ectory Services for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Based on an Information Market Model
Christian Hutter, Matthias Brust and Steffen Rothkugel
University of Luxembourg
Department of Sciences, Technology and Communication
L-1359 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Abstract. Ubiquitous computing based on small mobile devices using wireless
communication links is becoming very attractive. The computational power and
storage capacities provided allow the execution of sophisticated applications. Due
to the fact that sharing of information is a central problem for distributed appli-
cations, the development of self organizing middleware services providing high
level interfaces for information managing is essential. ADS is a directory service
for mobile ad-hoc networks dealing with local and nearby information as well as
providing access to distant information. The approach discussed throughout this
paper is based upon the concept of information markets.
1 Introduction
Today there are a large number of mobile devices like phones, personal digital assis-
tants and tablet PCs available. Most of them are equipped with wireless communication
adapters for local area communications. Storage capabilities and computational power
are continuously increasing, allowing users to run even sophisticated applications, not
only from the traditional domains like personal information management or business
applications but also offering entertainment, fun and recreation.
In this regard, using ad-hoc networks as underlying topology is promising due to
fostering ubiquity. Mobile ad-hoc networks are formed by large numbers of portable
devices which might not have a fixed position and might join or leave the network
at any time. Low bandwidth, unreliability of wireless links, small transmission ranges
and unpredictable network topology changes pose technically challenging problems.
In realistic ad-hoc networks, resources and services need to be spread across a bigger
area than just the transmission range of a single device. Hence, devices are required
to communicate with one another by routing information through intermediate nodes,
resulting in so-called multi-hop ad-hoc networks. Aside from that, nodes should also
be considered as information providers. Users are supposed to collaborate with others,
introducing the need to share and disseminate information across multiple nodes.
research is supported by the Luxembourg Ministre de la Culture, de l’Enseignement Su-
prieur et de la Recherche. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations ex-
pressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Luxembourg Ministre de la Culture, de l’Enseignement Suprieur et de la Recherche
Hutter C., Brust M. and Rothkugel S. (2004).
ADS-Directory Services for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Based on an Information Market Model.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, pages 195-203
DOI: 10.5220/0002672701950203
This paper introduces ADS, a generic middleware Ad-hoc Directory Service, aimed
at giving applications access to information located on more distant remote devices. The
subsequent sections are organized as follows. Section 2 discusses several distinct ad-hoc
application scenarios, in particular auction systems, ubiquitous multi-player gaming,
and M-Learning, motivating the usefulness of ADS. In section 3 a detailed description
of main ADS components is given. Section 4 compares ADS to similar middleware
solutions for mobile ad-hoc networks. Finally, section 5 gives a summary and provides
ideas for future work.
2 Application Scenarios
In order to illustrate the usefulness of ADS, several application scenarios in mobile
ad-hoc networks with different characteristics were presented in [1]. Firstly, UbiBay is
described, an auction system that can be considered as a counterpart to eBay for mobile
ad-hoc networks. Secondly, a learning scenario, an ad-hoc forum, is introduced, giving
an example of an educational application for mobile ad-hoc networks. Finally, gaming
applications are examined.
Auction System. UbiBay is an adaptation of prominent auction systems like eBay into
a mobile ad-hoc environment where users want to either sell items or bid on them.
Auctions are run by agents that populate marketplaces. A marketplace is a geographical
region where information is traded at given times. Users are not constrained to be at the
marketplace physically, but are allowed to utilize other ones mobile devices located at
the marketplace to let a software agent or a service installed on each device negotiate
with others on their behalf [2]. Applications query those marketplaces to get a list of
current auctions, allowing users to place bids.
M-Learning. In an M-Learning environment students are working collaboratively to
coordinate their effort. For instance before an exam, students should spend as much
time as possible for their preparations. Thus they want to use the time between two
lectures for studying. Unfortunately, students’ agendas typically are very individual,
making it extremely difficult for them to form common study groups. To still be able to
join forces they might use an Ad-hoc Forum [3]. Students can use the according PDA
driven application to submit their questions to the forum. While passing or meeting
friends and fellow students, information like questions and answers are exchanged by
the PDAs. The system aims at finding solutions for the user’s questions or knowledge
lacks. Users are able to evaluate replies to the questions. The results of this procedure
are used to exclude non qualified answers.
Gaming. While traveling together, people can use their mobile devices for multi-player
gaming. For example a PDA might determine whether somebody nearby is interested in
joining a game. As soon as someone is found, the game integrates the new device into
the gaming community. All participating PDAs thereby form an ad-hoc network. This
scenario focuses mostly on groups of users located comparably close to each other like
in a train wagon or bus.
3 ADS: An Ad-Hoc Directory Service
ADS is an approach for a fully distributed directory service for mobile ad-hoc networks,
based upon an information market model. It allows the sharing of potentially replicated
information among applications running on the nodes of a mobile ad-hoc network. ADS
is supposed to be part of a middleware available on each participating device. Applica-
tions are supposed to be used in a cooperative way. The data those applications operate
on are initially generated on a particular device. This information might be useful for
the local device only, or might be shared with other instances of the application re-
spectively with other users. In the latter case, the need for disseminating the information
in a controlled way arises.
3.1 Information Markets
Due to the very dynamic structure of the network and the potentially high number of
interacting devices, it is neither sensible nor possible to directly query any device. Fur-
thermore, in ad-hoc networks there is no notion of central servers. Hence, strategies for
collecting, exchanging, and gathering information are required. The approach proposed
in this paper for tackling this problem is to exploit existing characteristics of real-life
ad-hoc network infrastructure. In particular, it is possible and sensible to identify hot
spots, where the density of devices can be expected to be above a certain threshold.
Possible locations of such hot spots are central areas of cities, restaurants, cafeterias
or entrances of buildings like train stations, warehouses or universities. Because envi-
ronmental conditions might change during a day, however, locations of hot spots are
not stable. Thus the ADS needs to be context-aware, adapting itself to the current sit-
uation. The student cafeteria of a university for instance might be well visited during
daytime but deserted during nighttime or weekends. Based upon those hot spots, we
encourage their use for what we call information markets, concentrating and managing
large amounts of information in an adequate limited region and make it accessible to
interested applications. Initially, the ADS knows the location of at least one information
market. During runtime the platform discovers other markets, particularly their location
and available information. Either the moving devices themselves disseminate this infor-
mation in the network or it is propagated while communicating with an already known
information market. To determine their position devices use a positioning system, e.g.
GPS or a badge based system.
In order to make data available to applications, ADS supports two different types
of queries: synchronous local and asynchronous smart remote queries. Both types of
queries are useful by themselves, albeit a combination of them might be sensible to be
applied as well. Synchronous local queries are used to collect information from local
and nearby devices. They are called synchronous because they follow a synchronous
communication model. Asynchronous smart remote queries in turn enable applications
to retrieve data from information markets. They are asynchronous in nature, because
their execution time respectively behavior cannot be determined in advance.
Fig.1. Network scenario showing an example mobile ad-hoc network including an information
3.2 Synchronous Local Queries
The main purpose of synchronous local queries is to collect information that is avail-
able immediately. Firstly, the information maintained on the local device by the ADS
information broker component is retrieved. Optionally, the data might be augmented
by query results from nearby devices. This is realized by sending queries to the infor-
mation brokers in the immediate neighborhood. This information gathering process is
based upon a timeout mechanism to cope with the properties of ad-hoc networks prop-
Taking the example of gaming, synchronous local queries provide a suitable abstraction.
Interaction is restricted to the neighborhood. ADS might be used for instance to discover
currently active games together with information about players involved. Additionally,
slowly evolving game information e.g. related to trading can be handled appropriately
by ADS synchronous local queries.
In the M-Learning scenario, this type of query is well-suited to collect information for
instance while staying in the cafeteria. This way, knowledge from fellow students also
having a break can be retrieved directly. Nevertheless, in that case it is also sensible to
gather more information from other sources by referring to information markets. This
is realized by the second type of queries: asynchronous smart remote queries.
3.3 Asynchronous Smart Remote Queries
Aside from retrieving information from the immediate neighborhood, it shall be pos-
sible to consult information markets as well. Queries launched will be sent to the in-
formation market, starting to collect results there. Queries might stay active for a given
time, sending back results to the initiator in chunks. When transferring the query ADS
must use smart forwarding strategies, so that the query finally will arrive at the informa-
tion market. By tracking user movement it is possible to estimate the direction a device
is heading to in the near future.
Queries as well as responses can contain meta-data. Mandatory meta-data of queries
include information about the query initiator together with some contextual information
about his planned movements — e.g. taken from his calendar that is used to deter-
mine time and location of where to send results to. Optional meta-data of queries might
for instance indicate an expected number of results. Knowledge about other information
markets can be propagated and collected by including it in the meta-data of responses.
Taking the example of UbiBay, asynchronous smart remote queries can be used
for example to gather information about ongoing auctions respectively items offered.
In the Ad-hoc Forum scenario, questions as well as answers are collected and pooled.
Hence, the number as well as the quality of the knowledge available at the market can
be expected to be high, especially compared to the cafeteria case aforementioned.
3.4 Information Market Management
Information markets are supposed to manage potentially large amounts of data. This is
done in a distributed and replicated way. The management strategies are described in
the subsequent sections.
The IMM. The devices composing an information market need to act in a self-organizing
way. When a device enters the information market, it contacts the information market
manager (IMM). If there is no response, a new IMM is created on that device. The IMM
collects the information about the free capacity available on the information market and
about replicated information on each device. In case multiple IMMs are created at the
same time, e.g. when several devices arrive simultaneously at an empty market, they
need to select a leader using known leader selection algorithms for mobile ad-hoc net-
works. The IMM assigns new information which arrives at the market to devices with
free capacities. Depending on the level of importance of the information it might be-
come replicated on several hosts. Devices to which the IMM already assigned data are
called active while devices not holding data are passive to the information market.
The IMM needs to use load balancing algorithms to distribute information across the
devices available, depending on their free capacities. As all information is added to the
system by the IMM it can keep track about the type of information which is hosted on
its market. This meta-information can be added to asynchronous smart remote queries
to improve the chances of retrieving relevant information fast.
Dealing with Mobility. When a passive device leaves the area of an information market
there is no loss of information. In case an active device A moves out of an information
market its data needs to be transferred back to the market. A transfers the data to another
device B which is still at the market or at least heading into the right direction. If B
is already within the area of the information market it forwards the data to the IMM
for redistribution. Otherwise it keeps the data until reaching the information market to
finally forward it. If the direction of B changes before it enters the information market,
B transfers the data to yet another device heading towards the market.
A special case occurs if the IMM leaves the information market. However, the same
strategy used by active devices when leaving the market is applied. Due to race condi-
tions, a new IMM might have been created in between. In that case, the old IMM will
deactivate itself. To increase the probability of the IMM staying inside the market it
tries to reside in its center. If needed, the role of the IMM is taken over by a different
Fig.2. Zoom to the information market showing (moving) active and passive devices and an IMM
Communication within an Information Market. Information markets differ from the
rest of the ad-hoc network. Due to the high amount of available devices within a limited
geographic area it is possible to establish a fast communication and information distri-
bution between the participating devices. Even if they are not in direct communication
range it is possible to use other nodes to forward messages using flooding techniques in
this limited area. Messages sent to the IMM only need to be forwarded to the center of
the market as the IMM is supposed to stay in this area.
Disaster Recovery for Active/Passive Market Devices. Disaster recovery needs to be
done when a device leaves a market without being able to perform the normal ”leave
market” actions mentioned above. This can happen as a result of a power-down or
hardware respectively software error. In the case the device was passive to the market no
information is lost. In the case of an active device, all information that is not replicated
is also lost. The IMM can always try to restore replicated information of devices which
are able of sending a final sign off message before shutting down. If a device can not
send this message it will depend on the strategy chosen if the degree of replication can
be reestablished (cf. also the paragraph describing information replication below).
Disaster Recovery for the IMM. The loss of the IMM will be detected when infor-
mation will be added to the system or a new device enters the information market. At
that time, a new instance of the IMM will be created. During initialization of the new
IMM it asks all active or passive market devices about their free capacities. In case sev-
eral IMMs are created, leader election techniques are used to elect one of them (c.f. the
paragraph 3.4 about the IMM ). Basically, in the current design the IMM is a central
entity. However, in case of failures, it is possible to create a new IMM dynamically. The
state of the IMM can be reconstructed by gathering according data from the devices on
the market.
Publishing Information on an Information Market. When an application or service
wants to publish information, it needs to send it to an information market. The selection
of a target market can be done context-aware by several strategies, e.g. by aspects of
best fitting in terms of types of information already managed by a market or by distance
to targeted applications. In both cases the information is forwarded to a market using the
same strategies as applied in the asynchronous smart remote queries. The IMM handles
the dissemination and replication of newly available data, taking into account meta-data
like lifetime or replication degree.
Information Replication. The ADS allows information replication on information
markets. If the IMM gets information of high importance, as indicated by meta-data
determining the replication degree, it will assign this information to multiple devices.
For reasons of recoverability those nodes need to know that they are now managing
replicated information. To prevent information loss the IMM also keeps a list of the
replicated information. The ADS provides two strategies to keep the number of copies
at the suggested value, differing in the bandwidth usage. The first strategy requires
devices to be able to send a short sign-off message when leaving a market. When the
IMM receives such a message from devices hosting replicated information it starts a
recovery operation, i.e. it gets and assigns a new copy of the information to another
device. If a device is no longer available and was not able to send a sign-off message
one copy will be lost. To prevent this, in the second strategy the IMM periodically
checks if all devices involved into a replication process are still available. If necessary,
the aforementioned recovery operation is triggered.
4 Related Work
There are a number of well known directory services for traditional networks environ-
ments like OpenLDAP and Microsoft’s Active Directory. But due to the very dynamic
structure of mobile ad hoc environments together with the restrictions in terms of pro-
cessing power and storage capabilities, those are not suitable directly. ADS is explicitly
designed for use in such environments.
The application scenarios introduced require information to be stored for further
usage. A wide variety of different application-dependent information types needs to be
managed. Simple strategies like flooding the network by disseminating data using adap-
tive protocols like introduced in [4] are not reasonable in general. A different approach
is used in NOM [5] which forwards queries and creates responses from every node in
the network. In both strategies, broadcast storms are likely to occur. SIDE Surfer [6] in
turn only allows the automatic exchange between directly connected devices based on
user profiles, giving the applications access to a limited set of information only. ADS
allows applications to use the synchronous local queries to access such information
and additionally provides asynchronous smart remote queries for retrieving data from
information pools currently available on information markets.
Both TOTA (”Tuples on the air” [7]) which aims at supporting adaptive context-
aware activities and MeshMdl [8] use the tuple paradigm in mobile ad hoc networks.
But they miss the concept of information replication which increases the probability of
loosing important information.
5 Conclusion and Future Work
ADS is a middleware service designed for use in mobile multi-hop ad-hoc environ-
ments. It enables applications to directly share information with as well as receive
information from the devices in the neighborhood, together with providing access to
information markets. The main idea of introducing information markets is to be able to
identify well-known places where different kinds of information from multiple appli-
cations can be pooled and exchanged. Within information markets, sophisticated algo-
rithms can be applied e.g. in terms of load balancing and fault tolerance by replication.
The interaction with information markets is facilitated by the asynchronous smart re-
mote queries, which are long-term queries. After being launched, these queries travel
to information markets, gathering information there to be sent back to their initiator.
This makes the information market model well-suited for data that remains stable for a
certain time.
The environment envisaged is neither stable nor fully predictable. The system might
for instance suffer from network partitioning, resulting e.g. in queries reaching infor-
mation markets either late or possibly not at all. Another problem occurs if the number
of participating devices drops under a certain threshold. Then, proper dissemination and
replication of information within information markets cannot be guaranteed anymore.
Strong guarantees cannot be given in such kind of environments anyway. It is only
possible to minimize the impact of different kinds of failures and shortcomings. In the
model proposed, this is done through the use of information markets together with their
management strategies. As shown in [2], the information market model is a promising
approach. Nevertheless it is required to do a more detailed evaluation of the proposed
In the future, several interesting aspects need to be evaluated. For instance, the man-
agement of information about marketplaces themselves needs to be tackled, like their
establishment and discovery. One possible solution here is to rely on general knowl-
edge which locations might be well-suited as e.g. train stations and shopping malls. A
different approach is to dynamically determine marketplaces by observing devices and
discovering common patterns. The management of data within information markets is
another area for future research, including for example to de-centralize the Information
Market Manager. It might also be interesting to evaluate if an exchange of information
across several information markets would improve the overall system effectiveness. Ad-
ditionally, we currently assume information to be stored atomically. In order to leverage
both fault tolerance and load balancing, it could be interesting to split one piece of in-
formation into multiple chunks obeying a certain level of redundancy, and to distribute
those on several devices. Finally, several application domains exist that obey different
interaction paradigms. Examples include cases where data becomes out-of-date rather
quickly, or applications that are comparatively tightly coupled. Hence, other concepts
respectively communication patterns aside from the information market model for shar-
ing and exchanging information need to be developed.
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