J. P. Mu
noz-Gea, J. Malgosa-Sanahuja, P. Manzanares-Lopez,
J. C. Sanchez-Aarnoutse, A. M. Guirado-Puerta
Department of Information Technologies and Communications,
Polytechnic University of Cartagena,
Campus Muralla del Mar, 30202, Cartagena, Spain
Peer-to-peer, structured networks, unstructured networks, application layer multicast.
Over the Internet today, there has been much interest in emerging Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks because they
provide a good substrate for creating data sharing, content distribution, and application layer multicast appli-
cations. There are two classes of P2P overlay networks: structured and unstructured. Structured networks can
efficiently locate items, but the searching process is not user friendly. Conversely, unstructured networks have
efficient mechanisms to search for a content, but the lookup process does not take advantage of the distributed
system nature. In this paper, we propose a hybrid structured and unstructured topology in order to take ad-
vantages of both kind of networks. In addition, our proposal guarantees that if a content is at any place in the
network, it will be reachable with probability one. Simulation results show that the behaviour of the network
is stable and that the network distributes the contents efficiently to avoid network congestion.
The main characteristic of an overlay network is that
all the computer terminals that shape it are organized
defining a new network structure overlayed to the ex-
istent one. They are purely distributed systems, and
can be used in a lot of interesting fields: for exam-
ple, to transmit multicast traffic in a unicast network
(like Internet), technique known as Application Layer
Multicast (ALM). However, the most popular overlay
networks are peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, commonly
used to efficiently download large amounts of infor-
mation. In this last scenario there are two types of
P2P overlay networks: structured and unstructured.
The technical meaning of structured is that the P2P
overlay network topology is tightly controlled. Such
structured P2P systems have a property that consis-
tently assigns uniform random NodeIDs to the set of
peers into a large space of identifiers. With this identi-
fier, the overlay network places the terminal in a spe-
cific position into a graph. On the other hand, in un-
structured P2P networks the terminals are located in
the overlay network by one (or several) rendez-vous
terminals with network management functions.
Although unstructured P2P networks require the
presence of one controller (rendez-vous) at least, they
have the advantage that the information searching
process supports complex queries (it is a similar
methodology to that used to search for information
in Google and supports keyword and phrases search-
ing). That does not happen when the P2P network is
structured. In this case the advantages are that it en-
ables efficient discovery of data items and it doesn’t
require any central controller. In addition, it is also
much easier to reorganize when changes occur (reg-
istering and leaving terminals) and, consequently, the
overlay network is more scalable and robust. Section
2 describes in depth the searching and location pro-
cess of structured and unstructured networks.
In this work we try to design a file-sharing system
that shares the advantages of both types of P2P net-
works. The users locate the contents in an unstruc-
tured way. If this search fails, the system will use an
application layer multicast service (given by a struc-
tured P2P network), to locate the terminal that owns
the searched information. It is necessary to remark
that, with the system proposed in this work, the loca-
tion of any existing content always success.
There are several proposals that try to support so-
phisticated search requirements, like (Garc
et al., 2003)(Mislove and Druschel, 2004)(Castro
et al., 2002a). These proposals organize P2P over-
lays into a hierarchy, and they have a high degree of
Muñoz-Gea J., Malgosa-Sanahuja J., Manzanares-Lopez P., Sanchez-Aarnoutse J. and Guirado-Puerta A. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 319-324
DOI: 10.5220/0001315303190324
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 describes the main characteristics of both,
unstructured and structured networks. Section 3 de-
scribes the system proposed in this paper in detail.
Section 4 summarizes the more relevant contributions
of the proposed solution. Section 5 shows the simula-
tion results and finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
The topology in a P2P structured overlay network is
algorithmly fixed. Both, the nodes and the contents,
have assigned an identifier (NodeID and Key respec-
tively) belonging to the same scope. These P2P sys-
tems use a hash function applied to a MAC or IP ter-
minal address and to the data content respectively, to
generate these identifiers. The overlay network orga-
nizes its peers into a graph that maps each data Key to
a peer, so that content is placed not at random peers
but at specified locations. This structured graph en-
ables efficient discovery of data items using the given
Keys: a lookup algorithm is defined and it is respon-
sible for locating the content, knowing its identifier
only. However, in its simple form, this class of sys-
tems does not support complex queries. They only
support exact-match lookups: one needs to know the
exact Key of a data item to locate the node(s) respon-
sible for storing that item. In practice, however, P2P
users often have only partial information for identify-
ing these items and tend to submit broad queries (e.g.,
all the articles written by ”John Smith”) (Garc
Erice et al., 2004). Some examples of P2P struc-
tured networks are: CAN, Chord, Tapestry, Kademlia
and Viceroy (Stoica et al., 2003), (Zhao et al., 2004),
(Maymounkov and Mazi
eres, 2002).
Unstructured P2P networks are composed of nodes
that are linked to the network without any previous
knowledge of the topology. The terminals need to
know beforehand the location of a central controller,
also denoted rendez-vous point, responsible for in-
cluding them within the overlay network and for stor-
ing their contents list. The overlay networks orga-
nize peers in a random graph in a flat or hierarchical
manner (e.g., Super-Peers layer). The search requests
are sent to the rendez-vous node, and this evaluates
the query locally on its own content, and supports
complex queries. If the content is not located in the
rendez-vous, most of the available networks use flood-
ing or random walks or expanding-ring Time-To-Live
(TTL) search on the graph to query content stored by
overlay peers. This is inefficient because queries for
content that are not widely replicated must be sent to
a large fraction of peers, and there is no coupling be-
tween topology and data items’location (Lua et al.,
2005). Some examples of P2P unstructured networks
are: Gnutella, FastTrack/Kazaa, BitTorrent and eDon-
key 2000 (Lua et al., 2005).
In sum, for a human being, the searching process
is easier in an unstructured network, since this is
made using patterns of very high level (like in Google,
for example). Nevertheless, there exists much ineffi-
ciency in the location process of the content. In struc-
tured networks, exactly the opposite happens: the lo-
cation is quasi-immediate, but the searching process
is more tedious.
Our proposal tries to define a hybrid system. There-
fore, the user can search contents using more or less
general parameters and later choosing among the el-
ements that satisfy the searching criterion that con-
tent which he wishes to download, like in unstruc-
tured networks. Nevertheless, the network will be or-
ganized in a structured way, which will facilitate the
location of the contents.
All the nodes are immersed in a structured overlay
network (anyone of the previously mentioned types).
In addition, the nodes divide automatically into dif-
ferent sub-groups, in a more or less uniform way, sur-
rounding a rendez-vous node. This node has the best
peformances in terms of CPU, bandwidth and relia-
bility (see Section 3.2). When searching for a content,
the user will send the search parameters to its rendez-
vous, and this will return information about who has
the contents in this sub-group.
All the rendez-vous nodes of the network are going
to be members of a multicast group defined within
the same structured network. This way, if the search
fails, the rendez-vous node will send the request to the
rest of rendez-vous nodes in a multicast way. Fig. 1
describes the general architecture of the system.
Figure 1: General architecture of the system.
3.1 Obtaining the Identifiers and
Joining the General Network
Every node needs to obtain a NodeID. In this work,
this identifier is obtained applying a hash function
(MD5 or SHA-1) to its MAC or IP address. In the
same way each node also needs to obtain a Sub-
groupID that identifies the sub-group to which the
node is going to belong. We propose to use a previ-
ously well-known server to obtain this identifier. Each
sub-group will have a maximum number of nodes,
and the nodes will be assigned by order to each one
of the sub-groups until completing their maximum ca-
pacity. When the existing sub-groups are completed
new sub-groups will be created.
As is usual in any structured network a node needs
to know at least one address of another node in the
overlay network. The previous server can also pro-
vide this information. Finally, the node will have to
link to the P2P overlay network, using the mechanism
imposed by the structured network.
3.2 Joining the Sub-group
Each node of the sub-group will be able to establish a
TCP connection with its rendez-vous node, and they
will send their content list to it. Each sub-group is
identified by a SubgroupID. Initially, a node looks for
its rendez-vous. To do this, it uses the structured net-
work to locate the node which NodeID fits with its
SubgroupID. This node knows the IP address of the
rendez-vous node of its sub-group. The last step con-
sists of transmitting this information to the requester
node. Note that in this way the system builds an un-
structured network by using an underground struc-
tured network. In addition, this last property allows
us to define the rendez-vous nodes dynamically and
to guarantee the stability of the network throughout
3.3 Management of the Hierarchy
When the new node finds its rendez-vous, it notifies
its resources of bandwidth and CPU. The rendez-vous
nodes control the nodes that are linked to their sub-
group and they form an ordered list of future rendez-
vous candidates: the longer a node remains connected
(and the better resources it has), the better candidate
it becomes. This list is transmitted to all the members
of the sub-group, and when the rendez-vous fails, the
first node in the list becomes its successor. Later, it
must inform all sub-group members that this node is
now the new rendez-vous. Also, it must to modify
this information in the node which NodeID fits with
its SubgroupID.
3.4 Management of the Rendez-Vous
All the rendez-vous nodes are members of a multicast
group defined at application level. When a node be-
comes rendez-vous, it must be linked to this multicast
group, in order to spread the unsuccessful searches
to the rest of sub-groups. Structured P2P networks
can be used to implement an application layer multi-
cast service, for example CAN-Multicast (Ratsanamy
et al., 2001), Chord-Multicast (El-Ansary et al., 2003)
and Scribe (Castro et al., 2002b). Each one uses a
different P2P overlay and it can implement the mul-
ticast service using flooding (CAN-Multicast, Chord-
Multicast) or the construction of a tree (Scribe). Any-
one of the previous methods provides an efficient
mechanism to identify and to send messages to all the
members of a group.
Our proposal uses Chord-Multicast. It is not nec-
essary that the multicast process reaches all the group
members before sending the searching results to the
requester node. When one node responds affirma-
tively to a request it sends to the requester’s rendez-
vous the coincidences of the search in its database.
Next, this rendez-vous gives back immediately the
IP address and the corresponding metadata to the re-
quester node. Therefore, the requester node obtains
the searching results as soon as possible.
3.5 Registering the Shared Files
In a similar way to KaZaA, when a node establishes
connection with its rendez-vous it sends the meta-
data of those files that it wants to share. This allows
the rendez-vous to maintain a data base including the
identifiers of the files that all the nodes of the sub-
group are sharing and the corresponding IP address
of the node that contains them. The information sent
by the node includes the name of the file, its size and
its description.
3.6 Search
When a user wishes to make the search of certain con-
tent, his node sends a request on the TCP connec-
tion established with its rendez-vous. For each co-
incidence of the search in the data base, the rendez-
vous gives back the IP address and the corresponding
If the search fails, the user has the possibility of
asking for to its rendez-vous node that tries to contact
with other rendez-vous. The identification of those
nodes is simple, since all belong to the same applica-
tion layer multicast group.
Next we are going to describe some of the contribu-
tions of the system proposed in this work. First, it is
necessary to emphasize that all the nodes are assigned
to a sub-group and not to a server. The nodes are able
to automatically find the rendez-vous responsible for
their sub-group.
It is also necessary to emphasize that this system is
able to manage the heterogeneity of the network too.
The most stable nodes and those with better benefits
will become rendez-vous nodes, which will increase
the network performances.
On the other hand, the application layer multicast
service provides an effective way to share informa-
tion among rendez-vous nodes. In this way the main-
tenance of multicast group is practically made in an
automatic mode. In addition, this guarantees that any
content in the network can be located by any user.
Finally, the searches will be made in a simple way,
similar to those made in current unstructured file-
sharing applications.
One of the advantages of this system, commented
previously, is that any content present in the net-
work could be located by any user. Nevertheless,
the searches of contents present in the same sub-
group will be faster and more efficient than when the
searches need to use other rendez-vous nodes.
There are several interesting parameters that is nec-
essary to quantify. First, the probability that the re-
quested content is registered in the rendez-vous of the
node’s sub-group. Second, the evolution of the pre-
vious parameter throughout time. Since the users are
making successive searches of contents in other sub-
groups of the network, these automatically will be
registered in their own rendez-vous node, increasing
the value of this probability. Finally, it is also inter-
esting to find out the average number of rendez-vous
nodes that will be consulted in order to locate a con-
In order to quantify the previous parameters a sim-
ulator in C language has been programmed. The con-
tents are classified in three classes based on the degree
of interest that they can motivate in the users (”very
interesting”, ”interesting” and ”of little interest”). At
the beginning, the available contents are distributed
in a random way among all the nodes of the network.
As has been mentioned before, the rendez-vous share
information using a Chord-Multicast procedure.
The simulation results show the probability that a
content is located in the same sub-group as the re-
0 500 1000 1500
P(content in rendez−vous)
Number of Iterations
Any Content
The Most Interesting Contents
Figure 2: Probability that a content is located in the same
sub-group as the requester node.
quester node, as well as the average and maximum
number of rendez-vous consulted until content loca-
tion. All these results are obtained based on the num-
ber of simulation iterations. In each one, all the nodes
of the network ask for a content that they do not have.
Figures 2, 3 and 4 present the simulation results
corresponding to a network with 12,800 different con-
tents and 6,400 nodes, with 128 rendez-vous nodes.
Fig. 2 shows the probability that the content is in
the same requester’s sub-group, for both the most in-
teresting contents and for any content. It is observed
that this probability grows as the number of iterations
increases, but converging to a value of one, which as-
sures that our system is stable. This also indicates
that our architecture assures that, in a few steps, the
contents will be equally distributed among all the sub-
groups. It is also possible to observe that in the transi-
tory, the probability of finding an interestig content in
the rendez-vous increases more quickly than the prob-
ability of finding any content.
Fig. 3 shows the average number of rendez-vous
consulted to find a content. It is observed that the
number of consulted rendez-vous quickly decreases,
and when the number of iterations reaches 500 this
value converges to one, which indicates that the con-
tent is in the same sub-group as the requester node.
This shows us that the load coming from other sub-
groups is minimal. It is also observed that this param-
eter decreases more quickly in the case of the more
interesting contents than in the case of other contents.
Finally, Fig. 4 shows, in linear scale, the maximum
number of rendez-vous consulted to locate any con-
tent. This parameter oscillates a lot in the initial tran-
sitory, but when it finishes it converges to values near
the unit, agreeing practically with the average num-
Next, we are going to check the effect that both the
0 500 1000 1500
Number of rendez−vous consulted
Number of Iterations
Any Content
The Most Interesting Contents
Figure 3: Average number of rendez-vous. consulted until
content location (in semilogarithmic scale).
0 500 1000 1500
Maximum number of rendez−vous consulted
Number of Iterations
Any Content
The Most Interesting Contents
Figure 4: Maximum number of rendez-vous. consulted until
content location (in linear scale).
number of contents and the number of rendez-vous
nodes have on the probability that a content is located
in the same requester’s sub-group. Figure 5 shows the
previous probability but with 6,400 and 19,200 con-
tents. It can be observed that when the number of
contents in the network diminishes the probability of
finding it in the same requester’s sub-group increases
more quickly. On the other hand, when the number of
contents in the network increases, a greater number
of iterations is needed for the previous probability to
reach the value of one.
Besides, Figure 6 shows the previous probability in
a similiar network but with 64 and 256 rendez-vous
nodes. It can be observed that the effect of the num-
ber of rendez-vous on this probability is quite similar
to the effect of the number of contents. When the
number of rendez-vous diminishes, the probability of
finding a content in the same requester’s sub-group
0 500 1000 1500
P(content in rendez−vous)
Number of Iterations
Any Content, with 6,400 contents
The Most Interesting Contents, with 6,400 contents
Any Content, with 19,200 contents
The Most Interesting Contents, with 19,200 contents
Figure 5: Probability that a content is located in the same
sub-group as the requester node, with 6,400 and 19,200 con-
0 500 1000 1500
P(content in rendez−vous)
Number of Iterations
Any Content, with 64 rendez−vous
The Most Interesting Contents, with 64 rendez−vous
Any Content, with 256 rendez−vous
The Most Interesting Contents, with 256 rendez−vous
Figure 6: Probability that a content is located in the same
sub-group as the requester node, with 64 and 256 rendez-
increases more quickly. On the other hand, when the
number of rendez-vous increases, a greater number of
iterations is needed to obtain a probability close to
Next, we are going to compare the presented ap-
proach with the existing ones. In (Garc
es-Erice et al.,
2003), peers are organized into groups, and each
group has its autonomous intra-group structured over-
lay network and lookup service. Groups are organized
in a top-level structured overlay network. To find a
peer that it is responsible for a key, the top-level over-
lay first determines the group responsible for the key;
the responsible group then uses its intra-group over-
lay to determine the specific peer that is responsible
for the key. However, due to the use of structured net-
works this system does not support complex queries.
The main advantage of this system is to reduce the ex-
pected number of hops that are required for a lookup,
but in any case this is bigger than in our system, since
in steady state only one hop is required.
In (Mislove and Druschel, 2004), they call an in-
stance of a structured overlay as a organizational ring.
A multi-ring protocol stitches together the organiza-
tional rings and implements a global ring. Each ring
has a globally unique ringID, which is known by all
the members of the ring. Every search message car-
ries, in addition to a target key, the ringID in which
the key is stored. Then, the node forwards the mes-
sage in the global ring to the group that corresponds
to the desired ringId. When a key is inserted into a
organizational ring, it is necessary that a special indi-
rection record is inserted into the global ring that as-
sociates the key with the ringID of the organizational
ring where key is stored. However, the expected num-
ber of hops that are required for a lookup is similar to
the previous work.
Finally, in (Castro et al., 2002a), it is proposed the
use of a universal ring, but it provides only bootstrap
functionality while each service runs in a separate
P2P overlay. The universal ring provides: an indexing
service that enables users to find services of interest, a
multicast service used to distributed software updates,
a persistent store and distribution network that allows
users to obtain the code needed to participate in a ser-
vice’s overlay and a service to provide users with a
contact node to join a service overlay.
This paper presents a hybrid P2P overlay network
that makes easier for the user both the searching pro-
cess and the content location. The simulation results
show that in this type of networks the contents are dis-
tributed in a way that minimizes the overload on the
rendez-vous nodes.
We have also verified that an increase of both the
number of rendez-vous and of contents increases the
number of necessary iterations to guarantee that the
content is located in the same requester’s sub-group.
This work has been supported by the Spanish Re-
searh Council under project TEC2005-08068-C04-
01/TCM and with funds of DG Technological Innova-
tion and Information Society of Industry and Environ-
ment Council of the Regional Government of Murcia
and with funds ERDF of the European Union.
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