a UIMS for monitoring and revising user interfaces for Web sites
Walter de Abreu Cybis
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil & Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Dominique L. Scapin
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, France
Marcelo Morandini
Departamento de Informática, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil
Keywords: Ergonomics, Usability, Evaluation, Monitoring, UIMS, B2B, ERP, Intranet
Abstract: This paper describes the results of studies dedicated to the specification of ErgoManager, a UIMS (User
Interface Management System) specifically intended to support the user interface revision phase over
changeable Web sites running B2B, ERP or Intranets transactions. This UIMS contains two basic
components: ErgoMonitor and ErgoCoIn. ErgoMonitor applies task-oriented analysis and usability oriented
processing on interaction traces stored in log files as a way to identify “average” usability levels that have
been occurring when users were accomplishing transactional tasks with a web site. ErgoCoIn is a checklist
based CSEE (Computer Supported Ergonomic Evaluation) tool that features automatic services to inquire
context of use aspects and to recognize web page components as a way to conduct inspections of only the
context pertinent aspects of a Web page. By integrating these tools, ErgoManager aims to support quality
assurance strategies over the revision phase of web sites lifecycle by confronting, in an iterative way,
usability quantitative metrics and qualitative aspects of user interfaces.
In this paper we present the specification of
ErgoManager, a UIMS (User Interface
Management System) specifically intended to
support the revision phase of a transactional Web
site lifecycle. This environment is being developed
through an INRIA-CNPq cooperation agreement
(Cybis et al, 2002) and features, in its functional
architecture, two basic components: ErgoMonitor
and ErgoCoIn.
ErgoMonitor is a tool for identifying “average
usability levels occurred when users have been
accomplishing transactional tasks over a Web site
(Morandini and Cybis, 2003). It is based on both a
task oriented log files analysis technique and a
usability metrics oriented log data treatments that
allow automatically quantifying usability measures
occurred when accomplishments of transactional
tasks. These results could be considered particularly
reliable since they are computed a posteriori, i.e.
after interactions have been accomplished in the real
conditions. Specifically, ErgoMonitor is aimed to
signal to a deterioration of usability metrics on
transactional tasks as a consequence of ergonomic
problems introduced on web pages.
ErgoCoIn is a checklist-based tool aimed at
supporting objective ergonomic inspections of e-
commerce Web site and pages (Cybis et al., 2000,
2002). The ErgoCoIn tool features automatic
inquiring services to identify context of use aspects
(users and environment attributes) and to recognize
web page components. Consequently, it is able to
propose to inspectors only questions applied to the
specific task context of use and to the associated
Web page components.
By integrating these tools, ErgoManager can
present to webmasters a report signaling the
deterioration of usability measures over a
de Abreu Cybis W., L. Scapin D. and Morandini M. (2005).
ERGOMANAGER: a UIMS for monitoring and revising user interfaces for Web sites.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 281-286
DOI: 10.5220/0001230602810286
transactional task being monitored, along with an
objective and systemic usability checklist, aimed to
help these professionals to identify the design
problems affecting site usability. Once the problems
fixed, ErgoManager will be able to signal to
webmasters the usability metrics moving back to
usual levels states.
The ErgoMonitor project was inspired by a
responsibility that developers and managers of e-
commerce Web site face up regularly: continually
assuring and improving the site usability despite the
constant updating of actions and information. The
general assistance we identified as pertinent to
developers is supplying them with information about
usability levels the web site has been offering to its
final users. In fact, these professionals’ mission
would become simpler and more objective if they
could continuously know the impacts their design
decisions have on Web site usability levels.
Specifically, this information should results from
reliable, systemic, rapid and non expensive
However, most popular usability evaluation
techniques usually do not match these requirements.
Diagnostic evaluation techniques issues are
qualitative and most often, subjective, while based
on experts judgments. Usability tests produces
quantitative and objective results but such technique
is quite difficult to set up, time consuming to
analyze, and quite expensive.
Log files analysis approaches appear to be good
candidates for matching several of the requirements
listed above. A log file is a file in which a web
server records data related to any request performed
by any client. Such data contains (W3C, 2005):
Client’s computer identification number (IP);
Request date, time, type and address (url);
Request result code and requested document
addresses (url) and size;
User's technical environment: Browser and
operational system of the client computer.
At this time, most popular log analysis tools
output can be categorized into the following
Users perspective: users' technical environment,
the address from where they come, urls and
documents accessed, frequency and duration of
access to different pages, users' profiles
(Audience insite Measures (ComScore
Networks, 2005);
Usage/Interaction perspective: most requested
pages and documents, date and time of biggest
volume of access, path users were crossing over
the site (MitriDAT, 2005, Keynote, 2005)
Maintenance perspective; type and number of
errors, components with errors, etc (WebTrends,
2005). Some other tools, like ROI Tracking Pro
(MitriDAT, 2005b), support web site return of
investment analysis by modeling and processing
cost-benefit data in historical series.
These issues are quantitative, low cost and
obtained in a fast and systematic way. They refer to
users and interactions, but even so they are quite
limited compared to usability evaluation proposals.
In fact, a "Usage" perspective is too neutral for the
goals of usability analysis while we don’t know the
users’ objectives when interacting with a web site.
We argue that it is possible to go further in
usability studies by introducing a different
perspective for log data analysis and processing: the
one formed by the task oriented analysis technique
and the usability oriented data log processing.
The task oriented approach to analyze data in
log files is based on the "inferable task" concept
(also call “assumed theoretical task”). It could be
seen as a particular type of interaction where we
could infer the users’ objectives only by reading log
data. It could be done by observing the path users
have been crossing and the goals they have been
accomplishing with the web site. For example, when
we verify in the log file that a user has got access to
a registration form and some minutes later the
system has presented to him/her a confirmation
message it is reasonable to infer that this user was
willing to register his/herself. The same is true for
other type of transactions with and start and final
point well distinguishable like a book reservation or
a product acquisition. Once we know his/her
objectives in tasks we could identify the moment the
user had begun and had accomplished it and the
different path he/she had crossed during this time.
Indeed, the transactional tasks have several
associated behaviors or alternative paths which are
logically authorized by the user interface, like the
direct success, the success with deviation, the
success with error, the success with help, the
quitting, the canceling (quitting after an error), the
canceling with help, and so on. Computing the
incidence of the alternative success paths and their
time we could determine measures of the user
efficiency in accomplishing a task. The incidence of
failure behaviors could inform about user
effectiveness, but in these cases, we need assume
measures will not be so precise. In fact, there is no
way to distinguish between users who were really
wanting to achieve the transaction and were unable
to do that from those who were visiting the sites
only to know its contents and had quitted it before to
command any execution.
The usability oriented data log processing is
based on building the following architecture of log
data abstractions: user, user's episodes, user's
movements, user's behaviors on task and task's time.
The first thing to do is to identify or individualize
the users. In practice, it could be a very difficult task
while based only on IP numbers once a same client
machine's IP could be shared by several users
getting access through the same proxy server. The
most common solution consists in defining a user as
a data abstraction composed by <IP number, OS
name and Browser name>. This increases the
number of differentiating index, but it is not error
prone especially for log file associated to a huge
transactional traffic. This step could be extremely
simplified however for web sites where user access
is controlled by password. In these cases, the user's
name will be registered in log data and the user
identification become direct. The next step is to
classify all user's movements in each user's episode.
User's episodes are commonly defined as sets of
interactions far one another from more than 30
minutes. In fact, most task resuming time fall into
this interval (Cooley, 1997). User's movements are
in fact, system transitions caused by users' actions
but could be meant as movements users make with
the system. They correspond to a log files entry in
which is registered an occurrence of a page display
or a document download resulted from a request
done from another page. Movements are classified
in relation to a set of movements that composes the
anticipated behaviors on a task. Typical movements
on simple tasks are "task entry", "task exit", "task re-
entry", "task accomplishment". A user's behavior is
an ordered set of user's movements that ends with
the task accomplishment or the episode's end.
Depending on its elements, behaviors could be
classified as user success on task (entry-
accomplishment), the user success with deviation
(entry-exit-re-entry-accomplishment), and so on.
The incidence and the time of anticipated behaviors
are than computed to indicate with which level of
resources (time and attempts) the task was
accomplished. It is so possible to determine
efficiency usability factors and metrics in a very
close fashion to those proposed by the ISO 9241:11
(ISO 9241:11, 1997) standards.
This approach is are especially useful for
analyzing and processing log data from B2B
(Business to Business), ERP (Electronic Resource
Planning) or web sites (inter or intranets) where the
incidence of transactional inferable tasks is large and
where user access is controlled by password. The
results obtained in these cases are expected to be
precise enough. This is not the case in for
informational sites or opened B2C (Business to
Consumers) electronic commerce, where it is
impossible, based only in the log data, to infer users'
objectives. Even so, the task oriented log data
analysis could be useful here, if its issues are taken
in a relative basis, i.e., compared with the historical
values obtained in past for the same context
conditions. Here the focus must be turned to the
usability level disturbance rather than to the absolute
usability level itself. So, a web manager could
rapidly identify a disturbance in site usability curve
caused by a bad interface users had begun to get
access two or three days ago.
The ErgoMonitor applies both the task oriented
analysis and the usability oriented processing on log
files to determine usability metrics for a given task
and a given user interface for a period of time. It is
worth to mention that these measures will be
average ones, since the system will consider all tasks
trails during a period of time, which will refers to
different users, pertaining to different profiles and
having different physical and software environment.
ErgoMonitor processing starts with an analyst
examining the web site and defining an inferable
tasks model for each task been monitored. This
model is composed by a set of user’s behaviors, each
one consisting in a set of user's movements. In next
paragraphs we will detail the specification of the
initial ErgoMonitor prototype's modules.
Monitoring properties module: it is composed
by forms in which a UI analyst will be filling
parameters of current monitoring. Essential data are:
Site name and description;
Log file path, site and log file access data;
List of Inferable Task to monitor.
Task Identification
Task Pages (or task markers)
Initial page (url);
Intermediate pages (sequence of urls);
Final page (url);
Help pages (set of urls);
Error pages (set of urls).
List of Associated User Interfaces
Version identification;
Date it was made available to users;
Description (design pattern, navigation
map, screen shots, comments)
By this structure, a web site is viewed as a
collection of tasks, each of them being supported by
a collection of user interfaces that replace one
another in time. So, ErgoMonitor will be monitoring
usability in less changeable task structures which are
supported by more changeable user interfaces.
Ideally the tasks descriptions are filled in only one
time and the user interface description each time it is
ERGOMANAGER: a UIMS for monitoring and revising user interfaces for Web sites
Functional Core: this module will build the data
abstractions presented earlier in this paper: users,
users' episodes, user's movements, user's behaviors
on task, and task's time. Even if it is easy to figure
out several other user movements and behaviors, the
first version of ErgoMonitor will monitor
specifically the following:
Movements : url url (in a user's behavior
task entry = url not associated with the task
Initial page (no user's behavior opened );
task evolution = Initial page Intermediate
pages (in a user's behavior not yet
task exit = Initial page | Intermediate pages
url not associated with the task (in a user's
behavior not yet concluded);
task re-entry = url not associated with the
task Initial page (in a user's behavior not
yet concluded );
error managing = Initial page | Intermediate
pages error page(in a user's behavior not
yet concluded);
help searching= Initial page | Intermediate
pages help page (in a user's behavior not
yet concluded);
task accomplishment = Initial page |
Intermediate pages accomplishment page
(in a user's behavior not yet concluded);
Behaviors (seq. of movements)
Direct Success (DS) = task entry + task
evolution (optional) + task accomplishment;
Success with Deviation (SD) = task entry +
task evolution (optional) + task exit + task
re-entry + task evolution (optional) + task
Success with Error (SE) = task entry + task
evolution (optional) + error managing + task
evolution (optional) + task accomplishment;
Success with Help (SH)= task entry + task
evolution (optional) + help searching + task
evolution (optional) + task accomplishment;
Visit (V) = task entry + task exit;
Quit (Q) = task entry + task evolution + task
Cancel (C)= task entry + task evolution
(optional) + error managing + task exit
Based on these behaviors' incidence and time the
functional core will compute the usability factors,
rates and metrics listed below:
Usability factors
Amount of Visits (#V)
Amount of Success (#S) = #DS + #SD + #SE
+ #SH;
Amount of Failures (#F) = #Q + #C
Amount of Task Trials (#TT) = #S + #F +
Usability rates
Rate of Visits (%V) = # V / #TT
Rate of Success = (%S) = # S / #TT
Rate of Direct Success (%DS) = #DS / #
Rate of Success with Deviation (%SD) =
#DS / # TT ;
Rate of Success with Help (%SH) = #SH
/ # TT ;
Rate of Success with Error (%SE) = #SE
/ # TT ;
Rate of Failures = (%F) = # F / #TT
Rate of Quits (%Q) = #Q/ #TT
Rate of Cancels (%C) = #C / #TT
Usability metrics
Mean Time to Task = Σ Time (#S) / #S;
Mean direct time = Σ Time (#DS) / #DS;
Mean time with deviation= Σ Time (#SD)
/ #SD;
Mean time with error= Σ Time (#SE) /
Mean time with help= Σ Time (#SH) /
Usability Measures Database: This database
will be maintained by the Functional Core that will
be storing on it values for usability factors, rates and
metrics. These entries will be indexed by task, user
interface version and period of time analyzes
producing them were related.
Monitoring Reports: This module will be
requesting usability metrics stored on the database
according to parameters selected by UI analyst. By
default, the report will present a set of line graphs
concerning different usability factors, rates and
metrics corresponding to one task, the different user
interface versions associated with it and the time
they were in service. A set of warnings will be also
directed to the web developer when system detects
decreasing values of usability level.
The design of the usability evaluation technique
underlying ErgoCoIn CSEE (Computer Supported
Ergonomic Evaluation) tool has been motivated by
two considerations.
The first one is that web sites development
became accessible (through easily available design
tools) to a large spectrum of “designers”, not
necessarily highly skilled in computer science or in
A second considerations is that web sites are
often designed along a fast and low cost design
process supported by non expensive tools which lead
designers to carry out numerous and sometimes
obvious ergonomic flaws.
Accordingly to these constraints we had defined
two basic requirements for a usability evaluation
approach. The first one concerns the need to define a
method that should accommodate this type of
designers, i.e., a method that does not need extensive
ergonomics knowledge, but that provides minimal
ergonomics knowledge directly into the evaluation
context. Of course, the associated limit of this
requirement is that the method will not point at all
major ergonomics problems (but it is a first start
before dealing with the more complex ones, more
difficult to diagnose). Furthermore, a method should
correspond to a short design process. Two
orientations are considered: one is to use a method
known as being fast and cheap - i.e. usability
inspection; the other one is to incorporate as
efficiently and rapidly as possible some of the usual
knowledge needed for performing ergonomics
evaluations, i.e. information about the users, the
tasks, and the site itself through users and designers
participation. Of course, the associated limit of this
requirement is that the method will only consider
minimal knowledge about users and tasks (minimal
if compared with extensive task analysis, task
modeling, etc.).
ErgoCoIn combines inquiring techniques
(interviews and questuionairs) with evaluation
techniques in an approach able to allow rapid,
context focused ergonomic inspections. The
inspection component resulting from examining a
large collection of ergonomic recommendations
(Leullier et al., 1998) later completed with other data
collected from different studies (Scapin et al. 2000),
to elaborate checklists for the ergonomic
characteristics applicable on e-commerce web sites.
These recommendations were formulated as
questions and associated with both an ergonomic
criterion that allow defining a system of relative
importance between questions, and a specific
interface attributes that allow insuring fair
objectiveness for the evaluation strategy.
Interviews/questionnaires and guidance for
collecting data from users and designers were
defined from analyzing the information demands in
each question we elaborated. Finally we specified
the ErgoCoIn tool, a software system aimed at
minimizing the human effort needed for the context
data gathering and the web site inspection. This tool
specification follows the two main phases of
ErgoCoIn's approach: the web site's contextual
analysis and its evaluative inspection.
The goal of the Contextual Analysis phase is to
collect all information related to the web site
operational contexts that are useful for the usability
evaluation process. This phase consists of a site
description or recognition process and interviews
with the users and designers. The first prototype of
the ErgoCoIn tool will be supporting and automating
these activities. An html component recognizing tool
identifies the existence of specific user interface
components on the web site pages associated with
the main tasks accomplishment. It organizes them
according to two categories of descriptions: the
global web site descriptions and the individual web
pages descriptions. As a consequence of integrating
ErgoCoIn into the ErgoManager environment, the
html component recognizer will be only considering
components over the path concerned with the tasks
being monitored by ErgoMonitor. Another
ErgoCoIn tool will be proceeding with on-line
interviews with designers and users, as a way to
obtain information about intended and real context
of usage features. Here also, the tool will limit the
scope of the interviews to the tasks scenarios being
monitored by ErgoMonitor. The information
collected in this description phase is registered in a
database related to the web site context of use.
The second phase of the method is formed
exclusively by evaluative inspections. ErgoCoIn
tool starts the process performing an automatic
analytical evaluation based on the comparison
between information furnished by users and
designers, concerning the intended and the real
context of use features. The system will point out to
existence of designer's misconceptions about users'
features, and indicate the web site aspects to verify
or reformulate in consequence.
Next, the system will be assembling checklists
concerning the overall site and the Web Pages
features related to task scenarios being monitoring
by ErgoMonitor. These checklists can be considered
as “objective” ones, once they propose only the site
components applicable questions arranged according
to their levels of importance. Applicability decisions
result from processing the site description stored in
the context of use database. Priority decisions results
from ranking the Ergonomic Criteria (Scapin &
Bastien, 1997) according to context of use features.
A default Ergonomic Criteria ranking is suggested as
a result of analysis of the average e-commerce
context of use, but it can be modified by the
evaluators, according to the characteristics of the
current web site context of use. In fact, the original
importance structure was proposed with a general
B2C usage context in mind, in which non
professionals users operate sites of virtual stores
from theirs home environments aiming to buy
simple products in a relatively low frequent basis. In
ERGOMANAGER: a UIMS for monitoring and revising user interfaces for Web sites
such a situation the Guidance criterion should be
considered more important than the Work Load
criterion. The specific ErgoManager's application
domain including B2B or ERP user’s profiles, task
complexity and equipment configuration had forced
an inversion in the relative importance between
Work Load and the Guidance criterion. Any way,
the ErgoCoin tool will authorize evaluators changing
the importance structure at the ergonomic criteria
level to accommodate different usage contexts.
The evaluative inspections are performed by an
evaluator applying the set of checklists defined in
the previous phase. As mentioned before, this
process constitutes an evaluative inspection once the
evaluator is asked to judge the quality of very
precise web site features. The level of judgment
proposed by questions was defined in accordance
with the level of ergonomic knowledge expected
from evaluators (fairly basic usability expertise).
Indeed, the questions phrases and associated support
information, like justification and examples, were
formulated in order to be easily understandable.
The ErgoCoin tool will be supporting the
checklists application step by a special work
environment in which there will be questions and
information about both usability and the web site
context of use. The system will be finally supporting
evaluation documentation using predefined report
One of the limitations of this technique and tool,
which is quite compatible with an integration with
ErgoMonitor, is that it can only be applied for web
sites that are already running, that have a real user
(or group of users) and an available designer. Both
of them will be responsible for presenting vital
information concerning the context of real and
intend web site operation.
ErgoManager is aimed to support the confronting of
two different and complementary usability
evaluation issues: quantitative usability metrics and
qualitative user interface aspects. Once in use, this
environment should allow web developers to
implement a continuous user interface improvement
strategy based on verifying the impact the user
interface design aspects have on usability metrics.
This also means bridging more closely predictive
ergonomics (i.e., inspection even before usage) and
real usage features (i.e., from actual usage
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