Detecting Anomalous Activity with Evolving Connectionist System
Muhammad Fermi Pasha, Rahmat Budiarto
School of Computer Sciences, University of Sains Malaysia, 11800 Minden, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Masashi Yamada
School of Computer and Cognitive Sciences, Chukyo University, 101 Tokodachi, Kaizu-cho, Toyota, 470-0383, Japan
Keywords: Adaptive System, Distributed Network Monitoring, Network Anomaly, Evolving Connectionist Systems
Abstract: When diagnosing network problems, it is desirable to have a view of the traffic inside the network. This can
be achieved by profiling the traffic. A fully profiled traffic can contain significant information of the
network’s current state, and can be further used to detect anomalous traffic and manage the network better.
Many has addressed problems of profiling network traffic, but unfortunately there are no specific profiles
could lasts forever for one particular network, since network traffic characteristic always changes over and
over based on the sum of nodes, software that being used, type of access, etc. This paper introduces an
online adaptive system using Evolving Connectionist Systems to profile network traffic in continuous
manner while at the same time try to detect anomalous activity inside the network in real-time and adapt
with changes if necessary. Different from an offline approach, which usually profile network traffic using
previously captured data for a certain period of time, an online and adaptive approach can use a shorter
period of data capturing and evolve its profile if the characteristic of the network traffic has changed.
Over the past decades network technologies has
grown considerably in size and complexity. More
industries and organizations depend on the
performance of its network to run their activities.
Network problems mean less productivity and
therefore it is necessary to manage and monitor the
network so that it is consistently up and running. In
managing a network, it is very crucial to control its
performance, while the performance itself is
dependent on traffic assessment, hence profiling the
traffic would be one initial important aspect to be
taken to secure the network.
But simply profile the traffic only gives solutions
for certain period of time, since as time goes the
characteristic of the network traffic will change, and
network administrator will need to re-profile the
traffic to adapt with the changes. The main factors of
these changes are nodes additions into the network,
different types of software used, devices upgrades,
topological changes, and different type of network
access. Between these factors, nodes additions, types
of access and types of software are causing the most
significant changes to network traffic characteristic.
For example, let say a corporate network has 100
computers connected on the first year, as the
corporate grows, an additional of another 200
computers added into the network could definitely
change the characteristic of the network traffic in the
second year. These changes would invalidate the
current profile and therefore it cannot be used to
detect anomalous activity inside the network.
Network administrator will need to either re-profile
the traffic or manually edit the profile, which would
be an arduous task to do.
We develop an adaptive and real-time network
monitoring system with capabilities to profile the
traffic in online lifelong mode and evolve the profile
if significant traffic changes occurred. Furthermore,
with the use of the profile, our system also try to
detect anomalous activity inside the network in real-
Fermi Pasha M., Budiarto R. and Yamada M. (2005).
ADAPTIVE REAL-TIME NETWORK MONITORING SYSTEM - Detecting Anomalous Activity with Evolving Connectionist System.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 201-209
DOI: 10.5220/0001410702010209
With the ability to evolve, the system can be
installed in any network without prior knowledge
about the network traffic characteristics, just let the
system grows as the network grows. This enabling
the system to conduct distributed monitoring across
different network (especially different network
segment) without have to know the traffic’s
characteristic of each network segment in advance.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
section 2 we review some related work on network
traffic profiling as well as network anomaly
detection. Section 3 presents our connectionist
engine architecture. Section 4 mentions about our
system’s scheme concept as a distributed
application. Section 5 contains discussion on the
obtained results and further analysis. Finally we
summarize our conclusions and future work in
section 6.
Many research works have been devoted to automate
the process of profiling network traffic and it was
quite successful in general. The approaches taken
are ranging from using statistical method with K-
Means clustering and approximate distance
clustering (Marchette, 1999), using data mining
techniques to mine the network traffic and generate
the profiles in terms of rules (Pasha et al., 2004), the
use of three different approaches to specifically
profile network application behaviour using rough
sets, fuzzy C-Means clustering and Self Organizing
Maps (Lampinen et al., 2002), etc. Some of it are
already applied an artificial intelligence (AI)
techniques and has shown a promising result. The
drawbacks of these attempts are it is done in offline
mode and pertinent to the network current
An offline mode approach is usually composed
of the following steps and each step is done
1. Data Collection (for certain period of time).
2. Analyze the collected data.
3. Generate (automatically) or create (manually)
the profile based on the analyzed data result.
This process is often time consuming and still
requires a highly specialized network administrator
on deciding when is the right time to conduct the
data collection phase, analyzing the data and finally
automatically using AI tools or manually extract the
profile from the analyzed results. When the profiles
outdated, the process will need to be repeated.
There is also Bro system developed primarily by
Vern Paxson from University of California at
Berkeley (Paxson, 1998), which focuses on intrusion
detection on high stream bandwidth. It is a
Linux/Unix based application that uses its own
scripting language called Bro language to write the
rule policy. Although Bro comes with predefined
rules for detecting common anomalous activity,
network administrator is still needed to write his
own additional rule to cope with the network traffic
characteristic in his network.
An engine that facilitates learning in online mode is
modelled in a connectionist way using Evolving
Figure 1: ECOS based Connectionist Model Engine Architecture.
Cluster with
Detection Engine
using EFIS
tra ffic d ata
File Buffer
Previous day
data (one full
if n o ru le s
Do Nothing
Raise the
if one of the
rules m atch
if ac tion ha s
been taken
if no action
take n
At the end of
the d ay,
compare the
rules for
Connectionist Systems (ECOS). ECOS are a
connectionist architecture that enables us to model
evolving processes and knowledge discovery. An
evolving connectionist system can be a neural
network or a collection of such networks that
operate continuously in time and adapt their
structure and functionality through a continuous
interaction with the environment and with other
systems (Kasabov, 2003).
The engine consists of two modules, and each is
designed for a different purpose. The first module is
the adaptive module for rule creation and adaptation,
and the second one is the real-time detection module
for online monitoring and anomaly detection.
Figure 1 depicts our ECOS based connectionist
model architecture.
3.1 Data Stream Online Clustering
using ECM
This is part of the first connectionist model module
along with rule creation and adaptation functionality
which are described in the next subsection. A packet
capturing component is deployed to passively
captured network traffic data stream in promiscuous
mode. After being filtered, the data will be further
clustered with one of the ECOS branches for online
unsupervised clustering named Evolving Clustering
Method (ECM). ECM is a fast one-pass algorithm
for dynamic clustering of an input stream of data,
where there is no predefined number of clusters. It is
a distance-based clustering method where the cluster
centres are presented by evolved nodes in an online
mode (Song and Kasabov, 2001).
We had done a bit modification on the original
ECM algorithm to fits our needs. Below is the
Step 1. If it is not the first time, initialise the
cluster centre C
, j = 1,2,…,n, that already produced
before, and then go straight to Step 3. Else, go to
Step 2 to start creating clusters.
Step 2. Create the first cluster C
by simply
taking the position of the first example from the
input data stream as the first cluster centre C
, and
setting a value 0 for its cluster radius R
Step 3. If all examples from the data stream
have been processed, the clustering processes
finishes. Else, the current input example, x
, is taken
and the normalized Euclidean distance D
, between
this example and all n already created cluster centres
= || x
- C
|| (1)
where j = 1,2,3,…, n, is calculated.
Step 4. If there is a cluster C
with a centre
, a cluster radius R
and distance value C
such that:
= || x
- C
|| = min {D
} = min { || x
- C
|| }
for j = 1,2,3,…,n; (2)
< R
when the current x
belong to this cluster, then go
back to Step 3.
Step 5. Find a cluster C
(with a centre C
cluster radius R
, and a distance value D
has a minimum value S
= D
+ R
= min{S
}, j = 1,2,3,…, n (4)
Step 6. If S
is greater than 2 x Dthr, the
example x
does not belong to any existing cluster.
Then repeat the process from Step 2 to create a new
Step 7. If S
is not greater than 2 x Dthr, the
cluster C
is updated by moving its centre, C
, and
increasing its radius value R
. The updated radius
is set to be equal to S
/2 and the new centre
is located on the line connecting input vector
and the old cluster centre C
, so that the distance
from the new centre C
to the point x
is equal to
.then go back to Step 3.
A bit justification for terms “online” that we used
in the clustering process, it is not like most online
system terminology. In online video surveillance, for
instance, every one/two second the captured image
will be processed immediately to identify whether
the image has something abnormal on it using some
sort of image object recognition techniques. But for
online network traffic clustering, the underlying data
distributions in seconds or even in minutes count are
not informative enough to be processed. Our system
requires at least one day traffic data.
There are two types of traffic data model to be
clustered. The first one is overall data (without
filtering) and application based (http, ftp, icmp, ssh,
NetBIOS, etc.) data. The clustering process will then
performed on each model by using captured time,
total packet and its size information.
3.2 Rule Creation and Evolving
Our system uses Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy rule type
(Takagi and Sugeno, 1985) to forge the profile.
There will be 7 resulted profiles (each profile was
named the day to which the profile is referring) in
ADAPTIVE REAL-TIME NETWORK MONITORING SYSTEM: - Detecting Anomalous Activity with Evolving
Connectionist System
the system on the first week running. These profiles
are then evolved (following the procedure which
will be described shortly after this) as the time goes
to accurately describe each day’s traffic behaviour in
that particular network.
Number of rules in the profiles depends on
number of clusters resulted from the clustering
process. Two membership function (MF) of time
(µt) and total packets (µs) are generated along with
the rules. If in the future the rules were evolved, the
MFs will also evolve. In creating the rule, the format
is T
is T
is S
) THEN status is C
where T
and T
defined by the fuzzy membership
function µt, while S
defined by the fuzzy
membership function µs.
The antecedents are the captured time position
and the total packets obtained from the resulted
cluster, while the consequent part is the state
(normal, abnormal or uncertain). Figure 2 shows
how the rules extracted along with both MFs (µt and
µs) from the resulted clusters 2D space. Both the
MFs are using triangular membership function.
The strategies for evolving procedures are quite
straightforward. It consists of the following:
1. Compare the newly resulted profile with last
week profile, and mark all the changes.
2. Check for generated Warning Alarm (WA) or
Critical Alarm (CA) and recorded actions by the
administrator and match every event with the
previously marked profile changes (how this alarms
created will be described in the next subsection).
3. If an action is taken by the administrator, keep
the old rules unchanged. Else, evolve the rules by:
= A
± || A
- A
|| (5)
where n = sets of profile changes event without
action, and each is calculated such that A
are the
first antecedent if
=1 (in which
= 1 & 2) and the
second antecedent if
=2 (in which
= 1).
Network administrator is also can evaluate and
modify the resulted profiles if necessary. This would
avoid black box symptoms like most connectionist
system do (especially neural network based system)
and network administrator can derive why such
alarms was raised based on the profile on that day.
3.3 DENFIS for Detecting
Anomalous Activity
The real-time detection module uses a modified
Dynamic Evolving Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems
(DENFIS) model engine for real-time anomalous
activity detection. DENFIS uses Takagi-Sugeno
inference method and utilises ECM in partitioning
the input space (Kasabov and Song, 2002).
The engine will process every 5 minutes traffic
data streaming in real-time to detect anomaly. Our
modified DENFIS model engine was deployed using
profiles created by the first connectionist module. It
utilises alarm trigger mechanism specifically
developed for the engine.
In process of adapting its structure, the profiles
are inserted and adapted at the same time into the
engine at the beginning of each day. If new rules
were inserted or old rules were adapted, the MFs
shape will also adjusted to evolve accordingly
through gradient descent algorithm and a method
given by (Purvis et al., 1999).
The system performs network-based anomaly
detection. At presents, our system is not intended to
detect signature based intrusion detection. We only
focus on analyzing the traffic flows inside the
network and detecting anomalous activity which was
unusual. With this methodology, the system can
detect Denial of Service (DoS) attack by analyzing
the http traffic, detecting network device (such as
router, hub, switch, etc.) failure by checking an
extremely low traffic, detecting internet-worms
which propagate through open file shares by
analyzing NetBIOS packets statistics, detecting
Novel NetWare server down (if applicable) by
analyzing a low IPX type of packets, and a
possibilities of other network traffic flows types of
When the system is installed in new network, it
will then assume the current traffic is normal and the
engine will start to evolve under supervision of the
network administrator. Basically there are two types
Figure 2: Rule Extraction Scheme from 2D Space of
the Resulted Clusters.
of alarms that the system will generate. The first one
is the less important called Warning Alarm (WA)
and the second one is Critical Alarm (CA) which
requires an urgent immediate attention from network
The mechanisms for triggering the alarms are
divided into two categories, alarms generation in
peak time and in off-peak time. We are applying an
extended standard working hours adopted by most
companies and organizations (7 am to 9 pm) as the
peak time and the rest are defined as off-peak time.
The details are described as follows:
Peak Time:
We apply an extended period of commonly used
working ours adopted by most companies and
organization. This will enable categorizing an
overtime shift as peak time when applicable. In this
peak-time the alarms will be carefully triggered and
mostly only WAs are raised. Events that fall under
WA is unusual overall traffic flows which may come
from node additions, different software types used
other than its usual, plateau behaviour caused by
traffic reaching environmental limits, etc. CA can
also possible to be raised in this time period but only
in extreme cases.
Off-Peak Time:
Most of CAs are generated under this category.
CA is triggered for an event that is really needs an
attention and the likeliness to be false is small.
Events that fall under CA are network devices
failure, Novel NetWare server down, internet
worms, and some common DoS attack at night. A
raised WA at this period will most likely not get an
attention from network administrator. So even if
WA is raised, the system then automatically adapts
the profile with the changes.
The standard mechanism procedure in raising an
alarm (both WA and CA) is expressed by Traffic
x, where x is set of traffic which breaks the
threshold. In this case, different events will have
different threshold value. Following are more details
mechanism for triggering alarms for based on the
events (only some are presented):
CA for network device failure:
If incoming traffic at 5 minutes interval below
500 packets (all packets), Then there was a device
failure either in the router if the system is monitoring
the whole network, or in the switch or hub if the
system is monitoring one network segment and a CA
is raised.
WA for unusual traffic flows caused by
node additions:
If incoming traffic at 3 pm is 3000 packets
assuming according to the profile normally at that
time only around 2000 packets, then a WA is raised.
CA for an extreme unusual traffic flows:
If incoming traffic at 3 pm is 12000 packets or 6
times bigger than normal traffic, then CA is raised.
Logs to record all the generated alarms are
deployed to track the system’s performance over
time and help the administrator understand how and
to what direction the system grows.
Other Network
Managem ent Server
Inte rnet
Other LAN
Segm ent
LAN Segment 1
LAN Segm ent 2
Figure 3: Distributed Managed Client-Server Architecture.
ADAPTIVE REAL-TIME NETWORK MONITORING SYSTEM: - Detecting Anomalous Activity with Evolving
Connectionist System
Our system employs a distributed client-server
application in monitoring the network. The idea of
having the system works that way is to enable
monitoring large network especially a large
corporate network which is separated in two
different buildings from one location. It also
designed to enabling monitor multiple network
segments in a switched network.
A managed and distributed network monitoring
scheme employed by the system is enabling us to
reduce the complexities of analyzing enormous
amount of traffic at once to detect anomaly. Instead
of having one profile for the whole network, it will
create multiple profiles for each network segment
and thus it would be easier to locate the source of
problem. Figure 3 pictured the system’s distributed
The system is not platform dependent since it is
implemented using Java 2 Technologies and make it
possible to have the server installed in a Windows
based machine and have its agent resides on any
Linux, Mac, or Sun Solaris based machine spreads
in a different network segment.
Furthermore, the connectionist model of the
system’s engine are implemented using MATLAB
and even though it is not using Java 2 Technology, it
is fully integrated into the system.
4.1 Management Server
The management server can be installed in the
gateway or resides in special machines dedicated for
it. It has the abilities of performing the following
Managing all the daily profiles from
different network segment.
Archiving all past traffic from different
network segment in the databases.
Authenticate an agent to use the profile for
the segment where the agent was running.
Add new agents including network segment
information where the agent intends to monitor it.
View all the logs for any alarmed events.
Re-cluster specific traffic from the archived
using its own ECOS module.
View each profile if the network
administrator wants to seek for explanation.
A comprehensive database is also deployed using
MySQL to store all the system logs and archiving all
past traffics.
When an alarm is triggered, the status of the
agent will change to “Warning” for WA and “Urgent
Attention” for CA. An email and sms will also be
sent to the network administrator email and mobile
phone respectively. Figure 4 is the running example
of the Management Server.
4.2 Monitoring Agent
The Agent performs basic network monitoring
functionality adopted by most network monitoring
application available nowadays in addition to its
ECOS based module which enables the Agent to
detect anomalous activity and evolve its profile over
time. It performs passive monitoring and a
connectionless communication with the
Management Server so that it is not adding more
Figure 5: An Agent GUI
Figure 4: ement Server GUI
workload to the network.
Some of its cardinal functionalities among other
functions are outlined as follows:
It performs real-time traffic data stream
capturing in a 10/100MB Ethernet network with
promiscuous mode.
Filter the data before further processed.
Evolves its detection engine structure over
Connect to the Management Server to adapt
the profiles if necessary.
Detects anomalous activity specifically in
the network segments where the Agent was running.
Generate WA and CA.
Real-time statistical analyzer based on
different perspective (application layer statistic,
network layer statistic, and protocol based statistic).
Basic packets decoding functionality.
A friendly graphical user interface is designed to
help new user (especially network
administrator).understand how to use the system
better. Figure 5 is a running example of the Agent’s
The system was tested at our School of Computer
Sciences’ network for the duration of 2 months. The
Monitoring Agent was installed on different network
segments in our school’s switched network. Our
current preliminary results shows that the system is
able to evolve as expected.
In Figure 6 we can see that the resulted profile
has two clusters which differ significantly with
others. At the time of running a WA is raised and as
we (the network administrator) chooses not to take
any action for that WA, the profile was adapted in
next week at the same day as depicted in Figure 7.
Basically network administrator involvement in
adapting the system is more as a guidance to which
way the system should grow. Without the presence
of network administrator the system is still able to
evolve but if the attacker knows the behaviour and
the evolving mechanism of the system, they can fool
the system to adapt into the wrong way. This is
where the hand of network administrator is needed.
Table 1 shows the simple statistic record on how
many rules created in each day profile, counts for
how many rules evolved in each day profile, and
how many actions taken by the network
administrator for any WA and CA events happened
in the network for a two months period. It can be
seen that working day profile (Monday-Friday) has
more rules compare to off working day (Saturday
and Sunday) since the network has more traffics at
that days
Table 1: Counts for an Evolving Process within
the System
# of
Counts for
Evolved Rules
# of
Monday Profile 15 61 7
Profile 14 54 9
Profile 14 57 8
Profile 15 58 7
Profile 16 63 10
Profile 10 39 4
Profile 8 33 3
The rules on working day profile have evolved
58 times in average, or around 14 times each week.
Actually more rules were evolved in the first week
to adapt the initial profile with actual traffic in the
particular network. The first week run was an
important adaptation made by the system to the
network traffic characteristic where the system is
attached. This statistic was made based on a counter
that we put on the system to record all the necessary
events on the system. As such, no weekly statistic,
which can show the number of times rules evolved
after the initial rules, are recorded.
Figure 6: Clusters Produced For Thursday, 27 January
ADAPTIVE REAL-TIME NETWORK MONITORING SYSTEM: - Detecting Anomalous Activity with Evolving
Connectionist System
Figure 7: Clusters Produced For Thursday, 03 February
In this testing phase, the system detects some
device failure (especially our switch) happened in
some network segment. A simple DoS attack that we
simulate was also successfully detected by the
engine. As a whole, the system performance was
This work is an important step to build a complete
evolvable network monitoring system. By
understanding the network traffic characteristic,
plenty can do to keep on eye on the network, these
includes detecting more anomalous activity such as
current worms, DDoS attack, and other advanced
network intrusion.
Working in offline mode, the integrity of the
data in the capturing process can be argued. While
capturing the data for duration of (let say) two
months, it cannot completely represent the normal
traffic happened in the network. A case might
happened for some heavy traffic captured in those
two months period was because the corporate where
the network resides was in an intensive work load to
launch a product. This thing will affect the integrity
of the resulted profile and might lead to be more
burdens for network administrator to recapture the
traffic, reevaluate the traffic, and finally re-profile
the traffic.
Our system still needs improvements in many
ways for future works. Currently we are improving
the structure of the connectionist model by
proposing new methods. By having these methods
which specifically designed for network traffic data,
the results can be more accurate and the system can
grow from scratch. We also try to consider
implementing a signature based intrusion detection
engine to improve the detection engine’s
performance. Lastly, our future work will also to add
in an intelligent module to automate an action as
responses for such an alarmed event to prevent
network down, which in turn will reduce the
dependency of the network from network
administrator’s presence when an event which
requires an immediate attention or response
happened at late night.
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