y Range Queries in Streaming Time
Maria Kontaki, Apostolos N. Papadopoulos, Yannis Manolopoulos
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University
Thessaloniki, 54124, Greece
Abstract. Similarity search in time series databases is an important re-
search direction. Several methods have been prop osed in order to provide
algorithms for efficient query processing in the case of static time series of
fixed length. In streaming time series the similarity problem is more com-
plex, since the dynamic nature of streaming data make these methods
inappropriate. In this paper, we propose a new method to evaluate simi-
larity range queries in streaming time series. The method is based on the
use of a multidimensional access method, the R
-tree, which is used to
store features of the time series extracted by means of the DFT (Discrete
Fourier Transform). We take advantage of the incremental computation
of the DFT and equip the R
-tree with a deferred update policy in or-
der to improve maintenance costs. The experimental evaluation based on
synthetic random walk time series and on real stock market data shows
that significant performance improvement is achieved in comparison to
the sequential scanning of the database.
1 Introduction
Nowadays, a significant number of applications require the manipulation of data
streams [12, 2, 4, 7]. Examples of these applications are online stock analysis,
computer network monitoring, network traffic management, earthquake predic-
tion. The major common characteristic of the above applications is that they
are all time-critical. Therefore, the DBMS must be equipped by effective and
efficient tools for data stream processing.
An important query type that has been studied thoroughly in database lit-
erature is the similarity query. Given a query object Q the similarity query asks
for all objects O
that are similar to Q to a sufficient degree. Similarity queries
have been studied for multidimensional objects, images, video, time series and
other non-traditional data typ es. In data streams the problem is more challeng-
ing since the query object, the data or both may change over time. The similarity
between two objects is expressed by means of a distance metric (e.g., Euclidean,
Basically, there are three similarity query types: 1) similarity range query, 2)
similarity nearest-neighbor query and 3) similarity join query. In this paper, we
study similarity range queries in streaming time sequences where both the query
Kontaki M., N. Papadopoulos A. and Manolopoulos Y. (2004).
Similarity Range Queries in Streaming Time Series.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 69-79
DOI: 10.5220/0002675700690079
sequence and the data sequences change over time. In this query type, given a
query object Q and a distance e, the systems determines the data objects O
that are within distance e from Q. These queries can be used on their own, or
can be part of complex data mining tasks for clustering and classification [13].
The length of a streaming time series can be very large, since new values
are appended. Therefore, the similarity of two time series is expressed by means
of the last values of each sequence (e.g. 128, 256, 1024). Each sequence can
be defined as a vector in a high-dimensional space. Dimensionality reduction
techniques (e.g., DFT, KLT) can be used in order to reduce the number of
dimensions, allowing efficient multidimensional access methods to be utilized.
However, each vector changes over time since new values are continuously ap-
pended. The naive procedure is to delete the old vector by updating the access
method, to re-apply the dimensionality reduction technique to the new vector,
and to store the resulting vector in the access method. This process is very time
consuming both in CPU time and disk accesses and therefore is inappropriate
in our case.
In this work we use the R
-tree access method [3] to index the vectors cor-
responding to the time series. The dimensionality reduction technique applied
to the original time series is based on an incremental computation of the DFT
which avoids recomputation. Moreover, the R
-tree is equipped by a deferred
update policy in order to avoid index adjustments every time a new value for
a stream is available. Experiments performed on synthetic random walk time
series and on real stock market data have shown that the proposed approach
outperforms the sequential scanning of the database significantly.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section we briefly
discuss related work on similarity-based queries both in streams and traditional
databases. In Section 3 the proposed method is presented in detail, giving empha-
sis to the incremental DFT computation and the deferred R
-tree update policy.
The performance evaluation results are offered in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
concludes the work and raises some issues for future research in the topic.
2 Related Work
During the last years, data streams have attracted the interest of researchers. In
[2, 4] a system architecture for continuous queries has been prop osed and some
very important issues on data streams are addressed.
Similarity queries in streaming time series have been studied in [9] where
whole-match queries are investigated by using the Euclidean distance as the
similarity measure. A prediction-based approach is used for query pro cessing.
The distances between the query and each data stream are calculated using the
predicted values. When the actual values of the query are available, the upper
and lower bound of the prediction error are calculated and the candidate set is
formed using the predicted distances. The same authors have proposed another
approach which uses pre-fetching [10].
Both the aforementioned research efforts examine the case of whole-match
queries, where the data is static time series and the query is dynamic (changes
over time). In [12] the authors present a method for query pro cessing in streaming
time series where both the query object and the data are dynamic. The Va-
stream and Va
-stream access methods have been proposed, which are variants
of the Va-file [15]. These structures are able to generate a summarization of the
data and enable the incremental update of the structure every time a new value
arrives. The performance of this approach is highly dependent on the number of
bits associated with each dimension.
One of the first studies in similarity queries for time sequences databases
has been performed in [1]. DFT is used as the feature extraction method, and
the Euclidean distance is used as the similarity measure. The DFT coefficients
are stored in an R
-tree. The Euclidean distance is the most common similarity
measure [8, 6, 11, 9] due to its simplicity. Transformations other than DFT have
been used as well: Haar wavelet transform [6], piecewise linear representation
[11], categorization [14], segmented means [16].
The contribution of our work is three-fold: a) the exploitation of the DFT
transform which has been successfully applied in time series databases, b) the
use of an index structure to store the transformed vectors, c) the application of
a deferred update policy in order to avoid high reorganization costs for index
adjustments. With this approach, multidimensional access methods can be used
to handle similarity range queries in streaming time series in an effective and
efficient way.
3 Proposed Method
We begin with some definitions. Stream is an infinite sequence of numbers.
Streaming time series is called a finite sequence of numbers with fixed length
that changes over time. For example assume that the last five prices of a stock
at time t = 0 are: 20.32, 25.70, 28.32, 23.87, 24.27. At time t = 1 the new value
25.33 is arrived. The new streaming time series is: 25.70, 28.32, 23.87, 24.27,
We assume that streams are sampled at random time intervals. Therefore
the query and data streams do not have the same length. A stream is denoted
by the symbol S
and finite time series by the symbol S
[i : j], where i is the
first time instance of the time series and j is the last. The number of values of
a time series is therefore j-i and corresponds to a window w. S
(i) is the i-th
value of the time series.
In our study, the Euclidean distance between two finite time series is used as
the similarity measure. The distance between two streaming time series S
is defined by the Euclidean distance between the last w values of S
and S
3.1 Incremental DFT Computation
The DFT is used as the feature extraction method. Real-life time series often
concentrate the energy in the first few components of the DFT. Therefore we
need less information in order to capture the characteristics of the original vector.
Another important feature of the DFT is that the Euclidean distance in the
original and the Euclidean distance in the frequency domain are equal. By taking
the first coefficients of the DFT vectors, the resulting distance between two
vectors is reduced, and therefore no false dismissals occur during range query
processing [1, 8].
Normally, every time a new value for a stream arrives, the DFT vector must
be recalculated by using the last w values of the stream. This may lead to high
costs since the recomputation of the DFT is quite expensive. However, as the
following prop osition explains, the computation of the DFT can be performed
incrementally avoiding recomputation.
Proposition 1. Let S be a streaming time series with values S(0), S(1), ...,
S(N 1) and length N. If a new value for this stream arrives, we get the sequence
T (1), T(2), ..., T (N ). The DFT coefficients of T can be computed by the DFT
coefficients of S according to the following equation:
T (n) =
· (
N · S(n) S(0) + T (N )) · e
Proof. Note that S(i) = T (i) for 1 i N 1. The n-th coefficient of S is
given by:
S(n) =
S(k) · e
Similarly, the n-th co efficient of T is given by:
T (n) =
T (k + 1) · e
We begin with (1) and substitute the values of S(n) as follows:
T (n) =
(S(0) + S(1)e
+ ...+
+S(N 1)e
S(0) + T (N ))e
By algebraic manipulations in the above equation and taking into consideration
that S(i) = T (i) for 1 i N 1, and that e
= e
we get:
T (n) =
(T (1) + T (2)e
+ ...+
+T (N 1)e
+ T (N )e
which is exactly (3).
The above proposition can be used to incrementally compute the new DFT
vector of a streaming time series, taking into account the previous one, and
therefore, avoiding the recomputation.
3.2 Deferred R
-tree Update
Since the number of streams may be quite large, the use of an index structure
is desirable in order to avoid the computation of the distance between the query
and all the time series. We use the R
-tree as an index structure for the DFT
coefficients of the streaming data series.
In our case the problem is that the DFT of data time series must be updated
when a new value arrives. If we update the index every time a new value becomes
available, the overhead may be prohibitive due to additional page accesses. In or-
der to avoid continuous deletions and insertions in the R
-tree, we use a deferred
update policy. A parameter D is used to control the updates. If the distance be-
tween the new and the old DFT vector exceeds the value of parameter D, then
the R
-tree is updated. Otherwise, no update is performed. This technique leads
to considerable saving in CPU and I/O time. The last recorder DFT vector is
stored in the last disk page of every streaming time series, in order to become
available when a new value arrives.
The example that is follow will clarify the method. Assume that we have a
stream S and the last N values form a time series S[k N : k], where k is the
position of last value of the stream. When a new value arrives, a new time series is
formed S[k+1N : k+1]. Let S
and S
be the DFT vectors of series S[kN :
k] and S[k+1N : k+1] respectively. If Euclidean(Sk+1, Sk) < D then S
stored as the most recent DFT but it is not inserted into the R
-tree. Assume that
another value for the same stream arrives. S[k+2N : k+2] is the new time series
and S
is the DFT of this sequence. Assume that Euclidean(Sk + 2, Sk) < D.
Then, S
replaces S
, and S
is discarded. S
is not inserted in the
R*-tree. Notice that the comparison is always between the new DFT and the
DFT that has been last recorded in the R*-tree. If D(Sk +2, Sk) D then S
replaces S
in the R*-tree.
In summary, we need both the last recorded DFT vector and the previously
calculated DFT vector. The first is used to decide whether an update will occur
or not, and the second is used for the incremental computation of the new DFT
The update of the R
-tree is performed as follows: When a new DFT is
produced, an exact match query is performed in order to locate the tree leaf
that where the DFT vector is stored. The new DFT replaces the old one in
this leaf. Then, the MBRs of the corresponding path from the leaf to the root
are adjusted accordingly. Since the coefficients of consecutive DFT vectors are
similar, the overlap enlargement is not significant.
3.3 Similarity Queries
The range query algorithm has two basic steps. In the first step the R
-tree is
traversed. The distances in the frequency domain between MBRs and query are
computed. If the traversed node is leaf, the distances are computed using the
streaming time series that falls into this node. During the traversal, MBRs or
streaming time series that their distance is more than e + D, are pruned. Recall
that a new DFT vector replaces the old one in the R
-tree only if the Euclidean
distance between the two vectors exceeds D. The candidate set is formed by the
remaining streaming time series. In the second step, using the candidate set, the
real streaming time series are retrieved from the disk. The distances between
them and the query are computed. The streams with distances more than e are
discarded. Figure 1 outlines the algorithmic form of the range search for the
Algorithm RangeSearch(Node, Query, e, D, Candidates)
1. if Node.type == LEAF
2. for i=1 to Node.ReservedEntries
3. dist = DFTEuclideanDIST(Query, Node.entries[i])
4. if dist < (e + D)
5. Candidates = Candidates
6. endif
7. endfor
8. else
9. for i=1 to Node.ReservedEntries
10. dist = DFTEuclideanDIST (Query, Node.entries[i])
11. if dist < (e + D)
12. RangeSearch(Node.entries[i].ptr, Query, e, Candidates)
13. endif
14. endfor
15. endif
16. end
Fig. 1. Range search algorithm.
4 Performance Evaluation
In this section, we present the experimental results in order to evaluate the
performance of the proposed technique. The algorithms have been implemented
in C++ and the experiments have been conducted on a Pentium IV Workstation
with 512MB memory, running Windows 2000.
The database is composed of 50,000 streams, and the length of each stream is
set to 20,000 values. The data are produced by means of a random-walk process.
Each stream is generated as S
(i) = 100 (sin(0.1 RW (i)) + 1 + i/20000),
0 i 19999, where RW is a random walk series of 20,000 values. We assume a
page size of 4KB both for data and the R
-tree index. For each diagram we use
the name DFT for the proposed method and the SS for the sequential scanning
of the database. In addition, we performed experiments with 50,000 real time
sequences representing stock variations obtained from
We study the performance of a query with respect to e (maximum similar-
ity distance), D (minimum update distance), window size w, number of DFT
coefficients and number of streams. Due to space limitation only the most rep-
resentative results are presented.
In the first experiment we study the performance of similarity range query
processing with respect to the parameter e. The values of the other parameters
are as follows: a) the window size is w = 256, b) only the first two coefficients
of the DFT are considered, c) the minimum update distance is D = 100, d) the
user specified distance e is 1550 (for the other experiments) and e) the numb er of
streams is 50000. This holds for all experiments unless other values are specified
explicitly. The parameter e ranges between 1500 and 2200. We select this range
of values, because for e=1500 only a few time series are selected, whereas for
e=2200 almost half of the number of streams are contained in the answer set.
1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200
CPU Query Time
Distance e for e-range query
1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200
Query Disk Access
Distance e for e-range query
Fig. 2. CPU time and number of disk accesses vs query range e.
The results of the first experiment are depicted in Fig. 2. The prop osed
method clearly outperforms the sequential scanning. We note that a user usually
is interested in relatively small values of e in order to obtain the most similar
time series. It is observed that when e is equal to 2050 (almost half of the
dataset is contained in the answer) or greater, sequential scanning shows better
performance. This was anticipated, since all indexed-based methods perform
better for small selectivities due to the time overhead to search the index pages.
In the second experiment (Fig. 3) we examine the performance of a query
with respect to the minimum update distance D. It is evident that parameter
D does not affect the performance of range queries significantly. On the other
hand, the D parameter affects the cost per update as Fig. 3 shows. If D is small,
more updates are performed, and consequently the R
-tree quality is decreased.
This means that upcoming updates require more disk accesses in order to locate
the entries in the leaf level. On the other hand, large values of D introduce less
updates and therefore the R
-tree quality is satisfactory. For D = 100 we obtain
a good compromise between the number of updates and the tree quality.
By using real data sets the performance improvement is even more significant,
since the DFT manages to describe more concretely the time sequences. In Fig.
4 we present the number of disk accesses and the number of candidate time
sequences that are examined for different values of e. It is evident that the
proposed method outperforms by factors the brute-force search method.
20 40 60 80 100 120
Query Disk Access
Update Minimum Distance
(a) disk accesses per query
20 40 60 80 100 120
DA Update
Update Minimum Distance
(b) disk accesses per update
Fig. 3. Disk accesses vs D.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
CPU Query Time
Distance e for e-range query
(a) CPU time
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Query Disk Access
Distance e for e-range query
(b) disk accesses
Fig. 4. CPU time and disk accesses vs e (real dataset).
50 100 150 200 250
Answers / Candidates
Distance e for e-range query
Fig. 5. Ratio of answers over candidates vs e (real dataset).
A very important performance measure is the ratio of the number of answers
over the number of candidates. This ratio gives the efficiency of the method
regarding the false alarms, and it is depicted in Fig. 5 for the real dataset by
varying the query range e. It is evident that the DFT-based method manages
to prune irrelevant streams and and to reduce significantly the number of false
Figure 6 shows the performance of the method when the minimum update
distance (D) is varied and Fig. 7 the impact of the sliding window size. In all
cases the DFT-based method performs very well and outperforms sequential
scanning considerably.
0 1 2 3 4 5
CPU Query Time
Update Minimum Distance
(a) CPU time
0 1 2 3 4 5
Query Disk Access
Update Minimum Distance
(b) disk accesses
Fig. 6. CPU time and disk accesses vs D (real dataset).
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
CPU Query Time
Window Size
(a) CPU time
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Query Disk Access
Window Size
(b) disk accesses
Fig. 7. CPU time and disk accesses vs w (real dataset).
5 Concluding Remarks
Streaming time series are used in many modern applications in order to capture
the changes of a value with respect to time. In this paper we have studied the
problem of streaming time series indexing in order to provide a mechanism for
similarity range query processing. The proposed method uses the R
-tree as the
underlying access method, equipped by an incremental computation of the DFT
and a deferred update technique. The experimental results have shown that the
proposed method outperforms the sequential scanning of the dataset.
Currently we study the application of the proposed method for k-nearest-
neighbor queries, in order to perform comparisons with other approaches studied
in [12]. Future research in the area may include: a)the selection of the minimum
update distance D by means of an analytical formula in order to select the
appropriate value according to the database size, the window size w and the data
distribution, b)the study of the buffer impact on the performance of the methods,
and c)the application of the prop osed approach for similarity join queries in
streaming time series.
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