TeleCARE Time Bank: A Virtual Community
supported by Mobile Agents
Octavio Castolo, Filipa Ferrada, L. M. Camarinha-Matos
New University of Lisbon / Uninova, Monte Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Abstract. The virtual community concept, when supported by adequate ICT
and organizational infrastructures, represents a very promising approach for a
new philosophy in elderly care and active aging. A mobile agents based
approach to implement services to support a Time Bank virtual community in
elderly care is introduced and a prototype system developed in the context of
the TeleCARE project is presented.
1 Introduction
Participation in a community is an important aspect of life for most people. In fact
most humans have a natural affinity for living in community. The structural process
that is associated with community building is communication. Without
communication there can be no action to organize social relations [1]. Today’s fast
emerging information and communication technologies have stimulated virtual
communities to grow using the Internet.
Virtual communities can be defined [2] as being “social aggregations that emerge
from the Net when people carry on public discussions long enough, with sufficient
human feeling to form webs of personal relationships”. A virtual community is also
seen as “a community of people sharing interests, ideas, and feelings over the
Internet” [3]. However, as mentioned in [4], “due the lack of a formal definition,
virtual communities are casually defined as distributed online services connecting a
group of people that gather to keep in touch, focused on some common interest or
An important application context for virtual communities is elderly care.
Traditional approaches to care provision are based on support from either the
relatives, or the elderly care centers. However, these two solutions have become
increasingly insufficient due to the following reasons:
(i) Shifting the burden of responsibility onto relatives is increasingly impractical,
given the fact that more and more family members have to work to secure steady
(ii) Provision of enough care centers is costly and invariably necessitates the
relocation of the elderly people, often beyond their home communities.
(iii) Many elderly people preserve enough robustness to be in their homes, a
situation that is often preferable to them, and as such better for their welfare.
Castolo O., Ferrada F. and M. Camarinha-Matos L. (2004).
TeleCARE Time Bank: A Virtual Community supported by Mobile Agents.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Communities in Elderly Care, pages 13-26
DOI: 10.5220/0002679100130026
Due to the rapid growth of the elderly population, finding more effective ways of
providing care to a growing number of elderly became a major challenge.
In this context, the IST TeleCARE project [5] was launched with the aim of
designing and developing a configurable framework, based on mobile agents, focused
on the establishment of virtual communities for elderly support. The underlying
principle is that an integrated elderly care system consists of a number of
organizations such as care centers / day centers, health care institutions, social
security institutions, and involves the cooperation of a number of different human
actors e.g. social care assistants, health care professionals, the elderly people, and
their relatives. When supported by computer networks and adequate supporting tools,
the collaboration among the care institutions may evolve towards operating as a long-
term virtual organization and the various involved actors become part of a virtual
community (VC). In this paper the TeleCARE Time Bank virtual community concept
is presented and the developed supporting infrastructure is discussed.
2 The Time Bank Concept
The Time Bank concept provides a mechanism for collaborative community building
/ re-enforcement, i.e. a way for people to come together and help each other. The idea
is quite simple: people “deposit” time they are willing to contribute to the community
by giving practical help and support; in exchange they are able to “withdraw” their
time when they need something done to themselves by others. One key principle here
is that one hour is equal for everybody. One hour of helping out with gardening is
equal to an hour of legal advice. Thus, time banks create reciprocal relationships
between people and institutions, as well as between people and people, which are hard
to achieve in other volunteering services.
So what can be “exchanged” in this way? From existing cases a large number of
examples can be found, including: child care, breastfeeding support, children’s
activities, computer set-up, concrete/masonry, carpentry, plumbing, electrical repairs,
cooking, meal planning, first aid classes, massage, nursing assistance, nutritional
counseling, tutoring, gardening services, bedside companionship, saying prayers,
hairstyling, office help, house-cleaning, translating, etc.
The bank is some form of organization that takes care of registering members and
implementing some bookkeeping mechanisms. Most of the existing cases run in a
quasi ad-hoc manner, usually associated to the city hall or any charity organization,
and mainly resorting to telephone and some complementary “get together” meetings.
This “institution” also requires an administrator or broker that acts as the driving
force (catalyst) of the community.
How does it work?
Let’s suppose you would like some help — maybe two hours' help in the
garden. You contact the Time Bank and let them know what kind of help you
will need, and when.
The Time Bank administrator (or broker) checks the members’ records for
a “match.” The administrator calls the match, then calls you back to confirm.
At the time you need, your Time Bank friend comes by and helps in the
garden. Two hours help means two credits spent. You sign a form (cheque) for
two credits. The person who helped you hands in the form to the administrator,
who logs the exchange in the Time Bank's records. That person now has two
credits to spend!
Some day later on, you might get a call from the Time Bank administrator
asking you: would YOU like to help someone else and earn some time credits?
The Time Bank idea was originated in the USA in mid-80s by Edgar Cahn,
motivated by the need not to feel useless, as he stated: “I did not like feeling useless
[…] in the 1980’s society was declaring a lot of people useless, the unemployed, the
elderly and the young”. Then he came up with the idea “why not reward decency and
caring?” and set up the Time Dollar movement in the United States [6]. The
following principles formulated by Cahn [7] are the fundamental basis for the Time
: the real wealth of our society is its people.
Redefining work
: to include all those things that support healthy individuals and
communities the work that is not currently valued in the market economy.
: we need each other.
Social capital
: humans need social networks as much as they need roads and utility
Time Bank is therefore a response of the civil society trying to harmonize the
social structures with working and family life [8]. This initiative turned into a
“movement” that has gained rapid acceptance not only in the USA, but also in various
other countries. Their main goals, as defined in [8], are the following:
Time Banks promote that people participate actively in their daily life.
Time Banks offer opportunities to give and receive, simultaneously. They are
spaces where it is learned to choose services and activities that combine with the
necessities and desires of the community.
Time Banks are innovating instruments of social policy on local scale, rooted in the
territory and near the people.
Time Banks are instruments of mutual aid based on the interchange that have as
change and value unit the hour of time.
Time Banks facilitate realistic actions in current environments; do not need
excellent social scenarios.
The TeleCARE Time Bank aims at applying this concept in the elderly care
domain and to provide adequate ICT support tools to facilitate the establishment and
operation of such communities. The aim is to provide the elderly people a way to feel
useful to society, an opportunity to share their experiences with others and to have
their days fulfilled. At the same time, by being integrated in such community they
obtain better support for their own needs.
In fact, the current paradigms of aging as a “dependent” stage of life do no match
up either with current realities of elderly people or with likely scenarios for 21
century. Aging is less and less synonymous with dependency, because not all elderly
people suffer from chronic illnesses, and even persons with chronic conditions and
functional limitations retain other significant capabilities [9].
The active aging concept reflects the desire and ability of many elderly people to
remain engaged in (economically and socially) productive activities. Active aging
means more than simply encouraging paid employment among elderly people. Our
societies should foster socially important activities such as volunteering, household
and child-care help, care-giving to the disabled elderly, and support for social service
organizations, like the time bank concept.
The Technological Solutions. There are not many tools for supporting Time Bank
activities reported in the literature. For instance, solutions found on Internet are
usually focused on local or specific problems of every Time Bank, depending on its
location and environment.
One of the tools for Time Bank administration is the Timekeeper [10], developed
for the Time Dollars concept. This software is used by agencies of Time Dollars in
USA and agencies of Time Bank in UK. It provides simple administrative services for
Time Banks based on Microsoft Access 97. Nonetheless, the Timekeeper software
only supports administration of Time Bank members’ account. It does not provide
support for virtual communities, as the concept is understood in the literature.
3 The TeleCARE Time Bank
The TeleCARE Time Bank is one of the vertical (application) services that run on top
of the TeleCARE platform (Fig. 1). This platform provides an infrastructure for the
implementation of distributed, Internet-based systems in elderly care [11]. The
infrastructure is based on multi-agent technology (mobile and stationary agents),
federated information management, and safe communications (virtual private
network). The TeleCARE multi-agent system (MAS) platform is installed in each site
(elderly homes, care centers, etc.) creating a flexible infrastructure that supports the
idea of plug-and-play vertical services (which can be progressively added top the
Vertical Services Level
TeleCARE MAS Platform
Virtual Community
Time Bank
Specialized interfaces
for elderly
Web services
Fig. 1. The TeleCARE architecture
The TeleCARE Time Bank service supports the following macro-functionalities:
Creation and management of the Time Bank virtual community.
Perform the matching process between a service required by a member and the
potential provider members that could accomplish it.
Support the negotiation process between members.
Provide member’s account management and account statements.
The Time Bank is managed by a Coordinator, who is in charge of members’
account, promoting active participation of members, and assisting in finding the best
provider for a requested service. Participants in the TeleCARE Time Bank virtual
community include: (i) elderly people, (ii) their relatives, and (iii) a care center (that
performs the coordination role). An UML use case diagram of the main activities of
the participants in the TeleCARE Time Bank is depicted in Fig. 2.
Time Bank
requesting services
account statement
matching member's service
request to potential /
available providers
Elderly people
requesting account
account statement
provision of
request for
account(s) creation
and maintenance
log access
Care Center
Fig. 2. UML case diagram of participants’ activities of the TeleCARE Time Bank service
Typically, a transaction between members in a Time Bank includes the following
main phases: service request, service performance, and confirmation of a service
accomplishment. This process can be further detailed in the following steps:
A. Request a service:
a) A member, the Requester, needs a service.
b) The Requester contacts the Time Bank agency (Coordinator) for requesting the
c) The Coordinator matches the requested service with the available potential
provider member(s).
d) The Coordinator contacts the potential provider(s).
e) The [potential] Provider receives the service requirement.
f) The [potential] Provider confirms acceptance or refusal to provide the service.
g) Once one member (the Provider) agrees to provide the requested service, the
Coordinator confirms service acceptation to Requester, indicating whom the
Provider is.
h) If necessary, Requester and Provider interact between them to negotiate terms
and conditions for service accomplishment.
B. The service is performed…
C. Service accomplishment:
a) The Requester issues a cheque to the Provider corresponding to the received
service, indicating how much time (in hours) the task took to be accomplished.
b) The cheque is “deposited” in the Time Bank agency, where
c) The Coordinator / Administrator registers the transaction, updating the account
statement of both Requester and Provider members.
The Multi-Agent Architecture. In order to support this process, a number of mobile
and stationary TeleCARE agents [11] are associated to Time Bank participants, as
illustrated in Fig. 3. These agents run in the different TeleCARE platforms installed at
every site of the Time Bank participants.
1. TBAdministratorAgent
2. TBMemberAgent
3. TBNegotiatorAgent
4. TBSubscriptionAgent
Relatives Office
Elderly Home
Care Center
Relatives Office
Relatives Office
Elderly Home
Elderly Home
Care Center
Care Center
Fig. 3. The TeleCARE Time Bank MAS architecture
The TBAdministratorAgent is a stationary agent located at the care center and
supports the following tasks:
Time Bank creation.
Member subscription / discard subscription facilities.
Creation of an agent to assist the subscription process.
Update member’s credit account.
Issue member’s account statements.
Accept service requests.
Matching a service request to potential providers.
Assist selection of adequate provider.
Issue log files.
Interface with human Time Bank administrator.
Generation of service’s accomplished key / application form.
The TBMemberAgent is a stationary agent that represents the members (elderly
and/or their relatives) of the Time Bank. It assists members in performing the
following tasks:
Request for member subscription.
Fill up application form for requesting a service.
Creation of an agent for negotiation process.
Fill up application form for service accomplished.
Request member statement account.
Interface with human Time Bank members.
The TBNegotiatorAgent is an agent created by the TBMemberAgent in order to
execute the negotiation process whenever a member requests a service. Each time a
service is requested, a TBNegotiatorAgent is created. This is a mobile agent that has
the following characteristics:
Capacity to migrate to other platforms (Administrator and potential provider
Member(s) sites).
Capacity of interaction with the agent TBAdministratorAgent, at the
Administrator’s site, and the TBMemberAgent located at the potential providers
The TBSubscriptionAgent is a mobile agent created by TBAdministratorAgent
when a subscription process is solicited. It has the following features:
Capacity to migrate to other platforms (Administrator and/or Member).
Capacity of interaction with the member who realizes a request for subscription,
when the subscription is requested from Member’s place.
Capacity of interaction with the Time Bank administrator who realizes the
subscription of a member, when the subscription is requested from Administrator’s
Fill up the application form for Time Bank subscription.
Please note that a subscription can be requested remotely (from the potential
member’s home) or in the care center.
The participants of the Time Bank interact with the TBAdministratorAgent, in
case of the care center, and TBMemberAgent, in case of elderly people and/or their
relatives, in order to realize the various tasks of the Time Bank activity. An AUML
sequence diagram [12] is depicted in Fig. 4 showing some of the Time Bank agents’
activities for the process of requesting a service, and notification of service
TBAdministratorAgent TBMemberAgent:Provider
request a service
travels to
place /platform
request for a service
return list of potential providers
send list of potential providers
select pot. provider
inform selected provider
matching w potential providers
return response
return "ok"
inform acceptance of the service
inform acceptance of the service
update account statement & store data
inform selected provider
send email to selected provider
generates a key & store data
creates a
The requested service is being realized .
acknowledges service accomplishment (generating a cheque)
send cheque to Administrator
travels to
place /platform
request for a service (a window's request is displayed at Provider)
Fig. 4. Service transaction in the TeleCARE Time Bank
Taxonomy of the Services. In order to facilitate the searching of a service and the
matching with the potential providers a taxonomy of services is maintained. The
initial taxonomy was defined based on information provided by GRAAL, a
Portuguese NGO that promotes the Time Bank concept in Portugal.
Table 1. The TeleCARE Time Bank services’ taxonomy
Category Services
A01 – Babysitting
A02 – Taking/looking for children to the school
A. Babyminding
A0x – …
B01 – Bicycling (bicycle)
B02 – Walking
B. Leisure
B0x – …
C01 – Washing the car
C02 – Washing dishes
C. Housekeeping
C0x – …
D01 – Gardening
D02 – Keeping animals or plants on vacation / holydays
D. Animals and plants
D03 – Helping in animals’ bath (dogs, cats, etc.)
E01 – Little domestic reparations
E02 – Carpentry
E. Bricolage (do-it-yourself)
E03 – Electrical reparations
F01 – Accompanying to doctor
F02 – Talking
F. Accompany (accompanying)
F0x – …
G01 – Cooking a special dish G. Cooking
G02 – Cooking food for freezing
H01 – Seam adjustments
H02 – Embroidering / embellishment
H. Working (workings)
H03 – Knitting
I01 – Teaching to study
I02 – Giving explications
I. Lessons
I0x – …
J01 – Literary corrections
J02 – Processing texts
J. Secretaryship
J0x – …
K01 – Supporting bureaucratic activities K. Time Bank collaboration
K02 – Helping meetings’ organization
The services to be offered by an operational Time Bank are specified according to
the skills and necessities of its members. Therefore new categories and services can
be defined (or removed) if necessary.
Time Bank Ontology. Ontologies play a key role in supporting proper interaction
among the various components of this (geographically) distributed multi-agent
system. The Time Bank ontologies are modeled using the Protégé [13] system and
Java classes are automatically generated out of these ontologies by the DOSG tool
developed by a TeleCARE partner, the University of Amsterdam. The UML diagram
of the Java classes and relations corresponding to the Administrator side ontology is
shown in Fig. 5.
-description : String
-credits : Integer
-date : String
-hour : String
-balance : Integer
-accountDetailsList : AccountDetails
-member : Member
-day : String
-beginHour : String
-endHour : String
-SkillsToOfferList : SkillsTB
-SkillsToRequestList : SkillsTB
-availabilityList : Availability
-member : Member
-memberNumber : Integer
-user : User
-photo : PhotoTB
-refPeopleList : RefPeople
-isMemberTB : Boolean
-person : Person
-code : String
-codeDescription : String
-skillsCategory : SkillsCategory
-URL : String
-username : String
-password : String
-lastMemberNumber : Integer
-emailTemplate : EmailTemplate
-emailFrom : String
-emailSubject : String
-hostSMTP : String
-code : String
-date : String
-beginHour : String
-endHour : String
-serviceToAccomplish : Service
-memberRequester : Integer
-memberProvider : Integer
-category : String
-catDescription : String
-skillsTBList : SkillsTB
-enableCategory : Boolean
-firstName : String
-lastName : String
-gender : Symbol
-birthdate : String
-IDDocument : String
-nationality : String
-profession : String
-addressList : Address
-nodeList : Node
-telephoneList : Telephone
-electronicAddressList : ElectronicAddress
-addressText : String
-postalCode : String
-city : String
-state : String
-country : String
-addressType : Symbol
-URL : String
-logicalName : String
-subscriptionDate : String
-physicalAddress : Address
-person : Person
-elderlyData : String
-disabilityList : Disability
-physician : Person
-relationKind : Symbol
-elderlyPerson : Elderly
-relative : Person
-roleName : String
-description : String
-telephoneNumber : String
-telephoneExtensionNumber : String
-telephoneNumberType : Symbol
-electronicAddressText : String
-electronicAddressType : Symbol
-person : Person
-username : String
-password : String
-subscriptionDate : String
-roleList : Role
-picture : Photo
-image : byte
-description : String
-careToTake : String
Fig. 5. The Administrator side ontology
The left side of Fig. 5 depicts the part of the ontology that is common to all vertical
services running on the TeleCARE platform. The right hand side shows the Time
Bank specific structures for the Administrator side. Each member of the Time Bank
(Member) is identified by his/her personal data that is held in the common ontology;
and at Administrator ontology by his/her skills (Skills) and availability time to realize
services (Availability). There are also definitions of structures for members’ account
statement (Account and AccountDetails), services that are being realized and by
whom (ServiceRequested and Service), and what services can be requested/offered
(SkillsCategory and SkillsTB). The structure Administrator represents the
Administrator entity, and the structure EmailTemplate is used for e-mail notifications
of requested services. It is important to observe that it is mandatory for every Time
Bank member to be a registered TeleCARE user. Each member must have from one
to three reference people (RefPeople).
In Fig. 6 the Java classes and relationships corresponding to the Members side are
depicted. The heart of this ontology is the member definition at TheMember,
TBMember and PhotoM. The structures SkillsTBM and SkillsAvailable indicate the
services that can be requested. The structures SkillM and AvailabilityM contain data of
skills and availability time of the local member, respectively. Finally the structures
Service, ServiceRequested and ServiceToProvide track the service accomplishment.
-code : String
-codeDescription : String
-skillsCategory : String
-day : String
-beginHour : String
-endHour : String
-skillsToOfferList : SkillsTBM
-availabilityList : AvailabilityM
-theMember : TheMember
-image : Byte
-member : TBMember
-serviceReqList : ServiceRequested
-serviceProList : ServiceToProvide
-code : String
-codeDescription : String
-date : String
-beginHour : String
-endHour : String
-firtsName : String
-lastName : String
-photo : PhotoM
-memberNumber : Integer
-serviceToAccomplish : Service
-memberProvider : TBMember
-key : int
-category : String
-catDescription : String
-skillsDescriptionList : SkillsTBM
-serviceToAccomplish : Service
-memberRequester : TBMember
-key : int
Fig. 6. The Member(s) side ontology
Implementation Aspects. The Time Bank service prototype was developed in Java,
on top of the TeleCARE multi-agent platform [14] that extends AGLETS and
integrates a distributed / federated information management sub-system. In Fig. 7 and
Fig. 8 some of the user interfaces of the developed system are illustrated.
Fig. 7. Requesting a service
Fig. 8. Issuing a cheque after a service is accomplished
Provided functionalities can be accessed both via the TeleCARE user interfaces
(running in the multi-agent platform) or via a web browser, using the component Web
Services Access of the TeleCARE architecture (see Fig. 1) developed by the
TeleCARE partner Skill, Consejeros de Gestión. The web interface is shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Example of the web interface to Time Bank — list of potential providers for a requested
For the implementation of this particular service other implementation approaches
(not necessarily agent-based) could have been adopted. It was however quite
convenient to take advantage of the functionalities provided by the TeleCARE
platform. The goal was to also have this service integrated with other services
provided to the elderly care community. Thinking in terms of future developments,
the use of agents and the underlying TeleCARE platform will also facilitate the
development of more intelligent matching and negotiation processes.
4 Conclusions
The Time Bank mechanisms seem particularly adequate to support the “active aging”
concept and represent a good example of a virtual community. It is now commonly
accepted that while there is no one magic formula for successfully living a long life in
a healthy manner, the concept of active aging, and remaining active and engaged in
society is a critical component of maintaining a quality of life. Actively engaged
older persons are more likely to remain cognitively and physically stimulated, to
mature healthy interpersonal relationships and remain involved as contributing
members of their societies. The integration of a Time Bank support service within an
elderly care system seems thus a promising contribution to:
- Help the sense of “being involved in / part of the society” and being useful.
- Let elderly share and apply to the benefit of the community their valuable
- Facilitate the inter-generation interaction.
The mobile-agents based prototype system developed in the framework of the
TeleCARE project illustrates a good set of functionalities to support such virtual
communities. Nevertheless it shall be noted that the actual success of implantation of
the system depends on further progress on the elderly user interfaces, namely its
integration with TV sets and other home appliances, as well as the creation of a new
attitude towards elderly care in the various actors and institutions involved in this
Acknowledgements. This work was funded in part by the IST program of the
European Commission. The authors thank the contribution of the TeleCARE
consortium members.
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