Secure Communications in Multi-Agent Systems
Protecting KQML
Sierra J. M., Hernández J.C., Izquierdo A. and Ribagorda A.
IT security Group. University Carlos III of Madrid. Spain
Abstract. When multiagent systems use insecure networks their
communications must be protected in the same way that any other applications
that run over this type of channels. There is no doubt that multiagent systems
expansion will be joined to the Internet technology, and for that reason our
work tries to protect agents communications by a new security architecture and
an extension of the KQML. Our security architecture has been designed to be
installed over the RETSINA framework, which was specifically designed for an
open system, such is the Internet. The core of our proposal is a SEcurity
SubAgent Module, called SESAMO, which was expressly designed to easily
interact with the RETSINA components. The protection is based a public key
infrastructure that, in addition to an extension of KQML, will supply
authentication, non-repudiation, integrity and confidentiality services to agent
1 Introduction
KQML, Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language, permits autonomous and
asynchronous agents share their knowledge and work cooperatively for solving
problems. The possibilities of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) increase considerably if
they use the Internet. But it is necessary to adapt the KQML to this open environment,
supplying to the agents security services such are confidentiality, integrity,
authentication and non-repudiation.
First aim of this security architecture is to effortlessly coexist with other
multiagent systems. Our proposal is designed to work over the RETSINA framework.
The core of our architecture is the SESAMO module (SEcure SubAgent MOdule).
This module supplies cryptographic capabilities to RETSINA Task Agents,
permitting them to establish secure communications with others. The SESAMO
module can be installed into a Host Agent or also allows that several agents (agents
connected by a private network or installed into the same machine) to share a single
SESAMO, we called that option Shared SESAMO. We also describe some other
functions that can be developed by SESAMO because its design can be used as a
communications security gateway between groups of agents.
Agents that want to interact directly with their parties can bypass our
architecture. A common situation could be that Task Agents just use the SESAMO
when the remote agent is asking for a secure connection, or when they want to
establish this type of connections with others. In the rest of situations they will
J. M. S., J.C. H., A. I. and A. R. (2004).
Secure Communications in Multi-Agent Systems Protecting KQML.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 305-313
DOI: 10.5220/0002684803050313
communicate openly with KQML. The SESAMO modules will communicate using a
security extension of KQML that we have designed. This extension is called KQML-
SE and is composed by three new performatives:
1. Cryptographic Capabilities Negotiation.
2. Both Parties Authentication messages.
3. Encapsulated KQML messages.
Our scheme is based on public key cryptography, and obviously this
environment needs the existence of a Public Key Infrastructure. This PKI will be used
for the authentication of agents and hence the architecture security relies on it. We
have designed another extension of KQML that provides the performatives needed for
the creation, renewal and cancellation of certificates, and also for the maintenance of
Certificate Revocation Lists (usually noted as CRL’s). All these topics will not be
treated in this paper because we would need some more extra space to describe its
behaviour and management. However, we are aware about the essential role that PKI
plays in our architecture.
2 Security Architecture
When we start this work we tried to develop architecture easy to place in a
Multi-Agent System. This architecture should introduce the minimum number of
changes, enabling an agent to integrate security services with no modifications on its
basic architecture. In this paper we concentrate our work in the well-know
architecture called RETSINA. In our proposal each agent (from now on, Host Agent)
has another sub-agent associated, called SESAMO (SEcurity Sub-Agent MOdule).
SESAMO module is in charge of dealing with all the KQML messages sent or
received by the Host Agent.
Fig. 1. : KQML-SE architecture based on the SESAMO
The SESAMO only manages performatives defined by our new ontology
PKCertificate. SESAMO has implemented all the cryptographic capabilities that the
Host Agent does not have; in this way the SESAMO will provide all the required
Host Agent
Connection type
security services (authentication, non-repudiation, confidentiality and integrity). On
the other hand the agent will be working with no change, security services will be
applied by the SESAMO transparently to the Host Agent. The Host Agent only must
indicate to the SESAMO which messages will need protection.
The SESAMO will be divided into two parts, Security Management part, which
will be in charge of protecting the KQML messages exchanged between the Host
Agent and the other agent. And the second part, Connection Management, which will
be use by the Host Agent to specify to the SESAMO the connection features. The
Host Agent must indicate to the SESAMO what to do in case that other remote agent
does not have his own SESAMO. For example a Host Agent could block any message
that is not authenticated, in this case the SESAMO will be protecting his agent from
non-authenticated communications just keeping away from messages that does not
contains the PKCertificate ontology. The SESAMO could filter communications, for
example rejecting messages with certain source address, size, etc..
Another functionality that can be included into the SESAMO is a Connection
Features Database. Into this database will be stored the connection features of a pair
of agents (the Host Agent and the remote Agent). Using this database will be skipped
the main work of the Connection Management part of the SESAMO. This database
will be particularly useful when a Shared SESAMO is used (see Sharing a SESAMO
Agent section)
An important advantage of our design is that the communication is possible in any
case. If one of the parties does not have a SESAMO module, the other SESAMO can
bypass the common KQML messages (without the PKCertificate ontology) and
permits to establish the communication.
Table 1. : Optional functionalities of SESAMO module
Function Type
Encapsulating (KQML KQML PKCertificate).
Strong Authentication of both agents Obligatory
Digital signature of KQML messages Obligatory
Shared SESAMO Optional
KQML messages filtering Optional
Connection features Database Optional
3 KQML Security Extension. KQML-SE
The KQML security extension consists on four new performatives. These
performatives will be used in three steps. The first one is the negotiation of the
Cryptographic capabilities. The new performative designed is negotiation, which
enables to negotiate: Certification Authorities, Digital Signature Algorithm, Cipher
Algorithm and Digest Algorithm.
Once agents know the cryptographic capabilities one each other, it begins the
second step where is accomplished the authentication of the parties and the
establishment of a shared secret key (this key will be based on information supplied
by both parties). The performatives that support this second step are Auth-link and
Finally, once the parties are properly authenticated and a ciphering key is
established, it is possible to set up a secure channel. The performative is called
Next subsection describes the new parameters involved.
3.1 New parameters
3.1.1 :certificateCA(<Certification Authority 1><Certification Authority
Where the argument <Certification Authority X> is the identification associated to
one Certification authority (Thawte, VeriSign). This parameter is an enumeration of
the different certification authorities supported by the agent. It is a parameter of the
Negotiation performative.
3.1.2 :certificate (<Certification Authority><the certificate>)
The second argument is the certificate, which is a public key signed by a certification
authority (indicated in the first argument).
3.1.3 :connection-id (<NONCE_X><NONCE_Y >)
This parameter is used in the Auth-private performative and identifies a previous
3.1.4 :auth-key(<boole><key-type><SEED>)
First argument is a Boolean value. If this value is TRUE the session key must be
changed. The new key to use will be the result of a hash function calculated over the
concatenation of SEED, NONCE_X and NONCE_Y (the resulting digest could need
to be adapted to the encryption algorithm key size. This operation is done to ensure
that the new key depends from both parties.
If the first argument is FALSE, next arguments will be ignored because the agent is
signifying that, for the moment, the session key is valid. Any party of the
communication could indicate a key change when it considers appropriate. This
parameter is included into Auth-private and Auth-challenge performatives.
3.1.5 :signature(<<Key_ID><information signed>)
The second argument represents certain information digitally signed by the agent. The
first argument identifies the public key that must be used to check the signature. It is
included into Auth-link, Auth-challenge and Auth-private performatives and provides
Authentication and Non-Repudiation of the messages.
3.1.6 :algSecretKey (<alg1><alg2>...<algN>)
It indicates the different symmetric cipher algorithms supported by the agent that
sends this parameter into a Negotiation performative. Also it is used in Auth-link
performative, in this case an agent is indicating to its party the selection of certain
3.1.7 :algSignType (<alg1><alg2>...<algN>)
This parameter indicates the different digital signature algorithms supported by the
agent that sends the message. Can be used into a Negotiation performative and in
Auth-link performative but in this case it is signifying the selected algorithm
3.1.8 :algDigestType (<alg1><alg2>...<algN>)
This parameter indicates the different digest algorithms supported by the agent that
sends the message. Can be used into a Negotiation performative and also it can
appears in a Auth-link performative but in this case just with the algorithm selected
3.1.9 :mySESAMO (<SESAMO_ID><protocol><address>)
It is used into the Negotiation performative and indicates what SESAMO agent is
being used for protecting messages.
3.2 New Performatives
Into this section we will present the new performatives defined into KQML-SE.
Those performatives should be added to those included into RETSINA.
Table 2. New performatives for KQML-SE
Performatives Meaning
Auth-link Request of secure communication
Auth-challenge Acknowledge for Auth-link request
Negotiation Cryptographic capabilities negotiation
Auth-private KQML messages ciphered and encapsulated
In the following lines we describe the content of all these new performatives:
Name: Negotiation.
Description: Cryptographic capabilities negotiation between two SESAMO’s
Additional paramenters:
:mySESAMO (Only has to be used when a Shared SESAMO is used)
Ontology: PKCertificate
KQML Description:
: sender <A>
: receiver <B>
: certificateCA<VeriSign><Thawte><Internal Domain >.....>
: mySESAMO <<X<tcpip><>>
: algDigestType<<MD5><MD4><SHA>...>
: algSecretKey<<DES><RC2>...>
: algSignType<<RSA><DSA>>
: ontology <PKCertificate>
Name: Auth-link
Description: Solicitud de comunicación segura.
Optional parameters:
:peer-address, only used when a shared SESAMO is used.
:algDigestType, list of digest algorithms supported.
:algSecretKey, list of symmetric algorithms supported.
Ontology: PKCertificate
KQML Description:
:sender <A>
:certificate <<VeriSign><Certificate_A>>
:signature<<A_KEY> <Signature of (NONCE_A & A & B )>>
:content: <NONCE_A>
Name: Auth-challenge
Description: Acknowledge for Auth-link request
Ontology: PKCertificate
KQML Description:
:sender <B>
:certificate <<VeriSign><CertificateB>>>
:auth-key<<T><DES><SEED ciphered by the public key of A>>
:signature<<KEY_B><Signature of (NONCE_A & NONCE_B &
:content: <NONCE_B>
Name: Auth-private
Description: KQML message ciphered and encapsulated.
Ontology: PKCertificate
KQML description:
:sender <A>
:auth-key< <FALSE> <><> >
:signature<<A_KEY><Signature of(KQML message)>>
:content <KQML message ciphered with SESSION_KEY1>
4 Sharing a SESAMO Agent
The SESAMO module can be shared among more than one Host Agent. In this way
all the KQML-SE messages must be sent to the SESAMO and the rest of non-
protected KQML messages can be sent by each agent itself. The advantages of this
approach are very interesting, because using a shared SESAMO the agents can be
working with KQML in the same way that they are already working. And, in case
they need a protected communication with other agent, they will use the SESAMO for
establishing a secure channel.
The SESAMO needs to implement extra software for the management of several
connections at the same time. This software will be able of storing the connection
features of every agent into the commented Connection Features Database. The
shared SESAMO is a distributed scheme. In this way any agent with authorization can
use a shared SESAMO. However this system has been designed for being used in a
community of agents connected by a private network (or agents that are running into
the same machine). The utilization of Shared SESAMO through insecure networks
needs additional protections that probably imply an excessive cost and more
complicated management.
SESSION_KEY is the digest of NONCE_A, NONCE_B AND SEED. The digest funcition
used is the agreed in the negotiation process.
Fig. 2. KQML-SE architecture based on a Shared SESAMO
5 Conclusions
The expansion of the Internet has important implications for the MultiAgent Systems.
However the Internet features must be taken into account because all of them will be
inherit by the applications that run over it. With this document we tried to outline the
security architecture for protecting KQML communications. We are aware that the
implementation of our proposal is not completely described here, but this topic is
already open in our research group and we will report new contributions.
KQML-SE and SESAMO are part of a complete system with the objective of
providing secure communications. Foundations of this system are the public key
cryptography and the implementation of a Public Key Infrastructure. We have
developed an architecture for the management of PKI in a multiagent system, we have
called this module SPA –Security Proxy Agent-. Our work is based on the
contributions of Sycara about Security Agents.
Further research on this topic can be associated to the utilization of IPsec
framework for the communication of the agents (the new IP Security Protocol that
supplies authentication, integrity and confidentiality of IP packets). In this way the
SESAMO module can be substituted by an IPv6 implementation on the agents.
However, if we use IP security, it does not replace the task of the mentioned SPA
module. The combination of the SPA and IPsec protocol will be a next step for our
future research works.
Connection confi
KQML messa
KQML-SE messages
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