A Multi-Stage Approach to Asymmetric Legacy
Information Integration
Y. Tang
, J.B. Zhang
, C.H. Tan
, M.M. Wong
and T.J. Ng
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075
Abstract. Ensuring data integrity in the process of integration with heterogene-
ous legacy systems has proven to be a very challenging task because of the
"asymmetric" nature of the integration. This paper first identifies and describes
the major issues in the integration process with legacy information systems. A
generic five-stage integration approach is then proposed to address the issues in
a systematic manner. The proposed data manipulation and infusion methodolo-
gies together with the schemata and how they can help isolate the heterogeneity
of the integrated systems and provide high transparency to the applications are
then discussed. In addition, we shall discuss how event-driven active mecha-
nisms can be applied to ensure a high level of integrity, flexibility, availability
and reliability for the asymmetric integration with heterogeneous legacy sys-
tems. The proposed framework has been validated in an industrial project, and
has enabled the seamless integration and continuous information flow between
a new corporate information system and the legacy production and material
handling systems.
1 Introduction
The advent of computers and the wide acceptance and implementation of information
technology (IT) have brought about tremendous benefits to many organisations espe-
cially in terms of data storage, information processing, distribution and controlled
access. For most organisations, various IT systems have been implemented at differ-
ent time periods. As a result of this, data and information of an organisation are scat-
tered around in many isolated and disparate information systems that are developed at
different times, with different technologies and on different platforms. Driven by
increasing intensified competition, today’s manufacturing companies are forced to
find ways to integrate their internal information resources in a seamless manner. By
doing so, their competitiveness will be enhanced by way of improved efficiency and
reliability in information acquisition, processing and dissemination. This will lead to
better and more effective decision support capabilities, and allow collaboration
amongst various departments of the organisation, as well as supply chain partners.
However, “seamless integration” has so far been more of a wish than a realization,
due to the difficulties that are faced in dealing with the heterogeneity, obsolete tech-
Tang Y., B. Zhang J., H. Tan C., M. Wong M. and J. Ng T. (2004).
A Multi-Stage Approach to Asymmetric Legacy Information Integration.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 50-59
DOI: 10.5220/0002671100500059
nology and semantic discrepancies inherent in legacy information systems. The “het-
erogeneity” of information systems can be classified into the following levels [7]:
Platform level (hardware, operating system and network protocol)
Data management system level (data query languages such as SQL, data imple-
mentation models such as object, relational, hierarchical and network database)
Location level (where the data resides)
Semantic level (multiple, replicated and conflicting representations of similar facts)
To some extent, technologies such as SQL, ODBC, JDBC and CORBA have
helped to resolve issues that are related to platform and data management system
heterogeneities. However, despite much effort spent by the scientific community,
semantic discrepancy is still an open and largely unsolved problem [12].
Data extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) for data warehouse is software
that can be used for the extraction of data from several sources, cleansing, customiza-
tion and insertion into a data warehouse [14]. Although ETL tools can be used with
legacy information systems, their focus is on historical information rather than current
(operational) data. In this paper, data integration for dynamic environments will be
discussed. The focus is on integration on demand rather than integration in advance to
allow for "continuous flow" of information between dynamic systems such as produc-
tion control, MES, and so on.
A Federated Database System (FDBS) is a collection of autonomous database sys-
tems that cooperate to provide a combined view of individual data stores [10]. We
feel that the conventional approaches of FDBS are inadequate for the integration with
legacy information systems since it is difficult to make changes in all legacy systems
so as to extract data from local stores and transform data according to the "federation
requirement". The typical integration processes with legacy information systems will
be asymmetric, i.e., the majority of data transformation jobs are carried out in the new
environment rather than distributed throughout the individual systems.
Hence, in this paper, we are proposing an architectural framework and the tech-
niques to address issues relating to the integration of legacy information systems with
new information systems. The ultimate challenge is to ensure data availability, data
integrity, and maximum system flexibility for the asymmetric integration with legacy
information systems. Typical constraints of asymmetric integration include:
Changes are not allowed to be made to the legacy information system due to high
integration costs, unavailability of the human expertise, or the mission critical na-
ture of such systems does not permit disturbances to be introduced;
Further additional loading of the legacy information system is not allowed because
of the limited system capacity;
Unique identifiers for data entities to be shared cannot be provided by legacy sys-
tem, even though such unique identification is required by the receiving systems.
The objective of this work is therefore to design an integration framework that will
allow reconfigurable event-driven and on-demand data exchange between the inte-
grated systems, including legacy information systems. Related work such as ETL for
data warehouse and Federated Database System are reviewed in Section 2. In Section
3, we will discuss the major challenges in legacy information system integration and
propose a five-stage integration approach. Active mechanisms to ensure data integrity
are present in Section 4. Section 5 describes industrial implementations, and finally,
Section 6 provides the conclusion.
2 Related Work
In this section, we will review some related work in the fields of databases and in-
formation systems integration, and discuss their suitability to be used in legacy
information systems integration.
2.1 Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) for Data Warehouse
Data extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) are the set of functions, which
reshape relevant data from source systems into useful information that will be stored
in the data warehouse [6]. It includes the following major functions:
Data Extraction. This function deals with numerous data sources in diverse data
formats by capturing data from various sources such as transaction logs, database
triggers, application source codes, and by comparing the timestamps of records.
Data Transformation. This function converts raw data into the format that is
usable in the data warehouse. It often involves the following steps: selection,
splitting/joining, conversion, summarization and enrichment.
Data Loading. This function involves populating the data warehouse tables for the
very first time and applying ongoing changes in a periodic manner.
ETL tools have been extensively studied to supply data warehouse with clean data
(e.g., [1], [6], [8] and [14]). We have evaluated and found that some ETL techniques
are suitable for the proposed data integration framework. Since the main purpose of
data warehousing is to perform data mining and decision support, the standard ETL
tools tend to focus on historical information rather than current (operational) data. In
contrast, we focus more on data integration in dynamic environments (such as the
manufacturing information system model that will be studied in section 3), and this
requires integration on demand, rather than integration in advance.
2.2 Federated Database System
The Federated Database System (FDBS) was introduced to provide a uniform access
to information that is physically distributed [10]. A FDBS is defined as a collection of
autonomous database systems that cooperate to provide a combined view of individ-
ual data stores. Various models and methodologies for FDBS have been proposed by
numerous researchers [2], [9] and [12]. In general, the architecture is made up of a
few layers, including, for example, Local Schema, Component Schema, Export
Schema, Federated Schema, and External Schema. Each layer presents an integrated
view of the concepts that characterize the underlying layer, and taken together, sup-
ports the distribution, heterogeneity and autonomous features of the FDBS.
However, the aforementioned FDBS architecture requires individual component
databases to extract data from their local stores and transform the extracted data ac-
cording to the "federation requirement". While this approach works for newly estab-
lished database systems, it faces great difficulties when dealing with legacy
information systems that were developed years or decades ago that do not support the
latest database technologies, not even support the de-facto database language, SQL.
In most cases, the legacy information systems in an enterprise may not be replace-
able or even upgradeable, due to the high costs and organizational risks, or techno-
logical limitations that are associated with such reengineering [11]. They are usually
mission-critical and not modifiable without a thorough study and understanding of the
original design. Many of these systems are often running near their full capacities and
the hardware platforms are no longer upgradeable or even supported by the original
vendors. As a result, the integration processes between newly developed systems and
legacy systems are normally asymmetric. In other words, the majority of data trans-
formation jobs have to be carried out in the new environment rather than distributed
in all component systems including legacy databases. As such, the conventional ap-
proaches of federated database system are inadequate for the integration with legacy
information systems. Hence, an architectural framework that is suitable for legacy
information systems integration is needed.
3 A Generic Framework for Legacy Information Integration
3.1 Challenges in Legacy Information Systems Integration
In this section, a typical scenario is presented to highlight the major integration issues
that this paper aims to address. The information integration in this example comprised
of two independent heterogeneous databases within a manufacturing company; one
Inspection Result
Production Report
New Enterprise
Information System
Material Reorder
and return
Delivery Order
Supplier Manufacturer Distributor
Fig. 1. Inter-Organizational data flow
being a legacy Production Management System (PMS) for real-time production con-
trol and quality management, and the other being a new Enterprise Information Sys-
tem (EIS) that supports production planning, inventory management and management
report. The new EIS also acts as the communication gateway with the information
systems of supply chain partners, transferring material usage information to the up-
stream material supplier and finished production order information to the downstream
distributor. The flow of data amongst these systems is shown in Fig 1.
The Production Management System was developed many years ago together with
the production lines, and is already running near its full system capacity. Before the
new EIS is introduced, there were several isolated computer systems in the manufac-
turing company for planning, reporting and so on. The new EIS needs to integrate
seamlessly with these disparate information systems of the organization as well as
those of the supply chain partners, to reduce the manual data entries and re-entries
which are labor-intensive and error-prone. The most problematic part is interfacing
with the legacy PMS, which mainly transfers production data from the PMS to the
EIS. The key issues to be addressed in this example include:
The implementation has to be carried out in the new EIS as much as possible in
order to minimize disruptions in the legacy information system.
Both periodic batch processing and real-time transaction-based data exchange has
to be supported.
The PMS maintains the production data on a daily basis and transfers all daily
production results to the EIS several times a day, without differentiating data that
have already been transferred by previous transfer sessions.
As a data repository for the PMS but also an entity in the supply chain, the EIS has
to differentiate data entities transferred from the PMS in different batches, as por-
tions already included in the management reports or passed to supply chain part-
ners cannot be altered any more.
This example represents the situation that is commonly found in many other indus-
try sectors in addition to manufacturing. It is therefore important to establish a generic
approach that can be applied to solve a class of legacy information systems integra-
tion problems that are typified in Fig 1.
3.2 The Architecture Framework
The proposed data integration framework for legacy information systems integration,
given in Fig 2, adopts a five-stage integration approach with the following key proc-
esses: Extraction, Filtration, Aggregation, Reconciliation and Infusion. The corre-
sponding data repositories that support these processes are: Interface Schema, Local
Schema, Consolidated Schema, Integrated Schema and Application Schema. Each
stage presents an integrated or processed view of the data that has been manipulated
in the previous processes. The characteristics of each stage of the integration process
and the corresponding schema are discussed in the following sub-sections.
3.2.1 Extraction Process with Interface Schema
The first stage of the integration process is the Extraction process. The Extraction
process operates on a set of interface tables and protocols that serves as the direct
communication interface with the legacy systems. Taking the system heterogeneities
into consideration, the data extraction process may be performed in many forms,
ranging from the tightly coupled data exchange technology to loosely coupled data
batch conversion, import and processing. If the source system is a RDBMS that sup-
ports transaction logs or database triggers, or if the source application can be modi-
fied to capture the new data in real-time, the data extraction is immediate. However,
features such as transaction logs or database triggers are normally not available in
legacy systems and modification of the legacy programs may not be feasible. In this
case, deferred data extraction will be the only option, and the interface schema will
provide a snapshot of the data in the legacy system, transferred by a periodically
batch process. Most ETL tools for data warehouse also contain Data Extraction stage.
3.2.2 Filtration Process with Local Schema
Owing to different functionalities of the EIS and PMS, raw data in the interface
schema that is obtained from the legacy system, needs to be filtered before it can be
used by the EIS, and the Local Schema only contains data that is of interest to the EIS.
Logically, the data filtration processes should reside in the data source system, as it
has far better control over how data can be filtered. For example in a FDBS, a filter-
ing processor is usually applied between the Component Schema and Export Schema
of each component DBS. In the case of legacy integration however, this may not be
practical as it is critical to minimize the disruptions, uncertainties and risks that any
Fig. 2. The five-step integration approach
New Enterprise
Information System
Legacy Data
Legacy System
3rd Party
modification may introduce to the legacy system. Consequently, the integration tasks
have to be performed by the new EIS.
3.2.3 Aggregation Process with Consolidated Schema
Different systems manipulate production related information at dissimilar levels of
detail. For the same attribute of a data entity, the EIS and PMS may take on different
values. For example, WIP statuses in the PMS like "Operation Start", "QA Testing",
and "Reworking" could all mean "In Operation" for the EIS. In the Aggregation stage,
a combination process will convert existing attributes to a common attribute defini-
tion by using the system-mapping dictionary and then merge all entities that have the
same common attribute definition. It provides attribute definition transparency for the
upper layers by isolating the semantic heterogeneities of the integrated systems.
Solving semantic incompatibilities for database schema integration has been stud-
ied in the database realm for a long time [3], [11], [12]. To establish relations with the
entities of a legacy database is extremely difficult, because the semantics of legacy
system could be in a default or implicit form. Apart from collecting semantic knowl-
edge from available schemata and data-dictionaries, the integration designer also
needs to collect information from the legacy system administrator, user and historical
data. The acquisition and representation processes of semantic knowledge for legacy
system are highly domain-specific and cannot be performed automatically.
3.2.4 Reconciliation Process with Integrated Schema
A major challenge that the legacy system integration architect has to face is how to
ensure data integrity, especially if the legacy system cannot distinguish whether or
not the data has been transferred in earlier updating sessions, and therefore always
provide the entire set of data. The situation will be further compounded when the
legacy system cannot even provide unique identifiers for the data entities that are
As an example, a PMS may accumulate records of rejected raw material that are
generated by the quality control stations, and transfer to an EIS several times a day.
There could be multiple entries for the same type of materials, by the same quality
control station, but at different times. The timestamp of the data may be available but
it will change when the materials are reworked or retested. The EIS needs to differen-
tiate the data received from the PMS in different updating sessions, as the previously
received data has already been communicated to the material supplier. Data capture
that is based on date and time stamp using the normal data extraction technique of
ETL approach is not feasible in this environment.
In order to satisfy the foregoing requirement, the Reconciliation process is intro-
duced. An accompanying Integrated Schema serves as a repository for data entities
that have already been previously transferred and assigned with unique identification
values. The summarized data of the entries in the Consolidated Schema, which is now
distinguishable, will be compared with existing records in the Integrated Schema.
Only net quantities that represent the "new" records will be appended into the Inte-
grated Schema and assigned with unique identifications. As a result, the Reconcilia-
tion stage resolves system heterogeneities that are caused by differences in the timing
and frequency of data exchange.
3.2.5 Infusion Process with Application Schema
The Application Schema is the working domain for the local application of EIS. The
Infusion process provides the last stage abstraction and transformation of data from
the PMS. It prepares data in accordance to the standard required by the EIS local
application, and merges them with other existing data in the Application Schema.
In certain situations, the local application is allowed to enter new records or ma-
nipulate existing records transferred from the legacy system, in case the legacy sys-
tem or the integration interface has been down for a period of time. However, this
kind of manipulation brings about another consideration to the design of the Infusion
process. When the key value of incoming record from the legacy system matches with
the key of an existing record, either a constructive merge or a destructive merge could
be used, and the selection will have to be based on the nature of the individual tables.
3.3 Flexibility of the Proposed Framework
The generic five-stage integration approach presented in this paper addresses the
general issues that are faced in most legacy information systems integration situations.
However, it is possible that in a specific implementation, not all stages of the integra-
tion process are needed. Instead, variations to the integration processes can be made
based on the following guidelines:
In cases where the data source systems are able to perform data filtration according
to the requirements of the target system, the Filtration process and the Local
Schema can be considered as redundant.
If a common data-mapping dictionary exists and is available to all integrating
parties, and the data source systems are able to perform the necessary consolida-
tion, there is no need for the Aggregation process and Consolidated Schema.
When the data exchange is in real-time and transaction-based, and all transferred
data entities have unique identities in all integrated systems, the Reconciliation
process and the corresponding Integrated Schema are not required.
4 Active Mechanisms to Ensure Data Integrity
Ensuring data integrity is critically essential for multi-source information integration.
Due to the technological limitations of legacy systems, many data integrity con-
straints have been embedded in the application code or may have to be enforced in
manual operation procedures. This will give rise to the possibility of potential data
integrity violations in legacy information systems integration.
Event-driven active mechanisms are devised in this work to overcome the violation
of data integrity constraints. Instead of stopping the data processing or simply reject-
ing the data when a violation occurs, active mechanisms allow recovery procedures to
be invoked with minimal interference to the business process. Such active behaviour
can be generally expressed by the Event-Condition-Action rules (or ECA-rules) in
active database systems ([4], [5] and [13]). As an example, a typical active rule to
recover from the above mentioned constraint violation could be defined as:
event which potentially violates the uniqueness constraint
condition the data entity does not have an Aggregation process with Consolidated Schema
action reroute the process and include the necessary data preparation for the next stage
Duplicated records will be consolidated by the re-introduced Aggregation process
and stored in the Consolidated Schema. The Reconciliation process will be carried
out on the assumption that there is no occurrence of exception yet. Supported by
active rule mechanisms, the integration framework is configurable and adaptable in
5 Industrial Applications
The proposed five-stage integration approach together with active mechanisms pro-
vides a flexible integration framework that will ensure a high level of data integrity
and availability when dealing with problematic integration of legacy systems. The
methodology has been validated and implemented in an industrial project, and has
enabled the seamless integration and continuous information flow between a new
corporate information system and the legacy production and material handling sys-
tems. The successful implementation has eliminated a tremendous amount of manual
data entry activities that are tedious and error-prone. The commissioned system has
been proven to be reliable and robust, while guaranteeing data integrity.
Integration with legacy systems in a heterogeneous environment is an unavoidable
task for many information system developments and seamless integration with guar-
anteed data integrity, availability and reliability is always crucial. The methodology
described in this paper can be applied to a wide range of industries such as
manufacturing, logistics and the service industries.
6 Conclusion
This paper has identified and analyzed critical issues in information infusion from
multiple data sources, especially with regard to legacy information systems. The limi-
tations of conventional approaches such as ETL for data warehouse and Federated
Database System (FDBS) architecture have been discussed. A generic five-stage
integration framework has been proposed to resolve problems that are commonly
faced in legacy information systems integration. It can be used as a generic reference
architecture for the design and implementation of legacy information systems integra-
tion. The five-stage approach has been applied to an industrial application involving
the integration of several legacy information systems, including a realtime control
system for manufacturing material handling and inventory management.
The data manipulation processes together with the schemata, isolate the heteroge-
neities of the integrated systems and maintain the integrity of data. Event-driven ac-
tive mechanisms for integrity violation recovery provide a measure of flexibility to
the generic framework. In actual implementations, the number of integration proc-
esses and the corresponding schema layers could be varied from system to system, or
even from one type of data to another within the same system. A high level of integ-
rity, flexibility, availability and reliability is ensured for the asymmetric integration
with heterogeneous legacy information systems.
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