Stephen Crouch, Peter Henderson, Robert John Walters
Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton, UK
Keywords: DataWarp, Data Inconsistency, Enterprise information systems, Distributed systems, Dynamic systems
Abstract: As the amount of data systems have to work with increases, it becomes practically impossible to ensure it is
consistent, no matter how tough we make our data collection procedures. Curren
tly systems logic is based
on the implicit assumption that the data they use is essentially correct and they struggle when this is not the
case. To deal with this situation, we need to build applications which are better able to handle
inconsistencies. In a series of experiments, we have shown that an application using our “DataWarp”
approach to data enjoys a real advantage in one specific environment. Here we describe applying the
approach more widely.
In their origins, enterprise systems operated in
isolation permitting them to impose rules and make
assumptions about their data. Systems have become
larger, more complex and more interconnected with
the same technologies now being used on intranets
as for the global internet (Christensen, Curbera et al.
2000; Hunter, Cagle et al. 2000; Snell, Tidwell et al.
2002). Data is no longer held in a single consistent
database. Instead it is distributed around a network
of cooperating applications in which data is partially
replicated at many locations (Nicolle 1999). This
pattern is a natural consequence of the way that
systems now operate. Some measure of replication
of data is deliberate and desirable as it helps to
improve performance and resilience (Kemme and
Alonso 1998; Wiesmann, Pedone et al. 2000).
Today, the data used by enterprise applications is
scattered throughout a network of databases and
organisations. There is considerable variability in
the amount and type of access applications have to
data and there is no overall control of its content or
accuracy. The situation is further complicated by
each entity having its own interpretation of what it
means for the data it uses to be consistent.
The immediate reaction in most organisations to
roblematic data is attempts to drive out the
inaccuracies and inconsistencies. Schemes like
distributed transactions (Gray 1978; Gray 1981) can
guarantee consistency but with the large quantities
of data present in enterprise systems today, using
them is an enormous task which would be too
restrictive to apply universally. The problem is
further complicated by rate at which data changes
with new and updated information is being added all
the time. Even without the popular move to
asynchronous communications (Microsoft 2001),
new information takes time to propagate.
Consequently the accumulated mass of data is
unlikely ever to be in a truly consistent state.
We propose an alternative approach which is to
accept the
impossibility of eradicating all errors and
inconsistencies and instead build applications which
are able to survive encountering problematic data.
One strategy is “DataWarp”. We have already
shown in a series of experiments that ships in a
simulated sea battle using DataWarp enjoy a marked
advantage over others (Henderson, Walters et al.
2003). In this paper we extend the approach.
There is an implicit assumption applications that the
data available provides a window into some
complete and consistent world. This model of the
Crouch S., Henderson P. and John Walters R. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 411-414
DOI: 10.5220/0002555104110414
igure 1: DataWarp in principalF
Candidate "Views" of
and other data
Uncertain Data Options
Source1 Reliability
Source2 Reliability
Good Bad Bad Good
Good Bad Good Bad
Figure 1: DataWarp in principal
world breaks down in distributed systems. One
approach, is to refuse to accept inconsistency and fix
up data as necessary. This is a short-sighted
approach which is bound to lead to trouble.
As an alternative, we have developed DataWarp
which is inspired by the attitude towards time of the
applications in a virtual time environment (Jefferson
1985; Jefferson 1990; Cleary, Littin et al. 1997)
where a global value for the current time is
sacrificed in the pursuit of performance. It can lead
to complications when applications communicate
but the system as a whole produces the same results
as a standard implementation.
By applying the same outlook towards data in
general as a virtual time does to time, we arrived at
an initial design for a DataWarp application, (figure
1). The application keeps all data and uses it to
construct candidate views of the world. It then
selects a plausible view to use.
When the application finds it must change view,
as with a virtual time application which realises it
has advanced its clock too far and has to rollback,
the DataWarp application has to consider the
implications of the view change on its actions and
make corrections as necessary.
We have performed a series of experiments using
a battleship simulation. We established that
DataWarp ships enjoyed a clear advantage by acting
immediately compared with the standard ships
which couldn’t decide what to do (Henderson,
Walters et al. 2003).
DataWarp raises a number of issues:
2.1 Choosing a view
Naively, it might be assumed that an application
would select the view which it expects to most
accurately match the truth but applications may well
use other criteria when making a choice. For
Least costly – the view which costs the least to
Least dangerous – the view which involves the
least risk to the application or its users.
Most profitable – the view which has the
greatest potential for benefit.
Most probably correct – the naïve option.
Most easily defended.
Which of these is appropriate will depend on the
2.2 Changing view
When an application decides to change view, at least
some of its assumptions will change. On making its
change, the application needs to consider the
implications for recent actions. Some will be
unaffected, or still be considered acceptable. Others
will now look wrong and will require corrective
action. It may be possible to revoke some such
“regretted actions”, others will require corrective
action calculated to compensate for the effect of the
previous action. Having changed view, the
application resumes work.
Raw Data Data in Use Actions
In the first DataWarp applications, such as the
battleship simulation, the identification of a view
was a selection of exactly one from many candidates
which was made at the application level, permitting
DataWarp to be added to an existing application by
adding a wrapper. Such a wrapper would manage
the application’s interactions with the outside world,
generating and serving up to the application a view
of the world which it finds acceptable. The wrapper
would deal with all of the issues of holding multiple
data values, selecting a view, generating input to the
application as is necessary to adjust its internal data
and compensating as appropriate after a view change
(Henderson, Walters et al. 2001). However, we
have concluded that this is not practical. Indeed, we
have realised that the behaviour of the DataWarp
ship which we deployed in the battleship simulation
is more complex than we realised at the time.
In the simulation, a standard ship finding a new
contact seeks to identify it before deciding what to
do (attack or not). We implemented the DataWarp
ships to assume new contacts are hostile. Therefore
they attack new contacts regardless. This apparent
recklessness is tempered by the way DataWarp ships
destroy missiles in flight should realise they are
targeted on an ally. However, the behaviour actually
depends on the status of the contact in the ships data
arises. The difference is that, if the contact is
unknown (and assumed to be hostile) the ship not
only launches an attack, but it also makes an
immediate attempt to communicate with a view to
identifying the contact, whereas if the contact is
known to be hostile no attempt of communication is
made as it could lead to unnecessary disclosure of
the attacker’s location.
In building DataWarp enabled applications we
have found there are two areas where difficulties
arise in particular. The first is that compensating
actions are highly application and action dependent.
The second is that, when faced with the choice of a
view, one of the factors real applications want to
take into account is the actions which might be
influenced by the selection: in situations of uncertain
data, applications adopt different positions according
to what they are doing. For example, a bank with
several possible addresses for a customer sending a
formal demand for payment, would probably send a
copy to every address to be as sure as possible that
the customer received it but the same bank would act
differently when issuing an ATM card.
re 2: A more sophisticated implementation of DataWarp
Figure 2: A more sophisticated implementation of DataWarp
We realise now that our original DataWarp
vision of an application evaluating all reasonable
views and selecting one with which to operate is too
simple. A DataWarp application needs a more
mature and complex attitude to the selection of view
which admits the possibility of having more than
one current view.
In a real application, DataWarp needs to be
applied nearer to the level of individual actions.
Some inconsistencies may be resolved before they
become an issue. For the remainder, the application
will select which data value(s) to use according to
the action under consideration.
We now propose a revised structure for a
DataWarp application. The application keeps a
record of actions as before but in place of the single
collection of candidate views from which it selects
one to use, the application keeps a second database
in which it records data values as it uses them.
Links are maintained from this database to values
which were used in connection with each action,
whether the data was used as input to the action
itself or in the decision process which lead to the
action being taken. This “used” database in turn
holds links into the raw data which were considered
when arriving at the used value (figure 2).
Incoming data which creates ambiguity in the
data-store causes the application to identify “used
values which are derived from data value concerned
and reconsider whether they need to be changed.
Should any of the “used” values need to be changed,
those actions which depend on them will need to be
reconsidered. Actions which are now considered to
be inappropriate must be revoked or compensated
and replaced. In this way the application reproduces
the DataWarp behaviour whereby it is able to work
notwithstanding inconsistent data in its environment,
by making assumptions and acting upon them whilst
being prepared to retrace and replace its steps if
With the continued fall in the cost of computer
hardware, computer systems continue to expand and
hold more data. There is also a continuing trend for
systems to be connected forming even larger
systems which already hold so much data that they
struggle to keep it consistent. The situation is
unlikely to improve. The traditional reaction to
managing inconsistency problems has been to adopt
strategies which prevent them. However, the task of
maintaining consistency is now overwhelming and it
is inevitable that applications will encounter data
problems. Therefore we need to build applications
which can succeed in the presence of data which
contains shortcomings.
Applications cannot afford to suspend or abandon
every action where it encounters uncertainty or
inconsistency in data since this limits their ability to
make progress. Instead they need to be tolerant of
data inconsistencies.
This paper proposes DataWarp which permits an
application to progress notwithstanding problems in
its data. The essence of the approach is that, the
application “makes the best” of the data available.
Provided the algorithms and heuristics used by the
application are sound and reasonable, most of the
actions the application takes will become definitive.
Where the chosen value turns out to be wrong, the
application has to put things right.
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