Goal-Oriented Business Process Engineering Revisited:
a Unifying Perspective
Dina Neiger
, Leoind Churilov
School of Business Systems, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University,
Victoria 3800, Australia
Abstract. The goal-oriented approach to business modeling was identified as
one of the “three most important issues in driving business processes towards
their goals” by the Business Process Management Journal [1]. Although goal-
oriented process engineering is gaining momentum, with frameworks, methods
and tools being developed in increasing numbers, it continues to be segmented
across various research disciplines, with duplication of effort and lack of a
coordinated approach to this important research problem. While it is both
unlikely and undesirable to have a single method that addresses all business
needs, understanding the relationship between the existing approaches will help
to identify overlaps and articulate gaps reducing duplication of effort and
providing direction for future research. The aim of this paper is firstly, to build
on existing assessment frameworks to provide a coherent review of goal-
oriented process engineering that crosses disciplinary boundaries; and secondly,
to provide an alternative perspective on goal-oriented process engineering by
integrating decision and process management based methodologies.
1 Introduction and Background
“Paving of the cow path” is how Yu and Mylopoulos ([2], p. 16) describe traditional
modeling techniques that address the “what” of the business process without the
“why”. Goal-oriented approaches aim to avoid this dilemma by complying with the
premise that “human activity is inherently purposeful” ([3], p. 19). In a more
pragmatic view of the world, goal-oriented approaches are the result of the need to
ensure effectiveness as well as efficiency of organizations [4], [5].
This paper is motivated by an apparent need to consolidate in a coherent
framework, the growing number of goal-oriented approaches to process engineering
originating from the decision, system and process points of view representing
Decision Sciences, Requirements Engineering and Business Process Management
disciplines (respectively).
Neiger D. and Churilov L. (2004).
Goal-Oriented Business Process Engineering Revisited: a Unifying Perspective.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 149-163
DOI: 10.5220/0002670401490163
Process Perspective
Process Models
Goal Models
Business Process
Process Models
Fig. 1. Multi-disciplinary view of goal-oriented process modeling.
The goal-oriented view of business process engineering dictates that business goals
are the driving force for structuring and evaluating business processes. Furthermore,
to ensure congruency between organizational values and actions, both goal and
process models should be capable of representing various organizational perspectives
(refer to Figure 1). For a goal model, this includes ability to separate between
different types of goals and to describe relationships between them (e.g. [6]). For a
process model, this incorporates the ability to model the sequential nature of business
activities as well as the resources, inputs and outputs linked to the process (e.g. [7],
[8]). Goal-oriented process engineering approaches are often the result of integration
or extension of existing goal modeling and process modeling approaches. A brief
introduction to the goal modeling and process modeling perspectives within the
Decision Science, Requirements Engineering and Business Process Management
disciplines is included to provide the context for the rest of this paper.
The concept of goals and objectives is well established within the Decision
Sciences context. However, the need to link specific decision objectives to the overall
organizational objectives and values has been recognized only relatively recently [9],
[10]. This has resulted in a “value-focused thinking” framework for elicitation and
structuring goals. Similarly, the development of goal-models has been a recent
phenomenon with the business process management community following an
increasing awareness of the importance of aligning process models with
organizational goals (e.g. [3], [11]). Interestingly, the field of Requirements
Engineering (RE) is considerably more advanced in the area of goal modeling and its
links to business processes [6]. Goal models within RE cater for multiple goal types
and relationships among goals and links to other elements of business processes.
These developments in goal-oriented requirements engineering have inspired a
number of frameworks (some accompanied by modeling tools) for goal-oriented
business process engineering (e.g. [2], [12], [13], [14]). Generally, these frameworks
address the “development of business process software” ([15], p. 4) goal of business
process modeling. The other approaches to business process engineering better cater
for additional aims of business process models defined by Aguilar-Saven ([15], p. 4)
as “learning about the process” and “making decisions on the process”. For example,
within the business process management the focus of business process modeling is on
“documentation, analysis and design of the structure of business processes, their
relationship with the resources needed to implement them and the environment in
which they will be used” ([16], p.2) whereas within the context of Decision Sciences,
the term process (and correspondingly process model) would usually refer to the
decision making processes within the organization.
Even from a brief overview provided above, it is evident that the field of goal-
oriented process engineering is highly fragmented along disciplinary lines.
Unification of goal-oriented process engineering will help avoid duplication of effort
while identifying gaps in the existing approaches. The objectives of this paper are:
to facilitate unification of goal-oriented process engineering field by providing a
cross-disciplinary framework for assessment of existing approaches; and
to propose an integrated framework that aims to close gaps in existing goal-
oriented process engineering approaches.
This paper is structured as follows. Goal models and process models are reviewed
from each of the three perspectives illustrated in Figure 1 in Sections 2 and 3. Section
2 includes assessment of goal models using the Nishit framework [14] that outlines a
set of desirable qualities in the goal model, and is the only framework identified in the
literature that allows discipline independent comparison of goal models. Accordingly,
Section 3 includes a cross-disciplinary comparison of process models using the
Giaglis-Curtis framework [7] that describes process perspectives that are required for
a comprehensive process model. This is followed by a discussion of implications of
the individual assessments for evaluation of goal-oriented process modeling
approaches and a review of a goal-oriented process model that integrates both
Decision Sciences and Business Process management perspectives with the aim of
addressing shortcomings identified within the individual methods (Section 4). The
paper is concluded with a brief summary and an outline of future research directions.
2 Goal Modeling
Generic models that are linked to existing process modeling techniques with the aim
of developing a goal-oriented process model, and specific models that form part of an
individual process modeling technique are included in the discussion. Goal models
are discussed within the context of the three disciplines corresponding to the decision,
systems and process perspectives (as illustrated in Figure 1).
2.1 Decision Sciences
Within the decision analysis field two goal models are of particular interest in the
context of process engineering: “the value focused thinking” framework that forms
the basis of the generic goal model in classical decision analysis; and an implicit goal
model included within the system dynamics approach to decision making.
Value-Focused Thinking Framework. In classical decision analysis, goals are
usually referred to as objectives and are structured using the “value-focused thinking
framework developed by Keeney and Raiffa [9]. Within this framework, objectives
are defined as “a statement of something that one wants to strive toward” ([10, p.34])
and are structured in two levels: the fundamental objectives hierarchy reflecting the
fundamental values of the business and the means-ends objectives network reflecting
the means of achieving fundamental objectives.
A set of questions for identification of fundamental and means objectives and the
movement within the hierarchy and the network is included within the framework in
order to facilitate elicitation and structuring of objectives. This model was originally
developed in order to link the narrow objectives of individual decision problems to a
wider organizational context. However, due to the generic nature of the model, it has
also been used to link process goals to a wider organizational context (as illustrated in
the model introduced by Neiger and Churilov [17] discussed in a latter part of the
paper), and to separate causal and abstract relationships between objectives in
requirements engineering [18]. One of the shortcomings of this model is the limited
representation of logical relationships among objectives (e.g. it is assumed that all
lower level objectives need to be satisfied in order for the parent objective to be
satisfied), although this can be somewhat overcome by strong links between the
framework and Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis models [19] to allow other
influencing and logical relationships to be represented.
Systems Dynamics. System dynamics (and its application to business, referred to as
business dynamics [20]) is used both for decision making [21] and structuring
business processes [7] using causal loops and stock and flow diagrams. Causal loops
represent the “interdependencies and feedback processes” ([20], p.191) within the
business, while stock and flow diagrams represent “the state of the system and
generating the information upon which decisions and actions are based” ([20], p.192).
This approach to business modeling allows for representation of time delays and non-
linearities inherent in the dynamic nature of a business whilst the rigorous
mathematical foundation for system dynamics makes possible a seamless link from a
business model to a simulation model to allow quantitative evaluation of ‘what if”
The strong emphasis on causality within the system dynamics framework provides
solid foundations for decision analysis by highlighting causal and feedback
mechanisms within the organization and its wider environment. The disadvantage of
this approach, from a process modeling point of view, is that it inhibits representation
of the sequential nature of business processes. System dynamics is therefore discussed
within the Decision Sciences sections of this paper.
There are no separate goal models within System Dynamics since goals are
represented within causal loops and stock and flow diagrams as “concrete targets”
that guide corrective action if the actual performance of the system falls short of a
satisfactory outcome. These targets are also commonly referred to as Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) and are derived by quantifying organizational
objectives with aim of reducing complexity associated with solving optimization
problems and in accordance with the principle of bounded rationality ([20], ch. 15).
2.2 Requirements Engineering
Supporting organizational change resulting from transition between “as is” and “to
be” process models is considered to be “the overriding purpose of requirements
development for business processes” ([13], p.2). Within this context, goals are defined
as “statements which declare what has to be achieved or avoided by a business
process” ([3], p.20) and provide motivation for process description. Hurri [18],
Kavakli [12] and Lamsweerde [6] provide comprehensive reviews of goal-oriented
requirements engineering including a review of generic goal models referred to as
goal-refinement (or goal-reduction) graphs and links between generic models and
elements of process models incorporated in individual RE methods such as i*, GDC,
KAOS, etc [12]. For the purposes of completeness, a brief summary guided by the
Lamsweerde’s review [6] of generic approaches to goal modeling within the
requirements engineering is provided.
Lamsweerde ([6], p. 3) lists the following dimensions for goal classification
according to goal type: functionality, verification, temporal, system state and goal
level. Within the functionality dimension the goals are divided into functional goals
that refer to “services that the system is expected to deliver” including an ability of a
system to satisfy requests and provide required information; and non functional goals
that refer to “expected system qualities such as security, safety, performance,
usability, flexibility, customizability, interoperability and so forth”. Verification
dimension is concerned with whether goal “satisfaction can be established through
verification techniques”, if it can then the goal is referred to as a hard goal, otherwise
the goal is categorized as a soft goal. Temporal behavior of the goal is classified into
three classes: achieve (or cease) goals “require some target property to be eventually
satisfied in some future state (resp. denied); maintain (or avoid) goals “require some
target property to be permanently satisfied in every future state (resp. denied)”; and
optimize goals favor behaviors “which better ensure some soft target property”.
Similarly system state and goal level dimensions classify goals according to desired
system states and goal levels.
According to Lamsweerde ([6], p. 3) name, specification, priority, utility and
feasibility are the four goal attributes that can also be used to characterize goals
within the requirements engineering context.
Requirements engineering goal models cater for a variety of goal modeling
structures using different types of links to “relate goals (a) with each other and (b)
with other elements of requirements models” ([6], p. 3). AND/OR refinement graphs
are widely used to describe relationships between goals. Refinement is referred to a
set of sub-goals that either positively or negatively support a parent goal. AND-
refinement describes situations where “satisfying all subgoals in the refinement is
sufficient for satisfying the parent goal”, whereas OR-refinement means that
“satisfying one of the refinements is sufficient for satisfying the parent goal”. Within
this context a conflict link is introduced for situations when “satisfaction of one of
them may prevent the other from being satisfied”. While the above definitions refer to
goal satisfaction, Lamsweerde [6] provides alternative definitions in terms of goal
satisficing guided by the principle of bounded rationality.
Links between goal models and other elements of requirements models such as
operations, scenarios, objects, agents and organizational policies, enable goal-oriented
approaches to process engineering within the requirements engineering context.
One of the limitations of the requirements engineering goal model is the lack of
separation between abstract relationships (depicted within the fundamental objectives
hierarchy in the value-focused framework) and causal relationships (depicted within
the means ends network in the value-focused framework) that allow for function and
non-functional goals to be related to each other without confusion ([18], p. 34).
2.3 Business Process Management
Business Process Management models often include components of decision science
and requirements engineering paradigms, while on the whole, being more concerned
with the sequence of activities within the process and having broader organizational
context than either decision sciences or requirements engineering techniques. While
there is a widespread agreement within the Business Process Management field on the
importance of linking processes to goals ([3], [11], [16], [22], [23]) there is no
universally accepted generic model for goals or their relationship to a process model.
The spectrum of goal representation starts with modeling methods that have no
concept of goals and progresses through to fully goal-driven process modeling
frameworks incorporating all intermediate steps.
To avoid the impossible task of reviewing every process modeling technique from
a goal modeling perspective, the process modeling methods have been classified into
four categories: traditional, coordination, socio-technical and generic. This
classification is based largely on the categories introduced by Katzenstein and Lerch
[24] of business process models that were based on the ability of the process
modeling techniques to represent social context including goals. The generic category
was added to Katzenstein and Lerch classification to accommodate the concept of
generic methodologies that have business process modeling capabilities [15]. The
goal-modeling aspects of each class are reviewed in this section.
Traditional System Methodologies. Traditional systems analysis methodologies
refer to methodologies that were used to develop information systems, for example
flowcharts, dataflow diagrams and IDEF suite of process models. Despite recent
proposals to make some traditional methodologies goal-friendly (e.g. Downs & Lunn
in [11]), these methodologies generally do not have goals as part of their model
elements and therefore are of no further interest in the context of goal modeling.
Coordination Models. Models included in this class are derived from computer
science, operations management and the quality movement including Petri-net based
models generally used for workflow modeling, other workflow modeling languages,
object-oriented business process models including UML based models, and others
such as Rummler-Brache model and Role Activity Diagrams. These models usually
have a concept of goal, with some methods such as UML having capacity to explicitly
link activities and corresponding goals. Most methods within this category especially
those used to model the workflow rely on an underlying process model for linkage to
Kueng [3] proposed a goal-based business process model to be used as a basis for
an object-oriented business model (without loss of generality the model can be
adopted to other coordination models). The four steps involved in this method as
described by Kueng ([3], p.22) are:
1. Goal modeling that defines goals by asking the question “why has something to be
2. Activity modeling that defines activities and output by asking the question “what
has to be done?”
3. Role modeling that defines logical dependencies between activities by asking the
question “when has it to be done?”
4. Object modeling to define the roles and assign them to activities by asking the
question “by whom has it to be done?”
Within this framework the goals are represented by a Goal/Means-hierarchy that is
used to decompose process-related goals until they can be transformed into activities
that can be carried out within the process. However the Goal/Means-hierarchy doesn’t
reflect the contradictory, independent and complementary nature of relationships that
exists between goals. One of the strengths of this methodology is that it encourages an
evaluation of the business process model using goals.
Socio-technical Qualitative Systems. Socio-technical qualitative systems (such as
Goal-Exception-Dependency framework (GED), and Multiview) are based on the
principle that “both technology and people matter” ([24], p.388). One of the
advantages of these systems is their ability to capture and organize goals such as for
example, the GED framework [24]. Within this framework, a goal/exception diagram
is used to represent “process-level and individual goals, the relationship among those
goals, the exceptions that have emerged in the process, and the goal conflicts that are
reflected in those exceptions” ([24], p.401). According to the GED framework
authors, this model provides “the same reasoning and communication advantages as
cognitive maps and as the more specific goal-based causal reasoning” of requirements
engineering methods such as i* ([24], p.401).
Generic Methodologies. Generic methodologies are more encompassing than
business process models alone as they include other capabilities. For example, the
ARIS methodology is based on the concept of an extended-event-driven process chain
(e-EPC) model of a business process ([16], [23], [25], [26]) but includes objectives
diagram and a balance-score card tools within its tools set. Similarly, the GRAI GIM
methodology makes explicit the why dimension of the process and articulates how
objectives can be reached through its decision view [27]. The uniqueness and
advantage of these methodologies is that various tools are seamlessly linked to each
other providing ‘a simple yet clear view of the business’ ([28], p. 149) through
multiple views of a business process. The ARIS methodology is of particular interest
as it is considered to be one of the most “advanced tools available in the market
place” ([29], p.12) and it has a large market share (through its integration within the
SAP suite [28], [30] in the corporate and government sectors in the developed
countries [31].
Within ARIS, goals are implied in the definition of a function as “a technical task
or action performed on an object to support one or more company goals” ([32], p.4-1).
This approach assumes that company goals and objectives are known to the modeler
in advance and are supported by functions [23]. There is no accompanying framework
for goal-oriented business process modeling.
Other Goal Models. Discussed goal models within the business process management
context, are either part of or tightly integrated with existing process modeling
methodologies and tools. As the importance of goal-orientation in business process
modeling becomes more apparent to researchers and practitioners within this field,
other conceptual approaches to goal modeling and goal-oriented process modeling
will arise independent of already existing tools and techniques. The Workshop on
Goal-Oriented Business Process Modeling [11] and a follow-up special issue of the
Business Process Management Journal on Goal-Oriented Business Process Modeling
(to be published in 2004, [1]) has identified a number of such approaches.
Within the material currently available (see web site) the general pattern is towards
identification and structuring goal using methods similar to Requirements
Engineering methods described above (e.g. AND/OR reduction graphs, identification
of various relationships among goals, linkage between goals and actors responsible
for them). The exception is a “state-flow view of business processes” advocated by
Khomyakov and Bider [33] that defines the process as a trajectory between system
states with the business goal being described as a final state that business is aimed to
achieve. This model has more in common with the Dynamic Programming [34] view
of the process than with traditional process modeling approaches. In this context, a
goal is expressed in terms of “reaching the surface in the state space of process
variables” ([35], p.3).
2.4 Goal-Modeling Comparison
In “A study on Goal-Oriented Business Process Modeling”, Nishit [14] identified the
following elements as being important for a goal-oriented business process model:
goal concept (present in all goal models by definition), goal relationship including
logical, causal and influencing relationships, and an evaluation mechanism to enable
an assessment of the level of achievement of different goals. While this model
requires further development and refinement (for example implementation issues need
to be included in the model) it provides a good starting point for comparison of goal
modeling capabilities across disciplines and methodologies. Table 1 summarizes the
properties of the discussed goal models according to the 4 criteria. Traditional system
methodologies are excluded from the table, as they do not have the concept of goal.
Requirements engineering goal-models are combined as they have mostly the same
characteristics as far as assessment criteria are concerned. In the Business Process
Modeling category only one methodology was evaluated as a representative of its
group to avoid comparison of ‘like’ methods.
Table 1. Comparison of goal models.
Goal relationship Discipline Goal modeling
Goal model
Logical Causal Influencing
Some Yes Yes Some
Stock &
Flow, Causal
No Yes Yes Yes
Various Goal
Yes Yes Yes i* [14]
hierarchy Yes Some Some Yes
systems (GED)
Yes Yes Yes No
Score Card
No Some No Some
Some Yes No Yes
3 Business Process Modeling
As the purpose of this paper is to compare goal-oriented process modeling techniques
rather than to provide an overall comparison or review of process models the scope of
this section has been limited to the process modeling techniques associated with or
incorporating goal models described in the previous section.
In discussing process modeling capabilities of various goal-oriented methodologies,
references are made to the four perspectives of business process models used as a
basis for the Giaglis-Curtis taxonomy of business models ([7], p.212):
1. The functional perspective represents what process elements (activities) are being
2. The behavioral perspective represents when activities are performed (for example,
sequencing) as well as aspects of how they are performed through feedback loops,
iteration, decision-making conditions, entry and exit criteria, and so on.
3. The organizational perspective represents where and by whom activities are
performed, the physical communication mechanism used to transfer entities, and
the physical media and locations used to store entities.
4. The informational perspective represents the information entities (data) produced
or manipulated by a process and their interrelationships.
3.1 Decision Sciences
Generally, the main weakness of decision analysis methodologies is the weak
representation of activities aimed at fulfilling business objectives (i.e. the functional
perspective). For example, within the value-focused framework the link to activities
responsible for fulfilling objectives is not made. Similarly, the System Dynamics
approach provides limited support for representation of functional and informational
perspectives [7] due to its focus on the process as “defined by flows and
accumulations and controlled in terms of information feedback and process
parameters” ([20], p.12). This approach results in a behavioral representation of the
business that “can be used to show how a change in any stage of the process can
propagate to all subsequent stages” ([20], p.12).
Despite the obvious limitations of decision analysis methods in modeling business
processes, their ability to enrich existing process models by facilitating greater
decision support capability and a more strategic approach to process engineering
makes them very useful tools in goal-oriented process engineering.
3.2 Requirements Engineering
Kavakli ([12], p. 238) identifies three core RE activities: requirements elicitation,
requirements specification and validation. The latter two activities are concerned with
specification of system components and validating system specifications
(respectively) and as such do not directly involve process engineering. On the other
hand, process engineering is an important component of the requirements elicitation
activity that is concerned with understanding of the current organizational situation
and the need for change ([12], p. 239). Within this context, the i* strategic rationale
modeling is identified by Kavakli as one of the two goal-oriented approaches within
the scope of requirement elicitation. As was shown Table 1, i* has the most
comprehensive goal model within the RE field and from a process modeling
perspective it can be described as an agent-oriented approach that defines processes
“according to the organizational agent that performs certain tasks” [13]. This and
similar approaches effectively represent behavioral and organizational perspectives
but less effective in representing functional and informational perspectives.
The S
framework proposed by Loucopoulos ([13], p.1) aims to overcome this
limitation by adopting a ‘multifaceted approach that addresses issues that arise from
the nature of the business processes and of the RE process itself”. Within the S
framework business process models incorporate goals (strategy or “why” dimension),
activities (service or “what” dimension) and collaboration between organizational
actors (support or “how” dimension). System Dynamics is proposed by Loucopoulos
([13], p.3) as an integrating modeling paradigm. While not specifically goal-oriented,
this approach integrates goal models adopted by requirements engineering to a
broader process engineering context. The framework in its current presentation [13]
doesn’t include implementation guidelines or an illustration of its application in
practice; hence it is difficult to compare it with other approaches in the field.
3.3 Business Process Management
Traditional system methodologies and coordination models have a strong focus on the
functional perspective of business process modeling. Giaglis [7] provides a
comprehensive assessment of these techniques that is used in the Comparison section
of this paper. Other goal-oriented business process management models discussed in
this paper are excluded from the Giaglis review and therefore justify a brief
Katzenstein and Lerch [24] provide a review of socio-technical systems from
process redesign point of view. It is clear that, similar to requirements engineering
models, these systems provide better than average representation of roles, goals and
dependencies (behavioral and organizational perspectives) but lack other process
perspectives. For example, the sequential flow of activities critical for a process
model is not represented within the GED methodology.
The strength of generic methodologies, on the other hand is their ability to
represent all process perspectives in a coherent but simple to understand manner. For
example, within ARIS, the functional perspective is represented in the process view
and with a functional tree model, behavioral perspective is represented through an
event-driven process chain that illustrates sequencing and the details of individual
activities through the decomposition capabilities of the tools. The organizational chart
provides the “who” component of an organizational perspective, while the
Data/Output view and information flows ensure that information flows demonstrate
informational process inputs and outputs and their interrelationships.
The state-flow view of the business process is able to demonstrate the sequential
nature of the process but has a limited applicability with respect to other perspectives.
3.4 Business Process Modeling Comparison
Table 2 summarizes discussion in this section. Categories presented in Table 2 are
limited to the depth dimension of the Giaglis-Curtis framework for ease of
presentation. The choice of the depth dimension over breadth was motivated by the
fact that the depth dimension aims to analyze qualities of process modeling
techniques across disciplinary boundaries while the breadth dimension is more
aligned to disciplinary boundaries ([7], p. 213). The absence of breadth dimension
means that some of the modeling techniques requirements are not discussed (e.g.
process automation, decision support, etc.). Future research is planned to provide a
more complete assessment of goal-oriented process modeling methods from the
process modeling point of view in the context of the Giaglis-Curtis and other
evaluation frameworks (e.g. [7], [15], [24], [29], [36], [37]).
Table 2. Comparison of goal models.
Modeling Perspective Discipline Goal modeling
Process model
What When
not applicable
No No No No
System Dynamics Stock & Flow,
Causal Loop
Some Yes Yes Some
Various i*
Some Yes Yes Some
Coordination models
Yes Some Some Yes
qualitative systems
Some Yes Yes Some
Yes Yes Yes Yes
State-Flow model Some Yes Some Some
4 Goal-oriented Business Process Engineering – an Integrated
While it is possible to identify strengths and weaknesses of goal-oriented business
process modeling by simply looking at Table 1 and 2 side by side, the multi-
dimensional nature of the problem (that would be compounded if other criteria or
dimensions were introduced) makes it difficult to determine the best model in a
particular situation. A Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis [19] model using these
(and/or other criteria) would facilitate a dynamic assessment of goal-oriented process
modeling incorporating priorities and constraints of individual modelers and
situations and will be the subject of future research. Within the scope of this paper it
is sufficient to say, that requirements engineering provides the best compromise in the
field of goal-oriented process modeling within the scope of existing modeling
technique. However, the complementary nature of ARIS and value-focused thinking
methodologies suggests itself to an integrated approach that would provide the best of
both worlds.
By integrating value-focused thinking and ARIS approaches, we provide a decision
perspective on goal-oriented process modeling (for more detail refer to [5] and [17]).
Within this perspective, decision analysis tools, and in particular, the “value-focused
thinking” framework is used to identify and structure objectives of business processes
that are represented using ARIS methodology. The resulting conceptual model and
implementation framework facilitate expression of each goal in some aspect of a
process model by:
1. Modifying the “value-focused thinking” framework to include logical relationships
that are not currently available within the model.
2. Structuring functional and process objectives within the ARIS framework as a
means-ends network using Keeney’s principle for identification and linkage
between the objectives.
3. Using the means-ends network to guide the decomposition of the business process
while taking advantage of the hierarchical and nested models functionality
available within ARIS.
The integration of these two methodologies within a single model, builds on the
strength of these methodologies while addressing the shortcomings identified within
them. Among advantages of using the proposed model are: a rational approach
towards process decomposition that facilitates achievement of business objectives by
business processes; an ability to integrate a vast library of decision models into
process modeling to address both efficiency and effectiveness objectives of business;
and access to the process modeling capabilities of widely adopted software
5 Summary
As is clear from the modeling literature, “the suitability of a modeling approach will
depend on the goals and objectives for the resulting model. A given language
construct or type will be better suited to achieving some modeling objectives than
others” ([38], p.86). None of the models discussed in this paper aim to be universal or
the only “correct” goal-oriented approach to process engineering. Each model is
suited to its particular environment and objectives. That aside, understanding of the
available goal-oriented process engineering approaches provides opportunities for
collaboration in addressing outstanding research problems and minimizes the
duplication of effort that can result from a lack of coordination.
It is hoped that this paper goes some way towards informing various research
communities of the development in the field of goal-oriented process engineering by
providing a coherent framework for the evaluation of various fields, pointing to the
current research in this area within each field and identifying future research
directions that include but are not limited to:
a more comprehensive framework for evaluation of goal models in the context of
business process engineering;
a more in in-depth analysis of goal-oriented process modeling methods using
existing process modeling evaluation frameworks;
an application of MCDA to evaluation of goal-oriented process modeling with the
aim of developing an easy to use tool for practitioners looking to choose or assess
available techniques;
further development of an integrated methodology aiming to utilize the best of both
goal and process modeling.
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