Secure Routing with the DSR Protocol
Asad A. Pirzada and Chris McDonald
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
Abstract. An ad-hoc network is a spontaneous network that emerges
when two or more wireless nodes pledge to help each other. As the wire-
less range of these nodes is usually limited so each node commits to
forward the packets on behalf of its neighbours in accordance with a pre-
defined routing protocol. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) is one of the
widely used routing protocols that is currently undergoing extensive re-
search and development. DSR is based on source routing, but the routes
are discovered not on a periodic basis but on an as per requirement ba-
sis. The control and data packets traverse the network in accordance
with the list of IP addresses held by each packet. As this list is mutable,
it creates a potential vulnerability that is frequently exploited by mali-
cious nodes. By adding, deleting or modifying IP addresses in the list,
malicious nodes can control and monitor the flow of network traffic. Sim-
ilarly, transmission of routing packets in clear text, also discloses vital
information about the network topology, which is again a potential se-
curity hazard. This necessitates that the routing and data packets must
be obscured and authenticated prior to usage. In this paper we present
a novel and pragmatic scheme for securing the Dynamic Source Routing
protocol that protects against a number of attacks carried out against
mobile ad-hoc wireless networks.
1 Intro duction
Present ad-hoc wireless networks make use of the Internet Protocol (IP) at the
network layer primarily due to standardization and compatibility reasons. This
also facilitates to integrate ad-hoc networks with wired networks and a multi-
tude of other hardware devices using IP in the protocol stack. Each node of the
ad-hoc network acts similar to a mobile IP router [1] and endeavours to uphold
a reliable flow of network traffic. Due to a variety of factors including dynamic
topology, energy constraints and uni-directionality of the links, standard intra-
router protocols cannot be directly applied to mobile ad-hoc wireless networks.
In addition, as the routers are moving majority of the time, the network is void
of any single traffic concentration point, a basic requirement of all standard rout-
ing protocols. Several types of routing protocols have been specially developed
for ad-hoc networks and have been classified into two categories as Reactive
and Proactive [2]. In Reactive Routing Protocols, in order to conserve a node’s
A. Pirzada A. and McDonald C. (2004).
Secure Routing with the DSR Protocol.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems, pages 24-33
DOI: 10.5220/0002676200240033
2 Asad A. Pirzada et al.
battery, routes are only discovered when required, while in Proactive Routing
Protocols routes are established prior to use and hence avoid the latency delays
incurred while discovering new routes. For effective operation, routing proto-
cols for ad-hoc networks require that all participating nodes display benevolent
behaviour. This is more than often difficult to achieve in open networks and
requires some out-of-band mechanism for establishing and maintaining trust in
the network [3]. Cryptographic mechanisms are still a major tool enforcing mu-
tual trust relationships among the wireless nodes for the protection of routing
Security in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks is a two-fold problem. One is the
security of the routing protocols that enable the nodes to communicate with each
other and the second is the protection of the data that traverses the network on
routes established by the routing protocols. In this paper after Introduction, in
Section 2 we describe some recent secure routing protocols for ad-hoc networks,
which were developed to counter known attacks. In Section 3 we recommend a
scheme for securing the Dynamic Source Routing protocol. A security analysis
of the proposed scheme is presented in Section 4 and Section 5 offers some
concluding remarks.
2 Previous Work
To protect an ad-hoc network from modification, impersonation and fabrication
attacks [4] a routing protocol must fulfil a set of requirements [5] to ensure
that the discovered path from source to destination functions properly in the
presence of malicious nodes. A number of secure routing protocols have been
recently developed that conform to most of the requirements. A comparison of
these protocols [6] revealed that the secure routing protocols employ a variety of
cryptographic tools to protect the underlying routing protocol. However, these
protocols have been developed as a practical response to specific problems that
arose due to attacks on ad-hoc network routing protocols. Consequently, these
protocols only cover a subset of all possible threats and are not flexible enough
to be integrated with each other. Some of the recent secure routing protocols
are explained in the following sub-sections.
ARIADNE [4] is an on-demand secure ad-hoc routing protocol based on the
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol that protects against node compromise
and relies only on extremely efficient symmetric cryptography. The security of
ARIADNE is based upon the secrecy and authenticity of keys that are kept
at the nodes. ARIADNE prevents a large number of Denial-of-Service attacks
from malicious or compromised nodes. ARIADNE provides assurance that the
target node of a route discovery process can verify the initiator, that the initiator
can verify each transitional node that is on the path to the destination present
in the ROUTE REPLY message and that no intermediate node can reduce the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3
node list in the ROUTE REQUEST or ROUTE REPLY messages. Route Discovery is
performed in two stages: the Initiator floods the network with a ROUTE REQUEST
that solicits a ROUTE REPLY from the Target. During route discovery the Target
authenticates each node in the node list of the ROUTE REQUEST and the Initiator
authenticates each individual node in the node list of the ROUTE REPLY.For
node authentication, ARIADNE has three alternative techniques i.e. TESLA
(Timed Efficient Stream Loss tolerant Authentication) [7], Digital Signatures,
or pair-wise shared secret keys.
2.2 ARAN
The Authenticated Routing for Ad-hoc Networks (ARAN) [5] secure routing pro-
tocol is an on-demand routing protocol that identifies and shields against malev-
olent actions by malicious nodes in ad-hoc networks executing the DSR protocol.
ARAN relies on the use of digital certificates and can successfully operate in the
managed-open scenario where no network infrastructure is pre-deployed, but a
small amount of prior security coordination is expected. ARAN provides authen-
tication, message integrity and non-repudiation in ad-hoc networks by using a
preliminary certification process that is followed by a route instantiation process
that guarantees end-to-end provisioning of security services. ARAN requires the
use of a trusted certificate server. All nodes are supposed to keep fresh certifi-
cates with the trusted server and should know the server’s public key. Prior to
entering the ad-hoc network, each node has to apply for a certificate that is
signed by the certificate server. The certificate contains the IP address of the
node, its public key, a timestamp of when the certificate was generated and a
time at which the certificate expires, along with the signature by the certificate
server. ARAN accomplishes the discovery of routes by a broadcast route discov-
ery message from a source node, which is replied to in a unicast manner by the
destination node. All the routing messages are authenticated at every hop from
the source to the destination, as well as on the reverse path from destination to
3 Securing the DSR Protocol
3.1 DSR Protocol
The DSR protocol [8] is an on-demand routing protocol. Its most interesting
feature is that all data packets sent using the DSR protocol have absolutely no
dependency on intermediate nodes regarding routing decisions, as each carries
the complete route it traverses. When a node requires a route to a particular
destination, it broadcasts a ROUTE REQUEST packet. Each recipient node that has
not seen this specific ROUTE REQUEST and has no knowledge about the required
destination rebroadcasts this ROUTE REQUEST after appending its own address
to it. If this ROUTE REQUEST reaches the destination or an intermediate node
that has a route to the destination in its ROUTE CACHE, it sends a ROUTE REPLY
4 Asad A. Pirzada et al.
packet containing the complete route from the source to the destination. The
source node may receive a number of such route replies and may decide to select
a particular route based upon the number of hops, delay or other such criteria.
All nodes forwarding or overhearing any packets must add all usable routing in-
formation from that packet to their own ROUTE CACHE. For route maintenance,
intermediate nodes that find any route broken, returns a ROUTE ERROR packet
to each node that had sent a packet over that particular route. The major vul-
nerabilities present in the DSR protocol are:
Deceptive alteration of IP addresses. During propagation of the ROUTE
REQUEST packet, intermediate nodes add their IP addressees to it for route cre-
ation. However, any malicious node may modify, delete or add IP addressees to
create routes as per its own requirement. Doing so enables malicious nodes to
launch a variety of attacks in the network including creation of worm-holes and
Deceptive alteration of Hop Count. The hop count field of the IP packet
usually informs the recipient of the total number of hops that the packet has
traversed so far. So malicious nodes may increase this number so as to portray
longer routes or decrease it for shorter routes. By doing so a malicious node
is able to degrade or upgrade routes, thereby creating a topology that is most
favourable to it.
3.2 Secure DSR Protocol
Securing the DSR protocol can be divided into the following three broad cate-
1. Key Exchange
2. Secure Routing
3. Data Protection
Key Exchange. Most of the current key exchange protocols are dependent
upon a central trust authority for initial authentication. A variant of the cen-
tral trust authority is the Distributed Public-Key Model [9] that makes use of
threshold cryptography to distribute the private key of the Certification Author-
ity (CA) over a number of servers. Whatever the case may be, the requirement
of a central trust authority in such a dynamic environment is considered both
impractical and unsafe, as such an entity may not always be accessible and it
also creates a single point of failure. Similarly, key exchange using a Key Distri-
bution Server [10] creates a similar set of problems. We suggest that all nodes,
before entering a network, procure a one-time public and private key pair from
the CA along with the CA’s public key. After this, the nodes can negotiate ses-
sion keys among each other, without any reliance on the CA, using any suitable
key exchange protocol for ad-hoc networks [11]. These session keys are used for
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5
securing the routing process and subsequently the data flow. To avoid multi-
ple peer-to-peer encryptions during broadcast or multicast operations, a group
session key may be established between immediate neighbours using a suitable
Group Keying Protocol [11]. This mechanism absolves the ad-hoc network of
superfluous requirements and provides necessary elements to secure both rout-
ing and data in presence of malicious nodes by providing security services like
authentication, non-repudiation, confidentiality and integrity.
Secure Routing. The Dynamic Source Routing protocol operates at the sec-
ond layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite. The source node that requires a route
to a destination broadcasts a ROUTE REQUEST packet, each intermediate recip-
ient node retransmits the packet, if not a duplicate, and the final destination
unicasts a ROUTE REPLY packet back to the original sender. For route mainte-
nance it uses ROUTE ERROR packets that inform active users of route failures. The
ROUTE REQUEST and ROUTE REPLY packets are usually modified by the interme-
diate nodes so as to add necessary routing information to these packets. The core
security related problems linked to ad-hoc networks originate due to the route
development by the intermediate nodes. It is therefore, imperative that only au-
thorized nodes are allowed to update routing packets and malicious nodes be
avoided at all costs. To restrict modification of routing packets by intermediate
nodes, we recommend peer-to-peer symmetric encryption of all routing infor-
mation. All routing control packets between nodes are first encrypted and then
transmitted. The sequence of steps for route discovery and route maintenance is
as follows:
Route Request
1. Any Node ‘x’ desiring to establish communication with another Node ‘y’ first
establishes a group session key K
with its immediate neighbours (nodes that
are a single hop away) as shown in Fig. 1.
2. It then creates the ROUTE REQUEST packet as per the routing protocol spec-
3. The ROUTE REQUEST packet is then encrypted using the group session key
and broadcasted.
4. All intermediate recipient nodes that share the same group session key de-
crypt the ROUTE REQUEST packet and, if required, modify it according to the
routing protocol specifications.
5. The intermediate nodes that do not possess group session keys with their
immediate neighbours, initiate the group session key exchange protocol.
6. After establishing the group session key, the intermediate nodes encrypt the
ROUTE REQUEST packet using the new session key and rebroadcast the packet.
7. Steps 4 to 6 are followed until the final destination Node ‘y’ receives the
6 Asad A. Pirzada et al.
Fig. 1. Point-to-Point Establishment of Secure Routes
Route Reply
1. In response to the ROUTE REPLY packet Node ‘y’ creates a ROUTE REPLY
packet as per the routing protocol specifications.
2. The ROUTE REPLY packet is encrypted using the last group session key (K
in this case) that was used to decrypt the received ROUTE REQUEST packet
and is unicast back to the original sender.
3. If any of the intermediate nodes has moved out of the wireless range a new
group session key is established.
4. All recipient nodes that share the forward group session key decrypt the
ROUTE REPLY packet and, if required, modify it according to the routing
protocol specifications.
5. The ROUTE REPLY packet is then again encrypted using the backward group
session key and unicast towards Node ‘x’.
6. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated until the packet is received by Node ‘x’.
To avoid key synchronization problems it is recommended that each node
maintain a table indexed by Node ID as the primary key along with associated
group members and session keys as shown in Fig. 2. The table also helps establish
secure routes with other nodes with which a chain can be established using the
available session keys. A secure chain is highlighted in the figure between Node
‘x’ and ‘y’.
Route Maintenance. In a mobile ad-hoc network, established routes may be
broken due to a variety of reasons. However, the underlying routing protocol
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7
Fig. 2. Session Key Table
takes care of such events by either gratuitously repairing them or sending a
ROUTE ERROR packet to inform the nodes currently using the route. All messages
associated with route maintenance also need to be authenticated and protected
from eavesdropping. If a packet is received for an inoperative route the recipient
node takes the following steps:
1. The node detecting the broken link creates a ROUTE ERROR packet as per the
routing protocol specifications.
2. This packet is then encrypted using a group session key in the direction of
the recipient node using the Session Key Table and is multicast back to the
3. If any of the intermediate nodes has moved out of the wireless range a new
group session key is established.
4. All recipient nodes that share the group session key decrypt the ROUTE ERROR
packet, and if required, modify it according to the routing protocol specifi-
5. The ROUTE ERROR packet is then again encrypted using the group session
key and is multicast back to the recipients.
6. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated until the intended recipients receive the ROUTE
ERROR packet.
Data Protection. Once protected routes have been established, secure data
transfer is relatively straightforward. To ensure connection confidentiality a source
node adopts the following steps:
8 Asad A. Pirzada et al.
1. Any node ‘x’ desiring to establish an end-to-end secure data channel, first es-
tablishes a session key K
with the intended node ‘y’ using the key exchange
protocol as shown in Fig. 3.
2. It then symmetrically encrypts the data packet using the session key K
and transmits it over the secure route.
3. The intermediate nodes simply forward the packet in the intended direction.
4. When the encrypted data packet reaches the destination it is decrypted using
the session key K
5. Steps 2 to 4 are followed for all further data communication.
Fig. 3. End-to-End Establishment of Secure Routes
4 Security Analysis
In this section we discuss how the presented security scheme defies possible at-
tacks in an ad-hoc network. As discussed earlier, the basis of a security infrastruc-
ture is primarily dependent on the initial key exchange providing authentication.
Other security services like confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation all rely
on the accuracy of the authentication service. Key revocation, being an impor-
tant issue has not been addressed in the scope of this paper, primarily because it
requires the presence of an omnipresent, and often omniscient, trust authority,
which we have already deemed inappropriate for such a dynamic environment.
We now discuss how this scheme satisfies the seven requirements of any secure
routing protocol:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9
4.1 Authorized nodes to perform route computation and discovery
The authentication and key exchange protocol ensures that only authorised
nodes are able to perform the route discovery. As the routing control pack-
ets are encrypted and authenticated by each forwarding node, malicious nodes
will not be able to create fallacious routing packets.
4.2 Minimal exposure of network topology
As all routing information is encrypted between nodes, an adversary will gain
no information regarding the network topology from passive eavesdropping.
4.3 Detection of spoofed routing messages
Spoofing of either the MAC or IP addresses does not provide any benefit to the
adversary until the time the authentication protocol is assumed to be secure. As
the initial authentication links a number of identities to each node’s private key,
the spoofing node will have to create a similar private key prior to launching any
4.4 Detection of fabricated routing messages
Malicious nodes cannot inject fabricated routing messages into the network as
each routing packet is secured through an encryption key, which provides the
benefit of confidentiality, authentication and integrity at the same time. To fab-
ricate a routing message the session key needs to be compromised, which is not
possible until the time the key exchange protocol is assumed to be secure.
4.5 Detection of altered routing messages
Routing messages are relayed between the nodes in an unintelligible format. If
the symmetric cipher also provides the integrity then the alteration of routing
messages is virtually impossible. Addition of a keyed hash for better integrity
checking may be considered only after a cost-benefit analysis.
4.6 Avoiding formation of routing loops
The proposed scheme ensures that routing loops cannot be formed through ma-
licious action. Routing loops usually occur if a malicious node is able to spoof,
alter or fabricate legitimate routing packets.
4.7 Prevent redirection of routes from shortest paths
Shortest paths are created usually by decrementing the number of addresses
in the source routing protocol. The scheme is designed in such a manner that
routing packets are only accepted from authenticated immediate neighbours.
This ensures that an adversary cannot inject such routing packets unless an
authorised node first authenticates it.
10 Asad A. Pirzada et al.
5 Conclusion
In this paper we have presented a scheme for securing the Dynamic Source Rout-
ing protocol used in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks. The secure DSR protocol
provides requisite measures for protection of route discovery and transfer of data.
These measures can be exercised independently without a central trust authority
with nodes negotiating session keys independently. Nodes are, however, required
to register themselves once with a Certification Authority, prior to joining a net-
work. The scheme is based upon point-to-point and end-to-end encryption using
symmetric key-based mechanisms. Nodes desiring secure communication, exe-
cute any standard authentication and key exchange protocol to acquire session
keys. These keys are subsequently used in point-to-point encryption for route
discovery and end-to-end encryption for data packets. Malicious nodes trying to
launch passive or active attacks against the network are thwarted through ef-
ficient key verification mechanisms and a multi-layered enciphering scheme. To
highlight its viability we have discussed its resistance to a number of attacks
specific to ad-hoc networks.
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