Systematic Design of Real-Time Systems Based on
CSP+T Process Algebra
Manuel I. Capel
, José R. Balsas
and Juan A. Holgado
Depto. Lenguajes y Sistemas, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
Dpto. Informática, Universidad de Jaén, 23071 Jaén, Spain
Abstract. In this paper, a bottom-up formal technique to obtain a correct system
specification from the RT/SA requirements specification of real-time systems is
proposed. As an application, a design of the production cell is introduced.
1 Introduction
We present a complete bottom-up systematic specification technique in order to de-
rive a correct system specification from a semi-formal user requirements specifica-
tion in RT/SA [2], [3] by applying a set of transformation rules. The proposed tech-
nique integrates two complementary approaches to describe a real-time system:
(1)RT/SA based notations, and (2) CSP+T [4] process terms to model real-time
processes including the specification of their timing requirements.
A semantic interpretation of RT/SA entities must be flexible enough to accept al-
ternative interpretations of some analysis entities in order to maintain the adaptabil-
ity of RT/SA to different modeling cases [1]. Thus, our method does not fix a par-
ticular semantics, when there are different possibilities to solve a given ambiguity of
RT/SA and it is up to the analyst to select the most convenient notation semantics
depending on the system to be specified. This feature of the method is a result of the
flexibility provided by CSP+T design notation.
2 Real-Time Systems Specification with CSP+T
The use of extensions of algebraic process description languages such as Timed CSP
or CSP+T gives a precise and flexible semantics to RT/SA entities. CSP+T descrip-
tion language is a powerful notation to specify deterministic processes with time
constrained behavior. There are only a few new operators, which are mainly related
to the specification of time, in CSP+T with respect to those offered by CSP.
A new operator
(star) is introduced to denote process instantiation. This event is
unique in the system since it represents the origin of a global time at which the proc-
esses start their execution.
The event operator
is used jointly with a variable to record the time instant at
which the event occurs. The variables associated with this operator are called marker
variables and their scope is strictly limited to one sequential process. Each event is
associated with the event enabling interval during which the event is available for
I. Capel M., R. Balsas J. and A. Holgado J. (2004).
Systematic Design of Real-Time Systems Based on CSP+T Process Algebra.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 81-83
DOI: 10.5220/0002684700810083
communication between the process and its environment, and is relative to a preced-
ing event. The following term is an example of a process written in CSP+T.
P= 0.
[1,2]a vSTOP
After the execution of the above process P, the value of the marker variable satis-
fies the inequality 1
v 2.
Transformation rules for RT/SA entities
1. Modeling input interface. This consists of an input communication symbol for
every origin entity O communicating data or control signals towards P, and, vice-
versa, of an output communication for every destination entity D. O and D are RT/SA
entities with the only limitation being that neither of them are data stores (DS).
2. Modeling continuous data flows. These cannot be directly modeled by means of
communication events. It is therefore necessary to write an extra CSP+T process for
each continuous data flow.
3. Modeling state-transition diagrams. Every control transformation scheme
(CTP) is represented by a unique state-transition diagram (STD) from the point of
view of control specification. An STD can be formally defined as a tuple (Q,C,A,T,q)
in which: Q is a set of states; C is a set of conditions, each one corresponding to an
input flow of control in the CTP; A is a set of actions, each one causing the execution
of an activity in the process; T is a set of transitions, where each one is a tuple de-
fined as (q
) in which q
, q
Q, c
C or is null, a
A or is null.
4. Modeling timed control transformation processes. A timed STD is an initial
STD plus the timing constraints imposed on the system. The transition concept can
be extended to specify timing constraints in the system by describing enabling inter-
vals and marker events. These constraints are described as a set R of tuples (e
, I, e
in which e
C or e
A, and e
is called the marker event, I is a real number inter-
val of the form [
], where
, and
or I is an interval relative to the
preceding event or to event e
. The event e
C or e
A is called a restricted
event. The interpretation of a timing constraint R is as follows: event e
can only
occur within the interval of time I from the occurrence of e
5. Modeling data and control storages. A DS or a control store (CS) with input
flows {f
, ...f
} and output flows {f
, ...., f
} is modeled using the interface {f
,... f
..., f
} that comprises all communication actions by which the process interacts
with its environment.
6. Modeling transformation specifications. We suppose that the functionality of
primitive data transformation schemes (DTPs) is simple enough to allow the analyst
to obtain a CSP+T process for each DTP.
The bottom-up design method proposed
We follow a systematic design process that consists of the following steps:
1. Prepare the RT/SA schemes to perform the transformation into CSP+T proc-
esses. It may be necessary to rename analysis entities to avoid conflicts.
2. Transform the CTPs and DTPs of the lower level.
3. Select the other schemes in ascending order.
4. Once the CSP+T model has been obtained for all the entities in a scheme, a
CSP+T process is defined to model the complete scheme. If this scheme is already
included in a CTP or DTP of a higher level, repeat step (3), thus progressively inte-
grating the CSP+T model of the system in an ascending way. The process finishes
when the model of the System Context Diagram is obtained.
3 Specification example: The Production Cell
As an application result of our method, a complete CSP+T model for the production
cell problem can be found at We now present part of
the design of the Robot Control Process (RCP).
RCT= startactions(start)RTurnCW
RTurnCW= (robot_pos_1
| robot_pos’ ? robot_posRTurnCW)
POS_1= (I
| I
Its associated enabling intervals are defined as follows: I
_finish)= [t, t+T],
which indicates that the robot arm1 (
) picked up a blank from the rotary table;
_finish)=(t+T, ), in this case there is no blank to pick up within time T.
We have two possible cases to model: the first one represents the presence of a blank
on the rotary table that the arm1 gripper will be able to pick up, the action
_finish is therefore executed, then arm1 is positioned and is prepared to ex-
tend to pick up the blank; the second one occurs when no new blank prompts on time
(i.e., within the deadline T) causing an exception to be raised to inform the system of
a blank_timeout event. When it reaches the position
POS_1, the control of the
robot starts turning arm1 counterclockwise (CCW) until arm2 picks a forged plate
from the press, or arm 2 (
) points to the deposit belt to place a plate on it, or arm1
goes to the position in which it deposits a blank on the press.
Our methodological scheme uses CSP+T process algebra to provide the user with a
set of patterns into which they can translate from RT/SA entities into CSP+T proc-
esses with different semantics.
We are currently working on the development of a formal software tool based on
CTJ and Java, capable of automated specification, verification and code generation of
real-time and embedded system software for several platforms.
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