Naoufel Werghi
Dubai University College
Dubai, UAE
Whole Human Body Scanner, Human Body Scan Segmentation, Human Body Shape Modelling.
The recent advances in full human body imaging technology illustrated by the 3D human body scanner (HBS),
a device delivering full human body shape data, opened up large perspectives for the deployment of this
technology in various fields (e.g. clothing industry, anthropology, entertainment). Yet this advance brought
challenges on how to process and interpret the data delivered by the HBS in order to bridge the gap between
this technology and potential applications. This paper surveys the literature on methods, for human body scan
data segmentation and modelling, that attempted to overcome these challenges. It also discusses and evaluated
the different approaches with respect to several requirements.
The last decade has witnessed the emergence of new
3D imaging devices capable of capturing the entire
shape as well as the appearance of the human body
(HB). A human body scanner (HBS) is a device that
generates a three-dimensional ”point cloud” from the
subject’s frame, i.e. a constellation of 100,000 -
200,000 points generated by the body’s surface. This
data is saved into a simple digital format and can eas-
ily be converted to the most common computer-aided
design formats. This development opens up new per-
spectives for human body scanners in diverse fields.
In anthropometric surveys which require collect-
ing more than one hundred body measurements from
a large population (thousands of individuals), man-
ual measurement is time-consuming, error-prone, and
very costly. In contrast, HBS technology drastically
reduces the cost and duration of the surveys. Indeed,
it permits rapid capture of the body shape - seconds
versus minutes for a measurement by hand - and of-
fers more consistent measurements. In addition to
the speed of data collection, HBS offers reusability
of data, as the scan data actually replaces the scanned
subject. In effect, once extracted, the scan data can
be used again and again to gather additional informa-
tion, whereas a subject measured once by traditional
means is no longer available for future reference.
Clothing design and human engineering are also
potential beneficiaries of HBS scan technology (Pa-
quette, 1996). The clothing industry is presently tar-
geting custom apparel design, commonly referred to
as ”apparel on demand” which aims to produce cloth-
ing designed and fitted to an individual’s size and pro-
portions. This will permit better fitting garments, par-
ticularly for individuals outside the normal size range,
thus reducing the cost of labour involved, and en-
suring a rapid response by substantially reducing the
time between measurement and delivery. HBS has
a positive impact on human engineering which re-
lies extensively on anthropometric databases (Caesar
project, Online), and which is involved in custom-
fitting items to human surfaces. Such items are gener-
ally used by great numbers of people and include pro-
tective equipment such as helmets, seat belts, desks,
airplane and car seats.
HBS also opens up new applications in medicine
and health. Gyms can use HBS data to track the ef-
fects of diet and exercise regimens. Human shape data
bases will be useful for screening and survey tasks -
for instance, monitoring public health problems such
as obesity, and assessing child growth. HBS would be
of significant interest particularly when use of other
standard medical tools like X-rays are precluded for
safety reasons. In fact, the relative low cost and non-
invasive nature of HBS, make it a promising potential
complement to current medical imaging technologies
used to assist medical diagnosis, such as Computed
Tomography Imagery (CTI) and Ultrasound Imagery
Werghi N. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 189-197
DOI: 10.5220/0001367401890197
Further, there appears to be a definite future for
HBS in fields that involve VR applications, such as
movies, television production and games (in which
human-like characters appear as virtual actors, or
even interact with users, usually by taking the role of
an opponent). In such applications, HBS scan data
can be used to provide realistic and customized mod-
It is to be noted that the technology of full human
shape capture is continually improving at the same
time as its cost is going down. This is taking place
so rapidly that novel and even unforeseen customized
application areas will be realizable in the near future,
considering the proliferation of personal computers
and different types of communication networks. For
example, a body scanner could be coupled to a PC and
the captured human body shape information could
then be used for any of a number of purposes, e.g.
electronic commerce, ordering fitted items, or remote
medical diagnosis.
Such huge potential for the exploitation of HBS
raises important questions on how to process and in-
terpret raw captured human shape data in order to ex-
tract needed information and facilitate further use of
such data in various applications. In effect, the 3D
point cloud data produced by HBS itself is nothing
more than a collection of coordinate values, and no se-
mantic interpretation of this data is possible. In cloth-
ing design applications and anthropological surveys,
questions arise as to how to locate body landmarks
used as reference points. In medical applications, how
can the whole scan data set be partitioned into subsets
corresponding to the principal body parts? Or, more
globally, how will it be possible to effect an accurate
segmentation that preserves the topological and mor-
phological characteristics of the human body shape?
In applications involving modelling human body
shape, more pertinent questions have been raised over
the best way to represent the human body. In ef-
fect, while human body shape cannot be represented
by simple parameterised surfaces, such as planes and
quadrics, it is not a randomly-shaped free form sur-
face either, and thus practitioners are in search of a
representation that ensures maximum embodiment of
human body forms while at the same time exhibiting
an optimal trade-off between conciseness and expres-
siveness. As an example, will it in fact be possible to
define a typical surface shape for the arm which can
represent the full spectrum of shapes the human arm
takes? And what criteria should be used in the defini-
tion of such representations?
It is hoped that this paper will shed some light
on the steps taken toward answering certain of these
questions. The next section offers a brief descrip-
tion of the technology employed in HBS. Section 3
contains a detailed overview of research done so far
on human body shape analysis and modelling, while
discussing and evaluating the different approaches in
light of the problems and questions mentioned above.
The paper concludes with some general observations
and potential research orientations.
Basically there are two categories of technology em-
ployed in HBS, laser-based technology and moir
fringing technology (Figure 1). Both are optical and
involve no direct contact. In laser-based technology,
which was developed by Cyberware (Cyberware, On-
line), a laser beam is projected from eight laser diodes
onto the body, scanning it from top to bottom. The
laser stripe, deformed by the body surface, is captured
by different cameras around the body and recorded in
a digital format. The captured data is basically the
location of the laser stripe with respect to the camera
reference. Afterwards a software program combines
separate data from each camera, using a so-called
triangulation technique, to produce a set of 3D data
points representing the body surface. The duration of
the scan is around 17 seconds.
e fringing technology employs a moir
light-projection system, known also as Phase Measur-
ing Profilometry. This system was developed by the
textile and clothing technology corporation (TC
), in
Cary, North Carolina (TC2, Online). In this system, a
white light source is used to project contour patterns
(sinusoidal fringes) on the body surface. The con-
tour patterns distorted by curves in the body surface
are detected by a set of cameras arranged around the
subject and linked to a computer. The superimposed
deformed patterns thus generated interact with other
patterns used as reference points. These in turn form
fringes that describe the body surface contours. Sub-
sequently the data obtained from the separate fringes
are combined into a single reference yielding a cloud
in which the 3D data points represent the body sur-
face. Scan time in this technology is around two sec-
Approaches dealing with HBS scan data can be clas-
sified into three themes, namely, human body land-
mark detection, HB scan data segmentation and hu-
man body shape modelling. However we mention that
some approaches in the literature touched more than
one theme. The next sections will discuss these three
themes in details.
Figure 1: Basically a human body scanner is composed
of an arrays of cameras and projectors arranged in a square
or triangular fashion (a). The projectors produce patterns
on the body surface, which are captured by the cameras
and processed to generate data on the subjects shape and
skin colour. The cameras and the projectors operate syn-
chronously. Cyberware scanner (Cyberware, Online) (b)
employs laser beam projectors, whereas TC
-like scanners
(TC2, Online) use Moir
e fringes (c) (courtesy of Inspec: (d): Cloud of 3D Data points represent-
ing the body surface. (e): A solid model of the body sur-
face. (f): The solid model mapped with real texture which
is provided by the scanner.
3.1 Human Body Landmark
Motivated by the need for automatic and accurate ex-
traction of body measurements in apparel design ap-
plications, the very first approaches used special pat-
terns to mark body landmarks so that they could be
easily detected on images provided by the HB scan-
ner. The work of Geisen et al (Geisen, 1995) is an
illustrative example, in which adhesive patterns are
stuck to the anatomical landmarks of the body. The
positions of these patterns are detected in the image
delivered by the cameras and then mapped to the 3D
data points to obtain their 3D positions. However,
one drawback is that the identification of the detected
landmarks relies on prior knowledge of the scanned
portion of the body and its relative position. Be-
sides, using these patterns is a complication in the pa-
tient scanning assessment. Therefore, these kinds of
approaches were quickly abandoned. Some authors
turned towards manual solutions, e.g. Pargas et al
(Pargas, 1997), who developed a software package in
which sliced body scan data is edited and the body
measurements are then extracted manually. Attempts
made to automate measurement extraction were based
on rough approximations of the position of the rel-
evant body landmarks; Therefore margin of error in
these measurements was significant. Using the same
application, Jones et al (Jones, 1995) focused on the
torso. A set of cross-sectional slices is manually se-
lected in the vicinity of the key anatomical landmarks
in the torso. These slices are fitted together and then
interpolated to generate a NURBS approximation (a
kind of CAD format). This technique ensures a vi-
able trade-off between compactness and surface de-
tail preservation. The approach remains particularly
suited to clothing design however, and the process
needs a great deal of manual intervention, although
some attempts were made to automatically separate
the torso and the upper part of the arms (Li, 1997).
3.2 Human Body Scan Segmentation
Automatic segmentation of the human body into its
functional parts was first studied by Nurre (Nurre,
1997; Nurre, 2000). In his pioneering work, he ap-
proximated the body structure by a six-stick template
representing the head, the two arms, the two legs and
the torso. The goal was to segment the body into
six segments corresponding to these parts. This ap-
proach combines global shape description, in partic-
ular, moment analysis and local criteria of proximity,
which are derived from prior knowledge of the rel-
ative position of the body parts in standard posture
(standing body with arms held at the sides). The scan
data is organized into slices of data points. These
horizontal slices are stacked vertically and the data
points are assigned to different body parts accord-
ing to the topology of the slices and their position on
the body Figure (Figure 2). While this work made
considerable headway towards the automatic decom-
position of HB scan data, it has been criticized for
imposing the requirement of limiting body poses to
strict standard postures and for its lack of robustness
against noise, gaps in the data, and variation of shape
and posture of the HB. There have been many sub-
sequent attempts to improve’s Nurre’s approach, with
several efforts to enhance the localisation of key land-
marks of the human body. For example, Decker et al
(Dekker, 1998) improved the localisation of the key
landmarks of the HB by applying differential opera-
tions on slice shape attributes, with respect to body
shape modelling. They also proposed B-spline ap-
proximation of the torso (Douros,1999). Although a
degree of improvement resulted from this work, this
related approach could not remedy the limitations of
Nurre’s approach. Wang et al ( Wang, 2003) proposed
a new approach based on a framework employing
fuzzy logic. Their segmentation technique involved
local curvature analysis of the slices and operated on
mesh data that must of necessity undergo several pre-
processing stages. However, this again was restricted
to standing postures. The overall performance of this
approach remains identical to that of Nurre’s. Despite
the obvious improvements illustrated by these previ-
Figure 2: Segmentation of the HB data in the case of a
standard standing posture (a). The scan data is sliced hor-
izontally (b). Afterwards the slices are analyzed topologi-
cally inferring the knowledge of the human body template
(c), for example, a slice having two separated closed curves
must represent data points generated by the legs, a slice con-
sisting of three closed curves must belong to the torso/arms
area and a slice with two joined closed curves is assumed to
correspond to the transition between the legs and the torso
(at the level of groin). The output of this stage is a seg-
mented scan data (d).
ous works, none could fully meet the requirements
that one would desire in a segmentation approach. In
effect, to be of practical utility, HB scan data segmen-
tation must: 1) be robust to variation in the body sur-
face shape stemming from biological factors such as
age, genetics, etc; 2) be able to cope with changes
of body posture, bearing in mind that a full recovery
of the human body requires more than one posture
(Brunsman, 1997); and 3) cope as well with diversity
of the scan data sources as well as data deficiencies
and corruption.
To solve the issue of the stability of the HBS scan
data segmentation with respect to posture changes,
some authors proposed the recovery of body pos-
ture from the scan data. Then once the posture is
identified, the underlying information on the loca-
tion of body parts can be exploited in the segmen-
tation. Along with this benefit, posture recognition
is also of interest for other applications such as hu-
man motion and gesture analysis (Lin, 1999), where
the knowledge of posture intervenes in the initialisa-
tion of the tracking algorithm, and the management of
three-dimensional and anthropometric databases (Pa-
quet, 2000), where posture recognition is vital for re-
trieval and classification tasks (Paquet, 2001).
Werghi et al (Werghi, 2002; Werghi(1), 2005) con-
cretised the idea of exploiting the knowledge of pos-
ture in a two-phase algorithm. The first phase in-
volves a Bayesean classification approach, employ-
ing wavelet coefficients-based descriptors, by which
the posture is identified. In the second phase a scan
data slicing and analysis embodying the knowledge of
posture is applied. This approach had the advantage
of breaking the barrier of strict standard postures. But
despite this advance, it has been abandoned because
the spectrum of postures covered by this approach
Figure 3: Segmentation of HB scan data for an arbitrary
posture (a). Computation of the Level-sets (sets of data
points located at the same geodesic distance with respect
to a source point)(b). Construction of the Discrete-Reeb
Graph (c) (a graph that encompass the human body tem-
plate, and which is invariant to posture changes). The seg-
ments and the joints of the graph are then mapped to the
scan data to extract the different body parts (d).
was limited, since as a general principle, a recogni-
tion technique, whatever its power, can only deal with
a finite number of postures, and also because it could
not cope effectively with scan data corruption.
In response to these challenges Xiao et al (Xiao(1),
2003; Xiao(2), 2003) proposed a robust computa-
tional topology framework that copes well against
scan data corruption and diversity of the scan data
source. Basically, this framework permits building
a skeleton-based representation (known as the Reeb-
Graph in the topological community) that encodes the
human body template as well as critical points rep-
resenting key body landmarks, such as the armpits
and the torso. What was new in this technique was
the extension of the Reeb-Graph concept to the dis-
crete space. This new version, dubbed the Discrete
Reeb-Graph, and defined on the basis of the connec-
tivity between discrete points and curves, can oper-
ate directly on point cloud data without any special
pre-processing. In the earlier version, the approach
could only cope with moderate variations on standard
posture, however this limitation was overcome in a
subsequent version (Xiao, 2004; Werghi(2), 2005) by
employing the geodesic distance (the closed distance
between two points on a surface) to construct the Dis-
crete Reeb-Graph. Being invariable to rigid transfor-
mations and isometric deformations, the geodesic dis-
tance implies a DRG construction impervious to hu-
man body movements and thus allowing a stable seg-
mentation with respect to posture changes (Figure 3).
This framework fulfils the three requirements cited
above, and has in fact proven to be able to segment
real-world human scans in arbitrary postures without
referring to any detailed human heuristics. Further, it
exhibits robustness against scan data deficiencies and
diversity of scan sources. The output of this process
consists of 5 sets of data points. each corresponding to
a major body part, i.e. the torso (including the head),
arms and legs.
Figure 4: (a) superqadric-based model of a human body-
like shape doll [24]. (b) Example of a metaball modelling,
using a sphere primitive [34].
3.3 Human Body Shape Modelling
Historically the modelling of human body-like shapes
(e.g. dolls, mannequins) dates from the pioneering
work of Marr et al (Marr, 1976), who developed
a hierarchical generalized-cylinder representation in
which each part of the body is represented by a hi-
erarchically decomposable set of cylinder-like prim-
itives connected at their ends into a fleshed-out stick
figure. Continuing in the same scope of application,
Pentland (Pentland, 1990) went further in complexity
by defining a humanoid shape by a conjunction of su-
perquadric volumes, each associated with a body part.
Motivated by shape description rather than recogni-
tion, Terzopoulos et al (Terzopoulos, 1991) also used
superquadric primitives but, instead of a parametric
representation as for Pentland, they adopted a mesh-
surface model (Figure 4.a). In these two last studies,
all the data is fitted to a set of generic superquadric
primitives and no surface shape analysis for detect-
ing the different body parts was involved. This prob-
lem was tackled by other authors (Borges, 1993;
Dion, 1997; Ferrie, 1993; Trucco, 1991) for whom
the measurement data is decomposed into sets corre-
sponding to the different segments of the humanoid
body. These sets are fitted afterward either to quadrics
(Trucco, 1991), generalized cylinders (Dion, 1997)
or to superquadrics (Borges, 1993; Ferrie, 1993). In
the last two studies, the points of discontinuity in
the range data are first detected, then dynamically
grouped into contours using an energy-minimization
process of deformable curves (snakes (Kass, 1988)).
The contours thus obtained define the separations be-
tween areas associated with the body parts. Certain
other papers attempted to address problems related to
articulated structure of the human shape, more specif-
ically registration of data corresponding to different
body postures (Ashbrook, 1999).
Without a doubt, this considerable body of re-
search has advanced the state of the art of modelling
articulated objects, and the theories developed are
a workable framework for approaching real human
body shapes. However, tackling the case of real hu-
man body scan date appears even more challenging,
firstly because the body shape is both articulated and
malleable (as opposed to the rigid human-like shape
treated in the above works) and secondly because the
scan data is by nature non-uniformly sampled and
may exhibit gaps and noise corruption. It has there-
fore been necessary to explore new techniques in or-
der to formulate approaches that are better able to
cope with these challenges.
Modelling of HBS data can be divided into two
types: static modelling, wherein the body is not sup-
posed to move, but local surface deformation is al-
lowed -body scans examined in this category corre-
spond generally to the standard static posture-; and,
secondly, dynamic body modelling, wherein the aim
is to model changes in shape as the body moves. The
next two sections of this paper will describe these two
3.3.1 Static Body Modelling
Certain authors in this area were inspired by implicit
surface models developed for human-like shapes, for
instance (Shen, 1995; Matsuda,1999) used different
variants of a metaballs concept, defined as iso-surface
(equi-potential surface) of a field function. This con-
cept was first introduced by Muraki (Muraki, 1991)
to model anatomic surfaces from 3D range data. Ba-
sically this type of modelling consists of fitting group
weighted layered metaballs to the scan data within an
optimisation process. The metaball is quadric prim-
itve, either a sphere or an ellipsoid (Figure 4.b). In
this process both the weights and the number of meta-
balls determine the precision of the model. Implicit
surfaces are however difficult to model and animate
interactively because of their considerable require-
ments in terms of calculations and human interven-
tions. Moreover, they cannot handle human shape de-
tails accurately, at least not without excessive compu-
tational cost. Besides, these methods fall victim to the
classic optimisation issues, such as initialisation and
the local minima.
Fuelled by these concerns, researchers instigated
another alternative called the conformation-based ap-
proaches . The principle of such approaches consisted
in coupling two models, namely, a template model
that encapsulates the coarse shape, and a detail model
that encompasses the local surface deformations.
Conformation-based approaches came in two ver-
sions, 2D-3D fitting (Hilton, 1999; Starck, 2001;
Kakadiaris,1998) and 3D-3D fitting (Ju, 2000; Ju,
2001)(Figure 5). In the first version, 3D human body
model is deformed to fit 2D body silhouettes extracted
from a set of views; whereas in the second version, a
generic 3D mesh model is fitted to 3D scan data via a
a two-phase algorithm that consists of global and lo-
Figure 5: 3D-3D conformation technique: the 3D model
(b) is fitted to the scan data (a) , the result (c) is a human
body model that embeds the shape of the scanned human
body. (d,e and f) the same technique applied for the case of
a human head.
cal mapping. Global mapping involves a refined ver-
sion of segmentation technique (Nurre, 1997), which
is used to identify the different body segments (up-
per and lower arms, upper and lower legs and torso)
and hence establishing correspondences between the
scan data parts and the generic model parts. This
method inherited however the drawback of (Nurre,
1997), namely the restriction to standard posture. Lo-
cal mapping employs a closest-point correspondence
technique inspired from (Ashbrook, 1998).
In the same vein, other authors (Allen,2003; Seo,
2003) developed a more elaborated approach whereby
the global shape is defined explicitly by human skele-
ton structure. The first phase of the algorithm
searches for the transformation that brings the tem-
plate skeleton joints to their corresponding locations
in the scan data. These are detected by either us-
ing markers on the body (Allen,2003) or manually
(Seo, 2003). Local mapping is similar to that in (Ju,
2000; Ju, 2001) yet with more iterated relaxation and
re-mapping to maintain the surface regularity of the
generic model. The body of research work undertaken
in the area of conformation-based modelling has been
fruitful and has permitted achieving innovative appli-
cations such as the online garment design system de-
scribed in ( Cordier, 2003).
Certain other approaches have been developed re-
cently and are worth mentioning. Wang (Wang, 2005)
proposed a parametric model based on a particular
continuous surface model to which is added a layer
encapsulating specific details of shape. Ben Azouz et
al (Ben Azzouz, 2004; Ben Azzouz, 2005) proposed
a volumetric representation, wherein the 3D scan is
aligned inside a volume of fixed dimension, and sam-
pled to a set of voxels (a unit of volume). An array of
signed distance between the voxels and their nearest
point in the scan is then derived and used as an HB
model. Principal component analysis is then applied
to such representation to extract the main types of
shape variation. This work has the merit of not rely-
ing on any anatomical landmarks. Victor and Paquet
Figure 6: Examples of models generated by interpolation
between two poses (Allen, 2002).
(Victor, 2005) used a representation that consists of
an array of cords, where a cord is defined as a vector
that goes from the centre of mass of the human body
to the centre of mass of a given triangle modelling its
surface. This obviously necessitates firstly deriving a
triangular mesh model from the the HB scan data.
3.3.2 Dynamic Human Body Modelling
In fact, the topic of dynamic body modelling was
studied prior to the appearance of human body scan-
ners. The two main approaches in use today are
anatomical modelling and example-based modelling.
In the first, the goal is to work out as accurate a model
as possible encompassing the skeleton, muscles and
other interior body structures, as well as the surface
of the skin, and permitting a systematic change in skin
shape when the underlying structure moves. A repre-
sentative works of this category are (Chadwick, 1989;
Magnenat-Thalmann, 1990; Turner, 1993; Scheep-
ers, 1997; Wilhelms, 1997; Aubel, 2001). These ap-
proaches proved to be effective in simulating body
dynamics and complex collisions, however at the ex-
pense of the computational cost, as each frame re-
quires its own simulation. Rather than looking for
a complex model to synthesize body movements and
deformation, the second kind of dynamic body mod-
eling, example-based modeling, adopts a data-driven
approach. The theory behind this approach involves
generating models in different key poses. These poses
are then correlated to various degrees of freedom,
with well-defined joint angle values. New poses are
generated by smoothly interpolating among these val-
ues using interpolation techniques. This type of ap-
proach seems to have been inspired by the standard
key-frame techniques used in 2D animation. Authors
started by using man-made human body shapes in
a variety of poses, with the same underlying mesh
structure to simplify the correspondence between ver-
tices in each pose (Lewis, 2000; Sloan, 2001). When
it came to real data acquired by HB scanners, these
approaches met new challenges: namely, the regis-
tration between the scan data in different poses and
the presence of holes and gaps inferred by self occlu-
sions. Allen et al (Allen, 2002) addressed these prob-
lems by using markers on the subject to establish a
correspondence between different poses and utilising
hole-filling techniques to reconstruct complete sur-
faces. In the same vein, Mohr et al (Mohr, 2003) ex-
tended the skeleton model by adding fictitious joints
to help simulate non-linear body shape deformation
whereas local deformation is achieved via a linear re-
gression technique that fits the vertices to the desired
Despite being a relatively recent research area, the
amount of work and research done on 3D human body
analysis and modelling demonstrates the increasing
interest in this topic and its wide range of potential
From the above overview, it emerges that important
steps have been taken towards bridging the gap be-
tween HBS technology and its various applications.
Some studies have already established the successful
exploitation of HBS in garment design, anthropomet-
ric applications, as well as entertainment.
A number of challenges remain to be dealt with,
however. For applications involving body landmark
detection, efforts undertaken to date have done a good
job of extracting visible body landmarks which are
apparent to the naked eye and which are at the same
time reflected in the HBS. On the contrary, other land-
marks are not visible, yet remain quite useful in an-
thropometric studies and garment design. These can
only be detected by touch and compression, however,
and thus are not embodied in HB scan data. One
potential approach will be developing an HB Atlas
that relates visible HB landmarks to invisible ones by
means of geometrical formulas. For instance, shoul-
der points can be defined by the intersection of body
contours and the lines bisecting the angle between the
arm and the shoulder. Thus, invisible landmarks can
be derived from visible ones once the latter are iden-
Recent work done on HB segmentation has ef-
fectively addressed serious problems and challenges
such as posture variance and the deficiencies inherent
in data gathered through scans. Yet much work re-
mains to be done, especially involving postures where
limbs join, for example, crossed legs, or arms touch-
ing the torso. Dealing with such cases requires dis-
cerning the contours of discontinuities between the
joined parts of the body. Differential geometric tech-
niques, topological analysis and explicit model fitting
could be elements of a potential approach.
By providing real data, HBS has been of great help
for researchers in improving the quality of human
body models from the points of view of geometry,
appearance and animation, and especially within the
framework of ”modelling from examples”. Much re-
search has already been done on applications in the
clothing industry and various entertainment sectors.
Despite these advances, the dream of a universal pa-
rameterised (and controllable) model of the human
body embodying the full spectrum of human body
shapes still appears to be quite far off. Indeed, the
complexity of the human body and the diversity of
factors that define its shape seem to truly plague the
development of such a model. Combining anatomical
modelling and example-based modelling into a single
framework might be a step in the right direction.
The three main areas of research into HBS data,
namely, human body modelling, body landmark de-
tection, and HBS segmentation, are in fact quite com-
plementary. Studies undertaken on HBS segmenta-
tion, for example, seem to have pointed the way to-
ward solutions to important issues in the other areas
in question. For instance, segmentation provides an
initial labelling of the body that can be used to re-
duce the search space of body landmarks. In the area
of dynamic human body modelling, segmentation has
contributed to solving problems arising with data reg-
istration. In effect, by identifying body parts in differ-
ent poses, it permits important correspondences be-
tween the related data sets, thus releasing the process
from relying on manually-generated markers or set
points for establishing such correspondences. It is
probable that further collaboration and interaction be-
tween researchers in these three research areas will be
greatly beneficial for all concerned.
Paquette,S. (1996). 3D Scanning in Apparel Design and
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