for a Web-based Market Data Warehouse
Carsten Felden, Peter Chamoni
Institute of Logistics and Information Management,University of Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstraße 65, 47057 Duisburg,
Keywords: Active Data Warehouse, Classification, Text Mining
Abstract: Decision makers in enterprises cannot handle information flooding without serious problems. A market data
information system (MAIS), which is the foundation of a decision support system for German energy
trading, uses search and filter components to provide decision-relevant information from Web-documents
for enterprises. The already implemented filter component in form of a Multilayer Perceptron has to be
benchmarked against different existing algorithms to enhance the classification of text documents. An
evaluation environment with appropriate algorithms is developed for this purpose. Also a set of test data is
provided and a tool selection is shown which implement different text mining algorithms for classification.
The benchmark results will be shown in the paper.
The information supply for decision makers is
characterized by the problem of information
overload (Kamphusmann, 2002). The World Wide
Web (WWW) offers the opportunity to integrate
textual information from external sources (Colomb,
2002). Decision-relevant unstructured data cannot be
determined and extracted from these resources
without problems (Hackathorn, 1998). A central
component of an already implemented business
intelligence (BI) system for energy trading is a filter
component, which can classify relevant Web-based
documents to ensure the information supply for
decision makers. Empirical studies show the urgent
need of automated and integrated information supply
in almost all companies.
Paper documents and local data files still
dominate the information infrastructure in most
German enterprises. This is the result of a COI study
on a sample of 50 companies, which was presented
in the weekly German newspaper Computer Zeitung
in 2004. Roughly a third of all documents is
accessible from enterprise-wide file servers. Just 14
percent are scanned into digital archives and 29
percent of the requested enterprises have a
knowledge management system for the
administration of this important resource. One
consequence is that users must search a stored file or
paper document on local discs, change media or
filing cabinets etc. on average 25 times a week.
Approximately five minutes of work time are spent
in each search case. The storage place of nearly a
third (29 percent) of the documents is simply
unknown. Every fourth document is stored at a
completely wrong place. Therefore decision makers
demand a faster search and a better access to the
collected enterprise knowledge (Computer Zeitung,
2004). The ability to classify already stored
documents and assign them to specific subjects can
improve the search and access of unstructured data
in a database. There is an implicit need to be able to
classify unstructured documents according to
specific subjects like time series or stored reports.
The goal of this paper is the development of an
evaluation environment for the comparison and
selection of classification algorithms as a filter
component in an existing market data information
system (MAIS) for energy trading. First we present
the information system to give an impression about
the already implemented solution. Subsequently, the
structure of a test environment and the pre-
processing for the evaluation of classification
algorithms is shown.
Felden C. and Chamoni P. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 359-362
DOI: 10.5220/0001233903590362
There is an implicit need for fast decision-relevant
information support. This leads to information
systems, which can recognize situations
automatically and enforce user actions. Thus data
warehouses nowadays change into active data
warehouses which provide a high availability of
business-critical information (Inmon, 2002). To gain
some knowledge about the classification done by the
algorithm we present the architecture of MAIS first.
2.1 Basic Concept
The basic idea is to integrate company internal and
external Web-based data for decision support. There
already exist approaches to integrate structured and
unstructured data from these sources in a data
warehouse. This forms a base for further research to
develop an active data warehouse triggered by text
mining on Web-documents. The underlying
information system was realized in a conjoint project
with VEW Energie GmbH.
There are several approaches for the distinction
of interesting and uninteresting internet documents
to be mapped into a data warehouse. For this reason
disjoint classes of documents are used in order to
make a clear separation. The data integration process
is divided in four different steps and illustrated in
figure 1.
First, a set of dimensions (meta data) of the
implemented multidimensional data model is the
input for the retrieval process to find external Web-
documents. The meta data are e. g. named
information sources enriched with attribute values
like stored regions. The main advantage is that the
unstructured data can be mapped to the respective
OLAP-slice (Codd/Codd/Sally, 1993) according to
the meta data used for the internet search later on.
All internet pages, which are found, will be
stored in the so-called data barn in a second step.
The data barn makes a transient as well as a
persistent storage for the subsequent processing of
these pages available. The processing means to find
out, whether the identified Web-pages are relevant
for the appropriate multi-dimensional structure.
Those documents are finally stored in the data
warehouse. The main advantage of this architecture
is flexibility concerning the maintenance of such a
system. If another algorithm receives better results,
only the filter component has to be changed.
Figure 1: Architecture of the Market Data Information System
2.2 Algorithms for Text
The task of text classification is to group documents
into two disjoint classes, interesting and
uninteresting documents. It has to be distinguished
between the examination of documents and the
setting up of classification criteria. Both can be done
manually or automatically. Alternative automatic
procedures are the Multilayer Perceptron (Bishop,
1995), Rocchio algorithm, k-Next-Neighbour-
Algorithm (kNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM),
Naïve Bayes, Simple Logistics, Voted Perceptron,
and HyperPipes which are already described in
several publications, e. g. Sebastiani, 2002, Freund;
Schapire, 1999; Hosmer; Lemeshow, 2000, Pampel,
2000, Rosenblatt, 1958, Sheng, 2005. These
algorithms are chosen, because studies of several
other evaluations have shown that they are the ones
most examined (e. g. Collins, 2002, or Tveit, 2003).
Additionally, we are able to compare our results
with other studies. All these approaches are based on
a vector space representation of textual documents
(Kobayashi/Aono, 2004; Kamphusmann, 2002,
Colomb, 2002).
There is not a single software suite with
implementations of all algorithms. Therefore the
authors decided to use several software packages.
The Java Tool Weka (version 3.4.2) implements the
procedures kNN, Naïve Bayes and decision trees via
J48, based on C4.5 (Witten/Frank, 2000). SVM is
provided by the C-program application SVMlight
(Joachims, 1998). The Rocchio algorithm is
processed by a self-developed java application. The
– measure of van Rijsbergen is used for the
evaluation of the classifications. It is calculated from
recall and precision.
The following chapter describes the structure of the
test environment and the evaluation of algorithms
for text classification. This description represents the
basis of further evaluations in order to achieve an
intersubjective and intertemporal comparability.
This is important, because the majority of text
classification studies use the Reuters textual data set
which is highly normalized and standardized.
Comparable pre-processing steps, as they are
implemented in the context of MAIS, are
insignificant of those evaluations. These aspects
affect the result. Therefore the results of such studies
are judged as insufficient.
The integration process is simulated in order to
get a set of training data. The results of these queries
are stored as text documents and define a set of
training data. Finally, the documents are classified
manually. The test data set has been collected during
a period of two months and covers 1,304 documents.
This amount is small compared to other test
collections. But it seems appropriate because just a
binary classification is desired and the documents
are much larger compared to the Reuters Corpus.
Another reason is that the original problem domain
(energy trading) needs just a small number of
documents which have to be classified. The
necessary split into training, test, and validating data
is to be made in the relative relationship 50: 20: 30.
The data set developed contains more than
67,000 different words. Capitalized and non-
capitalized words were accumulated to a single
value. Variations of pre-processing steps to develop
different input files for the tools are created. The
variations are as follows: An implementation of a
stop-word-list is developed in order to delete
meaningless words. Further on all hyphens between
words have to be deleted and the remaining word
parts are regarded as individuals. It is remarkable
that during the conversion from HTML to TXT
documents many special characters are produced
automatically. The permissible terms are limited to
a-z, A-Z, äüö, ÄÜÖ. Double ‘s’ and ‘ß’ are treated
equally. ‘.’ is determined as decimal separator. A
further step is the performing of stemming to
improve the quality of the word list. Finally, the
remaining words are integrated into a total list. The
words which occur only once in a text document are
deleted. Other words which only build the upper five
percent in frequency per document are also deleted.
Finally the word vectors are generated, which
represent the input of the selected classification
tools. The variations used obtain nine different input
files with a number of terms between 10,343 and
33,776. Table 1 shows the final results of the text
Table 1: Classification Results
Test-No. Term # Algorithm F
1 10,511 Naïve Bayes 0.7950
2 10,343 SVM 0.7868
3 15,676 Naïve Bayes 0.7810
4 31,602 Naïve Bayes 0.7870
5 33,247 Naïve Bayes 0.7870
6 33,392 SVM 0.7973
7 32,854 SVM 0.7844
8 33,602 Naïve Bayes 0.7865
9 33,776 Naïve Bayes 0.7865
Obviously, the Support Vector Machine of test No. 6
has highest F
-value. Most of the algorithms have
reached their best result in this test (e. g. Voted
Perceptron and Simple Logistic with value 0.7615,
Rocchio with value 0.7261, or k-NN with value
0.6395). HyperPipes (0.6865) and AdaBoost.M1
(0.7360) reached the best results in test No. 3. The
MLP (0.5000) and J48 (0.7135) get their best results
in test No. 1.
Looking at the classification including the pre-
processing, the point of view has to be changed. Test
No. 1 gives good results, but requires enormous
additional pre-processing efforts. Looking at test No.
9, an F
-value of 0.7865 can be found. This means
comparable results can be gained with less pre-
processing for the same algorithm. These results are
comparable to other studies, where SVM is often the
best classificator. As the MLP cannot reach the
former value of 0.818 in the first implementation of
MAIS, it is replaced by the Naïve-Bayse-algorithm
which now builds the filter component with less pre-
processing effort.
The recent development of analytical information
systems shows that the necessary integration of
structured and unstructured data sources in data
warehousing is possible. The implementation of
MAIS has proved this. Only documents of decision
relevance should be delivered to the management.
The ROI of data warehouse projects can be
increased, if event-based and accepted information
improves the decision quality significantly. The
information flow alignment in MAIS is equivalent to
a classification problem. The quality of classification
algorithms must be examined in regular time
intervals to guarantee best results. Therefore it is
necessary to optimize the structure of the test
environment. This environment has to support an
intersubjective and intertemporal comparability of
the test results. Classification evaluations are often
accomplished; however these results are only
important in the context of the selected data set and
evaluation environment. In order to get concrete
statements for MAIS, such an evaluation
environment and the results are described in this
paper. The most relevant documents are to be found
so not just the classification itself has to be
optimized, but the internet retrieval as well in order
to find the perfect search terms.
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