Juho Karppinen, Marko Niinim
aki, John White
Helsinki Institute of Physics
P.O. Box 64, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
Tapio Niemi
University of Tampere
Kalevantie 4, 33014 Finland
Grid, distributed computing
GridBlocks is an architecture and a reference implementation of a distributed computing platform for het-
erogenous computer clusters. It can be used when there is a need to analyze vast amounts of data that is stored
in a distributed fashion. The computing and storage resources can be used both by a Web interface or by a
standalone Java client. Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) is used for secure authentication and communica-
Foster and Kesselman describe the Grid concept as
follows: “The Grid is a software infrastructure that
enables flexible, secure, coordinated resource shar-
ing among dynamic collections of individuals, insti-
tutions and resources.” (Foster et al., 2001)
The driving force behind the Grid is to use and
share computing resources and to make it as ubiqui-
tous as the World Wide Web is currently. However,
a problem with current Grid implementations (e.g.
Globus, (Foster and Kesselman, 1997)) is that they
are difficult to install and maintain. This is mostly
due to their large scope and generality, which implies
complexity. Therefore, using the Grid is still far away
from “surfing” on the Web.
Our partial solution is the GridBlocks platform,
which consists of a web server and a Java client. It
is very easy to install and use because of its architec-
ture that conforms to Java standards. Java also en-
sures that the same program code can be executed
in different computer platforms. The web server cur-
rently used by GridBlocks is the Tomcat (The Apache
Project, 2002) servlet container. The installation of
GridBlocks does not need any special privileges and
an ordinary user can deploy it and the Tomcat server
in their own home directory. The GridBlocks server
needs to access only one TCP port that can be config-
ured by the user to reduce security problems.
The most important advantages of GridBlocks are
the following:
Being purely Java-based, it supports truly heteroge-
neous environments (Solaris, Linux, Windows, ...).
Using GSI (Foster and Kesselman, 1997) in user
authentication, it increases security and enables in-
tercommunication with other certificate based sys-
Gains computing power by distributing the jobs to
multiple computers.
Saves bandwidth because of no need to transfer
large amounts of data.
Enables easy and user friendly access to Grid ser-
Utilizes Web interface and therefore can be used
without any installations, too.
In this paper, we discuss the overall architecture in
Section 2. In Section 3 we present the functionality
of the server and in Section 4 the functionality of the
Java agent. Section 5 discusses applications, and Sec-
tion 6 a summary and items for future research.
GridBlocks is a centralized platform that consists of
server(s), client(s) and analysis (computing) nodes.
The basic architecture of the system is shown in Fig-
ure 1. The GridBlocks server serves the requests of
Karppinen J., Niinimäki M., White J. and Niemi T. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 36-40
DOI: 10.5220/0002654600360040
Computer with
Globus gatekeeper
−Provides a web interface
GridBlocks Server
Java Agents or web GUI
−Executes and delegates jobs sent by
Computing and storage resources
Resources accessible with Grid security
Job delegation
GB−Agent GB−Agent GB−Agent
Java Agent Clients
Send jobs, receive and visualize the results.
Runs on PC, mobile phone and PDA
Figure 1: The overall system architecture.
clients and dispatches jobs to the correct computing
node using the information stored inside the lookup
server. The analysis servers are just the computing
power and data storage for the jobs and they can be
easily multiplied. The client computer is an access
point to the GridBlocks network and it does not per-
form any computation-intensive tasks. This architec-
ture allows the GridBlocks access point to be a web
client or other thin clients such as a PDA or a mobile
The GridBlocks server fulfills following tasks:
1. It provides the GridBlocks users an access point to
2. It hosts the dispatcher component of GridBlocks;
3. It acts as computing node for agents.
The Grid software infrastructure is a middleware
package that, ideally, functions in a heterogeneous
computing environment. There are multiple middle-
ware packages, among them Globus (Foster and
Kesselman, 1997), Legion (Grimshaw and Wulf,
1997) and GridEngine (Grid Engine, 2002). These
packages provide services such as resource manage-
ment, authentication and authorization of users, se-
cure (encrypted) file transfers and remote program ex-
ecution. In the Globus middleware package: comput-
ing resources are managed by the Globus Resource
Allocation Manager (GRAM) and Monitoring and
Discovery Service (MDS) (Foster and Kesselman,
1997); the authentication and authorization of users
are based on X.509 certificates (ITU X.509, 2000)
and public key infrastructure; and for file transfer
and remote program execution the Globus package is
Global Access to Secondary Storage (GASS) (Foster
and Kesselman, 1997).
The Grid Portal Development Kit (Novotny, 2002)
(GPDK) provides a web interface to Grid services.
The GPDK combines proven web technologies and
the Commodity Globus (Cog) (The Globus project,
2002) Java API. The GridBlocks website relies
mainly on the GPDK API based on CoG, as follows:
CoG and GPDK classes communicate with
GRAM, MDS and GASS services and enable user
authentication and authorization, job submission
and file transfer;
Java Servlet Pages (JSP) call the COG and GPDK
classes, provide them with user input and show
their output in HTML form;
A Java Servlet Container, in this case a Tom-
cat (The Apache Project, 2002) web server, runs
the JSPs.
A demonstration of the default user interface of the
server is shown in Figure 2.
In addition to hosting the user interface, the server
is an access point to agents that work on a Grid. The
server runs a dispatcher by which the Java Agents can
submit jobs to other computing nodes and recover the
results. The computing nodes run the same software
as the GridBlocks servers which means that multi-
level distributed chains can be performed. The Grid-
Blocks agent is explained in Section 4.
Figure 2: GridBlocks server ( demo site).
3.1 Authorization and
A Grid user is identified by a certificate and private
key, these may be combined to form a “proxy” certifi-
cate that is valid for a limited amount of time. Proxy
certificates are widely used in the Grid context as they
can be easily created and presented to Grid comput-
ing resources as an identity. The prerequisite for a
proxy certificate is that the user has an identity certifi-
cate that has been signed by a certification authority.
Moreover, he needs to have a proxy generation pro-
gram that combines the user’s identity certificate and
password (pass phrase) into a proxy certificate.
In GPDK, two ways of authenticating a user to
the portal have been implemented; logging in using
an existing proxy certificate file and “proxy hosting”,
where a user’s proxy certificate is retrieved from a
server. For newcomers, the amount of work needed
to install the programs and getting an identity certifi-
cate can be overwhelming. With GridBlocks, we use
a different approach, as follows:
A user can order a personal proxy file by email,
simply by submitting his email address with a web
The “certifier” program that processes the
web form request has the capability to cre-
ate new personal identification certificates and
sign them (our certification authority ID is
The certifier creates and signs
a certificate for a “user”
where ‘X’ is an iterator, but this certificate is not
sent to the user;
Instead a proxy file, valid for 7 days, is generated
using the “user’s” certificate. This proxy file is then
sent to the user by email, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Obtaining a proxy certificate by mail.
Using this proxy file, an GridBlocks user can
log into the Grid portal and access the ba-
sic services of some (limited) resources (com-
puters). These computers are configured to ac-
cept Grid requests where the user certificate is
/C=CH/O=HIP/OU=TECH/CN=hillaX and the
certificate has been signed by an authority named
An GridBlocks user can use the Globus MDS to
view the attributes (CPU, RAM disk space etc.) of
GridBlocks computers. They can also use the Globus
GRAM and GASS functions to transfer files between,
and run compiled jobs on, GridBlocks computers.
3.2 Shared resources
The GridBlocks website accesses a Globus MDS
server that publishes the attributes of GridBlocks re-
sources. This MDS server can also accept any pub-
licly available service directory where any organiza-
tion can promote their resources. If an GridBlocks
user has a Globus installation on their computer, they
can add their computing resources to GridBlocks by
publishing attributes to the MDS server. This pro-
cedure is detailed on the GridBlocks website and, in
short, includes:
Configuring the user’s MDS daemon (grid-info-
resource-register) report the computer to the Grid-
BlocksMDS server;
Making the computer’s Globus installation accept
CA as a certificate authority;
Modifying the local Globus authorization file
(grid-mapfile) to map proxy certificates with
subject /C=CH/O=HIP/OU=TECH/CN=hillaX to
some user account.
Here, we consider that the user has received or gener-
ated a personal proxy certificate, and starts their Grid-
Blocks Agent (GB Agent) software, as in Figure 4.
After that, the work flow proceeds as follows:
Figure 4: GridBlocks Agent.
1. The client sends a job request to the “primary”
server with a JAR package of all analysis code.
The client can disconnect right after this step, or
stay connected and receive progress reports from
the server.
2. The request can define which computing servers
will be used. If this is not the case, primary server
can contact a lookup server, locate the data, and dis-
patch the job to the target computers that perform
actual computation.
3. The job is executed on the remote locations, and
status messages are regularly sent to the primary
server. When the analysis is completed, the results
are sent back to the primary server where they are
combined and stored.
4. The client can fetch the results from the primary
server at any time.
The users code, the “agents”, are divided into three
parts. The first part is for actual execution which is
done on remote servers. The second part is used for
combining the results from multiple servers. This can
be seen also as post-processing of results before they
are sent back to the user. The last part of the agent is
for presenting the results to the user in a visual format,
if necessary. This means that results are not limited to
certain formats and the visualization code can contain
some intelligent features, like sending new jobs auto-
matically based on the users input.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) (Simple
Object Access Protocol, 2002) is used as a transport
media for consistency reasons. The communication
protocol does not use any specific standard, such as
the Foundation for Intelligent Agents (FIPA, 2003)
standards for communication. This fact has been rec-
ognized and the possibility of adhering to a such a
standard in the future is being investigated. The user
authentication and all communication between clients
and servers are secured by the Grid Security Infras-
tructure (GSI). This is achieved by using Java CoG
Kit (The Globus project, 2002) and European Data-
Grid Java Security components (Security Coordina-
tion Group, 2003). Thus, GB Agent is fully compati-
ble with existing Globus security platforms.
Originally, GridBlocks was designed for the analy-
sis of high energy physics data, as in Figure 5 (Ni-
inimaki et al., 2003). Recently the software has
been generalised for generic data analysis and dis-
tributed computing applications. We have, for exam-
ple, implemented the distributed aggregation calcula-
tion for OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) using
GB Agent and Spitfire (a web front end for relational
databases (Hoschek and McCance, 2001)). We have
also tested the use of neural network-based distributed
optimization applications.
Implementing new applications is very easy be-
cause of the mobile Java code. The user must only
Figure 5: GridBlocks Agent visualising the results of
physics simulations.
write the required functionalities inside the class im-
plementing the remote job interface and send it within
the job request. There is no need to update or install
anything on the server side.
With only couple of lines of code, it is possible, for
example, to use GB Agent as a remote shell console.
The user’s code simply executes given shell com-
mands using Java’s Runtime class and returns the tex-
tual output back to the user. This can be repeated au-
tomatically for multiple hosts and the job request can
even give separate parameters for every host. Simi-
larly, it is possible to implement distributed comput-
ing for any application.
The GridBlocks portal offers new Grid users an easy
way to test Grid functions. The Grid functions are
presented separately to encourage the GridBlocks
user to see how they could be combined to form com-
plete Grid applications. Service providers, interested
in the Grid, can use GridBlocks to test and promote
their computing resources by publishing to the Grid-
Blocks MDS server. For academic organizations the
GridBlocks is ideal for testing research software
GridBlocks is a new concept for distributed Grid
computing based on the idea of mobile code. It has
a simple and efficient Java implementation, which
makes it easy both to install and use.
Both the client and the server are available at
FIPA (2003). Foundation for intelligent physical agents.
Available on:
Foster, I. and Kesselman, C. (1997). Globus: A metacom-
puting infrastructure toolkit. International Journal of
Supercomputer Applications, 11(2).
Foster, I., Kesselman, C., and Tuecke, S. (2001). The
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zations. International Journal of Supercomputer Ap-
plications, 15(3).
Grid Engine (2002). Welcome to grid engine. Available on:
Grimshaw, A. and Wulf, W. (1997). The legion vision of a
worldwide virtual computer. Communications of the
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Hoschek, W. and McCance, G. (2001). Grid enabled rela-
tional database middleware. In Global Grid Forum.
ITU X.509 (2000). Information technology - open systems
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tribute certificate frameworks. Technical report, ITU.
Niinimaki, M., White, J., and Herrala, J. (2003). Executing
and visualizing high energy physics simulations with
grid technologies. In proceedings of Second Interna-
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Novotny, J. (2002). The grid portal development kit. Con-
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Simple Object Access Protocol (2002). SOAP - a XML
based lightweight protocol for exchange of informa-
tions in a distributed environments. Available on:
The Apache Project (2002). Apache tomcat. Available on:
The Globus project (2002). Commodity Grid Kits. Avail-
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