Chris Share
Sonic Arts Research Centre
Belfast, U.K.
Graham McAllister
Sonic Arts Research Centre
Belfast, U.K.
Audio, multimedia, occlusion, virtual auditory environments.
Sound source occlusion occurs when the direct path from a sound source to a listener is blocked by an inter-
vening object. Currently, a variety of methods exist for modeling sound source occlusion. These include finite
element and boundary element methods, as well as methods based on time-domain models of edge diffraction.
At present, the high computational requirements of these methods precludes their use in real-time environ-
ments. In the case of real-time geometric room acoustic methods (e.g. the image method, ray tracing), the
model of sound propagation employed makes it difficult to incorporate wave-related effects such as occlusion.
As a result, these methods generally do not incorporate sound source occlusion. The lack of a suitable sound
source occlusion method means that developers of real-time virtual environments (such as computer games)
have generally either ignored this phenomenon or used rudimentary and perceptually implausible approxima-
tions. A potential solution to this problem is the use of shadow algorithms from computer graphics. These
algorithms can provide a way to efficiently simulate sound source occlusion in real-time and in a physically
plausible manner. Two simulation prototypes are presented, one for fixed-position sound sources and another
for moving sound sources.
1.1 Sound Source Occlusion
Sound source occlusion occurs when the direct path
from a sound source to a listener is blocked by an in-
tervening object. An example of an occluded sound
source is shown in Fig. 1. In situations such as that of
Fig. 1., sound emanating from the source often still
reaches the listener, however its characteristics are al-
tered due to the size and orientation of the objects it
encounters during its propagation.
This is a common occurrence. In everyday life the
effects of sound source occlusion surround us, shap-
ing our perception of our physical environment and
providing important information about the size and
orientation of objects within this environment. If we
are to create immersive and believable acoustic simu-
lations of real environments it is important to include
this physical phenomenon.
Despite the existence of several different methods
for simulating sound source occlusion, in general this
phenomenon has not been included in computer sim-
ulations of acoustic environments. This is especially
true in the case of real-time simulations such as com-
puter games. In this case, developers have generally
either ignored the phenomenon of sound source oc-
clusion or used rudimentary and perceptually implau-
sible approximations. This is detrimental to the simu-
lation and detracts from its realism. Thus, as Martens
(Martens, 2000) points out, the simulation of sound
source occlusion remains one of the unsolved prob-
lems in the rendering of real-time virtual acoustic en-
In this paper we present a novel approach to simu-
lating sound source occlusion in real-time virtual en-
vironments. This approach is based on the use of
graphical shadow algorithms. It is shown that this
approach has several advantages over existing meth-
ods and is capable of producing plausible results in
a timely and efficient manner. Two simulation pro-
totypes are presented, one for fixed-position sound
sources and another for moving sound sources.
In Section 2 of this paper we review current ap-
proaches to simulating sound source occlusion in vir-
tual environments. In Section 3 of this paper we
present a novel approach to the simulation of sound
Share C. and McAllister G. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 193-199
DOI: 10.5220/0001571501930199
Figure 1: Occluded sound source.
source occlusion based on the use of shadow algo-
rithms from computer graphics. Two prototype im-
plementations using this approach are described. Fi-
nally, we discuss several ways in which the existing
two prototypes can be extended.
1.2 Real-time Rendering
This paper focuses on real-time applications so it is
important to be clear about the meaning of real-time
in this context. Akenine-Moeller et al. (Akenine-
Moeller and Haines, 2002) describe real-time graph-
ics rendering as a process of interaction between a
user and a screen image in which the user reacts to
the image, thereby producing appropriate changes in
the image. It is generally accepted that a real-time ap-
plication should be responsive to user input and that
the response time should be relatively short, prefer-
ably in the millisecond range. For graphics applica-
tions Akenine-Moeller et al. recommend a framer-
ate of between 15 and 72 frames per second in order
for the images to be perceived as continuous. This
gives a minimum rendering time of approximately 66
milliseconds for each frame. It is important to note
however, that in real-time graphics libraries such as
OpenGL, the framerate is determined by the complex-
ity of the scene that the application renders. The more
computationally intensive the scene, the slower the
framerate will become. This is because the applica-
tion must wait for the current call to the render loop
to complete before the next call to the render loop be-
gins. Although framerates below 15 frames per sec-
ond produce stilted, choppy animations and are con-
sidered less than optimal, they may still be acceptable
to users for short time periods.
The case of real-time audio rendering is somewhat
different to that of real-time graphics rendering. Au-
dio applications typically use a buffered, interrupt-
driven approach to audio generation. In this case,
a time-based operating system callback is periodi-
cally called to fill an audio buffer. This callback
runs regardless of whether the audio rendering has
been completed or not. This means that developers
must ensure that the time taken to generate each au-
dio buffer is equal to, or less than, the time taken to
play the buffer (see (Bencina, 2003) for further dis-
cussion of this issue). Otherwise, the output audio
stream will be compromised. The time period of the
audio callback is normally user-defined and can be
as little as 16 samples (approximately 0.3628 ms at
a sample rate of 44100 Hz) in low-latency applica-
tions. For this reason, the audio component of virtual
environments must be as efficient as possible. The
constraints of real-time operation mean that computa-
tional complexity must be limited. Note also that in
the case of environments such as computer games, a
CPU allowance is usually allocated to the audio com-
ponent of the application. This is usually in the vicin-
ity of 5% to 10% of the application’s total CPU usage.
This further limits the allowable computational com-
plexity of the audio algorithms that are used.
1.3 Simulation vs. Modeling
The goal of the approach presented in this paper is
to produce a plausible output rather than one which
is necessarily physically accurate. This approach
mirrors that commonly taken in real-time computer
graphics simulations where the goal is to produce a
perceptually plausible output.
In comparison with other areas of acoustics research,
the effects of an occluding object on the wavefront
produced by a sound source has received relatively
little attention. In one of the few systematic studies
into this subject, Farag (Farag, 2004) has shown that
the general effect consists of two parts: a lowpass fil-
tering effect due to the diffraction of the wavefront
around the occluding edge, and a comb filtering ef-
fect due to the combination of the various different
paths that the wavefront takes on its way to the user.
Experiments by Martens et al. (Martens et al., 1999)
confirm the presence of these two effects.
These changes in the wavefront produce signifi-
cant acoustic effects that can be perceived by the lis-
tener. For example, Farag (Farag, 2004) has shown
that when a sound source is occluded by an object,
the listener perceives a phantom source located at the
edge of the object from which the signal arrives first.
Another finding in this study was that sound source
occlusion produces a perception of increased distance
to the sound source. Studies by Russell (1997) (Rus-
sell, 1997) suggest that listeners may also be able to
perceive information such as passability or the size of
openings from the acoustic signal. That sound source
occlusion produces significant physical effects, and
that these effects are perceived by listeners, highlights
the need for the inclusion of this phenomenon in vir-
tual environments. By so doing, the believability and
immersiveness of the acoustic simulation will be en-
At a basic level, the problem of simulating the ef-
fects of sound source occlusion involves solving the
wave equation at the position of interest (usually the
listener position) in terms of the wave equation at sur-
rounding positions. The two most commonly used ap-
proaches to this problem are the finite and boundary
element methods (see for example, Kopuz and Lalor
(Kopuz and Lalor, 1995)). These approaches solve
the wave equation by expressing it as a set of linear
equations derived from the discretization of the envi-
ronment in space and time. To do this accurately is a
difficult computational challenge and is generally too
computationally intensive for use in real-time appli-
A related approach using waveguide meshes has
been proposed by Murphy and Beeson (Murphy
and Beeson, 2003) and Savioja and Lokki (Savioja
and Lokki, 2001). This approach extends the one-
dimensional digital waveguide technique pioneered
by Smith (Smith III, 1987) to meshes of two and
three dimensions. In terms of occlusion, an advan-
tage of this technique is that the wave propagation ef-
fects are an inherent part of the implementation. How-
ever, there are several difficulties with this approach.
Firstly, despite the simplifications, the method is still
computationally intensive. Also, there are unsolved
problems concerning dispersion and boundary condi-
tions that impact upon the accuracy of the simulation.
An alternative approach is the use of time-domain
models of edge diffraction (see for example, Lokki et
al. (Lokki et al., 2002)). In this approach, the im-
pulse response of the occluding edge is directly cal-
culated. The difficulty with this approach is that the
calculated impulse response is often quite long and
therefore, too computationally intensive for real-time
use. The authors suggest that the calculated response
can be simulated by using a warped IIR filter with
a matching frequency response. Unfortunately, dif-
ficulties involved in this matching process precludes
the use of this approach in real-time environments.
A variety of other approaches based on geometric
methods have been used to generate room acoustic
models (e.g. (Allen and Berkley, 1979), (Krockstadt
et al., 1968)) however these rarely incorporate diffrac-
tion or occlusion effects. In these cases, the model
employed assumes that sound propagates in the same
manner as light, that is, that the wavelength of the
propagating wave is much shorter than the size of the
objects in the environment. This means that low fre-
quency effects such as diffraction and occlusion are
not included.
Simpler approaches to simulating sound source
occlusion include the use of Fresnel zones (Tsin-
gos and Gascuel, 1997) which generate a frequency-
dependent visibility factor that can then be used to
set the parameters of a filter that is then applied to
the source signal. More simple again is the approach
taken by Takala and Hahn (Takala and Hahn, 1992)
who chose to reduce the effects of sound source oc-
clusion to that of changes in source gain using a value
proportional to the degree of occlusion. A similar ap-
proach is generally taken in computer games where
sound source occlusion is either completely ignored
or simulated using a simplified model that attenuates
the source signal, and in some cases, also filters it us-
ing a lowpass filter. A typical example of this latter
approach is that of Creative’s EAX software (Envi-
ronmental Audio Extensions 5.0, 2006).
From the above discussion it can be seen that at
present there is no method capable of producing plau-
sible sound source occlusion effects in a real-time en-
vironment such as a computer game. Lokki et al.
(Lokki et al., 2002) suggest that in order to simulate
this phenomenon, a mapping directly from a geome-
try (positions of source, receiver and edge) to diffrac-
tion filter coefficients is needed. A potential solution
to this problem is the use of shadow algorithms from
computer graphics. This approach can be used to ef-
ficiently and plausibly simulate sound source occlu-
sion. An implementation of this approach is described
in the following section.
3.1 Soundshadows
One possible way of mapping virtual scene geome-
try to filter coefficients is through the use of real-time
graphical shadow algorithms. The effect of this ap-
proach is to produce what we have termed soundshad-
ows. These soundshadows can be used to store the
parameters of a filter system that simulates the aural
effect that a listener perceives when an object inter-
venes between their position in the environment and
that of the sound source.
The generation of shadows has been a focus of
computer graphics research since the 1970s. Since
then, a wide variety of algorithms for generating
graphical shadows have been developed. In general,
these methods can be grouped into ve distinct cate-
1. Lightmaps (Fake shadows)
2. Projected Planar Shadows (Blinn, 1988)
3. Shadow Volumes (Crow, 1977)
4. Shadow Maps (Williams, 1978)
5. Soft Shadows (e.g. (Assarsson, 2003))
In this paper we describe implementations of
soundshadows based on the first two methods listed
above: lightmaps and projected planar shadows.
These algorithms were implemented in C using the
OpenGL graphics library (OpenGL, 2006) and GLUT
windowing toolkit (Robbins and Kilgard, 2006). A
visual scene comprising a sound source, an occlud-
ing object and a listener was developed. The user ob-
serves the scene from a first-person perspective and
can move about within the scene using keyboard com-
mands. In order to simulate changes in scene geom-
etry, and hence changes in occlusion effects, a door
which can be opened or closed by the user is included
in the scene.
As this project has a focus on real-time applica-
tions, and in particular, computer games, it was de-
cided to use the OpenAL audio library (OpenAL,
2006) for audio output. OpenAL is a free, open
source, cross-platform 3D audio library. The library
models source-listener distance and azimuthal source
position. The library has both hardware rendering and
software rendering options available. In the case of
the latter, source distance and position effects are sim-
ulated using changes in output signal amplitude. In
the case of the prototype software, the listener posi-
tion was simulated using a mono output signal, and
the effects of the occluding object were simulated in
two dimensions only. OpenAL does not incorporate
any audio filtering capability so in order to simulate
the effects of an occluding object it was necessary to
add this to the library. Hence, a second-order IIR fil-
ter was added to the library. The update rate of the oc-
clusion calculation is determined using a combination
of the OpenGL frame-rate and an operating system-
based timer. It was found that an update period of
0.05 seconds provided suitable results for changes in
the occlusion value.
The general algorithm used for implementing
graphical shadows as soundshadows is shown in Fig-
ure (2).
The algorithm is implemented in the following
manner. First, a test is performed to determine
whether the listener is in an area designated as the oc-
cluded sound field. If the result of this test is negative,
then no further processing of the soundshadow algo-
rithm takes place. If the result of the test is true, then
the algorithm returns an occlusion value between 0.0
Figure 2: General soundshadow algorithm.
and 1.0. This value is then used to set the cutoff fre-
quency of a lowpass filter, thus simulating the effect
of the occluding object. A key component of the al-
gorithm is the manner in which the occlusion value is
calculated. This is described further in the following
two sections.
3.2 Lightmaps and Soundmaps
Lightmaps (also know as shadow maps) are a com-
mon part of virtual environments, especially com-
puter games. They provide a fast, efficient way
to simulate lighting effects for fixed-position light
sources. Lightmaps are essentially graphical textures,
usually greyscale bitmaps, that are layered over an
existing texture and surround a light source. The
lightmap is blended with the underlying texture so
that a light-to-dark fade effect, corresponding to dis-
tance from the light source, is produced. This simu-
lates the effect of the light source on the surrounding
object. It is important to note that lightmaps suffer
from several inherent limitations, in particular, that
they cannot interact with other objects in the environ-
ment. For example, an object moving past a lightmap
will not receive any light from it. Another limitation
is that lightmaps can only be applied to fixed position
light sources, as it is too computationally expensive to
recalculate the lightmap as the light source moves.
A first soundshadow prototype has been developed
using the lightmap algorithm as a model. As noted
above, this algorithm can only be applied to station-
ary sound sources (although it does support chang-
ing environment geometry). A screen capture from
this prototype is shown in Figure 3. Note that in the
screencapture the soundmap is visible but that in gen-
eral use, it will not be seen by the user.
In the case of the soundmap approach, the occlu-
sion value is calculated by finding the value stored in
the soundmap at the current user position. The man-
ner in which the soundmap is initially created is flex-
ible and can be as simple or as complex as the devel-
oper wishes. For the prototype described above the
Figure 3: Using a soundmap to simulate sound source oc-
soundmap was created by drawing it using a graph-
ics program. However, because the creation of the
soundmap is an offline process, more accurate ap-
proaches could certainly be used and are currently un-
der development.
3.3 Projected Planar Shadows
Blinn (Blinn, 1988) first introduced the concept of
projected planar shadows. In this approach a graphi-
cal shadow is generated by projecting the light source
on to a two-dimensional plane. The algorithm is sim-
ple and fast however it does not produce intensity val-
ues within the shadow field. The algorithm for gener-
ating a projected planar shadow is shown in (1).
P = V +
d N.V
+ (V L) (1)
where P is a point on the plane, V is the vertex po-
sition of the object casting the shadow, d is the dot
product of P and N, N is a normal to the plane and L is
the light position. Unlike the lightmap algorithm de-
scribed above, the projected planar shadow algorithm
can handle moving light sources.
A second soundshadow prototype based on the pro-
jected planar shadow algorithm has also been im-
plemented. This prototype supports moving sound
sources. A screencapture from this prototype is
shown in Figure 4. Again note that although the
soundshadow is displayed, it will not usually be seen
by the user.
In the case of the projected planar soundshadow ap-
proach, the occlusion value O is calculated using the
two distance measurements d and c shown in Figure
5. The first measurement used is the distance from
the listener position to the occluding object, while the
second measurement used is the distance from the lis-
tener position to the centreline of the occluded sound-
field. These two values are combined to produce an
overall occlusion value according to (2).
Figure 4: Using a projected planar shadows to simulate
sound source occlusion.
Figure 5: Derivation of the occlusion value in the case of
projected planar shadows.
O = (1
) × (1
) (2)
Note that by using this method the value at the edge
of the occluded soundfield will always be equal to
0.0 which is interpreted as meaning that no occlusion
takes place.
The initial implementations of the soundmap and pro-
jected planar shadow prototypes incorporated only a
lowpass filter effect. While their simulation of sound
source occlusion was reasonably effective, it immedi-
ately became apparent that the phantom sound source
arising at the nearest occluding edge needed to be in-
cluded in the simulation to make it plausible. In cases
where the prototype simulated multiple paths from the
sound source to the listener around several occluding
edges, it was found that the comb filter effect was a
crucial part of the simulation. Its absence reduced
the plausibility to a large degree. This was particu-
larly true in cases where sound reached the listener
via paths of approximately similar length.
The comb filter effect was found to be particularly
important in the case of the moving sound source pro-
totype. In this case it was found that the introduction
of a type of amplitude panning between the various
occluding edges was necessary in order to create a
convincing effect as the sound source moved within
the environment. By incorporating a pathlength-
dependent delay into the sound source’s signal it was
found that the comb filter effect produced by the mul-
tiple phantom sources could be approximated.
Implementing sound source occlusion using graph-
ical shadow algorithms has several key advantages
over existing real-time methods. Of primary impor-
tance is that the algorithms are designed to run in real-
time. A secondary advantage is that the algorithms
used may already be part of the virtual environment
software. Most computer games now include some
form of real-time shadow simulation. This means that
implementing soundshadows requires less additional
coding effort on the part of the environments develop-
ers. Another potential advantage is that as these algo-
rithms become more widely used it is likely that they
will be implemented in graphics hardware, thereby al-
lowing further acceleration.
Simulating sound source occlusion as a sound-
shadow can be justified on the grounds that sound,
like light, is a wave phenomena and so can be mod-
eled in a similar manner. However, it is important
to note that there are significant differences between
sound and light which must be taken into consid-
eration and which limit the accuracy of the simula-
tion. These differences, described by Funkhouser et
al. (Funkhouser et al., 2003) include wavelength,
speed, coherence, dynamic range and latency. These
differences impose natural limits on the accuracy of
the simulation.
In order to test the accuracy of the soundshadow
algorithms an application is currently being devel-
oped which compares the simulated frequency re-
sponse at particular listener positions with the pre-
dicted analytical frequency response. Farag (Farag,
2004) showed that Svenssons edge diffraction model
(Svensson et al., 1999) agrees well with experimental
evidence. As a result, it was decided that Svensons
model would be used as the standard by which the ac-
curacy of the various sound shadow algorithms output
would be evaluated. Due to the computational com-
plexity of the Svensson model this application cannot
run in real-time.
From the preliminary results produced by the sound-
shadow approach to simulating sound source occlu-
sion it can be concluded that graphical shadow al-
gorithms can be used to simulate the effects of this
physical phenomenon in a plausible manner in real-
time. The approach produces better results than those
currently achieved in commercial software and has a
negligible impact on the graphical framerate.
Further research remains to be done in order to in-
crease the quality of the simulations. In the case of
the soundmap prototype, the first step is to develop a
method of accurately generating the soundmap. This
could be performed using an offline process such as
that outlined in Svensson (Svensson et al., 1999).
In the case of the projected planar shadow proto-
type it is possible that a soundmap could also be
used, however the constantly changing positions of
the source/occluder/listener may produce occlusion
effects that are too complex to simulate accurately
with this approach. Instead, it may be more useful
to investigate more sophisticated filter algorithms that
better approximate the predicted frequency response,
and then use the approach described above to control
the filter parameters.
The virtual environment created in the two proto-
type applications is very simple, comprising only a
single sound source, occluding object and listener. In
practice, most virtual environments are far more com-
plex than this, consisting of possibly hundreds or even
thousands of sound sources and objects. Hence, an
important question is the degree to which the sound-
shadow method can be scaled to larger virtual envi-
ronments. Closely related to this question is the issue
of performance. In the case of more complex environ-
ments it will be necessary to evaluate the efficiency of
the soundshadow algorithms using benchmarking and
asymptotic analysis so that the efficiency of the algo-
rithms is ensured.
Another important question is the degree of accu-
racy necessary in the occlusion algorithm in order to
produce an acceptable occlusion effect. In general,
occlusion has not been considered an important effect
to simulate in real-time environments and so has been
coarsely simulated. However, as games and virtual
environments become more realistic, it is likely that
more accurate acoustic simulations will be required.
For this reason it is necessary to determine the level
of simulation error that is acceptable to the user in the
occlusion model. Perceptual testing using the proto-
types described above may be able to provide an an-
swer to this question. Initial feedback from informal
listening tests that were conducted as the prototype
software was being developed suggest that the accu-
racy of the soundshadow approach provides a satis-
factory level of plausibility for most users.
The development of a simple, efficient yet plausi-
ble method of simulating sound source occlusion in
virtual environments will contribute to making these
environments more immersive and believable. It is
hoped that this research can be used to produce virtual
environments in which audio plays a more meaning-
ful role in the user experience.
Special thanks to Dr. Graham McAllister and Prof.
Michael Alcorn for their supervision and guidance.
Thanks to Mr Chris Corrigan for technical assistance.
Funding for this project was provided by a SPUR
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