Richard Whittaker
Florida International University
11200 S.W. 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199
Gonzalo Argote-Garcia, Peter J. Clarke, Raimund K. Ege
Florida International University
11200 S.W. 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199
Security Architecture, Personal Data Protection, Agent Security, Mediation System.
One of the main approaches to accessing heterogeneous data is via the use of a mediation framework. The
current problem with mediation systems is that they are viewed as black boxes from the perspective of their
clients. As clients enter their data, they are unable to control the access to their data from entities within the
mediation system. In this paper we present a solution in the form of a security framework, named Collaboration
Security Framework that addresses the needs of all entities, i.e. external clients, mediators or data sources,
to have autonomy in applying security policies during collaboration. As a result all entities participating in
a collaboration have control over the access to their data by applying local, global and collaboration channel
security rules, which can be changed at runtime and that are security model independent.
As Information Systems change the landscape of in-
formation delivery, even with their current advance-
ments, most Information Systems still fall short on
taking an active role in supplying data and knowl-
edge to their clients (Wiederhold, 1992). An archi-
tecture for Information Systems that shows promise
is the Three-Layer Mediation Architecture (Ege et al.,
2004). When compared to Federated Systems (Sheth
and Larson, 1990), Mediation Systems are better
suited for environments, which tend to scale and
where their information sources are dynamic (Park
and Ram, 2004). Through the use of mediators within
a Mediation System, the system can package and de-
liver information to the client in a way that makes the
complexity of information processing transparent to
the client.
However, current Mediation Systems are limited in
addressing issues of enterprise environments that are
concerned with security to their stakeholders during
utilization of these systems (Bhatti et al., 2005). For
these Mediation Systems to progress in these environ-
ments, new methods of providing security must be
developed. One key requirement that must be met
is that all entities collaborating within a Mediation
System must have autonomy over their security. Cur-
rently this is not the case since Mediation Systems are
viewed as black boxes from the perspective of their
clients. As clients enter their data, they are unable to
control the access to their data from entities within the
mediation system. This places the clients in a vulner-
able position since they have no knowledge of how,
why or what part of their data is being processed dur-
ing the collaboration with the Mediation System.
This lack of knowledge and control can be
catastrophic in areas dealing with data sensitive trans-
actions. In this paper we present the solution in the
form of a security framework, named Collaboration
Security Framework (CSF), that addresses the needs
of all entities, i.e. external clients, mediators or data
sources, to have autonomy in applying security poli-
cies during collaboration with each other. This secu-
rity framework would provide the clients with a secu-
rity wrapper that encapsulates their data. Our security
framework is also independent of any particular secu-
rity model e.g. BPL (Bell and Padula, 1975), Chinese
Wall (Brewer and Nash, 1989), RBAC (Sandhu et al.,
Note, our security framework is only a first line of
defense. We do not address the problem of valid enti-
ties, who have the proper clearance to access the data,
for passing information to non-valid third parties. If
this happens, the client would only know a list of can-
didates that can be held accountable.
The contributions of this paper can be summarized
Whittaker R., Argote-Garcia G., J. Clarke P. and K. Ege R. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 363-370
DOI: 10.5220/0002095803630370
as follows, we present a security framework that:
Makes it possible for all entities involved in a col-
laboration to utilize a standard security mechanism
that would provide each entity control over access
to their data.
Provides a security infrastructure that can apply se-
curity policies at a local and global level.
Is security model independent.
Can provide entities the ability to change their se-
curity policies at runtime.
Due to space limitations, we do not provide a proof
of completeness, verification mechanism, protocols
or security polices reconciliation of the CSF. These
topics will be presented in our future work.
This paper is organized as follows: in the next
section, we provide a brief overview of mediators
and mobile agents. In Section 3 we look at security
scopes, which are being applied during collaboration.
Section 4, we present cross-domain collaboration and
a key security violation that can arise during a cross-
domain collaboration. We cover the components of
the CSF in Section 5. An example applying the CSF
to mediation and related work will be presented in
Sections 6 and 7, respectively. We give the conclu-
sion of the paper in Section 8.
In developing our security framework, we assumed
that there is an architecture in place that can deal with
the semantic and syntactic interoperability of hetero-
geneous data sources and also that there is an under-
lying distributed mobile agent environment.
Architectures that provide interoperability can
be classified as follows: Mapping-Based, Query-
Oriented and Intermediary Approach. Due to the
drawbacks of federated schemas and the necessity
for clients to have comprehensive understanding of
the domain structure and data that are present in
Mapping-Based and Query Oriented Approach (Park
and Ram, 2004) respectively, we focus our security
framework on Information Systems based on the in-
termediary approach utilizing mediation mechanisms.
Mediation Systems SAW (Dawson et al., 2000),
TIHI (Wiederhold et al., 1996) and CHAOS (Liu
et al., 2000) all provide semantic and syntactic in-
teroperability of heterogeneous data sources through
the use of mediators.“These mediators are intelli-
gent middleware that sit between information sys-
tem clients and sources. They perform functions
such as integrating domain-specific data from multi-
ple sources, reducing data to an appropriate level and
restructuring the results into object-oriented struc-
tures” (Wiederhold and Genesereth, 1997).
A key requirement for our security framework is
for an entity involved in a collaboration to move from
host to host within a mediation system during the col-
laboration. Mobile agents are designed for this pur-
pose. Mobile agents can transport their state and ex-
ecute code within a distributed network. Therefore,
mobile agents allow us to create a distributed exe-
cution environment, which provide seven key ben-
efits: reduce network load, overcome network la-
tency, encapsulate protocols, execute asynchronously
and autonomously, adapt dynamically, are heteroge-
neous and robust and fault-tolerant (Lange and Os-
hima, 1999).
For mobile agents to achieve these seven benefits,
they need an environment that provides them with
necessary infrastructure. Mobile agent environments
KOaS (Bradshaw et al., 1995) and Cougaar (Thome
et al., 2004) are two examples that provide this in-
frastructure. By utilizing mobile agents we are able to
collaborate in a distributed manner instead of a cen-
tralized manner. This makes it possible to send rep-
resentatives with the needed instructions to conduct a
collaboration e.g. security rules and data, to a certain
location within the mediation system to represent an
entity that needs to collaborate with other entities.
We merge mediation and mobile agent technolo-
gies within our Collaborative Security Framework
(CSF), which enables entities participating in a medi-
ation transaction to control the access to their data by
applying local, global and collaboration channel se-
curity rules, which can be changed at runtime. These
security rules are applied to protect the internal data
of mobile agents.
As entities collaborate within a mediation system,
which utilizes our CSF framework, these entities must
adhere to two types of security scopes: global and
local scopes. Global security scopes governed se-
curity policies that are applied to a group of enti-
ties. Whereas, local security scopes governed poli-
cies that individual entities apply during their collab-
oration with other entities. To set the stage for proper
analysis, we give the following definitions:
Root Entity: is an entity that is not representing
another entity within the collaboration.
Representative Agent: is an entity the represents a
root entity within a collaboration.
Local Security Policy: is a set of security policies
that govern the access to an entity. These polices
are controlled by the entity.
Global Security Policy: is a security policy that is
applied to every representative agent with a partic-
ular representative domain and is controlled by the
collaboration root entity.
Representative Domain: is the set of representa-
tive agents and their local collaboration channels
that represent a root entity in a particular collabo-
These definitions are illustrated in Figure 1. It can
be seen from the figure that each entity within the rep-
resentative domain has its own local security policy
that governs the entity. Therefore, for representative
agents to communicate with each other they must ad-
here to each other’s local security policy.
Figure 1: Representative Domain.
All communications between entities within a rep-
resentative domain is done through a collaboration
channel that we define as:
Collaboration Channel: is a bi-directional com-
munication link between two entities that has a se-
curity policy that both entities agreed upon to es-
tablish a secure communication between them.
A collaboration channel is established within a rep-
resentative domain during the initialization of a rep-
resentative agent, which is made possible by the ser-
vices provided by the mobile agent environment. Dur-
ing this initialization, a representative agent is cre-
ated to represent the parent who is creating the agent.
Since the parent entity initializes the representative
agent it will establish the security protocol between
the parent and newly created representative agent.
Since representative agents have their security poli-
cies set by their parent during initialization, there may
be times where these representative agents need to
change their security policies. This can arise due to
the environment that a representative agent is collab-
orating in, we will address this issue in Section 4. For
a representative agent to change its security policy,
it must request permission from its parent since an
agent represents its parent. This request cycle is re-
cursive and therefore, all requests will reach the root
entity since it is the parent of all representative agents.
Hence, the root entity is in control of all security poli-
cies within the representative domain.
As stated above the collaboration channel is bi-
directional, therefore it is possible for a parent of
a representative agent to request the representation
agent to change its security policies and data. This
may be necessary due to a runtime security policy ad-
To set the desired behavior and structure within
a representation domain we establish the following
Root Entity Cardinality: There is only one root en-
tity within a representative domain.
Root Entity Collaboration Channels: A root entity
can only have collaboration channels linking it to
representation agents who are in the same repre-
sentative domain.
Representative Agent Cardinality: A parent entity
may have zero or more representative agents repre-
senting it within the representative domain.
Parent Cardinality: A representative agent has
only one parent entity.
Collaboration Channel Signature: Every collab-
oration channel has a unique transmission signa-
We assume all entities, i.e. root entity and repre-
sentation agents within a representative domain, are
working together to protect the root entity in collabo-
rating with other representative agents that are located
in different representative domains. Autonomy comes
into play when entities within a particular representa-
tive domain collaborate with other entities within an-
other representative domain. This cross-domain col-
laboration and its security issues will be addressed in
the following section.
During collaboration it is possible to have entities
from different representative domains collaborate.
This cross-domain collaboration is an area that cur-
rent mediation systems are not addressing adequately.
SAW (Dawson et al., 2000), TIHI (Wiederhold et al.,
1996) and CHAOS (Liu et al., 2000) do not pro-
vide any cross-domain security mechanism for their
clients. Security policies are geared to apply data fil-
tering to the output data from the mediation system to
the client. These systems do not provide any security
mechanism for the clients to apply cross-domain se-
curity polices. Hence, contributing to the black box
scenario from the perspective of the clients.
Current work by (Shehab et al., 2005) started to ad-
dress the issue of cross domain security by enabling
entities roles based on RBAC (Sandhu et al., 1996)
to cross into another domain with the possibility of
changing the role of the entity within the new domain.
This may affect the security policies of an entity since
the newly assigned role may have a new set of security
policies that pertain to this role. There is a drawback
and an assumption about the collaboration environ-
ment that is not present within our environment. The
drawback to their security framework is that the mi-
grating entity has no control over the role that will be
assigned to it in the new domain. Also, there is an
assumption that a specific security model can be ap-
plied across all domains. This is not the case within
our environment and in the real world. Our environ-
ment, models a more real world environment, where
different organizations have different security models
governing their security policies.‘
For these organizations to collaborate there must be
a path that enables data to flow across domain bound-
aries. How data flows across these domains is gov-
erned by the security policies and transmission in-
frastructure. We assume that the underlying trans-
mission infrastructure is in place, mainly TCP/IP. The
issue of interest is how to establish a cross-domain
communication path between entities in different do-
mains that adheres to each entity’s security. To estab-
lish cross-domain communication, we utilize our se-
curity framework’s collaboration channel that acts as
a bridge between the collaborating representative do-
mains. This is possible due to the services provided
by the collaborative channel. Note, that this commu-
nication channel may have a different set of security
policies than that of the collaborating entities. One
can think of the collaboration channel, as the land
buffer between two countries at a border that is not
owned by either countries but has a policy governing
the buffer that both countries agree on.
Figure 2: Collaborative Domain.
Figure 2 illustrates the collaborations between rep-
resentative agents of different representative domains.
Note that, the collaboration channels that are es-
tablished between representative agents in these do-
mains link representative domains. To initiate a cross-
domain collaboration channel the representative agent
must find a linking partner. This is possible through
the use of directory services (Barker, 1995).
Once a cross-domain collaboration channel is es-
tablished the two linked representative agents can
start collaborating (request - response cycle). During
their collaboration, they will only transmit their own
local data, whose access is governed by their secu-
rity policies. Therefore, even though there is a com-
mon consensus between the collaborating representa-
tive agents on their collaboration channel, each agent
can still control the access to its data locally. It must
be stated that our framework does not provide the
interpolation of the security policies, but instead the
CSF provides the topology for establishing the col-
laboration. Research of (Wallace, 1996), (Bistarelli
et al., 1997) and (Bistarelli, 2004) have focused on se-
curity interpolation utilizing constraint programming
and semirings.
4.1 Collaborative Security
Having established cross-domain collaborations we
focus on the concept of security on these collabora-
tions. What exactly is a secure collaboration and what
is the scope of the security policies that govern this se-
cure collaboration? We define a secure collaboration
as follows:
Secure Collaboration: A cross-domain collabora-
tion is secure if for every representative domain
that has a collaboration channel to other repre-
sentative domains all collaboration chains that one
can use to traverse from a root entity to another
root entity is secure.
Therefore, secure collaborations are not controlled
by a single governing body. Instead segmented parti-
tions of security policies are governed by the global
security policies of each representative domain and
the local security polices of each representative agent.
Each representative agent has its own autonomy over
its local security policy. This gives the representa-
tive agent control over who is accessing their data and
how. Hence, removing the black box scenario.
4.2 Collaborative Security Violation
Having established secure collaboration we must be
aware of the security violations that can arise dur-
ing a cross-domain collaboration. Figure 3 illustrates
the classic transitive access leakage, where an entity
was given access within a representative domain and
it uses its access right to gain access to an unautho-
rized entity during utilizing improper path traversals.
Figure 3: Transitive Security Violation.
It has been shown that, to check if a system based
on an access right security mechanism is secure, i.e.
that no entity gains unauthorized access during run-
time, is undecidable (Harrison et al., 1976). Based
on prior research (Gong and Qian, 1994) it has been
proven that a cross-domain collaboration is secure is
also undecidable. In special cases an optimal solution
in polynomial time, Simplified Maximum-Access Se-
cure Interoperation (Gong and Qian, 1996) can be
used to check if there exists a violation during a cross-
domain collaboration.
Therefore, if the security rules have the proper re-
striction set on them, a system based on the CSF
framework may be checked to see if the system is se-
cure in polynomial time. Note, the CSF is not de-
signed around a specific security model. The CSF
provides services to apply security during a cross-
domain collaboration. Hence, mediation systems that
incorporate the CSF into their architecture may use
the Simplified Maximum-Access Secure Interopera-
tion (Gong and Qian, 1996) to check if the system is
secure. This is possible, since the CSF does not pro-
vide any service to modify any security rule within
the mediation system.
In this section we present key components of the Col-
laboration Security Framework (CSF) that provides
the underlying structure for all entities involved in
a collaboration to utilize a standard security mecha-
nism that gives each entity control over accessing its
data. To make this possible the CSF provides the abil-
ity for root entities and representative agents to ap-
ply security policies at local and global views that are
security model independent and also can be change-
able at runtime. One may find similarities between
CSF and Kerberos (Steiner et al., 1988) where clients
trust the identity judgement of entities within the CSF
and Kerberos. A key different between CSF and Ker-
beros, is that in Kerberos a client requesting a service
must identity itself through its credentials. Whereas,
in CSF, a service is provided if there is a proper se-
curity interpolation between different Representative
Figure 4: Collaborative Security Framework.
An overview of the CSF is illustrated in Figure 4,
which is composed of four main components: Secu-
rity Repository, Root Entity, Directory Services and
Representative Agent. The CSF is a simple frame-
work that achieves its underlying objective. In the
following sub-sections we briefly overview each com-
ponent and its modules, helping in understanding how
the CSF achieves its goals in the deployment example
given in the next section.
Security Repository
The Security Repository holds all the security models
and rules that will be utilized by all entities within the
representative domains.
Security Rules: This module is responsible for pro-
viding the security rules that are used by root enti-
ties and representative agents to build their security
Root Entity
The Root Entity is the entity that has control on how
its data is being accessed during a collaboration. The
root entity utilizes representative agents as delegates
to achieve this task.
Security Rules: This holds the root entity security
rules that are global and that proceed over the root
entity’s representative domain.
Representative Agent Controller: This module is
used to control the representative agent that repre-
sents the root entity within a representative domain.
Data Processor: Processes the internal data in-
coming and out-going.
Directory Service
The directory service component is used by root en-
tities and representative agents to locate entities that
can allow the collaboration to proceed.
Locator: Locates entities within the mediation sys-
tem. Entities can query the locator to find an en-
tity from other representative domains that can ad-
vance the collaboration.
Representative Agent
The representative agent represents the root entity
within its representative domain. It collaborates on
behalf of the root entity with other representative
agents that may or may not be in its representative
Global Security Rules: The security rules of the
representative agent’s root entity. They are the
global security rules of the representative domain.
Local Security Rules: The security rules that are
unique to the representative agent, which may be
requested to be changed by the representative agent
or by the representative agent’s parent.
Collaboration Channel Security Rules: The secu-
rity rules that govern the incoming and out-going
transmission data of the representative agent.
Collaboration Channel Controller: This module
establishes the creation and termination of collab-
oration channels.
Data Processor: Processes the internal data, in-
coming and out-going.
In this section we present a deployment example of
a mediation system based on the CSF framework and
show how the mediation system gives each entity ac-
cess control over its data and security policies at a
local and global view that are security model inde-
pendent and can be changed at runtime.
Figure 5 illustrates a runtime snap shot of the me-
diation system. As shown, there are six representa-
tive domains with their corresponding root entities in
gray. One in the Application Layer whose represen-
tative domain spans from the Application Layer into
the Mediation Layer. This is a key difference from
other mediation systems, which is made possible by
the underlying agent environment. Within the Media-
tion Layer there are three representative domains that
Figure 5: Applying CSF to Mediation.
are responsible for the semantic and syntactic map-
ping and two representative domains within the Data
Layer that provide a wrapper for the two data sources.
As a client interacts with the mediation system, the
client’s application within the Application Layer uti-
lizes the functionalities provided by the CSF to ini-
tialize a root entity to protect the data that the client’s
application enters into the mediation system. During
the initialization the client’s application specifies the
communication TCP/IP port and the security policies
of the root entity. To establish the security polices
the root entity requests the needed security rules from
the CSF’s Security Repository. Thereafter, the client’s
application and root entity are in constant communi-
To advance the client’s request the root entity needs
to locate other representative agents within different
representative domains that can advance the underly-
ing request. The root entity can find these representa-
tive agents by querying the CSF’s Directory Service.
During this task the root entity also retrieves the secu-
rity requirements that are needed to establish collabo-
ration channels with these representative agents. Hav-
ing the needed security requirements, the root entity
makes requests to the advancing representative agents
to establish collaboration channels with the root en-
tity’s own representative agents. Note, during these
requests there are possible negotiations on the secu-
rity policies that govern the collaboration channels. If
a negotiation fails, there will be no further communi-
cation between this representative agent and the root
entity. In this case, the root entity may request another
representative agent from the CSF’s Directory Ser-
vice. If there is an agreement between the root entity
and the advancing representative agent, the root en-
tity will initialize one of its own representative agents
with the global, local, and collaboration security rule,
and the data that is needed to advance the root’s entity
request i.e. the client’s request.
Upon establishing a collaboration channel the root
entity’s representative agent and the advancing repre-
sentative agent are collaborating with the possibility
of having their security policies based on different se-
curity models i.e. one representative domain security
polices based on RBAC (Sandhu et al., 1996) and the
other on BPL (Bell and Padula, 1975).
As the mediation system provides semantic and
syntactic interoperability to simplify the client’s re-
quest, the client’s representative agent will create a
nested web of collaboration channels to other repre-
sentative agents until the request is simplified to a
point where it can be processed by a data source. This
is illustrated in Figure 5.
As shown in Figure 5, at each point of a cross-
domain collaboration the client’s data is protected by
a representative agent making it possible for the client
to control the access to his or her data. The client may
request the root entity to change the global and local
security polices of some or all representative agents
during runtime by sending the request through the es-
tablished collaboration channels between these enti-
ties. Note, all entities within the mediation system i.e.
clients application, mediations or data source utilize
the CSF, making it possible to simplify the mediation
system security architecture. Therefore, CSF can pro-
vide each entity within the mediation system, access
control over its data and security policies at a local
and global view that are security model independent
and can be changed at runtime.
The problem of semantic and syntactic interoper-
ability of heterogeneous data sources have been ad-
dressed by TIHI(Wiederhold et al., 1996), CHAOS
(Liu et al., 2000), and (Yang et al., 2004). These me-
diation systems each utilize a different security mech-
anism to establish secure collaboration between dif-
ferent entities.
TIHI security mechanism is comprised of a secu-
rity mediator, which is an intelligent gateway that ap-
plies pre-processing and post-processing filter of data
requested by a client. The security mediator filters in-
coming and out-going data from TIHI’s data sources.
There can be situations where the security mediator
cannot handle all data filtering. In these situations,
TIHI’s security officer processes the data. Note, the
security mediator is under the control of the security
officer and therefore, the security officer may override
any data filtering that was applied by the security me-
diator. Through the use of security rules, which the
security officer loads into the security mediator, TIHI
establishes its security throughout the entire media-
tion system.
In CHAOS, security of the mediation system is
based on active objects that are dynamically loaded
into mediators. These active objects filter the data
that is being presented to the client. CHAOS does not
need to rely on a set of primitive security rules. To es-
tablish security policies CHAOS provides an API to
set the security polices with an active object. Before
the data within an active object is sent to a client, the
active object’s execute method is called by the medi-
ator containing the active object. Calling the execute
method on an active object causes the internal data of
the active object to be filtered, therefore the client will
review a subset of the active object’s data that depends
on the access rights of the client.
(Yang et al., 2004) based their security mechanism
on RBAC (Sandhu et al., 1996) by utilizing the me-
diation system’s Access Control and View Expander
components and the mediation spec database. Their
mediation system applies security rules that filters
data being sent to the client. The Access Control com-
ponent extracts the policy information to enforce the
authorization constraints on the client. To access the
proper views of the data source that is in compliance
with client’s access rights, the mediation system uti-
lizes the View Expander that relies on the mediation
spec database to set the proper view access.
These security mechanisms approaches have their
limitations in the situation where a client data needs to
be protected during processing. This is due to the fact
that these security mechanisms do not provide any
services that make it possible for a client to control
the access to its data during the mediation process.
In this paper, we have presented the Collaborative
Security Framework (CSF), which allows all entities
participating in a cross-domain collaboration to con-
trol the access to their data by applying local, global
and collaboration channel security rules, which can
be changed at runtime. These security rules have dif-
ferent scopes, where local security rules are applied
to protect the internal data of a representative agent,
global security rules make up a representative domain
security policy that every entity within a representa-
tive domain must adhere to and collaboration channel
security rules that govern the collaboration between
The primary abstraction of the CSF is the represen-
tative domain, which represents a client during col-
laboration. This is made possible through the use of
root entities and representative agents. The root en-
tity is the controller of a representative domain and
is the only entity within a representative domain that
communicates directly with the client. Whereas, rep-
resentative agents represent the root entity during a
cross-domain collaboration, this makes it possible to
have decentralize collaborations, where only neces-
sary data needs to be given to a representative agent
by its root entity.
Furthermore, the CSF provides an infrastructure so
that collaboration across different domains are secu-
rity model independent, since each representative do-
main can base its security rules on different security
models. This was a key design feature of the CSF,
since this reflects more real world situations.
Due to space limitations, we do not provide a proof
of completeness, verification mechanism, protocols
or security polices reconciliation of the CSF. These
topics will be presented in our future work.
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