Trying to Satisfy the Faculty, the Students, the Administration, and the Union
Jesse M. Heines and David M. Martin Jr.
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854, USA
Keywords: User Interfaces, Security, Privacy, Anonymity, User Perceptions, Web Application Deployment
Abstract: An attempt to move from a paper-based university course evaluation system to a Web-based one ran into
numerous obstacles from various angles. While development of the system was relatively smooth, deploy-
ment was anything but. Faculty had trouble with some of the system's basic concepts, and students seemed
insufficiently motivated to use the system. Both faculty and students demonstrated mistrust of the system’s
security and anonymity. In addition, the union threatened grievances predicated on their perception that the
system was in conflict with the union contract. This paper describes the system’s main technical and, per-
haps more important, political aspects, explains implementation decisions, relates how the system evolved
over several semesters, and discusses steps that might be taken to improve the entire process.
Course evaluations have been around for eons.
Although many professors view them as nothing
more than a popularity contest (“If I give a student a
good grade I get a good evaluation, if I don’t, I
don’t”), when students respond honestly and con-
scientiously they can provide invaluable feedback
for improving the quality of instruction.
1.1 Paper-Based Evaluations
Paper-based forms are typically filled out in one of a
course’s final class meetings by those who happen to
be present that day. Absentees rarely get another
chance to complete the forms.
The collected data are not always subjected to ri-
gorous analysis. Administrators may “look over
the forms and get a “feel” for students’ responses,
but if student input is not provided in machine-read-
able format, the general picture is hard to quantify.
Many professors ignore the results due to a lack of
interest and/or perceived importance or simply the
inconvenience of having to go request to see the
forms from a department administrator and then
wade through raw data rather than machine-
generated summaries.
The real tragedy is that while students’ free-form
responses have the greatest potential to provide real
insight into the classroom experience, when pro-
vided on paper-based forms these responses are
sometimes illegible or so poorly written that trying
to make sense of them is exceedingly difficult. All
too often these valuable comments therefore have
little impact on professors’ teaching.
In our institution, as in many others (see
Hernández et al. (2004) as an example), paper-based
evaluations suffered from all of these problems.
1.2 Web-Based Evaluations
Web-based forms have the potential to address many
of the shortcomings of their paper-based counter-
parts. They can be filled out by students anytime
and anywhere. Responses can be easily analyzed,
summarized, and displayed in tables or graphs. Stu-
dent responses to free-form questions will at least be
legible, even if they remain unintelligible. Profes-
sors and administrators alike can do far more than
simply “look them over.” Most importantly, online
data collection and reporting ensures that students
opinions can at least be heard, which is the first step
in having professors listen to those opinions and use
them to positively impact the quality of instruction.
M. Heines J. and M. Martin Jr. D. (2005).
Administration, and the Union.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 441-448
DOI: 10.5220/0001228204410448
2.1 Single Professor Version
Our first online course evaluation system was
deployed at the end of the Fall 2001 semester in two
computer science courses taught by a single profes-
sor. The questions in this system were hard-coded,
response data was stored in XML, and reports were
generated using XSL. The system had no login pro-
cedure. Students were simply trusted to complete
only a single evaluation form for each class. In
addition, students were allowed to see summaries of
the response results. Given the trustworthiness of
the students and the fact that the professor did not
mind students seeing the response results, more
formal constraints were simply not necessary.
2.2 Department Version
In the Fall 2003 semester, the Dept. of Computer
Science began planning for its reaccreditation and
was in need of concrete course evaluation data. The
department voted to adopt the system that had now
been used for four semesters, provided that a number
of improvements were made.
Most of the hard-coded data had to be moved to
data files so that the system could accommodate
multiple professors and far more courses. Alternate
question types were needed to satisfy the desire for
richer course-specific questions. A faculty login
system was added to protect individual professors’
response results, but student logins were still not
required. This led to our first observance of angry
students “stuffing the ballot box, a shortcoming that
clearly needed to be addressed. In addition, the time
needed to support the system became a major factor.
This was to become a much larger issue as the
system user base expanded in subsequent semesters.
Despite these issues and the fact that not as many
students used the system as we had hoped (345 eval-
uation forms were submitted for 28 courses), for the
first time individual professors were able to see their
results virtually instantaneously (see Figure 1).
2.3 College Version
In the Spring 2004 semester, our dean asked us to
expand the system for use by the entire College of
Arts & Sciences. The larger scope of this task made
it impractical to continue using XML as the data
store, so we decided to rewrite the entire system to
use MySQL. This was, of course, a major under-
taking. We tackled the problem of “stuffing the
ballot box” by introducing a “one ticket, one
evaluation scheme (described below).
With the system now being used outside our own
department, special care had to be taken to ensure
that its functionality conformed to all provisions in
the faculty union contract dealing with course evalu-
ations. This was problematic, to say the least, due to
the rigid interpretation of the contracts wording by
the union’s executive board.
2.3.1 One Ticket, One Evaluation
We designed a system of “survey keys” that could
each be used to submit a course evaluation. Our
requirements were:
(1) Each survey key should be uniquely associated
with one section of one course in one semester.
(2) Each survey key should provide the ability to
submit one and only one evaluation for its asso-
ciated course.
(3) Each student should receive one survey key for
each course in which he or she was enrolled that
(4) Submitted evaluations should not be traceable to
student identities in the associated section,
course, and semester.
(5) It should be infeasible to forge a valid survey
Figure 1: First Individual Course Report
Requirements (1)-(3) ensure that students could
not evaluate courses they were not enrolled in, or
evaluate a single course multiple times. Require-
ment (4) ensures that each student’s evaluation is
anonymous, and (5) ensures that only survey keys
issued through the official process can be used to
submit an evaluation.
A survey key in our system is an encrypted
“ballot,” which is a 64-bit entity consisting of:
a 4-bit revision field (currently 0)
a 24-bit course ID, allowing for 16,777,216
unique course/section/semester descriptors
a 16-bit slot ID, allowing for classes of up to
65,535 students (with increasing forgery risks as
the class size grows; see below)
a 20-bit padding field of zeros
The course and slot IDs are both allocated
sequentially. A separate table translates the course
ID into the actual course, section, and semester as
shown in the course catalog.
Using this encoding, it was straightforward to
meet requirements (1)-(3). Each course/section/
semester is encoded as a single course ID. The
system generates one slot ID per enrolled student.
To prevent multiple uses of a ballot, the system
database keeps track of those 64-bit ballots that have
been used to submit an evaluation and prevents their
reuse. Toward the end of the term, we distributed
the encrypted ballots (survey keys) to professors,
who in turn could give them to students to submit
evaluations. A card containing a survey key is
illustrated in Figure 2.
Course Number: 91.462
Section Number: 201
Survey Key:
Figure 2: Student Survey Key Card
Requirement (4), achieving anonymity, was also
straightforward. Since each survey key enabled a
student to submit only one evaluation, they could be
distributed to the students arbitrarily. We envi-
sioned simply throwing the key cards in a hat and
passing it around. To emphasize that the survey
keys were not tied to individual students, we
encouraged students to trade their card with any
other student in their same course and section.
As mentioned, survey keys are encrypted ballots.
Specifically, given a ballot
B, its corresponding
survey key is
S = Words(3DES
(B)). The Words()
function is a one-to-one mapping between 64 bits
and a series of six English words; this mapping is
specified in RFC 2289 as part of the S/Key one time
password system. The 3DES key
K is randomly
chosen and specific to the course ID associated with
that survey key.
K is stored in the system database,
and no human ever needs to use it directly.
To evaluate a course, the student enters both the
course and section number, along with the six-word
survey key. The Web site backend uses the course
and section number to locate the appropriate 3DES
key and then decrypts the survey key to determine
the 64-bit ballot. If the survey key does not decrypt
to a legitimate ballot, the system rejects it.
Using this scheme, the probability of guessing a
valid survey key is quite small, as was desired for
Requirement (5). A forger must try to present a
course number, a section number, and a survey key
to the Web site. If the course has 128 = 2
then there are only 2
valid survey keys for that
course. Since the forger does not know the 3DES
key, the probability that the forger is successful is
= 2
. We felt that this provided adequate
security for our needs, especially because each
attempt would have to be an HTTP transaction to
our single evaluation server, and this limits the
achievable rate of brute force key guessing attacks.
However, this same calculation shows that larger
class sizes make brute force forgery attacks easier;
for this reason we do not recommend using this
system for classes consisting of more than several
hundred students.
We did not intentionally record any IP addresses
associated with evaluation submissions, but neither
did we use end-to-end encryption or any network
anonymization techniques to further hide evaluators’
identities or prevent the hijacking of survey keys.
2.3.2 Deploying the Survey Key System
Putting this scheme into practice was not without its
problems. 22,316 survey key cards for 1,237
courses were generated and printed up to 10 per
sheet organized by course. The sheets were per-
forated so that the cards could quickly and easily be
broken apart and distributed to students during class.
A meeting was called of all department heads in
the college to explain the system and distribute these
3,084 sheets. Only about half of them attended.
Department heads were then supposed to distribute
the sheets of survey key cards to individual pro-
fessors during a faculty meeting in which they also
passed on information about their use. Only two or
three held such meetings.
About half of the department heads didn’t distri-
bute the sheets at all for one reason or another, some
out of protest against the system. Most of those who
did distribute them did so without any accompany-
ing instructions. Thus, some professors had no idea
what to do with them.
Faculty, the Students, the Administration, and the Union
Those professors who did attempt to use the
system had numerous problems. Many didn’t notice
that their username and password appeared at the top
of the first sheet of student survey keys for each
class and contacted us to ask how to get onto the
system. Others were confused because their user-
name and password were different from those on the
university e-mail system. Still others thought the
online system was in some way tied to the paper-
based evaluations and asked when the results from
the paper-based forms would be visible online.
Clearly, reliable information about the system did
not get out to professors as intended. As a result,
system support became a very time-consuming task,
with the system developers exchanging about 137
e-mail messages (total received and sent) with 20
faculty members (about 10% of the college).
We have no way of knowing exactly how many
survey key cards were distributed to students, but we
do know that only 1,458 evaluations were submitted
for 246 courses in 15 (out of 37) departments. This
was our first inkling that the system’s deployment
would face far more formidable political obstacles
than technical ones. It was not to be our last.
2.3.3 Question Database and Union
The system’s question database was designed to
accommodate a hierarchy of five potential question
sources: university, campus, college, department,
and course. The deans of our two college divisions
drafted questions for their respective divisions to be
asked on all evaluation forms and sent them to
department heads for approval. With a few minor
changes, these questions were used to populate the
college-level question tables. No questions were
placed in the university- or campus-level tables.
Department heads could request us to add questions
to the department-level table, and a few did. Indivi-
dual professors were free to add their own questions
to the course-level table using a custom editor built
specifically for that purpose (see Figure 3). Some
did, but others sent us questions to add for them.
Despite this process, the faculty union threatened
a grievance against one of the deans. The union
contract states: “Individual faculty members in con-
junction with the Chairs/Heads and/or the personnel
committees of academic departments will develop
evaluation instruments which satisfy standards of
reliability and validity.” Members of the executive
board felt that the fact that the dean had originated
some of the questions constituted a breach of con-
tract, even though he had sent them to department
heads for approval and revised them based on their
input. Once again, political issues seemed to under-
mine our efforts to improve the effectiveness of our
course evaluation procedures.
2.4 University Version
Despite these problems, in the Fall 2004 semester
the Provost asked us to enhance the system once
again for use by the entire university. The MySQL
database design created for the College of Arts &
Sciences proved robust enough to handle the entire
university, which comprises:
82 departments (including “areas”)
965 faculty (including adjuncts)
2,357 courses
9,480 students
35,564 course registrations
However, given the disappointing experience we had
with student survey key card distribution in the
previous semester, we decided to try to devise a
system that took department heads and faculty out of
the loop and delivered survey keys directly to
2.4.1 Revised Survey Key Distribution
The Registrar provided us with student ID numbers
and the courses for which each of those students was
registered. Our first idea was to set up stations
where students could swipe their ID cards and a
program would look up their schedules, generate 6-
word survey keys for each of their courses, and
either print these or e-mail them to the student. This
idea was not implemented for several reasons:
discussions with students revealed that they did
not believe that such a system would truly be
the university has a high percentage of commut-
ing students who do not tend to congregate in
any particular central location, so many stations
would be needed
staffing the stations would be problematic
student input also revealed that most simply
“wouldn’t bother” to go to such stations to
retrieve their survey keys
The last point above may have been prophetic.
The system that we did implement (described below)
resulted in an even lower response than the one that
used survey key cards, even though the number of
students involved was doubled. Potential reasons
for this low response rate are discussed in the con-
cluding section of this paper, and we are currently
interviewing students to try to understand why it was
so, but the fact remains that only 1,230 evaluations
were submitted for 471 courses in 55 departments,
16% less than the 1,458 submitted for 246 courses
the previous semester.
Figure 3: Custom Question Editor
The scheme we implemented involved a two-
tiered system. The first page presented students with
two links, one to retrieve their course survey keys
and another to access and submit an anonymous
course survey (see Figure 4). To retrieve their keys,
students entered their Student ID and PIN (Figure 5)
and were then shown the survey keys for each
course in which they were enrolled (Figure 6). They
then returned to the application’s initial page (Figure
4) and selected the second student option to get to
the course login form.
As mentioned above, only 1,230 evaluations
were submitted using this scheme. This number is
particularly disappointing considering that 3,388
survey keys were retrieved. Thus, only 36% of the
retrieved keys were used. It is clear that the reason
for this low response rate needs to be investigated.
2.4.2 Changes to the Question Database
To address the union’s concerns about deans being
involved in the question selection process, the com-
mon questions that we had at the college level in the
previous semester’s database were cloned into each
of the department-level tables. The survey question
editor shown previously in Figure 3 was revised so
that it could be used to edit department-level ques-
tions as well.
The database change and department-level ques-
tion editor allowed department heads to modify the
standard questions to make them more appropriate to
their individual departments, or even to delete ques-
tions they felt were not applicable to their depart-
ments. Only a few department heads did this, but at
least these changes satisfied the union’s objections
to the deans’ involvement.
Figure 4: First Page Choice Point
Figure 5: Student ID and PIN Entry Page
Figure 6: Retrieved Course Survey Keys
2.4.3 More Union Objections
The faculty union contract requires tenured faculty
members to be evaluated “in a single section of one
course per semester.” The faculty menu (Figure 7)
therefore allowed faculty to “turn off” student access
to those courses that they didn’t wish to have evalu-
ated. All one had to do was click the
button next
to a course to toggle it to
. The problem, accord-
ing to the union, was that “all the buttons [were
initially] in the ON position.” This, they felt, again
Faculty, the Students, the Administration, and the Union
Figure 7: Faculty Menu with Web Accessibility Buttons
constituted a breach of contract, but they recognized
that administratively switching all of the buttons to
the OFF position half-way through the evaluation
period “would create mass confusion among both
faculty and students.”
To resolve this problem, the Provost and union
agreed on two points. First, the Provost sent a
second announcement to all faculty explicitly
reminding them that the use of the online system this
semester was completely voluntary. Second, the
Provost and union agreed that all Web accessibility
“buttons” would be set to the OFF position for future
semesters, so that faculty would need to opt-in to use
the system going forward..
The union was also concerned with security of
the database. They asked, “Is there a zero possibility
of a breach in computer security? Is the potential for
a breachgreater or less than [that] of evaluations
manually compiled mainly by graduate students?”
We assured the union that we had taken steps to
protect the system and its database from being
compromised, but of course we could not guarantee
that the system could not be broken into. We agreed
to look into this matter further and to add SSL/TLS
protection for the next semester.
Due to these concerns, the Provost and union
agreed that all student response data should be
deleted from the database three weeks after the
beginning of the next semester, which would be
February 15, 2005. To accommodate those faculty
who wish their data to be kept (for example, for
including in their applications for promotion and
tenure), we have put in place a mechanism by which
those who could so inform us, thus preventing their
data from being deleted.
As one can imagine, the enlarged user base and
the additional union objections demanded that even
more time be spent on system support. This semes-
ter the system’s developers exchanged about 368
e-mail messages (total received and sent) with 84
different faculty members (about 18% of the full
time faculty). In addition, we exchanged another 29
e-mail messages with 10 different students.
3.1 Response Rates
The low response rate we experienced is not unique.
Stephen Thorpe (2002) reported only slightly higher
response rates at Drexel University with paper- as
well as Web-based systems, although he noted
significantly higher response rates for courses in
students’ majors. Furthermore, Thorpe compared
paper- to Web-based evaluations and concluded that
“no pattern was evident to suggest that the Web-
based course evaluation process would generate
substantially different course evaluation results from
the in-class, paper-based method.” Robinson et al.
(2004) reported response rates of 38%, 44%, and
31% over three semesters even though students were
sent multiple reminders via e-mail.
Mount Royal College experimented with an
“online teaching assessment system” that was avail-
able to students throughout the term. Ravelli (2000)
reported that “fewer than 35% of students completed
the online assessment at least once during the term”
and addressed this issue in follow-up student focus
groups. He discovered that “students expressed the
belief that if they were content with their teachers’
performance, there was no reason to complete the
survey. Therefore, the lack of student participation
may be an indication that the teacher was doing a
good job, not the reverse.
Given the existence of such public Web sites as, we had thought that the
simple existence of our system would trigger a Field
of Dreams reaction among students: if we built it,
they would come. Obviously, we were wrong.
The reasons why we were wrong are not clear at
this time. A presentation on the system was made to
the Student Government Association, an article was
printed in the campus newspaper, and detailed
directions were posted on the first page of the
application’s Web site. (Notice the
Further Infor-
links in the First Page Choice Point shown
previously in Figure 4.) At least some professors
strongly encouraged their students to use the system
and were deeply disappointed that they didnt, as
demonstrated by the e-mail shown in Figure 8.
I checked my online evaluations and discovered
that no student filled one out. Can you check this out
and confirm [it]? If true, I am surprised and
dismayed, since I devoted 15 minutes of one class
encouraging students to fill them out -- not just for
me -- but for all of their classes.
Two possibilities exist:
1) You toggled [Web accessibility to OFF
on December 22, the last day of the final exam
period] per the Provost’s memo before my students
had a chance to use the system. (I toggled it back
[ON] just yesterday [January 2].)
2) Students are students.
[I think the reason is] more likely to be the
second possibility. Based upon this data (0 for 36
students), I am inclined to use a paper version
distributed in class [in] the future.
Figure 8: Faculty E-Mail re Response Rates
There has been discussion about offering some
sort of lottery prize that students would automatic-
ally become eligible for if they filled out at least one
course evaluations form, but we haven’t been able to
figure out how to make that possible without com-
promising the system’s anonymity.
We suspect some combination of several reasons
why the system was not used more by students.
Students may not trust the systems anonymity
and fear that professors may “get back at them” if
they submit less than flattering evaluations. We
certainly stressed the system’s anonymity and the
fact that professors can’t see the results until after
the deadline to turn in final grades. Still, when
we replaced the “pick a card from the hat”
system with the “copy the key from one Web
screen to another” system, we removed the phys-
ical manifestation of the system’s anonymity and
ultimately asked the students to trust our asser-
tion that the system kept their identities secret.
Despite our efforts to “get the word out,” many
students still may not have known that the system
The process of retrieving course survey keys and
then logging in to fill out an evaluation for each
course may be more confusing or difficult to
students than we imagine.
As implied by our colleague in his e-mail shown
in Figure 8, students may simply be too lazy or
apathetic to bother with the system.
The end of the semester and final examinations
are traumatic to many students, and evaluating a
course honestly and usefully can take real effort.
When students are asked to add course evalua-
tions to their list of duties at this time, it may be
inevitable that doing so ends up with a lower
priority than studying, relaxing, worrying, and
We intend to sponsor focus groups or at least talk to
groups of students early next semester to try to
understand why the system wasn’t used more exten-
sively. We consider this a critical task, as it is clear
that we need to increase student response rates
significantly to make our online course evaluation
system successful.
3.2 Faculty Information Distribution
It was rather disheartening to realize that numerous
faculty don’t read official university announcements
sent to their university e-mail accounts.
A memo from the Provost and system developers
was sent to all faculty e-mail accounts on December
5, 2004. This message contained general informa-
tion about the system’s use and specific information
providing the faculty member’s username and pass-
word. Further information was posted on the site via
a link that was accessible without logging in (see the
First Page Choice Point shown previously in Figure
4). Many faculty claimed to have never received
this e-mail for a variety of reasons such as those
illustrated in the two e-mail excerpts in Figure 9.
These problems were exacerbated by the fact
that the system was not officially announced until
the final two weeks of the semester. The reason for
the delay was that the Provost wanted the Dean’s
Council to approve the system before announcing it
to the general faculty, and that Council only met at
the beginning of each month. Therefore, we werent
able to get approval until early December.
Faculty, the Students, the Administration, and the Union
Thank you for your prompt reply and informa-
tion. I couldn't find your [December 5th] e-mail until I
searched my Netscape “junk" folder -- I forget that
Netscape makes its own decisions on what is and
isn't junk.
I guess I probably cause a lot of problems by not
using my [university] account. I use only the
account I have with my ISP. ... I used to have a
number of accounts, but it got tedious keeping track
of them so I give out the above e-mail address on
my syllabus and use it with my online classes. ... I
like to avoid all the "memos" that come around on
the [university] account, although clearly I have
missed something important in your communication.
Figure 9: Excerpts from Two Faculty E-Mails re Account
These problems were exacerbated by the fact
that the system was not officially announced until
the final two weeks of the semester. The reason for
the delay was that the Provost wanted the Dean’s
Council to approve the system before announcing it
to the general faculty, and that Council only met at
the beginning of each month. Therefore, we werent
able to get approval until early December.
It is clear that a greater effort must be made to
get information to faculty in a more timely manner.
We discussed the possibility of making presentations
at department or college faculty meetings, and
perhaps we will be invited to do so next semester.
Whatever the approach, it is clear that faculty have
to better understand how the system works before it
will be used successfully.
3.3 Union Support
Despite all the concerns raised by the union, we
were heartened that their communications always
expressed respect for our efforts and never accused
us of trying to thwart collective bargaining agree-
ments. On the contrary, one communication speci-
fically recognized that we, too, are union members
and stated that we could “be trusted in terms of ...
[programming] skill, intentions, and good will.”
That communication also acknowledged that “if
the system works well, it will save resources in
terms of paper, printing/copying, man-hours sum-
marizing the data, and classroom time. These are all
real values for the campus and the membership. It
went on to say, “The system … provides for ques-
tions related to the particular department and to the
particular course. It also provides for student com-
ments. These are real positive differences when
compared to the present in-class system.” It con-
cluded that “there are enough valuable aspects of the
new system that could be of great value to the
campus, if it operates properly and is properly
secured, to consider it seriously.”
Thus, despite all the rhetoric about what the
system does and does not do, we are strongly
encouraged by the administrations desire to see an
online course evaluation system in place and the
unions recognition that such a system “could be of
great value.” Hopefully we can address all the
concerns of both the union and the administration so
that the system can achieve its full potential.
A large amount of the backend database program-
ming on this project was also done by UMass
Lowell graduate students Shilpa Hegde and Saurabh
Singh. In addition, Shilpa wrote a fair amount of the
code that generated summary reports and Saurabh
wrote the custom question editor.
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One-Time Password System. RFC 2289, available
Hernández, L.O., Wetherby, K, and Pegah, M., 2004.
Dancing with the Devil: Faculty Assessment Process
Transformed with Web Technology. Proceedings of
the 32nd Annual ACM SIGUCCS Conference on User
Services, Baltimore, MD, pp. 60-64.
Ravelli, B., 2000. Anonymous Online Teaching Assess-
ments: Preliminary Findings. Annual National Con-
ference of the American Association for Higher
Education, Charlotte, NC. ERIC Document No.
Robinson, P., White, J., and Denman, D.W., 2004. Course
Evaluations Online: Putting a Structure into Place.
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM SIGUCCS
Conference on User Services, Baltimore, MD. pp. 52-
Thorpe, S.W., 2002. Online Student Evaluation of
Instruction: An Investigation of Non-Response Bias.
42nd Annual Forum of the Association for
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ERIC Document No. ED472469.