Federated management of information for TeleCARE
Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Victor Guevara-Masis, L.O. Hertzberger
University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science
Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract. Distributed information management plays a fundamental role within
the base infrastructure supporting the elderly care domain. Specificities of this
domain include the autonomy and independence of its involved actors, the
critical data that is handled about individuals, and the variety of
hardware/software resources supporting the elderly care environment. A
federated information management system coping with these requirements is
designed and integrated as a core component of a mobile agent-based
infrastructure, to support collaborative networks for elderly care. Functionalities
for: federated schema management, federated query processing, HW/SW
resource management, specification and enforcement of visibility/access rights
to data and resources, and an ontology-based automatic schema generation
facility are introduced, and their implementation details are briefly discussed.
1 Introduction
A technologically advanced elderly care environment is a highly distributed
collaborative network, composed of heterogeneous and autonomous nodes. Each node
in the network (e.g. a care providing center, a leisure providing organization, a
supermarket/shop in the neighborhood, a relative or a friend of the elderly person,
etc.) is in one way or another interested in supporting the elderly person with his/her
independent living style (see Fig. 1). Therefore, each node individually plays an
assisting role, and further in collaboration with the other nodes in the network,
provides certain organized support and services to the elderly.
The collaboration among different active organizations (e.g. care centers and
leisure centers nodes) in the network forms a so called Virtual Organization (VO) [4],
while the collaboration among active individuals (e.g. relatives and friends nodes) in
the network forms a Virtual Community (VC) [10].
To develop an advanced elderly care environment, in addition to the Internet
representing the communication facility for the network, some special base
requirements must be satisfied for reliability, safety, and privacy of the information
exchanged through the network. Furthermore, a number of other advanced
capabilities and features are required, where among others, the remote
operation/access to HW/SW resources (e.g. to home-devices and support-services),
interoperation of heterogeneous information sources and software systems, tele-
monitoring, federated management of the information and cataloging the HW/SW
Afsarmanesh H., Guevara-Masis V. and Hertzberger L. (2004).
Federated management of information for TeleCARE.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Communities in Elderly Care, pages 49-62
DOI: 10.5220/0002683800490062
resources information, error recovery, and cooperative problem-solving for tele-
assistance services, can be emphasized.
Leisure site
Care center 3
mobile site
Mobility for elderly
monitoring site 2
Virtual shop 1
doctor site
Elderly home sites
Care center 2
Virtual shop 2
monitoring site 1
Police StationPolice Station
Care center 1
Fig. 1 – The TeleCARE scenario for virtual elderly support environment
The IST TeleCARE project aims at design and development of a base
infrastructure to support elderly care environments, addressing many of the above
challenges. A scenario for TeleCARE is depicted in Fig. 1. Proper handling and
access to all related information within the elderly care environment, is of vital
importance, and thus the information management constitutes a key element of the
TeleCARE infrastructure. Considering the independence and autonomy of the
network nodes, a main challenge here is the organization, management, and provision
of retrieval facilities for both the heterogeneous data stored at the nodes, as well as
the information regarding its HW/SW resources (i.e. devices and services) at each
node within the network, while preserving their access rights and authorization.
Furthermore, considering the incremental development of the support services to be
made available within the elderly care network, developers of such services require
assistance to make their services interoperate with other existing systems and
resources. One problematic issue here is that in order for services to be connected to
the elderly care network, their developers must structure and store all their data within
the network’s database. To avoid the need for expertise in database modeling on the
network’s database, it should be sufficient for developers to use an editor through
which they can define their data by its ontology, that shall in turn be automatically
translated into proper database structures and get stored in the network database.
This paper first briefly addresses the TeleCARE platform architecture and its main
elements. It then presents the three main components developed in TeleCARE project
to support and facilitate the management of all the information related to elderly care
environment. These components include: FIMA Federated Information
Management component, RCAM Resource Catalogue Management, and DOSG
Dynamic Ontology-based data Structure Generation. Although the above components
are currently developed to benefit the area of elderly care networks, these components
are generic enough, so that at least a very large part of the designed and developed
components can be applied to any advanced emerging collaborative network.
2 TeleCARE as a tele-assistance platform
The overall goal of the IST 5FP TeleCARE project is the design and development of a
configurable framework solution for tele-supervision and tele-assistance, to support
the elderly. The proposed solution has been seen as complementary to other
initiatives, focused on the integration of elderly in the society to reduce their isolation
[14]. The TeleCARE solution benefits from the merge of a number of technologies
and paradigms in order to provide an open architecture supporting seamless future
expansion. In specific, it is based on the integration of: (i) multi-agent systems
(MAS), including both stationary and mobile intelligent agents, (ii) federated
database systems, (iii) Secure communication, and (iv) the services that are likely to
be offered by the emerging ubiquitous computing and intelligent home appliances.
In a nutshell, the core horizontal platform developed for TeleCARE provides the
MAS, mobility, safe communication, and the federated information management
services. The TeleCARE consortium further develops some vertical services on top of
this platform, including status monitoring, as well as other forms of assistance such as
agenda reminders, entertainment services, time bank, and a few base services
supporting virtual communities, web-accesses, and specialized elderly user-interface.
2.1 The TeleCARE reference architecture
The reference architecture for TeleCARE nodes providing cooperation/federation
among different nodes of the elderly care network is depicted in Fig. 2. The main
components of this architecture are briefly addressed in this section.
Vertical Services Level
Vertical Services Level
Core MAS Platform Level
Core MAS Platform Level
External Enabler Level
External Enabler Level
Virtual Community
Time Bank
Platform Manager
Basic Multi-
Agent Platform
Resource Catalogue Mgnt.
Inter-platform mobility
Federated Information
Safe Communication
Device Abstraction Layer
Inter-agent Communication
Reception &
Device/Vertical Service Registry
TeleCARE Basic Platform
Fig. 2 - The TeleCARE platform reference architecture
The designed architecture of TeleCARE node is composed of a three-level
platform. The External Enabler Level provides support for the external
communication of the TeleCARE node, and the interfaces with external resources.
The Core MAS Platform Level is the major component of this architecture, and
includes essential support for software agents. Finally, the Vertical Services Level is
the open component where a variety of services can be gradually added to the node.
External Enabler Level. This level supports the remote communication with other
nodes and provides interfacing mechanisms to the external devices. This level
compromises two segments:
Safe communications infrastructure - providing safe communications and
supporting both secure and reliable agent/messages passing among different nodes.
Device abstraction layer - interfacing the sensors, monitoring devices, and other
hardware (home appliances, environment controllers, etc.) to the TeleCARE
Core MAS Platform Level. The platform level is the main component of the
environment and offers fundamental services for agents as well as for their
interactions. These services include the creation, launching, reception, user
authentication, access rights verification, and execution of stationary and mobile
agents. The main modules at this level include:
Basic Multi-Agent Platform - provides the essential multi-agent support, and it is
based on Aglets framework [8] with the following extensions:
i. Ontology management system - The Protégé 2000 [13] is used in the
platform for the definition of the ontologies.
ii. Inference engine - For intelligent agent interpretation using a Prolog
iii. Persistence support - For basic recovery mechanisms.
Inter-platform mobility - extension to the basic MAS platform to support
generalized mobility of agents, including agent security mechanisms. This module
includes the Agent Reception & Registration component, and the Agent Exit
Control component, for administration of stationary and mobile agents.
Inter-agent communication - extension to support credentials and coordination of
agent communication, independent of the agent location.
Federated information management - supporting the management of information
at TeleCARE nodes and providing the infrastructure for i) flexible processing of
federated queries, ii) data structure generation based on ontological definitions and,
iii) preserving information privacy through access rights management. This
component is developed using Java with free/open source software, it is built on
top of SAP DB relational database system [11], and Castor data binding
middleware for Java [6].
Resource catalogue management - managing the catalogue of resources, and
registering the descriptions of all device and vertical services available at the site
as well as their access rights.
Agent factory - supporting the creation / specification of new agents.
Platform manager - configuration and specification of the operating conditions of
the platform at each site, including user administration and node management.
Vertical Services Level. The applications and vertical services level focuses on the
actual support for the elderly (which require specialized user interfaces), care
providers, and elderly relatives (assuming that they are able to interact with normal
computer interfaces). Further, it compromises the two layers.
Base services - set of base services on top of the horizontal infrastructure that
each provides specific support to other value-added services.
i. Virtual Community Support - To support the management of Virtual
Community for the elderly care environment
ii. Specialized interfaces for elderly - Suitable computer interfaces for the
use of elderly person
iii. Web-access Support - Web-based mechanisms to interface with the
TeleCARE environment.
Vertical Services - A number of specialized vertical services are implemented as
specific TeleCARE applications, including a VC-based time bank, an elderly
status monitoring service, an elderly agenda reminder service, and an elderly
entertainment service.
2.2 Management of information in TeleCARE
The analysis of information management requirements for the TeleCARE network
has identified both the modeling and functionality required to be supported local to
each node, as well as for the information exchange/integration and necessary
interoperation among the sites. Based on the analysis of these requirements, the
necessity of three main components were identified that together support both the
management of all information related to TeleCARE network. These components,
namely FIMA, RCAM and DOSG are briefly described in this paper.
3 FIMA - Federated Information Management component
The Federated Information MAnagement (FIMA) component of TeleCARE supports
applications that may require variety of data models and large numbers of users and
agents accessing and retrieving its data, while supporting the pre-defined visibility
rights to physically distributed and heterogeneous data. The federated database
architecture of FIMA does not require any centralization of data or control and thus
supports flexibility and extensibility aspects required for future use of TeleCARE
system. The database architecture can also support a variety of application
architectures that may be used for development of different vertical services for
TeleCARE, including both the client/server and the agent-based systems. The
database repository of FIMA is developed using the SAP DB as the base. The SAP
DB provides an open source and freeware DBMS, and was selected for TeleCARE
among many considered options for this purpose.
The two key functionalities offered by FIMA include:
- Federated data and Schema Management, that handles all the data and schemas
defined in the network, while supporting the definition of adequate levels of
information privacy for access by authorized agents / users.
- Federated Query Processing, which supports the collection of all necessary data
from different distributed heterogeneous and autonomous nodes through a single
query issued by the user as if all data distributed among different nodes are in fact
available at the local site.
Fig. 3 shows a high level architecture of the FIMA and its main software
components. These components, depending on their role and functionality, are all
implemented as stationary and / or mobile agents. Detailed description of all these
agents is outside the scope of this paper. Below we focus on the Federated Query
Processing of FIMA and provide details on the stationary and mobile agents
supporting this functionality, and how the query processing performance is improved
in comparison to other agent-based approaches [9].
TeleCARE node
abstraction layer
Data Interface Mapping Access
Agent Information
Management System
FIMS Agent
Mobile Information
Retrieval Agent
Base Service
Service A
Service B
Service C
Services Level
Core MAS
Platform Level
External Enabler Level
Access Manager
Fig. 3 – Architecture of Federated Information MAnagement – FIMA
The processing of federated queries is a complex task, and it is briefly detailed as
follows. First, the requester sends a query (which is in high-level format) to the FIMA
interface, which generates an agent designed to handle this request. The query is then
translated considering the internal structures of the stored data, and a set of sub-
queries is established. These sub-queries are one by one assigned to mobile agents
with the proper itinerary. After this step, these mobile agents are dispatched to the
remote nodes to accomplish their mission, to perform the local query, and to send the
results back to the original node. Finally the received results are merged at the node
and returned back to the requester, see Fig. 4.
What should be noticed here is that the main goal of the federated query processor
component in FIMA is to enable TeleCARE agents and end-users to query the
authorized information, while hiding all the details about database connections, agents
creation and their traveling among nodes, and processing the data.
Below are the main agents involved in federated query processing of FIMA:
FIMS Agent: Federated Information Management Server Agent, acting as the
FIMA interface agent
FQP Agent: Federated Query Processor Agent, acting as the query supervisor
MIRA Agent: Mobile Information Retrieval Agent, acting as the mobile
component, transferring the jobs to other nodes, for this process.
FQP instruction
(XML specification)
FIMS Agent
-Agent interface
FQP Agent
- Query Processing
- Access to remote
Fig. 4 - Main components of the federated query processing
3.1 Federated Information Management Server Agent
The Federated Information Management Server Agent (FIMS Agent) manages the
interface to access the information in FIMA. It must be continuously available and
running. It supports multi-users, and thus can fulfill requests from numerous agents
simultaneously, that may have different purposes other than just executing a single
query. FIMS Agent does not handle however all the query processing related
operations, otherwise it will too overloaded. Whenever FIMS receives a request for a
federated query, it generates another agent (FQP) in a different execution thread, thus
allowing it to maintain its primary operation. This mechanism provides the highest
performance for query processing, since the new FQP agent will be focused only on
the task of performing the query.
When the FIMS Agent creates an FQP Agent to supervise the processing of a
federated query, it also provides the identifier of this FQP Agent to the requester. As a
result, from that point on, all query operations are bound to that FQP Agent, and the
FIMS Agent is freed from the responsibility of following the federated query
3.2 Federated Query Processor Agent
The Federated Query Processor Agent (FQP Agent) is at the heart of the federated
data processing in FIMA. It implements several advanced techniques, particularly
useful in the distributed TeleCARE environment. Some of the used mechanisms for
federated query processing of FIMA are also integral to the TeleCARE infrastructure
(e.g., the multi-agent and the Java object oriented programming environments).
A number of techniques are used to improve the performance of the query
processing, for example: (1) special multi-thread processing, (2) simultaneous
execution of several queries, and (3) reduction of communication costs by reducing
the size (i.e. content) of the mobile agents involved in FQP. All these mechanisms
focus on the internal operations for the processing of federated queries. The number
of these internal operations is large and they are grouped in several task categories,
which can be summarized as follows:
Query translation: the query that arrives in high level functional format in
XML, is first translated into internal handling structures.
MIRA creation: depending on the type of federated query, appropriate Mobile
Information Retrieval Agents (MIRAs) are created, e.g. if the query type is
"parallel", then multiple MIRAs will be created, one per target node.
Query decomposition: the original query is divided into a number of sub-
queries according to the number of target nodes, and these sub-queries are
assigned to the corresponding MIRA agents.
MIRA transmission: Each MIRA is sent to a remote node, carrying the
corresponding sub-query.
Query evaluation: The MIRA agent performs the communication MIRA-to-
FIMS Agent of the remote node, in order to execute and retrieve the requested
information from that node.
Result transmission: The MIRA transmits to the FQP Agent the information
resulted from the sub-query.
Information merge: Once all results arrive from the MIRA to the FQP Agent,
the FQP merges the sub-results, and sends the final results to the requester.
Resource release: When the execution of the query completes, the requester can
agree to release resources generated by the FQP Agent, disposing all the MIRA
agents involved in the query evaluation as well as the FQP itself. Note that
disposing the FQP Agent at any stage of the query execution will effectively
close the processing of the federated query.
3.3 Mobile Information Retrieval Agent
The Mobile Information Retrieval Agent (MIRA) is a mobile agent that transmits the
federated query to other nodes. Being a software agent, it also guarantees the
possibility of combining intelligent decision making with the information retrieval
tasks. Therefore, it can support a range of federated queries, for example:
the case of gathering information from several specific nodes at once and
merging the results at the originating node,
the case of a query that “crawls” from one node to another to search all nodes,
e.g. retrieving all possible answers, or to find the best answer, or,
the case of a query searching all nodes one by one, trying to satisfy certain
condition. One example is the case of finding the first possible answer, or to find
a satisfactory answer (e.g. by sending the answer to the originator and waiting
for a “satisfaction” response from the originator node, in order to decide either to
continue the search or to quit), or even the case of finding a specific number of
answers and then quit.
The FQP Agent creates MIRA agents and their handling is completely transparent
from the requester. Clearly, from the requester point of view, the proper execution of
the query and its results is what really matters, and not how the query mechanism was
implemented. This transparency noticeably reduces the system complexity, since the
TeleCARE application designers and developers are not concerned about internal
details of processing mechanism that they need to invoke.
As part of the strategy to enforce the visibility levels and access rights on the
information, FIMS Agent will also "borrow (from the TeleCARE platform system)
and check the credentials" of the requester agent for creating the FQP Agent. The
FQP agent in turn uses those credentials to create authorized MIRA agents. In
general, this strategy is used in FIMA to validate the access rights to the information
for requesters, no matter if the requester is local or remote. Section 3.5 refers more on
visibility levels and access rights.
3.4 Processing of query types
The federated query processing mechanism of FIMA supports access/retrieval of data
from multiple TeleCARE nodes, as such the data can be retrieved either from the
same or different remote nodes. Three types of federated queries are supported in
FIMA, that allow retrieval from remote data stored in different nodes on the network.
Parallel query type, where the performance in speed is the key consideration.
Serial query type, where the optimization of resource usage is the focus.
Sequential query type, that requires interactivity with the requester to control
the information-processing overhead, see Fig. 5 below.
One advantage of providing different types of query/access methods is that for
instance the requester (for instance the vertical service that accesses some data from
the network database) can choose among the three options, to control the general
performance and overhead of the process and thus easily optimizing the performance
of the federated queries for specific purposes.
Mobile Agent
Mobile Agent
Mobile Agent
PC 1
PC 3
PC 2
FQP Agent
Fig. 5 - Sequential query type in FIMA
Furthermore, the design of the architecture of FIMA carefully considers necessary
data / agent traffic among the TeleCARE nodes. Therefore, two communication
mechanisms between the nodes are properly supported, namely (1) the inter-agent
message passing and (2) the agent mobility, are respectively considered for
supporting the cases of “information push” and “information pull” among the agents:
Information push: A simple TeleCARE information exchange case is
considered where a care center site requires the periodic sending of the sensed
data from the home sites. In this case, the data collected at the home site is
pushed from the home site to the care center. The “push” action is performed
as “messages” sent from one agent to another.
Information pull: To illustrate the information pull, assume that an elderly
wishes to plan a special fun activity in his/her community, and starts this
planning through an “entertainment service” at home. The corresponding
“elderly entertainment service” at the home site inquires some relevant data to
be collected from the Virtual Community. Then, a MIRA agent, that may
contain a parallel, serial, or sequential federated query (depending on the kind
of request, if it is to all, or for instance specific number of people), can pull
some names from one or more leisure centers.
3.5 Visibility levels in TeleCARE
In federated information management networks, different autonomous nodes can have
different visibility levels and access rights on other nodes’ information. Thus, every
node in the federation can decide what part of its local information should be
available to each member in the federation [1, 3, 12].
In other federated database environments the approach for visibility levels is either
based on individual export schema definitions on the local schema for every external
“user”, or based on the definition of a complete hierarchy of export schemas such as
in [7]. However, due the highly dynamic nature of the TeleCARE environment,
where users and nodes are added and removed regularly, a different approach is
adopted for defining the visibility levels. This approach is based on the credential of
every agent, and specifically on the agent type, that also represents the role of the user
generating the agent.
4 DOSG - Dynamic Ontology-based data Structure Generation
Typically, for building large systems and applications, the assistance of a database
expert is required to define the structure for concepts and entities of the environment,
namely the database schema. The DOSG component supports and assists both the
TeleCARE component developers as well as its service developer, with their direct
definition and modification of database schemas, for the data that needs to be
processed by their code, while eliminating the need for database expertise. Namely,
DOSG provides facilities for dynamic and automatic definition/modification of
database schemas, so that they can be automatically stored into the database. As such,
for this purpose the service developers of TeleCARE, can simply use the user friendly
interface provided for the ontology system “Protégé” to provide their data structure
The main focus of DOSG in TeleCARE is transforming the ontology definition
provided for some information, into the underlying information management model,
(based on the relational database system) as well as the Java objects specification.
DOSG provides a highly innovative mechanism to leverage object knowledge model
in ways which vertical service developers can use to store, retrieve and manipulate
information seamlessly through the federated information management layer of the
TeleCARE platform.
DOSG is designed as a plug-in to Protégé. It extends Protégé’s ontology editor
with an interface that allows users to parameterize the automatic data structure
generation. DOSG benefits from the integrated Protégé environment by gathering
online input related of conceptual schema, while allowing customization of some
parameters for this generation process through the DOSG interface. The
implementation of DOSG is in Java and, it also uses free / open source software, in
specific, Castor is used to produce the two mapping definitions [6], while Xerces is
applied for the development of XML Schema [2]. As shown in Fig. 6, based on the
ontological definitions provided by users, the DOSG tool automatically generates five
different outputs, namely:
RDBMS Schema with the appropriate SQL script for relational databases,
Java classes providing the source code of the data structures,
XML Schema with the specification for proper handling of XML documents,
Object-relational mapping containing the mappings that governs the
conversion between Java classes and the database system, and
XML mapping that defines the translation between the Java classes and XML.
Ontology Manager
Protégé 2000
Data Structure
XML Schema
XSD file
RDBMS Schema
SQL Script
Java classes
Source code
Data Object
XML mapping
<. . .>
Fig. 6 – Output format for Dynamic Ontology-based data Structure Generation - DOSG
5 RCAM - Resources Catalog Management component
A complementary module to FIMA is the Resource CAtalog Management (RCAM)
component. RCAM provides definition of the resource model, supports automated
resource management, and enables TeleCARE service developers to define, search,
and modify specific details of resources available through the TeleCARE
environment. Resource descriptions in RCAM are based on widely accepted
standards, in order to allow current and future devices (e.g. house hold appliances)
and/or emerging vertical value-added services to be easier added to the TeleCARE
platform. All hardware devices and software services in TeleCARE are treated as
resources. Basically, RCAM acts like a registry for all resources, their internal service
descriptions, and interfaces. Namely, for every resource of the TeleCARE
environment, RCAM manages three types of information:
a. the catalogue entry representing a definition of the resource,
b. the entries for resource’s internal services definitions and,
c. the access rights to the resource
In order to support the current and future devices and emerging vertical services,
TeleCARE resource definitions in RCAM are based on widely accepted standards.
The hardware device definitions are based on the UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)
[15] specification, while the software vertical service definitions are based on Web
Service Definition Language (WSDL) specification [16]. Furthermore, RCAM
resources definition has been extended to better support users’ access rights to
resources, based on agent identification, part of the TeleCARE passport definition [5].
The RCAM Agent provides basic operations on the TeleCARE resource model.
These operations can be grouped into the following categories: Resource
advertisement and publishing, Resource discovery, Resource access rights
management, see Fig. 7
Resource Catalogue
Request Description
Advertisement /
Resource service
Invocation /
- Device and Vertical Services-
Resource Description
Fig. 7 - Resource handling operations
The suggested TeleCARE resource model involves the following actors: resource
provider, resource broker, and resource requester. RCAM Agent acts as an
automated resource broker. This resource broker provides a searchable (catalogue)
repository of resource definitions, through which resource providers can
advertise/publish the functionality of their resources. Additionally, resource
requesters search for appropriate resource services and obtain the necessary
information to use them.
Furthermore, RCAM can store information about the access rights to TeleCARE
resources, based on the TeleCARE passport definition. As such, for every resource,
related information regarding the Agent-type, User-role, and User-id of its authorized
users can be stored. Thus, every time that a Resource Manager agent receives a
request to access its resource, the Resource Manager can first access RCAM to
validate the authorization of this access for the specific requester. Therefore, usage of
RCAM, properly secures the access and usage of the vertical services and devices.
6 Conclusions
A federated information management approach offers suitable mechanisms to cope
with the required flexibility, heterogeneity, autonomy, and privacy requirements for
information handled within collaborative networks for elderly care. The combination
of this approach with a mobile agent platform has proved to be an effective approach
to develop a flexible infrastructure supporting a large variety of TeleCARE services.
The developed prototype system supports information interoperability between
agent-based systems, contributing to an open plug-and-play philosophy involving a
resource variety of hardware devices and appliances, as well as software vertical
applications and services. The federated query processing in TeleCARE transparently
provides access to remote data from several nodes and supports different types of
queries. The dynamic ontology-based data structure generation facility offers
system/service developers a new level of flexibility as they can focus on modeling
their tasks at the ontology level using a user-friendly interface. Finally a modular
approach is introduced for resources (devices and services) to be integrated in
TeleCARE via the Resource Catalog Management component, and thus making it
possible for resources to be discovered and applied in the future service developments
for this environment.
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