Ian Douglas
Learning Systems Institute and Department of Computer Science, Florida State University, 320A, 2000 Levy Avenue
Innovation Park, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310, USA.
Keywords: Domain analysis, Service-oriented computing, Reuse
Abstract: Information, knowledge and lear
ning systems are developed with the implicit belief that their existence will
lead to better performance for those using them, and that this will translate into better performance for the
organisations for which the user works. One important activity that must occur prior to requirements
analysis for such systems is organisational and human performance analysis. One key software application
that is missing from most organisations is an integrated enterprise system for analysing performance needs,
determining appropriate support solutions, monitoring the effect of those solutions, and facilitating the reuse
and sharing of the resulting knowledge. A model for such a system is presented, together with a prototype
demonstrating how such a system could be implemented.
The developers of information systems normally go
about their work with the belief that the deployment
of such systems will result in an improvement in the
operation of an organisation and the results it
achieves. There are many instances when this does
not prove to be the case. In his analysis of software
failure, Flowers (1996) locates the main cause not in
software development, but rather in its conception.
Managers often suppose that a computer system is a
cure-all for operational problems in business
practice. In many instances, there is a rush to
develop a solution before there is an understanding
the problem.
While information systems are one solution type
that can be
used to improve the performance of
humans and organisations, other systems also
promise such improvement, e.g. business process re-
engineering, training, job aids, e-learning,
knowledge management. Many of these solutions
are also implemented without careful analysis of
their contribution to supporting organisational need.
The entire organisational system, not just the
puter components, must be considered prior to
solution selection. It is crucial for an enterprise to
understand how the performance of its individual
employees and teams contributes to its goals and
results prior to the development of any solution
system. The “solutions-oriented” thinking in many
organisations needs to be replaced by more holistic
“problem-oriented” thinking. Traditionally, when
“analysis” is done, it is often framed with a
particular solution in mind. Performance analysis
and human performance technology have emerged
as means of focussing on the overall performance of
organisational systems (Gilbert, 1996, Robinson and
Robinson, 1995, Rosset, 1999). Underlying this
approach is general systems thinking (Wienberg,
There is a great deal of technology available to
st solutions design and construction, e.g.
software engineering case tools, but there is
relatively little available to assist performance
analysis. Such technology facilitates understanding
of the organisational performance factors that the
solution is intended to address, prior to the
development of any solution, and also facilitates the
collection of baseline metrics required to determine
additional value created by any solution that is
Douglas and Schaffer (2002), present a
ethodological framework for technology supported
organisational performance improvement. The
framework requires the reporting of the analysis in
terms of reusable knowledge components, which are
stored in repositories. The framework also
incorporates the need for visual modelling of
performance, collaborative analysis, rationale
management and configurable support systems.
Douglas I. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 588-591
DOI: 10.5220/0002657105880591
sis S
stem S
ecific Services
Visual M odelling
Performance Data Entry
Rationale Management
User Support
User Management
Enterprise Gatekeeper
rise-Wide Services
Figure 1: Architecture for the performance analysis support software
This paper describes a model for the technology
support for the framework and a prototype system
which demonstrates how performance analysis can
be facilitated by a web-based enterprise software
system. The system is focussed first on the goals of
the organisation, what processes need to occur to
meet these goals, and what roles are defined to carry
out the activities involved in a process. The analysis
system is used to determine the need for support and
help in the selection of the appropriate solutions
(e.g. computer programs, training courses, job aids).
A repository of this analysis knowledge would
be created which is organised by discrete
performance goals identified in analysis. The
analysis repository can be linked to a repository of
reusable solution components. Thus, if a new project
discovers in the analysis repository some prior
analysis of relevance to the current problem, they
will also discover any solutions that resulted from
the analysis.
A working prototype of an organisational
performance analysis system has been completed
and is under evaluation with both the US army. The
prototype is entirely web-based and supports all the
elements of the framework noted in the introduction.
An important concept embedded in the design of the
prototype is configurability (Cameron, 2002), i.e.
tools should not be fixed to a particular
methodology, but be adaptable to the specific needs,
methodologies and terminology used in different
organizations and groups. The intention is to create a
set of configurable tools and methods, which have a
shared underlying representation of performance
analysis knowledge. The system architecture is
based on the emerging new paradigm of service-
oriented software (Yao, Lin and Mathieu, 2003).
This allows custom interfaces to a continuously
refined shared repository of knowledge on human
performance. Each version of the performance
analysis system will have core components (see
figure 1), but the specific version of the components
will vary from organization to organization. In the
current system a third party collaboration tool called
Collabra has been tied into the systems to handle the
collaboration component. If a different organization
used a different collaboration tool this would be ‘
plugged in’ in place of Collabra. Likewise if
different data types were collected in another
organizations methodology (or different terminology
used), different data entry templates could appear.
The user support component can be tailored to the
specific methodology employed by an organization.
The components of an analysis (models, data and
rationale) are stored in a project specific database
from which analysts and stakeholders can retrieve,
view and comment on the contents. These can then
be transferred to a repository of performance
analysis knowledge. Some organizations may wish
to have a gatekeeper function to check the quality of
the components entered into the central repository.
An integral part of the tool is an automated search of
this repository. Thus, as soon as an analysis team on
a new project begins to enter data, it is matched
against existing data in the analysis repository to
alert the user to possible sources of existing
knowledge. Ye and Fischer, (2002) argue for the
need for this type of automated task-aware, context-
sensitive search to encourage reuse. It is likely that
Figure 2: Screenshots of one instance of an analysis tool conforming to the framework
the user will be discouraged from using a resource
that requires a lot of browsing in order to determine
if relevant information exists.
Figure 2, illustrates the prototype that has been
constructed to demonstrate one instance conforming
to the framework and the architecture illustrated in
figure 1. The modelling component is a key focal
point and provides a shared reference and navigation
aide throughout a project. The current prototype uses
performance case modelling, which is an adaptation
from unified modelling language (UML) Use Case
notation is widely used in object-oriented software
systems analysis (Cockburn, 1997) and has been
adapted for more general systems analysis
(Marshall, 2000). Performance case notation
provides a simple, end-user understandable means of
defining a problem space.
A performance diagram is a graphic that
illustrates what performers do on the job and how
they interact with other performers to reach
performance goals. A role is a function that someone
as part of an organizational process (e.g., mission
commander, radio operator, vehicle inspector).
A primary role is the focus of a project.
Secondary roles are entities that interact with the
primary role, and may be included when looking at
team performance. The primary role is likely to
achieve several performance goals, e.g. a mission
commander would have to successfully plan, brief,
execute and conduct an after action review. High
level performance goals decompose into lower level
diagrams containing sub-goals. Performance goals
represent desired performance at an individual level
and each should be directly linked to an
organisational level performance goal.
Facilitated by the groupware component the
analysis team works collaboratively to create and
edit the performance diagram. The analysis team
will use the diagram to develop a shared
understanding of a domain and identify performance
cases where there is a gap between desired on-the-
job performance and current on-the-job
performance. It allows the organization to pinpoint a
specific performance discrepancy that could be
costing time, money, and other resources. Those
performance cases will be subject to a more detailed
There are a variety of data collection templates
that could be attached to the performance case to
assist in this. The current version of the prototype
uses a gap analysis template (see right side of figure
2) in which data is collected about current and
desired performance in the tasks that are carried out
in pursuit of a performance goal. Where a gap is
found, for example if 100% accuracy is required on
a task and only 60% of those assigned to the task are
able to achieve this, then a cause and solution
analysis will be initiated. The ultimate goal of
problem-solving analysis is to close or eliminate this
gap in the most cost-effective manner. In a cause
analysis, stakeholders review gap data, brainstorm
Figure 3: An automatically generated rationale diagram
possible causes, put them into cause categories, rate
them by user-defined criteria, and select which ones
to pursue. The prototype allows users to categorize
causes so the recommended solutions are more
likely to address the underlying causes. The specific
process used in this version is described in more
detail in Douglas et al, 2003.
The focus of this system is the actual roles
people perform in an organisation (as opposed of
their position titles) and the goals they are expected
to achieve. This is modelled in an analysis system
with the models providing a framework for
performance metrics. The gaps in organisational
performance evident in these metrics are used to
initiate support systems development (software
tools, training courses).
Rationale management (Moran and Carroll,
1996, Burge and Brown, 2000) is integrated into the
system. Rationale management allows auditing of
decision making when solutions resulting from
analysis fail to make an impact on organisational
performance. In addition to the capture of informal
rationale information, through archiving of online
discussions, a rationale diagram can be
automatically generated from the data entered into a
system. Figure 3 illustrates the rationale diagram
generated by the current prototype. For each
performance goal, gaps in performance leading to
the goals are entered, and those selected for further
analysis are indicated by a tick. For each gap
selected, the potential causes for the gap are
indicated. For each selected cause for the gap, the
potential solutions considered are indicated, and a
tick will show the solutions chosen for
The concept of configurability is an important part
of the work carried out to date. The framework on
which the model is based is meant to provide a
structure for a variety of methods that can be tailored
to specific groups or situations. The same is true for
software architecture. A fixed tool based on one
specific methodology is likely to be of limited use.
This concept is difficult to demonstrate and test
when there is only one instance conforming to the
model. A second prototype is being constructed,
which is conformant to the framework, but is
customised to the specific data collection methods,
terminology and collaborations tools used by the US
Coast Guard’s Human Performance Technology
Centre. Once more than one instance of an
organisational performance analysis tool is
available, it will be possible to investigate the
possibility of translating performance analysis data
between different tools conformant to the
framework. Domain ontology will be used to
facilitate this.
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