Khaled K. Deeb, Ph.D.
Department of Information Technology, Barry University, 11415 NE 2nd Ave, Miami Shores Florida, 33161
Susan Molina, M.S.
Southeast Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries
75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, Florida 33149
Pam Luckett, Ph.D.
Department of Information Technology, Barry University, 11415 NE 2nd Ave, Miami Shores Florida, 33161
Keywords: Warehouse, Data retrieval, Spatial d
ata components
Abstract: Data warehousing architecture should generally protect the confidentiality of data before it can be published,
provide sufficient granularity to enable scientists to variously manipulate data, support robust metadata
services, and define standardized spatial components. Data can then be transformed into information that
would make them readily available in a common format that is easily accessible, fast, and bridges the
islands of dispersed information. The benefits of the warehouse can be further enhanced by adding a spatial
component so that the data can be brought to life, overlapping layers of information in a format that is easily
grasped by management, enabling them to tease out trends in their areas of expertise.
Data are meaningless until they are transformed
into information. Over the years many
organizations have collected millions of rows of
data that, when properly analyzed, translate into
useful and profitable information that will assist in
deciding the course of future market strategies, the
creation of new products, or the retooling of
existing production lines to meet consumer
demands. In the scientific community, these data
are often used to set new policies that can later be
made into laws to protect the environment,
promote advances in the medical field, or find new
natural resources. Since these vast numbers of data
can take many hours to process, the databases that
house them must meet certain requirements that
are often at odds with traditional online
transaction processing databases (i.e., OLTP)
which require real time access and validation.
Hence the birth of the data warehouse, a database
that provides mechanisms for synchronizing and
updating information obtained from OLTP
databases and other external sources, as well as
supporting the performance requirements to
process and load large volumes of data. The
benefits of the warehouse can be further enhanced
by adding a spatial component so that the data can
be brought to life, overlapping layers of
information in a format that is easily grasped by
management, enabling them to tease out trends in
their areas of expertise.
Normalized data models evolved to solve the needs
of online transactional processing (OLTP) systems
that focused on speed of data entry, ease of editing,
protection of data integrity by reducing
redundancy, and immediate point of entry
validation. This model served to solve the
problems of the batch processing environment, in
K. Deeb K., Molina S. and Luckett P. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 629-633
DOI: 10.5220/0002668406290633
which data were updated through batches of
records that included codes to add, change, or
delete from the master flat file. Whenever coding
changes were required, the IT group, then called
"data management," had to be methodical enough
to make sure all occurrences of the offending
code where replaced with the new value.
Even though the old flat files were difficult to
quality assure, they were very easy for most users
to query. Reports generally represented little more
than sums across records of data with some
additional programming to convert cryptic codes
into their more legible legends. Conversely, the
OLTP model is perceived as a nightmare for most
users who must now write multi table joins across
seven or eight tables. Suddenly, the old flat file
legacy systems seemed much more desirable. To
compound matters, while information technology
groups spent their resources designing and
deploying elegant data models touting the ease of
use of SQL (i.e., Structured Query Language), the
user community was left unable to understand the
complexities of SQL when confronted with highly
normalized designs, and represented to their own
management that their data was no longer
Clearly, there is a need for some compromise
between the elegance and efficiency of the OLTP
systems, and the needs of the end users to analyze
the data that cost so many dollars to capture and
ingest. The solution to this dilemma is the data
warehouse. Although it raises some brows with
apprehension, the data warehouse can be created
using the same RDBMS used to house the OLTP
database. In fact, a data warehouse is nothing more
than a database that has been optimized for
retrieval. The main concern of its architects is the
delivery of data in a consistent, easy to access
format. The emphasis of the design is speed of
As mentioned earlier, a data warehouse must
provide good performance, manage large amounts
of data, and provide quick ways in which to load
large volumes of OLTP data. To support these
operations, the manufacturers of data
warehousing software have created the following
Range, Hash, and Composite partitioning:
Partitioning involves separating objects into pieces
so that they can be managed more easily.
Although to the database the object is logically the
same, each piece is physically stored separately.
Range partitioning is useful when separating data
in ranges, such as by year, or by state. On the
other hand, when the data cannot be separated into
discrete meaningful groups, the data can be
separated using a hashing algorithm that ensures
that the data will be distributed evenly. The
combination of the two partitioning methodologies
is called composite partitioning and it uses range
partitioning first, while dividing the results using
hash partitioning to create sub-partitions (Scherer,
2000, p.145). With any of these techniques, the
database designer must analyze both the kinds of
data that will be stored in the warehouse, as well
as the ways in which the data will be used.
Partitioning data based on year may not be
effective if the organization typically analyzes data
aggregated by state, crossing over multiple years.
Transportable tablespaces: Tablespaces are
logical units that hold database objects. Each
tablespace may be composed of one or many
physical data files. Since data warehouses are
used to manage large numbers of data, it may be
necessary to move these tablespaces to supply
data to a different database or data mart, archive
data, or to share data with other databases.
Because the tablespaces are based on physical
files, there are certain limitations to this
capability. These limitations include the
requirement that tablespaces be transported only
between databases on the same platform, the
platform's block size must be the same, and they
must use the same character set (Scherer, 2000,
The star schema: Data warehouses are
frequently designed using a dimensional data
model called the star schema. In this type of
design, there is a central table called a fact table
that is related to several look-up tables called
dimensions (Silverston, 1997). Fact tables tend to
be very large with millions of records and
gigabytes to terabytes of data and contain
quantitative data. On the other hand, dimension
tables tend to be much smaller and contain
descriptive data. Both must have a primary key,
which for fact tables are usually composites of the
foreign keys to the dimension tables. To access
tables in this formation, a star query is used, which
in turn uses what is referred to as a start join
(Scherer, 2000, p. 164). Most RDBMS (i.e.,
Relational Database Management System) allow
developers to use a mechanism called "cost-based
optimizer" to allow the computer to optimize the
query performance. This is done by regularly
compiling statistics on the data and then specifying
the "star" hint, which if possible, will cause the
database engine to position the largest table, or fact
table, last in the query to reduce the number of
rows read with each join (Scherer, 2000 pp. 164-
Summary Management and Materialized
views: Two important problems faced by data
warehousing designers are the aggregation of data
across multiple dimensions to hide the complexity
of queries, and ensuring that the data are kept up to
date when they must be available at all times.
Through the use of summary management,
performance can be greatly improved by keeping
joined and summarized data in objects called
materialized views (Scherer, 2000, p.166). In
general, a view is a different way in which to look
at data. It can be as simple as a single table in
which some columns have been renamed or
dropped, or as complex as the combination of
multiple tables and the creation of summaries. The
problem with views is that when they are
accessed, the query that they represent must be
performed and, depending on its complexity, they
can take a long time to execute. On the other hand,
materialized views physically store data in this
joined and aggregated format, so that when a query
is performed, the execution time is minimized to
the amount of data stored in the materialized view.
With sophisticated RDBMS tools, after statistics
have been gathered, the database can recommend
which views should be materialized and will even
re-write queries if there are materialized views to
satisfy a query. The summary management
component provides methods to update and
propagate the data that make up the materialized
view whenever the base tables are updated
(Scherer, 2000, p.166).
Before defining the architecture of the geospatial
data warehouse it is important for analysts to
locate existing stores of data. Especially in large
organization, islands of information tend to form
and similar data are stored in different formats
making the ingestion of data a laborious and time
consuming task that detracts from the business of
science. Defining the scope of a design effort is
critical, since it will lay the ground work for the
ultimate design of the warehouse.
The scientific community is becoming increasingly
dependent on Geographic Information Systems
(GIS). According to J. Michael Fay, GIS experts
hold the "key to the future," because by
understanding the landscape they can effect
positive change on the environment (qtd. In Pratt,
2001). Furthermore, Jack Dangemond, President of
ESRI, states that "[t]he application of GIS is limited
only by the imagination of those who use it (atd in
GIS, 2002). In a nutshell, GIS involves applying
layers of information (What is, 2002), whether
information about a location's temperature, depth,
species of fish caught, number of fishing vessels,
any information that can be combined to enable
analysts to easily discern patterns in the data. The
presentation Geography Matters (2002) explains
that GIS is not just about maps, but it is the special
relationship between data, location information,
and the people that manage it. This makes the
incorporation of spatial elements into the enterprise
data warehouse not just a desirable but a necessary
Although GIS has been available for many
years, acquiring spatial data layers has not always
been simple. Furthermore, the existing GIS
analytical tools required levels of expertise that
could not be mastered easily by casual users
requiring a simple geographical representation of
their data. By making spatial shape files available
at the enterprise level, scientists will be able to
perform comparative studies and visually represent
"what-if 'scenarios without expending inordinate
amounts of time in the process of ingesting data.
Spatially enabling the warehouse is an ideal
solution to provide GIS services to the enterprise.
The many standardized layers such as bathymetry
and land contours, are generally static and can be
loaded one time and remain accessible to all data
warehouse customers. This process will result in a
great cost savings since currently, since scientists
acquiring the data on their own, are loading it into
their own databases, and are neither sharing the
costs nor the expertise in solving the problem of
data ingestion.
Unfortunately, according to Daniel R. Dolk in
his paper Introduction to Modeling Technology and
Intelligent Systems Track, GIS has been largely
neglected by IT management and therefore has
not benefited from MIS research (Dolk, 1999).
Bringing spatial data into the data warehouse
represents a unique opportunity for providing
benefits to the users by enabling them to share
shape files across the enterprise, but they will also
benefit from the extensive expertise of their IT
department that can leverage existing investments
in data acquisition while optimizing the data
Large database vendors such as Oracle with its
9i Enterprise RDMS offer a spatial option that
enables the storage of spatially enabled data, that is,
data that can be interpreted by native SQL and GIS
tools. Line geometry can be stored in spatial data
object data types that turn the spatial object into a
regular field that can be queried using native SQL.
For more complex shape files such as raster data,
there is still no support. However, these shape files
can still be stored in the data warehouse using
binary data types, or, in specialized containers such
as Oracle Intermedia, that allow third party
products such as E-Spatial to access the data
directly from the database. Data stored in binary
data format can be easily read by such powerful
GIS tools as those produced by the ESRI.
The reason it is important to keep data in a
virtual central location (i.e., the warehouse) is that
the problem of acquisition is solved a priori by the
IT staff in conjunction with the data managers, and
last minute research problems the week before
presentations at symposia largely go away. By
bringing GIS to the warehouse the entire enterprise
ETL or Extract, Transform, and Load procedures
are the three steps necessary to populate the data
warehouse. Although difficult to set up initially,
once the methods are established, the business of
synchronizing the transactional database with the
warehouse occurs automatically, making the
process transparent. Unfortunately,
synchronization is slightly more complicated for
the scientific community than it is in the business
world. The most significant difference is that the
sources of scientific data are frequently in the form
of data submitted by the owners and is not
immediately validated. Depending on the volume
of data and the workload of the data management
team, it may take from several weeks to several
months to make the data ready for the warehouse.
Even after the initial constraints are met,
specialized analysts can identify outliers that must
be corrected in the data warehouse. This presents a
problem for ETL, because now the OLTP data
needs to be compared with the warehoused data to
ensure that the most current version is now
available before it is loaded. Therefore, although
older data may be archived in the warehouse, it
needs to be compared periodically to ensure
accuracy. Jaideep Srivastava and Ping-Yao Chen,
authors of Warehouse Creation - A Potential
Roadblock, consider the issue of data loading so
important that they have named it a road-block
(1999). They have found that generally custom
tools must be developed by specialized consultants
to handle the ETL issue. It is important to note,
however, that once the procedures are put in place,
the process of synchronizing the warehouse with
the OLTP database occurs automatically.
Using a data warehousing tool that is open and
platform independent, affords architects and
analysts the capability of opening the data to
different tools. Once the data are warehoused,
Online Analytical Processing tools can be used to
access the data. It is especially important to note
that a range of users can be serviced. From the less
computer-savvy congressperson who needs broad
summarizations to support the passing of
legislation, to the expert GIS user who needs
granular data to a tenth of a degree, all can benefit
from the data stored in the warehouse.
One of the strengths of the data warehouse is its
ability to empower end users to perform their own
analysis. Historically, users were dependent on the
information technology (IT) team to produce
inflexible reports that sometimes took months to
produce. If an analyst wanted to pivot the report
(i.e., turn the report on its side so that the rows in
the report become column headings), drill down to
the records that contributed to summary data, or
simply aggregate data in a different way, another
request-for-service document needed to be written,
approved, and then submitted to the IT queue until
resources became available. On-Line Analytical
Processing tools enable users to access
multidimensional data on their own, freeing IT
resources for other more vital tasks.
Unfortunately, many data warehousing ventures
fail because they lose focus on their ultimate goal,
which is to serve data to the user community. Joe
Kopetsky and Sally Ting of Arcplan Inc. identified
three different success factors that will ultimately
result in user buy-in:
ability, can the stakeholders
use the system;
willingness, are the users willing to
use the system, and
knowledge, are the users
familiar with how the system works (Kopentsky,
2002). Selecting an OLAP tool that meets these
goals and makes the users feel confident that they
can get to the data they want, the way the want it,
will go a long way to ensuring customer
Serving GIS data poses its own challenges, and
these must be met by giving access to the
warehoused data at many different levels. There
must be simple tools that will enable the entry of
natural language queries so that geographic
representation of data can be made to management
without many hours of labor, while at the same
time preserving the expert's ability to use the tools
that they have become familiar with over the
Data warehousing solves the problem of data
accessibility. Unconcerned with transactional
changes, the warehouse architects can concentrate
instead on providing a streamlined pipeline to data
that can be analyzed expertly. Scientists can
benefit from data captured by other scientists
without investing the time to locate and reformat
the data to make it homogeneous. The warehouse
architect does this for them. The traditional
relational model, while adequate in managing
online transaction processing, falls short when
large volumes of data need to be analyzed. To
improve accessibility, data warehouses have
specific storage and management requirements,
such as partitioning, transportable tablespaces, star
schema queries and joins, and summary
management. Spatial data layers can simply be
added to the mix to increase the level of service to
the data analysts. As a logical consequence of the
need to mine these huge volumes of data, On-Line
Analytical Processing tools have been developed to
facilitate decision support and obtain business
performance metrics. A spatially enabled data
warehouse will move cooperative data sharing to a
new level by allowing scientists and analysts to
manipulate the data for results, rather than as a
painful preliminary step to each new study.
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