Designing Audio-Augmented Environments
Andreas Zimmermann and Lucia Terrenghi
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology, Schloss Birlinghoven,
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany
Abstract. The paper deals with the design of an intelligent user interface aug-
menting the user experience in a museum domain, by providing an immersive
audio environment. We highlight the potential of augmenting the visual real
environment in a personalized way, thanks to context modeling techniques. The
LISTEN project, a system for an immersive audio augmented environment ap-
plied in the art exhibition domain, provides an example of modeling and per-
sonalization methods affecting the audio interface in terms of content and or-
ganization. In addition, the outcomes of the preliminary tests are here reported.
1 Introduction
One core idea of ubiquitous computing [13] is that items of our daily environments
will acquire computational capacities, e.g. sensing data in the context, elaborating
them and adapting the system to the context of interaction, will provide new func-
tionalities and enable new activities. The physical reality will be overlaid by an addi-
tional virtual layer (Mixed Reality) and by naturally moving in the space and/or by
manipulating physical objects in our surroundings we will act upon information in the
virtual layer. This enables new augmented user experience and funds the basis for
new challenges in user interface design.
The LISTEN project [7] conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Commu-
cation is an attempt to make use of inherent “everyday” integration of the aural and
visual perception [3]. In October 2003 this system was applied for the visitors of the
August Macke art exhibition at the Kunstmuseum in Bonn, in the context of the
“Macke Labor” [12]. The users of the LISTEN system move in the physical space
wearing wireless headphones, which are able to render 3-dimensional sound, and
listen to audio sequences emitted by virtual sound sources placed in the environment.
The visitors of the museum experience personalized audio information about exhibits
through their headphones. The audio presentation is adapted to the users’ contexts
(i.e. interests, preferences, and motion), providing an intelligent audio-based envi-
ronment [10].
Museum and exhibitions as domains have already been
explored in several research
projects. Many of them focus on the goal to provide a museum guide including con-
tent concerning the artworks [8], to immerse the user in a virtual augmented environ-
ment built in virtual museums [1], or to provide orientation and routing functionalities
Zimmermann A. and Terrenghi L. (2004).
Designing Audio-Augmented Environments.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, pages 113-118
DOI: 10.5220/0002673201130118
[2]. The LISTEN project takes the challenge to provide a personalized immersive
augmented environment, which goes beyond the guiding purpose, and is based on the
combination of aural and visual perception. The viewers become inter-actors as soon
as they move in real space. Thus, the physical behavior of the user determines the
interaction. This dissertation focuses on the design and adaptation of this user inter-
face, and serves as a proof of concept for our approach.
2 The Combination of Content and Context
While using the LISTEN system, users automatically navigate an acoustic informa-
tion space designed as a complement or extension of the real space. The selection,
presentation and adaptation of the content of this information space take into account
the user’s current context. For the flexible and easy combination of the appropriate
content and the current context, we chose to provide a centralized Java based context
and user modeling server. In addition, we use XML as the modeling language, which
allows for a intuitive design, definition and configuration of the system components.
Since this design tool will be used in various follow-up projects, we introduced a new
model for the design of context-aware systems (cf. Figure 1).
Fig. 1. The Context-Aware Architecture of the LISTEN System
In the following we describe the four steps of this abstracted model: information
collection, modeling, controlling and rendering. In addition, we show the instantiation
of this model by the implementation of the LISTEN at the museum (cf. Figure 2).
2.1 Information Collection
A sensor network placed in the environment monitors variable parameters and recog-
nizes changes within the environment. A sensor server receives all incoming events
(i.e. user interactions) sent by the application. These event descriptions are pushed
into a database. Thus, an event history for every user is saved and an implicit user
profile is recorded. The LISTEN system allows monitoring of three sensor values
only: the user’s spatial position and head orientation [4] and the time.
Fig. 2. The Instantiation of the Abstract Model
2.2 Modeling
In a second step the incoming sensor values are interpreted by several algorithms (e.g.
machine learning or data mining algorithms) based on different models (e.g. overlay,
statistic, etc.). Thus, semantically enriched information is extracted and more signifi-
cant knowledge is gained relating to the user’s behavior.
A location model, which segments the exhibit hall into object zones and near fields
[5], allows the LISTEN system to interpret the user’s position (i.e. location) and head
orientation (i.e. focus). The most important variable within the user modeling process
it the time. The analysis of the user’s spatial position and the time results in the speed
the user moves with. In addition, a combination of meta-information concerning the
paintings and the time allows an assumption about the user’s interests (e.g. the more
time the visitor spends with a specific exhibit, the more s/he likes it) [9].
Furthermore, we chose to employ stereotypes to define the user’s observation type.
In contrary to [8] the user’s classification into one stereotype is done manually by the
user and cannot be changed automatically during runtime. Additionally, the personal-
ization engine of the LISTEN application is not able to perform an automated cluster-
ing and derivation of new stereotypes.
The complete model of the context we use in LISTEN is represented by a set of at-
tribute-value pairs.
2.3 Controlling
In a third step a controlling component is necessary to decide what consequences
must be taken if certain conditions in the user’s context and in the individual user
model configuration appear together. Based on these information sources, the control
component assembles a sequence of commands in order to adjust certain variable
properties of the environment. Different sequences of commands lead to different
kinds of information presentation.
A XML-configurable rule-system controls the sound presentation of the LISTEN
scenery. First, a pre-filtering of sound-items is performed based on the user’s current
location and focus. From this list the best suited sound-item is selected referring to
the user’s visit history, stereotype and interests.
2.4 Rendering
Rendering means handling the connection back to the domain. This engine trans-
lates the assembled sequence of domain-independent commands into domain-
dependent commands changing variable parameters of the domain. Thus, the deci-
sions taken by the controlling component are mapped to real world actions.
Concerning the LISTEN system rendering means changing the audio augmenta-
tion. Basically this denotes a certain sound-item being played from a specific sound
source. But moreover, this sophisticated auditory rendering process takes into account
the current position and orientation of the user’s head, in order to seamlessly integrate
the virtual scene with the real one [6].
3 Adaptation Means
The basis for every kind of adaptation in LISTEN is the presentation of the sound
space. Besides the selection of which sound item is to be played, other dimensions
influence the sound presentation: for instance when, with which character (e.g. vol-
ume), from which direction, with which motion and how long a sound is played. With
combinations of these possibilities, a wide range of adaptability is accomplished.
Additionally, other means of adaptation are realized or planned.
3.1 Adaptation of the Space Model
In LISTEN users enter and leave zones in virtual space (cf. Section 2.2 and [11]).
Some users want to step back and look at the object from a different viewpoint. Be-
cause the user still shows interest in this specific object, the associated zone should
adapt to the user and expand up to a predefined point (zone breathing). Then the user
is able to listen to the sound further on.
3.2 Adaptation to Social Context
By interpreting the time and the location of several users, the LISTEN system is able
to identify clusters of people (spatially and temporally similar users). These people
might want to receive the same audio information (e.g. like a family). Vice versa,
breaking up clusters of people is also possible. This would lead to a better distribution
of people among several objects.
3.3 Adaptation to the Level of Immergence
In LISTEN, interest in objects is expressed by the time a user’s focus lingers on these
objects. The complexity, the amount, and the style of already received information
about one object corresponds to the level of interest. The sound presentation directly
steps in the adequate level of information depth and style, if the currently seen exhibit
complies with the user’s interests.
3.4 Adaptation to Movement and Reception Styles
People walking through the environment show different kinds of common behavior
(e.g. clockwise in museums [8]). Special attractor sounds emitted from different
sound sources are used to draw the user’s attention on certain objects. Thus, entire
predefined tours through the environment are recommended (by artist, curator, per-
sonal interest) and dynamically adapted to the stereotypical type of movement and
perception style.
4 Conclusions and Evaluation
In this paper we attempt to highlight the potential of tailored audio augmented envi-
ronments design, a research field that needs to be further explored and still presents
critical issues. The project here described provides a good example of the complexity
of the modeling and design process of a tailored audio augmented environment.
The outcomes of first test at the Kunstmuseum in Bonn enabled a preliminary
evaluation: impressions and refinement issues were brought out by 15 visitors, art
curators, sound designers, and artists.
As a first positive result all the visitors enjoyed the combination of audio-visual
perception and felt an augmentation of the environment. At the same time, both cura-
tors appreciated the possibility to deliver content concerning the artworks in an inno-
vative, enriched, and less descriptive way.
As critical points eight testers mentioned problems to “feel” the interaction with
the environment and four even reported that they were forced to approach the artwork
very closely. These statements show the importance of a more dynamic space model
and the necessity of landmarks in the virtual environment navigation, we are currently
working on.
In addition, five users could not realize whether the changes in the audio virtual
environment were due to their movements in the space or were part of the audio se-
quence. This misinterpretation of the user’s spatial position in combination with the
focus is currently under investigation.
Four users missed an explicit control channel for switching between different types
of sound presentation. Since the LISTEN systems aims at a complete immersion of
the users only through wireless headphones this issue will not be further pursued.
A main criticism in the evaluation was the use of stereotypes for content adapta-
tion. The people do not like to be clustered and classified by their personal informa-
tion consumption habits (fact oriented, emotional or overview oriented). The refined
system will provide stereotypes that represent the user’s moving styles like saunter-
ing, goal-driven or standing still, because these stereotypes have less social impact,
and are easy to detect and to revise.
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