Andreas Andreakis
, Adrian Paschke
, Alexander Benlian
, Martin Bichler
, Thomas Hess
Technische Universität München, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany
Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Ludwigstr. 28, 80539 Munich, Germany
Keywords: Content reutilization, Semantic Web, multi-channel strategies, semantic annotation.
Abstract: In recent times content reutilization in different media channels (such as in Cross Media Publishing or
Windowing) is a much discussed concept in the media industry. It promises decreasing production and
coordination costs by exploiting and leveraging synergy effects. First theoretical investigations emphasized
the importance of efficient metadata-enriched linking and modularity techniques for a successful
implementation of this multi-usage concept. However, nearly all recent approaches stop at the level of
theoretical suggestions and do not include novel technological potentials provided by Semantic Web
languages and tools. On the basis of previous works, this paper attempts to fill these research gaps by
presenting a “proof of concept” implementation and by highlighting the possibilities and the potential of
Semantic Web technologies in the context of media content reutilization.
The progress in product and process digitization as
well as the ever-growing bulk of media content are
prompting print publishing firms to organize their
most valuable resource in a way that it can be
allocated efficiently to production and bundling
processes. Effective and efficient content
reutilization practices do not only promise a
decrease of production and transaction costs by
reducing search and coordination costs of editors
(Schulze, 2005), but also an enrichment of media
content portfolios due to higher exploitation rate of
marketable content products (Anding , 2004).
Publishing companies (i.e., book, newspaper and
magazine publishers) are traditionally organised in
loosely-coupled, topic-specific departments with a
strong trend to decentralized structures in order to
cover a broad range of different issues (e.g.
international, national news, business, technology,
science, sports, etc.) (Schumann, 2002). This
product orientation has also been reflected in the
data or content architectures of publishers. Media
content has most often been located in separate
repositories spread over separate editorial units
without any logical, semantic linkages (Stamer,
2002). However, such semantic relationships
become more and more important in particular in the
context of emerging multi-channel content
reutilization strategies in publishing companies.
Existing Content Management Systems (CMS) such
as Cofax, OpenCMS, CoreMedia, already support
editorial offices with XML-based content
workflows, which can automatically serve different
media channels (Stamer, 2002). Only in some cases,
semantic annotations of the contents were applied in
form of metadata (e.g. Dublin Core, IPTC) and
predominantly in the form of simple XML-based
"name-value" pairs. Large-scale semantic networks
with lots of cross-references between content
modules can hardly be found (Schek, 2005). As a
consequence, editors are often forced to “reinvent
the wheel” by producing and bundling pictures,
graphics, and texts several times, again and again.
This leads to a lot of redundant work and potential
coordination conflicts between editorial units.
In this paper, we address this research gap by
examining the question whether Semantic Web
technologies can be used to implement a distributed
multi-media content management system capable of
efficient metadata-based search and sophisticated
Andreakis A., Paschke A., Benlian A., Bichler M. and Hess T. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 491-494
DOI: 10.5220/0001252604910494
content reutilization in editorial production and
bundling processes. The objective of this study is to
present a "proof of concept", which should spur
further research efforts. The paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3
describes the basic concept of a RDFS-bade media
content management systems and discusses further
extensions with respect to distributed ontology
management and query optimization. Section 4
evaluates the presented approach and section 5 gives
a summary of our contribution.
Use cases for the classification of media content are
manifold in the research field of the Semantic Web.
Examples for the organisation of media content in
the Internet are RSS (Rich Site Summary) for
exchanging news articles; the MPEG classification
and Adobe's XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform)
framework, which is integrated into the "network
publishing" approach.
Furthermore, various research projects deal with the
employment of Semantic Web technologies in the
media industry. The OntoMedia Ontology
(Lawrence, 2005) describes a specification for the
visualization of semantically annotated media
content in heterogeneous media environments based
on OWL and is therefore comparable to current
standards such as PRISM. Schreiber et al.
(Schreiber, 2001) describes an approach for
ontology based annotation of photos using RDFS
and a Prolog-based inference machine.
Compared to these approaches the work
described in this paper addresses practical aspects
regarding the efficient search and multiple use of
media contents in a Semantic Web-enabled multi-
user environment
Semantic Web Ontology languages such as RDFS
and OWL are a promising approach to develop
expressive meta data languages with comprehensive
cross-linkages and taxonomic sub- and super-class
relationships. They enable a compact representation
of hierarchical meta data concepts and provide rich
inference features for effective and precise query
answering. Under real conditions with myriads of
taxonomic cross-references between ever-growing
bulks of media content modules and topic
hierarchies RDF Schema (RDFS) which provides
basic constructs for describing RDF vocabularies
and taxonomic structures is more suitable as a
representation language than OWL. According to
our studies and theoretical complexity results actual
Semantic Web (description logic) interference
machines such as Jena (OWL Lite), Racer, Pellet
(OWL DL) lead to a relatively insufficient
performance and scalability for large OWL models
with low performance for query answering and high
memory consumption. Using RDFS adequate meta
data languages for media content annotation and
categorization within large taxonomies comprising a
multitude of categories and topics can be represented
and efficiently queried.
In our implementation (based on RDFS and
Jena) sub-class relationships (subClassOf) organise
individual topic categories (classes) into hierarchical
structures (T-box model ~ taxonomy), in which the
meta data properties of a parent class are inherited
via RDFS inferences to the subclasses. The media
contents are assigned as instances via type relations
(type) to one or more topic categories and are
annotated with the inherited properties from all
superordinated categories reaching from domain
independent meta data such asauthor”, “creation
date” to domain dependent meta data, i.e. properties
of particular topic categories. Via multi-typing a
particular instance can be assigned to the several
topic categories within the taxonomies as well as to
arbitrary other RDFS-based categorization schemes.
Figure 1: Multiple typing of media contents (instances)
with topics (classes).
Beside the topic-related taxonomy an additional
classification into data types (text, image, video and
audio) has been implemented to enable
categorization of media content according to their
type, e.g. „text“. Standard Semantic Web inference
engines such as Jena capable of RDFS reasoning can
be used to search for media contents whereas the
defined categories and meta data properties are used
to refine and constrain the queries, e.g.:
“Get all contents (instances) of categorySport” and
categoryEntertainment” of data typetext” not older
than date31.1.2006” and with the authorJohn Doe“?”
The multiple-categorization and the extensive
meta-data annotation of media content facilitates
precise content search and leads to high recall which
enables efficient content reutilization due to a
meaningful reuse of existing media content modules
simultaneously or subsequently in different output
channels. Further extensions are needed in order to
support collaborations of loosely-coupled, topic-
specific departments which have their own
heterogeneous ontologies and in order to optimize
query answering in view of large taxonomies and a
huge number of media contents. In the next two
sections we will further elaborate these issues.
3.1 Distributed Ontology Management
Departments or companies can interact and reuse
media contents with each other based on a shared
taxonomy which unifies their heterogeneous
decentralized ontologies. In order to achieve this, a
common basis, i.e. a centralized ontology, can be
used which might be dynamically extended at
runtime. Therefore, we have defined a base ontology
with one predefined root class “Category”:
<rdfs:Class rdf:about=“http://ns #Category“ />
Via the “owl:imports” construct (e.g. Jena supports
this import statement) other ontologies which define
further category classes, category properties and
associated media instances are linked into the base
ontology at runtime whereas they extend the
“Category” root class. Figure 2 illustrated the
integration process of two ontologies into the base
Figure 2: Integration of distributed ontologies.
Media contents might be assigned to multiple
categories even between locally distributed sub-
ontologies. The base ontology appears as a
centralized virtual repository. All updates and
extension take place in the local sub-ontolgies and
are merged within the virtual base ontology. In the
example the media content “E_Content1” is of type
Sport” and also of type “Entertainment”.
From a user perspective, i.e. an editor, this multiple
classification process of media contents takes place
as follows:
1. The editor classifies any new produced media
content, e.g. a new article, within its local
ontology and associates it to one or more
categories within the local taxonomy.
2. Then the editor searches the base ontology for
further fitting categories from other ontologies
and additionally assigns the content to these
external categories.
3. In case that there is no adequate category neither
in the local ontology nor in the unified base
ontology or in case that a better suited category
is needed, the editor adds this new category to
her local ontology which is automatically
imported by the base ontology.
3.2 Optimization of Content Search
Beside the expressiveness of a meta data language
which influences precision and recall of queries, the
efficiency of the content search is crucial. The high
number of media content and the possibly large
“base ontology” consisting of many local sub-
ontologies necessitates additional query
optimizations. We have implemented two basic
approaches, namely search space reduction via
ontology splitting and caching.
The idea behind the ontology splitting is to
reduce the search space of queries via splitting an
ontology into smaller models which can be
consequently inferenced much faster. For example,
to query and traverse the topic taxonomy only the T-
box model is needed and the A-box model can be
neglected. Accordingly a meaningful split might be
to break down the ontology into a T-box model with
the taxonomy data and an A-box model with all
instance data. This can be further extended, e.g. by
additionally separating all properties which describe
domain-dependent meta data. As a result an
ontology consists of three models an T-box category
model, a property meta data model and an A-box
content model. Specialized queries such as plain
“subsumption” or “classification” queries without
further meta data restrictions can be answered using
one of these smaller models, whereas more complex
queries are solved based on the virtual unification
(implemented via “owl:imports”) of these partial
models, i.e. based on the complete (virtual) model.
A client-sided cache can be used to further
optimize the content search. The cache is
temporarily populated with indexes on frequently
used topic categories. These references are reused to
directly access the local ontologies and not the large
base ontology for recurrently queries. The caching
approach is related to the splitting approach, but is
implemented on the client-side, where-as the
splitting is done on the server side.
In a nutshell, these optimizations significantly
boost the query speed (see section 4) and
demonstrate the feasibility and scalability of the
Semantic Web based media content management
approach in case of large ontologies and many
Within the scope of the presented proof-of-concept
implementation, the quality of the suggested concept
was evaluated with respect to the applicability and
usability of current Semantic Web technologies for
meta-data enhanced content reutilization. Although
the implemented system just represents a prototype,
data concerning the performance and scalability of
the system have been collected. Furthermore, a
qualitative benchmarking to search technologies in
conventional content management systems that are
based on key word search or simple name-value-
metadata was carried out. The measurement results
collected during these assessment cycles are very
promising with high levels of precision and recall.
Based on an ontology with a T-box model of 15
classes each having at least 6 properties and an A-
box model with 3.000 instances the optimization
approaches as described in section 3.2 have been
benchmarked based on the number of meaningful
results and query performance. Table 1 shows the
Table 1: Query optimization benchmark.
Number of results Plain Jena With Optimization
400 0,8 sec. 0.2 sec.
1500 1,2 sec. 0,6 sec.
2500 1,6 sec. 0,9 sec.
The objective of the paper on hand was to show that
current Semantic Web technologies can be
efficiently applied in the context of content
reutilization in print publishing companies. Semantic
Web related ontology languages were evaluated with
respect to their capability of supporting content
management in print publishing firms which are
challenged to handle masses of media content in
heterogeneous category structures on a daily basis.
Here, RDFS qualified as an adequate representation
language and the subsequently evolved RDFS
ontology-based proof-of-concept implementation
verifies the technical feasibility not only in case of a
stand-alone, but also of a distributed multi-user
application system. Although this paper could only
treat some aspects of content reutilization, crucial
points have been addressed by focusing on the
search of content modules in different contexts for
the production and bundling of different media
products. The findings about the application of
ontologies in the media industry give enough reason
to make a relevant contribution and simultaneously
motivate further research in this field. In a nutshell,
it can be recapitulated that semantic web
technologies and tools can be fruitfully applied in
media content management systems supporting the
processes of searching and bundling media content
in print publishing firms.
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