Fabian Kaiser, Holger Schwarz and Mih
aly Jakob
Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Stuttgart
Universitaetsstrasse 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Expert Finder, Search Engine, Information Retrieval, Knowledge Management.
In this paper, we present an integrated approach on finding experts for arbitrary user defined topics on the
World Wide Web. We discuss the special challenges that come along with this issue and why solely applying
standard techniques and standard tools like Web search engines is not suitable. We point out the necessity for a
dedicated expert search engine, based on a Focused Crawler. The main contribution of our work is an approach
to integrate standard Web search engines into the process of searching for experts to utilize the search engines’
knowledge about content and structure of the Web.
Knowledge is becoming more and more a crucial fac-
tor in today’s economical environment. The knowl-
edge on how technologies and markets will evolve or
how the political and social environment will change,
holds enormous potential for economic success. On
the other hand, the lack of such knowledge bears un-
certainties and expert knowledge is required to clar-
ify these. While in larger companies such knowledge
is often found in-house, smaller companies regularly
lack this knowledge due to missing human resources.
Therefore, they need to rely on external experts. The
challenge on hiring such external experts is to find
persons with adequate skills and knowledge. Various
sources like articles, books or personal contacts can
be utilized for this purpose. However, in this paper
we focus on finding experts on the WWW as it forms
a huge and steadily growing information base. While
existing approaches are either limited to enterprise-
internal data or require advanced search skills from
the user, our solution is more general. We propose the
Expert Search Engine EXPOSE which guides the user
through the whole search process. An example-based
search field specification, autonomous Web crawling
and content analysis as well as the integration of stan-
dard search engines are the key concepts on which our
approach builds.
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we
point out the main problems people have to face when
searching for experts on the Web. Section 3 outlines
existing approaches that deal with either expert search
or websearch in general and shows their shortcomings
when being applied to a webwide expert search. In
Section 4 we describe a set of techniques that are valu-
able for finding experts on the Web. We show how we
developed and integrated these techniques and what
makes our approach superior to others. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 gives a short conclusion.
In our experiments, we found out that searching for
experts on the Web cannot be efficiently accom-
plished by solely using standard Web search engines
and that there is a need for support by dedicated meth-
ods and tools. We identified several problems that
can be summarized as the lack of support for an auto-
mated search process.
First, there is no integrated tool that efficiently al-
lows to search for experts on the Web. Thus, any
such search will result in lots of data that has to be
handled manually by the user. Secondly, due to the
lack of obliging standards, most platforms and ser-
vices on the Web follow their own rules on process-
ing and publishing content, optimized for the inter-
action with human users. Only in a few niche appli-
cations like in the context of B2B, approaches prop-
agated by the Semantic-Web-Community (Koivunen
Kaiser F., Schwarz H. and Jakob M. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 363-368
DOI: 10.5220/0001252703630368
& Miller 2001) are applied to provide better support
for automatic processing of content. A broad use of
metadata as postulated by the Semantic Web Commu-
nity would result in better results in classifying and
rating the relevance of arbitrary text resources. In
particular, questions like “find authors of publications
about fuel cells” could then be answered by relative
simple search engines. Valuable results would be au-
thors of scientific publications, authors of articles that
are available online, writers of posts to topic-related
mailinglists or newsgroups, authors in bulletin boards
and the like. Due to the heterogeneity of these diverse
sources and a lack of available metadata, each of them
requires a different approach for analyzing the rele-
vance and extracting author information. However,
this is not covered by standard search tools.
While the Web and thus the amount of available in-
formation steadily grows, a similar increase in search
skills of standard search engine users cannot be ob-
served. Jansen, Spink & Pedersen (2005) found, that
most queries to search engines consist of maximum
three keywords, only the top ten results are used in
most cases and only few users refine a query. This of-
ten results in an inadequate query specification. Even
if search engines could potentially provide the de-
sired information, the user only gets what he asks
for - and with an insufficient query, this might dif-
fer very much from what he wants to get. As users of
standard search engines will probably not train their
search skills to a required amount and hiring a ded-
icated searcher is most often not an option as well,
this lack of skills needs to be compensated by soft-
ware support. Apparently, solely with an exact prob-
lem specification, no experts can be found, but as
the whole search process builds on it, such a detailed
specification is a fundamental requirement. As this
pre-condition is not met for most users, search en-
gines are not of much help for them in the complex
process of searching for experts.
Finding experts is by no means a new research issue.
A valuable overview about various research work in
this area is given by McDonald & Ackerman (2000)
and Yimam & Kobsa (2002). Most of the work is
done in the context of Knowledge Management and
focuses on enterprise-internal search for experts like
in Yellow Pages systems. In the following, we de-
pict several existing approaches and tools that deal
with expert identification or websearch in general and
show their shortcomings in the context of a webwide
expert search.
The Xpertfinder (Heeren & Sihn 2002) is a tool
that monitors email traffic as well as several kinds of
files like PDF- or Word-documents located on servers
within the enterprise. It analyzes authorship, content
and communication structures from these sources and
derives a mapping from persons to predefined exper-
tise fields. Thus it simplifies the creating of Yellow
Pages Systems and makes their maintenance less ex-
tensive. The main reason why it can not be applied to
a webwide expert search is that it compiles the search
results from a relatively small set of resources that
need to be indexed and analyzed previously. This, in
turn, is almost impossible for a private search engine
in the scope of the whole WWW, as the number of
resources to analyze would be ways too big, result-
ing in too much effort. Furthermore, the main focus
of Xpertfinder is analyzing email exchange. While
this is suitable for an enterprise-internal network, it
can not be achieved for email in general, as only such
communication can be monitored that involves email
servers under the control of the search tool. Thus, the
results are limited to enterprise-internal experts which
is not suitable, as pointed out in Section 1.
A different aspect of expert identification is tar-
geted by research in the area of virtual communities.
Here, techniques and tools are being developed for
measuring the degree of interaction between parti-
cipants in a discussion. This is not primarily used
to identify experts, but to monitor discussions and
to gain information about the evolution of such dis-
cussion groups. Still, such techniques can compile
valuable information about who belongs to the most
active persons in a discussion and which knowledge
networks are formed by the interconnection of users.
The Management Cockpit (Trier 2005) is such a tool
for the visualization of knowledge networks. Based
on wrappers for several bulletin boards, the commu-
nication structure of such boards can be analyzed and
visualized. For our goal of finding domain specific
experts on the Web, this approach is too isolated be-
cause the user has to manually identify a board prior
to the analysis and potentially implement a wrapper
to make the data readable. Furthermore, tools like the
Management Cockpit just analyze and visualize the
communication structure of a whole board but do not
differentiate on the content of every single thread and
post. Their level of detail is too low and thus results
are not of much use for expert identification.
Several commercial platforms for finding ex-
perts on the Web are available as well. Like on users can register as experts
in several domains. These platforms, however, suf-
fer from the fact that people have to manually register
and describe their skills themselves. This brings the
disadvantage that mainly people with commercial in-
terests will register and that they will tend to overrate
their skills and expertise to get into contact with more
potential clients. Thus, the scope of such platforms is
rather limited.
Figure 1: EXPOSE- Expert Search Engine.
As shown in Section 3, several problems occur when
using existing tools in the Web context or even make
it impossible to use them. To our knowledge, there
is neither a tool nor a technique that meets our re-
quirements in identifying arbitrary experts for arbi-
trary fields on the Web. Apparently, several tech-
niques that are used by the systems described above
are also valuable in our scenario. We therefore present
an approach that integrates several known techniques
from the information retrieval domain. Especially we
discuss the role standard search engines can play and
how they can be used to increase quantity and quality
of search results. The conclusion of these considera-
tions is our Expert Search Engine EXPOSE.
We identified three steps in the process of searching
experts, as indicated in Figure 1:
1. Specify the information need.
2. Search for related documents.
3. Identify the experts mentioned in these documents.
Our approach follows these three steps and will be
explained in the next sections.
4.1 Topic Specification
The first step towards finding experts is specifying the
topic, experts are searched for. This is a common
problem that most Web users face day by day when
running keyword queries on Web search engines. The
problem consists of mainly two aspects: (a) Different
resource authors use different vocabularies to phrase
content. (b) As pointed out by Jansen, Spink & Peder-
sen (2005), most users only specify their information
need by providing just very few keywords. This is not
sufficient for searching information on highly sophis-
ticated topics, as the search results are often simply
too numerous or too general. We chose a different
approach for specifying an information need which is
more intuitive for humans: instead of compiling a set
of keywords that describe a topic, it is easier to char-
acterize a topic using examples, which in this case
can be any topic-related documents. The search pro-
cess then focuses on finding further documents that
are similar to the ones provided as samples. How-
ever, these samples also need to be provided by the
user which results in a bootstrapping problem. Yet,
we found it less extensive for the user to search for
only some two or three topic-related documents us-
ing standard search engines and then let an automated
system find similar resources. However, two further
questions arise from this approach:
1. How to define the similarity of documents?
2. The input to standard search engines are mainly
keywords instead of sample documents. Thus sup-
port for the latter technique is very rudimental if
existing at all. How can this problem be solved?
Question (1) is a well known problem in the field of
information retrieval. Like in many other approaches
we transform documents into the vector space model
and calculate their similarity based on the cosine sim-
ilarity of the representing vectors. Question (2) on the
other hand is more complicated. As standard search
engines in general cannot be used with this exam-
ple based technique, all their knowledge about con-
tent and structure of the Web cannot be utilized either.
However, running a private fully-featured search en-
gine is not an option for standard users. Thus a com-
promise between minimum effort and utilizing max-
imum knowledge must be found. In Section 4.2 and
4.3 we present our approach to tackle this problem.
4.2 Document Retrieval
As pointed out in Section 4.1, standard search en-
gines are not suitable for searching and retrieving doc-
uments based on specification by examples. Still, for
searching documents, Web resources need to be ana-
lyzed for relevance. To gather such resources, our ex-
pert search engine also contains a crawler that down-
loads such resources and then feeds it into a classifier
(Figure 1). While for search engine crawlers, the doc-
ument sequence in a crawl is not that important, as
for most documents it does not make a difference if
it is crawled now or any later, the crawler to be used
here indeed has to focus as much as possible on topic-
related documents. Therefore, it should crawl docu-
ments that are likely to be topic-related before those
that are less likely to be relevant.
To solve this problem, Chakrabarti, van der Berg
& Dom (1999) proposed an approach they called Fo-
cused Crawling. A Focused Crawler has functional-
ity similar to that of standard search engine crawlers.
Starting from a set of initial URLs, it downloads the
specified resources, extracts the URLs these resources
contain and recursively crawls them. The main dif-
ference between a Focused Crawler and crawlers of
standard search engines is, that it aims to only down-
load resources that are related to a specific topic, that
is, the crawler focuses on this topic. Following the
idea of specifying the search field with sample doc-
uments, the Focused Crawler starts from this sample
set. Each document it crawls is then compared to the
set of sample documents and if it is similar enough,
the links found in this document are followed as well.
See e.g. Diligenti at al. (2000) for some heuristics to
improve the recall when using this technique.
The appliance of a Focused Crawler significantly
differs from using standard search engines. While a
search engine delivers the answer to keyword queries
within seconds, a Focused Crawler may run for min-
utes to hours or even days. While this is a shortcom-
ing in terms of getting immediate results, it can of-
fer the user a way to influence the search progress by
redirecting the crawler or refining the specification.
Furthermore, the knowledge of search engines about
the Web can be utilized to support a Focused Crawler.
This will be discussed in the following.
4.3 Integrating Web Search Engines
As depicted in the preceding section, a Focused
Crawler can reduce the number of unnecessary down-
loads. Still, a major challenge is that many topic-
related resources are not well connected, neither di-
rectly nor by reasonably short click-paths (Diligenti
et al. 2000). Thus, many relevant resources can not
be crawled because a Focused Crawler will not find
them. Especially for the context of finding experts,
we developed a technique to tackle this problem of
Focused Crawlers and find more and better suited ex-
perts on the topic in question. Our approach bases
on the integration of the above mentioned techniques
and the use of a Focused Crawler in combination with
standard search engines. In the following, we will de-
scribe this integration.
4.3.1 Backlinks
Crawling websites starts from a set of documents, ex-
tracting the links they contain and following these
links recursively. Thereby the Web can be seen as
a graph where documents are represented by nodes
and links are directed edges between two such nodes.
The edge property directed implies, that even if from
document A (see Figure 2) another document B can
be reached following edge E
, there is not necessar-
ily a way back from B to A, that is, E
does not
Figure 2: Interconnection of Web resources.
necessarily exist. However, for finding topic-related
documents, getting document A when only knowing
document B would be a great benefit as then the Web
could be seen as a non-directed graph which would
make crawling much easier.
We tackle this problem by utilizing standard search
engines (Diligenti et al. 2000). Besides the document
content, such search engines also store information
about the link structure, as this structure is used for
ranking the results of a user’s query. Some search en-
gines make this information available to the user by
providing special keywords in the query string. While
without this technique we are only guaranteed to find
documents that are linked from the source document,
we now can also find arbitrary pages that link to the
document in question. This is extremely helpful es-
pecially for popular sites, that are referred to by many
other topic-related sites.
4.3.2 Search for Similar Pages
To find documents that are not connected via short
link paths (document C in Figure 2) or not connected
at all, more information about structure and content of
those unreachable resources is required. To some ex-
tent, this can be achieved by utilizing standard search
engines, as some of them offer keywords to indicate a
search for documents similar to a given one. Such a
query returns the resources that show a minimum dif-
ference to the source document, independent of their
interconnection with this source.
While we can not influence how these search en-
gines calculate the similarity of documents and which
documents they return, there is another way of find-
ing resources similar to a given one, again utilizing
search engines. Standard search engines are normally
interfaced using keyword queries while our Focused
Crawler does not use keywords but relies on measur-
ing the similarity of two or more documents. Thus,
to utilize search engines, we need to extract keywords
from documents that are rated as highly relevant, to
feed these keywords into the search engine.
However, the difficulty with this approach is the
extraction of keywords from arbitrary text. A closer
look to the words of a document shows that each word
contributes differently to the semantics of the whole
text. Some words, the keywords, more or less specify
the topic whereas others are just fillers, like the stop-
words “as”, “so”, “for” etc. They can be filtered as
they do not contribute to the semantics of the text. To
find out, which of the remaining words are keywords,
we calculate the TF IDF vector (Salton & McGill
1983) for a document. Our calculation is based on a
text corpus consisting of several million international
websites. The terms with the highest TF IDF val-
ues are then fed into a standard search engine and the
resulting resources are analyzed for relevance.
Apparently, the resulting documents are not neces-
sarily relevant, as this approach suffers from the very
same problems like users of a search engine do: there
is an increasing percentage of Web-spam that is not
related to the topic in question but just contains the
keywords (Henzinger, Motwani & Silverstein 2002).
Furthermore, we can not be sure having extracted the
right keywords, that is, any automated technique for
extracting keywords from a text will be error-prone
to some extent. Thus, in the worst case, the search
engine returns a list of resources that might not be
relevant. This is the same for any link the Focused
Crawler follows and thus, there is no disadvantage in
applying this technique besides a slightly increased
number of downloads, as already the Focused Crawler
can discard irrelevant documents. But the benefit is
that if there are relevant documents among the search
engine results, we are able to find them even if they
are not well connected to already crawled resources.
4.4 Expert Identification
Once relevant documents have been identified, the
third phase (Figure 1) can be entered: extracting ex-
pert information from these documents.
4.4.1 Name Extraction from Text
To identify all names in a text, advanced techniques
would be needed because the text to be analyzed usu-
ally is natural language. As natural language follows
complex grammars and is highly ambiguous, full un-
derstanding of such a text cannot be achieved in gen-
eral. A full understanding, on the other hand, would
be required to reliably identify persons in a text.
However, Palmer & Day (1997) as well as Mikheev,
Moens & Grover (1999) showed, that two simplifi-
cations reduce the effort in both implementation and
runtime while still producing good results:
Searching for known names, based on a name
database. Lots of names can be identified that way
if some simple points are considered: often there
are abbreviations like “J. Smith” or the order of sur-
name and forename is inverted (“Smith, John”).
Searching for phrases indicating that a name is
mentioned close to this phrase. Some examples are
“according to J. Smith”, “Mr. Smith”, “Smith says”
etc. This way, also a single forename or a single
surname can be identified that would otherwise be
ignored because many names are also used as terms
in different contexts. For example April” is a com-
mon forename as well as the name of a month.
Using these techniques in EXPOSE already led to
quite good results. As we wanted to show the feasibil-
ity of our approach, we did not yet focus on optimiz-
ing the name recognition. However, in future work,
we will use more advanced techniques, e.g. from the
Named Entity Recognition domain.
All names identified that way form the input for the
next step. We identified a set of four roles in which a
person is named in a text: (1) the person is the au-
thor of the text, (2) there is a discussion the person
is (actively or passively) involved in, (3) the person
is referred to, (4) the person is mentioned although
he/she is not related to the topic at all. In case 1-3, the
assumption that the named person is an expert is at
least potentially right. In the latter case however, this
assumption is likely to be wrong. This shows, sim-
ply from the occurrence of names in a single topic-
related text, no experts can be identified. In this next
step we therefore have to find out, which of the named
persons are really experts on the domain in question.
Two problems have to be tackled then: (1) The occur-
rence of a name is not recognized although a person
has been named in the text. (2) One or more terms
in the text are assumed to name a person while in fact
they do not (e.g. . ..for fuel cell manufacturers in the
U.S. Smith denotes that . .. may produce U.S. Smith
while U.S. is the last term in sentence A and refers
to the United States of America whereas sentence B
starts with some text referring to a person Smith,but
not U.S. Smith). While (1) can be attended by increas-
ing the name database or the associative rules, (2) is
more complex and will be discussed in the following.
4.4.2 Expertise Rating
As the extraction of expertise from a single text re-
quires a good understanding of the text, which in gen-
eral we do not have, our approach bases mostly on
statistical properties that are extracted from a set of
relevant documents. We identified four criteria from
which we derive the expertise of a person. There-
fore, we evaluate each of these criteria and compile
an overall rating from the singular results by normal-
izing and summing up the results from each rating.
The first quantity is simply how often a person is
named in any relevant document. The more often a
person occurs in texts related to the topic, the more
likely this person has expertise on this topic.
Only relying on the sole presence of names in a
text is error-prone: Imagine a conference website that
lists the authors and abstracts of all accepted papers.
If some of the papers where relevant to the topic in
question, then not only the authors of the relevant pa-
per, but also the authors of all the other papers would
be rated experts. Therefore, also the position of the
naming and the structure of the text (Song et al. 2004)
has to be taken into account. Simple heuristics for
HTML sites are (1) apply better ratings to persons
that are named close to relevant keywords. (2) apply
better ratings to persons that are named in the cen-
ter of a text instead of near the margins. In contrast,
names often occur within navigation bars, as a ref-
erence to the webmaster or in similar places. They
name persons who are likely to be of no interest for
the expert search. Thus, persons found in a context
like “In J. Smith’s talk about the growing demand for
high-energy fuel cells...” would be rated higher than
persons not related to the topic but named somewhere
else in the document.
A third approach to rate expertise is based on an-
alyzing communication structures. The idea is that a
person is likely to have expertise when taking part in
a discussion with other persons. Such discussions can
be monitored in bulletin boards or in the archives of
mailing lists. The more a person is in contact with
other persons, especially with other persons rated as
experts, the better the rating will be for this person.
This is similar to the PageRank approach (Brin &
Page 1998) for rating the relevance of websites.
Lastly, the interconnection of resources that name
potential experts can also be taken into account. Re-
sources that are highly connected with each other by
hyperlinks are likely to form some kind of knowledge
cluster. Thus, persons that are named frequently on
such highly connected resources are likely to be in-
volved into the topic and thus to have some expertise.
That is, from the structure of a resource-graph, we de-
rive hints for the expertise of persons that are named
on these resources.
In this paper, we proposed a three-step-approach to
finding experts on the Web: First specifying the in-
formation need, secondly searching for related Web
resources and finally identifying experts on these re-
sources. This process can be efficiently supported by
our expert search engine EXPOSE. We pointed out
how to integrate techniques from the information re-
trieval domain with methods that originate from social
network analysis and especially how to utilize Web
search engines’ knowledge about content and struc-
ture of the Web.
This work was conducted in the context of the project
nova-net, which is funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
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