Christian Veigner, Chunming Rong
University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway
Keywords: Identity-based encryption (IBE), public-key infrastructure (PKI), spam, viruses, denial of service attacks.
Abstract: In 1984 Adi Shamir requested a solution for a novel public-key encryption scheme, called identity-based
encryption. The original motivation for identity-based encryption was to help the deployment of a public-
key infrastructure. The idea of an identity-based encryption scheme is that the public key can be any
arbitrary string, for example, an email address, a name or a role. Several solutions were proposed in the
following years. In 2001 the first practical and efficient scheme was proposed by Boneh and Franklin. Their
encryption scheme was based on the Weil pairing on elliptic curves and proved secure in the random oracle
model. In 2005, a new promising suggestion due to Waters was proposed, this time as an efficient solution
without random oracles. An identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme does not need to download certificates
to authenticate public keys as in a public-key infrastructure (PKI). A public key in an identity-based
cryptosystem is simply the receiver’s identity, e.g. an email address. As often, when new technology occurs,
the focus is on the functionality of the technology and not on its security. In this paper we briefly review
about identity-based encryption and decryption, particularly, the Boneh-Franklin algorithms. Later on we
show that IBE schemes used for secure emailing render spamming far easier for spammers compared to if a
PKI certificate approach is used. With the IBE approach, viruses may also be spread out more efficiently.
Recently, identity-based cryptography, i.e. identity-
based encryption (IBE) and identity-based signatures
(IBS), has been a popular topic of research in several
research communities around the globe. Especially
since Boneh and Franklin suggested the first
practical and efficient identity-based encryption
scheme from the Weil pairing on elliptic curves
(Boneh, 2001). This solution came after several not-
fully satisfactory proposals (Fiat, 1986, Feige,
1988). Some previous solutions required users not to
collude, others that the Private Key Generator
(PKG) spent a long time for each private key
generation request. Some solutions even required
tamper resistant hardware. It is fair to say that, until
now, constructing a usable IBE system has been an
open problem. In the same paper Boneh and
Franklin also showed how an IBE scheme
immediately could be converted into a signature
scheme. Use of IBE was now suggested by different
research communities for many different purposes
(Boyen, 2003, Chen, 2002, Lynn, 2002, Waters,
2004). In (Veigner, 2006) we analyze the
possibilities of using IBE for symmetric key
agreement in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN).
Use of IBE for email content encryption has also
been suggested. Voltage (Voltage, 2004) offers
secure business communication via email and instant
massaging with end-to-end content level encryption
through their SecureMail implementation. Their
solution offers the first secure email solution that
makes secure ad-hoc business communication as
easy as traditional, non-encrypted messaging. The
use of IBE in email systems opens a number of
business opportunities not possible before; for
example, external broker communication can now be
conducted securely via email in a natural ad-hoc
Due to security concerns regarding privacy when
sending emails, an ever increasing number of users
apply encryption to their email content. The
difficulties of symmetric keys scalability has lead to
a world-wide acceptance of asymmetric
cryptography for realizing privacy in such schemes.
Nowadays, the award winning identity-based
encryption (IBE) scheme designed by Boneh and
Franklin (Boneh, 2001) is considered applicable in
Veigner C. and Rong C. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 289-296
DOI: 10.5220/0002099502890296
almost every cryptographic area. As mentioned,
Voltage (Voltage, 2004) has implemented an IBE-
suite for secure emailing. However due to certain
properties of IBE, we fear that spammers now get an
advantage in compare to when emails are encrypted
using a PKI like scheme.
Spam, also referred to as unsolicited email, is
often offensive and illegal. ISPs are strongly against
it because it consumes the ISP’s resources due to its
vast volumes and angers the ISP’s customers. Most
spam mails are meant to promote a product or
service. However, very few of these emails will
include a valid from: address, so tracing their origin
can be challenging.
In IBE there is no need for sender Alice to obtain
receiver Bob's public-key certificate. When Bob
receives an encrypted email, he contacts a third party
called Private Key Generator (PKG). Bob obtains
his private key by authenticating himself to the
PKG, in the same way he would authenticate himself
to a CA in a PKI scheme. Bob can then read his
email. Note that unlike the existing secure email
infrastructure, Alice can send encrypted emails to
Bob even when Bob has not yet set up his public-
key certificate.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 introduces some available solutions on
how to prevent spam when encryption is not applied.
Section 3 introduces symmetric an asymmetric
cryptography used in email solutions. Section 4
describes basic ideas and properties of identity-
based encryption, particularly, the Boneh-Franklin
scheme. In section 5, we give a brief intro on how
IBE may be used for securing emails, followed by
section 6 which concludes this paper.
Generally, there are two different angles of
incidence for a spammer to dispatch unsolicited
emails. Originally, spammers used their own servers
to generate and send spam and thereby devised
techniques to avoid being blacklisted. Today,
spammers often rely on virus writers and hackers to
provide a constant supply of servers to hide their
identity and generate huge volumes of mail. We will
show that protection against both of these techniques
is already available.
2.1 Filtering Incoming Emails
Several companies offer email-filtering technology
to customers, e.g. (Securence, Frontbridge, MX
Logic). In the case of a customer using Securence’s
email filtering technology, SecurenceMail;
whenever an email is sent to the customer’s mail
server the email is initially redirected to Securence
through its MX record. MX record is short for mail
exchange record, an entry in a domain name
database that identifies the mail server responsible
for handling emails for that domain name. The MX
record points to an array of servers that runs in
Securence’s data center in Minneapolis and
Milwaukee, figure 1. Before an email can be
forwarded by Securence, a series of steps must occur
to ensure “clean” delivery. This is known as
filtering. According to Securence, 99% of all spam
mails are detected by their filtering technology.
Figure 1: Filtering emails.
2.2 Filtering Emails from Hijacked
In the case of hijacked computers, the owner of such
systems, often organizations with high speed
Internet connections and high processing power,
may in fact protect themselves from being used for
sending unsolicited emails. This can be achieved due
to Frontbridge’s technology. Frontbridge provides
technology for this as shown in figure 2. Emails are
filtered for spam and viruses at Frontbridge’s Global
Data Center Network (GDCN) before they are
forwarded to the receiving mail server.
Figure 2: Frontbridge’s filtering technology (simplified).
Utilizing both of these schemes for filtering
emails, the receiver will not notice any additional
processing load. However, the hijacked node in
figure 2 is exposed of an additional load generating
and/or sending these unsolicited emails. Such emails
should be detected by Frontbridge, but still, the
hijacked node suffers additional processing and
transmission costs. As this is another problem, we
will not discuss it any further in this paper.
2.3 Filtering Techniques
Often, filtering-processes filter spam, viruses,
worms, junk mail, malicious content and
attachments before reaching the end user. To detect
spam, the message subject, sender, content of the
email and attachments are checked for signs to
determine whether the email actually is a spam mail.
Blacklisting of source IP addresses are in most
cases checked once the email enters the filtering
technology. Once the IP source has been
authenticated, whitelist filtering is often applied. All
emails from IP addresses on this whitelist are
delivered directly to the recipient, bypassing spam
filters. However, this only occurs if the source is not
on the blacklist. Spam signature-tests are also often
applied on the email to determine whether the
incoming email possesses certain characteristics of a
spam email. A rating is generated, and the email is
market as a spam or not due to a threshold value.
This approach may of course lead to false positives.
Once an email has gone unmarked through the
different spam filters, the email is often checked for
Virus filtering offered by Securence is deployed
by technology provided by Norman AntiVirus
(Norman) and Clam AntiVirus (Clam Antivirus).
Norman not only disinfects an email, but also uses
Sandbox technology to spot viruses that don’t yet
have a signature. Clam, on the other hand, which
cannot disinfect, is useful in searching for viruses
because of its open source architecture. Clam has
advanced mechanisms that protect against new types
of malware, including image and HTML exploits, as
well as phishing attacks. By providing these two
anti-virus technologies with a number of anti-spam
filtering techniques Securence delivers a powerful
email filtering solution.
Apart from the mentioned technologies in section
2.1 and section 2.2, there are several other proposals
on how to prevent spam. Such proposals include use
of tokens (Schlegel, 2005), challenge-response
schemes (Spamarrest), pre-challenge schemes
(Roman, 2005), graylisting (Harris, 2004), domain-
based email authentication (Delany, 2005) and
encapsulation of policy in email addresses
(Ioannidis, 2003). Password-based systems (Cranor,
1998) and micropayment systems (Abadi, 2003)
have also been proposed.
All in all there exist two major types of
cryptography today, symmetric and asymmetric. We
will in this section briefly describe both of these
technologies applied on emails; we will also show
their shortcomings when used for securing such
3.1 Symmetric Cryptography
Starting in the 1970s, symmetric cryptosystems have
been widely adopted both in military and academic
communities as well as in the commercial market
segment. An example of this is the Data Encryption
Standard system (DES) which is still a vital
component of many cryptographic protocols. DES
and its descendant, Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES) are examples of symmetric block ciphers
which are used in symmetric cryptosystems. In such
schemes, the two parties involved must share a
secret key used for the encryption and decryption of
emails. To manage this, the sender and receiver of
the emails can meet in person to exchange a secret
shared key.
Implementing such a cryptosystem for the
Internet however, calls for a distribution scheme for
distributing the symmetric session keys shared by
the sender and receiver of the emails.
Such schemes have a major shortcoming when
applied for securing email systems; it is not a very
scalable solution when incorporated in an email
application ranging outside a small group of users.
Schemes that used the server approach for
authenticating one of the parties to the other one
quickly rendered the server overloaded as the
amount of email users increased. Also, if the server
is down, session-key distribution is impossible.
3.2 Asymmetric Cryptography
While a symmetric-key cryptosystem could have
been used for an email system containing limited
number of users, the 1990s Internet boom, and hence
email use, would render it useless. Now schemes
that didn’t require online servers for broking session
keys to all users were suggested.
These schemes are often referred to as
asymmetric or public-key infrastructure (PKI)
systems. In a PKI system there exist a pair of keys
for each user, one is private and the other one is
public. The public key is signed by a Certificate
Authority (CA) and kept in a verifiable certificate.
The certificate may be kept at the node which the
public key belongs to or in a directory server. After
validating the certificate against a revocation list and
validating the signature of the CA on the certificate,
the email-sending node extracts the public key
belonging to the receiving node. The email is now
encrypted with this key and sent to the destination
node. On reception, the receiver decrypts the email
with its private key.
Using a PKI system to encrypt emails, it is
believed that the spam problem would be history.
This is partly due to the difficulties of locating
certificates and hence public keys. It is believed that
the net gain for a spammer would be less than the
effort needed to manage sending the unsolicited
emails. In reality however, it is believed that a global
PKI would collapse under the administrative weight
of certificates, revocation lists, and cross-
certification problems. Certificates are not easily
located due to the lack of standard directories that
publishes these certificates. The CA must also be
online, and the client must validate the received
certificate, and match the certificate policy with the
client’s own policy requirements. This can be very
time consuming. The size of the revocation lists may
also become a problem as the client must check
against them for deprecated certificates.
Additionally, a global PKI would render political
challenges. Would all the countries in the Middle
East trust a root PKI CA located in the USA and
vice versa? The PKI operations are shown
schematically in figure 3.
Instead of requesting the certificate directly from
Bob, the spammer could also request it from a
directory server if available.
Figure 3: PKI operations.
As we see, there are lots of challenges both in the
symmetric as well as in the asymmetric
cryptography approach. Hence, separately, neither of
these solutions gives life to a perfectly working and
secure email scheme. New approaches are needed to
solve the confidentiality and integrity problems of
current email applications.
In this section, we briefly review the identity-based
encryption (IBE) and the Boneh-Franklin IBE
scheme. Later on we will describe its use in securing
email solutions.
4.1 Basic of IBE
The concept of identity-based cryptography was first
proposed in 1984 by Adi Shamir (Shamir, 1985). In
his paper, Shamir presented a new model of
asymmetric cryptography in which the public key of
any user is a characteristic that uniquely identifies
the user’s identity, like an email address. In such a
scheme there are four algorithms: (1) setup
generates global system parameters and a master-
key, (2) extract uses the master-key to generate the
private key corresponding to an arbitrary public key
string ID{0, 1}
(3) encrypt encrypts messages
using the public key ID, and (4) decrypt decrypts
messages using the corresponding private key.
The distinguishing characteristic of identity-
based encryption is the ability to use any string as a
public key. The functions that compose a generic
IBE are thus specified as follows.
Setup: takes security parameter t
and returns t
(system parameters) and master-key. The system
parameters include a description of a finite message
space M, and a description of a finite ciphertext
space C. Intuitively, the system parameters will be
publicly known, while the master-key will be known
only to the Private Key Generator (PKG).
Extract: takes as input t
, master-key, and an
arbitrary ID
{0, 1}
, and returns a private key K.
Here ID is an arbitrary string that will be used as a
public key, and K is the corresponding private
decryption key. The Extract algorithm extracts a
private key from the given public key.
Encrypt: takes as input t
, ID, and mM. It
returns a ciphertext cC.
Decrypt: takes as input t
, cC, and a private
key K. It return mM. These algorithms must satisfy
the standard consistency constraint, namely when K
is the private key generated by algorithm Extract
when it is given ID as the public key, then mM:
, c, K) = m where c = Encrypt(t
, ID, c)
4.2 The Boneh-Franklin IBE
The scheme is based on IBE technique and proposed
by Boneh and Franklin (Boneh, 2001). From here
on we use Zq to denote the group {0, …, q-1} under
addition modulo q. For a group G of prime order we
use G
to denote the set G
= G
O where O is the
identity element in the group G. We use Z
to denote
the set of positive integers.
Algorithm 2.1 The full Boneh-Franklin IBE
1) Setup: Given a security parameter kZ
, the
algorithm works as follows.
Step 1: Run G on input k to generate a prime q,
two groups G
, G
of order q, and an admissible
bilinear map ê: G
. Choose a random
Step 2: Pick a random s
and set
Step 3: Choose cryptographic hash functions for
some n, H
: {0, 1}
, H
: G
{0, 1}
, H
: {0,
×{0, 1}
, H
: {0, 1}
{0, 1}
The message space is M= {0, 1}
. The ciphertext
space is C =
× {0, 1}
× {0, 1}
. The output
system parameters are
= {q, G
, G
, ê, n,
, H
, H
, H
}. The master key is s
2) Extract: For a given string Id{0, 1}
Step 4: Computes Q
= H
Step 5: Sets the private key K
to be K
= (Q
where s is the master key.
3) Encrypt: To encrypt mM under the public
key Id do the following:
Step 6: Compute Q
= H
Step 7: Choose a random σ∈{0, 1}
Step 8: Set r=H
(σ, m).
Step 9: Set the ciphertext to be
g where
,)(m ),(,
4) Decrypt: Let c = <U, V, W> be a ciphertext
encrypted using the public key Id. If U
, reject
the ciphertext. To decrypt c using the private key
Step 10: Compute VH
, U)) =
Step 11: Compute WH
(σ) = m.
Step 12: Set r = H
, m). Test that U = r
. If
not, reject the ciphertext.
Step 13: Output m as the decryption of c.
This completes the description of a full version
of Boneh-Franklin IBE algorithm. More details
about the security of the Boneh-Franklin IBE
algorithm can be found in (Boneh, 2001, Boyen,
Shamir's original motivation for identity-based
encryption (Shamir, 1985) was to simplify certificate
management in email systems. When Alice sends an
email to Bob at bob@company.com she simply
encrypts her message using the public key string
“bob@company.com”. There is no need for Alice to
obtain Bob's public-key certificate. When Bob
receives the encrypted mail he contacts a third party,
which we call the Private Key Generator (PKG).
Bob authenticates himself to the PKG in the same
way he would authenticate himself to a Certificate
Authority (CA) and obtains his private key from the
PKG. Bob can then read his email.
Based on the new public-key cryptography using
a commonly known identifier as the user’s public
key, Voltage has implemented a software agent
called SecureMail. By utilizing the Boneh and
Franklin IBE scheme, SecureMail can be used with
existing email solutions and enable users to
transparently send and receive their emails securely.
The system eliminates the need for individual per-
user certificates and the requirement to connect to a
third-party server to verify these certificates before
initiating secure emailing. Their solution is
considered highly scalable because it eliminates the
need for an additional infrastructure. Third-party
CAs are not required and no information needs to be
pre-shared. Using IBE for securing emails, the mails
may even be encrypted or decrypted offline.
Voltage’s solution for email applications using IBE
gives users the opportunities to conduct business
securely from anywhere in the world. Voltage’s
SecureMail makes ad hoc business communication
as easy as traditional non-encrypted emailing.
Though this seams very promising, our general
concern regarding the use of IBE for securing emails
is that a spammer more easily can manage to get
hold of valid public keys. These keys can then be
used for end-to-end email content encryption. Now,
only the node associated with the public key, i.e. the
email address, is able to decrypt the email. Hence no
filtering services may be utilized before the mail is
received at the destination node. This might be
dangerous due to viruses and most bothering and
time consuming due to spam. Of course such a
scheme may also be used as a Denial of Service
attack (DoS) as the recipient uses resources
decrypting the received emails. Received emails
should then subsequently be filtered for spam and
viruses by the receiving node.
Note that unlike the existing secure email
infrastructure, Alice can send encrypted emails to
Bob even if Bob has not yet set up his public-key
certificate; hence, it is even easier for Alice to get
hold of potential victims. Also note that key escrow
is inherent in identity-based email systems; the PKG
knows Bob's private key. This might also
compromise the security.
Figure 4: IBE operations (from a spammer’s point of
As mentioned in the abstract, a large-scale use of
IBE for securing emails on the Internet substantially
increase the amount of spam possible for a spammer
to send out during a given period of time compared
to if a PKI solution is chosen. As shown in figure 4,
the work required by a spammer is far less compared
to if an ordinary PKI scheme as shown in figure 3 is
chosen. The spammer may simply use automated
processes to generate random public keys once in
possession of an organization’s email format. To
succeed, the only thing the spammer must do is to
encrypt the unsolicited emails using the victims
email addresses.
5.1 Hijacking
As mentioned in section 2, a spammer may take
advantage of different methods for sending
unsolicited emails, e.g. by sending them itself or by
capturing another node (hijacking). Also, as
mentioned in that section, hijacking is an ever
increasing way of doing spamming. By editing
Frontbridge’s scheme in a minor way as shown in
figure 5, the hijacked server spamming can easily be
stopped; now both for encrypted as well as
unencrypted emails.
Figure 5: Filtering IBE encrypted spam.
For unencrypted unsolicited emails, the standard
Frontbridge solution manages the filtering very well.
For IBE encrypted ones however, the emails
received at Frontbridge’s network fails to be
checked for spam and viruses due to the already
existing IBE encryption. Therefore we recommend
such emails to be dropped and hence not forwarded
by Frontbridge to the intended recipient.
This solution should be easy to integrate in
Frontbridge’s scheme. Hence, the hijacking way of
sending unsolicited emails should be problematic for
the spammer, that is, whenever the hijacked node is
secured by technology provided by Frontbridge. As
an organization now can protect itself from being
used by a spammer for sending unsolicited
encrypted emails, the spammer now has to do all the
work by itself.
The Frontbridge solution, even though not fully
described in this paper, uses symmetric encryption
to secure the data sent from the email-sending node
to the Frontbridge Global Data Center Network
(GDCN). This is shown in figure 6.
Figure 6: Frontbridge’s current GDCN solution.
Figure 6 also shows that Frontbridge already
provides IBE encryption from the GDCN to the
receiving node.
5.2 The Problems of Securing
Emails using IBE
There are as we see it mainly two disadvantages
with the IBE solution when it comes to spamming.
The first disadvantage is that a spammer may easily
discover valid public keys (email addresses), or even
use automated processes generating lots of public
keys based on the knowledge of an organization’s
email format. Though easy discovery of public keys
is the main selling point of IBE schemes applied on
emailing, we see it from the spammer’s perspective
as a huge opportunity for pumping out vast volumes
of unsolicited emails. Thereby the spammer
manages to send more spam compared to if a PKI-
like solution is chosen. This is partly due to the
difficulties of locating certificates containing valid
public keys.
The other disadvantage, which is an even greater
concern, is the processing now required at the spam-
receiving node. Once an IBE encrypted email is
received, decryption is needed before the content
may be checked for spam and viruses. Compared to
currently used email solutions where usually no
encryption is applied and filtering often is done by a
third party, this may be used to launch a DoS attack
on the receiving node. Compared to a PKI solution,
the work required by the spammer is far less. The
work required by the destination node is comparable
to what is required in a PKI solution. As often when
new technology occurs, the focus is on the benefits
compared to existing technologies. However, IBE as
we see it is more vulnerable to DoS attacks,
spamming and the associated virus diffusion.
5.3 Spam Directly from the
Spamming Node
As we have analysed the server-hijacking
phenomenon of doing spamming, both for encrypted
as well as unencrypted emails, we are left with the
unresolved problem of IBE spamming directly from
the spamming node. Currently this is an open
problem. It would not be easy for the attacked node
to know whether the incoming email is sent directly
from a node (e.g. a spammer) or through a filter
provided by a third party filtering out spam and
viruses. So far, we have not succeeded in
discovering a proper countermeasure to this form of
spamming attacks.
One countermeasure would of course be to make
the receiving node decrypt all incoming emails. This
could be done in a sandbox to avoid possible
infections from viruses. Decrypted emails could then
be redirected to a service provider as Securence
which supplies filtering technology as described in
section 2. However, if the content of an email is to
be secure, the decrypted email has to be encrypted
once again, e.g. by a key shared by the destination
node and Securence. The email may then be
transmitted to Securence for filtering. Securence has
to decrypt the email, filter it, and then encrypt it with
the shared key. The email can then be sent back to
the destination node which once again has to decrypt
the incoming email. Now the email content can be
read by the receiving node without the danger of
being spammed or attacked by viruses from the
originator of the email.
Though this is a possible solution, the required
processing in this solution is immense, and hence
not a good solution to the problem. Seen from a
spammer’s point of view, DoS attacks are in this
scheme highly encouraged.
As often when new technology occurs, the focus is
on the functionality of the technology and not on its
security. In this paper we study some of the
currently available technologies that provide spam
and virus filtering on emails. We also study the
effect of applying IBE on emails and the associated
ease for a spammer to increase the amount of spam
sent on the Internet.
Essentially, we have two main concerns about
the use of IBE applied on emails. First, a spammer
more easily manages to get hold of valid public keys
to destination nodes. Second, denial of service
attacks may be launched more successfully at a
victim node due to the processing required to
decrypt incoming emails. Filtering of spam and
viruses also has to be done locally by the email-
receiving node.
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