Dan Dumitru Burdescu, Liana Stanescu
Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics,University of Craiova, Bvd. Decebal, Craiova, Romania
Keywords: Watermarking, Robustness, Multimedia, JPEG, Algorithm.
Abstract: The rapid growth of digital multimedia technologies brings tremendous attention to the field of digital
authentication. The owner or the distributor of the digital images can insert a unique watermark into copies
for different customers or receivers, which will be helpful to identify the source of illegal copies. In digital
watermarking, robustness is still a challenging problem if different sets of attacks need to be tolerated
simultaneously. In this paper we present an original spatial authentication technique for digital images. Our
approach modifies blocks of the image by insertion of a spatial watermark. A spatial mask of suitable size is
used to hide data with less visual impairments. The watermark insertion process exploits average color of
the homogeneity regions of the cover image. The complexity of the algorithms is proved to be O(n
), where
‘n’ is the nodes number of virtual graph for watermark. The authentication method developed below works
for all types of digital image.
In recent years, the rapid and extensive growth in
Internet technology is creating a pressing need to
develop several newer techniques to protect
copyright, ownership and content integrity of digital
media. This necessity arises because the digital
representation of media possesses inherent
advantages of portability, efficiency and accuracy of
information content. On the other hand, this
representation also implies a serious threat of easy,
accurate and illegal perfect copies in unlimited
numbers. Unfortunately, the currently available
formats for image, (also audio and video) in digital
form do not allow any type of copyright protection.
A potential solution to this kind of problem is an
electronic stamp or digital watermark, which is
intended to complement cryptographic processing.
The later techniques facilitate access of the
encrypted data only for valid key holders but fail to
track any reproduction or retransmission of data
after decryption. On the other hand, in digital
watermarking, an identification code is embedded
permanently inside a cover image, which remains
within that cover invisibly even after decryption
process. Digital watermarking is now considered an
efficient technology for copyright protection.
Several image watermark schemes have been
developed in the past few years, both spatial and
frequency domains being used for watermark
embedding. Spatial watermarks are constructed in
the image spatial domain, and embedded directly
into an image’s pixel data (Burdescu, 2004).
General requirements for watermarking
techniques, in general, need to posses the following
characteristics: (a) imperceptibility for hidden
information, (b) redundancy in distribution of the
hidden information inside the cover image to satisfy
robustness in the watermark extraction process even
from the cropped watermarked image; and (c)
possible use of one or more keys to achieve
cryptographic security of hidden content
(Katzenbesser, 2000, Lee and Jung , 2001).
Besides these general properties, an ideal
watermarking system should also be resilient to
insertion of additional watermarks to retain the
rightful ownership. The perceptually invisible data
hiding requires insertion of the watermark in higher
spatial frequency of the cover image since the
human eye is less sensitive to this range of
frequencies. But in most of the natural images the
majority of visual information is concentrated on the
lower end of the frequency band. Thus the
information hidden in the higher frequencies
components might be lost after quantization
Dumitru Burdescu D. and Stanescu L. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 303-308
DOI: 10.5220/0002099403030308
operation of losing compression (Hsu, 1999). This
motivates researchers to realize the importance of
perceptual modeling of the human visual system and
the need to embed a signal in perceptually
significant regions of an image, especially if the
watermark is to survive losing compression (Cox,
1997). In the spatial domain block based approach
this perceptually significant region is synonymous of
low variance blocks of the cover image.
Since the meaning of multimedia data is based
on its content, it is necessary to modify the
multimedia bit-stream to embed some codes, i. e.
watermarks, without changing the meaning of the
content. The embedded watermark may represent
either a specific digital producer identification label,
or some content-based codes generated by applying
a specific rule. Because the watermarks are
embedded in the data content, once the data is
manipulated, these watermarks will also be modified
such that the authenticator can examine them to
verify the integrity of the data. For complete
verification of uncompressed raw multimedia data,
watermarking may work better than digital signature
methods because: (a) the watermarks are always
integrated with the data such that the authenticator
can examine them conveniently, and (b) there are
many spaces in the multimedia data to embed the
watermarks without degrading the quality too much
(Yeung, 1997). However, there is no advantage to
use the watermarking method in a compressed
multimedia data for complete verification.
Compression standards e.g. JPEG or MPEG have
user-defined sections where digital signatures can be
placed. Because multimedia data are stored or
distributed in the file format instead of pixel values,
therefore the digital signature can be considered as
being “embedded” in the data. For content
verification, a watermarking method that can
reliably distinguish compression from other
manipulations still has not been found. The
watermarks are either too fragile for compression or
too flexible for manipulation.
So far, the robust watermarking systems found in
the literature can only withstand some of the
possible external attacks but not all. The attacks
against the watermark try to neutralize the
watermark, without damaging the image too much.
The watermark is neutralized if: (a) the detector
cannot detect the watermark (distortion, attenuation
etc.), (b) the detector cannot recognize the
watermark in the image from another one, and (c)
the watermark is no longer in the image. The attacks
can be very different: (a) in the spatial domain, it can
be scaling, cropping, rotation, noise addition. The
open source software STIRMARK available on the
Web generates many of these attacks, (b) in the
frequential domain it can be filtering, (c)
compression and (d) adding another watermark over
the first one. The STIRMARK software generates
random rotations and distortions on blocks of the
image. The STIRMARK software simulates JPEG
coding, filtering operations, rotation, scaling and
cropping. The result is very slight alterations on
image, but watermarks are usually heavily damaged.
The present paper describes a computationally
efficient block-based spatial domain authentication
technique for a one level watermark symbol. The
selection of the required pixels is based on variance
of the block and watermark insertion exploits
average color of the blocks. The proposed
algorithms were tested on a few of the most usual
transformations of images and the obtained results
showed that the proposed method is efficient. The
authentication method developed below works for
all types of digital image and it can be applied in
medical domain because it can be inserted into
images immediately when the image is obtained by a
medical apparatus.
All watermarking methods share the same building
blocks – an embedding system and the watermark
extraction or recovery system (
Hsu et al., 1999). Any
generic embedding system should have as inputs: a
cover data/image (I), a watermark symbol (W) and a
key (k) to enforce security. The output of the
embedding process is always the watermarked
data/image (I’). The generic watermark recovery
process needs the watermarked data (I’), the secret
key (K) and depending on the method, the original
data (I) and/or the original watermark (W) as input
while the output is the recovered watermark with
some kind of confidence measure for the given
watermark symbol or an indication about the
presence of watermark in the cover image under
inspection. The original cover image I is a standard
image of size N
N where N = 2
with a 24 bit RGB
format (in medical domain the image is read in a
.bmp format). In the proposed work a binary image
of size 256
256 or 512
512 is considered. Each
image is marked with a watermark coefficient. That
means, for each pixel, the value of the pixel is
changed according to the given formula:
D(i,j) = C(i,j) + a*M*W (1)
where C(i,j) is the original value of a pixel at
position (i,j); D(i,j) is the watermarked value of the
same pixel; a is a scalar factor (here a is chosen
constant, but can be a variable of the position to
improve the invisibility of the watermark and its
detection); M is the mean of the block; and W is the
watermark coefficient to be embedded. In our work,
W could take the values +1 or –1 (one can easily
extend the implementation to M).
Figure 1: Block diagram of a watermark embedding
Figure 2: Generic watermark recovery scheme.
The pixels of the image are arranged into a
virtual hexagon. Then the image is viewed as a
graph not as a pixel matrix. The vertices represent
the pixels and the edges represents neighborhood
between pixels. The algorithm for this operation is
as following:
PROCEDURE Construct_Graph(Image I,edge)
for * i->0,width/edge – 3*edge
for * j->0;height/3
if (i modulo 3==0)
then * if (jmodulo 2 ==0)
end if;
* if(jmodulo 2==1)
end if;
end if;
if (i modulo 3==1)
then * if (jmodulo 2 ==0)
end if;
* if (jmodulo 2 ==1)
end if;
end if;
if (i modulo 3==2)
then * if(j modulo 2==0)
end if;
* if(j modulo 2==1)
end if;
end if;
end for j;
*output the graph g
end for * i;
As it is said, the image is arranged into hexagons
having different dimensions of edges.
Proposition 1
The total running time of a call of the procedure
Construct_Graph (Image I, edge) is O(n*m),
where “n” is the width and “m” is the height of the
digital image.
It can be observed that the first FOR loop of the
algorithm is executed at most once for a pixel of the
width of image. Hence, the total time spent in this
loop is O(n). The second FOR loop processes the
pixels on the height. Hence, the total time spent in
this loop is O(m). So, the total time spent in these
Key (K)
Image (I’)
Image (I)
image (I’)
message or
Image (I)
Secret Key
loops is O(n*m), because are processed all pixels of
the image at most once.
From previous statements is inferred that the
total running time of this procedure is O(n*m)
For introducing the watermarked key W will be
considered certain nodes from the graph (i, j), that
may be selected to represent a letter, a number or a
function. In these nodes are changed the three color
channels of the considered pixel depending on the
three color channels of the bottom pixel minus one
or another constant (const). It may consider a started
node having the coordinates (m0, n0) where it is
started the marking process and an ended node
where the process of marking is ended. In this way
the watermarked key is spread on entire image, not
only into a selected block of image (like in other
The algorithm for marking the image graph is
shown bellow:
PROCEDURE mark_graph (Graph bmap)
*choose 2 nodes in the graph
(m0,n0) and (m1,n1)
for * i->m0,n0
for * j ->m1,n1
change_color(i, j, const)
end for j;
end for i;
For reconstructing the marked image should be
verified only the graph’s nodes corresponding to the
selected key. If the marked pixel has the color in the
interval [min, max] with respect to the color of the
bottom pixel, then it will consider that this pixel was
marked in conformity with the given algorithm. The
values min, max resulted from a lot of experiments
or from the nature of the application.
Proposition 2
The total running time of a call of the procedure
Mark_Graph (Graph bmap) is O(n
), where “n ” is
the number of nodes of graph attached to the image.
It can be observed that the first FOR loop of the
algorithm is executed at most once for each node of
the graph. Hence, the total time spent in this loop is
O(n). The second FOR loop processes the pixels of
node which has the same color of its neighbor. The
inner FOR loop processes the nodes of unvisited
neighbor. So, the total time spent in these loops is
), because are processed all nodes of the graph
at most once. From previous statements is inferred
that the total running time of this procedure is O(n
There are a lot of transformation that can be done on
images (Lin, 2001), (Fei, 2004): rotation,
redimension, compression (transforming the image
to JPEG), cropping and of course the case in which
the image is not changed. Because it is not known
what transformation the user did, all these
transformations are verified one –by – one and the
percentage of similitude between the original image
and the verified one is returned. If the image is not
transformed, the algorithm presented below is
PROCEDURE detect_untransformed (Image
I,int edge,int w,int h, int percent)
*construct_graph (I,edge );
for * i->m0,n0
for * j->m1,n1
if (color(bmap[i][j]) ==
color(bmap[i+1][j]) -1)
count = count +1;
end if;
end for j;
end for i;
*output percent of similitude
between the original marked
image and the image verified;
Also this algorithm may be applied if the image
is cropped. In this case it may be possible to lose
some marked pixels depending on the position
where the image was cropped.
In the next figure, the first image is the image
marked and the second one is the image marked and
cropped. The detection algorithm detects this
cropped image in percent of 88.88%.
Figure 3: Experiment 1.
In the case of image rotation (angle of 90, 180
and arbitrary), are verified all the image nodes
because the nodes’ position is changed. We search
the nodes for which all of the three color’ channels
have the values like the color’s channels of the
bottom pixel minus one (or a certain constant).
Before verifying these nodes, the image is
dimensioned again to the initial dimensions at which
the image is marked.
In the next figure, the first image is the marked
image and the second is the image marked and
rotated by 30 degree.
Figure 4: Experiment 2.
PROCEDURE detect_rotated (Image I,int
edge,int w,int h, int percent,int
*construct_graph (I,edge );
for * i->0,w
for * j->0,h
if (color(bmap[i+1][j]) -
<= color(bmap[i+1][j])
then count=count+1;
end if;
end for j;
end for i;
*output percent of similitude
between the original marked image
and the image verified;
By experiments, there resulted that in the case of
rotation by 90 and 180 degree, the constant is zero,
but in the case of rotation by arbitrary angle the
constant is very great (100).
The marked image was rotated with different
angles. From experiments resulted the following
percentage of similitude between the marked image
and the marked rotated image, as shown in the
following table.
Table 1: Results 1.
Rotation Angle Similitude Percent
30 33.33%
60 33.33%
90 100%
180 100%
The implemented authentication algorithm
entirely detects an image that was transformed to
JPEG, only if the image is compressed with a quality
of 100% and 80%. For image processes
(compression, decompression), was used ADOBE
PHOTOSHOP. The variable m0, n0, m1, n1, h, w
are known , being the same variables that are used in
the process of image marking. The color of pixels
arranged into nodes selected by us for marking the
image is changed because of transformations
supported by the image. Then the color of these
pixels is searched into a certain interval.
PROCEDURE detect_jpg (Image I,int
percent, int constant)
*construct_graph (I, edge);
for * i->m0,n0
for * j->m1,n1
if (color(bmap[i+1][j])
-constant <=color(bmap[i][j]) <=
color(bmap[i+1][j]) +constant)
then count = count +1;
end if;
end for j;
end for i;
*output percent of similitude
between the original marked image
and the image verified;
From experiments results that a good value for this
constant is 30. Using different degree of image
compression for JPEG, there are resulted the
following percents of similitude between the marked
image and the JPEG marked image.
Table 2: Results 2.
Quality Similitude Percent
100 100%
80 100%
60 33.33%
50 33.33%
30 0%
10 0%
In the case when we want to detect an image that
was enlarged the results are weaker:
PROCEDURE detect_larged (Image I,
int edge,int w,int h, int percent,int
*construct_graph (I,edge);
for * i->0,m
for * j->0,n
if (color(bmap[i+1][j]) -
constant <=color(bmap[i][j])
<= color(bmap[i+1][j])
then count = count +1;
end if;
end for j;
end for i;
*output percent of similitude
between the original marked image
and the image verified;
From experiments results that a good value for
this constant is 70.
Watermarking, as opposed to steganography, has the
additional notion of robustness against attacks. Even
if the existence of the hidden information is known it
is difficult for an attacker to destroy the embedded
watermark, even if the algorithmic principle of
watermarking method is public. In cryptography,
this is known as Kerkhoffs law: - a cryptosystem
should be secure, even if an attacker knows the
cryptographic principles and methods used but does
not have the appropriate key (Hartung, 1999).
Meanwhile, the number of image watermarking
publications is too large to give a complete survey
over all proposed techniques.
Software watermarking is the process of
embedding a large number into a program so that:
(a) the number can be reliably retrieved after the
program has been subjected to program
transformations, (b) the embedding is imperceptible
to an adversary and (c) the embedding does not
degrade the performance of the program.
The method developed above satisfies the
necessary requests for the authentication technique
and the series of presented transformations accounts
for the fact that it resists possible attacks. The
method is easy to implement and the experimentally
determined robustness shows that it can be used
without fear of being detected or changed. In
addition, the authentication method can be easily
used for marking of medical digital images with
other information besides those for watermarking.
The watermarked image is not a new one because
the number of the transformed pixels is very little (n
< < number of the image pixels, where ‘n’ is the
number of nodes of virtual graph). In addition, the
pixels of the watermarking are slightly changed thus
the human eye cannot discern them.
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Cox I. J., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shammon T., 1997.
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