Towards Run-time Component Integration
on Ubiquitous Systems
Macario Polo
and Andres Flores
Escuela Superior de Inform
atica, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha,
Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, Espa
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci
on, Universidad Nacional del Comahue,
Buenos Aires 1400, 3400 Neuqu
en, Argentina
Abstract. This work is related to the area of Ubiquitous Systems and it fo-
cuses on a Component-based Integration process. This implies the evaluation of
whether components may or may not satisfy a given set of requirements. We pro-
pose a framework for such process and consider related concepts like Assessment
and Adaptation.
The Assessment procedure is based on meta-data added to components, involv-
ing assertions, and usage protocols. Assertions and usage protocols are evaluated
by applying a technique based on Abstract Syntax Trees. We also report on a
prototype developed to implement the proposed Assessment and Adaptation pro-
cedures which allowed us to gain understanding about the complexity and effec-
tiveness of our model.
Category. Work in progress by PhD Student
1 Introduction
An Integration Process for Component-based Systems (CBS) is assumed to enhance
reusability by consuming previously developed ‘off-the-shelf (OTS) components [1,
2]. Our main interest is on automating the process as a support for Ubiquitous Systems.
The goal on such environments is to provide a feeling of continuity on users’ daily
tasks. Hence, users do not expect a constrained environment [3, 4], and this can only be
achieved by an unlimited availability of resources. Applications are the main resources
that must remain available through changes on users context of operation. Some ap-
proaches assume a fixed range of applications, or externally developed applications.
However, suitability for such applications could be in high risk when the underlying
conditions change unfavorably. We assume the possibility to build applications ‘on de-
mand when necessary. This could be achieved by assembling OTS components [5],
and we believe the whole initiative needs the consideration of a more formal frame-
work. We give in this paper a preliminary scheme to address the automation of the
whole Integration Process, which concerns ‘
’. We are currently focused mainly on Qualification and Adaptation. In this
This work is supported by the CyTED project VII-J-RITOS2, the UNCo MPDSbC project
04-E059 and the UCLM MAS project TIC 2003-02737-C02-02.
Polo M. and Flores A. (2005).
Towards Run-time Component Integration on Ubiquitous Systems.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 9-18
DOI: 10.5220/0002576100090018
paper we present a Component Assessment procedure for qualification, and introduce
a preliminar approach for adaptation.
When a required application is not available, the assembly procedure could be ini-
tiated by previously executing a selection procedure of proper components. They could
be fetched from a repository or being discovered from some mobile device. In any
case evaluation should be thoroughly done [5,6]. Our Assessment Procedure intends
to compare behavioural aspects from components against a given set of requirements.
The requirement specification is assumed in the form of a component interface the
necessary set of component services. Thus our approach, which compares components
interfaces, actually evaluates a component against an expected set of services. This im-
plies to evaluate services’ signatures at a syntactic level e.g identifiers, parameters,
and data types.
Additionally, components will be enriched by adding meta-data an adaptation
mechanism called instrumentation [2]. Thus we intend to embrace semantic aspects.
The first concern is adding assertions which help to abstract out the black box func-
tionality hidden on components. Also, it is included the usage protocol for services
which use regular expressions to describe the expected order of use for component ser-
vices. This technique has been applied on inter-class testing [7], and also on descriptions
for components [8].
Suppose post-conditions (for example) on services from two similar components.
They should relate to a similar structure and semantic. Hence, they could be thought
as being one a clone of the other. Thus we apply some algorithms based on Abstract
Syntax Trees (AST) from [9], which were originally intended to detect similar pieces
of code (clones) on existing programs. Then compatibility for assertions and the usage
protocol is carried out by generating ASTs.
All such techniques applied on our assessment procedure help to accomplish a con-
sistent mechanism to assure a fair component integration. As we proceed with our work,
reliability is mainly considered, since we base the whole integration process on the chal-
lenging Ubiquitous Systems.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents our proposal for
an integration process. Section 3 illustrates the proposed process with an example. Sec-
tion 4 discusses implementation alternatives. Conclusions and future work are presented
2 Process Framework
We consider a reference model to describe the required engineering practices on our
targeted automated Integration Process. Figure 1 depicts partitions showing components
through different phases. We add an extra step to distinguish assembly from integration
adapted from [1]. For each phase we distil some steps as is briefly explained below.
Numbers imply a non-strict order of execution.
1. Recovery: Fetch components from a
repository or disparate devices.
2. Assessment: Evaluate compatibility upon
expected behaviours.
Fig.1. Component Integration Reference Model
3. Component Selection: Analyse options
from assessment results and extra require-
ments (e.g. user preferences).
1. Adaptation Analysis: Evaluate conditions
from a selected component according to a
client component.
2. Wrapping Selection: Analyse the most ap-
propriate adaptation strategy.
3. Tailoring: Perform the adaptation accord-
ing to the selected strategy.
1. Assembly Analysis: Analyse conditions for
assembly to create a new application.
2. Building: Deployment of additional com-
ponents for the assembly process.
3. Composition: Perform the final applica-
tion assembly.
1. Integration Feasibility: Analyse condi-
tions to perform connection to an under-
lying infrastructure (middleware).
2. Creation: Construction of additional com-
ponents for such an integration process.
3. Glue: Perform the final application inte-
Next we focus on our Component Assessment procedure at run-time, as part of the
Qualification phase. For this, we consider that a component under evaluation should
satisfy a certain degree of compatibility with respect to a given requirement specifica-
tion. We assume such specification describes the required functionality in the form of a
component by including the following aspects:
1. Expected Interface. Signatures of expected services.
2. Abstract Behaviour. Assertions for the component and its services.
3. Usage Protocol. The expected protocol of use for services.
Based on this we make the following consideration upon similarity between com-
ponents. A component B offers similar functionalities to A when the two following
conditions are properly satisfied:
Condition 1. Component B offers, at least, the same or equivalent services to those offered by A.
Interface(A) Interface(B)
Condidition 2. The protocol of use for services on both components is equivalent. We use to
denote “equivalence”
UsageProtocol(A) UsageProtocol(B)
Equivalence is measured according to both the element to be compared and the applied tech-
nique. From this, different thresholds can be distinguished.
Condition 1 is true when there exists equivalence on corresponding services from
both components. A service sa of a component A is equivalent to a service sb of a
component B when the four next conditions are satisfied:
Condition 1.1. The return type of both services is equivalent
typeOf(sa) typeOf(sb)
Condition 1.2. The number of parameters on both services is the same:
|parms(sa)| = |parms(sb)|
Condition 1.3. Parameter types on both services are equivalent:
pa parms(sa) pb parms(sb) / typeOf(pa) typeOf(pb)
Condition 1.4. Pre and Post-Conditions of sa and sb are similar.
A data type in sa (the return type or a parameter type) is equivalent to a data type in sb if
and only if either both data types are the same or the considered data type in sa is A and the
considered data type in sb is B:
typeOf(a) typeOf(b) iif
[ typeOf(a)=typeOf(b) ( typeOf(a)=A typeOf(b)=B)]
Being typeOf(a) a function returning the type of a (a can be a service or a parameter), and
respectively being A the component where a is included – the same for b and B.
3 Example
Suppose we have a window to operate with banking accounts. A user may create an
account by defining the account number and then deposit or withdraw any amount of
money. Figure 2 shows the shape of the window. The ‘build’ button allows to create an
instance from a typical BankingAccount component, whose interface is presented
on Figure 3. In some scenario, it is possible that such component is not available to be
used by window. However, another component with a similar functionality could be
recovered from a repository. Suppose the FinancialAccount component is found,
which presents the interface given below. Then, in order to be sure about their similarity
we run the Assessment Procedure as explained in the next section.
component FinancialAccount {
FinancialAccount buildFAccount(string number);
double obtainBalance();
void deposit(double quantity);
void extract(double quantity);
void transfer(FinancialAccount target, double quantity);}
For built-in types, types on sb must have at least as much precision as types on sa have – e.g.
compare double w.r.t. integer.
Account Window
Account # :
Balance :
Amount :
Search Component
Fig.2. Account Manager Window
#mNumber: string
#mBalance: double
+BankingAccount(number: string)
+buildBAccount(number: string):
+deposit(amount: double)
+withdraw(amount: double)
+getBalance(): double
Fig.3. Banking Account Component
3.1 Assessment Procedure
The Assessment task must verify that Condition 1 and 2 are satisfied as we pointed
out on Section 2. Thus we begin exploring Condition 1.
Interface Equivalence. For Condition 1 to be true we must verify four conditions.
However, lets consider first only Conditions 1.1 to 1.3. An equivalence is found on
buildFAccount and buildBAccount. Their number of parameters and para-
meter types are equal; and their return types are equivalent both refer to the con-
tainer component. Next are getBalance and obtainBalance, since they have
no parameters and the same return type. In case of deposit and withdraw from
BankingAccounttwo services from the other component could be similar: deposit
and extract. They match on the return and parameter types, and the number of pa-
rameters. BankingAccount does not include a service equivalent to transfer.
However, all of their services are, at a first glance, also offered by FinancialAccount.
In order to be accurate on checking Condition 1, Condition 1.4 must be satisfied as
well. For this, the comparison of pre and post-conditions from corresponding services
is required. For brevity reasons we describe this procedure only for deposit (from
both components), withdraw and extract. For such services are specified by using
OCL the following assertions.
: amount > 0
: mBalance@pre
+ amount = mBalance
pre: amount < mBalance@pre
: mBalance =
mBalance@pre amount
pre: 0 < quantity
post: mBalance =
mBalance@pre + quantity
pre: quantity < mBalance@pre
post: mBalance =
mBalance@pre quantity
To check assertions similarity we derive Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). We show on
Figure 4 only ASTs for assertions of deposit from both components. On each node
in the tree we also save a ‘type’ that is used to operate with its sub-trees. Thus, nodes
with values = or + are of type Interchangeable Operator (IO), meaning that being a
and b two sub-trees, a+b is the same that b+a. Nodes with value >, < or are of
type Non-Interchangeable Operator (NIO). Nodes with numbers or variable names are
of type Text (TXT).
amount 0
BankingAccount FinancialAccount
Fig.4. ASTs for deposits assertions on both Components
We start evaluating post-conditions from deposit. For this, the root node of both
trees are compared and, if they are equal, the respective left and right subtrees are re-
cursively compared. Being a and b two trees with IO root nodes, we say that they are
equivalent (a b) iif:
(a.leftChild b.leftChild a.rightChild b.rightChild)
(a.leftChild b.rightChild a.rightChild b.leftChild)
In our example, both trees present IO root nodes. Thus, we can compare the left sub-
tree of one post-condition with the right sub-tree of the other, and vice versa. This allows
to detect the equivalence on both trees and so for the corresponding post-conditions
of both services. However, values on leave nodes imply a different case. For this, we
consider that two trees with no children with TXT root nodes are equivalent. Hence,
all the sub-trees are equivalent regarding both post-conditions, and then also the whole
post-conditions are.
ASTs for pre-conditions of both deposit services present NIO root nodes, but
their values are operators which are indeed opposite operators. In fact, the opposite
operator to > is <, and the transformation can be applied to any of both trees to make
the comparison. Hence, also the trees corresponding to pre-conditions are equivalent.
Similar procedures are followed up for each candidate pair of services. In the exam-
ple, the same operations are made for extract and withdraw. This process makes
clear the real correspondence on depositand withdrawfrom BankingAccount
with respect to deposit and extract from FinancialAccount.
Since all the assertions are equivalent, Condition 1.4 is fulfilled. Therefore, we can
also conclude that Condition 1 is true.
Usage Protocol Equivalence. Now, we must check whether the protocol of use for
both components is equivalent. Here it has to be remembered that the usage protocol is
described by regular expressions. The usage protocols for FinancialAccountcom-
ponent (1), and BankingAccount component (2) are given below. Note that we have
excluded services getBalanceand obtainBalanceto make the example simpler.
buildFAccount deposit (extract+deposit+transfer)* (1)
buildBAccount deposit (withdraw+deposit)* (2)
For usage protocols, only services actually required, are used for checking. In our
example, transfer is recognized as an extra service and as such is removed from
regular expression (1), as follows:
buildFAccount deposit (extract+deposit)* (3)
Usage protocols comparison is also made deriving ASTs from regular expressions
(1) and (3), as can be seen on Figure 5.
ASTs deriving from regular expressions have a different set of operators. The con-
catenation operator () is a Non-Interchangeable Operator (NIO). Alternative (+) is an
Interchangeable Operator (IO). Repetition () is an Unary Operator (UO) – a tree with
just one child. Two nodes corresponding to services with no children in two different
trees are equivalent if the services are equivalent from Condition 1 point of view. Thus,
as the node labelled with + corresponds to a IO operator, extract is equivalent to
withdraw. Since the trees on Figure 5 are equivalent, Condition 2 is satisfied.
Therefore, as both Condition 1 and 2 are fulfilled, we can infer that Financial-
Account offers similar functionalities to those of BankingAccount.
Fig.5. AST for Usage Protocols
3.2 Searching and Adaptation Procedure
Figure 6 presents a collaboration diagram describing an approach – developed on Mi-
crosoft .Net – to achieve the Recovery and Adaptation procedures.
Window is an instance of FormAccount component as the one in Figure 2. In
order to operate with accounts, it needs to be connected with a component representing
accounts. A special component called Retrieversearches for components equivalent
to a given specification. In our example, BankingAccount component represents
such a requirement specification provided by Window. Retriever asks for a com-
ponent by using a ComponentManager which may return a similar component from
a ComponentRepository. In order to solve likely inconsistencies with the expected
component, ComponentManager creates an instance from a Wrapper component,
called aWrapper. FinancialAccountis found on the ComponentRepository
and is connected to aWrapper. Hence, it is applied the wrapping mechanism named
adapter [2], to provide the expected signatures form e.g. withdraw and amount.
A reference of aWrapper is returned to Retriever by ComponentManager. Fi-
nally, Retriever returns such reference to window, so to be able to start operating
by being connected to FinancialAccount.
1: findEquivalentComponents
2: findFor(“BankingAccount”) 4: searchFor(“BankingAccount”): Component
3: newWrapper()
5: add(FinancialAccount)
7: return aWrapper
8: return
9: windows is
associatedTo aWrapper
6: aWrapper is
Fig.6. Recovery and Adaptation procedures
4 Implementation
We have developed a first prototype to check the feasibility of our proposal. The proto-
type is based on Microsoft .NET technology and it includes simple but effective imple-
mentations of different elements and algorithms described in the previous section.
4.1 Representing Assertions and Usage Protocol
.NET allows to add meta-data to components using the Attribute mechanism. This help
to annotate classes, methods, parameters, etc. To describe assertions, we have created
a class called
that specializes System.Attribute. This class includes the am-
bit where the attribute is valid methods in this case. Each constraint will contain a
String representing the text of the pre or postcondition. Following is presented both
the Constraint class and an example of assertions added to the deposit service on
using System;
namespace Components.attribs
public class Constraint: System.Attribute
{ protected String mText;
public Constraint(String text)
{ this.mText=text; }
. . . } }
// Assertions for deposit
public void deposit(double
{ mBalance+=amount;}
Regular expressions for the usage protocol are represented in a similar way, where
the ambit in this case is class. In order to facilitate evaluation both, the assertions and
the usage protocol, are described in a prefix form as can be seen above.
4.2 Recovering the Interface
In order to inspect the set of members of any element, .NET includes the Reflection
mechanism. This can be used to recover the set of methods from components to be
evaluated. Reflection can be of substantial help in cases where components are discov-
ered from some mobile devices.
5 Conclusions
We have presented a preliminary scheme to address the automation of a Component-
base Integration Process for Ubiquitous Systems. We are particularly working on the
Qualification and Adaptation phases. Our approach of component Assessment is based
on meta-data added to components, describing assertions and the usage protocol by
means of OCL.
We have developed a simple prototype on Microsoft .Net to implement our ap-
proach. As reliability is our main concern, selecting appropriate methods, techniques
and languages, must be accurately accomplished. This is the emphasis of our next de-
velopment in this area.
We would like to thank Dr. Juan Carlos Augusto, from School of Computing and Math-
ematics, University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, UK. His participation provides a mean-
ingful complementary view giving accuracy and confidence to the project.
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