Zaobin Gan and Dengwei Wei
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Wuhan 430074,PR China
Vijay Varadharajan
Department of Computing, Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
System Integration, RBAC.
It has been recognized that the main source of problems with application software security is in most cases
that the software is poorly designed and developed with respect to authentication and authorization. Aim-
ing at preventing the security issues in the course of software design and development, this paper presents a
framework for integrating a security policy specification with a system function integration. On the basis of
the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model, this framework moves the responsibility of security through a
central authorization management mechanism, Single Sign-On (SSO) access and integration management of
security resources. The design can integrate the enterprise’s multiple new, developing and existing applica-
tion systems, and provide end users access these systems as a single system. An application instance of the
framework is given in a large-sized enterprise information integrated system as well. The results show that the
framework may provide enterprises with uniform and robust enforcement policies to improve the security of
sensitive information systems.
In order to compete and survive in the information
society, many enterprises have begun to set up some
information management systems, such as account-
ing information systems, human resource manage-
ment systems, product management systems, time-
card management systems, and so on, in the past sev-
eral years. Different systems, autonomously devel-
oped and managed, take advantage of different se-
curity policies and impose different constraints to be
satisfied before allowing participants access to data.
These systems, to a large extent, depend on the proper
management of security resources, such as user ac-
counts, passwords, logs, etc., in an enterprise. For
example, user authentication with account and pass-
word is dependent on how well passwords are cho-
sen, stored and managed. Relying on each applica-
tion to perform authentication leads to networks with
multiple disparate authentication policy enforcements
based on application implementation. Users will need
to remember and manage multiple accounts and pass-
words, and have to log in multiple times to access dif-
ferent application systems on the enterprise network.
In addition, these systems do not provide the enter-
prise with a central point of control over authentica-
tion policies and mechanisms, e.g., when an employee
is terminated, his/her access should be cancelled to
all applications on the Intranet. These lead to much
inconvenience for them and threatens the security of
these systems (e.g., if a password is stolen or forgot-
ten). The security issue of these systems is attracting
Many studies on practical examples show that the
main source of security risk originates from the de-
sign and implementation of these software systems
themselves (Lindqvist and Jonsson, 1998)(McGraw,
2002) and also from inside the enterprises or orga-
nizations (Harmantzis and Malek, 2004). Therefore,
improving software security depends on proactively
managing security associated with software design
and implementation.
In the meantime, the security of existing systems
must be protected and improved as far as possible
with available measures. In addition, developing spe-
cific security solutions for different systems is usu-
ally very expensive and time-consuming within an
enterprise. Thus, in this paper, we present an inte-
grated RBAC framework that can incorporates multi-
ple new developing systems and existing application
Gan Z., Wei D. and Varadharajan V. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 437-442
DOI: 10.5220/0002096004370442
systems within an organization, and provide end users
access them with specific collaborations as a single
system. It can implement a central authorization man-
agement mechanism, single sign-on access and inte-
gration management of security resources of all sys-
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 a brief overview of related work
is presented. The integrated approach and the sys-
tem infrastructure to improve software security are
described in Section 3. Section 4 details the imple-
mentation of the integrated approach. Section 5 eval-
uates the characteristics. Finally, concluding remarks
and further work are provided in Section 6.
Role-based access control emerged rapidly in the
1990s as a proven technology for managing and en-
forcing security in large-scale enterprise-wide sys-
tems. Its authorization mechanism is concerned with
making decisions on who can access what operations
on which objects and how this can be achieved. Over
the past years, a significant body of research on RBAC
models and experimental implementations has devel-
oped (Ferraiolo and Kuhn, 1992),(Sandhu and Sama-
rati, 1994)(Hitchens and Varadharajan, 2000). The
work on access control classifies security models into
three broad categories, namely Discretionary Access
Control (DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
(Hitchens and Varadharajan, 2000) and Role-Based
Access Control (RBAC) (Sandhu and Coyne, 1996).
In fact, they all make use of the roles for control-
ling access to entities and objects or the mechanism-
oriented approach. It has been claimed elsewhere
that RBAC better suits the needs of some real world
organizations than MAC or DAC based approaches
(Sandhu and Feinstein, 1994).
However, they all fall into the trap of using ac-
cess control mechanisms both for policy expression
as well as in policy enforcement (Hitchens and Varad-
harajan, 2000). It is hardly possible for any given pol-
icy specification to be implemented by all of the ex-
isting mechanisms. Some language-based proposals
have been presented. Simon and Zurko (Simon and
Zurko, 1997) discussed the mechanisms they were
implementing to support Separation of Duty and roles
in Adage, a general-purpose authorization language
and toolkit. Jajodia et al. (Jajodia et al., 1997) pro-
posed a logical language for the specification of au-
thorizations on which such a model can be based.
These languages often depend upon their users having
a reasonable level of understanding of logical princi-
ples. This is not always found amongst real world
users, even those entrusted with the management of
access control policies for a system. Hitchens and
Varadharajan (Hitchens and Varadharajan, 2000) pro-
posed a language based approach to the specification
of authorization policies (called Tower). It is far bet-
ter to provide the user who needs to specify access
control policies with flexible mechanisms and allow
them to build structures for expressing their policies.
But the implementation on top of other access control
list mechanisms is somewhat inefficient. In addition,
they didn’t take into account the security resources
management and integration, and the language-based
specifications are difficult to understand and imple-
ment for programmers. In this paper, we can define
RBAC mechanism by means of an integrated graphi-
cal interface in the light of business management poli-
cies. In the meantime, for a new application, we make
use of a set of predefined functions (Application Pro-
gramming Interface: API). These can present a suffi-
cient degree of flexibility and capability.
The integrate security infrastructure is as shown in
Fig. 1. It consists of an Integrated Control Panel
(ICP), an Integrated Security Management compo-
nent (ISM), Application System components (AS
, , AS
). ISM-DB is a database that stores
all relevant security information in the whole inte-
grated management system. AS
-DB is respectively
a database that saves all data corresponding to appli-
cation system.
Uniform user entrance
rated Control Panel
Figure 1: The Integrate Security Infrastructure.
3.1 Integrated Control Panel (ICP)
ICP, as depicted in Fig. 2, seems like the control
panel in Windows. It integrates and manages the ISM
component and AS
(i = 1, 2, . . . , n) components.
These components integrated in the ICP are either
new developing components or any independent exe-
cutable programs, e.g. some existing application sys-
tems. The ICP is an authentication and authorization
gateway to the application components, all applica-
tion components share the same authentication and
authorization mechanism provided by the ISM. These
components in the ICP can be invoked or loaded in
terms of users’ authorization. When a user clicks the
icon of any component, the ICP first prompts the user
to input username and password, communicates with
the ISM, authenticates the user and retrieves autho-
rizations from the ISM-DB. Hence, the user will not
need to authenticate multiple times to access multiple
application components, as shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 2: The Integrate Control Panel Infrastructure.
rated Control Panel
(1) Login
(3) Authorize
(4) Invoke or access
(2) Authenticate
Figure 3: System Workflow.
3.2 Integrated Security Management
ISM, as shown in Fig. 4, is the core of the integrated
security infrastructure and the ’back-end’ component
that will be consulted by all the Application Com-
ponents for making access decisions. It is made up
of a graphical authentication and authorization inter-
face and a set of Application Programming Interfaces
(APIs). The graphical authentication and authoriza-
tion interface in the ISM is achieved by using RBAC
mechanisms to group users and enforcing the access
control policies of resources.
Figure 4: Integrated security management infrastructure.
Here, the RBAC mechanism has the following
three essential structures (Sandhu et al., 1994):
(1) Users: which correspond to real world users of
the computing system.
(2) Permissions: a description of the access users
can have to objects in the system.
(3) Roles: a description of the functions of users
within an organization.
In order to accurately model one real world job
description, the RBAC mechanism in the integrated
security infrastructure supports roles inheritance and
constraints, for example, users may not be allowed
to take on one role if another role they already have
specifically disallows it.
A role table is a triple (RoleID, RoleName,
Ship). RoleID is an exclusive tag of a role, Role-
Name is the name of a role, R
Ship is a set of con-
straints or role inheritance relationships among dif-
ferent roles. R Ship places restrictions on how users
are assigned to roles in the light of an organization’s
business management policies.
Permissions and users are mapped to roles, as
shown in Fig. 5. The relationships are many to
many. For a real world organization, we take two
types of entities to which access is being controlled
in the integrated security infrastructure. One speci-
fies the object that represents all application system
components; another is the function that stands for
specified business functions, such as application, sig-
nature, read, write, and so on. In the RBAC model,
permissions will therefore specify the object and the
function which access is allowed. They can be ex-
pressed as two triples (RoleID, ObjectID, Permission)
and (RoleID, FuncID, Permission). The objects, the
functions and permissions all can be defined by the
means of the graphical interface tool as shown in Fig.
4. All future accesses to any subsystems will retrieve
authorization assertions from the database server that
creates the user session. Hence, the user will not need
to authenticate multiple times to access different sub-
systems integrated in the ICP on the network.
Has Has
Figure 5: The relationship among user, role and permission.
3.3 Application System Components
Application system components integrated in the ICP
include some newly developed systems and some ex-
isting systems. The set of Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs)the ISM is a dynamic link library
(DLL) that is shared by all the application system
components. It includes encryption and decryption
functions, authorization identification functions, users
identification functions, roles code definition lists,
some common variables, and so on. While a new ap-
plication system is being developed, the API should
be used so that the new application can seamlessly be
integrated into the ICP. For some existing application
systems, their configuration files are encrypted and
stored in the database ISM-DB. Therefore, after they
are integrated into the ICP, they cannot independently
work again once they separated from the ICP. They
may have their own authorization mechanism, but the
ICP can control whether a user who only has a certain
role can start up them or not. The security of these
existing systems can be improved greatly. While the
integrated system is installed, these components are
optional according to users’ requirements.
In this section, we describe our implementation of
a practical application system in Xiaolangdi hy-
dropower plant by the means of the integration ap-
proach. It is made up of an ICP, an ISM, Human
Resources Management System, Power Generating
Management System, Finance Management System,
Worksheet Management System, Real-time Informa-
tion Display System and as well as some other sys-
tems (Gan, 2002), as shown in Fig. 6. The ISM is the
core of system, so we only discuss it in the following.
Figure 6: XLD integration information system infrastruc-
In order to achieve the goals presented in Sec-
tion 3, more than ten tables were designed in the
ISM database, such as T
User, T Role, T URole,
Object, T Auth, T Ctrl, T Func, T log, and so on.
The schemas are shown in Fig. 7. The implementa-
tion of the ISM supports the following functions:
T_URole T_User
Figure 7: Relational schemas for the ISM database.
(1) Users management
Define users’ detailed information, such as users’
name, account, password, unit, roles, and the like.
Any user can also be locked or unlocked according
to business management policy, e.g. when an em-
ployee is terminated, his/her account will be locked,
and his/her access will be cancelled to all applications
on the Intranet.
(2) Configuration management
Configuration management centrally defines and
encrypts the system parameters of all application
components in the ICP and stores them in the
database ISM-DB.
(3) Object management
In order to conveniently map the access authoriza-
tion to roles, object management defines all applica-
tion system components integrated in the ICP, includ-
ing Human Resources Management System, Power
Generating Management System, Finance Manage-
ment System, Worksheet Management System, Real-
time Information Display System. Here, the object is
in the table T
(4) Functions management
Here, we define the function that stands for speci-
fied business functions in the hydropower plant, such
as worksheet application, worksheet signature, work-
sheet permission, worksheet cancel, project audit,
read, write, and so on. The function is in the table
(5) Roles management
Roles delimit the functions of users within organi-
zations by prescribing the access to objects that users
have. Different roles are defined regarding to the re-
lationships between job descriptions within the prac-
tical hydropower plant. In addition, role constraints
and role inheritance are taken into account as well.
These are saved in a triple table T
(6) Function and object authorization
By means of function and object authorization,
The management policies in the hydropower plant are
converted into users-roles-authorizations. All future
access to any subsystems will retrieve authorization
assertions from the database server that creates the
user session. User identification and privileges deter-
mine the functionality of any application accessible
through the ICP. They are respectively saved in two
triple tables T
Ctrl and T Auth.
(7) Log management
Log management can track and analyse software
behaviour. Record user login time operation, audit
trail. User information, such as login time, logout
time, IP address, application system names and ob-
jects the user accesses during logon period, etc., are
recorded in the table T
Before the integrated system was implemented, both
the Human Resources Management System and the
Worksheet Management System were independently
executed. A user had to respectively input his/her
username and password twice every time while he/she
needed to log on both the systems. The system ad-
ministrator must maintain two sets of authorization
and user management. However, after both the sys-
tem was integrated in the ICP, everything is becoming
simple. System administrator only needs to maintain
a set of authorization and user management. They can
log on all the systems after users only needs to input
his/her username and password once.
In addition, compared with some Role-based ac-
cess control approaches used in various application
systems (Thomsen et al., 1998)(Apfrlbeck, 2001), the
central security infrastructure presented in this paper
has some characteristics in the following:
(1) Granularity and extensibility
The ISM is able to provide finer-grain resource
access control than existing solutions since all pri-
mary resources (applications, functions, operations
and data) can be separately accessed; and it allows se-
curity policies to be flexibly and extensively defined.
(2) Accountability and auditability
The log management of the ISM provides opera-
tion log in order to track record. A lot of relevant
information can be recorded about actions performed
by users, or processes acting on their behalf, so that
the consequences of those actions can later be linked
to the users in question and, if necessary, users can
be held accountable and auditable for their actions. It
can satisfy requirements for both accountability and
auditability well.
(3) Feasibility and integrity
From Integrated Control Panel, a set of APIs can
deliver enormous value to IT organizations and end
users, enabling centralized access to applications in
order to gain a simplified infrastructure, faster devel-
opment, and enhanced programmers and users effi-
The ICP framework can seamlessly integrate ex-
isting application systems and provide users with dy-
namic authorization into the applications.
(4) Authentication security strengthening
The ICP greatly improves the authentication secu-
rity of application systems by its Single Sign-On ac-
cess. A user can access all authorized applications, on
the basis of a single authentication that is performed
when he/she initially accesses any application inte-
grated into the ICP. Since the user has to remember
only one username/password, and needs to type this
information once, user productivity is improved and
security breaches such as users writing down their
passwords are eliminated.
On the other hand, the ISM is an independent au-
thentication system without user interaction. It does
not only centrally manage and control access to all ap-
plication systems integrated into the ICP but also pro-
vides a highly customizable set of role-based access
control policies and role mappings, which also greatly
improve the security of all application systems.
This paper describes a central security infrastructure
to enable SSO for different application subsystems
via integration mechanisms, role-based access control
and security resource management. A case study of
the central security frame is presented as well.
In the current implementation, mapping of users to
roles and mapping of roles to permissions are created
and maintained in a predefined format in the ISM by
the security administrator. Future work will study a
certain standard format for scripting this related se-
curity information, and automatically implementing
mapping of users to roles and mapping of roles to
permissions so as to improve the security of sensitive
information systems and to provide a more flexible
mechanism. In addition, the API presented in this pa-
per can only support the same development tool. It is
also a future research direction how the API will be
improved to adapt to different development tools.
This work is supported by Geheyan Hydropower
Station Information Integrated System Project, Xi-
aolangdi Hydropower Station Information Integrated
System Project and China Scholarship Fund. We
thank the anonymous referees for their valuable com-
ments and suggestions to improve the quality of this
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