O/LASER: Prototyping Concept of Dialogue
Information System with Spreading Knowledge
Kamil Ek
stein and Tom
s Pavelka
Laboratory of Intelligent Communication Systems,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of West Bohemia,
ı 22, 306 00 Plze
n, Czech Republic
Abstract. The presented paper introduces a scalable modular prototyping con-
cept and methodology framework for rapid development of domain-oriented di-
alogue information systems being developed at Laboratory of Intelligent Com-
munication Systems (LICS). The whole system consists of two practically stand-
alone aggregates of software modules and knowledge bases: A speech recogni-
tion and synthesis software—LASER, and a generic task-independent scalable
dialogue information system—LINGVO. The article describes the architecture,
design, and philosophy of the framework in details and discusses its benefits al-
ready experienced while used to build a voice-driven dialogue application.
1 Introduction
In these days the speech and dialogue research facilities including universities, special-
ized private research companies, as well as market leaders can offer various kinds of
speech-enabling software. Such systems usually make it possible to build voice-driven
(mostly telephone operated) dialogue information systems that provide their prospec-
tive users with certain information from preselected domains, such as e.g. arrivals and
departures of trains, planes, public transportation vehicles at all, opening hours of some
institutions, exchange rates, telephone numbers, etc. The wider (containing more ex-
pressions) the operated domain is, the more accurate the system must be to successfully
satisfy requests of its users. As the overall recognition accuracy of even the state-of-
the-art systems is still far from being sufficient to work on wide domains, the designers
must back up on highly restrictive techniques giving the user in fact no chance to mis-
lead the system—the dialogue then might look like the following (“S” is the system,
“U” is the user):
S: Hello, this is ARS—Airplane-ticket Reservation System.
Where would you like to fly? Please, state the city.
U: Porto.
S: Do you mean Porto in Portugal? Please, reply “Yes” or “No”.
U: Yes.
S: When would you like to fly? Please, state the date only.
U: Twelfth of April.
Ekštein K. and Pavelka T. (2004).
LINGVO/LASER: Prototyping Concept of Dialogue Information System with Spreading Knowledge.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 159-168
DOI: 10.5220/0002665301590168
S: What class would you like to fly? Please, reply “Business” or “Economy”.
U: Economy.
S: What is your credit card number? Please, read the number figure by figure.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
S: A seat in economy class is booked for you on 12
April, flight to Porto, Portugal.
Your credit card number is 123456. Is it correct? Please, reply “Yes” or “No”.
U: Yes.
S: Okay. Thank you. Good bye.
As you can see, the dialogue is acceptable for, say, novice user
. But an experienced
one would for sure like to “speed up” the dialogue causing the system to get confused
and terminate the dialogue immediately by means of some kind of escape utterance.
Usually the commercial systems put the user through to a human operator after the
escape utterance. Clearly, the above depicted situation is an implementative solution
of a human-computer dialogue but it is only a crutch after all. A full-featured, mature
human-computer interaction on the given topic should look e.g. like this (“S” is the
system, “U” is the user):
S: Hello, this is ARS—Airplane-ticket Reservation System.
How can I help you?
I want to book a seat on flight to Porto on April, 12
Do you mean Porto in Portugal?
U: Well, of course, do you fly to any other Porto?
S: There is Porto in Corsica where you may get via Calenzana.
U: Oh, I see. But I want to Porto in Portugal.
S: What class would you like to fly?
U: I prefer economy class.
S: What is your credit card number?
U: Twelve, thirty four, fifty six.
A seat in economy class is booked for you on 12
April, flight to Porto, Portugal.
Your credit card number is 123456. Is it correct?
S: Okay. Thank you. Good bye.
Such a dialogue with computer is generally possible—we tested e.g. CSLU Toolkit
package (see [1]) to design it (for English). The DIS
worked well but the recognition
accuracy was below the acceptable level for public release, mainly because of very
wide grammar covering all the possible dialogue situations. The restrictive power of the
grammar was so weak that it was not able to suppress the invalid recognized utterance
hypotheses. Unfortunately, Czech language has properties that make this task even more
complicated as described in section 2.
Our LICS research group examined the publicly available dialogue information sys-
tems operated in Czech language with the goal to explore their dialogue strategies. The
Unfortunately some kind of understanding the whole matter and a good deal of obedience is
necessary. And these are in practical operation quite rare.
Dialogue Information System
results were discouraging: All three of Czech mobile telephone network providers have
automated support lines but these have no speech recognition at all and the interaction is
enabled by means of DTMF technique, i.e. pressing the buttons of a mobile phone as a
reply. The “dialogue” is in all three cases extremely time-consuming, irritating, and the
human operator is hidden very deep in the dialogue structure. The same was observed
in information systems of four big Czech bank houses and a public transportation DIS
of the city of Liberec (see [3]), but in the last named the speech recognition is present.
The previously depicted situation led the LICS team to start the development of a
dialogue information system prototyping concept which will make it possible to build
voice-driven applications without that high level of restriction in spoken interaction.
The whole framework is called LINGVO after an Esperantist word for “speech”.
The recognizer part is named LASER which is short for LICS Automatic Speech En-
gine/Recognizer. The fundamental inspiring idea of the whole design is to extract as
much information as possible at any level, and use it back at the lowest level possible.
2 Language Modelling Considerations
As the phoneme recognition accuracy can hardly exceed some 80 %
, the relatively high
utterance recognition accuracy (reported about 95-97 % in the state-of-the-art systems)
grounds in powerful, restrictive language modelling which is capable of rejection of
incorrect hypotheses (referred to as out-of-grammar hypotheses).
In Czech case the restrictive power of grammar (as well as statistical language mod-
els) is significantly debilitated by syntactical properties of the language. At first, Czech
language has free word order—a question At what time does the plane to Porto de-
part?” may be translated like these:
Kdy odl
a letadlo do Porta?
Kdy letadlo odl
a do Porta?
Letadlo do Porta odl
a kdy
? (when)
4. Do Porta
a letadlo kdy? (Porto)
Kdy do Porta odl
a letadlo
? (plane)
Kdy letadlo do Porta odl
? (departs)
The underlined word (translated in parentheses) is emphasised by the word order. The
following translations of the same question are considered strange (even if they are
understood by any Czech):
Kdy do Porta letadlo odl
Do Porta kdy letadlo odl
Letadlo do Porta, kdy odl
Any other possible grouping of the used words is considered out-of-grammar.
The previous example shows that any grammar constructed to accept all possible
forms of grammatically correct Czech sentence can generate up to 10 % of permutation
We used HTK for testing this hypothesis and reached 82.94% as the best value (i.e. with the
best setup of parameters established after a series of trials). The recognizer was trained using
30 minutes of speech uttered by 20 speakers.
of the used words, which obviously cannot help the recognizer to determine validity
of a hypothesis. The same situation happens while using statistical language models
(N-grams). They can suppress correctly recognized out-of-grammar hypotheses (which
means that the speaker uttered an out-of-grammar sentence) when N is high enough
Unfortunately such an ability does not improve the recognition performance.
Another property of Czech language is a full-featured flection: Nouns, pronouns,
adjectives, and numerals are declined into 7 cases for each grammatical number (re-
sulting in 14 different forms of a word), and verbs are conjugated in a very complex
way (resulting in a nightmare of 223 different forms of a verb). Both declination and
conjugation is (mostly) suffix-based. Misrecognized suffix may end up in a completely
different meaning of the utterance. Taking the grammatical structure of recognition hy-
potheses into account may result in rejection of a generally correct hypothesis due to
any single misrecognized suffix. Also the model perplexity rises significantly.
We carried out a series of tests with HTK 3.2 toolkit trained with three corpora
made at LICS. The table below shows the best phoneme recognition accuracies for
each corpus:
LICS AC 2002
LICS AC Phonemes
The values of phoneme recognition accuracy are relatively high. As opposed to these,
the utterance recognition accuracies reached by a voice-driven chess game recognizer
proves the influence of language models:
Chess Grammar 1 – Most Restrictive
Chess Grammar 2 – Normal
The “Most Restrictive” grammar forces user to announce his or her intention in a very
tight manner. Such a language model is not acceptable for any Czech as it gives no
freedom of word ordering which is very natural for us. On the other hand the “Nor-
mal” grammar covers nearly all possibilities of free word order sentences applicable to
express a chess move. It results in a dramatic drop of performance.
3 System Design Considerations
As the grammar or statistical language model cannot play its restrictive role in Czech
language DIS, we decided to derive the restriction from dialogue course, generally
at any level of the dialogue system. To clarify the idea, let us consider the following
situation: The system is asking the user “Do you have a credit card?”. There is very
high probability that the user answers either “Yes” or “No”. We examined hundreds
of recordings and found only few rare cases when the user faced to a pure Yes/No-
question replied anything else—if he or she did so, the dialogue was not co-operative
at all anyway (see [2] and [6]).
Less than N = 3 has no effect in Czech language.
The points of a dialogue system design where an appropriate restrictive information
can be derived from, can be e.g. the following:
1. Acoustic Front-End (Signal Processing):
(a) Measuring fundamental voice frequency F
can tell whether the speaker is male
or female. Such knowledge can be used in (i) acoustic-phonetic decoder to
switch to an appropriate set of models (HMM) or neural nets (ANN) trained by
men or women respectively; (ii) language modelling to conceal the grammar
components for female forms (endings and other gender-specific phenomena).
Measuring prosodic parameters (e.g. overall loudness) to detect anger or stress
can help to switch to a human operator (if available) in due time.
Domain Analysis: May influence the language modelling knowledge base by means
of iteratively narrowing the vocabulary and grammar to the discussed domain plus
some escape utterances.
Data Analysis: Modifies situation modelling knowledge bases to exclude dialogue
sequences leading to a query about a fact which is not known to the system or which
the system cannot answer for any reason.
Dialogue Manager: Being the main decisive mechanism of the dialogue system,
the dialogue manager is a source of wide set of information: For example following
the dialogue situation can result in considerable restriction of a language model
in those branches where the user has lesser freedom of choice and thus possible
interaction is predictable according to the dialogue scenario.
4 System Architecture Description
Figure 1 depicts schematically the architecture of the whole LASER/LINGVO frame-
work. The whole prototyping concept has been designed to enable applying of mod-
elling restrictions according to knowledge acquired all around the system.
Modules and functional units of the system design are described in detail below:
4.1 LASER—Speech Recognizer
1. Run-time Recorder (LRec): Controls computer audio device(s) and records an
incoming speech into a stream of digital data. Incorporates VAD and AGC
. Pa-
rameter setup (sample rate, quantization) is user-adjustable via configuration file
and/or command line options.
2. Acoustic Front-End (LAFE): Transforms the recorded digitized speech signal
into a stream of parametric vectors used for further processing. The contents of
the parametric vector is user-adjustable by a script in SACL/PDL language which
defines the exact way to treat the signal. Possible processing options include preem-
phasis, smoothing, windowing (Hamming, etc.), power spectral density estimates
(smoothed), spectral warping (Mels), MFCC, PLP, liftering, mean and deviation
normalization, and many others (see [4]).
VAD stands for Voice Activity Detection, and AGC means Automatic Gain Control.
Fig.1. Architecture of the LASER/LINGVO system: Circular elements present executory
modules (routines, programs, software tools), rectangular elements stand for knowledge bases
(files, databases, expert systems), triangular arrows show data flow throughout the system, solid
lines connect parts that exploits one another, and dotted lines connect those that share and/or
enriches knowledge bases.
3. ANN-HMM Acoustic/Phonetic Decoder (LDec): Decodes the spoken (acoustic)
utterance represented by parametric vectors into a phonetic information (series of
phonemes represented by transcription alphabet symbols) by means of proposing
recognition hypotheses based on acoustic and language modelling. Artificial neural
network (namely MLP) estimates posterior probabilities of phonetic class assign-
ment for each parametric vector. These values are used as output probabilities b
states of HMMs of phoneme-like units (see [7]).
4. Hypothesis Evaluation: Searches the proposed recognition hypotheses in the shape
of word lattice and, according to the language modelling knowledge base (and thus
information provided by upper level of the design, e.g. dialog manager), accepts
(N) the most probable way(s) through the lattice, i.e. the valid hypothesis.
5. Speech Synthesis (LSyn): Shares the acoustic-phonetic knowledge base to pro-
duce audible speech output.
6. Acoustic-Phonetic Modelling Knowledge Base: Contains models of acoustic phe-
nomena and their phonetic class assignment in form of numeral parameter sets for
HMM (matrices of a
and b
, transition and emission probabilities). This knowl-
edge base can be enriched by external knowledge according to the proposed design
concept of gathering and spreading knowledge: (a) The acoustic front-end (LAFE)
module can determine whether the prospective speaker is male or female and cause
switching to the appropriate set of acoustic-phonetic models instead of using both
two—resulting performance improvement is estimated about 10%; (b) the same
piece of information can come from dialogue manager (as Czech strongly differen-
tiates grammatical gender).
Language Modelling Knowledge Base: Contains language models, i.e. grammar
in e.g. extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF), numeral parameter sets of N-gram sta-
tistical models, etc. This base can be also strongly influenced by spreading knowl-
edge from upper parts of the design: The information from situation modelling
base (via dialogue manager) can suppress grammar branches that will not be used
for sure in the next user’s reply. Our contemporary technical solution of this task is
a re-generation of the used grammar before each utterance analysis.
4.2 LINGVO—Dialogue System
1. Domain Analysis: At this point, a decision about what domain does the utterance
belong to is taken. According to such a knowledge, an appropriate situation models
are passed to the dialogue manager. Also an off-topic sentence can be identified
here and the dialogue manager is consequently alerted to switch to an “escape”
scenario. The module is based mainly on the vocabulary and syntax analysis (see
[5] and [8]).
Semantic Analysis: Analyses the utterance with the goal to find the meaning of
it, i.e. expressed intention of the speaker in communication towards the system.
Semantic analysis is grounded on microsituation theory and several other semantic
formalisms (see [5]): The method tries to fill in predefined semantic frames (data
structures) using the information contained in the sentence—those frames that are
filled more than certain given level are declared valid semantic hypotheses and
passed to the next module.
3. Pragmatic Analysis: Verifies whether the semantic hypothesis is accomplishable
given the contents of domain-specific databases. Pragmatic analysis also contributes
to quantitative formulation of the cooperativeness level between the user and the
system. Such an information helps to select suitable dialogue strategies within the
situation modelling base (via dialogue manager).
4. Data Analysis: Scans the data produced by controlled (subordinated) applications
and returned to the dialogue system through interface hub. The module is respon-
sible for filtering singularities from the data and translating the data into semantic
frames so that dialogue manager can operate on them.
5. Interface Hub: Ensures communication with controlled (subordinated) applica-
tions such as relational databases, system terminals, game engines, etc.
6. Response Generation: Translates filled-in data frames back to human speech in
the form of a sequence of phonetic symbols, which is further passed to the speech
7. Generic Knowledge Base: Contains common facts needed to decode incomplete
semantic frames or those carrying implicit entries like e.g. local date and time,
position of the running system, etc. In the other words it holds a system-specific
description of the world.
Situation Modelling Knowledge Base: Contains dialogue and subdialogue scenar-
ios derived out of long-lasting research of real human-human dialogues, dialogue
templates, and behavioural patterns (see [2]). This module is a prominent source of
knowledge used to restrict recognizer grammar.
5 Current State of Implementation
The following units and modules are fully functional:
LASER Recognizer Unit—Provides the system with either the best recognized
sentence hypothesis or N-best hypotheses. The experimental hybrid ANN/HMM
decoder (see [4]) may be optionally replaced by HTK/ATK-based decoder. Imple-
mented also as DLL
, the recognizer may be utilised by various simple speech-
enabled applications too.
2. Domain Analysis
Interface Hub
4. Response Generation
Interface routines (written in Perl) enable to incorporate executive modules or data
from other systems, e.g. HTK, CSLU Toolkit or SPEX KIT. The Semantic and Prag-
matic Analysis modules, and the Dialogue Manager are partially implemented, i.e.
they are available in a simple form for testing and display purposes. Still they are not
ready as generic full-featured data-driven modules. Currently a co-operative effort is
exerted to bind LASER/LINGVO system to SPEX KIT dialogue platform (see [9]).
A complete methodology is prepared for the dialogue modelling: microsituations,
dialogue flow, escape strategies, etc. Also several real recorded dialogues were mod-
elled using the methodology to verify its efficiency (see [6]).
Windows Dynamically Linked Library which can be loaded by an application at run time.
Several simple dialogue systems have been developed using the LASER/LINGVO
framework: (i) LChess—a chess game controlled by voice interaction; (ii) DOD@live—
a DIS for “Day of Open Doors” at DCSE answering questions of our prospective stu-
dents about the studies at our department; (iii) CIC (or City Information Centre)—a
municipality DIS providing information about city transportation, opening hours, etc.
(under development).
6 Results and Future Work
The way how the prototypes (see section 5) nowadays function (on an isolated Windows-
based workstation with a headset) does not allow an extensive testing under real operat-
ing conditions. We performed a simple test during the above mentioned “Day of Open
Doors” when 113 uninitiated
students talked to the DOD@live dialogue system proto-
type. The results were as follows:
Wrong system response 6.81%
Correct system response 93.19%
| Correct hypothesis (A) 59.09%
| Wrong hypothesis (B) 34.09%
State (A) means that the recognizer provided the system with correct hypothesis and
the system subsequently took an appropriate action (response) so that the user was sat-
isfied. State (B) is a situation when the recognizer provided the system with (partially)
incorrect hypothesis but the system was still able to derive the meaning of the utterance
and take an appropriate action (response) to satisfy the user.
The weakest point of current LASER/LINGVO implementation state is definitely
the semantic and pragmatic analysis as these modules can act as efficient restriction
of recognition hypotheses. Also a rejection mechanism for totally out-of-dialogue hy-
potheses with high recognition score (Hypothesis Evaluation module) works at dispu-
tatious level of accuracy leading the system to dead ends.
Our future work will be focused towards implementing data-driven algorithms for
semantic and pragmatic analysis. Another important branch is to improve the dialogue
manager core to (i) handle exceptional dialogue states, (ii) support escape strategies,
and (iii) cover wider field of dialogue situations (i.e. make the frame processing more
generic). Moreover we’d like to incorporate some recently presented NLP techniques
suitable for Czech language but unfortunately these are usually too theoretic and too
demanding to be implemented in a real-time response system.
7 Conclusion
The dialogue information system paradigm described in the previous paragraphs has
been proposed and built mainly because of the need of a design concept enabling to
increase the cooperative performance between a human and a machine. Such result is
strongly dependent on the speech recognition and semantic analysis accuracy as these
They were not previously instructed how to speak to the system and what to say.
are key components in the process of artificial understanding of speech. The design was
penetrated with a fundamental idea of highest possible modelling restriction so that the
decoding algorithms have lesser freedom and thus gaining better results. The need for
such a scheme came out of syntactical properties of Czech language for which both
grammar and statistical language models allow too many possibilities and thus it can
hardly help to reject invalid recognition hypotheses. The original idea of restricting the
recognition grammar according to the position dialogue scenario was extended to the
other parts of the framework and resulted in a general scheme of dialogue information
system with spreading of extracted knowledge.
This research has been supported by Research Grant MSM 235200005.
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