TeamEnabler: Towards ad hoc mCRM
Achim P. Karduck and Amadou Sienou
Furtwangen university of applied sciences
Department of Computer Science in Media
Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1, 78120 Furtwangen, Germany
Abstract. Mobile computing technology has reached a level that makes a seam-
less integration of communications and data processing in m-Business applica-
tions possible. The ”connected economy” challenges organizations to reconsider
their business models.
The momentum of the changes can be well-studied in the financial sector where
globalization, customisation of expertise and its consideration as ”intellectual as-
sets” are taking place all together. This enables new forms of mobile Customer
Relationship Management (mCRM) that covers the whole value chain and offers
new working modes: formation of geographically dispersed teams of experts for
spontaneous feedback and back office work.
In this paper, we have approached the problem of supporting mCRM in a busi-
ness domain requiring dynamic teams of heterogeneous experts. We explain how
mCRM canofferad hoc collaboration spaces to solve complexproblems. Wecon-
sider the concept of the ”Family Office” used in the context of finance as the busi-
ness model for CRM-support. We propose a CSCW (Computer Supported Col-
laborative Work) environment called TeamEnabler which is able to form teams
and to support team work in the scenario of the ”Family Office”.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) concerns the life cycle of customer rela-
tions. It deals with questions related to the optimisation of channels, the improvement of
customer acquisition, customer retention, after-sale contracts and services. Generally,
CRM is a cyclic process consisting of five phases which are (1) collaboration phase
(defined as point of repeated contact), (2) information phase, (3) negotiation phase, (4)
transaction phase and (5) partnership phase [Steimer and Spinner, 2001].
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) increases considerably the num-
ber of communication channels, intermediaries and customer interactions in the con-
texts of CRM. At the same time, CRM is confronted with new challenges concerning
aspects of Collaborative Computing that lead to the progressive emergence of mCRM
(mobile CRM). Here, the main goal is the improvement of coordination for the execu-
tion of complex business CRM tasks with the support of mobile computing.
This investigation focuses on supporting mCRM by providing a mobile application
that enables ad hoc formation of experts and serves as the mobile workspace for het-
erogeneous teams. In this paper, we propose the concept of the ”Family Office” for
P. Karduck A. and Sienou A. (2004).
TeamEnabler: Towards ad hoc mCRM.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 164-173
DOI: 10.5220/0002659901640173
mCRM as the business model to support: Centered on a single contact person, called
the client advisor, further experts join an advisory team in order to manage optimally
and efficiently a complex financial portfolio. The system supporting this business sce-
nario is called TeamEnabler. Before introducing the TeamEnabler system, let us develop
advanced understandings for the ”Family Office” as a business model.
Suppose SAM & associates systems, Inc., an organization of experts, is member of a
worldwide heterogeneous network of financial consultants. Michael M., employee of
this company, is expert on insurance questions. The consultant is now in conference
with a customer. Because of the complexity of the problem and the need of advanced
expert knowledge in different domains, Michael M. has decided to connect to the head-
quarter in order to have support in some fields. In this case, the later have to form a team
of experts that will assist him. Given that Michael M. is equipped with a mobile device,
he would interact directly with the team. For this purpose, an environment for Computer
Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) is required. It should allow the creation of a (1)
shared workspace, provide (2) assistance for the team formation process, support the
(3) management of the content (documentation of information produced and used) and
enable (4) community support for synchronous and asynchronous collaboration pro-
cesses. These requirements encompass (1) structured support of the team formation,
(2) semi-structured support of content management and (3) weakly structured support
of the collaboration activities. Given that experts solving the problem are geographi-
cally dispersed, mobile technologies should be incorporated. This leads particularly to
scenarios for knowledge intense services that require seamless and spontaneous use of
organization’s expertise.
With TeamEnabler, we want to provide an environment that is able to support the
formation and collaboration of such teams, i.e. team of experts formed in an ad hoc way
to solve information-driven problems in a short time. We call this use case the ”Family
Office”. The ”Family Office” is a system the inputs of which are customer information
needs that are transformed into knowledge (contextual information as solution of an
information specific problem). The business process consists of the following 5 steps.
Request for support. When a personal client advisor, called agent, acting for a
company discovers a problem, he/she defines a request that is sent to the headquarter.
The request consists of the description of the problem, the partial definition of require-
ments that experts who are going to solve the problem should satisfy and deadlines.
Workspace initialisation. The responsible for the request initiates the creation of a
team-space. Here, the responsible has to specify the requirements by (1) defining roles
that the future team members have to play and (2) the requirements that the profiles of
the candidates should satisfy in order to be eligible for a given role. Furthermore, he/she
has to provide a detailed description of the problem, to develop a partial team schedule
and to assign rights and permissions to the roles.
Team building. Based on the roles, schedule and specifications defined in the pre-
vious step, the real formation is made automatically by the system. In fact, the identifi-
cation and the invitation of experts will be supported by a computer-assisted constraint
based approach to team formation operating in expert profiles.
Scheduling. Team timer (task coordinator): While collaborating in the team-space,
the elected members defined strategic tasks, operative tasks, detailed schedule and mile-
stone for both, the whole team and single members.
Working. Members work in the team as well as individually in order to produce re-
sults which are listed in the team-space. A team-space or individual workspace of team
members consists of a team view with the strategic goals and a personalized view of the
tasks, schedule, deadlines and deliverables. Currently, in the TeamEnabler environment,
tasks are simply listed. A future extension would be to provide each task with a context
which relates tasks to the overall goals within a team-space, events and activities.
Team Builder
Community Space
Team Space
Team Timer
(Task coordination)
- community ware
- create teams
- manage members
- create initial documents
- display operative tasks
- display strategic goals
- display appointments
- content management
- personalized view for
each member and team
Document Space
Fig.1. Modules of TeamEnabler.
The infrastructure supporting the ”Family Office” consists of the following basic
modules outlined in Figure 1, illustrating the subsystems and their interrelations.
Shared Document-Space. A (Content Management System) CMS for the semi-
structured management of documents produced and used by the teams; e.g. offers, in-
surance contract and strategies.
Shared Community-Space. Multi-channel communication space for team collab-
oration. Similar to chat-based systems, messages exchanged in the team-space share a
communication context. This context manages (1) the bundling of all messages related
to a given task, (2) events notified to experts and (3) references from the CMS to the
Community-Space and vice versa.
Team Timer. Definition and presentation of tasks and appointments, e.g. shared
calendar, list of tasks etc.
Team Builder. Management of a Team-Space. Within this module, the team man-
ager, defines roles, access rules, requirement specification of the project and a partial
team schedule.
The workspace is active until the team terminates its activities. The results, mainly
produced documents, are handed over to the requester, in form of hyper-links to the
shared document space of the CMS. The life-cycle of a the team will be characterized by
two kinds of membership: experts executing management tasks like definition, planning
and coordination of activities and those who are invited in a ad hoc way to solve specific
problems. The membership of the first class of experts is fixed while for the second one,
it is rotating on and off according to tasks requirements.
3.1 Enabling technologies and applications
Fig.2. Business Needs.
With the emergence of new and less expensive Internet-compliant hardware and
software products targeting on mobile computing, one can expect that m-business sce-
narios rapidly gain importance. In the specific case of mCRM the emergence concerns
the following four basic interdependent aspects, illustrated in figure 2.
Content. The content, in the context of the ”Family Office” or ”Intellectual As-
sets”, is understood as tangible knowledge like an insurance policy proposal, a client
profile or the contact and schedule information for experts. The ”Intellectual Assets”
exists in form of documents, messages or transactional information like the support
of the team-formation process and general support of workflow processes. Concerning
the dimensions ”Information” and ”Communication”, TeamEnabler is based on textual
and graphic information. In the future, multi-modal contents such as voice and video
streams will be available for mCRM-scenarios both, for the knowledge bases and for
the collaboration itself.
Network Devices. Organizations experience the large-scale use of handheld and
wireless devices in business. Predictions [Wireless-Foresight, 2002] support that the
diffusion curve for m-Computing is similar to the one of laptops and the internet into
the workplace.
Needs. Consideration of the application context for ”Individual, Group and Orga-
nization”. Application scenarios supporting the notion of ”Intellectual Asset Manage-
ment” will be based on the seamless transition between individual work and group ac-
tivities, both tapping the resources and expertise of the entire organization as required.
Figure 2 shows the dimension ”Network” as the 3
dimension that affects future
application contexts. The spectrum of these technologies is enriched from the tradi-
tional Telco-driven
infrastructures towards computer-based and self-organized infras-
tructures. In addition to cellular networks like GSM
and various emerging technologies [Malladi and Agrawal, 2002], there are several other
overlapping wireless technologies like Bluetooth and WLAN
, which can be used in
an integrated way for mCRM.
Given the importance of seamlessness for the mCRM scenario supported by Tea-
mEnabler, the system should support cellular networks and other wireless technologies
like Bluetooth and WLAN. Based on this brief outline of the technology contexts of
TeamEnabler, the functional components of the layered architecture are explained sub-
3.2 TeamEnabler: Architecture
Business logic
& application
wireless access
Mobile devices & Application
Third party service provider
Network & Services
Fig.3. TeamEnabler Architecture.
The architecture of TeamEnabler is outlined in Figure 3. It is organised into a pre-
sentation layer, a wireless access infrastructure layer and a business logic and appli-
cation integration layer. The core system consists of the modules described in sec-
tion 2 (figure 1). TeamEnabler implements a CMS and collaboration framework using
the Zope [Zope, 2004] application server and the CMF/Plone portal [Plone, 2004].
Telcos: Telecommunication Companies
GM: Global System for Mobile Communications
GPRS: General Packet Radio Service
EDGE: Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
WLAN: Wireless LAN
Zope is an open source application and Web server based on the programming lan-
guage Python. It offers a CMS-framework for the efficient creation of dynamic web
applications. Interacting with the Appache Webserver, Zope supports database access,
LDAP-access and others open standards like XML-RPC.
Plone, a portal solution, used for the presentation layer, offers a complete CMS solu-
tion. Like Twiki, Plone supports seamlessness offering user management and database
features of Zope. The content Management Framework adds services to Zope in order
to enable community or organization based content management. Plone-Chat is used to
develop the Community-Ware; i.e. the bundling of communication in the team space.
Particularly, the seamlessness between information provision, information access and
information modification of Plone fit well into the concept of TeamEnabler. However,
TWiki offers some support for user management including access permissions, which
is needed for the ”Family Office”.
The identification and the formation of teams into a work space is realized in the
TeamBuilder module.
This module has an extension, called TeamBroker [Karduck and Sienou, 2004], that
matches the requirements specification of the team with profiles of potential members
of the future team. TeamBroker is described subsequently.
The team formed in order to provide expertise in the business model of the ”Family Of-
fice” is a virtual one. Basically, virtual teams are networks of people bound by a com-
mon purpose, who work across organizational and temporal boundaries in a collabo-
rative environment supported by information technologies [Lipnack and Stamps, 2000]
like CSCW systems.
Team formation is the process of identifying and the selecting candidates for each
activity of the project in question. Here, the selection of candidates is based on (1) eco-
nomical factors like cost, (2) organisational factors like availability and (3) intellectual
factors like competencies and interests. Subsequent to the identification and the concep-
tualisation of factors affecting the formation process, we have considered the following
model to support the formation of teams: the business case is subdivided into tasks able
to be carried out by single experts. A task, in order to be performed, requires a set of
competencies and interests. Experts are entities with interests and competencies who
are looking for positions. Team brokerage consists of finding experts for a task so that
the positions, the competencies and the interests match. In this model, the team initia-
tor defines tasks and requirements while experts provide information concerning their
interests, their competencies and the positions in which they are interested.
Since multiple experts may apply to a given task, based on multiple criteria decision
making, we have conceptualised factors affecting the formation of teams by defining
models and metrics able to evaluate experts and teams. The metrics process the perfor-
mance value of a team as an aggregate value of the criteria that really matter during the
formation stage of teams. Based on the conceptualisation of performance values and
the formalization of constraints imposed by the project that a team has to carry out,
we have transformed the problem of forming teams into a single resource allocation
problem that has been solved by extending the iterated hill-climbing search strategy.
The TeamBroker system has been realized as a distributed system consisting of Java
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) [Sun Microsystems, 1999] servers.
Team brokerage organisation Experts' organisation
Remote method
web access
Fig.4. Architecture of TeamBroker.
Figure 4 is the architecture of a technical environment supporting team formation.
The business of the team brokerage organization consists in forming teams of experts
that fulfil requirements defined by initiators. It runs TeamBroker RMI servers (1). Ser-
vices provided by TeamBroker are published in a directory server (3). Using this in-
formation, experts identify and select (5) the suitable TeamBroker to which they send
requests for registration. Upon reception of these requests, TeamBroker stores the ref-
erence of the server into its directory (3) by using the RMI registry service provider for
JNDI [Sun Microsystems, 1999].
Experts’ organizationsare networks of experts looking for positions in virtual teams.
Each of them runs a TeamCandidate (4) server, which is extensible to wrappers able to
convert profiles described in proprietary formats into the one used in TeamBroker.
The initiator is an organization asking for virtual teams. It is responsible for the
specification of requirements that the team should fulfils. Initiators access the broker-
age system by using a web-interface (7,8,9). TeamInitiator is a RMI server that repre-
sents a human initiator. For each initiator requesting a registration, the system starts a
TeamInitiator (9), which is bound (10) to the naming service of the broker.
The actual team formation is an interaction between TeamBroker, TeamCandidate
and TeamInitiator. The formation protocol starts when an initiator request the broker to
find a team. The team formation protocol is a set of communication messages shared
by TeamBroker, TeamInitiator and TeamCandidate. As outlined in figure 5, it consists
of the following steps:
: TeamBroker
: TeamInitiator
: TeamCandidate
1: request team
2: request application
/inform application
3: query competency
/inform competency
4: query interest
/inform interest
5: inform team
6: request team
7: request candidate
/inform candidate
8: inform team
9: inform enrolment
Fig.5. Team formation protocol.
Request team (1). The TeamInitiator requests the TeamBroker to form teams which
fulfils requirements defined in the content of the message. The message contains the list
of required positions, schedule, constraints, skills, experiences, interests and budgets.
Request application/Inform application (2). The TeamBroker identifies all poten-
tially interested experts by searching in the directory. In a next step, it requests Team-
Candidate to explicitly apply to the position within a deadline. The message addressed
to the experts contains information concerning the position and the schedule. Instances
of TeamCandidate answer by sending an application message. This message contains
the state of the application, the hourly wage and the level of commitment of the expert.
The state of the application is either ”accepted” or ”rejected”. If the state is ”accepted”
TeamBroker continues the formation process with the TeamCandidate. Otherwise, this
one is no longer considered as a candidate.
Query competency (3)/Query interest (4). During this process, TeamBroker com-
municates with instances of TeamCandidate having accepted the application by sending
an ”inform application” message qualified ”accepted”. TeamBroker queries instances of
interested TeamCandidate for level of competencies and experiences. The responses are
”inform competency” and ”inform interest” respectively.
Inform team (5). At this stage of the formation protocol, TeamBroker has collected
all information necessary to form teams. The result (teams and performances) is sent to
the TeamInitator.
Request team enrolment (6)/Inform team enrolment (8). TeamInitiator selects
the best team and requests TeamBroker to enroll it.
Request candidate enrolment (7)/Inform candidate enrolment (9). TeamBroker
requests single experts to confirm the enrolment. When an instance of TeamCandidate
receives this message, the expert represented by this instance should decide whether
to join the team or not. If all members agree in the enrolment, the team is definitively
formed and all entities (initiator and candidates) are informed about the success. Other-
wise, a fail message is broadcasted (9).
In TeamBroker, we have emphasized on the formation of virtual teams of humans
by defining the problem as an optimal resource allocation. We have adopted a brokerage
approach consisting of mediating between experts and the team requestor.
Parlano [Parlano, 2004] is a commercial enterprise collaboration environment, that closely
matches to the concept of the Community and Content Management features of Tea-
mEnabler. Initially, it has been focused on instant messaging between traders, includ-
ing filter mechanisms, persistence, alerts and icon menus for the organization of work-
spaces. It’s work-space consists of a message exchange space (task oriented commu-
nity) and content management space. Similar to TeamEnabler, here the bundling of
message exchanges constitutes an additional communication channel e.g. to simple
TeamEnabler enhances the model of Parlano with the concept of the ”Family Of-
fice”. This concept, derived from Finance, supports the formation process of a team of
experts, based primarily on the expertise required to solve a task. The ad hoc formation
of a team is supported by inviting experts into the work-space or by automating the pro-
cess through the TeamBroker-mechanisms. Referring to mCRM, in contrast to existing
systems, TeamEnabler supports experts working directly with a customer. Supporting
the whole lifecycle of CRM by integrating seamlessly team formation, cooperation and
advise oriented processes is, as far as the authors know, a novice business case for CRM
The work on CSCW-support for the ”Family Office” concept will be extended accord-
ing to the ”3C Collaboration Model (Communication, Coordination, Cooperation)”
[Fuks and de Lucena; C. J., 2004]. Especially coordination will be investigated in two
aspects: awareness of the team members concerning the individual activities and com-
mitment in terms of the delegation of individual responsibilities. Advanced investiga-
tions are necessary in order to integrate these aspects in the business case. This should
enable dynamic and continuous activities of coordination during experts’ cooperation.
Technically, we plan to extend the current TeamEnabler by enabling interactions
with a directory service. Within the directory server, organizational structures and re-
sponsibilities will be managed in standardized infrastructures.
In the context of TeamBroker, we have (1) conceptualized factors and performance
values affecting the formation of teams, (2) formalized constraints imposed by the
project that a team has to carry out, (3) transformed the problem of forming teams into a
resource allocation problem and (4) solved it by using methods of constraints program-
ming. We plan an higher integration of TeamBroker into the TeamEnabler environment
by adopting a service oriented architecture.
The current version of TeamEnabler supports reduced spectrums of the ”Family
Office”: it offers a simple collaboration environment. In future work, we intend to track
information of the team space ”for ever” by providing an environment the content of
which evolves with the customer lifecycle. That means, old team spaces are not going to
be deleted; they should rather be considered for future consulting sessions of the same
customer (even if the consulting teams differ). By the same way, the result of team work
should flow into the profiles of the experts in order to facilitate automatic selection of
experts. It should be therefore possible to update experts profile while working in the
team space and to develop a dynamic history of customer’s lifecycle. The new features
will lead us to position mCRM within the context of Knowledge Management. Instead
of Knowledge Management, we will use the term of ”Intellectual Asset Management”,
borrowed from the financial domain. In Finance, Asset Management is the key activity
for managing a financial portfolio according to the defined risk profiles and targets of a
client. In the long perspective, we try to apply gradually this approach for collaborative
work support.
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