Fouzia Benchikha, Mahmoud Boufaida
LIRE Laboratory, Departement of Computer Science, Mentouri university of Constantine
25000 Constantine, Algeria
Keywords: Object-oriented databases, data model, Viewpoint approach, Distributed databases.
Abstract: An important dimension in the database technology evolution is the development of advanced/sophisticated
database models. In particular, the viewpoint concept receives a widespread attention. Its integration to a
data model gives a flexibility for the conventional object-oriented data model and allows one to improve the
modeling power of objects. On the other hand, the viewpoint concept can be used as a means to master the
complexity of the current systems permitting a distributed manner to develop them. In this paper we propose
a data model MVDB (Multi-Viewpoint DataBase model) that extends the object database model with the
viewpoint mechanism. The viewpoint notion is used as an approach for a distributed development of a
database schema, as a means for object multiple description and as a mechanism for dealing with the
integrity constraint problems commonly met in distributed environment.
The expansion and the distribution of databases
towards the new co-operative applications of
increased complexity need a new way to schema
design that fulfills several requirements of data
modeling. However, in complex applications, like
computer aided design and engineering, it is difficult
to work out a single abstraction, which is appropriate
to all the participants of a same project. Each expert,
according to his field of knowledge and his
objectives, focuses on certain aspects of the
Universe of Discourse (UoD), which are not the
same ones for an another expert. Thus, it would be
necessary to specify data so as to take account
several points of view, while keeping to each one its
specificity and allowing the sharing and the
exchange of information. This perception mode of
data is called the “viewpoint approach".
The viewpoint paradigm takes various
significances according to its study from diverse
standpoints by different fields of computer science
including software engineering (Charrel, and al.
1993), knowledge representation (Dekker, 1994),
database systems (Rundenteiner, 1992) (Bertino,
1992), web applications (Gergatsoulis, and al. 2001),
requirements engineering (Menzies, and al. 1999)
and complex systems modeling (Carn, 1992).
Several terms have been assigned to this concept
such as roles, aspects, perspectives, dimensions,
domains and viewpoints.
In databases, we notice few works on the
integration of the viewpoint concept in the data
models. Most of these works consider the view
mechanism. Views are external schemas that provide
to the user part of the global schema, a kind of
viewpoint on the description of its entities. In the
context of our work, viewpoints accords to the same
UoD several descriptions. Each description is a
partial representation of data according to a given
“viewpoint”. The various partial descriptions are
supported by database schemas that together provide
the global schema of the same real word data. The
fact of achieving such an approach requires
necessarily a distributed environment that permits
the integration and the collaboration of a collection
of databases.
In this paper, we propose extending the
conventional object data model to support the
viewpoint mechanism. The choice of the object
oriented paradigm is primarily due to the basic
concepts that it offers, in particular a great power of
expression, a better reutilisability and evolution of
objects. These concepts correspond to the new
aspirations of the viewpoint notion. We propose a
new data model MVDB (Multi-View-Database
model) that uses viewpoints as an approach for a
distributed development of a database schemas.
Benchikha F. and Boufaida M. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 273-278
DOI: 10.5220/0002532602730278
The paper is structured in the following way. In
section 2, some related works concerning the
integration of viewpoints in databases are briefly
presented. Section 3 defines the MVDB structures
and section 4 concludes our work.
In the database field, the concept of viewpoint is
mainly studied within the framework of view
mechanism in object-oriented databases. Various
view models are proposed such as the view model of
(Abiteboul, 1991), the view model of Rundensteiner
(Rundenteiner, 1992) and the view model of Bertino
(Bertino, 1992). In these works views are exploited
to allow different applications to see the same
database according to different viewpoints. The
viewpoint concept here supports external schema,
which is the third level of the ANSI architecture
standard upon which the construction and the use of
relational database systems and later object-oriented
ones are centred. Many problems are arised like how
a view schema (view class) is inserted in the global
schema (class hierarchy) and does an instance of a
view own an identity.
Abiteboul (Abiteboul, 1991) provides a general
framework for view definition. A virtual class
mechanism is used for instantiating views in object-
oriented databases. Here, classes for views are
explicitly defined where the attributes of these
classes are really methods that retrieve the
information from where it is actually stored. A view
can be treated as a database but it does not preserve
object identity.
Rundensteiner (Rundenteiner, 1992) and Bertino
(Bertino, 1992) introduce the concepts of multiview
and schema view, respectively, that provide the
capacity to restructure a database schema so that it
meets the need of specific applications. They present
support for view design by automating some tasks of
the view specification process and by supporting
automatic tools for enforcing the consistency of a
view schema. Indeed, different views of the same
object is allowed, depending on the context in which
the object is considered. Here views preserve object
identity but there is any relation between the various
instances of the same object.
All these models consider the viewpoint as a view or
external schema defined with the aim of adapting an
existing structure to new needs. In our study we
argue that the view and the viewpoint concepts
concern respectively the exploitation step and the
design one (Benchikha and al. 2001). A viewpoint
must directly be related to the objects description
and confers new properties to them. Our MVDB
model deals with this requirement and allows the
construction of distributed object databases based on
In this section we present the basic notions and
concepts of our model.
3.1 Basic notions
MVDB model is based on the object oriented
paradigm intensively studied within the DBs
framework. We adopt this object model as the
common one for the various database schemas.
In the MVDB model a database is a multiple
description of the same UoD. The database schema,
shown in figure 1, is viewed as a set of viewpoint
schemas (VP schemas) managed by different
database systems. Each viewpoint schema represents
an aspect of the data description and is held by an
independent database. The viewpoint schemas
construction is based on the referential one that
holds basic data on the real word entities shared by
all viewpoint schemas. Objects in the referential
base are called global ones. Global objects have a
basic description in the referential base and one or
more descriptions according to viewpoints.
We point that object identity is a central notion in
our approach. It is the same object described in a
multiple way according to its membership in the
various viewpoint schemas. However, in order to
ensure the components autonomy, local objects can
be created and managed locally by viewpoint
databases. Local objects are objects with a single
description according to one viewpoint and can’t be
accessed at the global level.
VP Schma
Referential schema
VP Schema
VP Schema3 VP Scheman
Figure 1: An example of a global schema description according to multiple viewpoints
Viewpoint databases are complementary and
provide a global distributed database called multi-
viewpoint database. A coherent exploitation of this
global database is then recommended. This
modeling approach confers a decentralized vision of
a database schema, facilitates the parallel work of
several designers and leads to a great power of data
structuring. Generally these features are particularly
needed in the great complex applications of the
industrial world. As a matter of fact, the companies
are at least logically distributed in offices,
departments, working groups, etc. Consequently we
can deduce that the data are also already distributed.
Each unit in the company must possibly manage the
relevant data for its operation and should be able, if
necessary, to reach remote data that exist in the other
units. The data in the various units are
complementary and operated by collaborating users.
We illustrate the viewpoint approach through a
simple modeling example. It concerns the
representation of a laboratory’s scientific staff (see
figure 2).
We are particularly interested in the teaching and
research activities concerning each member of the
laboratory. Let us consider the following viewpoints:
the Research viewpoint and the Teaching viewpoint.
A basic Referential consists of the common
information to all the viewpoints (family name, last
name and age of the members). On the other hand,
each viewpoint contains only information, that is
relevant to it. The Research viewpoint, for example,
contains, for each member of the laboratory, its
research topic, its research-institution and its
3.2 Formal model
An object-oriented database (ODB), according to the
database technology, contains two fundamental sorts
of information: data, represented by the object’s
state (the database extent), and metadata,
implemented in the database schema.
An ODB schema is organized as a class hierarchy
according to the sub-classing relationship. This last
provides the conditions to establish if two classes are
in a generalisation/specialization. MVDB proposes
an extension of the conventional object model to
support the viewpoint paradigm.
Let be MVDB (Sr, VP, C, O) the specification of
the data model signature, where:
Sr is a referential schema name.
VP is a set of viewpoint schema names,
C is a set of class names,
O a set of objects.
In the following, we define formally the basic
concepts of the model.
Definition 1. Referential schema
The referential schema is defined as any common
object schema Sr = (Cr , r ) where:
Cr (Cr C) is the finite set of class names in the
schema and r is the sub-classing relationship,
which is a strict partial ordering among Cr.
Sr is well-formed iff:
(c, c’) Cr x Cr , c c’ (Ext (c) Ext (c’))
where Ext is the extension of a class.
The referential schema is the basic schema that
describes all the entities independently from any
viewpoint. A viewpoint schema is the customization
of the whole or of a part of the referential schema
defined as follows.
Definition 2. Viewpoint schema
Let be S = (C, ) and S’ = (C’ , ’ ) two schemas.
S’ is a projection of S (conversely, S is an extension
of S’ on C), denoted S’ S (conversely S S’) iff:
(C’ C) and (σ
= σ)
A viewpoint schema Svp is an extension of a
projection S’ on the referential schema Sr (as
depicted in figure 3). A viewpoint schema is
obtained by two steps: at first, a projection operation
() is carried out on the referential schema to select
family name
last rname
Teaching ViewPoint
research time
Figure 2: A multi-viewpoint modeling example
S’= Projection on Sr
Svp= Extension of S’
Figure 3: Viewpoint schema = Projection + Extension of the referential schema
the part (the whole) of it, which will be described
according to the considered viewpoint. Then, an
extension operation () of the resulting schema
customizes the entities description according to the
viewpoint. However, in order to support
independence between the various viewpoint
schemas, and to keep the specificity of each one, we
choose a decentralized description. For that, we
benefit from the “slicing technique” used in certain
approaches as described in (Bertino, 1992)
(Rundensteiner, 1992). This technique consists of
the distribution of the referential projected schema in
the viewpoint schema.
In the following, we give an example showing
the definition of the multi-viewpoint database that
describes the laboratory’s scientific staff schema.
The laboratory-schema is the referential schema that
models information about members of a given
laboratory. Each member is an object stored in
laboratory-base. The research-viewpoint schema
refines the members description by adding new
attributes. All the members are concerned with this
description here. The whole of the referential
schema is thus imported. The schema definition is:
Referential schema Definition
Schema laboratory-schema ;
Base laboratory-base;
Class member
Public type tuple (
family-name : string,
last-name : string,
age : integer)
Name members = set (member);
Export-schema class member;
Export-base name members;
Viewpoint schema Definition
Viewpoint research-viewpoint from laboratory;
Base researchers-base;
Import-schema laboratory-schema class member;
Import-schema laboratory-base name members;
Class research from member
Public type tuple (
research-time : integer,
research-Institution : string)
The various schemas (referential and viewpoints)
hold all the persistent objects, instances of the
different schema classes. Before giving the formal
definition of them, we first present the extension that
is brought to the object concept.
In the context of our work, we address the two
following object properties.
Property 1: An object is an instance of the
referential schema and an instance of one or several
viewpoint schemas.
Thus, an object has a basic description and may be
described according to various viewpoints
simultaneously. This is of the most broadly accepted
properties of the viewpoint concept. Because an
object in a viewpoint schema is seen as an instance
of a viewpoint schema, it amounts to the multiple
description of the objects.
Property 2: The state of an object is viewpoint
It means that the state of an object may vary
depending on the viewpoints in which it is being
described. This seems to suggest that each
description of an object according to a viewpoint
should be viewed as a separate instance of it. This
property that allows the object multiple instanciation
suits together with the first one.
According to the afore mentioned properties, we
integrate a new concept, that is the object referent.
We distinguish a local object referent from a global
Definition 3. Local object referent
A local object referent, denoted by r
is the
identification of the object in a viewpoint (local)
database such that :
= (vp, o
) where :
vp is the viewpoint schema name,
is a viewpoint identification (OID).
An object in a viewpoint database becomes a pair (r
) where v
is its local state value.
Definition 4. Global object referent
A global object referent, denoted by r
the identification of the object in the multi-viewpoint
database such that :
= (o
, , L(r
)) where :
is the referential OID of the object,
L is the list of its viewpoint identifications that
is : L(r
) = U
vp VP
An object becomes a pair (r
, v
) where v
is its
global state value.
The objects constitute the associated bases of the
referential and the viewpoint schemas that are
defined in the following.
Definition 5. Viewpoint base
Let O
be the finite set of the objects identifier of a
viewpoint schema S
A viewpoint base, denoted Bvp, is a schema state
specified commonly as a tuple (π
, O
) where :
: C
is the function that associates
to each class cC
its object identifiers,
is the set of the objects in B
= U
c Cvp
is the function that associates a value to
each object of B
, such as :
c C
vp ,
o π
( c) ,
( o) σ
( c).
Definition 6. Referential base
Let R
be the finite set of the objects referent of
the referential schema S
and VP the finite set of the
viewpoints schema names.
A referential base, denoted Br, is a schema state
specified as a tuple (π
, O
) where :
: C
is the function that associates to
each class c C
the objects referent,
is the set of the objects in Br : O
= U
c Cr
(c), U
vp VP
is the function that associates a global value
to each object of B
, such us :
c C
r ,
o π
( c) ,
( o) σ
( c).
where Br describes the UoD entities.
Referential base and viewpoint bases constitute
the multi-viewpoint base (extent) of the multi-
viewpoint schema. They give the complete
description of objects according to multiple
viewpoints. Lus us illustrate this by the following
The associated bases of the referential and the
viewpoint schemas presented in the above example
are populated with objects. Each object has an
instance in the ‘laboratory-base’ (referential base)
and can possibly be instantiated in the ‘research-
base’. Instances are collected under the root of
persistence of each schema as presented in follows.
laboratory-base ((oid1, Benali, Mohamed, 40 ) ,
(research-vp , oidvp1))
(oid2, Bencharif, Ali, 55 , nil)
researchers-base (oidvp1, Benali, Mohamed, 40 , 12,
‘Constantine-Univer’ )
In the following we focus a bit more on an
essential and complementary functionality to every
data model: the coherence. This one is directly
related to the integrity constraints study.
3.3 The integrity constraints in
Unlike the traditional approach (mono viewpoint)
where the integrity constraints are defined on the
global schema, we distinguish in the viewpoint
approach two types of constraints.
Local constraints: they contribute to ensure the
local coherence of the entities in a viewpoint
database and independently of the other bases.
Global constraints: they contribute to ensure the
global description coherence of the entities
according to several viewpoints.
If the local constraints are apprehended, it is
difficult to take into account the global constraints.
Classically, the principal conflicts met in federated
databases are the names, the semantic and the
structural conflicts. In our work, these latter can be
solved by the viewpoint mechanism.
Naming conflicts: traditionally, the solving of
this type of conflicts is done by assertions
specifying the synonyms and the homonyms. In
our context, the existence of the referential
solves any conflict coming from a problem of
synonymy. Thus, all the common properties are
described by the referential schema. On the
other hand, a conflict coming from homonyms
is solved by the viewpoint mechanism itself. As
a matter of fact, two distinct homonymous
constructions can be differentiated by prefixing
them, for example, by the name of the partial
Semantic and structural conflicts: they are of a
weak or a lack, in a database schema designed
according to various viewpoints. Nevertheless,
each partial schema describes an aspect of the
data semantically different from the other
descriptions. In addition, the referential permits
a representation, and by the same way an
unified structure of the real world entities that
will have different descriptions according to
different viewpoints .
However, within the framework of MVDB, we
distinguish other types of conflicts. These ones
permit to guarantee the compatibility and the
coordination between the different object
descriptions in the system. Let us consider the
following cases.
Mutual exclusion between partial DBs: when
the description of the entities by a partial
schema compromises their description by
another partial schema.
Example: any temporary teacher does not have the
right to acquire a teaching activity, and cannot have
a description according to this viewpoint.
Interdependency between partial DBs: when the
partial schemas contain linked properties.
Example: any teacher whose the research time
exceeds twenty hours a week must reduce his
official teaching time by 40 percent.
Referential integrity between partial DBs: when
the creation (possibly deleting) of a database
entity requires a preliminary creation (possibly a
deleting) of one (or many) entity (ies) of another
Example: any teacher must be a member of a
research group. This implies that the creation of any
object instance according to the teaching viewpoint
must generate the creation of the same object
instance in the research viewpoint.
A multi-viewpoint base is coherent (here we
speak about coherence with respect to the semantics
of the applications and not about the implicit
coherence induced by the model) if the following
conditions are satisfied:
1. The referential base is locally coherent with
respect to its schema, i.e. the object set
checks the local constraints of the
referential schema.
2. Each viewpoint base is coherent with the
corresponding viewpoint schema, i.e. each
viewpoint objects check the viewpoint
schema constraints.
3. The gathering of the various bases is
coherent, i.e. all the global constraints are
In this paper we have sketched how the object
oriented database model can be extended to support
the viewpoint mechanism. The ability to express
multiple viewpoints allows for database construction
versatility, richer expression of data semantics and
permits a distributed manner for design, which is not
captured by the current generation of object oriented
database systems. Indeed, it could be interesting to
study the behaviour aspects of the objects that can be
very useful for the constraint management that we
consider. In addition, it would be interesting to
develop an expression language for the specification
of the integrity constraints and extend a query
language like OQL, for dealing with the multi-
viewpoint aspect of the objects. These last can then
be a query according to one or several viewpoints.
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