. In the majority of countries, these
criteria are required by law for purposes of a positive
identification in criminal cases.
The purpose of the analysis was to identify the
pattern of the dactyloscopic (fingerprint) profile of
criminals in the Federal District, in comparison to
the national profile, on the basis of the application of
a clustering analysis and statistics, supported by a
clustering model that uses prior knowledge.
It is the task of the National Identification
Institute (INI), a branch of the Federal Police
Department (DPF), linked to the Ministry of Justice,
founded in 1963 and headquartered in Brasilia, to
centralize information and fingerprints associated
with the subjects of police investigations or
individuals charged with crimes within the territorial
boundaries of Brazil, as well as foreign nationals
subject to registration, through the use of the
dactyloscopic identification process. The
Dactyloscopic Research Section has an Individual
Dactyloscopic Archive (AID) comprised by 19
manual archiving machines for individual
dactyloscopic criminals, model NG Class 5500, in
which approximately 1,360,000 records are stored.
Those records have ten fields in which the ten
fingerprints are stored. The archiving of the
individual dactyloscopics is initially accomplished
on the basis of the fundamental types established in
the classification key. The Dactyloscopic Formula
(FD) is the set of numerical symbols representing
the primary classification of the AID.
The database, known as “MECA-Sinic”, was
extracted from the DPF’s mainframe in November
2000 by a domain expert. The database has a total of
502,052 registries. It represents a sample of 37% of
the total number of identification records, randomly
extracted. Complete attribute types: criminal
violation code, sex, skin, birth date, and main types
for each finger. Text attribute types: State. From the
database, all the State’s records matching those of
the Federal District were selected, specifically, a
total of 5,363. The attributes selected for the
clustering analysis were the 10 primary types
corresponding to each finger.
4.1 Incidence of the fundamental
dactyloscopic types
According to Araújo (2003), considering the country
as a whole, the averages corresponding to the
statistics by incidence of the fundamental types are:
Whorl (31.16%), Internal Loop (30.84%), External
Loop (29.21%), Arch (7.50%). The primary types,
Accidental, Scar, and Amputation, combined, do not
reach 1.5% of the cases. Of the total, 90.16% were
found to be men and 9.84% women. The right hand
was found to be predominant in the External Loop
type, while the left hand proved predominant in the
Internal Loop type, for both sex (the principle of
symmetry). Both the right and left index fingers
have the highest degree of frequency distribution.
The small finger revealed the lowest degree. This
highlights the long-standing error in Brazil of using
the right thumb instead of the right index finger as
the standard for identification documents.
Table 2 presents the percentage of the
fundamental types compared by sex. There is a
higher incidence among men of the Whorl and
Internal Loop types, while for women higher
incidences are found in the External Loop and Arch
types. The analysis found that among women, the
most frequent fundamental type is the External Loop
(32.11%), followed by the Internal Loop (29.43%),
Whorl (28.01%), and Arch (9.59%), while men
displayed a higher incidence of the Whorl type
(31.51%), followed by the Internal Loop (30.99%),
External Loop (28.89%), and Arch (7.28%).The
small fingers have the highest absolute incidence of
frequency among the fundamental types, External
Loop (83.35%, Right Small Finger) and Internal
(80.17%, Left Small Finger) in women. Among
men, the inverse is found: Internal Loop (81.80%,
Left Small Finger) and External (78.84%, Right
Small Finger).
Table 1: Incidence of fundamental types (%)
Table 2: Fundamental types by sex (%)
4.2 Incidence of the fundamental
dactyloscopic type in the Federal
The statistics for the data corresponding to the
Federal District are presented in table 3. Notice the
following statistics of fundamental types: Internal
Loop (81.79%), the left small finger; External Loop
(80.10), the right small finger; Whorl (50.81%), the
right thumb; Arch with an incidence of 16.89% in
the left forefinger, followed by 14.64% in the right
index finger.
The overall average incidence of the fundamental
types in the Federal District reveals only small
absolute difference in relation to the national
statistics: lower arch (0.17) and internal loop types
(0.04); higher external loop (0.19) and whorl types
(0.41). Figure 3 presents the different slopes for the
Federal District data relative to the national data for
each fundamental type and for each finger.
Table 3: Fundamental types in the Federal District (%)
Figure 2: Fundamental types in the Federal District (%)
4.3 Distribution of the dactyloscopic
In Vucetich’s dactyloscopic classification system,
alternative formulas can occur, all constructed on
the basis of the combination of the seven primary
types and referring to each finger on both hands. In
the database originally constructed by the domain
experts, containing 502,052 registries, an occurrence
of only 36,175 formulas was verified. Of the total
number of dactyloscopic formulas verified in the
original database, five formulas were found to have
higher frequencies, representing 11.26% of the
occurrences. The dactyloscopic formulas with the
highest incidences are set out in figure 4. The
remaining occurrences of less frequent formulas
(88.74%) are mostly spread out in a distribution of
individual frequency (90.72%) of less than 1%
(Araújo, 2003).
Experiments with clustering in a number k of
different clusters restrict the decision for 6, 5, or 4
groups. Experiments with clustering in a number k
of 6 and 5 groups demonstrated the proximity of the
third and fifth groups produced. Thus, in light of this
particular configuration for the data structure and the
domain application, and following numerous trials
using samples, a total number of four clusters was
chosen for purposes of the segmentation of the
database containing 7,953 registries, corresponding
to the total volume of data for the Federal District.
Figure 4: Dactyloscopic formulas with highest incidences
4.4 Results of the clustering
Tables 4 and 5 present the comparative results of
the sum of the residual square (SQRes) and the
information on the configuration of the resulting
clusters for the standard algorithm and the
classification process supported by prior knowledge.
Figure 3: Difference between the slopes of the fundamental types in Brasil and the Federal District
The results presented indicate that the informed
clustering process performed better. Within the
process, the SQRes was smaller and the
dactyloscopic formulas were more evenly distributed
among the four groups, with formulas 3 and 5
located within the same group. In cluster 1, 3,340
objects were allocated with a greater resemblance to
formula 1 (375 objects). Cluster 2, 1,672 more
closely related to formula 2 (206). Cluster 3, 1,591
more closely related to formula 3 (179) and 5 (102).
Cluster 4, 1,750 with a greater resemblance to
formula 4. The results suggest, therefore, a notable
homogeneity in the standard distribution of the
fundamental dactyloscopic formulas. The Federal
District has a standard percentage that is highly
similar to the National figure.
Table 4: Sum of the Residual Square (SQRes)
Table 5: Distribution of the objects
KDD has provided useful results for both
researchers and companies alike. In this context,
cluster analysis occupies an important place. The
clustering process is complex and requires multiple
decisions at each stage that influence the final results
(Han, 2001). Hanson (1990) highlights the need for
a quota of prior knowledge as a requirement for the
clustering process. The purpose of the informed
clustering is to make use of the information on the
data structure and the application domain, not only
for purposes of optimizing the operation of the
process, but also as restrictions from the data space
or the expert’s knowledge. This is known as Domain
Theory, which guides the inductive process. The
structural and causal correlations and dependencies
among the attributes can be applied to the
homogeneity coefficient. A gradation scale of
relevance and interest for the attributes in relation to
the desired configuration for the clustering process
can also be employed. Research has been driven,
furthermore, to apply, the production rules to the
homogeneity coefficient of the clustering
algorithms. A fertile field for research thus has
opened up, especially regarding applications in the
area of public safety. The progress of biometric
techniques, together with the development of
Information Technology, offers interesting
possibilities with respect to the problems regarding
the civil and criminal identification and
differentiation of individuals. According to Araújo
(2003), continued research on the database and
information of the Federal Police Department’s
National Identification Institute is significant for
boosting the technical criteria used in developing the
laws governing civil and criminal identification.
Advances in this area of research may also serve to
jumpstart and support the development and
implementation of computerized fingerprint analysis
systems (Automated Fingerprint Identification
System – AFIS), thereby generating interesting
possibilities for the study of criminal psychology,
biology, and anthropology, among other
specializations, through improved management and
application of the information collected from efforts
in the area of civil and criminal identification.
We are grateful to the papilloscopist Mr. Marcos
Elias Cláudio de Araújo from the INI/DPF who
kindly provided the access to the “MECA-
Araújo, M. E. C., Bossois L. M., Santana J. L., 2003. O
Arquivo datiloscópico criminal brasileiro: os tipos
fundamentais e suas freqüências. In XIII Congresso
Mundial de Criminologia. Sociedade Internacional de
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discovery: an overview. In: Fayyad, U. M. et al.
Advances in Knowledge discovery and data mining,
AAAI Press. Menlo Park, CA.
Han, J., Kamber, M., 2001. Data Mining: concepts and
techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Hanson, S. J., 1990. Conceptual Clustering and
Categorization: Bridging The Gap Between Induction
and Causal Models. In: Kodratoff, Y. & Michalski, R.
(Eds.), Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence
Approach, Morgan: San Mateo, CA.
INI - Instituto Nacional de Identificação, 1987.
Identificação Papiloscópica, Departamento de Polícia
Federal (DPF). Brasília.
Oliveira, M. G., 2003. Otimização de busca decadactilar
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automatizados de identificação de impressões digitais
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