Characterization of Mobile Services
in Heterogeneous Communication Environments
Nataliya Kohvakko
Department of Mathematical Information Technology,
University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35, 40014 Jyväskylä, Finland
Abstract. The term “service” is quite overused in the telecommunications
research area. This paper continues previous research by the author toward a
better understanding of the service concept. The term service in this paper
means the “something” that a human user receives from the computing
environment that includes mobile and fixed devices, various kinds of
interconnected networks forming a larger whole, and a variety of existing
software. The main concern of this paper is to derive a set of essential
properties of services within heterogeneous networks. It also defines the
relationships among established properties and references each of them to a
certain functional layer within a service conceptual model. Finally, this paper
represents an example of “service content value”-based classification and the
service characterization framework using an ontological representation
1 Introduction
There is no doubt that the communication world is evolving into a so-called pervasive
computing environment, meaning that computers and electronic devices are so
intrinsic in everyday life that people no longer realize how much they use these
technologies. Of course, this also means that everything is interconnected, so users
can be recognized regardless of their locations or the devices they are using. This
concept results from the variety of application services and electronic devices
available and the options provided by networks, interoperability, seamless roaming,
context awareness and personalization.
The convergence of fixed and mobile networks brings us to interoperability
solutions regarding the first stages of the networks’ confluence and a new age of the
Internet with a shared core but heterogeneous access networks along the edge. The
achievement of these goals presumes an extended evolution in both technological
areas. Nevertheless, the mobile and fixed networks remain distinct. For example, the
“Wireless Internet” does not exist globally yet and requires the wider spread of
UMTS; but even when these tasks are completed, the wireless Internet still will be
different from the traditional Internet.
The diversity of networks is, however, a challenge because modern technologies
that deal with network content can be implemented much easier in a new network
than through upgrading the existing one. It is clear that, for small-sized mobile
devices, the current Internet content is to be updated and huge amount of new content
Kohvakko N. (2004).
Characterization of Mobile Services in Heterogeneous Communication Environments.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, pages 3-10
DOI: 10.5220/0002665100030010
needs to be provided. However, one essential goal of current research is to decrease
the necessity of the updating of content as much as possible, so “essential generic
functionality for mobile applications should be implemented in the infrastructure” [1].
One of the very important concepts to be understood is the notion of service in the
context of a heterogeneous communication environment [2] note that this term is
quite “overloaded” and that it is important to understand its complex meaning. In the
area of wireless mobile communications little research has been devoted to the
question of service characterization and categorization [3], [4] yet and even these
researchers consider service from some particular point of view.
The main purpose of this paper is to define the set of essential characteristics of
services provided in heterogeneous networks, and parts which can be represented by
any networking standard. The characteristics of services should be defined in abstract
way and represent fundamental properties, but not existing instances labeled by some
standard. It is also important correlate the properties and to define their
interrelationships based on some structural model of the network or service.
This paper seeks to use a complex approach to categorize services by their
essential properties, and to link the categories to each other and to existing instances
of suggested concepts. In preparing this work, it was studied a wide range of papers
and websites that describe current services and some still under research and
development [5], [6-12]. The categorization given within this paper can be
understood as an ontology of a service in its most conceptual sense within the
computer networks domain and is intended to be used by telecommunication
networks to further improve their functional separation and openness.
3 Characterization Basis
When discussing the variety of services in future communication networks, it is
appropriate to divide services into two major categories – vertical and horizontal.
This division is presented in [13], where it is recommended to pass from vertical
services like the SMS, cableTV and PSTN to horizontal ones, which would represent
parts of network functionality (access, transport, service network, etc.). Such
transition is a common trend in the telecommunication world and represents a high
degree of flexibility compared to the current situation.
The vertical service (complex service) is a functional complex that works in
communication network and has value and content intended for the human user.
Vertical service is usually quite complex and consists of all constituents of the
communication network functionality (transmission, routing, representation, etc.).
Horizontal service is a set of service primitives all working on the same layer of
abstraction (functional layer) and providing the network with similar or
complementary functions (see Fig.1).
The conceptual idea presented in the figure 1 has its practical implementation in
the existing Internet, where layers of OSI reference model are fixed and clearly
defined as well as each of service primitives. However, the existing division does not
meet the needs of mobile and wireless communications, nor does it take into account
many recent scientific and industrial developments. Therefore a need exists for
reconsidering the current understanding of computing networks with respect to the
emerging technologies, such as mobile and wireless networks.
In this paper, the model described in [2] and represented on the figure 2 is used as
a basis for characterization. In principle, any kind of reference model can be utilized,
but the chosen one is particularly suitable from the service provisioning point of view.
It introduces a conceptual view on the service and consists of the horizontal services,
shown as model layers briefly described below.
The network layer is needed to provide communication capability between two
network nodes – perform mobility, scalability, routing, handover, format
transformation, load balancing, medium access control and other functions concerned
with the transmission of traffic node-by-node from the source to the destination. The
transport layer of the reference model represents the transport service in a
mobile/fixed heterogeneous network in an end-to-end macroscopic scale. The
principal idea of the middleware layer is to provide the functionality that will allow
applications to avoid a majority of the problems that arise within the heterogeneity of
the communication environment. According to [2], the middleware scale provides
service portability, device and user mobility, and make them seamless for end-service
applications. The application layer provides and represents service content to the end-
user. Another aspect of the application layer functionality concerns the AAA issues
that are specific for the concrete service. The content of service is what the user
actually receives. In other words, content is the service value. The metacontent
describes the service in terms of metadata for easy machine retrieval, analysis and
The research results described in the following section establish a set of essential
properties of a complex service provided in a heterogeneous network. The collection
must allow for the classification of all, or a majority of, the existing complex services
and distinguish the services from each other according to their characteristics. In
addition, the set of properties should be essential and allow for the exclusive
classification of services.
Vertical Service 1
Vertical Service 2
service reference model
1 .
Assembling the vertical service
3 Complex Service Essential Properties Derivation
3.1 Mobility
One of the most crucial properties of service in modern networks is mobility, which is
well described in [14]. There are three types of mobility: service mobility (the
movement of the same service from one network/device/user to another), device
mobility (the same device is moving across different networks), and user mobility
(the same user moves across different devices).
Device mobility support requires additional functionality (roaming, device mobility
tracking), mainly in the network part of the complex service functionality. Service
can be such that it is provided for mobile user(s), stationary user(s) or in an ad hoc
manner. Since device mobility is the most popular and widely used type of mobility,
let’s use this corresponding property as simply mobility.
Service mobility and user mobility can be characterized by the two properties of a
complex service: network and consumer, which are addressed on the middleware
layer of service provision. The following separation: can be done with respect to the
network: local network services, cross-network services, multi-network services.
Local network service is service that is provided only in the home network and
cannot be transported to any other network, due to a technical or advisability reason.
Cross-network services are those that can be provided in the home network as well as
in a host network; the latter can represent another telecommunication standard. Multi-
network services always engage two or more telecommunication networks standards.
The consumer property accomplishes a set of service properties describing
mobility issues and represents the addressee of the service. The classification of
services based on a consumer property is to be used in the provision of the AAA
functionality on the middleware layer – internetworking and co-operation issues:
human-addressed services, terminal-addressed services, unaddressed services.
A human-addresses service means that the service is to be provided to the actual
human(s), regardless of the terminal he/she is using (e-mail, reservation services,
etc.). A terminal-addressed service is to be provided to the concrete terminal(s)
without taking into account the user’s personality (speech call, remote diagnostics,
location-based services, etc.). Unaddressed services can be provided in an
unauthorized way to every entity in the network (advertising, emergency, news, etc.).
3.2 Network Architecture
When considering the service provision in heterogeneous environments, it is
necessary to distinguish the networks from an architectural point of view. Despite the
fact that networks are interconnected, service is usually targeted to one or another
type of network architecture or a certain set of them.
Based on the current variety of computer network standards, we would derive the
following groups of general network architectures: Cellular, Satellite, Wireless LAN,
Wireless PAN, Broadcast, Fixed. The given set represents the modern network
architectures domain and with respect to the architecture property of vertical service
belonging to network layer of complex service reference model.
3.3 Traffic Flow Shape
Each complex service considered in this paper includes an information exchange
between network nodes participating in a service provision, consuming or
communication process. The corresponding functional layer, which is responsible for
handling data traffic on a logical level, is a transport service. Structure and behavior
describe, from a traffic point of view, the properties of the transport service.
Behavior represents the dynamics of the service. The following general types of
traffic behavior are seen: static, dynamic, real-time.
Structure of the traffic flow reflects the “relationship” between its sources and
destinations (the transport session architecture). The following structures of
macroscopic traffic flows can be considered in fixed and mobile network domains:
one-to-one (unidirectional, bidirectional), one-to-many (multicast), one-to-all
(broadcast), many-to-many (conferencing).
3.4 Application Properties
A complex service, when meant for the human user, always has an application(s) that
performs actions that particularly conclude this concrete service and provide a user
interface. There are many characteristics of applications from various points of view.
Let us derive two essential properties of a complex service with respect to its
application(s), specifically describing it in a mobile heterogeneous network
environment: context and execution.
The context property describes the common situations in which the service is used or
which influence its execution. With respect to a service application context, the
following types of services could be established: location-based services, mobility-
dependent, disconnection-sensitive, user terminal/class specific, and network specific.
Another important characteristic of the service application(s) is its execution
pattern, which we define as an execution property of the service application layer.
With respect to the application execution pattern, complex services can be: client-
server, peer-to-peer, distributed, third-party, download.
The client-service type of execution supposes that the principal part of the
computational efforts is executed on a server; peer-to-peer service means that two
network users communicate directly without a coordination unit; distributed service is
executed in several parts in various places in the network; third-party type of
execution assumes the participation of three parties: the service consumer, the
service provider, and the telecommunications operator, which provides the
accessibility to service; download service means that all components of the service
are first downloaded to the user’s terminal and then the service is executed locally.
3.5 Service Content
The content of a complex service is the only horizontal layer of the reference model
[2] that does not introduce any physical entities into the network, unlike the
applications, hardware, or middleware procedures. While it is abstract, it remains a
very important property of a complex service. Actually, the target of the entire service
provisioning process is precisely the provision of content to the user. Consideration of
services from content point of view is very important in marketing issues, AAA
schemes planning, business models design, etc. Many classifications of services in
communication environments are based on the content that sometimes places
technologically the same services into completely different categories. In some cases
it is reasonable, in other cases it is not. However, content as a characteristic of service
should be always taken into account. Two properties of content considered essential
are user and value.
Depending on the intended user group, application developers should design a user
interface and serving capabilities of communication service. That is why it is
important to separate such property of communication service content as user. The
following general categories can be distinguished: private customer, collective user,
service provider, communication device manufacturer, telecommunication operator.
The collective user means that a service is addressed to several persons considered
as one and paying as one, for example, business users, family members, etc. The
communication device manufacturer has produced the device through which the user
is served by the service provider. The telecommunication operator normally
maintains the communication line between the service provider and the user, although
sometimes it may perform the functions of the service provider as well.
Content value is what the user actually receives by the service. It can be
information, data, communication or control capability, or any combination of these.
Based on the list of functioning and emerging services provided by various networks,
we derived this set of service content types: communication, information, assistance,
remote control
News Advertising
Fig. 3. Content value-based service classification
transaction, remote control, resource management, terminal. Figure 3 classifies the
selected set of existing services with respect to the content value viewpoint.
Communication means that two or more network users exchange some piece of data;
the information type reflects the situation in which the user retrieves some
information from the network; assistance is a challenging type of content that implies
the existence of some entity that guides the user within some period of time, type of
activity or until some goal is achieved (navigation assistance, e-learning, personal
assistant); commerce represents services with a high level of security and a
transactional type of functionality; remote control refers situations when the user
controls the physical or logical devices through the communication network in real
time or off-line; resource management is concerned with applications representing,
usually, the user interface to network resources and allows users to create, modify or
destroy network information resources, such as databases, files, information storage,
etc; terminal type of content value represents applications that are executed on the
user’s terminal and do not interact with a network while execution.
All presented characteristics of complex service to be provided in heterogeneous
computer network are visualized (relatively to the selected reference model) on the
figure 4.
5 Conclusions
The service that a user receives by being connected to a heterogeneous networking
environment via a communication device can be understood in many different ways,
depending on the point of view. This paper presents a conceptual study of service,
and describes its essential properties and the interrelationship of these properties. The
defined set of properties is correlated with a chosen service reference model in order
to place each service property on the general map in telecommunications area.
Middleware Application
WLAN fixed
third party
user terminal
telecom operator
device manufacturer
Fig. 4. Characteristics of service in heterogeneous communication environments
The proposed characterization framework can be used, first of all, in service
classification efforts. One of such classification examples is represented in figure 4
and is based on a service content value property.
The key goal of this work was a comprehensive overview of existing and emerging
services within heterogeneous environments. Such an overview is very useful for
extracting knowledge about a service from the service itself and from service
provisioning mechanisms. It is also valuable when needing to satisfy one or all of the
requirements of service provisioning, such as ubiquitous access – the capability of a
terminal to access diverse communication networks; cross-network mobility – the
seamless roaming among diverse access networks; service portability – the adaptation
and reusability of existing services across multiple communication systems; context
awareness – the dynamic service adaptability to changing user and network
conditions; and independent service creation – the separation of service creation from
the specifics of service delivery in every communication network.
The primary value of this work is seen in taken the service characterization
approach and categorization from various viewpoints rather than in assigning labels
for concrete entities (properties and types of services).
The results obtained in this work are still subject to further improvements.
However, even now they can be used as one of the inputs in areas such as context
utilization, service portability provision, middleware development, heterogeneous
network integration, and adaptive services support, among others.
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