Charged Location Aware Services
Krzysztof Piotrowski
, Peter Langend
, Michael Maaser
, Gregor Spichal
Peter Schwander
IHP, Im Technologiepark 25,
15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Lesswire, Im Technologiepark 25,
15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Abstract. Location aware services have been envisioned as the killer application
for the wireless Internet. But they did not gain sufficient attention. We are con-
vinced that one of the major pitfalls is that there is up to now no way to charge for
this kind of services. In this paper we present an architecture which provides the
basic mechanisms needed to realize charged location based services. The three
major components are: a location aware middleware platform, an information
server and a micro payment system. We provide performance data that clearly
indicates that such a system can be deployed without exhausting the resources of
mobile devices or infrastructure servers.
1 Introduction
The convergence of mobile communication and Internet allows to realize new kind of
services, business models, as well as the possibility to integrate company employees
which are working remote. The amount of mobile devices in everyday use increases
rapidly creating a big market for potential applications. One of the most interesting
services classes are location aware services. Location aware services are the next step
in the evolution of information access methods. These services are very interesting and
their importance in commercial applications grows.
Imagine a service that informs a customer about current price cuts just when she
reaches the shopping center. Or a service in a gallery that shows the information about
the painting the visitor is just looking at. The number of such applications is limited
only by the imagination of service providers. Of course location awareness is strongly
connected with mobility, thus usually mobile device such as PDAs and cellphones will
be used. But they have very limited resources with respect to computational and battery
We are convinced that location aware services will be widely deployed only if there
is a suitable means to charge for their usage. With our approach presented here we show
that it is feasible to charge a client for a location based service without exhausting its
Our architecture consists of an information server, a location aware platform and
a micro payment scheme. This combination provides the expected functionality of the
Piotrowski K., Langendörfer P., Maaser M., Spichal G. and Schwander P. (2005).
Charged Location Aware Services.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems, pages 33-41
DOI: 10.5220/0002579700330041
whole system. Thus, our solution allows to provide the client with location dependent
information that she wishes to get. But what is important and interesting, the service
provider gets money for this information. This makes our solution more practical from
the commercial point of view. In addition our approach shows very good performance
parameters, e.g. HP IPAQ 5550 (400 MHz) needs 0.1 milliseconds per e-cash token to
execute the most computational expensive part of the payment procedure.
The work on e-cash schemes started in the late eighties [3]. Since then many elec-
tronic cash schemes were proposed, e.g. [1], [2], [9], but they were not optimized for
mobile devices. The design of location aware middleware platforms has recently at-
tracted a lot of attention, e.g. NEXUS [4], [5], CATIS [8], Alipes [11], PLASMA [7],
FAME2 [13]. But those platforms do not provide means to charge a user for services
running on top of the platform.
In the following section we shortly describe the main features of each building
block. We provide the details that are necessary to explain the interactions between
components and to explain the functionality of the proposed system in whole. Section
3 describes our system, the idea behind and an exemplary scenario. After that we pro-
vide an estimate of the performance of the system. The paper concludes with a short
summary and an outlook on next research steps.
2 Underlying components
This section describes the components we used to build up our system. The specifica-
tion provided refers only to the main features of each component and specific details
necessary to understand the idea of our approach.
2.1 Location aware platform — PLASMA
This section presents our platform called PLASMA (PLAtform Supporting Mobile Ap-
plications) [7]. The description focuses on the components for location handling that
are needed to realize the sample scenario. But PLASMA consists of event and profile
handling components as well. The application of these components would open the
opportunity to set up more sophisticated services.
Infrastructure. PLASMA may be deployed in a hierarchical structure and it allows
replicating the infrastructure servers. The tree structure allows to split geographical
regions with high density of mobile devices into several new geographical regions, so
that the load per infrastructure node is reduced. The servers of the lowest hierarchy level
that directly communicate with mobile clients are called leaf servers. Figure 1 depicts
the structure of all platform components (engines) inside a platform server.
In the following paragraphs we focus on the engines on the infrastructure side that
are involved in the sighting process, i.e., receiving, collecting and delivering the location
The communication engine handles target references, which are used for the com-
munication between clients and platform servers and for platform-internal communica-
tion. In fact, a target reference is made up of the machine’s IP address and the number of
Fig.1. PLASMA components and their structure inside a platform server
the port used by PLASMA. The communication engine is also responsible for an initial
communication establishment for newly appearing device, e.g. when it is powered on.
The sighting proxy resides only on leaf servers, since only these servers commu-
nicate with mobile clients. The sighting proxy receives the position information from
registered clients. It converts the position information provided by the positioning sys-
tem into geographical coordinates that are required by the platform. Then the location
information is forwarded to the database engine (DB).
The database engine stores the location information and provides it to other platform
components and to applications upon request.
Figure 2 shows the engines involved in the sighting process and the flow of the
location data.
Fig.2. PLASMA components that are involved in the sighting process and the flow of the location
data. Service represents the party that asks about the location of the client
PLASMA is based on Java. Thus, in order to enlarge the number of clients that
are able to use the platform it was necessary to introduce a gateway module between
the Java and non-Java world the Mediator (see fig. 3). It uses the SOAP protocol to
communicate with non-Java clients. SOAP can be used to do remote procedure calls be-
tween any two programming languages. Therefore, we need only one kind of mediator
for all non-Java clients.
Fig.3. For the support of non-Java clients, the mediator translates SOAP calls into the protocol
for the platform communication and vice versa
Client. Both client types (Java and non-Java) are active with respect to the sighting
system by reporting their current position to the positioning proxy. The position infor-
mation may be delivered by any positioning system e.g. by GPS in outdoor scenarios
or by IR beacons in indoor scenarios.
2.2 Micro payment — MONETA
This section presents MONETA our off-line micro payment system [10]. It was
designed to fit today’s need for a multi-purpose cash scheme that allows a user to pay
small amount of money without high costs.
MONETA provides all features that are required for an e-cash scheme to be consid-
ered as secure, i.e., it provides non repudiation, is framing proof and unforgeable.
Our cash scheme is optimized for mobile devices. It uses an asymmetric security
architecture that reduces power and memory consumption [6]. Elliptic Curve Cryptog-
raphy private key is used on the client side, and the RSA private key on the infrastructure
MONETA provides anonymity to its clients while also being secure against theft
and double spending of money. To secure it against theft, we introduced a trusted third
party the MONETA Certificate Authority, that issues certificates for pseudonyms.
These pseudonyms are linked to the e-cash tokens. To reveal the identity of the user in
case of double spending we applied a mechanism based on the one proposed in [1].
There is only one value of the e-cash token (coin), which should be the smallest,
indivisible amount of money (e.g. 1 Euro cent). This assumption makes the money
handling easier, because there is no need to give the change and it is the easiest way
to form different amounts of money. This also leads to a straight flow of money (see
fig. 4).
Client, bank and service provider (service) are involved in the money flow. As
shown on figure 4 there are three steps on the money flow path.
withdrawal - the client gets the coins from the bank. The coins are stored in a database
(wallet) on the client device. The corresponding amount of real money is removed
from the client’s bank account,
Fig.4. The usual money flow in the MONETA micro payment scheme
payment - the service receives the coins from the client in return of goods or services
it provides. The client removes the coins she spent,
refund - the service sends the coins back to the bank and its account is refunded.
2.3 Information server — WebTag
This section presents our information server. The information packet it delivers is called
. This packet binds (tags) the resources URL with a location of a client and
a group of recipients. The clients are allowed to define their own WebTags
The WebTag
system consists of the server and the client part. The client part
has similar functionality to an e-mail client. In order to receive WebTags
the client
has to be registered and logged in. The WebTag
server manages the databases
of WebTags
, places (positions) and users. It is triggered by external information
about the location of a certain client. According to this information the server pushes a
to clients that are currently logged in and are on the list of recipients (see
fig. 5).
Fig.5. According to the location information the WebTag
server pushes the WebTag
the client, who can then access the resources from the web server via pull operation
3 Location aware service with micro payment charging
In order to make this section more illustrative, we start defining a scenario, which we
then use to explain the overall architecture as well as the message flow. Any other
scenario will follow the same lines.
First we have to specify the parties and the environment. There are two clients in
this scenario: the visitor and the host. The visitor changes her position and the host pays
to receive notifications according to the position of the visitor. This scenario requires a
positioning system that provides the visitor with her current location to be available.
Imagine that our clients are going to have a business meeting. The visitor travels
to reach the meeting place. The host is interested in the location of the visitor, but
not in a sense of continuously updated coordinates. The host wants to know that the
visitor reached a particular place on the way, e.g. that she just arrived to a city or to
an airport. To get this information the host subscribes to WebTags
that bind these
places with the visitor, and sets herself as the recipient of these WebTags
. Thus, the
host receives the information according to the location of the visitor. The host is charged
for this information just before it arrives to her device.
In our example scenario we have divided the functionality of the client into two
parts, i.e., the host and the visitor. In other scenarios the client can act as the host and
the visitor at the same time, i.e., the client gets information depending on her own
Figure 6 shows the structure of our system and sketches the data flow. It provides
information about the parties of the system and about components used by each party
as well.
Fig.6. The client 1 represents the traveling party (visitor). Respectively, the client 2 refers to
the client (host) that gets the information depending on the location of the traveling party. The
infrastructure parties are the WebTag
service and the PLASMA infrastructure. We omitted
the MONETA bank and the Web server to make the figure more clear
The components mentioned in the previous section use different communication
protocols, but each is built on top of TCP/IP. To make all parts of the system work to-
gether we had to provide an additional module the LessWire (LW) component. On
one hand this component is a kind of extension to the WebTag
server, since it man-
ages the user identification and accesses the WebTag
server’s databases. But it also
provides a kind of business logic, i.e., it gets the location information from PLASMA
and triggers the pushing of the WebTag
only if the visitor is in the specified location
and the procedure of charging the host completed successfully.
The data flow is divided into two parts. The first one is collecting location data done
by the PLASMA server. The second is the main procedure of charging and delivering
the location dependent information.
Depending on the kind of positioning system the location information (location
is delivered to the visitor once a specified time period or every time she changes the
location. The location
id identifies a location with the accuracy depending on the gran-
ularity of the positioning system. The visitor forwards the location information to the
PLASMA server. After converting the location
id to a common location format — geo-
graphic coordinates, the PLASMA server stores the location together with the visitor’s
identity in its database. This procedure is independent (asynchronous) from the remain-
ing data flow.
The charging and delivering procedure forms a sequence of six steps. The order of
these steps is shown in figure 6 as a number next to the arrow representing each data
exchange. As mentioned before the communication is based on TCP/IP.
step 1. Once a specified period of time the LW component asks the PLASMA server
about the current position of the visitor. Since the LW component is not a Java
PLASMA client it uses the Mediator to get the information. the LW component
accesses the database of WebTags
to check if there is a WebTag
defined for
the visitor and the obtained location. If this is the case then the LW component gets
the list of IP addresses of recipients, i.e., clients that were set to receive information
depending on the position of the visitor. In our scenario only the host is on this list.
step 2. The LW component sends an request to the MONETA service module asking
to charge the host.
step 3. The third step is the payment procedure. MONETA client and service mod-
ules communicate in order to transfer coins from the host’s device to the service’s
step 4. The LW component receives the result of the payment procedure.
step 5. If the payment procedure was successful then the LW component triggers the
server to push the WebTag
that contains the URL to the specified
resource, e.g. an information ,,The visitor has just arrived to Berlin”.
step 6. The delivery of the WebTag
is the sixth and last step of the sequence. Now
the host accesses the resources described by the received WebTag
4 Performance evaluation
To estimate the performance of the whole system we estimate the computation load of
each component.
The client
uses a mobile device with limited computation power. That is why the
operations done on the client side have to be as lightweight as possible. During the for-
warding of location
id and the reception of WebTag
the client does almost nothing
in sense of computing power and data transmission. The payment procedure requires
From now on we refer to the client as to the merged functionality of the host and the visitor.
the client to calculate two arithmetic multiplications per coin using big integer numbers
(up to 233-bit long), but these operations are also not extremely expensive. They take
0.1 ms per coin on HP IPAQ 5550 with 400 MHz XScale processor.
The size of one coin is 280 bytes. Thus, the price of the WebTag
, i.e., the amount
of coins used in the payment procedure influences the amount of transferred data as
The PLASMA server’s functionality is limited to database operations and conver-
sion of the location information. One PLASMA leaf server can handle up to 16000
position updates per second. The WebTag
server together with the LW component
are doing simple operations and transfers of small amount of data. The most expensive
operations are done by the MONETA service component. During the payment proce-
dure it has to perform four elliptic curve scalar point multiplications per coin in order
to verify it. The time needed by this operation depends on the ECC library used. Our
first version of pure Java ECC implementation allows to calculate one scalar point mul-
tiplication in about 50 ms using a standard PC (2 GHz). This result was achieved for
the P-224 elliptic curve recommended by NIST [12].
Table 1 presents our measurement results more precisely. The location query is a
bidirectional operation, thus the result specifies the time period between sending the
query and receiving the answer. It includes the delay caused by the network connection.
Since the location forwarding is one-way operation we provide the time needed by the
PLASMA server to process and to store the location data without the network delay.
For the payment procedure we measured the amount of time needed by the client and
the service to process each coin. We do not have exact measurement results for the
creation operation, but it should be comparable with the result for location
Table 1. Amount of time needed by each party to perform the operations
Operation Client PLASMA Service
Location forwarding 0,0625 ms
Location query 45 ms
Payment 0,1 ms / coin 200 ms / coin
5 Summary and Outlook
In this paper we have investigated an architecture which provides all means to imple-
ment location aware services and to charge for their use. The system consists of three
major components: a location handling middleware platform, a micro payment system
and an information server. All these components have a very good performance, e.g. the
location handling platform can manage up to 16000 position updates per second, and
the most expensive operation on the mobile device, i.e., the payment procedure requires
only 0.1 milliseconds per coin.
Despite the system shows already a good performance figures we will optimize the
overall performance in our next research steps. Currently the information server poll
the location database in order to get the current position of all users. In a next step we
will replace this by an event based mechanisms which is provided by the middleware
platform used. In addition we will tune the implementation of the cryptographic op-
erations. This includes the integration of C and assembler programming parts as well
as the integration of hardware accelerators for elliptic curve cryptography. We are also
going to investigate the privacy issues.
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