Protecting People on the Move through
Dadong Wan, Anatole V. Gershman
Accenture Technology Labs
161 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60601 USA
Abstract. Ensuring personal safety for people on the move is becoming a
heightened priority in today’s uncertain environment. Traditional approaches
are no longer adequate in meeting rising demands in personal security. In this
paper, we describe V
IRTUAL PERSONAL SECURITY, a research prototype that
demonstrates how technologies, such as ubiquitous surveillance cameras,
location-aware PDAs and cell phones, wireless networks, and Web Services can
be brought together to create a virtualized personal security service. By
incorporating automatic service discovery, situated sensing and multimedia
communication, the novel solution provides consumers with increasing
availability, lower cost, and high flexibility. It also creates a new market for
just-in-time micro security services, providing the owners of surveillance
cameras a new revenue stream.
1 Introduction
Today, businesses and individuals alike spend millions of dollars each year on
security services to protect their physical assets, such as factory plants, offices, and
homes. Yet, they take a big risk at neglecting a more important asset -- people. After
the September 11
tragedy in the United States, safety concerns, especially personal
safety, have crept into daily news headlines. While governments at the federal, state,
and local levels have made concerted efforts to prevent potential terrorist attacks,
ensuring personal safety is ultimately the individual’s responsibility. That is, each and
every one of us can take more initiatives to ensure the safety of ourselves, especially
by taking advantage of technologies.
When we travel to a new place, or walk through a neighborhood in a familiar city
during late hours, we want to make sure that our personal safety is guarded. At
present, the options available to us are somewhat limited. If we happen to be on a
private property such as a university or corporate campus, or a suburban shopping
mall, and we need to get to our car parked a few blocks away, we might ask the
private security on duty to walk us there. However, this option is not always practical,
especially when we are on the road. As a result, we sometimes take unnecessary risks
by taking the matter into our own hands. With technologies such as surveillance
cameras and mobile devices, we may soon have access to a new solution for personal
security, which will be available anytime, anyplace. In the following sections, we will
Wan D. and V. Gershman A. (2004).
Protecting People on the Move through VIRTUAL PERSONAL SECURITY.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, pages 139-146
DOI: 10.5220/0002658701390146
describe such a prototype solution called VIRTUAL PERSONAL SECURITY, including its
underlying technologies, current implementation, and commercial implications.
2 Beyond Passive Surveillance
Surveillance cameras have long been used in both public and private spaces to
monitor what is happening in their surrounding environments [1]. Aside from
providing valuable archival footages for crime solving, studies have shown that the
mere presence of these cameras has positive effects as deterrence for potential crimes
in urban areas [2]. With their rapidly declining costs and increasing concerns about
personal safety, especially in large cities, surveillance cameras are becoming even
more ubiquitous in recent years. Figure 1, for example, shows the high density of
surveillance cameras in Lower Manhattan [3]. In downtown Chicago, there are on an
average three surveillance cameras in each block [4]. While this omni-presence of
surveillance cameras has raised concerns about individual privacy among civil
libertarians, such a trend is most likely to continue accelerating, especially in light of
rising security concerns among the general public.
Figure 1: Surveillance cameras in Lower Manhattan [3]
Despite their popularity, traditional surveillance cameras have limitations. A vast
majority of these cameras, for example, are based on analog, closed-circuit (CCTV)
technology, which requires special wiring and storage infrastructure. As a result, they
are quite expensive to install and maintain. Furthermore, video streams from these
cameras are stored on analog media such as video tapes, which are difficult to view
and analyze. And finally, these cameras are quite “dumb” in a sense that they don’t
know who they are, and what they are pointing. However, these problems are
disappearing with a new generation of surveillance cameras, which are essentially
interactive Web cams. These cameras come with built-in Web servers, and capable of
originating real-time stream videos over the Internet. With this new capability, they
can be used beyond just passive surveillance. As they become more ubiquitous, these
cameras may be used to actively monitor any moving target in the physical world,
such as a person on the move, by sequentially “turning on” the cameras along with the
path, provided that we know the real-time location of the target, and the direction to
which the target is moving.
3 Location-aware Mobile Devices
Another important recent technology trend is the increasing popularity of mobile
devices, including cell phones and PDAs. In many parts of the world, such as Europe
and Asia, cell phones are the most omni-present technology around. The new
generation of cell phones is full-fledged computing devices, featuring built-in cameras
and color displays, as well as multimedia and location awareness. It is interesting to
note that the earliest use of cell phones is for personal safety and emergency purposes.
Yet, until recently when we make a 911 emergency call, the recipient has no way of
determining the exact location of the caller. With the Enhanced 911 (E911) mandate
from the US federal government [5], cell phone carriers in the US are required to
provide locationing capabilities by the year 2004. In other countries such as South
Korea and Japan where mobile phones are more advanced, such capabilities are
already widely available.
At the same time, PDAs are undergoing a different kind of evolution, moving from
being a computing device to a communication device. Newer Pocket PC models, for
example, feature powerful processors and built-in 802.11b (i.e., Wi-Fi) – the fastest
growing wireless network technology in the US. The use of Wi-Fi also enables PDAs
to become location-aware. With the steady improvement of Voice over IP (VoIP),
PDAs are also increasingly used for voice communication. The convergence of cell
phones and PDAs has led to hybrid devices like Handspring’s Treo and T-Mobile
PocketPC phone.
Imagine this scenario: you get off from a late meeting at your client site, and you have
to walk to your car parked about half a mile away. Fearful of walking alone in the
dark, you pull out your iPaq and say, “Personal Security, please.” The application
responds by looking up in an online registry of security service providers, and
selecting the most appropriate one based upon your preference in quality, trust,
pricing, and the provider’s current availability. Once the connection is established, the
remote security agent turns his full attention on to you. Since your iPaq knows where
you are at the very moment, the application uses this information to locate and “turn
on” the surveillance cameras in your area. Sitting in front of his multi-monitor service
desk, the security agent can see from multiple angles about what is happening in your
immediate environment. If you tell him which direction you’re heading, he can
“preview” the path by checking on the surveillance cameras along the way to make
sure it is safe to proceed. If not, he may suggest an alternate route. A service like this
may last between five minutes and half an hour or longer. And it can be called upon
anytime, anywhere.
The concept of
VIRTUAL PERSONAL SECURITY, as depicted here, is centered on the
keyword virtual, which implies that the service provider and its recipient don’t have
to be physically together in the same place at the same time. Instead, the co-presence
is created by the seamless integration of three different technologies: location-aware
mobile devices, fixed-location, Web-enabled surveillance cameras, and Web Services.
The mobile device (i.e., PDA or cell phone) is the real-time personal locator. The
exact locationing mechanism and the accuracy may vary depending on the specific
type of devices being used. For example, most cell phones use a combination of GPS
and cell-based triangulation, and their accuracy ranges from 5 to 50 meters. Most
PDAs, in contrast, use 802.11 signals to pinpoint the location of the device holder. Its
accuracy can reach as high as one meter in outdoor settings [6]. Besides locationing,
the mobile device also serves as the primary interface between the user and the
service provider. To that end, it supports wireless voice and data. The voice channel is
important in that it provides the remote service provider auditory clues (i.e., “ears”) to
the user environment.
The surveillance camera is the situated “eyes” for the security service provider,
allowing them to see remotely what is happening in real-time. Since the recipient is
constantly moving, the key here is to be able to quickly determine and select which
cameras to view. Since the application knows the real-time location of the recipient,
and that each surveillance camera also publishes its own coordinates and orientation,
the application can automatically determine which cameras are relevant at any given
moment. As the recipient moves, the views are shifted from one camera to another.
Depending on the camera density in the area where the recipient happens to be, and
the service provider selected, multiple camera views can be supported at the same
time. This ensures that most or all directions of the scene are covered.
The third enabling technology is Web Services, or more specifically, the Universal
Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) [7]. In a nutshell, Web services are a
set of open standards (e.g., XML, SOAP, UDDI) that enable applications of different
sources (e.g., languages, platforms, and organizations) to automatically find, link and
interact with one another over the Internet, sharing data and performing tasks, all
without human intervention. As the name implies, UDDI provides a standard
framework for application publishing, discovery, and dynamic integration. At its core
is a registry that contains detailed descriptions of businesses and services. UDDI
specifies an API that allows programmatic publishing and searching in this registry.
Underlying the virtual personal security application are two UDDI registries:
surveillance cameras and security service providers. Each geo-coded surveillance
camera has an entry in the first registry, and each entry contains information like
camera type, coordinates, orientation, owner, and possibly price. Each security service
provider maintains an entry in the second registry, which provides detailed
specifications about the service, including current availability, price, and interface
details required to invoke the service. Given the user’s requirements and location, the
application makes use of the standard UDDI API to discover the right service
provider and closest surveillance cameras. Figure 2 provides a summary of these key
components of
5 The Prototype
To demonstrate the conceptual viability and the technical feasibility of VIRTUAL
, we built an initial research prototype. For the ease of control,
we selected an indoor environment, i.e., the 36
floor of our office in downtown
Chicago. On this floor, we installed 33 Axis 2100 Web cams that point at various
sections of the floor: entrances, hallways, enclosed offices, break areas, and meeting
rooms. The floor is also covered with an 802.11 wireless local area network. The
mobile device we use is iPAQ 3860 running Microsoft PocketPC operating system.
The iPAQ is equipped with a dual-slot extension sleeve, which is used for Orinoco Wi
Fi card and Veo Travel Photo camera, respectively. To provide two-way voice over
the IP network on the iPAQ, we use Running Voice IP from Pocket Presence. The
locationing function is built upon the Ekahau 802.11b locationing engine [6], which is
capable of offering up to one-meter accuracy.
The application consists of three modules: user, provider, and brokering, each is
running on a separate machine that is connected to the same local area network. The
user application runs on the iPAQ the user carries around. It is the primary interface
between the user and the security service provider. Figure 3 shows a sample user
screen. After the user makes a request for service, the control is passed over to the
brokering module, which maintains two UDDI registries: one for all the surveillance
cameras on the floor and another for the list of service providers available. For the
prototype, the first registry contains 33 entries, one for each surveillance camera on
Security Service Providers
UDDI Registry:
UDDI Registry:
Security Service
User Application
Provider Application
the floor. The second registry contains half a dozen of service providers. The Web
services interface is implemented using Microsoft UDDI Server SDK.
As soon as a right service provider is found, a connection is automatically made
between the user application and the provider application. Figure 4 shows a view of
the provider application, which includes a three-monitor setup. The center screen
shows the real-time user location on a map, along with the view from the Veo camera
attached to the iPAQ. The two side screens provide the views from two surveillance
cameras nearby the user. The maps next to them show where those cameras are
located. Collectively, these three different camera views provide the remote security
agent a good sense of what is happening in the user surrounding environment. In the
real-world setting, a professional security company is most likely to support an even
larger number of views. In the event of an emergency, an alarm can be locally
sounded, either by the user or remotely by the security agent, whoever discerns the
situation first. Local help from law enforcement agencies could be immediately
notified and dispatched when necessary.
Figure 3. A sample screen from the user application running on an HP iPAQ 3860.
6 Implications and Discussions
VIRTUAL PERSONAL SECURITY is an early stage conceptual prototype that
demonstrates how ubiquitous technologies, including surveillance cameras, location
aware mobile devices, the Internet and Web Services, can be brought together to
create a new alternative for personal safety, especially in situations where a physical
security escort is either unavailable or too expensive. Our approach is novel in that it
combines the best features of the two forms of ubiquitous computing: mobile and
embedded. Being mobile, devices like PDAs and cell phones provide a convenient
delivery channel for services for people on the move. They also serve as a good
location sensor for tracking the real-time location of the device holder. However,
these devices offer limited vision – perhaps the most important sensory data for
security applications -- in part due to their limited bandwidth and power. On the other
hand, surveillance cameras are rich sensors embedded in our environments dedicated
to safety/security purposes. They provide high-fidelity views of the area being
covered. Their locations are not only known but often strategic. Furthermore, they are
becoming increasingly pervasive and Web enabled, which makes them accessible
anywhere. The combination of the two enables rich sensing of the user environment,
and therefore provides sufficient context for viable security services.
Figure 4. An example view for the security service provider’s application.
We envision a service like VIRTUAL PERSONAL SECURITY to be initially offered in
closed-end spaces like university campuses and private parking lots or structures.
With Web enabled surveillance cameras, wireless broadband, and location aware
devices become more ubiquitous, we expect that such a service eventually becomes
feasible on a massive scale. When this happens, a new marketplace for virtual
personal security will emerge. Today, surveillance cameras, which are owned by
different public and private entities, are severely under-utilized resources. In this new
marketplace, these cameras can be made available to licensed security companies as
extra eyes to ensure personal security. For the owners of surveillance cameras, this
represents a new source of revenue streams. Security firms also do not need to spend
valuable resources to install a vast surveillance infrastructure. Instead, they can take
advantage of a distributed infrastructure that is already in place and, as a result, offer
the service at an affordable level.
To make the concept of
VIRTUAL PERSONAL SECURITY a reality on a large scale,
however, we will still need to overcome three key technological barriers. First,
surveillance cameras must continue to become cheaper, more powerful, and perhaps
most importantly, truly ubiquitous. While today they are already pervasive in large
cities, it may still take some time before they cover every street corner in every city
neighborhood. Second, surveillance cameras must become more open, and Web
enabled. In other words, real-time video streams from these cameras need to be
available over the Internet so that they are viewable anywhere. And finally, the
locationing capabilities of mobile devices must also improve. While the 50-meter
requirement from the US federal government may be adequate to pinpoint a 911
emergency caller, it is too coarse for locating closest surveillance cameras, especially
when the camera density is high. Despite these hurdles, however, we already witness
early signs of progress made on all three fronts. Thus, we believe that the
technological infrastructure required for realizing the vision of
will soon be in place.
7 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we presented a novel prototype application called VIRTUAL PERSONAL
SECURITY, which aims to monitor and protect people on the move, just like what ADT
does to property security. One main premise of our approach is that such a service can
be offered by using mostly existing infrastructure, such as the Internet. To that end, it
brings together a number of emerging technologies, including Web-enabled
surveillance cameras, location aware mobile devices, and Web Services. While our
initial prototype is implemented in a somewhat limited, artificial indoor setting, it
clearly demonstrates the viability of the concept and its technical feasibility.
Currently, we are in an active discussion with a major university in Chicago to pilot
the concept on their campus, where 802.11b network is already in place. As
locationing capabilities become more readily available on cell phones in the US, we
also plan to implement another version of the prototype using cell phones.
1. David Brin, The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us to Choose between
Privacy and Freedom? Perseus Books, Reading, MA. 1999.
Jeffrey Rosen. A Watchful State. The New York Times Magazine. October 7,
3. Dan Farmer and Charles C. Mann. Surveillance Nation. Technology Review (April,
2003), pp. 34-43.
4. Chip East. Watching you, Watching me in NYC. MSNBC News. April 8, 2003.
5. For further information on E911, see
6. Ekahu. Accurate Location in Wireless Networks. See
7. For more information on UDDI, see and
8. Steve Mann, "Wearable computing: A first step toward personal imaging," IEEE
Computer, vol. 30, no. 2, Feb 1997.