Jinmi Jung, Hyun Kim, Hyungsun Kim, Joohaeng Lee
Electronics and Telecommnucations Research Institute, 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
Keywords: Collaborative Product Commerce, Virtual Enterprise, Product Information, Web Services, XML.
Abstract: In modern business environment, inter-organizational collaborative product development is very important.
CPC (Collaborative Product Commerce) is a new category of software, now emerging, to support inter-
enterprise collaboration through the product life-cycle. But, so far there are not striking solutions to support
collaboration among collaborative engineering groups. In this paper, we describe the engine to support
building a CPC solution which is being developed by the Electronics and Telecommunications Research
Institute (ETRI) as a part of a CPC project. It makes it possible to collaborate among geographically
dispersed enterprises by sharing product information. We look over problems to have to be solved for
designing the engine and propose solutions. In addition, we mention the developed CPC solution using the
Many of today’s enterprises need new business
environment due to the increase of keen competition
among enterprises day by day and pressure from
customers. Many customers are no longer satisfied
with mass-produced goods. They are demanding
customization and rapid delivery of innovative
products (Aberdeen, 1997). The sooner
manufacturers can bring a new product to market,
the more dominant position they hold in their
industries. Consequently many enterprises try to
reduce development time and cost as well as
improve the quality of product by developing a
diverse and complex product through collaboration
with partners having prominent capability rather
than doing independently. That is, multinational
companies that possess expertise in a specific field
form a temporary union called ‘virtual enterprise’ to
jointly develop, produce and market products
(D.Tony, 2001). The most important requirement for
a successful virtual enterprise is the inter-enterprise
collaboration. But, it is not easy to realize because
collaborating organizations are geographically
dispersed and use different computer technology
(e.g. CAD/CAM systems, PDM systems) as shown
in Figure 1.
Formerly, PDM systems which are very
sophisticated IT products with many users in
industry are used to support collaborative
engineering groups. But, they do not provide sharing
of application data at a flexible, user-requested data
granularity level and data files use application
specific formats and may be modified only by their
native applications (Dragan, 2000).
CPC is a newly emerging technology to support
inter-enterprise collaboration. Aberdeen Group
defines that CPC is a class of software and services
that use internet technologies to permit individuals
to collaboratively develop, build, and manage
products throughout their entire life cycle. And it
predicts that manufacturing executives will demand
CPC tools to enable their organizations to respond to
these commercial market pressures (Aberdeen,
1997). But, currently there are not striking CPC
In this paper, we propose the engine that support
building the Web-centric CPC solution which is
based on open standards, such as STEP, Web
services, XML, and so on. Section 2 addressed the
problems to be solved for collaboration. Section 3
discusses the framework of the proposed engine.
Section 4 and section 5 describes system design and
implementation, respectively. Section 6 concludes
the paper.
The engine aims at supporting to share and manage
the diverse information and document among virtual
enterprises through the product life cycle for
Jung J., Kim H., Kim H. and Lee J. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 117-121
DOI: 10.5220/0001417801170121
collaboration. For this, the following issues should
be addressed:
z Product data interoperability: product structures
and contents in each collaborating enterprise may
be different. How can business partners share
product data for collaboration when they cannot
understand each other’s product data?
z System application interoperability: though the
problem of the heterogeneity of product data has
been solved, business-to-business application
integration is an important problem. Business
partners manage product data in heterogeneous
applications and platforms. In such a situation,
how can they seamlessly integrate distributed
applications for inter-enterprise collaboration?
Two problems above define how to share
product data and integrate applications across
different enterprises to support dynamic and agile
aspects of virtual enterprises.
Early works investigating sharing product data
and integrating its applications dealt with data
exchange between CAD systems using STEP which
is the standard for the exchange of product model
data and CORBA. Hardwick et al. (Hardwick, 1996)
proposed an information infrastructure that enhances
collaboration in a virtual manufacturing enterprise
using STEP and CORBA. There has been similar
research (Bliznakov, 1996. Urban, 1996. Shah,
1996) to integrate product data and support
collaboration using STEP-based schemas,
commercial databases, and CORBA. Wallace et al.
(Senin, 1997) introduced object-based modelling
and evaluation of design problems in a network-
oriented design environment. Kim et al. (Kim, 1999)
proposed a framework for process-centric
collaborative design in a distributed environment.
There have also been studies on product data
management (PDM). Liu et al. (Liu, 2001) discussed
the integration of PDM methodology with Web
architecture to enhance a traditional PDM system.
Yeh et al. (Yeh, 2002) proposed an integrated data
model and an implementation approach for a PDM
system that uses the STEP as a standard for the
exchange of product data. Several research efforts
have addressed how inter-enterprise applications
should be integrated to support business information
sharing and collaboration. However, their systems
have been mainly built on the assumption that
information and systems to be integrated were
known at the time of software design because
collaboration partners had been previously organized.
Therefore, they dealt with information-sharing under
tightly-coupled system architecture. But if we take
dynamic and agile aspects of virtual enterprises, we
need to consider more flexible and open architecture
in which the autonomy of each enterprise is more
guaranteed. It means information-sharing under
loosely-coupled structure should be considered.
In order to solve the problems discussed in prior
section, we propose product metadata for product
data interoperability and CPC adaptor for system
application interoperability.
3.1 Product metadata
Because different enterprises manage product
information in different ways, semantic and
schematic conflicts may be occurred in sharing
information. We propose a standard data schema of
Figure 1: Interoperability problems in product data and application systems.
common use to support the interoperability of
product data and call it ‘product metadata.’ Different
data schema managed in different enterprises is
mapped into it. Product metadata includes data such
as product model, product configuration, product
item, product structure, product properties,
engineering change, document, project, organization,
and alias that are minimal information shared among
enterprises to collaborate one another.
For product metadata to serve efficiently as a
common data schema, it is desirable that product
metadata comply with standards to be supported by
commercial systems. So, we made it based on ISO
STEP PDM Schema (Jim, 2000) which is a
reference information model for the exchange of a
central, common subset of the data being managed
within a PDM system. In STEP, expression is
represented with EXPRESS language. But, it is not
appropriate for Web-centric system. So we translate
product metadata into XML schema which provides
a means for defining the structure, content, and
semantics of XML documents.
3.2 CPC adaptor
To get product information from geographically
dispersed organizations which are using different
system applications (e.g. CAD/CAM/CAE, PDM
system, File system) and map it into product
metadata, the method how to acquire and distribute
product information from/to organizations is needed.
Distributed computing middleware such as
CORBA, RMI, or DCOM has been proposed to
solve the application interoperability problem, but it
is not suitable for enterprise-to-enterprise
applications. CORBA, RMI, and COM are all
designed for tightly-coupled applications. They are
based on an RPC model and assume a great deal of
similarity between the calling and called systems.
They may depend on the conventions of particular
programming languages (such as Java) or platforms
(such as Windows). In addition, they require a
special network protocol such as IIOP. Thus,
firewall problems may occur in the applications of
enterprise-to-enterprise communication.
Considering the features of virtual enterprise,
more loosely-coupled system integration is required.
Web services (Web) is targeted specifically at
providing a loosely-coupled architecture designed
for exchanging information over the Internet. One of
the goals of Web services is to realize a distributed
architecture across the Web in a platform-
independent manner.
So, we use CPC adaptor which is a set of Web
services to solve system application interoperability.
CPC adaptor extracts product information from a
legacy application such as PDM, CAD, or ERP,
translates it into product metadata and puts it to the
repository of the engine. There is also an adaptor
implemented using Web services in legacy
application to communicate with CPC adaptor.
These adaptors are managed in a CPC service
registry, which is based on a UDDI registry. From
the WSDL of the adaptor, the information such as
operations, I/O data type, service URL, and so on,
may be acquired.
The architecture of the proposed engine in this paper
is like Figure 2. It is composed of the data repository
Figure 2: System Architecture.
for storing product metadata, the APIs used to
program user interfaces, and the procedures for
accessing and manipulating data in repository.
Figure 2 also shows the phase of sharing information
among enterprises through CPC Adaptor.
z Data Repository: we use a relational database as
a data repository and its schema is based on
product metadata. Product metadata and any
other information to be shared across enterprises
for collaboration are stored into this repository.
The process to map product metadata represented
as XML schema into relational database schema
has been progressed.
z APIs: APIs provided by the engine are a type of
C# class and classified into three packages.
Manager package is used to make programs to
transfer user input to stored procedure for
inserting, modifying and deleting data in the
repository. By using the APIs in Manager
package, the CPC solution developer can
implement the functions such as project
management, engineering change order, user
management, organization management, data
access control. And there are also APIs to make
CPC adaptor for sharing product metadata. UI
package provide the interface to display the data
retrieved from repository on a web page. For
example, hierarchical data may be displayed in
the shape of tree. Util package provide methods
for connecting to the data repository.
z Stored Procedure: it makes SQL queries,
accesses to the data repository, executes queries
and returns results. These stored procedures are
called by the programs made with APIs in
Manager package. The programs transfer user
input to the procedure as parameters and receive
the query results. Result type is not a set of rows
but XML. SQL Query which is simple or used
repeatedly is made as function for reusability. In
case query is complex or many queries have to
be executed in turn, it is made as procedure.
The APIs are implemented using C#. Currently,
there are 21 classes in Manager package, 26 in UI
package, 3 classes in Util package. The code of
Figure 3 shows the usage of APIs. It retrieves
projects which is managed by the current log in user
from the repository and displays project IDs on a
web page. GetAll() method of
Figure 3: Example of the Engine API usage.
(a) The first page
(b) Product Information
Figure 4: CPC portal site
Mgr_OrganizationalProject class in Manager
package need one parameter, user’s loginId, and
returns all projects according to that.
Getorganizational_projectCount() method of
UI_ArrayofProjects class in UI package returns the
counts of returned projects by GetAll() method.
To demonstrate the functionality of the engine,
we built the CPC solution with the engine. It is a
kind of Web portal site that provides GUIs for user.
In Figure 4, (a) is the first page of CPC portal site
and (b) is the snapshot of displaying the product
structure acquired from other application system
through CPC adaptor. Collaborating enterprises can
manage and share a lot of information during the
entire product life cycle at this portal site. It has been
developed using Microsoft’s ASP.Net and Microsoft
SQL Server is used as a data repository.
Especially, to test for sharing product
information across enterprises, an adaptor for
SmarTeam (
SmarTeam), a commercial PDM system,
and an adaptor for SolidWorks (
SolidWorks), a
commercial CAD system, are developed together.
For security communication between adaptors, each
adaptor encrypts data and includes digital signature
using X509SecurityToken of WSE 2.0.
The engine proposed in this paper supports building
CPC solutions. We solved product data
interoperability and system application
interoperability that is required to collaborate across
enterprises with common data schema following
ISO STEMP PDM Schema and CPC adaptor which
is a set of Web services, respectively. The CPC
solution built using the engine can provide project
management, engineering change order, user and
organization management, data access control, data
search, and so on. Specially, it also provides the
functions of sharing information that is deficiency of
existing PDM systems. We constructed CPC
solution, a kind of Web portal site, with the engine
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