ephane Jean, Guy Pierra, Yamine Ait-Ameur
Laboratory of Applied Computer Science (LISI)
National Engineering School for Mechanics and Aerotechnics (ENSMA) - Poitiers
86960 Futuroscope Cedex - FRANCE
Ontology, Semantic Web, Ontology Based Information Systems, Semantic Integration, Data Exchange,PLIB.
If the word ontology is more and more used in a number of domain, the capabilities and benefits of ontology
for Information Systems management are still unclear. Therefore, the usage of ontology-based Information
Systems in industry and services is not widespread. This paper analyses the concept of a domain ontology
from a database perspective. As a result, firstly, we provide three criteria that distinguish domain ontology
from other existing domain modeling approach which lead us to propose a new definition of domain ontolo-
gies. Secondly, based on the various approaches of ontology modeling followed by different communities, we
propose a taxonomy of domain ontology. We show how they may be organized into a layered model, called the
onion model, allowing to design and to use the capabilities of each category of ontology in an integrated envi-
ronment. Finally, this paper presents several information systems based on ontology technologies and describe
the kinds of services that should be provided to allow a powerful usage of ontology in data management.
Defined by T. Gruber (Gruber, 1993) as an explicit
specification of a conceptualization, an ontology may
be considered as a quite new and exciting artefact
in computer science allowing to represent explicitly
meaning. Nowadays, the word ontology is used in
a lot of diverse research fields including natural lan-
guage processing, information retrieval, electronic
commerce, Web Semantic, software component spec-
ification and information systems integration. In
this context, several proposals for ontology models
and languages and corresponding operational systems
have been developed in the last decade. The growth
of both the number and the diversity of such models
for ontologies leads to some difficulties encountered
by engineers when they need to identify the right on-
tology(ies) and the right ontology model(s) to use or
to apply in practical engineering areas.
Due to the wide domain of usage, the meaning
of the word ontology is of course context-dependent.
Borrowed from philosophy, where it stand for ”a sys-
tematic account of existence”
, the term ontology got
a quite new meaning in technical and computer sci-
ence fields. In this new context, one may distin-
guish upper-level or foundation ontologies, the goal
of which is to provide definition for general-purpose
concepts, such that process, object or event, and to
act as foundation for more specific domain ontolo-
gies (Niles and Pease, 2001; Gangemi et al., 2003),
and domain ontologies that are tied to a specific uni-
verse of discourse and model the corresponding do-
main knowledge.
The goal of this paper is to analyse the concept of
a domain ontology in a database perspective. Most
of the usual definitions, such that the one of the Free
On-line Dictionary of Computing ”an explicit formal
specification of how to represent the objects, concepts
and other entities that are assumed to exist in some
area of interest and the relationships that hold among
them” are so broad that they covers most of the pre-
vious information modelling artefacts such that con-
ceptual models, knowledge model or specification of
information exchange formats. As a result the high
potential of ontologies for semantic integration is hid-
den, and a number of engineers consider ontology as
a buzzword.
In this paper, we suggest that the above defini-
tion should be refined and we propose three criteria
to distinguish domain ontologies from other informa-
tion modelling artefacts. Such domain ontologies in-
Jean S., Pierra G. and Ait-Ameur Y. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Inter net Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 341-351
DOI: 10.5220/0001246203410351
troduce a new modelling level in the database field
and we propose a taxonomy of the various possible
domain ontologies together with integration scenar-
ios that show how this taxonomy may be helpful for
addressing various data management issues. Then
we discuss what kind of tools, called Ontology-based
Data Management System (OBDMS) would be use-
ful for promoting ontology usage in the data process-
ing community. It is expected that this analysis will
promote the development of new OBDMS and help
engineers and practitioners to choose relevant OB-
DMS in order to solve their business problems. Our
work is different from previous related work (Cullot
et al., 2003; Meersman, 2001) aiming at clarifying
the differences between ontology and database tech-
nologies. The main contribution of this paper are the
following :
a proposal for criteria that distinguish domain on-
tologies from other domain modeling approaches;
a new definition of domain ontology;
a taxonomy of domain ontology and a layered
model (the onion model) that shows how these dif-
ferent kinds of ontology may cooperate for solving
data processing issues.
This paper is organized as follows. Next section
presents the concept of an ontology by focussing on
three criteria that distinguish ontology from other ex-
isting modeling approach. This suggest a new defi-
nition of domain ontologies. Section 3 describes the
various possible usages of ontologies in data manage-
ment. A database-oriented taxonomy of ontologies is
proposed in section 4 and section 5 proposes an inte-
grated view of these different kinds of domain ontol-
ogy for addressing various data processing problems.
Finally, section 6 describes several OBDMS and com-
pares their capabilities.
We propose in this section three criteria that charac-
terize domain ontologies. These criteria suggest a
new definition of domain ontology. Finally, we dis-
cuss the difference between domain ontologies and
conceptual models.
2.1 Ontology Criteria
From our point of view, a domain ontology is a do-
main conceptualization obeying to the three following
1. formal. An ontology is a conceptualization based
on a formal theory which allows to check some
level of consistency and to perform some level
of automatic reasoning over the ontology-defined
concepts and individuals. We note that this crite-
rion excludes most meta-models that do not pro-
vide automatic reasoning capabilities.
2. consensual. An ontology is a conceptualization
agreed upon by a community larger than the mem-
bers involved in one particular application devel-
opment. For instance, The Gene Ontology (GO)
is a collaborative effort between more than
10 organisms to address the need for consistent de-
scriptions of gene products. Moreover, users are in-
vited to submit suggestions for improving the GO
ontologies. ISO 13584-compliant (PLIB) product
ontologies follow a formal standardization process
and are published as ISO or IEC international stan-
dards. We note that this criterion excludes most
database, conceptual models which are just tailored
for a particular database application.
3. capability to be referenced. Each ontology-
defined concept is associated with an identifier al-
lowing to refer to this concept from any envi-
ronment, independently of the particular ontology
model where this concept was defined. We note
that this criterion exclude, in particular, all spec-
ification of information exchange formats, such
that STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Prod-
uct Model Data) Application Protocols (ISO10303,
1994), where entities and attributes may only be
referenced from the specified exchange structure.
2.2 A Proposed Definition for
Domain Ontology
These three criteria lead us to propose a new defini-
tion for domain ontology. For us, a domain ontology
is a formal and consensual dictionary of categories
and properties of entities of a domain and the rela-
tionships that hold among them. By entity we mean
being, i.e, anything that can be said to be in the do-
main. The term dictionary emphasizes that any entity
of the ontology and any kind of domain relationship
described in the domain ontology may be referenced
directly, for any purpose and from any context, inde-
pendently of other entities or relationships, by a sym-
bol. This identification symbol may be either a lan-
guage independent identifier, or a language-specific
set of words. But, whatever be the symbol, and un-
like in linguistic dictionary, this symbol denotes di-
rectly a domain entity or relationship, the description
of which is formally stated providing for automatic
reasoning and consistency checking.
We show in the next section that the criteria used
for characterizing domain ontologies allow to distin-
guish them with previous kind of concept modeling
like conceptual models and knowledge models.
2.3 Ontologies Vs Conceptual
As both an ontology and a conceptual model define
a conceptualization of a part of the world, an ontol-
ogy seems similar to a conceptual model. Concep-
tual models respect the formal criterion. Indeed, a
conceptual model is based on a rigorously formal-
ized logical theory and reasoning is provided by view
mechanisms. However, a conceptual model is appli-
cation requirement driven: it prescribes and imposes
which information will be represented in a particu-
lar application (logical model). Two different appli-
cation systems having always at least slightly differ-
ent application requirements, conceptual models are
always different from systems to systems. Thus, con-
ceptual models do not fulfill the consensual criterion.
Moreover, an identifier of a conceptual model defined
concept is a name that can only be referenced unam-
biguously inside the context of an information system
based on this particular conceptual model. Thus, con-
ceptual models also do not fulfill the capability to be
referenced criterion.
In the same manner, a conceptualization defined in
Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence
using logic constructors are not, in general, an ontol-
ogy. Such conceptualizations satisfy the formal crite-
rion. Indeed, logic is equipped with formal semantics
that enables automatic reasoning. However, in such
knowledge models, the main goals are the inference
capabilities of the models. Before that the notion of an
ontology emerged, neither mechanisms for referenc-
ing each particular concept of a knowledge model, nor
processes for ensuring a consensus on the concepts
were considered. Therefore, like conceptual models,
such usual knowledge models do not fulfill the con-
sensual and the capability to be referenced criterion.
However, data model constructs issued from data-
base design and logic are suitable for ontology mod-
els definitions. Indeed, several ontology models, like
OWL (Bechhofer et al., 2004), RDFS (Brickley and
Guha, 2004) and KAON (Bozsak et al., 2002) for
description logic and PLIB (Pierra, 2003), DOGMA
(Jarrar and Meersman, 2002) and MADS (Parent
et al., 1999) for database design, are based on con-
structors provided either by database conceptual mod-
els or by artificial intelligence knowledge base mod-
els. These models add other constructors that enable
to satisfy the consensual criterion (context definition,
multi instantiation, separation between concept defin-
ition and data structure prescription) and the capabil-
ity to be referenced criterion (URI, GUI).
On the basis of this distinction between ontology
and other concepts models, we study in next section
what ontologies are good for.
As stated in the introduction, ontology technologies is
widespread in a lot of diverse application domains and
it may be used in various engineering steps like spec-
ification, data exchange, data integration and search.
3.1 Specification
Two usages of ontologies as specification are re-
The usage of a conceptualization as a specification
is the basis of the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA).
A model of the application is first defined. This model
is then used to generate the code of the application.
The existing formal link between the specification
and the software enables to evolve the code when the
specification evolves. Currently, several softwares ad-
dressing similar problems on the same domain are de-
fined using different conceptualizations. This makes
difficult interoperation between these softwares. On-
tology usage is a solution to this problem. Because
ontologies satisfy the consensual criterion, the var-
ious conceptualization corresponding to various do-
main softwares may be connected to a domain ontol-
ogy. Then, softwares can interoperate using accessors
provided by this ontology. This approach is called
ontology-driven software engineering (Tetlow et al.,
The same approach can be followed in database de-
sign. The proposition of Ontology-Based Database
approach (Pierra et al., 2005) is to use an ontology as
a first level of database concepts specification. This
ontology is then specialized to define a conceptual
model. Because all particular systems have partic-
ular requirements, different conceptual models may
be built on the same consensual ontology. The link
between ontologies, conceptual and logical models is
kept inside a database. This architecture enables the
evolution of both the conceptual model and of the on-
tology and provides a common access to information
through the ontology. The advantage of this approach
is to make clear what is common between two sys-
tems, and what is different.
3.2 Data Exchange
A consensual domain conceptualization that can be
referenced may easily be used as an interchange for-
mat for data over this domain (ISO13584-42, 1998;
Chawathe et al., 1994). Unlike usual exchange for-
mat that specify the complete structure of the ex-
changed data and where the meaning of each piece
of data results from its place in the global structure,
ontology-based exchange are very flexible. In such an
exchange, the meaning of each piece of data may be
defined locally, by referencing ontology identifiers.
This allow quite different exchange structures to be
soundly interpreted by the same receiving system.
3.3 Data Integration
Domain ontologies is the only artefact that allows to
reconcile, at the semantics level, heterogenous data
source models. When domain ontologies are explic-
itly represented in databases, the integration may be
fully automated even when each source specializes lo-
cally the shared ontology (Bellatreche et al., 2004).
In the Semantic Web approaches, the link between
source and ontology is usually supported by metadata.
The integration is often automatic because the ontolo-
gies used in this process capture and identify concepts
in a formal and unique way.
In natural language processing, the link between
sources and an ontology consists of the words con-
tained in the documents. Most of the words having
context-dependent meaning, the integration process is
often user-assisted to provide meaningful results.
3.4 Data Access and Search
An ontology provides an access to data that reference
the concepts it defines. Depending on the expressive
power of the ontology model, data may be browsed
using the is-a concept hierarchy, queried using key-
word or with more sophisticated query languages.
Ontologies are also used to query databases. The
approach consists in enriching the queries on the log-
ical model by expressions involving ontology-defined
concepts and expressions (Das et al., 2004).
To sum up, ontology applications are widespread.
For a complete survey describing various usages of
ontology, the interested reader can refer to (Uschold
and Jasper, 1999). However all ontologies are not
similar. Next section proposes a taxonomy of on-
tologies to highlight their differences and the conse-
quences on their usage for the various application do-
mains seen previously.
Several orthogonal criteria need to be used to clas-
sify ontologies. The first major criterion is the man-
ner of conceptualizing a domain. Indeed, a domain
can be conceptualized as a set of words or as a set
of concepts. This conceptualization way leads to the
distinction between linguistic (taxonomic) ontologies
and conceptual (descriptive) ontologies (Cullot et al.,
2003; Pierra, 2003). Following (Pierra, 2003), we call
Linguistic Ontologies (LO) those ontologies whose
scope is the representation of the meaning of the
words used in a particular Universe of Discourse, in
a particular language. On the other hand, Conceptual
Ontologies (CO) are those whose goal is the represen-
tation of the categories of objects and of the properties
of objects available in some part of the world.
As these two kinds of ontology address quite dif-
ferent problems and fields, it is fundamental to clar-
ify which kind of ontology is suited in each particular
business context. Before presenting our taxonomy, let
us review some fundamentals of ontologies.
4.1 Fundamentals of Ontologies
Concepts defined in a conceptual ontology can be
classified in two categories.
Primitive concepts are those concepts ”for which
we are not able to give a complete axiomatic de-
finition” (Gruber, 1993). Here, the definition re-
lies on a textual documentation and a knowledge
background shared between the readers. The set of
primitive concepts define the border of the domain
conceptualized by an ontology. Primitive concepts
are the ground on which all other ontology con-
cepts will be built. The definition of primitive con-
cepts being always, at least partially, informal, the
only quality criteria, one has for such definitions,
is that they represent a consensus over some com-
munity. Without such a consensus one cannot asset
the usability of an ontology.
Besides primitive concepts, a number of ontology
models focus on the capability to create conserv-
ative definitions (Gruber, 1993), i.e, to associate a
new term or a new concept to something that is al-
ready defined by another mean in the ontology un-
der design. This characteristic is the basis of in-
ference mechanisms like automatic classification.
Defined concepts are those concepts for which the
ontology provides a complete axiomatic definition
by means of necessary and sufficient conditions ex-
pressed in terms of other concepts (either primitive
concepts or other defined concepts).
When defined concepts are introduced, concept
equivalence relation needs to be defined in order to
be able to compare, classify or relate defined and/or
primitive concepts.
Concept equivalence can be defined at the class
level. This is the approach followed by models based
on Description Logics (DL) like OWL (Bechhofer
et al., 2004) or on the Carin language used in the
PICSEL project (Rousset et al., 2002). For exam-
ple, in PICSEL the concept of Hotel is defined as a
specialization of the primitive concept HousingPlace.
A HousingPlace is defined as a place having associ-
ated buildings, rooms and meal services. A hotel is
then fully defined as those Housing Places which have
more than ve rooms and have only CollectiveBuild-
Concept equivalence can also be expressed at the
property level. This is the case in models where
derivation functions can be defined. F-Logic (Kifer
et al., 1995) is one of the models supporting this ca-
pability. For example, the property ”boss” relating an
employee to another employee can be derived from
the properties ”belong to” and ”chair”.
Thanks to the distinction between primitive con-
cepts and defined concepts, we are now able to pro-
pose our database-oriented taxonomy of ontologies.
4.2 Canonical Conceptual Ontology
In database design, when conceptual model is de-
fined, ambiguity or possible multi-representation of
the same fact is forbidden. The same approach is
followed for performing exchanges between two dif-
ferent databases. It consists in defining a canonical
vocabulary in which each information in the target
domain is captured in an unique way without defin-
ing any synonymous constructs. For example, in the
STEP project, exchange models are defined in the
EXPRESS language as a STEP Application Proto-
col (AP). These canonic exchange models are used
by industrial users to exchange product descriptions
between different organizations.
Ontologies whose definitions follow this approach
are called Canonical Conceptual Ontologies.In
CCOs, each domain concept is described in a single
way, using a single description that may include nec-
essary condition. As a consequence, CCOs include
primitive concepts only.
Defining CCOs is the main goal of the ontology
model defined in the PLIB (Part Library) standard
(ISO13584-42, 1998) with a first focus on represent-
ing and exchanging formal ontologies of technical do-
mains. Such CCOs use a property-based characteriza-
tion of the involved concepts. This means that a class
is only created when it proves necessary for defining
the domain of some properties. Therefore, in PLIB,
the generalization/specialization concept hierarchies
are rather ”flat”. An example of such an ontology for
electronic components can be found in (IEC61360-4,
These examples show that usage of CCOs in the
context of data exchange is fruitful. More arguments
are given latter in this paper by studying an exchange
4.3 Non Canonical Conceptual
Ontology (NCCO)
In database design, concept equivalence plays an im-
portant (but second-order) role. Each database ad-
dresses a particular domain and defines a canonic way
of representing any fact about this domain. Then, in
order to achieve a degree of independence with re-
spect to the choice of the concepts offered to users, a
database designer provides views. These defined con-
cepts are specified using the CREATE VIEW operator
on the basis of the primitive concepts that constitute
the database schema. In deductive database this func-
tionality also exists, provided with derived entities.
So, whatever the construct offered to express con-
cept equivalence, we call Non Canonical Conceptual
Ontologies those ontologies which contain not only
primitives concepts but also defined concepts.
NCCOs are particulary useful when they are used
as global query schemas. For example, in the PIC-
SEL project mentioned earlier, primitive concepts of
local CCOs are expressed as defined concepts for the
primitive concepts of a global ontology used as global
query schema. In the global ontology, concept ex-
pressions and rules expressed on basic concepts of the
tourism domain (HousingPlace, Flight ...) define a
wide range of terms (Hotel, Bed&Breakfast ...) use-
ful for users to formulate a query on data referenced
by local CCOs.
NCCO constructors are also very useful to define
mappings between different ontologies. For example,
figure 1 presents two CCOs of the domain of wines.
The CCO (A) is property oriented while the CCO (B)
is entity oriented.
Figure 1: Local Wine CCO.
Applying some NCCO operators, issued from a DL
syntax, we can write that:
RED W INE A WINE color : red
This axiom states that the concept of B
defined in CCO (B) is equivalent to the concept
WINE defined in CCO (A) restricted by the value
of the color attribute. These primitives have formal
semantics which enables a powerful reasoning mech-
anism implementation in tools named reasoners (e.g,
RACER (Haarslev and M
oller, 2001)). These tools
support mechanisms for concepts and instances clas-
sification. As a result, the two local CCOs can be au-
tomatically merged into the NCCO of figure 2. This
NCCO provides a global access to data of the two
Figure 2: Integrated Wine NCCO.
In this example, the reasoner has inferred that
all instances of B
RED W INE are instances of
WINE having the value red for the property
color. When these facts are materialized, as it is pro-
posed in OntoMerge (Dou et al., 2003), it become
possible to split the merged ontology into the CCO
(A) and the CCO (B) with the new inferred instances.
This process shows that NCCO constructors are use-
ful for integration tasks.
4.4 Linguistic Ontologies
In other application domains like information re-
trieval or natural language processing, human lan-
guages play a key role. Even in database, natural
languages are used in various places. Indeed, table
and attribute names are chosen to reflect their mean-
ing. Moreover, conceptual model documentation is
largely, and in a number of cases completely, ex-
pressed in natural language.
We call Linguistic Ontology (LO) those ontologies
that define words or contextual usages of words. In
this kind of ontology only words relationships (syn-
onym, hyponym, ...) are available. Words relation-
ships being highly contextual, machine inference in
general needs expert supervision. Moreover, approxi-
mate relationships may be defined.
Wordnet ( is
the most well-known representative of this category
of ontologies. It provides with textual definitions,
synonymous terms and representations for the vari-
ous concepts that can be denoted by a term. They are
intended to be used as a sophisticated thesauri.
LOs help to recognize conceptual similarities be-
tween sentences even if different terms are used.
Since word meanings are contextual and their rela-
tionships are approximative, wrong similarities may
be produced and results can never be considered as
reliable. An example of LOs usage is given in (Das
et al., 2004). A LO on types of cooking is used to
retrieve more meaningful results on the food served
in a restaurant. Thus, querying the ’latin ameri-
can’ served food retrieves tuples having ’american’ or
’mexican’ as value of type of cooking. A number of
semi-automatic database integration approaches, e.g.,
(Visser et al., 1999), use such linguistic ontologies.
4.5 Discipline Specific View of
Domain Ontology
Currently, the three categories of ontology mainly
correspond to three different disciplines of computer
science and have few connexions. Ontology models
focus either on CCO, NCCO or LO design.
CCO are mainly considered in the data processing
community. In CCOs, ontology descriptions focus
on primitives concepts characterization and identifi-
They include precise and complex descriptions of
the primitive concepts. These descriptions are
provided using CCO oriented model constructs.
For example, the DOGMA formalism (Jarrar and
Meersman, 2002), a database inspired ontology
model, provides contextual identification of con-
cepts. In the PLIB model, primitive concepts can
be associated with reference to real documents, pic-
tures, usage restrictions .... This model also dis-
tinguishes the rigid properties (Guarino and Welty,
2002), i.e., properties essential for any instance of
a class from those that may or not hold or exist ac-
cording to the role in which an entity is involved.
They don’t contain model mappings. Conse-
quently, the encoding of such conversions is
achieved in an application.
NCCO models were developed by artificial intelli-
gence community. Therefore, they focus on inference
and concept equivalence.
NCCOs contains conservative definition of defined
concepts using useful operators like boolean oper-
ators (union of classes ...).
As a rule, they include less precise descriptions for
the primitive concepts. For example, in OWL, a
primitive concept description is limited to a label, a
comment and the properties (roles) that can apply
to its instances.
LOs were designed for computational linguistic. In
LOs (e.g Wordnet), each word is associated with sev-
eral synsets (sets of synonymous) that reflects its var-
ious meanings. The imprecision of the conceptualiza-
tion is due to the following facts:
words meaning depends upon a context;
words relationships (e.g synonymy) have no formal
definition whereas concepts relationships (e.g sub-
sumption) have.
The previous observations lead us to identify some
relationships between CCOs, NCCOs and LOs.
Mappings between CCO might also be defined as
equivalence operators of some NCCO;
NCCO models can use powerful CCO-oriented
model constructs to define their own primitive con-
LOs might define the various meaning of each word
of a particular language by reference to a NCCO.
This reference would provide a basis for formal
and exact reasoning and automatic translation of
context-specific terms.
As a further step towards this observation, we first
propose a layered model for domain ontology design.
Then, we present an example of usage of this layered
5.1 A Layered Model for Ontology
An often used guide (Noy and McGuinness, 2001)
proposes a seven steps approach for NCCO develop-
1. Determine the domain and scope of the ontology to
be developed.
2. Consider reusing existing available ontologies that
someone else has developed.
3. List the important terms in the ontology without
considering the possible concepts overlaps they
may lead to.
4. Define the classes and the associated class hierar-
chy. From the list created in step 3, select the terms
that describe objects having independent existence.
These terms will be classes in the ontology and will
become anchors in the class hierarchy.
5. Define the properties associated to classes. Indeed,
most of the remaining terms are likely to be prop-
erties of these classes.
6. Define the constraints (cardinality, domain and
range restrictions) that hold on properties.
7. Create instances of classes in the hierarchy.
This approach exploits the NCCO capability to de-
fine equivalent concepts and thus to integrate several
ontologies addressing the same domain. Since we
claim that NCCOs can benefit from being articulated
with CCOs, we propose an alternative approach for
the development of a NCCO starting from a CCO.
1. The first step of the design of an ontology should be
to agree within a community on a CCO. To reach
this agreement, it is required to:
define clearly what is the domain covered by the
choose a powerful model to define precisely the
primitive concepts existing in the domain and al-
low to explicate the evaluation context of a prop-
erty value (Pierra, 2003);
provide a common understanding of a canonic
set of concepts covering the domain. This con-
ceptualization must accommodate a wide and di-
verse range of technical and business require-
ments shared by the members of the community.
It must reach a wide recognition and acceptance.
2. Within the community of users and/or developers,
on the basis of the defined CCO, a NCCO may be
built for use by members of this community either
to build their own view of the domain or to model
formally all the concepts existing in the target do-
main that are associated with a usual linguistic de-
notation (word or sequence of words). Proceeding
this way ensures the preservation of the capabil-
ity to share and exchange information expressed in
terms of the CCO.
3. In order to allow the use of the defined NCCO for
linguistic inference and/or to provide an end-user
friendly user interface in various languages, a list
of language-specific terms needs to be defined and
associated to each concept in the NCCO.
According to this alternative approach, figure 3 il-
lustrates a layered model, called the onion model, of
the resulting domain ontology. A CCO provides a for-
mal basis to model and to exchange efficiently the
knowledge of a domain. A NCCO provides mecha-
nisms to relate different conceptualizations made on
this domain. Finally, LO provides natural language
representation of the concepts of this domain, possi-
bly in the various languages where these concepts are
5.2 An Exchange Scenario Based on
Layered Domain Ontology
In database universe, each database uses a canonical
vocabulary. Usually, each database uses a different
canonical vocabulary. Instead of defining a NCCO
covering all the terms of all the sources (see fig 4
(A) ), the onion model suggests that all exchanges are
performed using a consensual CCO. Each source just
contains the descriptions of its own concepts in terms
of the (primitive) concepts of the canonical concep-
tual ontology (see fig 4 (B)). This approach has been
put into practice for databases integration in (Bella-
treche et al., 2004). Notice that if each concept is
Class Expression :
Description Logic
Property Expression :
Derivation function
Figure 3: The onion model of domain ontology.
represented differently in the n participating sources,
and if there exists in each source a mean value of
p concepts, solution (A) needs to implement n p
mappings in each source, when solution (B) requires
only p mappings in each source. Moreover, this ap-
proach also applies to virtual exchange, i.e, mediator
(Wiederhold, 1991).
Figure 4: Use of ontologies for canonic data exchange.
This clause, and the above show the interest of ar-
ticulating the three categories of ontologies according
to our onion model across the whole life cycle of do-
main ontologies.
CCOs provide canonical and accurate descriptions
of each concept of a given domain. It pro-
vides sound basis for exchange between different
NCCO operators are used to interact with other ap-
plications or sources that have already their own
particular ontologies.
LOs provide linguistic capabilities over primitive
and defined concepts.
Next section discusses the various tools that would
be useful to facilitate the use of ontologies in data
management activity and compare with those cur-
rently existing.
An OBDMS is a suite of tools providing support for
using ontologies and ontology instances data. In data
management, many different functionalities may be
expected from an OBDMS. In this section we list a
set of such functionalities and relate them to our tax-
6.1 OBDMS Functionalities
An OBDMS may provide the following functionali-
F1. Respect of standard. If a formal semantics is
defined for some supported ontology model stan-
dard, this semantics shall be respected by the de-
fined OBDMS.
F2. Handling of exchange format. When an ex-
change format is provided with an ontology
model, import/export ontologies and ontologies
instance data in this format are needed.
F3. Data manipulation. An OBDMS should pro-
vide support to insert, update or delete ontology
concepts and instance data (support of CCO).
F4. Linguistic support. An OBDMS should support
and exploit linguistic-oriented naming and de-
scription of concepts in various languages (sup-
port of LO).
F5. Data querying. An efficient way should be
available for querying both ontologies and on-
tologies data.
F6. Ontology Mapping. An OBDMS should pro-
vide mapping functionalities to integrate differ-
ent ontologies (support of NCCO operators).
F7. Ontology as a specification. An OBDMS
should provide the possibility to extract from an
ontology a specification of a software or of a
database schema.
6.2 Comparison of Some OBDMS
The description of various useful capabilities needed
to facilitate the use of ontologies in data management
being completed, this section reviews three OBDMS
according to the functionalities they offer.
6.2.1 RDF Tools
RDF Suite and Sesame are two suites of tools for
RDFS storage and querying. A database is used for
the persistence of the data. These two tools add con-
straints on the RDFS standard. They propose import/-
export module to manage data described in an RDF
syntax. Third-party tools can be associated to this
suite by using this module. Thus, an ontology editor
(e.g. Protege) can be associated to these tools. How-
ever, this editor will not be synchronized with the stor-
age system. Querying data in Sesame and RDF Suite
is performed through the RQL language. There is no
support provided by these tools to integrate different
ontologies or to use them as a specification.
6.2.2 PLIB Suite
PLIB Suite ( is a set of tools
for PLIB ontologies storage, edition, querying and in-
tegration. The exchange format of PLIB ontologies is
EXPRESS physical file. PLIB Suite include full sup-
port of this format. Currently, ontologies storage rely
on the OntoDB prototype. This prototype is an im-
plementation of the notion of Ontology Based Data-
base presented in section 3. Thus, it stores ontologies,
data and logical models of data defined by extraction
and/or specialization from ontologies. It respects full
definition of the PLIB standard and its architecture is
flexible enough to manage the evolution of this stan-
dard. This prototype is directly linked to the PLIB Ed-
itor software that can be used to visualize and manage
ontologies and data. Each concept is associated to a
name in different natural languages with synonymous
names. PLIB Editor exploits this natural language
capability to provide a multilingual interface. How-
ever, there is no linguistic inference using synony-
mous names. PLIB Editor provides a query module
that enables to build visually a query on data from the
ontologies. This module relies on the OntoQL query
language allowing to manage and to query both on-
tologies and data. Integration of PLIB ontologies is
enabled when subsumption links are defined between
different ontologies.
6.2.3 RacerPro
RacerPro is an in-memory OWL reasoning system.
RacerPro supports OWL DL almost completely and
includes a graphical user interface to manipulate on-
tologies and data. These data are directly persisted
in an OWL file. Querying these data is possible
through the query language nRQL. However, mem-
ory demands, concurrency control and scalability of
this implementation are still open issues. As a payoff,
RacerPro offers a full reasoning system that enables
automatic classification of concepts and of data. As
we have seen in section 4.3, this functionality is very
useful for integration.
Table 1 summarizes the previous study.
Table 1: Fulfilled functionalities by existing OBDMS.
RDF Tools Racer Pro PLIB Suite
F1 partial yes yes
F2 yes yes yes
F3 partial yes CCO
F4 no no partial
F5 yes partial yes
F6 no NCCO partial
F7 no no yes
It appears that none of the existing tools covers the
complete set of functionalities required to implement
the scenario proposed in section 5.2. Therefore, next
section proposes an architecture using existing OB-
DMS to solve this problem.
6.3 An Integrated Architecture to
Implement our Data Exchange
Our exchange scenario requires one consensual CCO
managed in an OBDMS providing the possibility to
map NCCOs (F6). Since Racer is the only existing
OBDMS providing this functionality we propose to
use it for this purpose.
Each source defines its own CCO and manages its
instances. We propose to use PLIB Suite for each par-
ticular source. The use of PLIB Suite for this pur-
pose ensure that a precise description of the concepts
will be available (F3). Moreover it provides a scal-
able repository to store all the data (F5). For linguis-
tic support (F4), it provides the necessary resources to
reference a LO such as Wordnet.
The exchange of data requires the following steps:
1. A source exports its primitive concepts to Racer
(F2). They become the consensual CCO. Notice
that this step requires that PLIB Suite can export
data in OWL format.
2. Other sources may use Racer editor to define map-
ping between their concepts and the defined con-
sensual CCO.
3. Using the Racer reasoning system, a classification
of all the concepts is done. Thus, the consensual
CCO become a NCCO.
4. Data instances to be exchanged between the de-
fined sources are imported into Racer.
5. Using the Racer reasoning system, a classification
of these instances is performed.
6. For concepts of a given source under which in-
stances have been classified, an export of these in-
stances to this source is achieved. This step re-
quires to keep track of the origin of each concept.
Other propositions like (Pan and Heflin, 2003) are
made to associate a reasoner with a database. How-
ever the aims of these propositions is to provide a full
reasoning system using a database. Yet, OWL reason-
ing is not fully supported by these systems.
This paper has investigated the concept of domain on-
tology in a database perspective. Ontology becoming
a buzzword, often used as a new term for already ex-
isting models, we have first proposed three criteria to
characterize ontology. A domain ontology must be
formal, i.e, allowing some automatic reasoning and
consistency checking capability, consensual in some
community and able to be referenced from any en-
vironment. These three criteria characterize domain
ontology as a new kind of model in computer science
and lead us to propose a new definition of domain on-
tology as a formal and consensual dictionary of cate-
gories and properties of entities of a domain and the
relationships that hold among them.
Domain ontology models being mainly developed
by three communities, we have proposed a taxonomy
of domain ontology into CCO, NCCO and LO. After
reviewing the partial domain coverage of these vari-
ous models, we have proposed a layered model, called
the onion model of domain ontology, allowing to de-
sign and to use the capabilities of each category of
ontology in an integrated environment. We have also
discussed under the name of OBDMS what kinds of
services should be provided to allow a powerful usage
of ontology in data management.
Currently there exist neither exchange format nor
OBDMS able to represent and to manage domain on-
tologies corresponding to the complete onion model.
First, we are developing an XML schema that will in-
tegrate both OWL and PLIB capabilities. Second, we
are extending the PLIB Suite to support OWL class
expression constructs using both a connexion with an
OWL reasoner and a representation by SQL views.
Finally, we are working on a query language, called
OntoQL, allowing to query the three layers of the
onion model.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous refer-
ees of this paper. Their relevant comments and sug-
gestions were very helpful to improve the quality of
this paper.
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