Cross-enterprise Process Orchestration – Framework
for Collaborative Process Automation
Otmar Adam, Anja Hofer, Sven Zang
Institute for Information Systems (IWi)
at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence,
Im Stadtwald Geb. 43.8, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
Abstract. New forms of cooperation like collaborative business scenarios re-
quire a deep but flexible integration of enterprises. To manage Business Process
Automation across such networks existing concepts for integration need to be
adapted and extended. In this paper a framework is presented, how cross-
enterprise processes can be planned, implemented and controlled. The frame-
work is based on the differentiation of global knowledge within the network
and local knowledge of a participating company. In order to support the inter-
enterprise interaction open platforms, e.g. orchestrated web services, have to be
implemented. Orchestration secures the semantic content of the process-flow.
1 Innovation through Collaborative Business
The growing importance of cooperation is a result of globalization in combination
with the loosing of political borders and technological changes caused by the Internet
[1], [2]. Thus, enterprises have to react on the raised innovation pressure and are often
forced to participate in trade on a global scale. Due to the resulting overcoming of re-
gional limitations there is a need for resources that they cannot meet alone [3]. This
leads to the creation of national and international cooperations, not only in the vertical
interaction relations, but also during the collaborative production of goods and ser-
vices with complementary core competence partners.
The borderless enterprise has been the subject of scientific discussion for some
years [4], and the collaborative production of goods and services has been established
as a crucial factor in the consciousness of economic entities. The opening of the or-
ganizations borders is no longer regarded as a necessary evil, but rather as a chance
with strategic importance [5]. The additional effort caused by the network has to be
overcompensated by the added-value. Enterprises have to build up new forms of co-
operation characterized by a flexible and low-cost feasibility in order to be perma-
nently successful on largely saturated markets.
Current approaches that address solutions to specific problems of flexibly interact-
ing organisations are summarized under the term “Business Integration”; the field of
investigation is referred to as “Collaborative Business (C-Business)” [6]. While the
technological implementation on the one hand and the business model life-cycle on
the other hand have been already intensively researched, too little consideration is
given to the interconnecting business management concepts. A rethinking from the
Adam O., Hofer A. and Zang S. (2004).
Cross-enterprise Process Orchestration Framework for Collaborative Process Automation.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 185-197
DOI: 10.5220/0002667201850197
pure technology-driven implementation or profit-driven business model discussion to
an integrated view that spans from the conceptual level to the system blueprint is
needed. On the conceptual view business processes have proven to be the ideal design
item in conjunction with the use of graphical methods. These methods can then be
transformed into IT-based specifications. With the use of web services they enable
Business Process Automation, i.e. the automatic negotiation of process interfaces.
In this paper this approach is expanded to the Framework for Collaborative Process
Automation. The elaboration and implementation of such a concept is the subject of
the research project ArKoS, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF), that is introduced in the last section.
2 From Middleware to Collaborative Business
Up until now integration attempts aligned with technological necessities. Thus differ-
ent middleware concepts and solutions were developed over the last years. Beginning
with the simple Remote Procedure Call (RPC) or Remote Database Access, over
Message Oriented Middleware and Transaction Processing Monitors, up to more re-
cent concepts, such as Object Request Brokers (ORBs) or shared components [7].
Middleware however is used basically only for integration at data level; functions that
enable further integration levels as object or process integration are missing [8]. „En-
terprise Application Integration“ (EAI) provides an approach that goes beyond the
pure technical connection of information systems. The different systems – both inter-
nal applications and of external business partners – are linked by a uniform integra-
tion platform. Therefore only one interface is required to connect the systems to the
EAI-system as opposed to a large number of point-to-point connections. The system
actively transports data from one application to the other according to the process
flow and converts documents into the respectively needed format.
However, EAI still lacks another conceptual superstructure by means of which an
intercompany collaboration can be planned and implemented. Therefore more recent
approaches, such as Collaborative Business (C-Business) and E-Collaboration, ex-
pand the EAI idea into business management concepts and methods. C-Business de-
scribes the Internet-based interlinked collaboration of all participants in an added
value network – from the raw material supplier to the end-consumer [9]. It allows a
comprehensive information exchange not only between employees but also between
departments and even between enterprises and encourages creative cooperations at all
levels. As first case-studies show, the increase in added value is out of proportion to
the amount of participants in the added value network. Unlike former concepts, as e.g.
E-Procurement, which focused only on small parts of the value chain, E-Collaboration
incorporates all stages of added value and business processes. Measures for Business
Integration incorporate all relevant business partners into the system; by doing so they
become part of the entire collaborative process [10].
For a detailed and systematic analysis and redesign of interorganizational proc-
esses, enterprises need a methodological framework that offers support at the business
concept level up to their implementation into IT-systems. The appropriate graphic
representation of these contents is of great importance in order to support the ex-
change of ideas and the reconciliation of interests between the different recipients
(management, departments and IT-department). Finding consent and decision-making
between the different stakeholders is considerably facilitated by a general methodol-
ogy; it encompasses not only the common conception of a collaborative business
process but also the system-side implementation in an existing IT application land-
scape. Besides, today a lot of workflow-aware application systems are used in mis-
sion-critical environments, e.g. as an extension of ERP-systems. Thus the main chal-
lenge concerning technology is the open implementation and interoperability of these
process-sensitive applications to integrate preceding and following process steps dy-
namically. The consecutive level of integration is called orchestration, i.e. the dy-
namic connection of autonomous process entities [11].
Loosely coupled component-based systems increasingly replace monolithic solu-
tions, as e.g. ERP-applications [12]. However, as long as widely-recognized content-
related and technical standards are missing, the use of component architectures is lim-
ited. To achieve a truly dynamic integration and interoperability these standards have
to be consolidated in a framework to ensure a common procedure within the business
network. For this purpose a proposal is to be developed by use of the framework for
collaborative process automation.
3 Framework for Collaborative Process Automation
Compared to traditional processes, the complexity of enterprises spanning business
processes rises considerably as a result of the numerous possibilities of interaction as
well as the strategic, structural and corporate cultural differences between the part-
ners. Coordinating the business partners turns out to be more difficult, especially be-
cause of the differing objectives and the lack of inherent organisational arrangements
and behaviour guidelines as they exist within an enterprise [13]. The allocation of per-
formances and resources of the business partners, the determination of responsibilities
for material and financial exchange relationships, as well as the information and data
exchange over interfaces have to be planned, arranged and “lived” together. Thus the
demands on Business Process Management (BPM) increase.
Existing BPM methods and phase models are used as a foundation in the presented
framework, which had to be adapted to the specifications of collaborative scenarios.
Especially because of its completeness of vision and its proven practicability, both in
the scientific and the economic context, the “ARIS House” [14] is accepted as a ge-
neric framework for business process management and serves as a basis for further
considerations. The ARIS House describes a business process, assigning equal impor-
tance to the questions of organization, functionality and the required documentation.
First, it isolates these questions for separate treatment, in order to reduce the complex-
ity of the description field, but then all the relationships are restored using the Control
View introduced for this purpose.
Additional basic principles for the derivation of the framework come from the ex-
amination of enterprise networks that have already been extensively analysed regard-
ing their development, maintenance and dissolution. Thus life cycle models and phase
models that are motivated from an organisational point of view have been developed
Below, relevant aspects of C-Business management are represented in a three-tier
framework that is connected through control loops, following the concept of business
process excellence of Scheer [16], which consists of a model to track a complete life-
cycle model of business process management, including modelling, real-time control
and monitoring of business processes. The first layer of the “Framework for Collabo-
rative Process Automation” focuses on the collaboration strategy. In the centre of the
second layer, the “C-Business Process Engineering”, there are design, optimisation
and controlling of both enterprise spanning and internal processes. The third layer,
“C-Business Execution”, deals with the (operational) implementation of business
processes in value-added networks as well as their support through information and
communication technologies. The structure of the layer model is clarified in figure 1.
Fig. 1. Framework for Collaborative Process Automation
3.1 C-Business Strategy
Before using the framework there is an awareness of one or more enterprises that they
can profit by collaboration with complementary core competence partners. After-
wards, in the formation phase, mostly referred to initiation and agreement of the en-
terprise network, the collaboration partners are determined by the shared goals of the
collaboration and the aspired win-win situation of all partners. In this paper we as-
sume that a set of potential network participants is given. The decision if and with
which enterprises out of the basic set a C-Business scenario should be implemented is
taken by every single enterprise individually and rationally; for this reason it depends
highly on the expected economical profit of the individual partner. In the next step,
the joint aims of the collaboration have to be defined as synthesis of the individual
Assuming that the aim of the cooperation is a collaborative service production,
graphic methods, like product models, are used in this stage for the determination of a
common service bundle. They simplify and put the often implicit objectives into con-
crete terms. In addition to the characteristic features of a service or a product over its
entire life-cycle, the organizational units participating in the service production are
contained in a product model [17]. By means of product trees enterprises can conceal
detailed service descriptions in an internal view that puts special focus on the organ-
izational aspects of the product offered by the partners. In an external view they just
provide the information required for the configuration of the common service bundle
in form of product bundle models [18].
Enterprise spanning business processes are not planned in detail at the strategic
level but designed as concentrated, high-level process modules. Thus, they combine
the public knowledge about the collaborative processes that is shared by all partici-
pants. Business process models for collaborative scenarios at the strategic level
merely no longer act on the assumption of a chronological view of the process, but
more on a role-based process model to discover new value-added potentials. C-
Business scenario-diagrams that are used e. g. by SAP Ltd. for the description of my- collaboration scenarios (cf. figure 2), aim at the representation of the coop-
eration of different enterprises and participants by means of a simple to understand
method and the documentation of the value-added potentials resulting from it [19].
The high-level processes are shown as hexagons in figure 2. The responsibility for
each process step, indicated by swim-lanes, is of central importance to the determina-
tion of the scenario. This method is integrated into the ARIS concept and combined
with methods of (classical) business process and data modelling used at the C-
Business Process Engineering layer. This enables the generation of public and enter-
prise-internal views and levels of detail for management, process owner and IT-
experts out of a C-Business model.
Fig. 2. Example of a C-Business Scenario
The question about the core competences in the enterprises is directly associated with
the question which processes remain in the enterprise and which are supposed to be
assigned to partner enterprises or collaboratively operated [20]. This decision again
has direct effects on the IT-systems used, e.g. whether a portal is supposed to be im-
plemented or the participation in an electronic marketplace is sought. C-Business stra-
tegic and technical problems cannot be considered independently from each other,
therefore the IT-architecture is already initialised.
After the basic parameters of the collaboration are determined the procedures and
the interactions are planned in more detail at the engineering layer.
3.2 C-Business Process Engineering
Having completed the strategy finding, in the next step the local (private) processes of
each partner are adapted and the processes regarding the collaboration (global or pub-
lic processes) are generated as an aggregation of all internal views of the network
partners. The business processes will be designed by using reference models based on
best practice and theoretical considerations. Like design patterns that show a generic
solution of the network architecture on a technical basis reference models are used to
show possible solutions for a process description on the conceptual level.
As described above, the framework is based on the ARIS House and divides it into
a vertical axis of global knowledge of all collaboration partners and a horizontal axis
of local knowledge of the single participants (cf. figure 3). The organisation view and
the output view are global knowledge because a goal-oriented collaboration is impos-
sible without them.
Network structures
Outputs in the network
Global Knowledge Local Knwoledge
Fig. 3. Global and local knowledge in innovation networks
Global and local knowledge merge gradually in the step-by-step development of C-
Business process engineering. Following this distinction between global and local
knowledge, a language is needed for the exchange of these knowledge fragments. Be-
cause the necessary detail functions and data schemes of the respective enterprise are
determined in the data and the function view, these are treated from a micro perspec-
tive. They are characterized by an intensive internal interdependence, whereas exter-
nally a standardized encapsulation has to be provided. Interfaces of the data and func-
tion views to other network participants become visible in the process view in form of
attribute correlations to process modules and concern the technological field of the
cooperation during the realisation much more intensely than the conceptual one.
Each partner considers their part in the inter-enterprise process. Starting with proc-
ess modelling and optimisation over process controlling up to implementation, the
processes involved are aligned with the requirements of the collaborative scenario
agreed on at the strategic level. Each party models its own internal processes. The
event-driven process chain (EPC) is used for the design of the process flow within
one enterprise, supplement by other methods to cover all business views that are
needed (organizational, data, activities, outputs). The ARIS House delivers all neces-
sary methods for this step. For the collaborating partners only the data at the inter-
faces (marked with an I), that is the input respectively output data of the single proc-
ess modules (resp. EPC), are relevant for the realization of the collaboration. Thus it
is guaranteed that the enterprise-owned EPC is only internally visible.
Fuelled by the global need for organizational and output information, these parts of
the local business process models can then be exported to a standardized Business
Process Language like BPML. Process fragments are sent to all other network partici-
pants and can be integrated into their own process descriptions. After this configura-
tion phase a global workflow is generated. It has to be visualised by an appropriate
graphical method in order to gain knowledge of the common processes and to reduce
the complexity of integrating the participating organizational units into one virtual
unit. The Process Module Chain clearly and understandably represents the collabora-
tive processes (cf. figure 4) [21]. It consists of single process modules or components,
in which again more detailed EPCs, that contain the local processes, are lodged [22].
Process Module Chains are particularly suited for the illustration of collaborative
process flows because the single process modules form a logically terminated unit and
the interfaces, located between the single modules, contain input data for the follow-
ing modules, as shown in figure 4.
Fig. 4. Process Module Chain
At the time the interaction occurs between two partners, local knowledge is shared
(bilaterally) between the partners, i.e. additional information, like data structures and
semantics are exchanged. Updates of the local knowledge do not influence the net-
work as network knowledge has to be available for all partners. This information is
stored in the description of the interfaces in the Process Module Chain.
The collaboration partners have to continuously compare the result of the imple-
mentation with their goals and adjust deviations. Hitherto the management has ob-
tained its knowledge about the company’s success from figures of the past, e.g. cash-
flow, trading volume or profit made. The causes for fluctuations, requiring immediate
counter measures, are not discernible. Until the problem is recognized, valuable time
has elapsed. Therefore new measurement categories, which allow a reliable and con-
temporary evaluation of the process efficiency, are required. The information needed
cannot be extracted from the record and transaction oriented applications alone. Key
performance-indicators must be defined based on records, log-files, time stamps etc.
These can be measured and analysed by means of intelligent tools [23].
The use of analytical tools in connection with their integration into functional sys-
tems, concludes the business process lifecycle from development, implementation up
to controlling and the continuous improvement of collaborative business processes.
The controlling function is a must when there is a high degree of uncertainty as with
C-Business projects. The management can permanently control the implementation of
the strategic collaboration configuration and promptly evaluate whether the expected
added value potentials have been reached.
Integration of the partner enterprises is the basis for the configuration of the inter-
organizational information systems. In order for the network to operate, an IT-
infrastructure is needed that can seamlessly join the partly worldwide scattered parts
of collaborative business networks into one unit.
3.3 C-Business Execution
To support the framework developed above an IT-architecture is needed that is proc-
ess-driven and relies on fully developed standards and interfaces which are widely ac-
cepted [24]. Instead of closed systems that have been used so far, C-Business requires
the integration of different applications. Component based architectures can be seen
as a state-of-the-art approach to overcome these problems.
Process-driven emphasises the importance of the process models created on the
preliminary layer. At the execution layer these models are used for process orchestra-
tion. Orchestration in this context describes the composition of web services in a
process flow. In detail, it defines the complex interaction between web services, in-
cluding the business logic and execution order of the interactions. These semantically
defined interaction concepts describe how web services have to be organised so that
one web service starts in time while the other stops so that the data transaction prop-
erly works out. Without orchestrating web services the overall context between the
single process steps would be lost.
So far these semantics are stored in the isolated process descriptions and models
(business process knowledge) on a conceptual level. However, the automation of
cross-organizational business processes must be based on a system that allows the
transformation of semantic into formal models. After the foundations, i.e. data and
process integration, are laid, a system supporting not only this transformation but also
activity coordination is presented in the next sections.
Data Integration
Collaboration partners must access data and applications in an easy and secure way.
Standardized mark-up languages for exchanged documents like the Extensible
Markup Language (XML) are designed for this purpose. But the meaning of mark-up
tags, e.g. data fields in orders and bills, vary from one enterprise to another. There are
a lot of promising efforts for standardization, but there is not one common standard.
Therefore a conversion is still necessary to exchange documents automatically. Con-
trary to EDI, XML standards can be transferred into another more easily and they can
simply be transmitted over the Internet.
Process Integration
With the use of XML the technological basis for interoperability has been established,
the interoperability between the semantic business process definitions however is still
missing. Efforts like BPMI’s Business Process Modelling Language (BPML) promise
standardization for the management of inter-organizational business processes that in-
volve different applications, departments and business partners [25]. This standard,
which is based on XML, complements existing B2B protocols like RosettaNet, Biz-
Talk and ebXML. On the one hand BPML acts as an intermediary between business
process modelling tools and IT. On the other hand BPML enables the interoperability
between modelling tools. Besides, a wide acceptance of the Business Process Execu-
tion Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) by BEA, IBM, and Microsoft as well as
the newly finalized specification of the Web Services Choreography Interface
(WSC-I) mainly driven by BEA, Intalio, SAP and Sun show the importance of such
standardization efforts for interoperability [26]. While BPML is seen as more concep-
tually-oriented, the latter two focus on the transformation into the system-level by or-
chestrating web services.
Computer Supported Activity Coordination
For the computer supported activity coordination in enterprise networks an informa-
tion system is required that supports this two step coordination. In a repository, which
is logically centralized but can be physically distributed across the enterprise network,
the global knowledge is stored. Especially conceptual models about the possible par-
ticipants of coordinated or orchestrated output delivery, characteristics of their prod-
ucts and collaborative processes are stored there. The repository is similar to the idea
of an UDDI repository for the retrieval of web services [27], but enriched with busi-
ness logic and information about the conduct of business processes.
In order to automate inter-organizational processes the conceptual models are
transformed into formal models that are used as configuration data for the orchestra-
tion of web services. The applications of the partners have to communicate bilaterally
to negotiate the interface specifications based on the formal models, defined in the re-
pository. The local knowledge is generated by this negotiation for a certain situation.
After this collaboration task has ended no updates of configuration changes etc. are
reported to any other party except at the time when a new direct interaction occurs. In
this context multi-agent systems offer a solution to achieve an automated or at least
semi-automated interface-configuration [28], [29], [30].
Front-End Integration
Beyond the described back-end integration a front-end integration is crucial for the
acceptance and success of such a system [31]. Usability and worldwide access for the
employee can be achieved through the use of web-based systems. Especially Enter-
prise Portals have proven their positive effects by unifying several web-based front-
ends. The user has individual and context-sensitive access to relevant information
combined with push mechanisms that actively provide just-in-time information. If the
portal is run by several enterprises, or if both, customers as well as suppliers and part-
ners of the enterprise, have access to the portal, it is called collaborative portal [32].
ERP II Integration
The described trend towards open integration architectures in business context can be
found in the ERP II concept recently propagated by the Gartner Group [33], which
stands for a flawless connection between traditional ERP-systems and add-ons like
SCM/CRM-systems. Beyond this internal integration of systems external ERP-
applications of suppliers or customers are connected. Such an integration faces the
same integration problems, especially the question of knowledge-sharing with part-
ners and of a common semantic paradigm to consolidate e.g. the meaning of business
objects and related data. To overcome these problems the basic concept of local and
global process-knowledge and the suggested coordination system described above can
deliver important answers to the pitfalls of ERP II integration.
4 Vision and Realization in Research Projects
The vision of this paper is a framework that provides a generic solution concept,
which is transferred subsequently into industry-specific reference models. By consid-
ering this framework collaboration efforts are conducted on a solid basis, i.e. business
process management. Here the greatest demand for further research can be seen in the
formulation of methods or the expansion of established process modelling methods
for inter-enterprise use as well as in a methodologically sound transfer of process
models into ICT solutions. Another aspect that requires further research is the use of
supporting tools that ease the task of exchanging process models between different
enterprises and to distinguish between private and public knowledge.
At the Institute for Information Systems (IWi) the CCBI bundles the activities in
the research field Business Integration. The open research questions are subject of the
project ArKoS (Architecture for Collaborative Scenarios), i.e. the development of an
architecture for the management of collaborative scenarios consisting of methods, a
tool support and an integration platform. Existing modelling methods are examined
concerning their support for inter-organizational processes and redesigned in accor-
dance to the new requirements. Models of choice will then be integrated on the meta
level in an architecture and implemented prototypically in a modelling tool.
ArKoS uses the results of the successfully accomplished project InfoCitizen The
project InfoCitizen, funded by the European Commission under the 5th Research
Framework Programme, aims at creating a pan-European Information Architecture
for European PAs as well as to develop specific information technology that supports
this architecture and ensures a seamless information exchange between public ad-
ministrations on a pan-European level. Moreover, with this solution the EPAs are en-
abled to provide transparent and integrated public services for their customers, i.e.
citizens and businesses. Eleven organisations within five different EU-countries
(Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain) worked together for two years to succeed in
the challenge of pan-European interoperability. A prototype of an agent-based inter-
operability platform with a service repository as described in the conceptual part of
this article was developed. The business processes are stored in an XML-
representation and the agent platform invokes dynamically the service offers which
are implemented as distributed web services. With these components a real-life sce-
nario was implemented.
ArKoS will now transform these foundations into a system that is able to handle
project-based collaboration in the building industry. Thus the research fields Semantic
Web, ontology, Process-to-Application, Real-Time-Enterprise(-Collaboration) and
Business Integration will play essential roles in the project. The building industry
serves as an application domain because services that require the coordination of nu-
merous enterprises are generated in large projects exactly in this industry. At the same
time the enterprise networks of such building projects are characterized by high dy-
namics and fluctuation. The practical reference models are implemented by software
developing enterprises and validated in a test scenario by user partners from the build-
ing industry.
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