Sita Ramakrishnan
Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University
Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
Subramania Ramakrishnan
CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology
37 Graham Road, Highett, Victoria 3190, Australia
Sustainability, environmental management in manufacturing, life cycle impacts, service oriented architecture.
With steady changes to the global environmental agenda over the past two decades, manufacturing companies
are driven to internalise environmental aspects of their businesses, both to meet local environmental regula-
tions and to conform to emerging international standards and best practices. Information on environmental
issues is crucial to assist companies in improving their environmental performance. We propose in this paper
the emerging service-oriented approach for establishing e-business by enabling the linking of relevant envi-
ronmental information to business processes, and to foster the sharing of information between sustainable
manufacturing companies. The links between the business functions of a manufacturing company and the
environmental dimension of the business are analysed in the paper. Using these links, a simplified service-
oriented software model is derived to deliver information on the life cycle environmental impacts of manu-
factured products. The proposed approach could provide a basis for developing innovative e-business with
software services, which could assist manufacturing companies, both large and small, to realise improvements
in environmental performance.
Manufacturing deals with the transformation of ma-
terials into physical products upon which we heavily
rely in our daily lives, both at home and in working
environment. Manufacturing industry in any coun-
try is made up of companies of varying size, from
very small ones employing a handful of people to very
large ones having operations on a global scale. Man-
ufacturing is thus an important industrial global ac-
tivity pursued on a trans-national scale in many na-
tions of the world for economic and social wellbeing.
Owing to the impact that manufacturing industry has
on modern society, the industry needs to be viewed,
both at national and global levels, in the light of sus-
tainability goals, and weighed along the well-known
triple bottom line (Elkington, 1997) that includes eco-
nomic, social and environmental dimensions. The
environmental dimension is intrinsic to manufactur-
ing because making physical products requires ma-
terial transformation processes that use many materi-
als, consume energy, and produce wastes and emis-
sions. Furthermore, product users discard manufac-
tured products at the end of product life, thus lead-
ing to enormous wastes. Such wastes and emissions
generated by manufacturing companies ought to be
reduced in our journey towards attaining sustainabil-
ity. Industrial ecology, an emerging discipline based
on sustainability principles, recognizes the essential
interconnectedness of industry, economy and the en-
vironment (Graedel and Allenby, 1995), and attempts
to promote new approaches for internalisation by in-
dustry of the principles of triple-bottom line on an in-
tegrated basis.
The problem of integrating all the dimensions of
the triple bottom line at a business level is indeed
challenging. Currently there is considerable effort
around the world in finding ways for internalising en-
vironmental issues by businesses so that their envi-
ronmental performance can be improved. Both rele-
vant information and the delivery of such information
are important for improving the environmental per-
formance of manufacturing companies, as stressed by
many protagonists for sustainable materials produc-
tion and manufacturing (Graedel and Allenby, 1995).
A way of internalising environmental issues by
business into business practices is by conformance to
Environmental Management Accounting (EMA), rec-
ommended by United Nations Division of Sustainable
Development (Burritt, 2004).
Ramakrishnan S. and Ramakrishnan S. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 77-82
DOI: 10.5220/0001425900770082
In this paper, we have considered the broader prob-
lem of delivering environmental information in differ-
ent forms and detail via service-oriented software to
meet many functional needs of manufacturing compa-
nies to assess and improve their environmental perfor-
mance in conformance with international standards.
The paper, in a conceptual sense, embodies many
principles of industrial ecology. The proposed soft-
ware for delivering environmental information fo-
cuses on designing clean processes, green products
and eco-efficient systems. The information to be de-
livered by the software considers the entire life cy-
cle of manufactured products, from materials pro-
duction, manufacturing, use and closing the materi-
als loop (Figure 1) by shifting from traditional end-
of-pipe strategies to a life cycle approach (Schal-
tegger et al., 2003). Furthermore, the proposed ap-
proach for designing service-oriented software en-
ables the processes of internalising environmental is-
sues by linking the influence of the inevitable materi-
als flow cycle associated with manufacturing to many
business functions that need to be carried out to im-
prove the environmental performance of entire prod-
uct value chains (Ramakrishnan et al., 2003; Ramakr-
ishnan, 2003).
In a pragmatic sense, the paper proposes the emerg-
ing service-oriented approach for developing an en-
vironmental software system for two important rea-
sons. (i) Technologies that can support the develop-
ment of service-oriented software are increasingly be-
ing used in delivering B2B (Business to Business),
e-Commerce and intra-enterprise distributed systems.
With new developments in web-based services, the
exchange of knowledge and software services across
value chain actors appears to be improving (Isen-
mann et al., 2004). (ii) Service-oriented environmen-
tal software systems can offer more advantages than
product-based or centralised knowledge-based (Carl-
son et al., 2001) software in meeting the evolving
needs of an environmentally responsible manufactur-
ing enterprise in adopting environmental best prac-
tices on a continual basis in a cost effective manner.
In Section 2, we derive the links between the busi-
ness functions of a manufacturing enterprise to re-
quired environmental tasks and the environmental
software services to be provided to carry out the tasks.
We discuss briefly in Section 3 the guiding princi-
ples for developing service-oriented software models,
and derive a service-oriented model for the core en-
vironmental service of estimating the life cycle envi-
ronmental burdens of products, as viewed from the
perspective of a manufacturing plant. A short discus-
sion is provided in Section 4 on the use of service
models for developing service-oriented environmen-
tal software systems, with some comments on further
work. The paper is concluded in Section 5.
The guiding principle followed in this paper is to
add the most appropriate environmental dimension
to each of the business functions of a manufacturing
company or enterprise, and to relate environmental
tasks to services for information delivery.
Materials production and manufacturing compa-
nies are required to meet many local or national envi-
ronmental regulations, and are also expected to con-
form to emerging international standards (ISO, 2005)
and best practices. The new international standards,
ISO 14000 series, recommend a framework that can
form the basis for adoption of environmental best
practices by companies. In order to meet local regu-
lations, and thus remain environmentally responsible
in a region, companies should report, and also, reduce
the environmental impact of their operations.
The core environmental impact that needs to be re-
duced by manufacturing companies to remain inter-
nationally competitive is the life cycle impact, which
represents the environmental footprint of manufac-
tured products over their product life cycles. As
shown in Figure 1, various materials and energy in
different forms are consumed in making products
from raw materials, and wastes and emissions result
throughout the life cycle of products. ISO 14040 se-
ries standards provide a framework for Life Cycle As-
sessment (LCA) of products. All the processes in
making, distributing and using the product, from the
cradle state to end of life, are considered in LCA. All
emissions to land, water and air associated with the
product are quantified to arrive at the life cycle in-
ventory. The materials in the life cycle inventory are
classified into various impact categories (e.g. green-
house or global warming, ozone depletion, summer
smog etc.). The life cycle impact of the product is ex-
pressed under chosen impact categories (e.g. Global
Warming Impact expressed as kg CO2/product).
LCA requires knowledge of processes and the
flow of materials and energy throughout the prod-
uct life cycle chain. The current situation is
that LCA service is provided by expert consul-
tants. Also some LCA software products (SimaPro,
2005, http://www.earthshift.com/tools.htm) are avail-
able for use by experts within a company.
However, lack of relevant information and data to
conduct an LCA of a manufactured product over its
entire life cycle chain poses enormous difficulties. As
the estimation of the life cycle environmental impact
of a product requires data, information and knowledge
resident in several companies in the product value
chain, sharing knowledge across the companies and
actors of a product value chain becomes mandatory.
Figure 1: Cradle to grave life cycle of a product.
Figure 2: Linking Environmental Services to Business
Figure 3: Life Cycle Impact from a Plant Perspective.
Figure 4: Cradle-to-exit gate Product system for a diecast
Furthermore, manufacturing companies often pro-
duce different components or products, and hence ma-
terials and components from one company may flow
into many product life cycle chains. Thus, a company
may need to share information with others in different
product value chains, depending upon the product in
The use of LCA may be for any of the fol-
lowing purposes: Public policy; Corporate goals;
Strategic planning; Product disclosure and Green la-
belling; Marketing; Process and product improve-
ments. Hence, LCA information needs to be pre-
sented in different details and forms to the various
users who may be conducting different tasks to ful-
fil the purpose for which the LCA is intended.
2.1 Linking Environmental
Requirements to Business
The business cycle of a manufacturing enterprise is
shown in Figure 2. The business cycle includes the
following: (i) Development of new products; (ii) Pro-
duction of products using processes in facilities with
materials and resources; (iii) Marketing the products
manufactured; and (iv) Evaluation of products in the
market place. This business cycle is accomplished by
performing several functions as shown in Figure 2:
Design and development of new products, processes
and integrated production systems; Production Plan-
ning; Purchase of materials for production; Produc-
tion and Quality Control; Marketing and Sales of
products; and Overall Governance and Management.
These functions may be performed in different func-
tional silos within an enterprise, using different types
of processes and tools to perform the tasks demanded
by the functions.
Figure 2 shows the links between the business func-
tions and the materials flow associated with a manu-
facturing plant. The material loop in the figure shows
the flow of materials within a plant, as well as outside
the plant. The materials flow within the plant is char-
acterised by the following: all materials purchased
enter the store; from the store, materials enter produc-
tion lines as demanded by production planning; prod-
ucts are manufactured using manufacturing processes
and their quality assessed; and manufactured products
are stored as inventory for dispatch to other plants or
users. Outside the manufactured plant, the materials
loop consists of processes for production of raw mate-
rials outside the plant, transportation of raw materials
to the manufacturing plant, transportation of products
manufactured in the plant to users and/or other plants,
and recycling of used products to close the materials
loop. The overall material loop, which is responsible
for the environmental burdens caused by a manufac-
tured product, determines the life cycle impact of the
product. The addition of the environmental dimen-
sion to a manufacturing business results in many en-
vironmentally related functions and tasks that require
services. As all the business functions and services
shown in the table support the entire business cycle
of a sustainable manufacturing company, the different
services are essentially interlinked, and hence, need to
be integrated in developing the service-oriented soft-
ware system.
2.2 Core Environmental Services
For Sustainable Manufacturing
A new business function, called Environmental Man-
agement is required to internalise environmental is-
sues into business practices. This new business func-
tion requires certain core tasks, which can be fulfilled
by the two fairly large granular level core environ-
mental services, which are termed as Total Environ-
mental Quality Measurement Service (Task 1) and
Life Cycle Impact Service (Task 2). The Environmen-
tal Quality Measurement Service is aimed at provid-
ing quantitative information associated with the envi-
ronmental burdens. As shown in Figure 3, the ma-
terials and energy flow through the part of the mate-
rials loop that is within the plant create environmen-
tal burdens, which may be allocated to the products
manufactured or the processes used, or to the total
plant itself. Although the various environmental bur-
dens are highly interlinked, we have divided the To-
tal Environmental Quality Measurement Service into
three independent services, viz. Product Environmen-
tal Quality Measurement Service, Process Environ-
mental Quality Measurement Service and Plant Envi-
ronmental Quality Measurement Service, to support
various business functions as dictated by the environ-
mental business policy of the company. For example,
if the company policy at some given time is to reduce
the environmental impact of the plant, then environ-
mental burdens resulting from the various locations
or processes within plant need to be measured, quan-
tified in terms of the units required by regulations,
and allocated to various locations so as to make ef-
fective measures for reducing environmental burdens.
The Plant Environmental Quality Service is aimed at
providing relevant information for improving the en-
vironmental performance of the company at the loca-
tion where the manufacturing plant is situated.
Model-based approaches have been recommended by
researchers (Koehler et al, 2003) for realising flex-
ible service-oriented software architectures to meet
any application need. These model-based approaches
allow achieving a seamless integration of software
service functionalities required by a business enter-
prise in developing a technical software solution. The
first step in using the model-based approach is to
derive models for the software services to be pro-
vided to meet application requirements. Also, the
derived models should enable business functions to
be factorised as independent services, having clearly
defined interfaces, which can be invoked in prede-
fined sequences to form a business workflow process
(Koehler et al., 2003; Cardoso et al., 2004).
3.1 Deriving Software Models For
Environmental Services
We have derived service-oriented models to assist in
developing service-oriented environmental software:
Factorisation and service interactions: We have
considered requirements for further factorisation of
the services and the relevant interactions between sev-
eral services for any chosen service to support busi-
ness functions.
Autonomy, granularity and process awareness of
services (Dijkman and Dumas, 2004): The granu-
larity of service is considered at the environmental
task level so that a one-to-one correspondence can be
maintained between the software service to be pro-
vided and the environmental task to be conducted by
an actor. The process awareness of a software service
is included at the level of the procedures required to
perform the environmental task. Autonomy of a soft-
ware service is addressed by embedding the environ-
mental procedures and the information required into
the service. While environmental procedures, based
on international standards, are generic to all enter-
prises or companies, the information and data are spe-
cific, and may even be confidential, to a specific com-
pany. Hence, we have considered software service
models at the plant level of a company to provide au-
tonomy to software services.
Description of services: Each service is defined by
the output information generated by the service; the
client or client service that receives the information;
the procedure used to produce the information; the in-
put information received from server services to carry
out the procedure and the output; and the server ser-
vices that provide the input information.
3.2 Model For Life Cycle Impact
The Life Cycle Impact Service provides information
on the life cycle inventory and impacts associated
with a product for each of the product that is manufac-
tured in a plant. LCI Service needs to deliver informa-
tion to support many interlinked environmentally re-
lated tasks, such as reporting, design of products and
processes, purchasing etc. This information may be
provided to many clients, both inside and outside the
plant, via client services.
As shown in Figure 3, a plant that manufactures
a product is located between its own entry and exit
gates for materials flow, and hence forms only one
element of the whole of life of the product. Hence,
the whole life cycle impact (Figure 3) of a product
can be estimated at the plant level only in partnership
with: (a) the suppliers of materials and energy, from
the upstream of materials flow into the plant, for man-
ufacturing the product; and (b) the customers for the
product in the downstream of materials flow from the
plant. As life cycle impacts are estimated on prod-
uct basis, it is necessary to exchange life cycle infor-
mation with the suppliers and customers correspond-
ing to the materials life cycle loop for the product in
question. A plant often manufactures many products,
and hence is a part of many product life cycle loops
(Loops #1and#2 shown in Figure 3), requiring inter-
action with suppliers and customers in different ma-
terials loop on a product basis.
Viewing from the plant perspective, the whole of
life cycle burdens (inventory or impact, in the par-
lance of Life Cycle Assessment based on ISO14040)
associated with a product consists of the following life
cycle gate burdens that contribute towards the whole
of life cycle impact (Figure 3): (i) Cradle-to-Entry
Gate life cycle burdens of the materials and energy
supplied to the plant by the suppliers for making the
product; (ii) Exit Gate-to-Whole of Life burdens of
the manufactured product as received by the product
customers in further transformation of the product,
use of product and closing the materials loop by re-
cycling (iii) Cradle-to-Exit Gate life cycle burdens of
the product which may be estimated by adding the
Entry Gate-to-Exit Gate burdens resulting from the
emissions produced by the plant in making the prod-
uct to the Cradle-to-Entry Gate burdens of the materi-
als and energy received by the plant. We have consid-
ered these three life cycle gate burdens in deriving the
model for the Life Cycle Impact Service, which has
three server services: Product Environmental Quality
Measurement (PEQM) Service, Supplier Service and
Customer Service.
An example of a product system is shown in Fig-
ure 4 for manufacturing aluminium components for
a car using the diecasting technology (Ramakrishnan,
The proposed model-based approach for software de-
velopment requires establishing clear relationships
between the service models for the core environmen-
tal services to other client services in order to deliver
relevant information in the most appropriate way to
carry out the business functions of a sustainable man-
ufacturing enterprise. The services shown at a large
granular level need to be factorised, keeping in mind
the environmental business task required for a spe-
cific client application. The interconnections between
the various factorised services need to be described
in terms of clearly defined interfaces, which need to
be invoked in specified sequences (Benatallah et al.,
2004; Milanovic and Malek, 2005) to produce the
workflow process to carry out the environmental task.
These actions form the basis for developing the re-
quired software.
The interconnections between the services can be
illustrated by means of an example for the LCI Ser-
vice model discussed earlier. In this example, we have
included a new client service, Report Service, which
requires the life cycle report of a product to provide
service for the task of purchasing materials and en-
ergy having low Cradle-to-Gate life cycle impact. For
the sake of illustration, we have included a Supplier
Registry service that can seek and find green suppli-
A client application can invoke a service request
from the LCI Service directly and request LCI infor-
mation or invoke a Report Service, which in turn re-
quests LCI data. The Report service needs to accom-
modate various reporting requirements for corporate
internal clients (e.g. environmental manager or en-
vironmental auditor); external clients (e.g. partners
interested in purchasing products with low environ-
mental impact) or for government authorities (eg. for
governance purposes). LCI service provides details of
measured and estimated energy and wastes and emis-
sions from processes in making products (on product
by product basis). The Green Purchasing Service in-
terface requires the web method, get-supplier-impact-
data to be implemented by the Supplier Registry to get
the impact rating for an item. The Green Purchasing
Service interface requires another web method, get-
green-material to be implemented by the Supplier ser-
vice. The above illustration can be seen to correspond
to the current day requirements of voluntary reporting
and greening supply chains. Life cycle impact analy-
sis and various reporting requirements may need to be
split into subprocesses. The ensuing tangling of be-
haviours will be dealt with using a model-driven ap-
proach to aspect-oriented design in a service-oriented
architectural context (Chavez et al., 2005).
Materials production and manufacturing are highly
important for the economic and social wellbeing of
modern society, but such activities are inherently en-
vironmentally burdensome. The concept of servicis-
ing a manufacturing business has been propounded by
experts in the field of industrial ecology and adopted
by some companies to improve their environmental
performance. Information industry has already pro-
gressed well along the service-oriented path, driven
by the advancements in web-based technologies. Tak-
ing cognizance of these developments in two differ-
ent industry areas, we have offered some conceptual
thoughts for modelling the delivery of environmental
information to sustainable manufacturing businesses
and for synthesis into service-oriented software.
We have shown the links between the business
functions of a manufacturing enterprise and the envi-
ronmental requirements relevant to the business. We
have identified the core environmental tasks to be per-
formed by a sustainable manufacturing company. We
have derived a software service model at the manu-
facturing plant level for estimating the life cycle bur-
dens of a manufactured product by a company in part-
nership with other companies in the life cycle chain
of the product. Taking diecast automotive compo-
nents as a case study, we are currently following the
model-development approach for developing service-
oriented environmental software in implementation,
testing and validation. We believe the proposed ap-
proach could form the basis for developing future
software e-business to meet evolutionary sustainabil-
ity requirements faced by manufacturing companies.
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