Building workflows definitions based on business cases
Jorge Cardoso
Department of Mathematics and Engineering
University of Madeira
9050-390 Funchal, Portugal
Abstract. The maturity of infrastructures that support e-services allows
organizations to incorporate Web services as part of their business processes.
One prominent solution to manage, coordinate, and orchestrate Web services is
the use of workflow technology. While workflow management systems
architectures, language specifications, and workflow analysis techniques have
been extensively studied there is a lack of tools and methods to assist process
development. The purpose of our study is to present a framework to assist
process analysts and designers in their task, allowing the creation of processes
(Web processes and workflows) with a higher quality. The framework
structures a comprehensive set of steps that drives the analysis and design of
processes based on requirements gathered from communication with managers
and experts.
1 Introduction
The Web, the development of E-commerce, and new architectural concepts such as
Web services have created the basis for the emergence of a new networked economy
[1]. With the maturity of infrastructures that support e-commerce, it will be possible
for organizations to incorporate Web services as part of their business processes. A
wide spectrum of modern workflow system architectures has been developed to
support various types of business processes [2].
Research has targeted three main areas: workflow architectures, specification
languages, and process analysis. These areas of research are of recognized importance
for the construction of sophisticated and robust workflow systems. Nevertheless, one
important area has been overlooked, the research of the lifecycle of process
application development.
In fact, studies on the lifecycle of process development have been reduced and are
almost inexistent. In 1996, Sheth et al. [3] established that workflow and process
modeling was one of the outstanding research issues which should be investigated.
The lifecycle of workflow applications development is comparable to the lifecycle
of software development [4]. The use of adequate methodologies to assist the
lifecycle of processes development is a key determinant to the success of any
workflow project and requires the availability of specific tools – different from the
ones used in software development – to model each phase of the cycle.
Cardoso J. (2004).
Building workflows definitions based on business cases.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 3-12
DOI: 10.5220/0002658500030012
Our work has started with the use of expressive graphical process modeling
languages (such as STRIM [5]) to model workflows [6]. In this paper, we argue that
better methodological support for stepwise creation of Web processes and workflows
that can ensure the fulfillment of business processes’ strategic goals is necessary.
Our work targets the development of a framework to assist process analysts and
designers to model business processes and design workflows. The framework is to be
used during the analysis and design phase. It can be viewed as a methodology which
structures a comprehensive set of steps that drives the design of workflows based on
requirements gathered from communication with staff, managers, and domain experts.
This paper is structured in the following way. Section 2 presents the requirements
of our framework. In section 3, we present and describe our framework. Finally,
section 4 presents our conclusions.
2 Framework Goals
Practitioners, consultants, as well as academics, have differing views about business
process and workflow development. Some organizations view workflow development
as an ad-hoc activity to archive the automation of a few manual procedures, others
view it as the improvement or redesign of isolated business processes, and only a
minority view it as a comprehensive process re-organization, and use methodologies,
lifecycles, and modeling tools to decompose organization’s ongoing activities into a
well defined set of workflows.
Workflow modeling lifecycle is composed of various phases, including analysis,
design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The number of phases and the
phases themselves are not structured in a rigid manner. Therefore, several
methodologies can be used for workflow development, comparable to the water fall
model, spiral model, and rapid prototyping model.
In our study, we are particularly interested in two phases: analysis and design.
Each phase includes a set of different perspectives that needs to be considered when
developing a framework for workflow analysis and design.
Our goal is to supply a framework to assist workflow developers in their task,
independently of the methodology used for workflow development. Our framework is
a basic conceptional structure composed of steps, procedures, and algorithms that
determine how process analysis and design is to be approached.
3 The Framework
The intention of this section is to give an overall description of our framework to
construct workflows based on the knowledge gathered from interviews, group
brainstorming sessions, and meetings (in this paper we will use the term ‘interview’ to
designate these three methods of gathering knowledge).
The interviews are essentially carried out between process analysts and people who
have the expertise and knowledge of the processes’ business logic. The latter group
might, typically include people such as administrative staff, department managers,
mid-range managers, and even CEOs.
The input of the framework presented in this paper is a set of task names, and the
output is a workflow. The workflows include tasks or Web services, transitions,
control flow variables, and control flow conditions. The framework relies heavily on
interviews to supply the knowledge which cannot be inferred automatically.
Extraction of
Extraction of
Construction of
case table
Construction of
case table
Identification of
block structures
Identification of
block structures
Cleaning, analysis,
and implementation
of the workflow
Cleaning, analysis,
and implementation
of the workflow
Fig. 1. The four steps of the framework
The framework has four major steps which are discussed individually in the
following sections. These steps are the construction of business case table, extraction
of scheduling functions, identification of basic block structures, and the cleaning,
analysis, and implementation of the workflow. The phases are carried out sequentially
as illustrated in Fig. 1.
3.1 Business Case Table Construction
The basic property of a process is that it is case-based [7]. This means that every task
is executed for a specific case. Use cases have long been advocated for business
process design as well as software design [8]. To capture all the cases represented in a
process, we introduce the concept of business case table. The table has the main
advantage of being a simple, yet powerful, tool to capture and describe business
In the first phase, by means of interviews, we build a business case table. Each
business case corresponds to an entry in the table and establishes the task scheduled at
runtime based on business variables assertion. Business variables are variables that
influence the routing or control flow in a process. For example, in a banking Web
process application, the business variable Loan Amount
determines the acceptance or
rejection of a loan request. If the variable has a value greater than $500.000, then the
loan is rejected and the task ‘reject‘ is executed, otherwise the task ‘accept’ is
A business case table is based on a two dimensional table. The schema of the table
is the following. The columns are divided into two classes. The first class regroups a
set of business variables, while the second class includes the tasks that are part of a
process. Each entry of the table relates business variables and tasks with information
indicating if a task is to be scheduled at runtime or not.
The first cells of each row, corresponding to the columns of the first class, contain
values that can be assigned to business variables. The data cells corresponding to the
columns of the second class contain information indicating if a particular task is to be
scheduled at runtime or not. The idea is to establish if a given task is to be scheduled
based on the assertion of a set of business variables. Formally, we are interested in
evaluating for each task
the following function, where bv
is a business variable:
, bv
, bv
, …, bv
) {9, 8}
A data cell corresponding to the columns of the second class may contain the
scheduled symbol (9) or the not-scheduled symbol (8).
Understanding the business case table schema is relatively easy, whereas its
construction is far more challenging and complex. The methodology (described in
[9]) to construct and fill the table with business cases is an iterative and interactive
process carried out through interviews. Its construction requires the involvement of
designers and managers. For each row and for each column of the second class, it
should be inquired the symbol of function (1). Example of a business case table is
shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Example of a business case table
Symbol Conflicts. One important step when constructing a business case table is
resolving symbol conflicts. Symbol conflicts indicate that the scheduling of a set of
tasks depends on one or more business variables. This can be verified when the two
available symbols have been assigned to the same data cell in the business case table.
To resolve a symbol conflict, the process analyst – with the help of interviewees –
should identify at least one business variable that controls the scheduling of a
conflicting task. When such a variable is identified the following steps are taken:
1. A column is added to the left side of the business case table and rows are added to
the table.
2. The column is labeled with the name of the business variable identified.
3. Each row of the table is duplicated n-1 times, where n is the domain set cardinality
of the newly introduced business variable.
4. The data cells corresponding to the new business variable column are set to the
values of its domain.
Funding Source
the Form
ser is a
CWA Mgr.
for that
r is a M&CT
Prog. Mgr.
for that trip?
sa me
r,OA or
99 8 8 8
99 8 8 8
99 8 8 9
99 8 8 9
99 8 9 8
99 8 9 8
99 8 9 8
99 8 9 9
99 9 8 8
99 9 8 8
99 9 8 9
Variable names Task names
1st Line Manager
Once the table’s schema is updated to reflect the introduction of a new business
variable, the data cells must also be updated with appropriate scheduling symbols. As
previously, the process analyst should carry out (additional) interviews to determine
which tasks are scheduled at runtime based on the business variables present in the
Quality of Service. One important requirement of business processes is the
management of Quality of Service (QoS). During the construction of a business case
table, the business analyst and domain expert set QoS estimates for each task. The
estimates characterize the quality of service that a task will exhibit at runtime. Quality
of service can be characterized according to various dimensions. In our framework,
we have used a QoS model [10] composed of the following dimensions: time, cost,
and reliability. The information will be used in a latter phase to compute the QoS of
the overall business process.
3.2 Extracting Scheduling Functions from the Business Case Table
In the second phase, we extract a set of scheduling functions from the business case
table. For each task, a scheduling function that rule the scheduling of tasks is
extracted (see equation 1). A scheduling function is a Boolean function for which the
parameters are business variables from the business case table. Each function models
the scheduling of a task at runtime, i.e. for a given set of business variables and their
assertion, the function indicates if a task is scheduled at runtime or not.
To extract a set of scheduling functions, we first need to map a business case table
to a truth table. The mapping can be achieved in the following way.
For each business variable determine the minimum number of bits mnb necessary
to represent the variable. Represent each bit with a different binary variable (for
example, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, …).
Create a mapping between each business variable value and a binary number,
starting with ‘0’. Each business variable value has mnb bits and can be represented
with a sequence of binary variables, for example, ‘ab’ or ‘/ab’ (the symbol /
indicates negation).
Map the symbols 9 and 8 to the Boolean domain {0, 1}. The symbol 8 is mapped
to ‘0’ and the symbol 9 is mapped to ‘1’.
Create a new table using the two mappings described previously.
Once the mapping is done, we can extract scheduling functions from the truth
table. he extracted functions are logic disjunctions of conjunctions of business
variables. Two methods can be used to generate the functions: Karnaugh maps [11]
and the Quine-McCluskey [12] method.
Table 3 shows a scheduling function table which was constructed based on the data
present in a business case table. The table is composed of three business variables ‘a’,
‘b’, and ‘c’. We have selected simple letters to represent business variables to
simplify the handling of the truth table.
Table 2. Scheduling table constructed from a business case table
Task Scheduling Function
Check Form 1
Sign /a/b
User Reservation /a/bc
Send Tickets /a/bc
Reject /a/b/c
Notify Manager /a/b
Book Flight /ab
Book Hotel /ab
Not Authorized a/b
The Quine-McCluskey method is particularly useful when extracting scheduling
functions with a large number of business variables. Additionally, computer programs
have been developed employing this algorithm. The use of this technique increases
the degree of automation of our methodology. Remember, that this was one of our
initial goals.
3.3 Identify Basic Block Structures
Business process management systems are process-centric, focusing on the
management of flow logic. Most workflow languages are able to model sequential,
parallel, and conditional routing which are modeled with standard structures such as
and-split, and-join, or-split, and or-join [13]. Tasks associated with sequential and
parallel building blocks are executed in a deterministic fashion, while conditional
blocks are examples of non-deterministic routing. Conditional blocks indicate that the
scheduling of a task depends on the evaluation of a Boolean condition.
This third phase consists of using the scheduling functions from the previous phase
and identifying the sequential, parallel, and conditional building blocks that will make
up the process in development. This phase is composed of two major steps:
Identify sequential and parallel building block associated with a process and
Organize these basic blocks using conditional building blocks.
Identifying Sequential and Parallel Structures. The objective of the first step is to
identify sequential and parallel structures, and define a partial order for the tasks
associated with these structures. To complete this step, the following activities are
a) Create a set S of sets s
, where each set contains all the tasks that have the same
scheduling function,
b) Label each set with its scheduling function,
c) For each set, establish existing sequential and parallel building blocks, set a
partial order for the tasks
In the first activity, we produce a set S of scheduling sets s
, where each set s
contains all the tasks that have the same scheduling function. The idea is to create sets
of tasks with the following property: if a task of set s
is scheduled at runtime, then all
of the tasks in s
are also scheduled. The second activity associates each set with a
scheduling function label. Finally, the last activity establishes the sequential and
parallel building blocks and defines a partial order for each set s
. Each set s
can be
organized using a sequential and/or a parallel basic building block structure. Fig. 3
shows an example of the diagrammatic representation of the sets created with their
scheduling functions.
Fig. 2. Parallel and sequential block structures and partial orders for the sets s
Conditional structures cannot occur for the sets s
since non-determinism has
already been captured with the scheduling functions.
The establishment of sequential and parallel building blocks and partial orders may
require the use of null tasks (also known as dummy tasks). A null task does not have a
realization. Null tasks can be employed to modify a process to obtain structural
property (e.g., well-handled and sound) or to make possible the modeling of specific
business process procedures.
Identifying Conditional Structures. At this point, we have already identified the
sequential and parallel building blocks. The next step is to construct a task scheduling
graph based on the scheduling sets s
. The aim of the graph is to identify the
conditional building blocks of a process and determine how they control and organize
the scheduling sets previously recognized (i.e. sequential and parallel building
blocks). A set of assumptions and rules are used to structure scheduling sets into a
process graph. The algorithm, assumptions, and rules used to identify conditional
structures and construct the workflow are described in [9]. An example of the
resulting process graph after applying the algorithm is shown in Fig 4.
Fig. 3. Task scheduling graph
Nevertheless, several workflow elements are missing. It is apparent in our example
that the workflow does not include any joins matching the or-splits and that the
workflow has several ending points.
Both problems can be solved by matching or-splits with or-joins. Aalst [14] has
pointed out the importance of balancing or/and-splits and or/and-joins to obtain what
is called a ‘good’ workflow. For example, two conditional flows created via an or-
split, should not be synchronized by an and-join, but an or-join should be used
instead. Matching or/and-splits may require the use of null tasks.
Setting Probabilities for Transitions. In order to enable the analysis of workflow
QoS, it is necessary to initialize task QoS metrics (the step was completed during the
business case construction) and initialize stochastic information which indicates the
probability of transitions being fired at runtime.
The process analyst – with the help of interviewees – needs to associate conditional
transitions with a probability between 0 and 100, i.e., each transition that connects
two sets s
of the task scheduling graph needs to be associated with a probability. The
sum of the probabilities of the outgoing transitions of a set s
needs to be 1. These
values are only estimates and can later be recomputed and updated according to the
workflow execution.
3.4 Cleaning, Analyzing, and Implementing the Workflow
In the last phase, we cleanup of any dummy (null) tasks and, if necessary, the
workflow may be slightly restructured or modified for reasons of clarity.
Since QoS estimates for tasks and for transitions have already been determined, we
can now use several techniques to analyze workflow QoS. Mathematical methods,
such as the Stochastic Workflow Reduction (SWR) algorithm [15], and Simulation
[16] can be used to compute overall QoS metrics for a workflow. Alternatively, the
workflow can be converted and analyzed using Petri nets and Petri nets analysis tools
Once the cleaning and analysis are completed, the process design is ready to be
implemented. The method proposed in [17] can be used to this end. Their method,
targeting more technical aspects, includes the selection of the target workflow system
and the mapping of graphical diagrams describing a business process at a high level
into a process specification.
4 Conclusions
Although major research has been carried out to enhance workflow systems, the work
on workflow application development lifecycles and methodologies is practically
inexistent. The development of adequate frameworks is of importance to guarantee
that workflow are constructed according to initial specifications.
Unfortunately, it is recognized that despite the diffusion of workflow systems,
methodologies and frameworks to support the development of workflow applications
are still missing. In this paper, we describe a framework to assist process analysts
during their interviews with administrative staff, managers, and employees in general
to design workflows.
The core of the framework presented has been employed successfully to design a
small size process. We believe that the framework is also appropriate to design larger
size workflows and that it represents a good step towards the modeling of business
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